Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia

Volume III

Index McKain - McVey

The spelling in the original manuscript has been followed throughout this publication.

McKain (McKair), James, 103, 465, 479.
McKain, Margaret, 470.
McKane, William, 210.
McKanear, Hanah, 128.
McKarter, Thankful, 195.
McKay, Elizabeth, 25.
McKay, Hannah, 25.
McKay, Isaac, 18.
McKay, James, 25, 289, 294, 383, 474,
McKay, John, 260.
McKay, Leah, 25.
McKay, Lydia, 474.
McKay, Margaret, 25.
McKay, Mary, 25, 383, 474.
McKay, Moses, 17, 25, 474, 533.
McKay (McCay), Robert, 13, 25, 274, 302,
308, 383, 474, 533.
McKay, Zachary (Zachoriah), 25, 474,
McKeachvy, Cormick, 459.
McKeachy (McKachey, McKatchey), James,
19, 64, 70, 295.
McKearney, John, 289.
McKee, David, 573.
McKee, James, 62, 291, 341, 350, 433,
443, 537.
McKee, John, 76, 82, 90, 96, 99, 112,
246, 288, 306, 328, 349, 410, 422, 428,
437, 469, 471, 495, 511, 535.
McKee, Lydia, 433.
McKee, Rosanna, 537.
McKee, Samuel, 118, 180, 211, 50, 508,
510, 567, 573, 591.
McKee, William, 83, 92, 99, 112, 205,
220, 350, 367, 407, 428, 429, 435, 464,
473, 474, 476, 484, 495.
McKemey, Agnes, 186, 247, 513.
McKemey, Elizabeth, 186, 209.
McKemey, Ellenor, 209.
McKemey, Isabella, 209.
McKemey (McKemy), James, 136, 171,
175, 186, 209, 218, 222, 247, 511, 534,
576, 581.
McKemey, Jean (Jane), 186, 247.
McKemey (McKemy, McKeemey), John,
152, 172, 175, 176, 181, 186, 201, 209,
215, 247, 271, 352, 513, 534, 549, 570,
577, 579.
McKemey, Margaret (Peggy), 186, 209.
McKemey, Nancy, 209.
McKemey, Polly, 209.
McKemey (McKemy), Robert, 186, 426.
McKemey (McKemy), William, 66, 115,
157, 161, 186, 209, 212, 352, 451, 511,
513, 528, 582.
McKemy, Jo, 185.
McKendrick, Patrick, 287.
McKeney, Robert, 60, 97.
McKennan, William, 210.
McKenney, James, 571.
McKenny, Bernard, 426.
McKenny (McKenney), John, 99, 569, 571.
McKenny (McKemy), William, 99, 136, 571.
McKeters, William, 406.
McKibben (McKibbin), James, 580, 583.
McKibben, John, 583.
McKim, John, 218.
McKim, Robert, 105.
McKinney, Alexander, 596.
McKinney (McKiney), Jane, 196.

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McKinney, John, 71, 196, 545, 596.
McKinney, Robert, 596.
McKinsey, Alexander, 107.
McKirgan, Thomas, 236.
MacKitrick, Jame, 145.
McKitrick, Jane, 143, 420.
McKitrick, John, 170, 208.
McKitrick (McCittrick), Robert, 141,
143, 171, 208, 324, 420, 500, 519, 562,
McKittrick, Isbel, 208.
McKittrick, James, 208.
McKittrick, Margaret, 208.
McKittrick, Sarah, 208.
McKittrick, William, 208.
McKinght, Daniel, 61.
McKinght (McNight), Elizabeth, 456, 461.
McKinght, James, 239.
McKinght (McNutt), John, 573.
McKinght, Mary, 55, 215.
McKinght, Timothy, 192.
McKnob, William, 232.
McKown, French, 60.
McLain, Archibald, 493.
McLary, Hugh, 182.
McLaughlan (McLoughlin), James, 201,
McLaughland, Archibald, 166.
McLean, Daniel, 140.
McLean, James, 567.
McLeary (McLeery), James, 332.
McLeary (McLeery), John, 271, 332, 573,
McLeery, Elizabeth, 574.
McLehenny, Robert, 117.
McLong, James, 41.
McMacHan, John, 318, 382.
McMacHan, William, 263, 312.
McMacHen, Isabella, 382.
McMacHen, Richard, 152.
McMahan, Isabella, 432.
McMahon, Deborah, 170, 560.
McMahon, Elizabeth, 170.
McMahon, John, 109, 116, 126, 134, 152,
170, 171, 372, 403, 432, 485, 503, 560.
McMahon, Margaret, 440.
McMahon, Mary, 170.
McMahon, Nancy, 170.
McMahon, Robert, 34, 35, 39, 170, 305,
318, 369, 372, 527, 440, 463, 481, 485,
503, 560.
McMahon, Samuel, 35, 39, 318, 390.
McMahon, William, 170.
McManis, James, 167.
McManners, James, James, 187.
McMaster, John, 144, 252, 531.
McMath, James, 484.
McMath, Susanna, 484.
McMechan, Benjamin, 521.
McMillin, James, 100.
McMolan, Alexander, 18.
McMolan, Easter, 82.
McMolan, William, 81.
McMortry (McMurtery), Joseph, 64, 452.
McMory (McMurry), William, 53.
McMullen (McMillin), Alexander, 19, 22,
35, 294, 295, 311.
McMullen, Esther, 35.
McMullen, Sarah, 144, 146.
McMullen (McMillin), William, 92, 93,
98, 355, 365, 400, 424, 467.
McMullin, Edward, 354.
McMullin, Mary, 400.
McMullin, Michael, 455.
McMurphey, Mary, 154.
McMurray, Barney, 166.
McMurray, Thomas, 293, 335.
McMurtrey, John, 358, 484.
McMurtry (McMurty), Samuel, 55, 62,
73, 358, 367, 386, 446, 464, 484.
McMurtry, Sarah, 340.
McMurty, Alexander, 55.
McNabb, Andrew, 271, 291.
McNabb, Baptist, 34, 62, 70, 100, 260,
288, 297, 299, 366, 378, 388, 451, 519.
McNabb, Catherine (Kathren), 378, 519.
McNabb, Isabell, 473.
McNabb, James, 93, 349, 387, 437, 480,
499, 500.
McNabb, John, 66, 97, 271, 288, 295,
296, 480.
McNabb, Martha, 499, 500.
McNabb, Mary, 271.
McNabb (McKnab), Samuel, 397, 401,
429, 434, 466, 473, 487, 500.
McNabb, Sarah, 142.
McNabb (McKnab), William, 167, 281,
293, 284, 318, 323, 326, 477, 499, 500,
McNair, Elizabeth, 196.
McNare, Andrew, 581.
McNare (McNair), David, 168, 186, 196,
197, 203, 208, 214, 223, 250, 591, 594.
McNeal (McNeill), James, 14, 106.
McNeal (McNeil), Neal, 25, 38, 44, 45,
67, 70, 75, 79, 86, 110, 319.
McNeal, Thomas, 453.
McNeall, George, 537.
McNeeley, David, 84, 164, 507, 542.
McNeeley, George, 177.
McNeeley, Sarah, 177.
McNeeley, William, 542.
McNeelly, Rebecca, 161.
McNees (McNiece), Jane, 524, 554.
McNees, John, 544.
McNees (McNiece), William, 524, 554.
McNeil (McNeal), Daniel, 121, 428, 458,
461, 465, 470, 491.
McNeill, Annabella, 89.
McNeill, Hector, 88, 100, 102.
McNeill, Henrietta, 89.
McNeill, John, 88, 90, 100, 350.

