Class Poem
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Class Poem


Rosemary Branagan


Dear school of ours, it is not so sweet to go
Into the world to run life's common race
But the values of thy precepts--these we know--
And they will lead us to a higher place.

All life is fair--with mystic beauty in its smile
High in our hands we hold Adventure's cup,
Fame waits at our bidding for awhile.
Soon comes the time to take its challenge up.

And now, for us, beneath the shining blue
Comes the sound of Life's stirring call.
The echo of a note we never knew,
But oh! We will not let the goblet fall!

We leave our books, and answer as we go,
"Others our eager feet shall not outrun."
And in our eyes the fires of youth aglow,
As we toil up the long road to the sun!


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Class History


F. Estol Simmons, '19


     August 14, 1915, saw the freshmen of the class of '19 entering Johnstown High School. When we look at the present freshmen it seems almost incredible that we were so little. Yet, no doubt the seniors at that time considered us as green, insignificant and unsophisticated as we consider the freshmen now. At any rate, though we were small in stature, we enrolled the enormous number of four hundred and thirty-six members. Quite a strong beginning. The upper classmen accorded a very warm reception the evening we graduated from the grammer grades, at which time they pursued us through the streets on hotfoot. This consideration on their part was even more vigorously renewed upon our entrance. However, we had a worthy representative in the person of "Nemo" and a few friendly (?) informal engagements between him and the upper classmen brought them to realize that we were worthy of recognition. Even then we had to run the customary gauntlet of misdirection and subsequent embarrassment which befall the freshmen. In spite of this fact, we summoned what dignity we possessed, disregarded the pranks of our seniors, and decided to busy ourselves.
     The final exams thinned our ranks somewhat, but those of us who had been exposed to them successfully looked forward hopefully to the next fall.
     The mortality had been very heavy. Consequently the next fall, only two hundred and ninety of our number returned to school. We wise fools were not daunted by that, but started to make good the decision of our freshman year. This year the general active reception for the freshmen was very much moderated by the presence of "cops" at the street corners patronized by the greenies, whose delicate constitutions it was feared we might injure. Reflecting on the greeting accorded us led us to say, "Them wuz the happy days."


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     The year passed without event, till the final chapel exercises for the class of '17. The farewell gave us a hint of the feeling of Seniors and we resolved to attain that rank.
     The next year we assembled as Juniors, ready for more active service. Accordingly, we elected Wilbur Mulhollen, president; Wilmot Gould, vice president; Ruby Rishell, secretary, and Paul McCloskey, treasurer. Under guidance of these worthy officers, we enjoyed an eventful and successful year. At the Thanksgiving chapel exercises, Miss Woodring's pupils presented "The First Thanksgiving Dinner," a play in which our class was represented.
     Some of our energy was devoted to football, in which the Juniors had five "letter men" and eight men who received silver footballs. Johnstown had the extreme pleasure of playing Washington High School's squad to a tie for the championship of the Western Pennsylvania Inter-scholastic Football League. We prize the Syracuse championship tie trophy, a handsome "life-size" silver football, very highly and feel that the class of '19 helped to win it.
     Basketball also claimed our attention. Our class was represented in the varsity team and won first place in the Inter-class League.
     The ninth of February, the Junior Class entertained the Seniors at the annual Junior-Senior Reception. A play, "A Proposal Under Difficulties," was produced, after which refreshments were served. During the remainder of the evening, we resorted to dancing and various other social activities. All in all, the reception proved very delightful.
     This year the system of marking by letters was adopted. "A" and "B" were the highest marks. To get them was our great desire. Those who had marks of "A" and "B" at the end of the first semester, formed what was known as the A-B Club, and elected officers. This group contained "the cream of the intellect." An entertainment was proposed and accordingly was held April the twenty-eighth, at which time the play "Spreading the News" was given.
     About this time a few members of our class enlisted in


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the U. S. Service. Among these were Fulton Connor and Carl Knauf. Both attained the rank of Corporal in active service. The former was wounded and the latter was killed. In honor of them and others from High School, the Juniors presented to the school a bronze tablet on which is inscribed, "We are proud of men from this organization who are defending the cause of God, humanity, and America."
     Further evidence of our dramatic ability was shown in the play "David Garrick," given on Junior Dramatic night.
     The Junior year was one of great activity and moment. At last, however, we were Seniors. For class officers we relected Wilbur Mulhollen, for president; elected Archie Matthews, vice president; Hilda Ellis, secretary, and Charles Gaffney, treasurer.
     Twice the influenza epidemic put a ban on our schools, and cut out two months of our school year. Nevertheless, we came back stronger than ever in the determination to complete our assignments despite the handicap.
     Scarcely had we settled when the '18½ class graduated. Wilbur Mulhollen, our class president, expressed in behalf of his class the regret at losing the comradeship of the '18½ class. In response, John McHugh, president of that class, gave a touching farewell. Once more we felt the regret for departure and it seemed that our school days were all too short.
     This year no trophy was awarded in the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Football League. Had one been awarded, Johnstown would more than likely have won it, for she defeated all high school teams in the western part of the State. We might practically call it our team, as it was composed largely of Seniors. This was true too of basketball, in which Johnstown won second place of Section II of the Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Basketball League.
     The Juniors entertained us March the first. Members of Miss Statler's class produced a playlet, "The Old Maid." In addition to this a reading and musical numbers were rendered. After the refreshments, we spent the rest of the eve-


