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Milwaukee County
Wauwatosa Cemetery
Tombstone Photos

These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry & Linda Kopet and Diane Delbridge!   Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource!  Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery.

Ackmann, Joachim A.
Ackmann, Maria C
Ackmann, Maria C.
Ament, F. Thomas
Ament, Francis Thomas
Anderson, Harvey D
Arenz, William and Syrena
Arnaud, Gertrude E
Aszmann, Edward W.
Aszmann, Lillian M
Auris, Eric
Auris, Fred
Auris, Fred
Auris, Ida
Auris, Ida
Auris, William
Backus, Gertrude H
Bagemihl, Frank
Bagemihl, Lydia
Baltes, Clara
Baltes, George
Baltzley, Larry A
Barber, Sara Olive
Barnekow, Charlotte
Barnekow, Frank
Barret, Bertha Ann
Barrett, Julia Cain
Bartlett, Charles T. and Augusta A.
Barzdukas, Albert C.
Barzdukas, Vivian A
Bassler, Phillip
Bassler, Soloma
Batiste, John
Batiste, Marie
Baumann, Louis
Bechtel, Elisabeth
Bechtel, Elisabeth and Ida
Bechtel, Helen
Bechtel, Ida
Bechtel, Jacob
Bechtel, Jacob and Margaretha
Bechtel, John
Bechtel, Margaretha
Becker, Johanna
Benz, Joanne E
Bevier, Martha Jane
Blackwell, Bernard
Blank, Lydia
Blank, Paul
Blodget, Augustus
Blodget, Lucy M.
Blodget, Lucy P.
Blodgett, Caroline
Blodgett, Caroline
Blodgett, Chester A
Bloedorn, Philip E
Boddenhagen, Ann Hartzheim
Boddenhagen, Emily
Boesel, Hermann and Josephine
Boorse, Alvin R.
Bow, Orrin Nellie Garner
Bow, Orrin Wright
Brazee, Alice E.
Breen, Elizabeth
Breen, William
Breu, August and Anna
Briggs, Franklin P.
Brown, Clarence Henry
Brown, Gene
Brown, Geo. W.
Brown, Jane
Brown, Jane
Brown, Maryalice
Brown, Minerva I. Griswold and Julia M.
Browne, Charles E.
Browne, Martha Everts
Buck, Elfrieda
Buckman, C. Arthur
Buckman, Gertrude
Bulgrin, Anton Fred
Bulgrin, Frank
Buneta, Joseph S.
Buneta, Laverne J
Burr, Mary
Buscher, Anna
Buscher, Clarence
Buscher, Gustav
Cameron, Katharine Sommers
Cameron, Katharine Sommers
Carlson, Grace
Carvens, Charles O.
Caven, Earl Samuel
Caven, Earl Samuel and Marie Lyman
Caven, Marie Lyman
Chang, Nao Pheng
Cheeseman, Emily
Church, George
Coleman, W.A. and Francis C.
Condon, Ashley Ann
Cooley, Justina
Cornwall, Eber and Cynthia
Cornwall, Nathaniel and unclear
Craven, Tom
Currens, Arthur D.
Currens, Elizabeth H
Curtis, Clymene S. and Clara
Curtis, Leonard S.
Curtis, Sarah Katherine Underwood
Cushing, Clara Fisher
Cushing, John Henry
Dalton, Mary Test
Danek, Frank J
Danek, Harriet J
Davis, Jessie Ringrose
Dearsley, Edward L.
Dearsley, Eleanor K
Decamp, Lizzie Diedrick
DeCamp, unclear
Decamp, William
DeCamp, Wm.
DeGraff, Wm. H. and Emma M.
Dehnee, Nicholas Jay
DeHond, Elisabeth
DeHond, Isaac
Dehond, Isaac
DeHond, Peter
Dehond, Peter
Delon, Emilie Schmidt
Delpsch, B. Florence
Delpsch, Charles F
Delpsch, Grace
Deshazer, Insoo Kim Berg
Deshazer, Steven D.
Dexter, Lt. David H.
Dexter, Mary
Digman, Lorenz H.
Digman, Ora L
Dittmar, Henrietta
Doolittle, Carolyn
Doolittle, Jay A.
Douglass, Sarah Van Vechten
Duenkel, Charles
Dumez, Maggie
Dumez, Maggie Dehond
Dungey, James and family
Dunkel, Barbara
Eggert, Lillian
Ehlert, Ilse Marie Puetz
Eiteneier, Charles
Eiteneier, William
Eitenier, Julia Nass
Ellis, Elizabeth
Engelhardt, Mary
Engelhart, Clara
Engstad, Leonora J
Engstad, Ralph B
Eriksen, Elisabeth
Eriksen, Martin
Erke, Catherine M.
Erke, John
Erke, Julius
