Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia

Volume III

Index McAdan - McCluster

The spelling in the original manuscript has been followed throughout this publication.

McAdan, Samuel, 215.
McAdow, William, 464.
McAfee, George, 394, 444, 507.
McAfee, James, 37, 50, 91, 117, 272,
299, 394, 436, 444, 450.
McAfee, Robert, 444.
McAfee, Jannet, 450.
McAfghan, William, 38.
McAkee, John, 33.
McAleary (McAllery), Hugh, 174, 221.
McAllister (MacCalister), James, 414,
McAllister, John, 594.
McAllister, Mary, 445.
McAlly, William, 158.
McAlvery, Samuel, 37.
McAnally (McNally), Charles, 19, 333.
McAnaire (McAnore, McNare, McNair),
Daniel, 25, 26, 33, 73, 97, 112, 150,
169, 184, 195, 196, 252, 277, 297, 308,
319, 344, 358, 411, 438, 439, 544, 546,
562, 590.
McAnare (McAnore, McNare), Hannah,
252, 308, 344, 438.
McAxwell, John, 39.
McBride, Benjamin, 1.
McBride, Daniel, 334.
McBride, Francis, 15, 28, 33, 53, 66,
76, 306, 307, 322, 342, 371, 383, 449,
473, 513, 524, 533, 532.
McBride, James, 359.
McBride, Joseph, 95, 376, 386, 476.
McBride, Margaret, 33.
McBride, Martha, 488.
Mary, 33, 87, 322, 449, 513, 552.
McBride, Sarah, 33.
McBride, Thomas, 87, 95.
McBride, William, 33, 50, 95, 97, 113,
453, 576, 478, 488.
McCafferty, Cormick, 131, 182.
McCafferty, Hugh, 182, 216.
McCafferty, Jane (Jinny), 182, 216.
McCain, James, 102.
McCain, Margaret, 102.
McCall, James, 131.
McCallam, John, 361.
McCallam, Patrick, 388.
McCallim, Mary, 236.
McCallister, James, 83, 456, 530.
McCamas, Elizabeth, 149.
McCamey, James, 175.
McCampbell, Andrew, 62, 81, 119, 159,
173, 432, 433, 451, 508, 519.
McCampbell, James, 62, 71, 80, 92, 116,
120, 399, 471, 491, 520, 548, 596.
McCampbell, John, 104, 355, 426, 528.
McCampbell, Patrick, 97.
McCampbell, Samuel, 595.
McCampbell, William, 432, 433, 451, 498.
McCan, Daniel, 154.
McCan (McCann), James, 165, 572, 592.
McCan, Neil, 135, 178.
McCandles, Alexander, 533.
McCandless (McCanless, McCandls),
William, 35, 36, 59, 71, 78, 82, 89,
93, 152, 181, 295, 305, 310, 346, 347,
402, 429, 439, 443, 468, 469, 498, 499,
504, 544.
McCarroll (McCarral, McCarrell), James,
305, 324, 364, 370, 377, 540.
McCarty, James, 476.
McCarty, John, 212, 213.
McCaslin (McCasling), Andrew, 173, 188.
McCaslin (McCaselon, McCastling), John,
85, 87, 119, 151, 482, 560.
McCaslin, William, 590.
McCaul, Alexander, 466.
McCaul, James, 73.
McCausland, James, 233, 240.
McCausland, John, 215, 233.
McCausland, Mary, 233.
McCaw, James, 587.
McCawley, Hugh, 563.
McCay (McCoy), Robert, 18, 255, 256,
259, 260, 579.
McCay, William, 577, 578.
McCherry, Luke, 73.
McChesney, Adam, 239.
McChesney, George, 178, 179.
McChesney, James, 156, 239, 529, 573.
McChesney, Jan, 195.
McChesney, Jane E., 239.
McChesney, John, 239, 242, 247.
McChesney, Rebecca, 239.
McChesney, Robert, 195, 239, 247, 529,
561, 587.
McChesney, Sally, 239.
McChesney, Samuel, 219, 524, 529, 543.
McChesney, Walter, 529, 543.
McChesney, William, 247.
McCinney, Alexander, 70.
McCinney, Ann, 70.
McCinney, John, 70, 71, 72.
McCinney, Margaret, 70.
McCinney, Mary, 70, 71.
McCinney, Sarah, 70.
McCintage, William, 476.
McCleary (McCleery), Alexander, 24, 26,
257, 266, 311.
McCleary (McCleery), James, 32, 54, 73,
85, 89, 99, 101, 105, 132, 145, 148,
150, 160, 334, 412, 531.
McCleary (McCleery), Margaret, 24, 145.
McCleary, Rachel, 24.
McCleery, John, 101, 145, 148, 150, 385.
McCleery, Samuel, 145.
McClehenny, Robert, 46.
McClelhill, Joseph, 53.
McClelland, Jean, 472.
McClellon (McClelan), Abraham, 450, 467.