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ning dancing. The reception proved a delightful entertainment.
     The announcement of the honor roll revealed the fact that our class had established records both in highness of marks and in time of completing the high school course.
     Now at length we are at the end of our Senior year. One hundred and eighty-six are left from the original enrollment.
     Exams are a memory, no longer disturbing. Senior vacation is a reality. Strains of our operetta reach the ears of the half-envious lower classmen as they toil over their tasks. Only a few more days. Then Commencement and then--the untried future. Old J. H. S. is full of associations. Memories of tasks we did not like and of pranks in which we rejoiced, come back to us. We did our share of growling and of work. We had our share of "fun and frolic." The balance was about even.
     Now we pause ere we go to express a word of gratitude and appreciation. We are deeply indebted to the faculty for making our high school course both profitable and pleasnt. We hope that in our life service we may bring honor to J. H. S., that we may uphold her standards, and that we may ever respect and abide by our class motto, "To thine own self be true."


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Class Prophecy


Georgia Greer, '19


     In the year 1926 my friend X---- and I, leaving the ranch in the hands of our competent foreman, left for the East and Europe on a well-earned vacation.
     Our trip was most unusual. I shall never forget it--and I shall tell it to you in detail, for strange to say, I met on my trip many former classmates of '19, back in my High School days in Johnstown.
     At Chicago, as we hurried to the subway, I noticed a tall, golden-haired man on an elevated platform with a bottle in his hand--making some evidently interesting remarks to a large crowd, and I recognized, to my surprise, Calvin Young, selling his famous "Natural Curler and Hair Restorer." His product was selling rapidly, too.
     We found our train, and as we sped on through the night heard a commotion in the stateroom next to ours, and, glancing out, whom should I see but Elizabeth Rohde enter, now a famous star on her way east to sing with Paul McCloskey, a singer who had recently obtained fame. She slipped out of sight as I gasped my astonishment. The above information I obtained from the porter.
     In New York I met several more classmates--Robert Glock, a prosperous broker; Harold Kahl, a vaudeville dancer, and his dancing partner, Louise Long. I saw Gwendolyn Honeywell flashing by in a racing car. She had married a millionaire, I was told. As we entered our hotel, at the desk was none other than Ensign Hudson, correctly white in naval uniform, and with him Major Tredennick.
     The orchestra in the dining room was led by Wilbur Mulhollen, our former class president. Every one was listening with rapt attention to his rendition of "When You and I Were Young, Maggie." On our final day in New York we went to see a new play entitled "Evidence." In the cast Austin Harrington appeared as the star. In a box on the left I


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saw a woman sitting with several men and about whom every one whispered, "Miss Branagan, New York's famous critic, and her two aides, Norris Quest and Tom Quirk." Behind her chair the manager, Worth Bailey, and the playwright, Norman Anderson, stood at respectful attention. She bowed right and left with impersonal glances, but did not see me, as I was in an obscure corner in the twenty-sixth row.
     As we left the theater, in the lobby I met Hartnett, official artist for "Art and Music," a new classic magazine. He was dressed in conventional evening clothes, but his Bohemian companions, Wilmot Gould and Archie Matthews, were in the accepted artist's costume.
     Wondering at my strange encounters, as we took a cab to a restaurant I was even more surprised to find Mary Bacon singing songs to a highly appreciative audience of diners at Rochelle's, a well-known restaurant.
     As we went to our table Margaret Ott hailed us. She was the head of a large hospital, and, it is rumored, engaged to a leading medical man.
     The next day, as we drove to the dock, we saw in Central Park a handsome woman singing to thousands of people, in the interest of a welfare league. The young woman was Mildred Custer and her accompaniest Almira Crueger.
     When we went on board the inspector at the docks was none other than Eugene Watkins. We noticed seaplanes hovering over us, and in one was Minter Ott, whom I recognized with the aid of my glasses, in spite of his goggles and helmet. His passengers were George Clarke, a western merchant, and Lois Detweiler, now a famous social worker. They waved to us as they passed.
     More surprises awaited me on board. Sara Bailey, an international tennis star, swung down the deck on her way to a practice game with Joseph Suhre, an athlete, going to a track meet at London. In the stateroom, several doors from us I met Mrs. Russel Brown, formerly Frances Rutledge, and she told me she was awaiting her husband, who was at an advertisers' convention and would join her shortly to sail for


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Ireland. As the boat was to leave in about an hour, we hurried to the gangplank, and there I saw Mary Devlin, Mary Eckel, Dorothy Fox and Margaret Hamilton hurrying through the crowd. They said they were going to France to do secretarial work at the American Embassy, and Louise Preston joined them presently, as she was going to study music in Paris.
     Katharine and Virginia Walters, renowned violinists, came aboard on their way to tour England in a series of concerts. As we went on I met other classmates on the boat, among them John Endsley, who was on his way to Africa as a missionary.
     James Hutchinson had an engineering contract for the French government, and was on the boat with his assistant, George Tomb.
     Madeline Picking was going to a fall style show in Paris, and Frances Suppes was to join her husband, who was a captain in the English army.
     On the boat was a motion picture company, whose director was our old friend, Georgie Lightcap, and with him several famous actresses, among them Edna Decker and Pearl Way. Bill Hughes and Bennett Findlay were the comedians, they having replaced Douglas Fairbanks and William S. Hart.
     Margaret Orris was at the dock when we sailed. She told us she was teaching dancing, having taken over the Chaly school.
     We heard from some of the others that the submarine lying to our left was in command of Carl Ohlson, and in his crew were Raymond Schell, wireless operator, and Andrews Shreve, chief engineer.
     In the last New York papers I bought before sailing were the headlines to the effect that, at a conference at the Madison Square Garden, Hon. Estol Simmons was to head delegates from all nations for the purpose of forming an International Trade Alliance. He would represent the United States and would be accompanied by his secretary, Gaius Wertz.
     As we went on deck a huge plane loomed over us, a


