USGenWeb Archives
Carroll County, Missouri

Carroll County GenWeb Project

Carroll County Archives

Biographies Census Land Passports
Bible Records Court Records Marriages Photographs
Births Death Records Military Postcards
Books Deeds Newspapers Scrapbooks
Cemeteries . Obituaries Wills

Pre-1910 Births (L - M)

source: Missouri Digital Heritage

(return to A-Z)

Lach Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 14, 1883 Lach Simon M. Lauch Brenthra Thomas Detail
Lafferty Fairfield Carroll November 27, 1890 Lafferty A. S. Lafferty Nancy E. Davis Detail
Lakey Carroll Co. Carroll July 10, 1885 Lakey Jno. Lakey Mary E. Moran Detail
Lakey Washington Twp Carroll October 13, 1885 Lakey Miles B. Lakey Lucinda E. Odell Detail
Lance Carroll Co. Carroll May 20, 1888 Lance E. L. Lance Ida Cotton Detail
Lane Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 22, 1884 Lane Rob Lane Laura D. Brennan Detail
Lane Carrollton Carroll January 21, 1888 Lane Willim Lane Fannie Appleby Detail
Lane C. Mansur Combs Twp Carroll November 2, 1886 Lane Edwin Presly Lane Mary C Cinnamon Detail
Lane Rob Holloway Carrollton Carroll November 9, 1883 Lane Wm. Addison Lane Fannie Bell Apleby Detail
Lane William Allen Fairfield Twp Carroll February 5, 1884 Lane John Lane Hanna Rebecca Hogburn Detail
Langdon Ridge Carroll August 28, 1886 Langdon James Langdon A. Allen Detail
Lasley Washington Carroll October 26, 1890 Lasley Edgar M. Lasley Alice F. Barlow Detail
Laslie Turner Carroll February 21, 1885 Laslie B. B. Lasslie Mintie Lewis Detail
Laslie Badin Henry Ridge Carroll March 6, 1888 Laslie B. Laslie Mailer Lewis Detail
Lasslie Turner, Mo Carroll February 21, 1885 Lasslie B. B. Lasslie Mintie Lewis Detail
Laton Bertha S. Combs Twp Carroll October 13, 1883 Seaton James C. Seaton Elizabeth Frabaker Detail
Laue Carroll Co. Carroll March 21, 1889 Laue Robert Laue Laura Brememan Detail
Laur Carrollton Carroll May 3, 1890 Laur Robert Laur Laura Bonnard Detail
Lawrence Carrollton, Mo Carroll September 1, 1884 Lawrence Robt Wilson Lawrence Mary Susan Taggart Detail
Lease Washington Carroll April 22, 1892 Lease Edgar M. Lease Flora A. Barlow Detail
Leaton Livingstone Co. Carroll October 31, 1886 Leaton Clarence W. Leaton Sarah Jacobs Detail
Lebull Carroll Co., Mo Carroll April 1, 1884 Lebull James Lebull Olivea Lewis Detail
Lee E. Carrollton Carroll July 10, 1884 Lee Squire Lee Mary Lee Detail
Lee Carroll Co Carroll August 17 Lee John E. Lee Octavia E. Lee Detail
Lee Herschel Eugene Carroll August 17, 1888 Lee Albert Lee Ettie Wood Detail
Lees Bridge Creek Carroll January 13, 1884 Lees Hugh Lees Frances E. Clusholen Detail
leibert Carrollton Carroll October 12, 1888 Leibert James Leibert Ida Agee Detail
Leibert Carrollton Carroll September 28, 1886 Leibert James Leibert Ida Agee Detail
Lell DeWitt, Mo Carroll February 17, 1884 Lell Mathew Hubbord Lell Anna McKenney Detail
Lenard Fairfield Carroll February 1, 1888 Lenard Levi Lenard Leona Hogham Detail
Lenchman Trotter Township Carroll November 4, 1883 Lenchman William Lenchman Elizabeth Baker Detail
Lendinger Eugene City Carroll April 28, 1883 Lendinger C. Lendinger Mary J. Detail
Leonard Fairfield Carroll December 28, 1886 Leonard Levi Warner Leonard Lavina Hogburn Detail
Leonard Fairfield Carroll April 30, 1890 Leonard Levi Warren Leonard Lai??? Hoghes Detail
Leonard Rockford Carroll August 4, 1886 Leonard Ben Leonard Sue Renp Detail
Leonard Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 19, 1883 Leonard Ben Leonard Amanda J. Rencefer Detail
