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Oak Grove Cemetery

Ohio Tombstone Photo Project logo, two angels

Delaware Twp.
Delaware County

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These tombstone photos have been generously donated by Gary R. Good, 01 Oct., 2002.
Located in the City of Delaware, Ohio.
The most recent update to this page was made on 20 May, 2008.

Please Note: Click on name to view tombstone image.
Akum, Peter, Co. I, 4th Ohio Vol. Inf., 1838 - 1862
Akum, William, Co. E, 34th Mich. Cav., 1840 - 1865
Akum, Samuel, Co. E, 46th Ohio Vol. Inf., Civil War, 1844 - 1864
Bauder, Lois A., 1880 - 1964; David A., 1876 - 1957 David A., 20 Dec. 1876 - 30 May, 1957. Lois A. (Vigar) Bauder, 11 June 1880 - 14 Sept. 1964. She was my grandfather's cousin.
Brown, In memory of Hiram J.L., who was born Washington Co., Ohio Sept. 25, 1801 and died Feb. 5, 1844, aged 42 years 1mo and 11 days
Civil War, Memorial This memorial contains the following inscription: Beneath This Sod Lie The Remains Of Fifteen Black Union Army Soldiers Of The Civil War Who Shall Forever Remain Uknown To All But God. There are 15 of the small brass GAR markers inside the line of bricks behind this black stone marker. Also, an old barely readable small marker that says they were"moved from old cemetery". Click here for closer view of memorial, and here for close up of inscription. Click here for additional overview of memorial. The name of one of the fifteen soldiers has been discovered to be Shorter, John Freeman, 2nd Lieut. 55th Mass. Vol. INF, Civil War, 1841 - 1865.
Roush, Louis H., 1873 - 1955; Lillie E., 1884 - 1964 Louis H., 9 May, 1873 - 14 May, 1955. Lillie Elizabeth (Vigar) Roush, 12 June, 1884 - 4 Dec. 1964. She was my grandfather's cousin.
Sollace, Calvin T., born in Bridport. V., Nov. 15, 1820, died in Columbus O., Mar. 27, 1852
Vergon, F. P. Second close view A most unusual but beautiful memorial. It is about eight feet tall and eight feet wide, three dimensional and includes several birds in the branches.
Vigar, John Henry, b. 16 October, 1842, d. 29 April, 1910; Carrie Kay, b. 5 May, 1862, d. 25 December, 1913; Floyd K., their son, b. 27 December, 1900, d. 6 March, 1920 This is my great grand parents.
Vigar, Homer B., 1893 - 1969; May G., 1891 - 1975 These are my grandparents. Homer, 01 April 1893 - 12 Jan., 1969; Gertrude May Perry 9 Feb., 1891--10 Mar., 1975 She hated the name Gertrude, and once she was an adult, reversed her middle and first name. Was May G. Perry Vigar for the rest of her life.
Vigar, Pearl Francis, 15 May, 1888 - 20 March 1947; Hattie Bell, 19 August 1878 - 18 March, 1927; Alice Dowdel, 11 March 1884 - 09 Feb. 1941 This is my grandfathers brother, and the two wives he outlived. His third wife outlived him and buried him with his first two. view of surname on opposite side of memorial
Vigar, Edward E., 1886 - 1961; Amy F., 1891 - 1944; Raymond H., 1924 - 1925 Edward was an older brother to my grandfather, Homer Vigar. Edward 15 Jan., 1886 - 5 June, 1961; Amy (Fraker) Vigar, 4 Aug. 1891 - 30 May, 1944.
Vigar, Alice M., 1911 - 1982 27 May, 1911 - 17 Aug. 1982, Alice was a cousin to my grandfather, Homer Vigar, she never married.
Weiser, Frederick, died May 5, 1855, aged 78 yrs 6m & 16 ds Veteran of The War of 1812
Warline, In memory of Susannah, consort of Albright Warline who was born in Berks County, Pa. April 16, AD, 1760 & died in Delaware, Ohio Jan. 24 AD, 1844, aged 83years 9mo & 8days
Warline, In memory of Albright who was born in Northampton County, Pa. March 4, AD, 1762 & died in Delaware, Ohio July 3, AD, 1842, aged 80years 3mo & 29days
Williamson, Zoa M., 1890 - 1959; Merle G., 1890 - 1963 Merle George Williamson, 28 Mar. 1890 - 26 April, 1963. Zoe Mae (Vigar) Young Williamson, 13 Feb. 1890 - 2 Nov. 1959. Zoe is a cousin to my grandfather, Homer Vigar.
Young, E. Ross, 1890 - 1948; Zoa M., 1890 - 19__ Ernest Ross Young, 21 Apr. 1890 - 30 Jan., 1946. First husband of Zoe Mae (Vigar). Her name is on the tombstone, but she is buried with her second husband, about 200 feet east of this memorial. Zoe Mae was a cousin to my grandfather, Homer Vigar.
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