Erwin, Maude Flory
Falk, Berga A
Falk, Erich A.
Faries, Robert
Farmer, Fred H. and family
Farries, Harriet M
Farries, John
Farries, William
Feerick, Catherine
Feerick, Michael
Fezer, Laura J
Fezer, Lawrence S.
Fido, Fred and Bertha
Finado, Charles
Finch, Edna
Finch, Janet
Finch, Phillip A.
Fingado, Amalie
Fingado, Amalie
Fingado, Charles
Fingado, Edwin
Fingado, Laura B.
Fingado, Laura E.
Flory, Arthur C
Flory, Arthur C.
Flory, Norma K
Flory, Norma K.
Formann, Charles A. and Ann M.
Foster, Earl Ware
Foster, Gladys Wheeler
Fuller, Lydia
Fyrnys, Edward Lawrence
Gahl, Lois Jane
Garcia, Jose M.
Garcia, Justina T
Garvens, Mary
Garvens, Otto W.
Genske, Karl F.
Gerhart Family Stone
Gerhart, Father
Gerhart, George
Gerhart, Katherice
Gerhart, Mother
Gettelman, Helen
Gettelman, Jacob
Giencke, Amelia
Giencke, Ella A
Giencke, Fred
Giencke, Herman E.
Giencke, Infants
Giencke, Mabel Dege
Gilbert, Frances DeGraff
Gillespie, Elizabeth
Gillespie, Robert W
Goodrich, Jane
Gould, Lucius T. and Annette Rosenthal
Green, Betsey
Gregg, Hendrick and Clarrissa M.
Gregory, Jennie
Gridley, Margaret E.
Grover, Celina D.
Grover, Ebenezer Jarvis
Grover, Helen Permelia
Grover, Salmon Jr.
Gruber, Albert
Guenther, Jacob
Guenther, Jacob
Guenther, John
Guenther, John
Guenther, Louis
Guetzkow, Gilbert Louis and Jimmie Olive Collar
Gunderman, Anna M
Gunderman, Clarence R
Gunderman, William G
Gunther, Katharina
Gunther, Rudolf and Katharina
Guszkowski, Gregory N
Gy, Pham Viet
Haacker, Minnie
Hackworthy, Clement R.
Hackworthy, Louise D
Hadrian, Augusta
Hadrian, Julius
Haerter, Ann S
Haerter, Jack J. Jr
Ham, Dorothy M.
Hammond, Loring Theodore
Hammond, Marion Bow
Hanks, Amos
Hanks, Byron E.
Hanks, Clara Gregg
Hanks, Fannie F
Hanks, Judson Edward
Hanks, Lorin
Hart, Charles B.
Hartung, Max
Hartung, Ralph
Harwood, Forest H. and Eunice
Harwood, Jim and Lil
Hayes, John Jeffrey
Hayward, Joseph Lowe
Hecht, Elmer Walter
Hecht, Inez Bernice
Heineman, Georg
Heinemann, Elizabeth Barg
Heinemann, Elliot
Heinemann, Margaret Sommers
Heit, Eva
Heit, Irma H.
Heit, Otto
Hembrook, Alice S.
Hilterbrick, Eva M
Hilterbrick, Maurice I.
Hoadley, George L. and Leonora A.
Hock, Edward
Holston, Edith M.
Holtz, Arnold P
Holtz, Arnold Paul
Holtz, Ellen Janet
Homuth, Friedrich Wilhelm and Friedericke Johanna
Horak, Doreen S
Horak, Gary E.
Horsch, Rosella M.
Howard, Micael J.
Hoyt, Carrie F
Hoyt, Emerson D
Hullinger, David P.
Hullinger, Mary R
Ivens, Caroline Law
Ivens, John
Jacks, Henrietta Christa Bell
Jacks, James M. Sr. and Henrieta
Jacobs, Charles H. and Jane A.
Jacobs, Jennie A.
Jasin, Katherine
Jasin, Mary Jane
Jasin, Walter F.
Jautz, Carl
Jautz, Walter G.
Joha, Emil
Joha, Emma
Johnson, Clarence M
Johnson, Mary J. and family
Juds, Gerald H
Juds, Herman W. and Olive
Juedes, Alvin
Juedes, Clara
Kaad, Edna
Kaad, John J.
Kalkhof, Rhea L
Kalkhof, Ronald K.
Karll, Marie K
Karll, Walter R
Karnatz, Carl
Karnatz, Elisabeth
Kauth, Mathew and Dorothy
Kellogg, Alonzo F. and Harriet Newell
Kellogg, Lewis and Lamira
Kellogg, Orlando F.
Kempff, Elizabeth
Kempff, John M.
Kenngot, Gordon M
Kenngott, Dorothy M
Kenngott, Gordon M.
Kirchner, Emilia
Kirchner, William
Kirchner, William H.
Kleineschay, Friedrich
Kleineschay, Friedrich and Marie A.
Kleineschay, Marie A
Klokner, Alexander
Klokner, Teresa
Knauer, Gertrude
Koenitzer, Christina
Koenitzer, Christina