Leonard Nella Rosetta Fairfield Twp Carroll March 25, 1885 Leonard Levi Warren Leonard Lavian Hogbin Detail
Leopard Leslie Twp Carroll September 19, 1884 Leopard Silas Leopard Mary Tall Detail
Lepard Combs Twp Carroll April 6, 1885 Lepard James Monroe Lepard Eliza Jane Walker Detail
Lepencot Bridge Creek Carroll August 24, 1884 Lepencot Wm. Lepencot A. E. Monk Detail
Leppard Carrollton Carroll April 17, 1887 Leppard James Leppard Eliza J Wallren Detail
Leslie Miami Twp Carroll September 9, 1884 Leslie William W. Leslie Feby E. Hartman Detail
Leuibert Mabel Junette Norborne, Mo Carroll October 21, 1883 Luebird Anthony Luebert Cynthia S. Reed Detail
Levy Adolph Jacob Carrollton, Mo Carroll July 25, 1883 Levy Adam Levy Clara C. ? Detail
Lewis Carrollton, Mo Carroll October 6, 1884 Lewis Dennis Lewis Fannie Wilson Detail
Lewis Carroll Co. Carroll September 23, 1883 Lewis John H. Lewis Jane Ore Detail
Lewis Mo Carroll October 31, 1886 Lewis Dennis Lewis Mrs. Detail
Lewis Cherry Valley Carroll February 12, 1887 Lewis Lenton H. Lewis Madona A. Barnes Detail
Lewis Sugar Tree Twp Carroll May 11, 1885 Lewis H. S. Lewis Madora A. Barnes Detail
Lewis Henry B. Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 2, 1883 Lewis Sinlen Lewis Madora A. Barmes Detail
Lewis Jonas Carroll February 10, 1888 Lewis William Lewis Eliazabeth Howells Detail
Lightfoot Bosworth Carroll February 2, 1890 Lightfoot Aaron Lightfoot Martha Peck Detail
Lightfoot Bosworth Carroll February 2, 1890 Lightfoot Aaron Lightfoot Martha Peck Detail
Lightfoot Combs Carroll November 12, 1887 Lightfoot Thomas Lightfoot Sallie Detail
Lightfoote Ridge Twp Carroll December 2, 1884 Lightfoote Eli Lightfoot Eva Slena Detail
Lightte Leslie Twp Carroll September 12, 1885 Lightte Benj Lightte Margaret E. Wagy Detail
Lilly Carroll Co. Carroll February 12, 1892 Lilly Thos. Henry Lilly Lucinda Deaver Detail
Lilly Carroll Co. Carroll October 4, 1889 Lilly Thomas H. Lilly xx Detail
Lilly Carrollton Twp Carroll February 10 Lilly Thos H. Lilly Scinda Deanen Detail
Lindsay Henry Deigh Carrollton Carroll September 26, 1886 Lindsay George T Lindsay Laura G. Diegle Detail
Lindsey Carrollton Carroll September 26, 1886 Lindsey George T. Lindsey Laura G. Deigle Detail
Lindsey Joseph O. Carroll Co Carroll June 20, 1884 Lindsay John C. Lindsay Wineford Winiford Detail
Linngren Fairfield Carroll April 23, 1893 Linngren John L. Linngren Annie L. Carlson Detail
Linngren Fairfield Carroll April 25, 1893 Linngren John L. Linngren Annie L. Carlson Detail
Linngren Fairfield Carroll May 25, 1893 Linngren xx Linngren Ida Carlson Detail
Linny Laura Lena Wakenda, Mo Carroll April 27 Linney John Linney Narcissus Montgomery Detail
Linville Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 1, 1884 Linville Wm. L. Linville Elleda F. Glaze Detail
Linville Prairie Twp Carroll November 16, 1884 Linville Wm Linville Lidie Glaze Detail
Littlepage Combs Carroll November 19, 1888 Littlepage Hayden Littlepage Ser?ia Linton Detail
Littlepager Combs Carroll February 16, 1887 Littlepager Hayden Littlepager Cissy E Leaton Detail
Lockridge Carroll Co., Mo Carroll April 17, 1884 Lockridge Henry C. Lockridge Angeline Williams Detail
Logan E Carrollton Carroll June 19, 1885 Logan James F. M. Logan Josephine W. Simpson Detail
Long Cherry Valley Carroll June 28, 1889 Long Jas. C. Long Fannie Barnes Detail
Long Cherry Valley Carroll March 26, 1886 Long James C Long Fannie M. Barnes Detail
Long blank Carroll May 2, 1886 Long Peter Long Susan Detail
Long Carroll Co. Carroll February 27, 1888 Long Chas Long Liza Swopes Detail
Long Prairie Twp Carroll September 30 Long Peter Long Susan Post Detail
