USGenWeb Archives
Carroll County, Missouri

Carroll County GenWeb Project

Carroll County Archives

Biographies Census Land Passports
Bible Records Court Records Marriages Photographs
Births Death Records Military Postcards
Books Deeds Newspapers Scrapbooks
Cemeteries . Obituaries Wills

Pre-1910 Births (G - H)

source: Missouri Digital Heritage

(return to A-Z)

Gale Carrollton Carroll February 7, 1887 Gale Charles Gale Anna Appleby Detail
Gallagher Compton Twp Carroll September 29, 1883 Gallagher William Galliher Frank Kidwell Detail
Gallaher Hurricane Carroll June 2, 1887 Gallaher John R. Gallaher Jane Glenn Detail
Gann Ridge Carroll November 27, 1885 Gann Joe Gann Lizzie Linville Detail
Garber Ridge Carroll December 9, 1885 Garber Isaac Garber Rusia Haley Detail
Garber Isaac Ridge Carroll March 3, 1889 Garber Isaac Garber Rushia Waylie Detail
Garber Sara Ellen Compbs Twp Carroll November 19, 1883 Garbor Thomas Young Garbor Flora Zell Brgles Detail
Gardner Prairie Twp Carroll November 11, 1885 Gardner Wm. T Gardner Mary E. Clemens Detail
Garteer Comtes Carroll June 21, 1885 Garteer Sal. B. Garteer Missouri E. Scott Detail
Garten Carroll Co, Mo Carroll November 8, 1883 Garten Geo xx Butcher Detail
Gartner/Gaston Elizabeth Ruth Carrollton Carroll August 22, 1885 Gartner James C. Gartner Mary Minerva Burk Detail
Gasuel Rockford Carroll May 16, 1886 Gasuel Alfred Gasuel Mattie Winfrey Detail
Gaunt Nevella May Carroll April 6, 1884 Gaunt John A. Gaunt L. J. Colem Detail
Gentry George Thomas Hurricane Twp Carroll March 30 Gentry John W. Gentry Mica E. Cooper Detail
George Carroll Co. Carroll December 18, 1887 George Robert George Mattie Miller Detail
George Jno Plymouth Carroll January 20, 18987 George William G. George Savannah Bishop Detail
George Leslie R. Carroll Co. Carroll August 19, 1889 Robert George George Mattie Roberts Miller Detail
Gerlach Norborne Carroll November 30, 1888 Gerlach Charles Gerlach Lena Gaber Detail
Gerling Albert Wakenda Carroll November 4, 1888 Gerling Chas. Gerling Kate Riske Detail
Gesling Carroll Co. Carroll June 22, 1887 Gesling Chas. Herman Gesling Catharine Ricke Detail
Gibbs Howard Hill Twp Carroll October 24, 1884 Gibbs Joseph E. Gibbs Mary E. Hall Detail
Gibson Carroll March 5th Gibson James H. Gibson Elza E. Winfrey Detail
Gibson Hannah Anna Residence Carroll July 8, 1884 Gibson Wm. M. Gibson Margaret J. Stephenson Detail
Gilbert Hill Twp., Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 4, 1883 Gilbert xx xx Detail
Giles Laura Norborne Carroll May 14, 1889 Giles Frank Giles Licinda Duncan Detail
Gillett Cherry Valley Carroll January 21, 1888 Gillett Albert Gillett Elizabeth Boils Detail
Gilliam Hurricane Carroll April 24, 1887 Gilliam A. W. Gilliam Mary Porter Detail
Gilliland Maudeville Carroll October 4, 1883 Gilliland James H. Gilliland Nancy Jane Whitmore Detail
Gillispie Ridge Twp Carroll January 11, 1885 Gillispie Warren Gillispie Mary French Detail
Gilwath Combs Carroll December 21, 1887 Gilwath Cougrous Gilwath May L. Settles Detail
Gipson Moss Creek Twp Carroll November 16, 1884 Gipson Benjamin G. Ellen Susan Maslin Detail
Gittings Hiull Carroll November 28, 1888 Gittings John F. Gittings Margaret T. Stemm Detail
Glaze Carroll Co Carroll August 20, 1884 Glaze F. Bruce Glaze Ella O'Neal Detail
Glick Plymouth Carroll March 3, 1887 Glick John A. Glick Isabella Paul Detail
Glick Carroll Co. Carroll July 31, 1889 Glick Leroy Glick Charity B. Meadow Detail
Glick Beulah E. Plymouth Carroll December 1, 1888 Glick John A. Glick Isabele Pond Detail
Godsey Norborne Carroll September 27, 1892 Godsey A. T Godsey S. F. Hasley Detail
