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Milwaukee County
Anshai Lebowitz Cemetery
Tombstone Photos

Sable - Zwanetzky

These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry & Linda Kopet!   Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource!  Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery.

Sable, Avin
Sable, Dora
Sable, Joseph
Sadoff, Arthur G
Sadoff, Dora
Sadoff, Max
Sadoff, Sam
Sadowsky, Echiel
Sadowsky, Fannie
Sadowsky, Irvin I
Sadowsky, Joseph
Sadowsky, Rose
Sadowsky, Sara Reva
Saffro, Joseph
Saffro, Mary
Saichek, Lillian
Saichek, William
Salinsky, Dr. Lester Vance
Salinsky, Minnie Ziskind
Salinsky, Victor
Saltzberg, Fred
Saltzberg, Ida
Saltzberg, Marvin M
Saltzberg, Theodore
Saltzman, Elizabeth
Saltzman, Morris
Samson, Jacob
Samson, Jennie
Satmare, Lois Sher
Sattell, Sylvia
Schaeffer, Abraham
Schaeffer, Daisy
Schapiro, Betty
Schapiro, Jacob
Schatz, Morris Henry
Schatz, Phillip
Schatz, Sarah
Schefrin, Annette
Schefrin, Bernard
Schefrin, Bessie (2)
Schefrin, Bessie
Schefrin, Jacob
Schefrin, Mary
Schefrin, Minnie
Schefrin, Samuel L
Schefrin, Samuel
Schefrin, Sophie
Scher, Scholom
Schmerling, Bertha
Schmerling, Max
Schneiderman, Dora
Schnoll, Bella
Schnoll, Harry
Schnoll, Nathan K.
Schnoll, Rebecca
Schnoll, Rochelle May
Schnoll, Sam
Schnoll, Sylvia
Schoenberg, Morris
Schops, Ruth Halperin
Schorr, Max
Schrager, Helena L
Schrager, Rebeca
Schrager, Samuel
Schrager, Sarah
Schrager, William F.
Schuckit, Bernice
Schuckit, David Milton
Schuckit, Dollie
Schuckit, Ida
Schuckit, Lillian
Schuckit, Samuel B.
Schuckit, William
Schukit, Rubin
Schulkin, Annette
Schulkin, Hannah
Schulkin, Harold David
Schulkin, Henry
Schulkin, Ida
Schulkin, Max
Schulkin, Morris
Schulkin, Rose
Schulkin, Sophia
Schulner, Annabel
Schulner, Harry I
Schultz, Claire
Schultz, Clara
Schultz, Nathan
Schultz, Phillip
Schultz, Solomon
Schur, Charlotte Margoles
Schur, Ethel
Schur, Nathan
Schur, Roy
Schuster, Aaron
Schuster, Abraham David
Schuster, David J.
Schuster, Harry J.
Schuster, Ida
Schuster, Joseph
Schuster, Leo
Schuster, Lillian A
Schuster, Max
Schuster, Sarah
Schuster, Sona
Schuster, Sonia
Schuster, Sophia
Schwab, Jacob
Schwab, Sarah
Schwartz, Bertha
Schwartz, Margaret
Schwartz, Sam
Schwartz, Samuel
Schwartz, Sol
Schwartz, Sophie
Schwartzman, Harry
Schwartzman, Rebecca
Sebreny, Aron
Sebreny, Ida Mary
Sedler, Aron
Sedler, Ida
Segel, Blanche
Segel, Morris
Segel, Nathan
Segel, Pearl
Seifert, Jessie Gorenstein
Seizaw, Esther
Semon, Ben
Semon, Beverlee
Semon, Erwin E
Semon, Hattie
Semon, Nora
Semon, Samuel
Setlick, Ethel
Setlick, Louis P.
Shafrin, Alan
Shafrin, Anne
Shafrin, Claire M
Shafrin, Fanny
Shafrin, Lillian
Shafrin, Louis
Shafrin, Max M
Shaiken, Jacob
Shaiken, Rachel
Shaiken, Sam
Shames, Aaron Harry
Shames, Jennie
Shansky, Aaron L.
Shansky, Ann
Shansky, Florence F
Shansky, Frank
Shansky, Ida
Shansky, Louis I
Shansky, Oscar A
Shapiro, Alex