Long Clifon Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 19, 1883 Long James C. Long Fanny M. Barnes Detail
Long Montie E. Maudeville Carroll June 1, 1884 Long Martin Oliver Long Sarah S. T? Detail
Loos Carroll Co. Carroll July 3, 1888 Loos G. F. Loos Mary R. Denger Detail
Loudenback Carrollton, Mo Carroll December 20, 1884 Loudenback Peter Loudenback Ella Detail
Lovelee Norborne Carroll March 4, 1890 Lovelee J. T. Lovelee Susan Mersaer Detail
Lovell Norborne Carroll March 10, 1888 Lovell Thos J. Lovell Susan E. Messer Detail
Lovell Thomas Norborne, Mo Carroll December 8, 1884 Lovell J. Thomas Lovell Susan Musser Detail
Lovelle Egypt Twp Carroll December 23, 1889 Lovelle Ben W. Lovelle Mary Munson Detail
Lozier Norborne Carroll August 12, 1888 Lozier James Lozier Hennrietta Bowland Detail
Lozier Norborne, Mo Carroll May 11, 1884 Lozier Hezikiah Lozier Henrietta Logier Detail
Lubeyrine Egypt Twp Carroll January 25, 1885 Lubeyrine Ernest Lubeyrine Bernice Detail
Lucas Hurricane Carroll March 3, 1890 Lucas Preston Brooks Calhoun Lucas Alenidia Shive Detail
Lucas Combs Twp Carroll October 6, 1885 Lucas Sterling Price Lucas Eddie Rose Briggs Detail
Lueder Carroll Co. Mo Carroll January 30, 1884 Lueder xx Lueder xx Detail
Luking James Blair Norborne, Mo Carroll May 11, 1885 Luking Martin Luther, Jr. Luking Virginia Meeks Detail
Lukinzy Clara Norborne Carroll November 3, 1883 Lukinzy Martin Luther Lukinzy Virginia Mucks Detail
Lungreen John Oscar Fairfield Twp Carroll September 7, 1883 Lungreen John Lungreen Anna Carlson Detail
Lutz Carrollton Carroll January 2, 1887 Lutz Joseph H. Lutz Hardosin Widen Detail
Lutz Cherry Valley Carroll October 11, 1889 Lutz F. M. Lutz Lide Henry Detail
Lutz Cherry Valley Township Carroll July 1, 1883 Lutz Joseph H. Lutz Theodosia Ander Detail
Lutz Carroll Co., Mo Carroll August 31, 1883 Lutz Frederick Lutz Eliza Henry Detail
Lutz Grover Cleveland Cherry Valley Carroll November 25, 1885 Lutz Fred M. Lutz Eliza Heiney Detail
Lybarger Fannie May White Rock Carroll April 1, 1885 Lybarger Augustus Lybarger Charlotte McClanahan Detail
Lyon Washington Carroll August 3, 1888 Lyon R. E. Lyon Corah E. Keno Detail
Lyon Laura Murtale Washington Twp Carroll August 30, 1885 Lyon Wm. Otis Lyon Mary Ellen Dale Detail
Lyons Bosworth Carroll May 29, 1889 Lyons Thomas Lyons xx Brammer Detail
Lyons Ridge Carroll September 13, 1885 Lyons Thos. Lyons Carry Brahmer Detail
Lyons Bosworth Carroll May 29, 1889 Lyons Thomas Lyons Laura Branner Detail
Lyons Washington Twp Carroll March 8, 1884 Lyons William Otis Lyons Mary Ellen Detail
M. Carroll Co Carroll February 15, 1884 M. James Murlens Alknois Detail
Mabray Washington Carroll January 17, 1886 Mabray Leonides Mabray Phllyenemette Scott Detail
Maconbrie Carrollton, Mo Carroll March 20, 1884 Maconbrie Arthur E. Maconbrie Laura Banester Detail
Madison Norborne Carroll January 27, 1887 Madison Spencer Madison Mary Patton Detail
Madison Isam Boscoe Norborne, Mo Carroll January 7, 1884 Madison Spencer Madison Mary Patton Detail
Magaman Carroll Co. Carroll February 5, 1888 x Magaman Louisa Horning Detail
Maldon Combs Twp Carroll January 12, 1884 Malden John Catharine Malden Mary Catherine M? Detail
Malunty Wakenda Twp Carroll July 1, 1885 Malunty Lewis Linney Annie Malurly Detail
Maness Carrollton Carroll April 23, 1890 Maness T. W. Maness Lovie Dysart Detail
Manley George Walter Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 13, 1883 Wooly James Cullin Wooly Mahaley Elizabeth Mahaley Detail
Manson Ridge Carroll December 28, 1888 Manson Geo. Manson Mary Thompson Detail
