20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 674] is the owner of a farm of 116 acres located near New Bedford, in Pulaski Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, where he is extensively engaged in farming. He was born in that township, August 6, 1851, is a son of William and Elizabeth (Allison) Rowland, and a grandson of William Rowland, Sr., who was a native of Pennsylvania and came of Scotch-Irish parents.

William Rowland, Jr., was born in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, and was a boy when he accompanied his parents to Mahoning Township, Lawrence County, where the family home remained for some years. He was there reared to maturity and later moved to Pulaski Township, where he engaged in farming. About 1857, he moved to a farm in the same township, near New Bedford, which has since been known as the Rowland home place. He was an important figure in the early affairs of that community, and his death, which occurred April 22, 1905, was a true loss to the citizenship of the township. He was active and aggressive, and prior to the war was very active as an Abolitionist. His father also was an Abolitionist, and worked with the promoters of what was known as the Underground Railroad. His wife, who in maiden life was Elizabeth Allison, a native of Lawrence County, died on March 18, 1890. Of the children born to them, Francis A. is sole survivor. William Rowland was a Republican in politics, during his later days, and served at different times as school director overseer of the poor, and as road supervisor.

Francis A. Rowland was reared on the farm he now owns, and received his early intellectual training in the public schools of his home district. He has attained a high degree of success in farm work, and has one of the best improved farms of the township. He was formerly secretary of the New Bedford Creamery Co. (Limited), is now treasurer and a member of the board of directors. He was one of the incorporators of that concern and has aided materially in the success which has characterized it from its inception.

Mr. Rowland's first marriage was with Miss Maud Byers, a daughter of Warren Byers of Mahoning County, Ohio. She died at an early age, and he formed a second marital union with Mrs. Maud Wilson, widow of Alvin Wilson of Evans City, Butler County, and a daughter of Robert Hudson of the same village. As a result of her first marriage, Mrs. Rowland has four children, namely: Mildred, Vernon, Helen, and Eva. Politically, Mr. Rowland is an active Republican. He has served the township as school director for a number of years. He is a man of wide acquaintance, and enjoys the respect and good will of his fellow citizens.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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