Shapiro, Annabelle
Shapiro, Bella
Shapiro, Harold
Shapiro, Karl
Shapiro, Louis
Shapiro, Luba
Shapiro, Meyer
Shapiro, Rebecca
Shapiro, Rubin
Shapiro, Sarah
Shapiro, Sheldon B
Shapson, Abraham
Shapson, Beverly Ethel
Shapson, Esther Shapiro
Shapson, Gerald E.
Shapson, Milton
Sharnopolsky, Khaya
Sharnopolsky, Meir
Sharp, Abraham
Sharp, Israel
Sheff, Esther
Sheff, Sol H
Shein, Celia
Shein, Frieda
Shein, Jean
Shein, Rose
Shein, Sol
Sher, Fanny Henkin
Sher, Judah
Sher, Mollie
Sher, Sam
Sher, Sol S.
Sherkow, Albert
Sherkow, Charles Jack
Sherkow, Diane
Sherkow, Kate
Sherkow, Sara June
Sherkow, Vernon Albert
Sherman, Ann
Sherman, Bernard
Sherman, Dave
Sherman, Esther
Sherman, Lillian
Sherman, Morris
Sherman, Nathan
Sherman, Sadye Kohlberg
Sherman, Sonia
Sherman, Sophie
Shikora, Goldie
Shikora, Sam
Shmidov, Abram
Shmidov, Gennady
Shmidova, Sara
Shon, Max
Shoob, Clement S
Shoob, Harry
Shoob, Mary
Shoob, Sol
Shovers, Jennie
Shtilman, Esther
Siegel, Anna
Siegel, Bessie
Siegel, David N.
Siegel, Harry
Siegel, Jacob
Siegel, Lenore Edith
Siegel, Leo S
Siegel, Max
Siegel, Milton
Siegel, Norman
Siegel, Rose
Siegel, Ruth
Siegel, Sarah
Siegel, Sidney
Sigman, Abraham
Sigman, Bessie
Sigman, Faye
Sigman, Wolf Leib
Silver, Isadore
Simenowsky, Beatrice
Simenowsky, Louis
Simenowsky, Mary
Simon, Herman
Simon, Ida
Simon, Solomon
Simons, Carlton
Simons, Marilyn
Sinagub, Joseph
Singer, Catherine
Singer, Nathan
Sires, Benzion
Sires, Ida Sarah
Sklar, Betty
Sklar, Hyman
Skortinsky, Nathan
Skortinsky, Reiza
Skurnick, Ida Cohen
Slawner, Jacob
Slawner, Rose
Smith, Albert H.
Smith, Bessie
Smith, Edward
Smith, Esther
Smith, Harry
Smith, Hyman J.
Smith, Jacob
Smith, John
Smith, Julius
Smith, Louis
Smith, Michael
Smith, Morley J
Smith, Morris
Smith, Pearl
Smith, Rae P
Smith, Rebecca
Smith, Roberta Ellen
Smith, Sarah R
Smith, Sophie
Smith, Willie
Smoller, Esther
Smoller, Louis
Smoller, Rachel
Socol, Jean
Socol, Raymond A.
Sokol, Brina
Sokol, Joseph
Solomon, Maurice
Solomon, Silvia
Solow, Alex
Sondock, Leah
Sonduck, Leonard
Sonin, Frida
Sonin, Louis
Sonin, William
Sorge, Rebecca Grossman
Sosman, Abe
Sosman, Abraham
Sosman, Anna
Sosman, Lena
Sosman, Louis
Sosman, Max
Sosman, Michael
Sosman, Morris
Sosman, Reva
Sosman, Rose
Sosman, Sam
Sosman, Sarah
Speckter, Kate
Speckter, Morris
Spector, Anna
Spector, Bertha
Spector, Frieda
Spector, Hyman
Spector, Isadore
Spector, Jacob
Spector, Joseph L
Spector, Karen
Spector, Lilly
Spector, Morris
Spiegel, Arthur
Spiegel, Jeanette
Spiegel, John Uriel
Spitz, Ervin
Spitz, Milton
Spitz, Mollie
Spitz, Samuel
Stahl, Helen
Starobin, Alice
Starobin, Bernard
Starobin, Mark
Steiman, Betty
Steiman, Robert M.
Stein, Annette
Stein, Ben
Stein, Bessie
Stein, Blanche
Stein, George
Stein, Harry
Stein, Joseph
Stein, Lena C
Stein, Louis
Stein, Marvin
Stein, Mary
Stein, Max (2)
Stein, Max
Stein, Meyer
Stein, Mildred
Stein, Morris
Stein, Sarah
Stein, William
Steinberg, Bessie
Steinberg, Ida