Marc Charles Edison Leslie Twp Carroll December 27, 1883 Marc Edward Newton Marc Tabitha E. Sabastian Detail
Marci West Hale Carroll June 9, 1884 Marci Franklin J. Marie Rebeca E. Dearing Detail
Maries Hill Twp Carroll March 6, 1884 Maries Thomas Maries Emma H Wooden Detail
Markham Sugar Tree Carroll February 30, 1890 Markham Wm. C. Markham Lotha Fannon Detail
Markham Sugar Tree Carroll July 6, 1886 Markham Wm. C Markham Shelatta Farmer Detail
Markhuen Sugar Tree Twp Carroll January 17, 1884 Markhuen William C. Markhuen Sharlotta M. Markhuen Detail
Markswell Dua Carroll June 12, 1884 Markswell Wm. Markswell Bell Gunn Detail
Marlin Kate Norborne, Mo Carroll August 4, 1884 Martin Byron Burris Martin Kate Charlton Detail
Marple Carroll August 20, 1889 Marple J. F. Marple Jane Christmas Detail
Marple Hill Twp Carroll February 11, 1884 Marple Joseph D. Marple Ella L. Overton Detail
Marples Leslie Twp Carroll June 26, 1884 Marples J. W. Marples Mary J. Walston Detail
Marsh Washington Carroll April 1, 1888 Marsh Samuel Marsh Ida I. Smith Detail
Marshal Carrollton Carroll January 10, 1888 Marshal James M. Marshal Mahala Jame Black Detail
Marshall Carrollton Carroll March 18, 1889 Marshall Tjos Marshall Evaline Jackson Detail
Marshall Cherry Valley Carroll December 8, 1886 Marshall Samuel Marshall Clara A. Vaurauselear Detail
Marshall Carrollton Carroll October 2, 1890 Marshall Thadeus Marshall Almyra Smith Detail
Marshall Carrollton Carroll December 12, 1889 Marshall Thomas Marshall Nellie Turner Detail
Marshall Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 23, 1883 Marshall James Marshall Clementine Cunningham Detail
Martin Carroll Co. Carroll March 12, 1887 Martin Samule Martin Emily Jane Hoyt Detail
Martin Cherry Valley Carroll August 17, 1886 Martin C. C. Martin Kesiah Hill Detail
Martin Cherry Valley Twp Carroll April 13 Martin Christopher C. Martin Kesiah A. Hill Detail
Martin Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 29, 1883 Martin xx xx Nauer Detail
Martin Carroll Co., Mo Carroll August 20, 1883 Martin xx Barbara Mattie Wood Detail
Martin Maggie Norborne Carroll August 4, 1884 Bartin Byrone B. Martin Kate Charlton Detail
Martindale Rockford Twp Carroll August 4, 1886 Martindale James Martindale Zera Magee Detail
Massenard Floyd South Carrollton Carroll January 3, 1884 Wagoner Charles G. Wagoner Fannie May Wagoner Detail
Mathans Rosa E. DeWitt Carroll November 21, 1885 Mathans Wm. D. Mathans Sarah E. Jones Detail
Mather Carrollton, MO Carroll October 31 Mather Edmund Mather Emma Briggs Detail
Mathis Standish, Mo. Carroll April 24, 1890 Mathis Fred G Mathis Laura Gray Detail
Mathis Rose Carroll Co., Mo Carroll August 28, 1883 Mathis Andrew Mathis Desia Kramer Detail
Mattex Kattie Pearl Miles Point, Mo Carroll December 11, 1883 Mattox Robert R. Mattox Minnie Catharine Ke? Detail
May George Miami Twp Carroll October 13, 1883 May Jesse H. May Kattie David Detail
McAlister Basley Carroll September 15, 1886 McAlister Brad McAlister Malinda Brown Detail
McAlister Mo, Carroll Co Carroll August 1, 1884 McAlister Bradford McAlister Malinda Brown Detail
McBee Ollie Emmet Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 9, 1885 McBee James McBee Roeanh Fowler Detail
McCain Hurricane Twp Carroll December 2, 1883 McCain Millard McCain Mary Higginbottom Detail
McCall Stokes Mound Carroll April 23 McCall Andrew J. McCall Angeline McClain Detail
McCall Coloma Carroll April 25 McCall J. G. McCall M. A. Wood Detail
McCall Coloma, Mo Carroll April 25 McCall J. G. McCall M. A. Wood Detail
