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Adams County
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Direct Index To Deeds
Index To Deeds, West Union, Adams Co., Ohio
Adams, Moses - Stout, William January 19, 1837
Alexander, Andrew - Black, Samuel November 1, 1809
Alexander, Andrew - Bryan, William March 6, 1809
Alexander, Andrew Jr. - Alexander, Andrew Sr. March 26, 1828
Alexander, James - Anderson, Richard C. June 4, 1826
Alexander, James - Robbins, William March 26, 1829
Alexander, James - Washburn, Cornelius November 1, 1814
Alexander, John - Harbison, David September 6, 1816
Alexander, John - Harbison, David January 31, 1812
Alexander, John - Massie, Henry June 20, 1810
Alexander, John - Shepherd, Abraham April 3, 1815
Alexander, Robert - Alexander, Andrew February 11, 1829
Alexander, William Et Al - Bryan, William December 20, 1811
Alexander, William - Alexander, Andrew Sr. March 26, 1828
Barritt, John - Beasley, John & Sarah October 29, 1805
Barritt, John - Vance, Joseph March 17, 1802
Boone, Daniel - Nash, Harmon & Amelia April 18, 1811
Caruthers, Hugh - Power, James & Levicee August 6, 1819
Crawford, Moses - Crawford, John November 30, 1797
Crawford, William - Massie, Nathl & Susan May 16, 1801
Darlinton, Joseph - Clark, Stephen & Rebecca March 17, 1806
Darlinton, Joseph - Massie, Nathl October 3, 1798
Dodson, Wm - Crawford, William & Martha January 19, 1805
Dunlavy, Anthony - Thomas, Philomen & Fanny February 17, 1804
Dunlavy, Antony - Shepherd, John March 1, 1802
Dunlavy, John - Starling, Wm. March 12, 1805
Elliott, Robert - Beasly, John & Sally July 27, 1805
Finley, James & William - Heirs, Fox December 15, 1815
Finley, John E - Machin, Jno October 26, 1816
Finley, Robert - Goode, Gaines & Ann May 18, 1809
Finley, Robert - Legier, George & Elizabeth August 12, 1807
Finley, Robert - Price, Joseph & Eliza March 24, 1807
Finley, Samuel S - Finley, Robert & Martha December 3, 1913
Finley, William - Finley, Robert & Martha December 1, 1813
Foote, Andrew - Dunlavy, Anthony & Kezia April 24, 1810
Frame, James - Shinn, Geo & Elizabeth August 15, 1812
Fulton, Robert - Massie, Nathl June 23, 1798
Gaston, Joseph - Elliott, Robert & Saley November 5, 1812
Glasgow, Robert - Machin, James & Rebecca November 5, 1809
Glasgow, Jr., Robert - McIntire, Wm & Ellenor March 26, 1811
Grimes, William - Fox, Nathaniel (August 30 1806)
Hall, Elijah - Dunlavy, John & Cassia November 10, 1810
Hughes, Wm. - Barrett, John & Francis November 5, 1804
Jones, Churchill - Grimes, Noble, Richard, Thomas June 11, 1801
Kiers, Mathias - Alexander, Andrew February 11, 1829
Kincaid, John H. June 12, 1883
Ludwick, John - Edwards, James April 24, 1795
Magill, James - Glasgow Sr, Robert & Peggy December 29, 1813
Masters, Samuel - Alexander, John Et Al January 1, 1828
McCague, Wm - Finley, James & Dorcas October 16, 1816
McFerson, Robert - Dunlavy, Anthony & Kasiah 1805
Means, Williamson - Wilson, Samuel & Susannah October 7, 1807
Moore, Hosea - Massie, Nathl March 13, 1797
Moore, Robert - Thoroman, David March 5, 1805
Robe, David - Crawford, Wm & Martha June 1, 1801
Rogers, Geo. - Darlinton, Joseph & Sarah May 28, 1799
Russell, Wm - Lodwick, John & Hannah June 24, 1807
Sample, Geo - Currithers, Hugh February 21, 1820
Sampson, John - Thoroughman, Thomas & Charlotte May 19, 1819
Sparks, Salathiel - Darlinton, Joseph & Sarah March 16, 1807
Sparks, Salathiel - Darlinton, Joseph & Sarah March 16, 1807
Thompson, James/Thomas - Ferard, Peter January 20, 1801
Thompson, Jean - Williamson, Cornelius & Sarah July 4, 1808
Thompson, John - Simpson, Robert & Mary January 4, 1814
Thoroman, Samuel - Moore Jr, Joseph M. August 23, 1816
Thoroughman, Thomas - Spurgin, James July 25, 1810
Thoroman, Thos - Sampson, John May 19, 1819
Thoroman Jr, Thos - Thoroman Sr, Thos February 2, 1816
Thoroughman, Thomas - Spurgin, James July 25, 1810
Tomson, Mathew - Hanna, Wm. & Martha November 9, 1809
Tomson, Matthew - McComes, James & Easter July 28, 1809
Wroten, Thomas - Frame, James & Betsey October 25, 1813


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