20th Century History of New Castle and
Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens


[p. 673] wholesale liquor dealer at New Castle, with business house at No. 136 East Long Street, was born in Venango County, Pennsylvania, where he was reared and obtained his education.

Almost in boyhood, Mr. Holland learned telegraphing, and this he followed for five years and was considered an expert operator. In 1884 he turned his attention to a banking business, at Dubois, in Clearfield County, where he resided for fifteen years. In 1902 he came to New Castle and bought out the liquor house of John Lewis and established the wholesale house of Holland & Milliron. The business is exclusively wholesale.

In 1892, Mr. Holland was married to Miss Josephine Mead, who was reared at Dubois, Pennsylvania. They have two sons, Albert and John. Mr. Holland takes Considerable interest in local politics. He is a man of public spirit and is liberal in his contributions to benevolent enterprises.

20th Century History of New Castle and Lawrence County Pennsylvania and Representative Citizens Hon. Aaron L. Hazen Richmond-Arnold Publishing Company, Chicago, Ill., 1908

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