McCarroll Washington Carroll November 21, 1887 McCarroll Levi M. McCarroll Rachel E??? Detail
McCart Carrollton Carroll March 12, 1889 McCart Jas. Madison McCart Anna Belle Willard Detail
McCenroe Carrollton Carroll July 5, 1886 McEnroe Jas. McEnroe Gillie S. Linsey Detail
McClain Van Horn Carroll April 30, 1884 McClain W. R. McClain Mary F. Mitchell Detail
McClanahan Carrollton Carroll December 10, 1887 McClanahan James Wm. McClanahan Etta F. Fisk Detail
McClanahan Carrollton, Mo Carroll February 4, 1884 McClanahan Robert H. Clanahan Ella Belle Dankle Detail
McClanahan Carrollton, Mo Carroll March 3, 1885 McClanahan Robt H. McClanahan Ella B. Dunkle Detail
McClanahan Combs Twp Carroll March 20, 1885 McClanahan James W. McClanahan Ellie Fisk Detail
McClanahan John Henry Wakenda Carroll April 25, 1888 McClanahan James McClanahan Ida Maning Detail
McClelland Dollie Augusta Carroll Co Carroll October 9 McClelland Hugh McClelland Burnice Albert Detail
McClure Charles Tina, Mo Carroll January 26, 1885 McClune James McClune Lilly Ann Plunkett Detail
McComber Maria Jane Eugene, Mo Carroll November 4, 1883 McCumber W. H. McCumber Maria Jane Ball Detail
McCombs Wakenda Carroll August 5, 1889 McCombs Ed. McCombs Buline H. Rigor Detail
McConbry Sugar Tree Carroll March 6, 1886 McConbry James Robt. McConbry Elcilla Frances Coffeet Detail
McConnell James A. Wakenda, Mo Carroll November 16, 1883 McConnell Jas B. McConnell Mary Louise Barber Detail
McCorkle Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 29, 1884 McCorkle James E. McCorkle Lousea W. Wright Detail
McCorkle Carroll Co. Carroll April 24, 1887 McCorkle Jos. E. McCorkle Laura Wright Detail
McCourell Lysuan Norborne, Mo Carroll October 21, 1883 McConnell James Napoleon McConnell Mary Bell Shaw Detail
McCuistan Prairie Twp Carroll October 5, 1885 McCuistan John H. McCuistan Mary Jane Woolard Detail
McDaniel Combs Twp Carroll January 8, 1885 x McDaniel Mina Kugur Detail
McDaniels Livingston Co. Carroll August 16, 1888 McDaniels James McDaniels Emma Knox Detail
McElfresh Carrollton Carroll October 5, 1885 McElfresh Samuel J. McElfresh Cora Mathias Detail
McElfresh Carrollton Carroll October 5, 1886 McElfresh S. J. McElfresh Cora mathias Detail
McElum Clione Carroll December 3, 1886 McElum Lyman McElum Sasulu Case Detail
McEnroe Carrollton Carroll July 5, 1886 McEnroe Jas. M. McEnroe Gillie S. Lindsay Detail
McEural Carrollton Carroll May 21, 1885 McEural James McEural Sallie G. Lindsay Detail
McGrail Trotter Carroll February 28, 1886 McGrail Patrick McGrail Maggie Hastings Detail
McGrail Martha Carroll Co. Carroll October 20, 1888 McGrail Patrick W. McGrail Margaret Hastings Detail
McGuire Sugar Tree Twp Carroll April 19, 1884 McGuire Jas Irend xx Skaggs Detail
McGuire Walter Carrollton, Mo Carroll December 26, 1883 McGuire Thomas McGuire Virgina Austin Detail
McIlvoy Wakenda Carroll June 12, 1886 McIlvoy J. E. McIlvoy Rilda Scott Detail
McIlvoy Carrollton Carroll December 27, 1889 McIlvoy Jas. Edwin McIlvoy Matilda M. Scott Detail
McIntyre Norborne Carroll May 15, 1884 xx xx xx Detail
McIntyre Minnie Marie Carrollton, Mo Carroll February 26, 1884 McIntyre William McIntyre Jane Hiepel Detail
McKenney James Sherman Carroll Co. Carroll November 18, 1887 McKenney James K. McKenney Sarah E Randolph Detail
McKensey DeWitt, Mo Carroll January 16, 1884 McKensey Anthony McKensey Lula Gunn Detail
McKinsey Jno. Blain Combs Twp Carroll January 30, 1885 McKinsey Curtis McKinsey Matilda Stewart Detail
McKnown Carroll Co., Mo Carroll January 11, 1884 McKnown John McKnown Kate Detail