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sailor hailed the aviator. I inquired his name, and was surprised to learn that the aviator was David Jones, who was the aerial mail carrier for New York City, and his mechanic was Charles Gaffney.
     We sailed shortly afterwards.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

     In London, as we went to the American Embassy, I met Mary Hornick, who owned a famous fashion shop in Paris, she having succeeded Lady Duff-Gordon. She told me Murtilla Hudson was in India with her husband, an explorer.
     Maurice Katzenstein walked out a shop in London and when we spoke to him he told us he was representing a famous clothing store in America.
     After England we went to France, and at Brest we saw Robert Snook, who was a member of the Royal Guards. His position was an important one, he told us.
     From France we went to the new Russian Republic, where we found Israel Sky was a member of the Cabinet. In Russia we also saw Margaret Morgan, noted for her work in the slum districts of Moscow, and with her the Vicountess Vascari formerly Loretta Murray, who was helping Margaret with her noble work, and who had married a Russian nobleman.
     On our visit to Spain, at Madrid, we met Esther Statler, wife of the Spanish Ambassador, Senor Isabelle, and Hilda Ellis, on secret service work for our government.
     While in Monte Carlo, Italy, we were attracted by a handsome yacht in the harbor, bearing the name "De Frehn." On inquiry, we learned that the American "copper king" had married Harriet DeFrehn, and they were summering in Italy.
     Fascinated by the play at the tables, we were watching interestedly when Ralph Duwell entered. Evidently he was living up to his name, for, after greetings, he took us for a ride in his great car, and entertained us at his handsome home, outside the city. He confided to us that he had made his wealth in Peru, two years ago, mining silver.


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     And so the summer passed. We finally arrived again in America. Going west by the southern route, ke met Ruby Rishell at Palm Beech, now a great authoress, and very wealthy.
     Here, too, we met Karl Fries, who owned extensive fruit groves where the best fruit in the country was raised for the purposes of obtaining their juices; as this sort of beverage was now used exclusively all over the country since the days of '19, when prohibition went into effect. His "Virginia Peach" brand was particularly delicious.
     In New Orleans we met Julia Matthews, who had married a wealthy Southerner, and who had as her guests several members of foreign nobility, among them Margaret Hay, who had married into the de Laramie family of France. Julia told us that Margaret Masters was the head of a hospital in Tennessee.
     Two weeks after leaving New Orleans we were home. It was election week, and we noticed in the returns that Gwendolyn Teitelbaum was elected Governor of Colorado. In the living room, before the fire, I told X----- of these many classmates of mine whom we had met. What changes time had brought!
     I regretted that I had not chanced upon all members of the class. It is true that, here and there, in the ever-changing crowds, I had glimpsed many other familiar faces, only to lose them again, as the surging crowds swept them beyond my sight.
     But it seemed to me, as I mused on my experiences, that the members of dear old '19 were making their mark in the world.


Horrorscope, p.67


Name Alias As Others See Them What They Say Likes Dislikes Ambition Occupation
Norman Anderson Norm Talkative Holy Gee! To argue Silence Basketball star Making baskets
Mary Allen Mame Inconspicious Fiddlesticks Doughnuts Monkeys State of perfect silence Sighing
William Auman Willyum Bashful That's all right A curly haired girl Stupid people To lead a romantic life Being on honor roll
Mary E. Bacon Mary Attractive Oh! dear Serious people Bores Another Galli-Curci Singing
Sara Bailey Jane Lively Good Heavens Preach-(ers) Nobody To write his sermons Flirting
Warren Bailey Worth Tailor-made Oh! certainly To be entertained Frivolity To remain a bachelor Avoiding girls
James Barnhart Jim Silent Oh! heck Most girls Freckles To be a millionaire Skipping English
Herman Beerman Bananas Egotistic You don't know To be "it" At least one girl To outshine the others Trying to get best of an argument
Robert Belz Bob Sensible Never mind Pool games Sunday School Pres. Of the W.C.T.U. Playing "hook"
Ned Benshoff Ned Good Humored Just as you think All girls Stale peanuts Editor of "Life" Cracking jokes
Myra Benshoff Benny Brown-eyed Oh! love Secrets Soft soap Single blissfulness Being proper
Marion Bent Mar'n Queenly Oh my heart! Some one in Selinsgrove Stewed prunes A model wife Looking adorable
Harold Berney Berney Friendly Ho there! Chemistry class Being silent An M.A. degree Helping the girls
Walter Betts Betty Snoring !-----! Buying knotholes Losing a Bet-t An organ grinder Betting
Arthur Blough Art Worried Censored! A girl in France Street car conductors Manicurist Fussing
Henry Bock Dutch Forceful That's one on you All girls Male flirts To rival W. J. Bryan Yelling
Vida Boose Sweetness Feminine Gracious Sohe Lee Other men To Walk-er Writing to Lee
Nina Blue Kid Good Humored Honestly! Red hair Nothing Teaching in Sunday School Singing a-l-fo
Franklin Bracken Frank Having a fit Listen, Listen A violinist To recite A preacher Selling talking machines
Rosemary Branagan Blarney Irish Colleen Ah, get out A lawyer Bad verse To live in ---? Writing letters
Russell Brown Buss Funny Gimme anadmit Being in a "rut" Work Noted artist Painting the town red


