20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 674] owner of sixty-nine acres of land in Big Beaver Township, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, is a prosperous farmer and is widely known throughout this section of the county where he has lived all his life. He was born on his present farm January 14, 1845, is a son of Samuel and Martha (Wilkinson) McChesney, and a grandson of Robert McChesney.

Robert McChesney, the grandfather, was born in Ireland and was married in that country to Martha Walker. In 1806 they emigrated to America and first settled in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, where they lived until 1815. In that year they moved to Beaver County, Pennsylvania, and resided until 1819, when they moved to the present farm of Robert W. McChesney in Big Beaver Township, Lawrence County. They had purchased this farm as early as 1815, but were unable to get possession of it until 1819. They settled in the woods and with the aid of their sons made a clearing and farmed. Among the treasured possessions of Robert W. McChesney is a cow-bell, which this hardy pioneer, his grandfather, brought with him when he made settlement in Lawrence County. He had 360 acres, for which he paid about $3 per acre, and on this he resided until his death in 1852, aged eighty-two years. His wife preceded him to the grave by some years. They were parents of the following children: Jane, Mary, Isabella, Margaret, Ann, Samuel, Richard, Thomas and Martha.

Samuel McChesney, father of Robert W., was born in Ireland, and was three years of age when brought to this country by his parents. He accompanied them into Big Beaver Township in 1819, and thereafter resided on the home farm until his death. He erected a house on the place and was a large factor in the clearing of the farm, having charge of his father's interests for many years. He died January 25, 1873, and his wife, who in maiden life was Martha Wilkinson, and a native of Beaver County, died October 17, 1862. They were parents of nine children, namely: Martha, Robert Wilkinson, Mary E., deceased wife of Robert Dawson; Massy Jane, deceased; George S., Thomas James, deceased; Susanna, Isabella, deceased, and Catherine.

Robert W. McChesney was reared on the home farm, and also aided in clearing a portion of it. He was educated in the old "Hatchet Track" log school, and afterwards was engaged as a teacher in Big Beaver Township for four years. On March 2, 1865, he enlisted in Company H, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Bulford, and although he was in the service but four months, he was under, fire the entire time. He was in all of the fighting about Petersburg, Va., in the battle at Sailor's Creek, and at Farmille. He was honorably discharged June 29, 1865. and arrived home on July 4th of that year. Upon the death of his father, Mr. McChesney purchased the farm he now owns of the heirs and has followed farming here ever since. He erected all the buildings, built the fences and made other important improvements. He has made a success of his business, is an enterprising man and stands high in the community. He is fond of travel, having visited considerably in the Western states, and spent a period of eleven months in Kansas.

On May 27, 1866, Mr. McChesney was united in marriage with Rhoda Douthitt, who died December 11, 1896. They had fourteen children: Karl E., who married Mary Cook; Sarah M., wife of J. C. Leslie; Elizabeth May, wife of Dr. C. M. Adams; Ellen Maude, wife of D. F. Kyle; Dessie M. wife of J. G. Leslie; Samuel G., Robert S., Rhoda Isabella, who died young; Susanna, Harriet Jane, Levi D., Chester H., Thomas James, and one who died in infancy. Politically, Mr. McChesney is a Republican and has served as justice of the peace, also filling other township offices in a creditable manner. Religiously he has been active in the workings of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, of which he is now serving as trustee.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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