Godsey Tina Carroll October 19, 1892 Godsey John Godsey Cora Ellsworth Detail
Godwin Carrollton, Mo Carroll December 7, 1884 Godwin David B. Godwin Lulu Mary Sander Detail
Golispie Ridge Carroll March 8, 1889 Golispie Warren Golispie Mary Frich Detail
Gooch Near Hale, Carroll Co Carroll March 25, 1885 Gooch Sanford A. Gooch Mary Ann Yeager Detail
Goodbar Ada DeWitt, Mo Carroll December 25, 1883 Goodban James W. Goodban Caroline Bitterson Detail
Goodheart Forrest Washington Carroll August 27, 1889 Goodheart Martin Goodheart Lillian B. Wright Detail
Goodman Lena Wakenda, Mo Carroll December 13, 1884 Goodman Joseph Goodman Emiline Thompson Detail
Goodson Carroll Co. Carroll December 4, 1888 Goodson Cary Goodson Sarah T. Trotter Detail
Goodson Carrollton, Mo Carroll October 13, 1883 Goodson James R. Goodson Annie Williams Detail
Goodson Carroll Co., Mo Carroll October 28, 1884 Goodson Cary Goodson Sarah F. Trotter Detail
Goodson Trotter Twp Carroll February 5, 1884 Goodson Wm. T. Goodson Lousia Schneder Detail
Goodson Leslie Twp Carroll January 15, 1885 Goodson Jno C. Goodson Ann M. Walker Detail
Goodwin Rockford Carroll April 4, 1888 Goodwin Cass Goodwin Mrs. Detail
Gordan Norborne Carroll November 1, 1889 Gordan James B. Gordan Laura J. Dieterich Detail
Gordon DeWitt, Mo Carroll February 20, 1884 Gordon Franklin P. Gordon Anna Ruckel Detail
Gordska Wakenda Carroll July 31, 1888 Gordska Geo. G. Gordska Marnie C. Deffner Detail
Gorman Carroll Co. Carroll February 27, 1887 Gorman Charles Gorman Jennie Ryan Detail
Gosnell Carroll August 15, 1887 Gosnell Alfred Gosnell Mattie Winfrey Detail
Gosnell Bosworth Carroll March 16, 1888 Gosnell Cyrus Gosnell Effie Benjamin Detail
Gosnell Rockford Carroll October 30, 1888 Gosnell Alfred Gosnell Mattie Winfrey Detail
Gosnell Rockford Twp Carroll December 8, 1884 Gosnell Alph Gosnell Martha Winfrey Detail
Gosnell James Wakenda Carroll September 28, 1884 Gosnell Wm. J. Gosnell Frances M. McClanahan Detail
Gosnell Laura Bosworth Carroll March 11, 1890 Gosnell Alfred Alphens Gosnell Mattie Martha Winfrey Detail
Gosning Arthy Compton Twp Carroll September 1, 1884 Gossing John B. Gossing Lucinda Wallace Detail
Gould Shootman, Carroll Co. Carroll May 25 Gould Benjamin F. Gould Lusinda Fisk Detail
Gourd Carroll July Gourd xx York S. Strickwell Detail
Graber Annie Norborne Carroll January 16, 1894 Graber Wm. Graber Margaret Stemple Detail
Grace Carrollton, Mo Carroll January 9, 1884 Mace Stephen W. Mace Fannie R. Blue Detail
Gracesser Egypt Twp Carroll January, 1892 Gracesser Wilhelm Gracesser Marguretha Stemple Detail
Graham Norborne Carroll January 5, 1884 Graham Alphonse Perry Graham Luella Garrett Detail
Graham Hi;; Carroll May 26, 1884 Graham Henry C. Graham Sarah H. Casky Detail
Graham Hill Twp. Carroll July 25, 1883 Graham John C. Graham Letish A. Hill Detail
Graham Washington Twp Carroll July 3, 1883 Graham Henry Graham Belle Rush Powers Detail
Graham Carroll Co., Mo Carroll September 3, 1884 Graham John C. Graham Lutetia Hill Detail
Graham Kathleen Carrollton Carroll January 18, 1886 Graham James Graham Fannie C. Eads Detail
Graves Washington Twp Carroll September 11, 1885 Graves Robt H. Graves Louella Lyons Detail
Gray Combs Twp Carroll February 20, 1884 Gray Thomas Gray Margaret Slaten Detail
Gray Combs Carroll April 5, 1887 Gray James M. Gray Martha E. Miller Detail
Gray Combs Carroll May 23, 1889 Gray James Gray Martha Miller Detail
Gray Eugene Carroll September 29, 1886 Gray Wm. S. Gray Nancy M. Miller Detail
Gray Combs Twp Carroll April 4, 1885 Gray James M. Gray Martha E. Miller Detail
