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Kenosha County
St. George's Cemetery
Tombstone Photos

Pabst - Ruzenski

These photos were generously taken and contributed to these pages by Larry and Linda Kopet and Barb Johnson!   Please take a moment to thank them for this terrific resource!  Use your back browser button to return to this page. Please note that these generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery.

Pabst, Dora T.
Pabst, Edward M.
Pabst, Fred C.
Pabst, Julius T. and Anna M.
Pabst, Ralph J. and Geraldine W.
Pabst, Unclear Name
Pabst, Unclear
Pabst, Unknown Name
Pacetti, Matilde
Packard, Darcey A.
Paczkowski, Kafal
Padovano, Anzlmno
Padovano, Joseph
Padovano, Luisa
Padovano, Tony
Paganotto, Umberto
Pagetti, John B.
Pagliaro, Joseph
Paksys, Otto J.
Paladino, Silvio and Lena C.
Palecki, Anna
Palecki, Josephine
Palecki, Katerine
Palecki, Katherine
Palmer, Carl and Donnamae
Palmeri, Louisa
Palmisano, Mary
Palt, Ethel J.
Palt, Joseph N.
Palt, Victoria A.
Panlener, Father
Panlener, Frank P. and Mary C.
Papan, Andrew and Mary
Papanek, Leo G. and Bertha F.
Paps, Mary Margaret
Parise, Charles V.
Parise, Frank J.
Parise, Lori Ann
Pariseau, Nellie
Pariseau, Walter A. and Marlene O.
Pascucci, Eda
Paskiewicz, Hylary and Zoflia
Pasquali, Amadio and Mary
Pasquali, Louis J. and Helen M.
Pasternak, George and Elizabeth
Pasternak, John
Patalocchi, Emil A. and Lela B.
Patalocchi, Joseph
Patrizzi, Anthony M. and Josephine M.
Patrizzi, Charles A. and Lois M.
Patrizzi, Peter
Paukstelis, Ignas and Stase
Paulauski, Bruno
Paulauski, Casimir and Veronica
Pauloni, Robert P. (Picture)
Pauloni, Robert P.
Paulson, George J.
Paura, Victor A. and Nives P.
Pavlik, John T. and Mildred L.
Pawlaczyk, Timothy Scott
Pawlak, Josef K.
Pawlowicz, Richard C.
Pawlowska, Jarwica D.
Pawlowska, Leonarda
Pazera, Karolina
Pazera, William
Peck, Arthur L. and Dolores M.
Pecnick, Albert S.
Pecnick, Anna
Pecnick, Anton J.
Pecnick, Anton
Pecnick, Richard
Pecnick, Robert C.
Pedicone, Domenico (Picture)
Pedicone, Domenico and Francesca
Pedicone, Joseph T. and Ellen M.
Pedicone, Marsha Gay
Pedicone, Mary Michele
Pelanis, Marijana and Stefania
Pellegrino, Wilson
Pellesbino, George B. (Picture)
Pellesbino, George B.
Pelsley, Alexander and Elsie
Pena, Elida
Penza, Arnold A. and Mildred M.
Penza, Dennis Arnold
Penza, John and Frances
Perona, Frank and Eleanor
Perona, John and Barbara
Perona, Paul D.
Perrault, Ronald and Lynn
Perri, Carmella A.
Perri, Emma J.
Perri, Frank and Gina
Perri, Louis C.
Perri, Tom (Picture)
Perri, Tom and Angelina
Perrine, James J.
Perrine, Louis A.
Perrine, Michael A. and Mary A.
Perroni, Christine Marie
Perry, John Matthew
Persson, Tiffany Ann
Perugina, John and Frances C.
Perugini, Alfred
Perugini, Emily
Pesch, Nicholas
Peters, Jacob M. and Mary E.
Peters, Katie
Peters, Russell Michael
Petersen, Lorraine H.
Peterson, Annie
Petkus, Charles
Petkus, Domicella
Petravicius, Jonas
Petrelli, Florence
Petrelli, John and Bertha
Petrelli, Joseph and Family
Petrin, Joseph A.
Pfarr, Ann
Pfarr, Elizabeth
Pfarr, Eva
Pfarr, Gerald J. and Lucille A.
Pfarr, John K.
Pfarr, Joseph J. and Helen C.
Pfarr, Katherine
Pfarr, Kilian
Pfarr, Lawrence
Pfarr, M. Kath.
Pfarr, Madeline
Pfarr, Peter J. and Rose E.
Pfarr, Robert M. and Marilyne A.
Pfeiffer, Alois M. and Catherine M.
Pfeiffer, Barbara
Pfeiffer, J. and Beulah M.
Pfeiffer, Jacob
Pfeiffer, Joseph J.
Pfeiffer, Michael and Susan
Pfisterer, Jacob
Pfisterer, Louisa
Phalen, Charles Sr.
Phalen, Louise C.
Philbin, Henry P. and Mae G.
Phillip, Peter J. and Delores E.
Pias, Catherine M.
Pias, Edith Ethel
Pias, Elmer and Evelyn
Pias, Eugene H. and Margaret R.
Pias, Family
Pias, Herbert Ernst
Pias, Herman and Elizabeth