Steinberg, Joseph
Steinberg, Morris (2)
Steinberg, Morris
Steinberg, Sadie Perchonock
Steiner, Bernice
Steiner, Harold N.
Steingart, Ivan P
Steingart, Jeanne
Steingart, Joseph
Steingart, Lucille
Steingart, Mary
Steingart, Samuel
Sterlin, Samuel
Sterling, Celia
Sterling, Joseph
Stern, Florence
Stern, Harry
Stern, Nettie
Stern, Sarah
Stern, Simon
Stockland, Grace
Stockland, William
Stolin, Harry
Stolper, Bernard
Strawitz, David
Strawitz, Ida
Strawitz, Rose
Strawitz, Sam
Strelzin, Leah
Sumner, Dorris
Sverdlin, A. Allen
Sverdlin, Bess
Sverdlin, David D
Sverdlin, Freda
Sverdlin, Genevieve
Sverdlin, Harvey H.
Sverdlin, Max
Sverdlin, Sidney
Swed, Esther
Swed, Jonas
Swerdloff, Lena Dansin
Swerdloff, Rose
Swerdlow, Lois A
Szwarc, Aleksander
Tanezer, Eva
Tanezer, Henry L.
Tarachow, Stella
Tarackow, J
Tarkow, Abraham
Tarkow, Adeleen
Tarkow, Brucha
Tarkow, Leonard
Tarkow, Rose
Tarnof, Marvin
Tarnoff, Ann
Tarnoff, Anna
Tarnoff, Ben
Tarnoff, Ed
Tarnoff, Irving R.
Tarnoff, Joseph A.
Tarnoff, Marion M. Weigler
Tarnoff, Max
Tarnoff, Minnie
Tarnoff, Samuel E
Tarnofsky, Jennie
Tarnofsky, Nathan
Tarnow, Eli
Tarnow, Sophie
Tarrant, Goldie
Tarrant, Oscar
Tartakovsky, Zlata
Tatle, Jennie
Teitelbaum, Dora
Temkin, Harry
Temkin, Sam
Temkin, Samuel
Temkin, Sarah
Tenenbaum, Morris
Tenenbaum, Rose
Tietelbaum, Benjamin
Tietelbaum, Ida
Tietelbaum, Max
Tietelbaum, Rose
Tietelbaum, Samuel
Tietelbaum, Sarah
Tillen, Arnold G.
Tillen, Sonia
Tilton, Aaron L.
Tilton, Anita J
Tishberg, Doris
Topper, Rachel
Tsirlin, Borukh
Tuchman, Ailene
Tuchman, Bashe
Tuchman, Herman
Tuchman, Isadore
Tureck, Bessie
Tureck, Morris
Turnansky, Bessie
Turner, Isadore
Turner, Peter
Ugent, Bernard R
Ugent, Frieda
Ugent, Julius M
Ugent, Rose
Ugoretz, Anne
Ugoretz, George E.
Ugoretz, Jeny
Ugoretz, Salle
Ugoretz, Sam
Ugoretz, Sophie
Umansky, Abram
Umansky, Sarra
Usow, Jacob
Usow, Joseph L
Usow, Katherine
Usow, Lena
Usow, Mary Sylvia
Usow, Sidney
Vainberg, Tsilya
Vainshtein, Berta
Vaysblekh, Nina
Vernik, Shandel
Vielie, Abraham H.
Vielie, Fanny E
Vielie, Fern Rochelle
Vigdorchik, Evgenya
Vilensky, Joseph
Volk, Erma
Volk, Frieda
Volk, Judith
Volk, Meyer
Volk, Sam
Volk, Savoh Ethel
Volpert, Rachel
Vusiker, Ida
Wachman, Rose
Wald, Dora
Wald, Jacob
Wald, Rachel
Wasserman, Esther Ann
Wasserman, Harold
Wasserman, Israel
Wasserman, Louisa
Wassermann, Robert
Wein, Lena
Weiner, Harold
Weiner, Ida
Weiner, Irving
Weiner, Molly
Weiner, Morris
Weiner, Sondra
Weingarten, Fannie
Weingarten, Sam
Weingrod, Esther
Weingrod, Fanny
Weingrod, Herman
Weingrod, Morris
Weingrod, Murray M
Weinstein, Bessie
Weinstein, Jennie
Weinstein, John (2)
Weinstein, John
Weinstein, Louis
Weinstein, Michael
Weinstein, Molly
Weinstein, Morris (2)
Weinstein, Morris
Weintrob, Abraham
Weintrob, Eva
Weintrob, Harry
Weintrob, Jeanette
Weintrob, Morris H.
Weintrob, Nessy
Weisberg, Louis
Weisberg, Noah
Weisberg, Rose
Weiss, Jeanette
Weller, Abe