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Florence Burkhart Flo Neat Oh! boy! To go home for lunch A shiny nose To get married Being silent
Olin Burkhart Olin Laughing Say! you! All boys Nothing To be married Keeping quiet
Olive Burkhart Curly Happy Pickles Fudge Hair curlers Live a happy life Being wise
Thomas Byers Tommy Smiling ? Censored Fish Cats To be a he vampire Making noise
Meda Carbaugh Med Happy Oh! fudge! Every one Conductors To be a vampire Looking pleasant
Carrie Chandler Red Sympathetic Is that so? Boys Old maids Keeping away freckles Making the typewriter talk
George Clark M.F.B. Poetical Ah, gwan! Mellen's food Fudge To be a poet Getting ready for school
Ida Cohen Id Tiny My goodness Books Being late To get B's Reading Webster's
Dean Cook Cooky Tall Oh! hang yea! Ask him Public speaking To be a Shakespeare Talking
Lauraetta Cook Lauri Diligent Oh gosh Nursing Being idle To be a nurse Studying
Almira Crueger Al Fussy Oh dear! Him Nothing in particular Doesn't have any Making noise
Hugh Cunningham Hughie Quiet Thunder Public speaking Critics Preparing speeches To be a great speaker
Margaret Cunningham Marg Charming Oh, really I don't know Gossip Being useful Making others happy
Lydia Custer Lyd Cute Oh you Tennis Ask her To be a shark Smiling
Mildred Custer Ted Adorable How do Everybody To frown To get a Long(well) Collecting slips
Edward Dankmyer Eddie Fiery ? -- ? ? ! ! History Long assignments To be George Washington II Loafing
Flornell Davis Flo Captivating Gracious Chewing gum Street car service To grow fat Being quiet
Edna Decker Ed Demure Oh, you! To cook Onions To be housewife Washing dishes
Harriet DeFrehn Frehnie Fussy Good night! Ben Gloom To marry Writing notes
Margaret De Haven Marg Quiet My goodness Everything Nothing To be famous Dreaming
Lois Detweiler Loisee Studious Really! Studies Laziness Honor Roll Working
Mary Devlin Happy Small For goodness sake! Gym Be called upon Making her hair stay in place Laughing
Ethel Dixon Ethel Demure Oh! joy! To read Forget a speech Making good Busy
Joseph Diehl Joe Funny Oh now! To be late 60 minutes To make good Laughing
George Dudenhofer Dudy Happy ? ! ! ? ? A certain blonde Rivals?! To be a second Caruso Singing tenor on the Lost Chord Club
Ralph Duwell Duey Joyful Oh! you! Studying? Being late To enter college Being quiet
Lester Dyer Les Blissful Huh! Ice cream Being late for work To run an ice cream stand Dishing out "cokes"
Mary Eckel May Adorable Really English Laziness To make good Studying
Hilda Ellis Tiny Tiny Oh! you! A boy in France Nothing To make good as Secretary of our class Reading the minutes


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John Endsley Jack Smiling "Say! boy!" To be a lecturer on Prohibition Public Speaking To be a missionary Arguing the liquor question
George Engelbach Enge Cheerful Oh! gosh! To be a teacher Sundaes "60 minutes" Reading books
Bennett Findley Ben Contented The axe, please! To sing Light haired girls To miss school Missing half days
John Fisher Jack Full of pep Chloroform him To be a dentist Temple University To have no punctures Pulling teeth
Minnie Fondelier Min Happy Yes! what? To dance Movies To captivate boys Making others happy
Dorothy Fox Dor Cheerful Y-y-yes, sir! To be a singer Shows Making less than A's Smiling
Walter Friant Walt Petite Drag him out! To be an actor Fudge Girls? Dancing
Karl Fries Karl Industrious Put him to bed To do magazine work The Spectator Punk jokes for the Spectator Keeping the chairs warm at Eddie's
Charles Gaffney Gaff Serious Dry up! To be a temperance Lec- His class Shooting pool
Mary Gardner May Jolly Fly away! To be serious School? Studying Dancing
Ralph Gillman Gili Joking Tell it to the squirrels To be a salesman Fudge Being on time Singing
Charles Ginsburg Charley Business-like You did! To be a printer Books Public speaking Printing
Robert Glock Bob Happy Huh! To manage champion basketball teams Basketball and Louise Rivals Managing a good basketball team
Wilmot Gould Tubby Full of pep Ah! To be an actor Basketball Losing a game Playing basketball
Julia Greenawalt Julia Dreamy Who, me? To sell mouse traps Nurses Candy Having dates
Georgia Greer Georgie Intellectual You don't mean it! To be a Secretary Heroes of football Dates? Tell us, George?
Mary Griffith Mayme Honest Say! To be a Domestic Science teacher Figs Chasing rainbows Reading
Levenia Haire Lev Silent That's me To be a teacher Shows Ham sandwiches Doing chemistry