McLaury Van Horn Carroll February 15, 1884 McLaury David A. McLaury Laura E. Bartlett Detail
McLeod Noah Harvy Fairfield Twp Carroll February 25, 1885 McLeod Sumner Hymn McLeod Mary Ann Shirley Detail
McLevy Maudeville Carroll February 24, 1884 McLevy John T. McLevy Emma P. Callandingham Detail
McNally Hale, Mo Carroll January 15, 1886 McNally Henry McNally Rox Gibson Detail
McNaught Nellie Norborne, Mo Carroll November 25, 1884 McNaught Wm. Henry McNaught Mary Josephine Beall Detail
McNear Norborne Carroll no date, 1890 McNear Oscar McNear Bell Lippincott Detail
McNown Carrollton Carroll February 12, 1890 McNown John J. McNown Catherine Wilson Detail
McNown Carrollton Carroll March 12, 1888 McNown John J. McNown Catherine Wilson Detail
McNown Crooked River Carroll April 6, 1889 McNown Wm McNown Susana Berry Detail
McQueen Cherry Valley Carroll June 7, 1890 McQueen Wm. P. McQueen Pernsa Cole Detail
McQueen Carrollton Carroll January 15, 1887 McQueen Geo. Howard McQueen Susan Eliza More Detail
McQueen Miles Point Carroll March 8, 1888 McQueen Wm. P McQueen Tereca Colz Detail
McQueen Victor Norborne, Mo Carroll December 17, 1884 McQueen Wm. Pendelton McQueen Parmelia A. Asle Detail
McRoberts Carrollton Carroll May 7, 1890 McRoberts John M. McRoberts Harriett M. Clark Detail
McWilliams Lulu Lodema Mo, Carroll Co Carroll August 17, 1884 McWilliams Thomas B. Anisi Sarah Sadler Detail
Meagher Carrollton, MO Carroll August 5, 1884 Meagher Phillip Meagher Mary E. Raines Detail
Medlin Combs Twp Carroll March 13, 1885 Medlin A. B. Medlin Dorcas J. Scott Detail
Meehan Norborne Carroll August 16, 1884 xx xx Meehan Mary Murry Detail
Meier Wakenda Carroll December 6, 1885 Meier Chas. A. Meier Lorella A. Page Detail
Meinecke Hill Twp Carroll August 12, 1885 Meinecke Wm. F. Meinecke Martha Jane Marples Detail
Meitz Carroll Co. Carroll November 15, 1885 Meitz Buck Meitz Bell Brock Detail
Menicke Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 15, 1883 Menicke John Menicke xx Detail
Mennake Leslie Twp Carroll February 5, 1884 Mennake William Mennake Martha J. Marple Detail
Mennis Maude Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 20, 1884 Mennis Henry Mennis Olie G. Snuthpeter Detail
Mennis May Carroll Co., Mo Carroll July 20, 1884 Mennis Henry Mennis Olie G. Snuthpeter Detail
Merchant Alice Washington Carroll July 31, 1888 Merchant David E. Merchant Eva T. Lesly Detail
Merchant Ethel Mary Plymouth Carroll September 26, 1889 Merchant George Andrew Merchant xx Detail
Merchant Lena Plymouth Carroll April 5, 1888 Merchant Geo. A. Merchant Manah Batchelor Detail
Merrell Nellie Florence Wakenda Carroll April 28, 1884 Merrell Wm. H. Merrell Emma E. Thompson Detail
Metcalf Bertie Elvira Van Hom Twp Carroll October 23, 1883 Metcalf John Richard Metcalf Julia Elizabeth Northcut Detail
Meyer Combs Carroll March 12, 1886 Meyer Wm. A. Meyer Nancy V. Houseworth Detail
Meyer Lovie Angio Combs Twp Carroll June 13, 1884 Meyers Wm. A. Meyers Nancy Virginia Houseworth Detail
Meyers Frederick Phillip Carrollton Carroll November 26, 1885 Meyers Henry Meyer Mary Steffer Detail
Miles Prairie Twp Carroll June 13, 1888 Miles Charles Miles Lizzie Floumey Detail
Miles Prairie Twp Carroll July 25, 1890 Miles Chas. S. Miles Lizzie Flournory Detail
Miles DeWitt Carroll April 27, 1888 Miles Eli Spencer Miles Jennie A. Craig Detail
Miles Arthur Hutten Combs Twp Carroll December 8, 1883 Miles E. F. Miles Elza?? Whittey Detail
Miller Eugene Carroll February 18, 1889 Miller Allen J. Miller Lida A. Wilgress Detail
Miller Tina Carroll September 19, 1892 Miller Jas. B. Miller Jennie Kendrick Detail