Pias, Lawrence J. and Viola M.
Pias, Ophelia
Pias, Roger and Elizabeth
Picknell, Lawrence L. and E.M.
Piepenburg, Kimberely A.
Pierangeli, Amedeo
Pierangeli, Eligio and Frances I
Pierangeli, Gino E. and Lorraine M.
Pierangeli, Ladislao and Pasquina
Pierangli, Irma
Pieranunzi, Giuseppe and Unclear
Pifgewicz, Albin
Pikna, Patricia M.
Pilger, Eleanor
Pilipavicius, Jonas
Pilipavicius, Joseph and Petronela
Pillezzi, Fran
Pillezzi, Joseph
Pilligor, Edward F.
Pillizzi, Mark Anthony
Pinigis, Josephine
Pinnola, Charles
Pinsoneault, Russell F.
Pinzger, Catherine Fei
Pinzger, George and Anna
Pinzger, Joseph
Pirsch, Mary
Pirsch, Michael and Family
Pirsch, Nicholas and Cacillia
Pisciotti, Vito P. and Mary G. (Picture)
Pisciotti, Vito P. and Mary G.
Pitelka, Sister Mary Acquinas
Pitsch, Edward
Pitsch, Joseph
Pitsch, Lillian D.
Pitsch, Paul
Pitts, Harry J.
Pivovar, Casimir T. and Margaret A.
Pivovar, Joseph
Platt, Ciara Rose
Platzbecker, Henry S. and Anna G.
Plummer, Joseph
Podskarbi, Carl A. Jr.
Poeller, Ferdinand
Poeller, Louis
Poerio, Joseph
Poerio, Lorenzo A. and Rosina M.
Poerio, Sam
Pohizek, Agnez A.
Polaski, George
Polimeni, John
Polovina, Nicholas and Patrick
Pomeroy, John A. and Nellie B.
Pomponi, Unclear
Pondus, John J.
Pondus, Katherina M.
Pontillo, Frank J.
Poole, Olivia Marie
Pospyhala, Irene M.
Pospyhala, John F.
Possing, Johanna
Post, Lillian
Potter, Veronic A.
Powers, Mary
Premo, Barbara
Premo, Fred
Presta, Francesco
Presta, Mary
Presterl, John and Evelyn
Pretaszius, Joseph
Principe, Frank C. and Anne E.
Prostko, Kazimiera
Prostko, Walter
Protolipac, Michael
Pucci, Gaetano
Pucci, Mary Stella and Family
Pucci, Mary
Puder, August
Puder, Bernard B. and Lillian B.
Puder, Otto
Puhalski, Alex
Puikis, Zenon and Mary
Pulera, Joseph and Martha L.
Pulera, Josephine
Pulera, Leonard F. and Jennie C.
Pulera, Leonardo and Elisabetta
Pulera, Mary C.
Pulera, Nicola
Pulera, Sam
Pulera, Theresa
Puntillo, Charles
Puntillo, Divina
Puntillo, Louis James
Puntillo, Mary
Putz, Bessie Dudzicka
Puzzo, Angelo
Quadeatti, Giuseppe
Qualeatti, Mary
Qualiatti, Ottavio
Quandt, Hugo and Rose
Quillian, Helen Rauen
Quinn, F. Ward
Raabe, Jean J.
Rabedeau, Melbourne E. and Mary R.
Rabefeau, Ronald G.
Rabiolo, Charles and Felicia
Rabsel, Anna
Rabsel, Francis and Mamie
Radoy, James R.
Radoy, Sharon Ann
Raielis, Marion
Raiselis, Casper
Rakauskas, Martynas and Maime
Ralys, Felix
Ramacci, Corp. Angelo
Ramaska, Joseph
Ranak, V.
Rasch, Donald C.
Rasmussen, Isabel A.
Rasmussen, Madeline M.
Rasmussen, Mathew A.
Rathke, Herman
Rathke, Joseph H.
Rathke, Margaret
Rathke, Rev. Jerome J. and Bernice E.
Raucina, Josephine Minark
Rauen, Edward J.
Rauen, Jacob J. and Barbara
Rauen, Louis L.
Rauen, Madeline M.
Rauen, Stanley N.
Rauen, William and Margaret
Ravotas, Felix
Raymond, Elizabeth J.
Raymond, Joseph B.
Raymond, Lonnie F.
Reader, Earl W. and Anna D.
Rebbeck, George F.
Reber, Mary
Rebic, Anton
Rebich, Joseph A. and Mary
Rebich, Stephan
Refievna, Anthony P.
Regis, Frank Sr. and Family
Regis, Raymond M. and Joanne T.
Regner, Alethea C
Regner, Caroline M.
Regner, John M.
Regner, Marion D.
Reiber, Joseph and Eleanore
Reicherts, Anton and Family
Reicherts, Cyril T. and Agnes E.
Reicherts, Mathias and Susanna
Reicherts, Mathias J. and Bernadine
Reidenbach, Louise
Reinardy, Anton
Reinardy, Gus
Reinardy, Joseph
Reinardy, Karl
Reinardy, Margaret
Reindl, Clarence T. and Mary E.
Reinisch, Rudolph and Katherine
Reis, Albert G. and Catherine A.
Reis, Andrew J. Jr.
Reis, Andrew
Reis, Christine
Reis, John P. and M. Geraldine
Reiter, Eva
Reiter, Henry
Reith, Anna M.
Reith, Henry W.
Reith, Irene
Reith, Louis
Renick, Alexandra
Renick, Gregory R.
Renik, Cecelia G.
Renzger, Katherine
Renzoni, Abramo
Renzoni, Antonio and Maria
Renzoni, Caroline