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Celestine Harrigan Celey Aristocratic Why--ya Athletics Skirts! To wed Walking for his health
Margaret Hamilton Pegeen Interesting Sure Witty conversation English To overcome bashfulness Being sweet
Emma Harenberg Em Modest Oh! boy! To fix up Shiny nose To find the right one Being exact
Austin Harrigan Aus Lengthy Ho! listen! To skip periods Irish girls To overcome that candy craze Strolling around the halls
Mildred Hartley Med In Dreamland Howdy! Chocolates Movies To find him Hunting for some one
Michael Hartnett Mike Occupied Oh! she's a fine girl To sketch her A rival To be a cartoonist Answering notes
Margaret Hay Marg Sweet Oh! dear! Company Men To sing like a bird Singing
Gwendolyn Honeywell Gwen Talkative My gosh! Popularity Men? To be an actress Vamping
Ruth Hoff Hoff Serious Gosh! Powder Ear puffs Smiling To be happily wed
Virginia Hoffman Ginna Vamp Heavens! Dates "Cac" (?) Scheming To break his heart
Marie Horan Irish Demure Hey! Green To be called on To be a waitress Being just so
Mary Hornick Mame She's the girl for me Golly! To invest Red hair To find the only one Dreaming
Jerome Hudson Romey Sailorish Fish! Toy boat Fair sex To be an Admiral Running
Murtilla Hudson Murt Worried Unk! Movies Shakespeare To be a postmistress On guard
William Hughes Bill Grins Absurd, exceedingly absurd Love stories To be sensible To be a truck driver Stumbling
James Hutchison Hutch Brunette Huh! Penrose's To be occupied To own Johnstown Auto Co. Toe tramping
David Jones Dube Fascinating Huh! Dry territory To flirt To be a "bachelor" Posing as an actor
Edith Jones Jonsy Quiet Oh, dear! To write notes Men To carry papers Neutral
John Jones Johnny Like his name Oh! girls! Sauerkraut Kisses Translate Greek Striking matches
Moses Kadetsky Jake Good natured Aw! Gingerbread Short chapel Principal of J.H.S. Watering elephants
Harold Kahl Snakes Handsome Ye gods! Sports Solitude To be humorous Making eyes
Maurice Katzenstein Fat With Lig Wha'd a ya mean? Blondes Contradictions To make a bargain Straining his eyes
Logan Kellar Loge Important Gwan! To draw attention Any work To get a girl Being funny
Ruth Keslar Kess Ambitious Mercy! Honor roll That other sex To become a teacher Learning
Ethel Ladenberger Eth Studious Help! To make all happy To work Boys? Doing everything perfectly


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Emily Leventry Emi Feminine Believe me To be a teacher Studying "60 minutes" Giving advice
Marget Lewis Marg Sensible Isn't it swell? Chocolates Notes Cranks Dreaming
George Lightcap Lighty Serious Yes! boy! To be a motorman on the J. T. Co. Fudge she makes Trips to the office Playing football
Elva Livingston Livi Tired Howdy, boy! Notes Boys Dummies Porch's at 3:10
Louise Long Lou Industrious Sure thing Blondes Teachers Candy Having a good time
Esther Ludwig Luddy Unassuming Oh! Certainly Football games Books? Playing ball Coming to school on time
Catherine Malloy Kate Amiable Ye gods! Oh, so sudden? Having a good time Sundaes Minding her own business
Hazel Mardis Haze Smiling Good night To be on time Why won't you tell? Rivals ? ! Writing to Mexico
Freda Marland Fre Annoyed Never says it To be perfect A certain young --- Going to movies Working
Ruth Marsh Ruth Full of fun Huh!?! To be in the A-B Club Eats Spaghetti Studying English
Margaret Masters Peg Vivacious For Pete's sake! His name? The dinner bell Chief K. P. Running errands
Winifred Mattern Win Ditto You don't say! To be perfect in attendance When 3:10 comes Soup Being happy
Archie Matthews Archibald Collecting money ?!Where's that collar button?! To be a good lawyer To work hard for J. H. S. Foolishness Arguing at A. A. meetings
Julia Matthews Judy Bubling with happiness Really! To advance her knowledge by going to college Dancing Lazy Men Studying
Leo Mayer Mules Trading mules at Pender's Whoa!??! Sleeping forever, but not in a graveyard Girls! honest girls, he really does Studying Chambermaid at Pender's livery stable
Lillian Miller Lil Cheerful Say you! Candy E's None Talking to him
Margaret Miller Marty Busy Listen! Crane's Samplers Late hours (Phillip) To fill up Eating candy
Margaret Morgan Marg Winning Listen. Dates girls! Famous dancer Flirting
William Mulholdlen Conk Blushing Ah! Velma! Packards A talking machine Salvation Army Blushing
Loretta Murray Letty Sweet Aw! go on! Dancing English Actress Attending meetings