Miller DeWitt Carroll May 25, 1886 Miller Eli Spencer Miller Jennie Allen Craig Detail
Miller Carroll Co. Carroll May 3, 1884 Miller Allen J. Miller Lydian Wilgers Detail
Miller Compton Twp Carroll November 7, 1883 Miller James Miller Bertha Wilson Detail
Miller Leslie Twp, Mo Carroll June 28, 1884 Miller Charles E. Miller Louisa C. Hausman Detail
Miller Tina Prct Carroll March 21, 1885 Miller Thos Jefferson Miller Alva Mary Irish Detail
Miller South Carrollton Carroll January 28, 1885 Miller Abe Virginia Mary Combs Detail
Miller Tina precnt Carroll May 21, 1885 Miller Barnet Wesley Miller Hattie Green Detail
Miller Andrew Carrollton, Mo Carroll October 5, 1885 Miller Theodore Miller Ruth J. Adkins Detail
Miller Clarence Frederick Tina Prct Carroll July 11, 1885 Miller Carl Frederick Miller Ann Goulson Detail
Miller John William Wakenda, Mo Carroll December 20, 1883 Miller Wm. J. Miller Martha Bell Muth Detail
Miller Karl Henrich Wilhelm blank Carroll January 13, 1890 Miller David Miller Mana Paas Detail
Miller Luther Carrollton, Mo Carroll February 3, 1884 Miller Theodore Miller Ruth J. Adkins Detail
Miller Viola Dush Residence Carroll July 19, 1883 Miller W. H. Miller Susan M. Morris Detail
Millhouse Leslie Twp Carroll September 15, 1884 Millhouse Jon Millhouse Elizabeth Warnbeck Detail
Mills Wakenda Carroll June 7, 1884 Mills Martin F. Mills Alice Detail
Mills Stokes M. Twp Carroll August 25, 1884 Mills George W. Mills Nancy J. Torben Detail
Mills Wakenda Carroll September 3 Mills Martin L. Mills Alice Sines Detail
Miner Mabel Minerva Carroll Co. Mo Carroll November 19, 1883 Meier Charles Albert Meier Lovetta K. Page Detail
Minick Carrollton, Mo Carroll February 3, 1885 Minick John L. Minick Mary A. Campbell Detail
Miniers Carroll Co. Carroll December 10, 1887 Miniers Lee Miniers Lela Hitcher Detail
Minnis Carrollton Carroll March 27, 1888 Minnis Henry Minnis Olivia V. D. Smithpeter Detail
Minns Trotter Carroll June 20, 1888 Minns Francis Minns Joan Smith Detail
Mittler Edward Bruce Carrollton Carroll November 4, 1888 Mittler Levi M. Mittler Elizabeth Moore Detail
Mobley Miami Twp Carroll January 30, 1885 Mobley Sidney Allen Mobley Sarah E. Damron Detail
Moer Carroll Co. Carroll October 4, 1886 Moer Henry Moer Charlotte Weber Schurn Detail
Mollett Hale Twp Carroll July 28, 1884 Mollett I. A. Mollet Julie Owens Detail
Monacle Tina Carroll September 17 Monacle M. F. Monacle E. B. Fox Detail
Moncus Carrollton Carroll February 23, 1887 Moncus James E. Moncus Ann Winfrey Detail
Monical Ridge Twsp Carroll December 23, 1883 Monical H. H. Monical Eliza Norton Detail
Monical Prairie Twp Carroll July 30, 1883 Monical George Monical Susan Brorlis Detail
Monicle Tina Carroll November 4 Monicle H. Monicle Elza Norton Detail
Monson Hurricane Carroll May 2, 1890 Monson Wm. H. Monson Eva L. Bowers Detail
Montaine Carrollton, Mo Carroll January 21, 1884 Montaine Green Montaine Emeline Wilson Detail
Monteen Combs Twp Carroll April 27, 1885 Monteen Taylor Monteen Avy Johnson Detail
Montgomery Wakenda Carroll November 13, 1885 Montgomery David Montgomery Emily Murphy Detail
Montgomery Mary E. Wakenda Carroll December 16, 1884 Montgomery David Montgomery Emily Murphy Detail
Montman Cherry Valley Carroll December 5, 1889 Montman August Montman Carry Berwinner Detail
Montman Cherry Valley Carroll February, 1891 Montman August Montman Carry Detail
Moore Hurricane Carroll February 4, 1889 Moore Tom A. Moore Mary A. Whiting Detail
Moore Carrollton, Mo Carroll May 16, 1885 Moore John Moore Martha Nelson Detail