Renzoni, Charles L.
Renzoni, Giovanni and Maria
Renzoni, Joseph J. and Mary L.
Renzoni, Louis and Maria J.
Renzoni, Marie
Renzoni, Paul
Renzoni, Pia
Renzoni, Victor and Louise M.
Repka, John
Repka, Maria
Repp, Francis C. and Mamie A.
Resop, Sheree L.
Reweda, Henry
Rhode, John Peter
Rhode, Peter Sr. and Maria
Ricchio, C. Robert
Ricchio, Domenico and Rosaria
Ricchio, Filomena
Ricchio, Infant Male
Ricchio, Kathy Ann
Ricchio, Kelly and Nancy
Ricchio, Saetana
Ricchio, Samuele
Ricchio, Yvonne F.
Ricciardi, Giuseppe and Ada
Riccio, Frank and Christine
Rice, Raymond T. and Mary C.
Richardi, Angela
Richardson, Mary
Richie, Chester and Mary
Richter, Harold M.
Richter, Josepha
Richter, Lucille M. Van Beckum
Rieschl, Mary
Riffer, Magdalen M. Hennes
Riffer, Wilber H.
Rigoni, Pietro
Rimkus, Hope Josephine and Emily Katie
Rimkus, Jennie
Rimkus, Joseph and Ursula
Rimkus, Joseph V. and Valeria L.
Rimkus, Peter and Peteronele
Rinaldi, Joseph C. and Helen R.
Rinelli, Alfred S. and Ann R.
Rinelli, Sebastian and Rita
Rinelli, William R. and Verona A.
Ripinskene, Pauline T.
Ripinskis, Leonard
Risley, Anna
Ritacca, Carmella B.
Ritacca, Joseph A. and Unclear
Ritacca, Mary
Ritacca, Rosaria
Ritacca, Vincent J.
Ritter, John James
Ritter, Joseph
Ritter, Margaret
Ritzen, Adam
Rizzo, Charles P. and Family
Rizzo, Charles
Rizzo, John and Frances C.
Rizzo, Joseph
Rizzo, Louis B.
Rizzo, Maria
Rizzo, Mariot and Irma C.
Rizzuto, Sam and Anne V.
Roach, Orin and Family
Robertson, Whitney Elizabeth
Robin, Anita L.
Robinson, Karen Diane
Robleski, Edmond
Robsel, Anton
Robsel, Eva D.
Robsel, Louis
Robsel, Martin
Rocco, Santo M.
Roche, David P. and Katherine
Rochnowski, Josephine
Rock, Lucy
Roders, Adam A. and Margaret C.
Roders, Anna
Roders, Anton and Eva Diesh
Roders, John B.
Roders, M.
Roders, Mary H.
Roders, Mathias
Roders, Sarah J.
Rodgers, Lawrence J. Sr. and Marian
Rodrigues, Aaron
Rogowski, John R.
Rohutny, Joseph M. and Ann H.
Rojas, Linda R. Becker
Rojas, Thomas D.
Rolfes, Charles A.
Romano, Fiorino and Maria
Romano, Joseph and Maria
Romano, Sarafima
Romanshek, Madeline
Romeo, George F.
Romeo, Vincenza
Rommel, Diontae Kenneth
Rommelfanger, Bernice Pauline
Rosales, Mercedes
Rosales, Nieves E. (Picture)
Rosales, Nieves E.
Roscioli, Sebastiano and Rosa
Rose, Adele Florence
Rose, Charles A. and Esther E.
Rose, Charles
Rose, Joseph and Lucy
Rose, Joseph R.
Rose, Katherine Hahn
Rose, Nick
Rose, Vincent J.
Rosing, Anna
Rosing, John M. and Theresa M.
Rosing, Michael J.
Rosing, Susan
Rosko, Joseph and Family
Rosmann, Frank J. and Family
Ross, Debra Dawn
Ross, Franciska
Ross, Loretta A.
Rossi, Amedeo and Livia
Rossi, Settirio
Rossini, Barbara
Roth, Harry S.
Rozzoni, Frank Dozzina
Rozzoni, Shari L.
Rucinski, Casimir J. and Louelle A.
Rucinski, James Brian
Rudzik, Bronislaw and Stefania
Rudzik, Bronislaw
Ruffalo, Ben
Ruffalo, Carmine and Petronilla
Ruffalo, Ceasare (Picture)
Ruffalo, Ceasare
Ruffalo, Cesaro
Ruffalo, E. Jack and Virginia A.
Ruffalo, Guiseppe
Ruffalo, Joseph H.
Ruffolo, Achille M. and Pauline (Picture)
Ruffolo, Achille M. and Pauline
Ruffolo, Carolina
Ruffolo, Concetta
Ruffolo, Felix and Ida
Ruffolo, Frank G. and Madeline
Ruffolo, Gabriel
Ruffolo, Gaetano
Ruffolo, Gennaro N. and Maria C.
Ruffolo, Immaculata
Ruffolo, Joseph
Ruffolo, Mary Ann
Ruffolo, Salvatore and Anunzia
Ruffolo, Simone
Ruffolo, Vincenzo F.
Ruffolo, Virginia and Tina Marie
Ruiz, Maria
Rukstelis, An.
Rupp, Ada C.
Rupp, Anna
Rupp, John and Catherine
Rupp, John and Hazel
Rupp, Martin Jr.
Rupp, Martin N. and Gertrude
Rupp, Richard R.
Rusecki, Frank and Family
Rusk, Henry Robert
Rusk, Walter
Russ, Charles B.
Russ, Mary A. Shardino
Rutkowska, Agnes
Rutkowski, Dianna and Robert
Rutkowski, Harry A.
Ruzenski, John Anthony Jr.