Koenitzer, Wilhelm
Koenitzer, Wilhelm
Koepp, Edwin G.
Koepp, Sara M
Kohloff, Richard M
Kraatz, Albert
Kraatz, Katherine
Krenz, Emil E
Krenz, Myrtle H
Kresanek, George J. Jr
Kresanek, Myra
Kresanek, Myra
Kressin, Eunice Kirchner
Kuehn, Alfred
Kuehn, Karl F
Kuswa, Max R.
Kuswa, Minnie
Kutschenreuter, Fred
Kutschenreuter, Fred and family
Kutschenreuter, Helen
Kutschenreuter, Richard
Lange, Albert W
Langer, Michael G
Laybourn, John H
Laybourn, Minnie K
Leary, James E. and Nancy L.
Lee, Christian Muajmoo (Infant)
Leenhouts, Johanna
Leenhouts, Peter
Leenhouts, Peter Johanna
Lefeber, James Courtney and Harriette Moan
Leistikow, Herman
Leistikow, Sophia
Leland, Charles
Leona, Jessie
Leona, Jessie
Lescrenier, Charles
Lescrenier, Margaret
Lipman Stone
Lipman, Elmer L
Lipman, Ethel
Lochen, Robert Earl and Marjorie Huxtable
Lonetree, Donna F. Wletschak
Lonetree, Donna F. Wletschak
Longenecker, Emma Rosina
Longenecker, George W
Longnecker, Caroline
Longnecker, Charles I.
Loomis, Harriet Warren
Looney, Kyle B
Looney, Kyle B.
Loveland, Fanny S
Loveland, Frank E
Loveland, Frank E.
Loveland, Grace E
Loveland, Laura A
Loveland, Lena C.
Lundquist, Anna L. Gustafson
Lyman, Edith Stoddard
Lyman, Edith Stoddard
Lyman, Ernest Walter
Lyman, Louise H
Lyman, Paul H
Lyons, George S. and Mary
Macdonald, Lillian B
Macdonald, Roy David
Mahn, Eric
Mahn, Lucille
Majerus, Christine
Maronek, George W.
Marquardt, Fred and Minnie
Maschmeyer, Frieda
Maschmeyer, Herman
Maschmeyer, Herman and Frieda
Mcclain, Ruth Marilyn
Mccormick, Betty Irene Bertha
McCormick, Irene Bertha (Betty)
Mcdonald, Martha Larsen
Mcdonald, William H.
Mcgrath, Robert Edward
Melendy, Samuel and Amelia Springer
Mettelman, Dorothy Howard
Mettelman, Dorothy Howard
Morgan, J.
Morgan, James
Morgan, James
Morgan, James (2)
Mower, Arba B.
Mower, Arba B. and Caroline
Mower, Augustus B.
Mower, Caroline B
Mower, Edmund C.
Mower, Edmund C. and Harriet E.
Mower, Eunice
Mower, Eunice
Mower, female infant
Mower, Harriet E.
Mower, Harry T
Mower, Infant
Mower, Timothy
Mower, Timothy
Muenchow, Henry
Muller, Bernhard
Muller, Wilhelmine Braune
Munninghoff, August
Munninghoff, Louise
Murphy, Matthew James
Muskat, Carl and Emma
Musolf, William H. and Betty A.
Naeser, Arthur
Narwold, Dorothy M
Narwold, William L.
Needham, Enoch Gardner and Mary Caroline Koch
Nethercut, Helen Warren
Nethercut, Helen Warren
Nethercut, William Richard
Nethercut, William Richard
Netherout, Olive Jean
Nevers, Barbara K
Nevers, Darryl K.
Nickerson, Frances Warren
Nickerson, Frances Warren
Nickerson, Harold Webster
Nikora, Alexandria
Nikora, Alexandria
Nikora, Leo Sabin
Nobles, Frederick A
Nobles, Louisa M
Noyes, Carrie F
Olasen, Anna
Olney, Minnie
Oseletz, Carl A
Ourand, Joyce L
Paczesny, Marion
Paczesny, Michael
Paczesny, Patricia
Pagenkop, William and Bessie
Painter, James D
Painter, James D.
Painter, Robert and Catharine
Parker, Julius A
Parker, Julius A.
Parker, Reuben W.
Parker, Susan B
Parker, Susan B.
Pashek, John and Betty
Patyk, Gary M
Pelczynski, Joanne
Pelczynski, Paul E.
Peterson, Carroll D.
Peterson, M. Harriette
Pfeiffer, Darlyn Joy
Pfeiffer, Steven Franklin
Phalphouvong, Feuane
Pietz, John C
Pietz, Marie
Plasa, Hailey Mae
Pleier, Charles Frederick and Margaret Mary Hahn
Pleier, Margaret Mary
Poe, Vance
Poenitzsch, Anna
Poenitzsch, Harry
Polenz, Clarence
Polenz, Ruth
Pollnow, Elmer H.
