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Carroll County, Maryland
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Total Records: 53
1Adlesperger, Josiah  __/__/____/__/1889P. G.
2Alexander, Andrew  __/__/____/__/1889Sharon Reinhard
3Banker, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1783Roger Nale
4Bean, George  __/__/____/__/1832Sheridan Shields
5Bish, Adam  __/__/____/__/1850Richard B. Huneke
6Bish, Elizabeth  __/__/____/__/1854Richard B. Huneke
7Bixler, Peter  __/__/____/__/1848Richard B. Huneke
8Bixler, Samuel  __/__/____/__/1797Richard B. Huneke
9Byers, Ellen  __/__/____/__/1857Gwen Hurst
10Caple, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1858Brian K. Ring
11Caple, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1872Brian K. Ring
12Caple, Janell Sr.  __/__/____/__/1857Brian K. Ring
13Caple, Joseph  __/__/____/__/1899Brian K. Ring
14Caple, Mary  __/__/____/__/1899Brian K. Ring
15Caple, Ruth  __/__/____/__/1873Brian K. Ring
16Caple, Susan  __/__/____/__/1884Brian K. Ring
17Danner, Teter  __/__/____/__/1768Georgia Morgan
18Flater, Philip  __/__/____/__/1862Sue Bundy
19Foltz, Anna  __/__/____/__/1859Jane Peppler
20Foltz, John  __/__/____/__/1837Jane Peppler
21Frock, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1855Richard B. Huneke
22Frock, Michael  __/__/____/__/1838Richard B. Huneke
23Houck, David  __/__/____/__/1854Sue Bundy
24Houck, George  __/__/____/__/1840Sue Bundy
25Houck, William  __/__/____/__/1853Sue Bundy
26Lingenfelter, Valentine  __/__/____/__/1807Roger Nale
27Lippy, Barbara  __/__/____/__/1862Richard B. Huneke
28Lippy, George  __/__/____/__/1859Richard B. Huneke
29Loane, Olevia  __/__/____/__/1896Sharon Reinhard
30Nail, Daniel  __/__/____/__/1828Roger Nale
31Nail, Daniel  __/__/____/__/1830Roger Nale
32Nail, Daniel  __/__/____/__/1830Roger Nale
33Nail, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1833Roger Nale
34Nail, Philip  __/__/____/__/1803Roger Nale
35Parrish, Edward Sr.  __/__/____/__/1773Mary Renner
36Parrish, James  __/__/____/__/1846Mary Renner
37Plowman, Nicholas  __/__/____/__/1874Sue Bundy
38Rinehard, George  __/__/____/__/1800Richard B. Huneke
39Rinehard, Valentine  __/__/____/__/1791Richard B. Huneke
40Roeiszle, Johannes  __/__/__01/27/1853Dorinda Shepley
41Sauble, Dorothy  __/__/____/__/1901Stephanie Dodd
42Sauble, Jacob  __/__/____/__/1891Stephanie Dodd
43Sauble, Mary  __/__/____/__/1895Stephanie Dodd
44Slagle, Peter  __/__/____/__/1857Gwen Hurst
45Smith, Eve  __/__/____/__/1857Susan Purves
46Stoltz, Conrad  __/__/____/__/1837Jack Novicki
47Stults, Nicholas  __/__/____/__/1786Jack Novicki
48Tanner, Michael  __/__/____/__/1776Georgia Morgan
49Trump, Casper  __/__/____/__/1815Roger Nale
50Wilson, Henry  __/__/____/__/1870Jane Peppler
51Wilson, Michael  __/__/____/__/1894Jane Peppler
52Winchester, William  __/__/____/__/1784J. Whyte
53Zimmerman, Ann  __/__/____/__/1896Joan Gustafson

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