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WISCONSIN MUNICIPALITIES: Cities Towns, and Villages, often referred to as 'municipalities' in Wisconsin law, are the governmental units that relate most directly to citizens' everyday lives.

TOWNS, like counties, were created by the state to provide basic municipal services. Rooted in New England and New York tradition, town government came to Wisconsin with the settlers, but Wisconsin towns were not like their Eastern counterparts that reflected the existing patterns of local settlement. In Wisconsin, towns are geographical subdivisions of counties. Towns originally served (and for the most part they continue to serve) rural areas. Towns govern those areas of Wisconsin not included in the corporate boundaries of cities and villages.

The difference between "township" and "town" often confuses the public. In Wisconsin, "township' refers to the surveyor's township which was laid out to identify land parcels within a county. Theoretically. a township is a square tract of land, measuring six miles on a side for a total of 36 square miles in the unit. Each township is divided into 36 sections. "Town", as the word is used in Wisconsin, denotes a specific unit of government. It's boundaries may coincide with the surveyor's township or it may look quite different. A Town may include one, parts of or several townships.

CITIES and VILLAGES, often referred to as "incorportated areas", govern territory where population is more concentrated. In general, minimum population for incorporation as a village is 150 residents for an isolated village and 2,500 for a metropolitan village located in a more densely settled area. For cities, the minimums are 1,000 and 5,000 respectively. As cities and villages are incorporated, they are carved out of the town territory and become independent units no longer subject to the town's control. The remainder of the town may take on a 'Swiss cheese" configuration as its area is reduced.

[Information above taken from "State of Wisconsin Blue Book 1997-1998"]

ProjectCopyright Notice: These generous contributions do not necessarily depict all tombstone photographs for a given cemetery. The source for many of the cemetery names and placenames on these pages come from Cemetery Locations in Wisconsin, 3rd edition, compiled by Linda M. Herrick and Wendy K. Uncapher. The book is published by Origins at 4327 Milton Ave. Janesville, WI 53546. All files on this site are copyrighted by their creator and/or contributor. They may be linked to but may not be reproduced on another site without specific permission from Tina Vickery [] and/or their contributor. Although public information is not in and of itself copyrightable, the format in which they are presented, the notes and comments, etc., are. It is however, quite permissable to print or save the files to a personal computer for personal use ONLY.

This page was last updated 20 November 2012