Pollnow, Grace D
Potter, Alice H
Potter, Charles M.
Potter, Donald Herbert
Potter, H. B
Potter, John Church
Potter, John Church and Winifred D.
Potter, Lila Evelyn Twist
Potter, Winifred D
Prudisch, Judith E
Prudisch, Wareen F.
Puetz, Erika
Quade, Lorraine
Quindt, Gustave
Quindt, Gustave and Jeanette
Quindt, Jeanette
Rader, Emma
Rader, Louis
Rakos, Mike and Mary
Ranwick, Oswald
Raschka, Frank C.
Read, Victor A
Reader, Sophia H.
Reader, Wm. J.
Reiche, Carl H
Reiche, Minnie
Reimer, August F
Reimer, Christian
Reimer, Lilian A
Reimer, Louisa
Reinke, Adeline
Reis, Jacob and Elizabeth
Rice, Agnes M.
Rice, Agnes M.
Rice, Thomas J.
Rice, Thos. J.
Richard, Clarence P.
Richard, Lucille
Richards, Clarence P
Riddle, Steven Wood
Ringrose, George
Ringrose, Georgia Bell
Ringrose, Sarah
Robbins, Annie
Robbins, Edith M
Robbins, Edward S.
Robbins, Robert E.
Roberts, Richard and Skepper, unclear
Roenspies, Frank H. and Kathryn G.
Rosenthal, Emily
Rosenthal, Hilda
Rosenthal, Isadore
Rosenthal, Max
Ross, Hiram J. and Hannah
Ruck, Gustave and Mathilda
Rudebuss, Leroy
Rudebuss, Mary Ann
Ruecktenwald, George
Ruecktenwald, Gerda C
Ryan, Elmer
Ryan, George
Ryan, Ida
Sackett, Sarah
Sackett, Sofia
Santais, M.A. Margaret Melendy
Sargeant, Harry W
Saula, Mary C. Petzold
Schablow, Louis H.
Schafer, Della H
Schafer, Gustave A.
Scarritt, Eliza Blodgett [text]
Scheel, Amelia
Scheel, William
Scheiner, Adele
Scheiner, Fred
Scheiner, Thomas C
Schiau, Mihai and Margareta
Schmeling, Alvera
Schmeling, Arthur H
Schmidt, Ferdinand
Schneider, Adolf
Schneider, Irma
Scholtka, Christian
Scholtka, Julius
Scholtka, Magdalena
Scholtke, Elizabeth
Scholz, Lucy A.M. Delpsch
Schoonmaker Family Stone
Schoonmaker, Bessie
Schoonmaker, Carrie
Schoonmaker, Henry G
Schoonmaker, John Raymond
Schramm, Hugo F
Schweickhart, Daniel
Schweickhart, Daniel
Schweickhart, George
Schweickhart, George and Helene
Schwulst, Clifford A
Schwulst, Erna L. Brandt
Selenica, Ajda
Selenica, Luan
Seybold, Warren A.
Shaw, Charles H
Shaw, Luella J
Shultis, Arthur H.
Shultis, Dorothy F
Shumway, Margaret and family
Sigrist, Bert
Sigrist, Bert
Sigrist, Bert (2)
Sigrist, Bert and Christine
Sigrist, Christine
Sigrist, Eleanor
Sigrist, Eleanor
Smith, Coley
Sommers, George
Sommers, Mable
Sommers, Oscar
Spalding, Elizabeth
Splies, Laura
Sporleder, Edna H
Sporleder, Ralph De Hond
St. George, Irvin H. and Helen M.
Stark, Frank and Augusta
Steiner, J.W.
Stieghorst, Barbara I
Stieghorst, Karl W.
Storma, Elizabeth
Streng, Adam and Caroline
Sweet, Hattie
Sweet, Ross
Szuppa, Henry
Teska, Stacy Lee
Thomas, Nellie DeHond
Tifft, J. Ringland and Edna N.
Tillotson, C. Eugene
Tischer, Arlene E
Tischer, Mathilde
Tobey, M. Leroy
Tofte, Arthur C.
Tofte, Arthur R.
Tofte, Dorothy C.
Tofte, Geneva
Tompkins, Miriam Downing
Toussaint, Charles I. and Mary Jo Lefeber
Treutelaar, Nora
True, Paul G. and Peggy
Tully, Maud G
Tully, Thomas William
Twinem, Charles H
Twinem, Frieda
Twinem, Mattie
Twinem, William C.
Uecke, Emil W.
Uecke, Frieda L
Uhl, Emma
Uhl, Kunigunda
Uhl, Leonhard
Underwood, William Owens and family
Van de Woestyne, Helen B.
Van de Woestyne, Herbert and Nellie
Van de Woestyne, Royal S.
Van Pietersom, James W
Van Uxem Family Stone
Van Uxem, Adrian
Van Uxem, Infant
Van Uxem, John
Van Uxem, Maria
Van Uxem, Meta
Van Uxem, Peter
Van Uxem, William
Van Uxem, William and Meta
