Androscoggin County |
 Mill and Lisbon St., Lisbon |
 Worumbo Mills, Lisbon Falls [1906] |
 Chisholm's Mills, Livermore Falls |
 St. Louis Church, New Auburn |
 Camp Pesquasawasis, The Hour before Dinner, Danville |
 Post Office Square, Mechanic Falls |
 Saw Mill & I. O. O. F. Hall, Turner |
Auburn |
 Androscoggin County Buildings, Auburn |
 New Wing, Androscoggin County Court House, Auburn |
 Auburn, Post Office, Coombs S. & L. Bank and Auburn Hall Blocks |
 Y. M. C. A., Auburn |
 First Boston & Maine Airways Lockheed 10A to arrive at the Lewiston & Auburn Airport, Auburn |
 Auburn Home for Aged Women, Auburn |
 Public Library, Auburn [1906] |
 Dr. Cobb's Private Hospital, 243 Main Street, Auburn |
 Cushman & Hollis Shoe Factory and Free Baptist Church, Auburn |
 Entrance to Lake Grove Park, Auburn Lake, Auburn |
 Shoe & Leather Bank Building, Auburn |
 The Old Mill, E. Auburn |
Lewiston |
 St. Peter and St. Paul's Cathedral, Lewiston |
 Tacoma Inn, near Lewiston |
 First International Dog Team Mail, Lewiston-Montreal [1928-1929] |
 Views of Lewiston and Auburn |
 Knapp Brothers Shoe Mfg. Corp., Lewiston |
 Grand Stand, State Fair Grounds, Lewiston [1912] |
 Gypsy Camp on Switzerland Road, Lewiston |
Bates College, Lewiston |
 View of the Campus, Bates College, Lewiston |
 Parker Hall, Bates College, Lewiston |
 Garcelon Field, Bates College, Lewiston |
Poland |
 Mansion House, Poland Spring |
 View of Tower and Putting Green, Poland Spring House, South Poland |
 Poland Spring House, South Poland |