Horrorscope, p.72
Clifford Myers Cliff Preserved ? ! ? & it Gum E's A professor Water boy at a circus
Rhoda McCartney Paty Staid Good night! The Irish Arithmetic Live in Dublin Making A's
Paul McCloskey Irish Chasing rainbows Dere Mable! Himself All girls None Killing time
Francis McCormick Mac Sleepy You betcha "Bed" Girls? Police force Keeping late hours
Florence McCurdy Floss Dignified Gracious! A movie actor Work Learn to dance Going to movies
Joseph McDonald Joe In a hurry Aw, say! Ice cream To talk Sleep Growing tall
Marion McFeaters Mar'rn Sedate That's news Basketball To bluff To do nothing Looking worried
Tillie Nau Tillie Petite Holy Moses! Poetry Chewing gum To write a book Being polite
Gladys Nelson Gladie Wistful Listen now Dime novels Unfair treatment To find her hero Singing "Dixie"
Carl Ohlson Ole Very tall Never says it! Life savers Little ? girls ? Finding someone as tall
Margaretta Orris Marg Longish Oh! Clarence Late hours ? ! ? ! Talking to him
Margaret Ott Marg Lovely For heaven's sake! Interesting people To be bored To calm fevered brows Winning our love
Minter Ott Mint Hard to understand Oh! ho! Burnished hair Every girl but --- To win her Working Adv. Algebra
Nellie Peden Nell Friendly me! This'll kill A boy -- his iame? Chemistry To sleep all day Hasn't any
Katherine Phillips Bob Childish Outta luck To be a tailor (sewing grass seed) Alarm clocks To be married Talking silently
Madeline Picking Pick Madonna-like Beg pardon To sell second hand fountain pens Diploma Sixty minutes Blowing bubbles
Louise Preston Sarg Graceful Huh? Only him! All other fellows To be won Dreaming of him
Norris Quest Preach Poetic Yep! Yep! To be a second James Whitcomb Riley Working for the Spectator All girls Shunning them
Miriam Quirk Bunny Yawning "Act the fool" Indoor sports, reading? A certain fellow? To chase a rainbow Reading Cosmopolitan Magazine
Thomas Quirk Tom Curly headed Good ---! New Jersey Rivals Dentist Helping the world
Herbert Reitz Herby Sleepy Beg pardon To sell left handed screw drivers Tin Lizzies Early reports Building castles in the air
Louise Riegel Lou Harmless Good night! To be a star? A's Boys? Making others happy
Virginia Riley Ginny Good-natured "That's I'm" To nurse a corpse back to life A certain Him Rivals! Studying


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Ruby Rishell Gem Studying Oh! lady! lady! To be on the honor roll The whole world To win him Making A's and B's
Elizabeth Rohde Liz Stately Ham and eggs! To be a dancing master The boys! No one Dancing, sundaes, dates, etc.
Helen Ruckser Helen Singing "Quite right" To be a singer To sing and dance Mint(s) Reading books
Francis Rutledge Rut Industrious Oh! I see! To be happy Penrose's and sundaes Bus (?) Spooning what?
Ruth Ryan Ruth Quite harmless Ho! come here To be "Joy" (ful) Oh, that is too personal When he's late Singing solos in a deaf and dumb college
Luther Shartz Luke Yawning Yes! yes! huh! Running a picture house for the blind To be butcher or doctor Vampires Selling toothpicks
Cora Schaffer Shaff Flirting with history On the level! Making others happy History Studying Fishing for luck
Raymond Schell Ray At attention Oh! my! dear! Brigadier General in the Salvation Navy The girls! Plumbing Chasing stars?
Orpha Schrock Orph Studying very hard Oh! oh! no! To get married Shall we tell? Being late for school Selling and buying
Arthur Schweitzer Cheese Hole-y Yes, we charge for 'em Ham and --- Pineapple sundaes To find the right one What is it?
Glen Seese Glennie Saintly Oh! Sunday School Bad boys Minister Reading
Estella Shank Stella Fair My goodness! Him Other men So he wooed and won Answering 'phone calls
Agnes Sharkey Aggie Artistic You know High ambitions Dances Teach home "economics" Studying the stars
Max Shavrick Max Genial Get behind me, Satan! Public speaking Poetry Butcher Delivery boy
Andrews Shreve Andy Young Let him up -- he's all cut Trig Tall girls Grow up Studying
Mary Sikirica Mary Studious That's the truth Everything English To speak French Preparing to graduate
Estol Simmons Es Self-confident Certainly, I know Books People To know it all Getting ahead of us
Israel Sky Izzie Oratorical Huh! Public Speaking Study periods Own the town Being useful
Robert Snook Bob Extraordinary I'll tell the world! Midnight lunches Nuts To graduate Going out
Ethel Spotz Spotzie Tall I'll say! Springtime French girls To get married and settle down Passing notes