Weller, Betty Rose
Weller, Elizabeth
Weller, Fannie
Weller, Helen
Weller, Max
Weller, Meyer
Weller, Ray
Werner, Curtis
Werner, Jacob
Werner, Leah
Werner, Martha
Wexler, David
Wexler, Rebecca
Wheeler, Peter
Wheeler, Tillie
White, Mary
White, Max
Wiener, Henrietta
Wiener, Irwin
Wiener, Rose (2)
Wiener, Rose
Wiener, Wolf
Willis, Bessie
Wine, Sam
Winnig, Edward
Winnig, Margaret
Winnig, Marion
Winnig, Sidney
Winter, Albert
Winter, Marjorie
Winter, Rosa
Wishnefsky, Jacob
Wizelman, Molly
Wolfe, Aaron
Wolfe, Bella
Wolfe, Ben
Wolfe, Esther
Wolfe, Hannah Miriam
Wolfe, Hyman L
Wolfe, Jack
Wolfe, Moses
Wolff, Ivan Abraham
Wolff, Mary Strawitz
Wolfman, Idell
Wolfman, Kenneth
Wolfman, Nathan
Wolinsky, Zecharie
Wollock, Bertha
Wollock, Samuel
Wynn, Marjory
Wynn, Sherburn
Yablansky, Jacob
Yaillen, Rachel
Yavitz, Harry
Yavitz, Lottie
Yrieff, Nathan
Zaidins, Alfred
Zaidins, Anna
Zaidins, Betty
Zaidins, Edward A
Zaidins, Harry A
Zaidins, Isaac
Zaidins, Israel Joseph
Zaidins, Sam
Zaidins, Sarah
Zamsky, Ethel
Zamsky, Oscar
Zamsky, William
Zasler, Eva
Zasler, Rose
Zehtzer, Abram Boris
Zehtzer, Rivea
Zeldin, Olga
Zeldin, Solomon
Zemlyn, Morris H.
Zemlyn, Tillie
Ziniuk, Aaron
Zisman, Efim
Zisman, Klara
Zuelzke, Robert M
Zwanetzky, M

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WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the governmental units that relate most directly to citizens' everyday lives.

TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of cities and villages.

The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land, measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections. "Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may include one, parts of or several townships.

CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated areas", govern territory where population is more concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and 2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000 respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they are carved out of the town territory and become independent units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its area is reduced.

[Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"]

ProjectCopyright Notice: These generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. The source for many of the cemetery names and placenames on these pages come from Cemetery Locations in Wisconsin, 3rd edition, compiled by Linda M. Herrick and Wendy K. Uncapher. The book is published by Origins at 4327 Milton Ave. Janesville, WI 53546. All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator and/or contributor. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from Tina Vickery [] and/or their contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is however, quite permissable to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.

This page was last updated 16 March 2016