Moore Susan C. Combs Carroll November 5, 1886 Moore Virginius L. Moore Martha Tolle Detail
Moore Willie Carrollton, Mo Carroll June 28 Moore Elliott Harris Vina E. Detail
Moorman James Lord Davis Twp, Caldwell Co., Mo Carroll September 5, 1885 Moorman Laban Faster Moorman Eliza Hale Detail
Morgan Henry L. Plymoth Carroll May 21, 1884 Morgan George M. Morgan Maggie Detail
Morris blank Carroll October 20, 1890 Morris George Morris Nancy Reyburn Detail
Morris Carrollton Carroll January 30, 1886 Morris Robt Morris Martha H. Lewis Detail
Morris Carrollton Carroll May 13, 1888 Morris Thos Richard Morris Mary Caroline Wilson Detail
Morris Norborne Carroll February 8, 1888 x Morris Alice Detail
Morris Carrollton Carroll June 19, 1889 Moris Theo Wm., Jr. Moris Lenileoto McIlvoy Detail
Morris Carroll Township Carroll June 12, 1884 Morris Rob Morris Anna Lewis Detail
Morris Clune, Mo Carroll June 23, 1884 Morris George T. Morris Nora Lee Greswald Detail
Morris Near Clune Carroll June 28, 1884 Morris George T. Morris Nora L. Greswald Detail
Morris Coloma Carroll January 17, 1885 Morris Thomas R. Morris Mollie C. Wilson Detail
Morris Tina Carroll February 15, 1885 Morris Thomas Jackson Mooris Elwina Neir Detail
Morris Earnest Carrollton, Mo Carroll April 6, 1884 Morris John Morris Frances Ella Robey Detail
Morrow Carrollton, Mo Carroll March 22, 1885 Morrow Albert L. Morrow Luvine A. Squires Detail
Morteen Lilly C Carroll Co., Mo Carroll December 28, 1884 Moreteen Jay Moreteen Hanna Muse Detail
Mos Norborne Carroll April 16, 1884 xx xx xx Detail
Mosely George Giorus Bogard Carroll July 7 Mosely George Barelay Mosely Lillie King Detail
Moses Ros Coloma Carroll November 15, 1883 Ros Geo T. Ros Isabella McClury Detail
Mossbarger Mandeville Carroll December 5, 1886 Mossbarger ? Mossbarger Jane Harforil Detail
Mossbarger Maudeville Carroll October 27, 1884 Mossbarger Thomas J. Francois Jemmea Harford Detail
Movel Combs Carroll February 9, 1887 Movel Jno. H. Movel Dora Wilson Detail
Mueller Carroll Co. Carroll April 23, 1888 Mueller Wm. Mueller Lotta Brunner Detail
Mueller Marion August Otto Egypt Twp Carroll May 23, 1894 Mueller Daniel Mueller Mary Broz Detail
Munay Carrollton, MO Carroll December 7, 1884 Murray Jesse Murry Mercy M. Tolmer Detail
Murphy Carroll February 4, 1887 Murphy Jesse Murphy M. Adams Detail
Murphy Livingstone Co. Carroll October 31, 1885 x Murphy Catharine Ingalls Detail
Murphy Wakenda, Mo Carroll November 27 Murphy William D. Murphy Martha E. Brown Detail
Murphy Cora Mirtle Carroll October 19, 1883 Murphy Francis Marion Murphy Mary Ethel Bell Kergin Detail
Murphy Maudie May Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 10, 1883 Murphy Imee William Murphy Ida Warren Detail
Murray Bosworth Carroll December 13, 1888 Murray Wesley Murray Sarah Brown Detail
Murray Carroll Co. Carroll August 2, 1886 Murray Elbert Murray Emma Cox Detail
Murry Carroll March 22, 1884 Murry Wesley Murray Sally Brown Detail
Murry Bruce Levy Ridge Twp Carroll August 15, 1884 Murry John Allen Murry Emma Cox Detail
Musser Moss Creek Twp Carroll February 16, 1884 Musser John Musser Elza Harper Detail
Musser Mattie Jane Norborne, Mo Carroll December 23, 1883 Musser Bennit S. Musser Rebecca E. Lubler Detail
Mutter Chas. Wesley Carrollton Carroll December 1, 1885 Mutter Levi Muiller Mutter Mary Elizabeth Moore Detail
Myers Egypt Twp Carroll July 15, 1884 Myers Jacob Nicholas Myers Jennie Frances Bowman Detail
Myers Mattie Washington Carroll October 7, 1886 Myers Frederick Myers Mary A. Johns Detail

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