Horrorscope, p.74
Florence Squire Squire Perkens Reddy Aw! gwan! To Shimmie Dogs Second Padereswski Playing pipe organ
Pauline Staley Polly Modest Do they really! West Point candidates Rivals To become a dancing teacher Study
Elizabeth Stammely Lizzie Quiet Really! Girls Fights Go away to school Peace maker
Esther Statler Essie Blond Milk and sugar! Corney Dates (?) To become industrious Deep thoughts
Rose Straub Johnny Pep You don't know Physical torture Slow things Prize fighter ?? ??
Frank Stutzman Stutz Short but sweet Hell-o! Nature Foreign correspondence State Bluffing
Joseph Suhre Bud Good looking * ! ! ? * Neckties To shimmie Engineer (B. & O.) Collecting dance souvenirs
Frances Suppes Frenchy Affectionate Burn my clothes! Almonds (Auman) Solitaire To be a Spanish shark Writing letters to State
Gwen Teitelebaum Gwen Witty Don't you know! To study Dumb animals To edit "Life" Preparing her Senior oration
George Tomb Tommie Funny I don't know! Brunettes Manual labor To specialize in physiology Entertaining the bunch
Don Tredennick Don Blond Sugar! Dancing at Luna Wall flowers West Point Dodging the girls
Sarah Updegrave Sarah Tiny Yes, indeed! Public speaking Hard work To be a soldier's wife Powdering her nose
Hazel Wagner Hazie Modest I should say not! High School Nobody To go to Indiana Doing Arithmetic
Kathryn Walters Kitty Pep My word! Joe -----! Other Joes First violin in H. S. orchestra Dancing
Virginia Walters Ginnie Twinnish Good night! Y. W. Parties Fish A-B Club Bluffing
Eugene Watkins Shenie Not seen often (Oh! hush!) Study periods Kidding To be it all Sleeping in study periods
Pearl Way Pearl Peaches Oh! land! Out-of-town fellows H. S. dances To play the uke Boning
Beatrice Weber Bee Puzzling Ah! deah! Decker's H. S. fellows Kindergarten teacher Being mysterious
Gaius Werts Gaius Unique Listen, kid! A good joke Kaiser Bill Edit a funny paper Fireman
Irene Williams Billie Quiet Goodness gracious Agnes! Pink teas Olives Teacher Poultry fancier
Rose Williamson Rosie Pleasant Ah! mother! Kredel's sundaes Winter Teach Sunday School Cramming
Calvin Young Cal Grinning Gee! whiz! Girls Woe Taxicab driver Lady fusser
Claire Zender Topsy The Rear Guard Oh my heart! Heroes! Dancing? To be a lawyer Woman's police force


Senior Plans, p.75
  S P E C T A T O R 75


Senior Plans


Name Vocation School
Mary Allen Teacher Indiana.
Norman Anderson Mining Engineer Cornell.
William Auman Public Account Pensylvania State.
Mary E. Bacon Music New York.
Sara Bailey Undecided West Chester.
Warren Worth Bailey Journalism Carnegie Tech.
James Barnhart Undecided Indiana.
Herman Beerman Undecided University of Pittsburg.
Robert Belz Undecided Undecided.
Myra Benshoff Stenographer Undecided.
Ned Benshoff Undecided Undecided.
Marion Bent Stenographer.
Harold Berney Undecided Undecided.
Walter Betts Undecided Undecided.
Arthur Blough Undecided Undecided.
Nina Blue Nurse Undecided.
Henry Bock Undecided Undecided.
Vida Boose Undecided Undecided.
Franklin Bracken Business Undecided.
Rosemary Branagan Journalism University of Pittsburg.
Russell Brown Com. Art Carnegie Tech.
Florence Burkhardt Music Undecided.
Olin Burkhart Undecided Undecided.
Olive Burkhart Undecided Undecided.
Thomas Byers Undecided Undecided.
Meda Carbaugh Teacher Indiana.
Carrie Chandler Stenographer.
George Clarke Undecided Undecided.
Ida Cohen Teacher Indiana.
Dean Cook Undecided Undecided.
Lauraetta Cook Undecided Undecided.
Louise Cover Undecided Cornell.
Almira Crueger Teacher West Chester.
Hugh Cunningham Undecided Undecided.
Margaret Cunningham Undecided St. Elizabeth's.
Lydia Custer Undecided University of Pittsburg.
Mildred Custer Music Undecided.
Edward Dankmyer Dentistry University of Pittsburg.
Flornell Davis Stenographer.
Edna Decker Nurse Columbia Hospital.


Senior Plans, p.76
76 S P E C T A T O R  


Harriet DeFrehn English Teacher Goucher.
Margaret De Haven Stenographer.
Lois Detweiler Teacher Juniata.
Mary Devlin Teacher Undecided.
Ethel Dixon Teacher Undecided.
George Dudenhofer Civil Engineer Carnegie Tech.
Ralph Duwell Dentistry University of Pennsylvania.
Lester Dyer Pharmacy University of Pittsburg.
Mary Eckel Undecided Undecided.
Hilda Ellis Undecided Wellesley.
John Endsley Undecided University of Pennsylvania.
George Engelbach Undecided Undecided.
Bennett Findley Undecided Undecided.
John Fisher Dentistry University of Pittsburg.
Minnie Fondelier Stenographer.
Dorothy Fox Nurse Lankenow Hospital.
Walter Friant Printer.
Karl Fries Advertising University of Pennsylvania.
Charles Gaffney Undecided University of Pennsylvania.
Mary Gardner Teacher West Chester.
Ralph Gillman Undecided Undecided.
Charles Ginsburg Undecided University of Pennsylvania.
Robert Glock Banker University of Pennsylvania.
Wilmot Gould Mechanical Engineer Lehigh.
Julia Greenawalt Stenographer.
Georgia Greer Undecided Goucher.
Mary Griffith Teacher Indiana.
Clair Grove Undecided University of Pennsylvania.
Levenia Haire Teacher Otterbein.
Margaret Hamilton Stenographer.
Emma Harenburg Stenographer.
Celestine Harrigan Physician University of Pennsylvania.
Austin Harrington Physician University of Pennsylvania.
Mildred Hartley Stenographer.
Michael Hartnett Mechanical Engineer University of Pennsylvania.
Margaret Hay Undecided Goucher.
Ruth Hoff Stenographer.
Virginia Hoffman Teacher Undecided.
Gwendolyn Honeywell Teacher Wilson.
Marie Horan Teacher Indiana.
Mary Hornick Stenographer.
Jerome Hudson United States Navy U. S. Naval Academy.
Murtilla Hudson Stenographer.
William Hughes Surgery University of Pennsylvania.
James Hutchison Electrical Engineer State College.