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McClellon (McClalon, McClellan,
McCleland), John, 248, 39, 376, 436.
McClenachan, Alexander, 90, 91, 112,
113, 116, 138, 139, 140, 160, 162, 163,
171, 190, 197, 249, 250, 395, 464, 503,
534, 539, 55, 582, 583, 594.
McClenachan, Elijah, 45, 63, 123, 129,
144, 166, 167, 174, 175, 186, 187, 198,
209, 210, 271, 286, 303, 310, 394, 452,
495, 498, 511, 560, 561.
McClenachan, Elisha, 504.
McClenachan, Elizabeth, 191, 20.
McClenachan, Esther, 22.
McClenachan, Jane (Jenny), 89, 395.
McClenachan, John, 28, 90, 98, 116, 119,
138, 139, 160, 164, 197, 217, 286, 395,
472, 529, 534, 566, 568.
McClenachan, Lettice, 395.
McClenachan, Letucann, 209.
McClenachan, Lewis, 316.
McClenachan, Margaret, 138, 191, 209,
529, 568.
McClenachan, Nancy, 227.
McClenachan, Robert, 7, 8, 15, 23, 24,
30, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 47, 50, 51, 79,
86, 87, 98, 112, 113, 116, 126, 133,
137, 138, 139, 163, 197, 225, 259, 264,
270, 271, 277, 278, 286, 289, 291, 293,
295, 296, 297, 302, 303, 304, 310, 317,
323, 331, 357, 361, 377, 395, 402, 430,
436, 444, 456, 476, 479, 497, 504, 506,
519, 540, 549, 553.
McClenachan, Sarah, 197, 258, 286, 361,
377, 395, 444, 419, 534.
McClenachan, Thomas, 138, 160.
McClenachan, William, 107, 111, 112,
137, 144, 189, 227, 317, 414, 450, 453,
467, 475, 482, 488, 489, 491, 534, 589.
McClinken, Robert, 121.
McClintock, Elizabeth, 173.
McClintock, John, 157, 173.
McClintock, Martha, 136, 173.
McClintock, Preepare, 136, 173.
McClintock, Samuel, 173.
McClintock (McClintick), William, 35,
136, 173, 174, 280, 281, 283, 294, 331,
332, 361, 390, 422, 473, 490, 493, 516,
558, 571, 586.
McClister, Neaiell, 60.
McClolon, Joseph, 72.
McCluer, Michael, 162.
McClug, Samuel, 584.
McClung, Elizabeth, 248.
McClung, Francis, 119.
McClung, Henry, 104, 122, 133, 408, 435.
McClung, James, 23, 172, 189, 235, 295,
296, 304, 324, 328, 355, 388, 435.
McClung, John, 40, 81, 97, 116, 119,
126, 145, 189, 353, 358, 388, 484, 537.
McClung, Joseph, 395, 489.
McClung, Margaret, 489.
McClung, Mary (Polly), 233, 435.
McClung, Samuel, 130, 435.
McClung, Thomas, 40, 484, 489.
McClung, William, 29, 44, 45, 137, 259,
284, 295, 238, 353, 407, 435.
McClure, Agnes, 34, 64.
McClure, Alexander, 34, 64, 101, 103,
109, 133, 154, 258, 292, 296, 299, 313,
342, 344, 375, 409, 516, 542.
McClure, Andrew, 64, 66, 94, 13, 125,
160, 185, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 294,
327, 348, 354, 364, 383, 426, 446, 448,
468, 473, 511, 514, 527, 529, 539, 564.
McClure, Arthur, 102, 109, 271, 274,
288, 296, 399, 428, 485.
McClure, Catherine, 296.
McClure, David, 185, 206, 209, 231, 248,
McClure, Dorothy, 62.
McClure, Eleanor, 64, 185, 294.
McClure, Elizabeth (Betty), 185, 229,
McClure, Esther, 64.
McClure, Finley (Finla, Phinley), 68,
343, 468.
McClure, Frances, 296.
McClure, Halbert, 34, 35, 62, 100, 101,
103, 106, 122, 125, 209, 232, 258, 260,
367, 433, 499, 516, 542, 551.
McClure, Hanah, 62.
McClure, Hugh, 60, 64, 126, 150, 248,
251, 306, 324, 354, 383, 511, 514, 548.
McClure, Isaac, 231, 248, 251.
McClure, Isabella, 8, 122, 313.
McClure, James, 62, 64, 67, 100, 101,
129, 189, 218, 272, 284, 384, 395, 441,
McClure, Jean (Jane), 64, 248.
McClure, John, 22, 33, 34, 41, 45, 64,
67, 75, 79, 101, 109, 110, 115, 185,
192, 221, 249, 275, 281, 283, 284, 296,
299, 328, 342, 343, 373, 400, 413, 421,
446, 454, 475, 476, 481, 491, 503, 556,
McClure, Josiah, 185.
McClure, Margaret, 62, 100, 101, 102,
103, 299.
McClure, Mary (Polly), 62, 100, 101,
103, 122, 229, 299, 308, 365, 409, 441,
446, 454, 475, 481, 485, 591.
McClure, Mathew, 66.
McClure, Moses, 9, 41, 62, 100, 101,
102, 103, 208, 209, 260, 268, 275, 299,
313, 329, 339, 344, 405, 409, 455.
McClure, Nathan, 62, 296, 342, 406.
McClure, Nathaniel, 20, 34, 62, 65, 100,
101, 102, 103, 209, 260, 268, 429, 441,
McClure, Phebe, 122.
McClure, Patrick, 25.
McClure, Rebecca, 196.
McClure, Robert, 149.
McClure, Samuel, 12, 33, 34, 62, 64, 72,
101, 102, 108, 209, 232, 248, 258, 268,
273, 302, 308, 325, 329, 342, 365, 384,
385, 399, 408, 442, 460, 482, 485, 491,
527, 529, 539, 564.

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McClure, Susanna, 344.
McClure, Thomas, 62, 100, 102, 229.
McClure, William, 64, 233, 445, 473,
McCluskey, Patrick, 297, 338.
McCluster, Neal, 64.

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