Van Vranken, Ida A
Van Vranken, Ida A.
Van Vranken, Lamont E
Van Vranken, Lamont E.
Vang, Jua Yia
Vanroo, Alice
Vanroo, Alice
Vanroo, John
Vanroo, John
Vanroo, Mary J
Vanroo, Mary J. Angove
Vanroo, Ruth
Vanroo, Ruth
Vietnamese Headstone
Wade, Charles George
Wade, Charles George
Wade, Clara Warren
Wade, Clara Warren
Walker, Gratia
Walker, James A.
Walker, James A. and family
Walker, Mary Jo Wolff
Walker, Olive A.
Walker, Winefred
Wandsnider, Alvin L.
Wangelin, Anna
Warren, Albert D.
Warren, Anna Hoppin
Warren, Anna Hoppin
Warren, Delinda H
Warren, Harriet
Warren, Joseph Alonzo
Warren, Luther A
Warren, Luther A.
Warren, Paul G.
Warren, Roxena B
Warren, Sarah H.
Watson, Jennie M
Watson, Willis E
Welke, Stanley John and Mary Hudson Dunn
Wells, George Edward
Wells, Sally Hammond
Wenzel, John
Wesson, Albert N. and family
Wesson, Alfred
Wheeler, Jefferson G
Wheeler, Lyman
Wheeler, Lyman
Wheeler, Lyman E. Sr
Wheeler, Naomi L
Will, Ulricka
Wilson, Cynthia M.
Wilterding, Ethel C
Wilterding, Forrest E
Witte, Frances
Witte, Hedwig
Witte, Richard
Witzke, Paul T.
Witzke, Winifred R
Wletschak, Elsie C
Wletschak, Faye
Wletschak, Frank
Wletschak, Frank and Faye
Wletschak, Frank E.
Wletschak, George
Wletschak, Horton S
Wletschak, Joan
Wletschak, Maxine H
Wletschak, Maxine H.
Wletschak, Russell F
Woller, Arthur
Woller, Louisa
Wrasse, Harry H.
Wrasse, Lulu F
Wright, Ione Turner
Wright, Walter H.
Xiong, Joua
Yungkans, Fred and Bertha
Zemke, Clara
Zentner, Don Erwin
Zeunert, Ida M
Zierhut, Joseph B
Zimmermann, Johann and Ph. W.
Zinn, Carl Walter
Zirwes, Jacob
Zirwes, John and Bertha
Zirwes, Mabel
Zobel, Kerstin
Zobel, William
Zobel, William and Kerstin

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WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the governmental units that relate most directly to citizens' everyday lives.

TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of cities and villages.

The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land, measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections. "Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may include one, parts of or several townships.

CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated areas", govern territory where population is more concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and 2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000 respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they are carved out of the town territory and become independent units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its area is reduced.

[Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"]

ProjectCopyright Notice: These generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. The source for many of the cemetery names and placenames on these pages come from Cemetery Locations in Wisconsin, 3rd edition, compiled by Linda M. Herrick and Wendy K. Uncapher. The book is published by Origins at 4327 Milton Ave. Janesville, WI 53546. All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator and/or contributor. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from Tina Vickery [] and/or their contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is however, quite permissable to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.

This page was last updated 16 March 2016