Senior Plans, p.77
  S P E C T A T O R 77


David Jones Mining Engineer University of Pennsylvania.
Edith Jones Stenographer.
John Jones Draughtsman Carnegie Tech.
Moses Kadetsky Electrical Engineer University of Pennsylvania.
Harold Kahl Business University of Pennsylvania.
Maurice Katzenstein Electrical Engineer Carnegie Tech.
Logan Kellar Mining Engineer University of Pittsburg.
Ruth Kessler Teacher University of Pittsburg.
Ethel Ladenberger Teacher Indiana.
Emily Leventry Teacher Undecided.
Margaret Lewis Stenographer.
George Lightcap Doctor University of Pennsylvania.
Elva Livingston Stenographer.
Louise Long Teacher Undecided.
Esther Ludwig Nurse Jefferson Hospital.
Catherine Malloy Teacher Indiana.
Hazel Mardis Nurse Hahneman Hospital.
Freda Marland Stenographer.
Ruth Marsh Teacher Undecided.
Margaret Masters Nurse Lankenau Hospital.
Winifred Mattern Undecided Undecided.
Archie Matthews Lawyer Harvard.
Julia Matthews Teacher Wellesley.
Leo Mayer
Lillian Miller Teacher Undecided.
Margaret Miller Teacher Undecided.
Margaret Morgan Stenographer.
Wilbur Mulhollen Lawyer University of Pennsylvania.
Loretta Murray Teacher West Chester.
Clifford Myers Undecided Allegheny.
Rhoda McCartney Teacher Undecided.
Paul McCloskey Engineer University of Pennsylvania.
Francis McCormick Undecided Lehigh.
Florence McCurdy Teacher West Chester.
Joseph McDonald Undecided University of Pennsylvania.
Marian McFeaters Teacher Undecided.
Tillie Nau Teacher Undecided.
Gladys Nelson Stenographer.
Carl Ohlson Undecided Undecided.
Margaretta Orris Nurse University of Pennsylvania.
Margaret Ott Nurse Lakeside Hospital.
Minter Ott Engineer State College.
Nellie Peden Undecided Otterbein.
Katherine Phillips Teacher Indiana.
Madeline Picking Undecided Undecided.


Senior Plans, p.78
78 S P E C T A T O R  


Louise Preston Music Teacher Ithaca Conserv. of Music.
Norris Quest Electrical Engineer Carnegie Tech.
Miriam Quirk Nurse Bellevue Hospital
Thomas Quirk Dentist Temple College.
Herbert Reitz Teacher Indiana.
Louise Riegel Teacher Indiana.
Virginia Riley Nurse Garrison Hospital.
Ruby Rishell Teacher Allegheny.
Elizabeth Rohde Domestic Science Simmons.
Helen Ruckser Teacher Undecided.
Francis Rutledge Domestic Science National Park Seminary.
Ruth Ryan Undecided St. Elizabeth's.
Cora Schaffer Teacher Indiana.
Raymond Schell Chemical Engineer State College.
Orpha Schrock Nurse Undecided.
Arthur Schweitzer Undecided University of Pittsburg.
Glen Seese Draftsman Undecided.
Estella Shank Teacher Undecided.
Agnes Sharkey Art Columbia.
Louther Shartz Undecided Undecided.
Max Shavrick Undecided Undecided.
Andrews Shreve Chemical Engineer State College.
Mary Sikirica Teacher Indiana.
Estol Simmons Dentistry University of Pittsburg.
Israel Sky Undecided Undecided.
Robert Snook Chemical Engineer Undecided.
Ethel Spotz Stenographer.
Florence Squire Stenographer.
Pauline Staley Stenographer.
Elizabeth Stammley Stenographer.
Esther Statler Teacher Undecided.
Rose Straub Stenographer.
Frank Stutzman Forestry State College.
Joseph Suhre Mechanical Engineer Carnegie Tech.
Frances Suppes Teacher Indiana.
Gwendolyn Teitelbaum Stenographer.
George Tomb Electrical Engineer Undecided.
Don Tredennick United States Army West Point.
Sarah Updegrave Optician McCormick's Medical College.
Hazel Wagner Teacher Indiana.
Kathryn Walters Music Teacher Undecided.
Virginia Walters Music Teacher Undecided.
Eugene Watkins Dentistry University of Pittsburg.
Pearl Way Music Oberlin.
Beatrice Weber Kindergarten Work Undecided.
Gaius Werts Chemistry Undecided.
Irene Williams Stenographer.
Rose Williamson Teacher Indiana.
Calvin Young Undecided University of Pennsylvania.
Claire Zender Nurse Johns Hopkins Hospital.


Section 1
( pages 1 - 54 )
Section 2
( pages 55 - 78 )
Section 3
( pages 79 - 106 )

Contributed to the PAGenWeb Archives by Lynne Canterbury & Diann Olsen, 2006.


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