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McNeill, William, 414.
McNeilly, Andrew, 375.
McNelie, Eleanor, 66.
McNelie, Hugh, 450.
McNulty, John, 102, 326.
McNutt, Alexander, 30, 115, 238, 311,
316, 333, 398, 407, 426, 517, 574, 575.
McNutt, Catren, 387.
McNutt, Daniel, 474.
McNutt (McKnut), James, 14, 15, 29, 30,
47, 115, 238, 286, 311, 398, 407, 517.
McNutt, Jane, 238.
McNutt, John, 69, 108, 326, 387, 454,
McNutt, Margaret, 238.
McNutt, Samuel, 238.
McNutt, Robert, 30, 152, 238, 426, 432,
McNutt, Samuel H., 246.
McNutt, Sarah, 517.
McPheeters (McFeeters), Alexander, 59,
63, 64, 66, 70, 134, 135, 214, 215,
262, 269, 281, 323, 334, 500, 531.
McPheeters (McFeeters), Ann, 63, 214.
McPheeters, James, 214, 231.
McPheeters, James A., 231.
McPheeters, Jean, 214.
McPheeters (McFeeters), Jannet, 63, 127.
McPheeters (McFeeters), John, 48, 49,
66, 86, 101, 121, 127, 157, 214, 289,
296, 297, 320, 323, 332, 346, 363, 379,
422, 485, 505, 553, 591.
McPheeters (McFeeters), Martha, 63, 127,
McPheeters (McFeeters), Mary, 127, 128,
McPheeters, Philander, 231.
McPheeters, Rachel, 231.
McPheeters (McFeeters), Rebecca, 63,
214, 553.
McPheeters, Robert, 214.
McPheeters (McFeeters), Samuel, 86, 99,
101, 128, 130, 415, 451, 456, 556, 590.
McPheeters, Sophronia, 231.
McPheeters, Theophilus, 231.
McPheeters (McFeeters), William, 5, 11,
21, 22, 25, 48, 58, 63, 66, 96, 105,
107, 115, 125, 128, 130, 132, 179, 183,
191, 207, 210, 231, 251, 267, 283, 289,
292, 295, 297, 302, 320, 331, 332, 351,
389, 415, 422, 429, 470, 503, 565, 576,
577, 593.
McPherson, Charles, 425.
McQuillen, Robert, 590.
McRandolph, Robert, 54.
McReeters, William, 349.
McRoberts, John, 121, 151, 164, 589.
McRoberts, Samuel, 48, 63, 67, 72, 75,
98, 101, 111, 121, 275, 401, 450, 473,
474, 486.
McRory, Margaret, 308.
McRory, William, 298, 307.
McRoy, James, 406.
McShery, Thomas, 491.
McSpadden, Moses, 475.
McSpaden (McSpedon), Thomas, 16, 24,
257, 259, 266, 353, 396, 399.
McSpeden, Archibald, 535.
McSwine, George, 32, 35, 314.
McTeer, Eliza, 239.
McTeer, Isabella, 240.
McTeer, Jane, 239.
McTeer, Mitchel, 239.
McTeer, William, 145, 239, 240.
McVey, George, 399.
McVey, James, 157, 179, 554, 556.
McVey, John, 157.
McVey, Margaret, 157.

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