Gray Eugene Twp Carroll May 13, 1885 Gray Thos Miles Gray Margaret Isabel Staton Detail
Gray Dessa Francis Bogard Carroll November 15, 1894 Gray Isaac N. Gray Cora Lewis Detail
Gray Maud Alice Leslie Twp Carroll October 8, 1883 Gray Joseph D. Gray Mary Ann Canada Detail
Green Coloma Carroll 21-December Green Wm. Green Mary A. Davis Detail
Green Carrollton, Mo Carroll February 15, 1885 Green Wm. M. Grun Susan F. Turnbaugh Detail
Green Combs Twp Carroll March 21 Green Rob J. Green Elizabeth E. Smith Detail
Green Wakenda Twp Carroll April 21, 1885 Green Lewis Elvin xx Annie Warren Detail
Green Fanny Combs Twp Carroll July 5, 1883 Green George Green Abbie Gill Krunard Detail
Gregg Clyde Bogard Carroll June 10, 1886 Gregg Jno. Thomas Gregg Alvira Vanderberg Detail
Gregory Norborne Carroll February 9, 1887 Gregory xx Gregory Catherine Shafer Detail
Gregory Carrollton Carroll August 26, 1885 Gregory M. G. Gregory Eliza J. Emmerson Detail
Gregory Norborne, Mo Carroll February 27, 1884 Gregory John D. Gregory Kate Shaefer Detail
Greswold Hurricane Twp Carroll May 2nd Greswold Burvade? Greswold Betty Lineberry Detail
Grider Cherry Valley Carroll September 5 Grider Richard Grider Alnura Parker Detail
Grider Mary R. Moss Creek Twp Carroll October 20, 1884 Grider William S. xx Belle Thompson Detail
Griffith Tina precnt Carroll March 12, 1885 Griffith Jno Minor Griffith Eliza Green Detail
Griffith Elmer Eugene, Mo Carroll September 22, 1883 Griffith George Washington Griffith Lee Anna Gunasters Detail
Griffith Jno. Henry Wakenda Carroll May 15 Griffith Goe Washington Griffith Georga Ann Lamasters Detail
Grigsby Fairfield Carroll January 6, 1887 Grigsby Rueben Grigsby Margaret House Detail
Grigsby Fairfield Twp Carroll September 29, 1883 Grigsby Reuben Grigsby Margaret A. House Detail
Grigsby Carroll Co. Carroll May 24, 1885 Grigsby Reuben Grigsby Margaret A. House Detail
Grimes Bosworth Carroll April 11, 1890 Grimes Wm. Grimes Cyntha Rice Detail
Grimes Combs Carroll February 2, 1887 Grimes Edwqrd Grimes Caroline Bostie Detail
Grossman Carroll Co. Carroll April 2, 1886 Grossman G. W. Grossman M. Detail
Grossman Henry B. Rockford Twp Carroll August 31 Grossman Amos Alexander Grossman Martha Blakely Detail
Guilet James H. Carroll Co. Carroll March 24, 1884 Guilet Z. H. Guilet Susan McMahan Detail
Gust Trotter Twp Carroll June 25, 1890 Gust Chas. M. Gust Maggie Curtis Detail
Haase Eugene Carroll September 6, 1888 Haase Herman Haase Louisa Brewer Detail
Hains Binn Wallace Moss Creek Twp. Carroll September 5, 1883 Haines John Haines Sallie Ann Webb Detail
Hale Pearly Washington Twp Carroll May 17, 1884 Hale Wisdom Hale Euphma Rebecca Moorman Detail
Hale Wilford Edmunds Hale City Carroll November 10, 1884 Hall Andrew F. Hall Anna Edmonds Detail
Haley Carroll, Mo Carroll October 16, 1884 Haley George W. Haley Nancy Smith Detail
Hall Hill Twp Carroll January 28, 1884 Hall Synes E. Hall Florence A. Rockholl Detail
Hall Near Dewitt Carroll December 6, 1884 Hall James Monroe Hall Ella Sides Detail
Hall Charles Carroll Co. Carroll January 20, 1887 Hall Jasses M. Hall Ella Sides Detail
Hall Wm. Earl Hale Carroll June 26, 1888 Hall Andrew Hall Elizabeth Utley Detail
Haller Carroll Co. Carroll August 23, 1886 Haller Harden Haller Henrietta Conner Detail
Hamilton Carrollton Carroll May 15, 1890 Hamilton James M. Hamilton Belle Ross Detail
Hamilton Carroll Co., Mo Carroll May 4, 1884 Carrollton Jno Hamilton Catharine Carroll Detail
Hamilton Moss Creek Twp Carroll May 18, 1884 Hamilton Cepes C? Hamilton Agnes Percell Detail
Hamilton Ridge Twp Carroll February 1, 1884 Hamilton Add Hamilton A. Whaley Detail
Hampton Fairfield Carroll March 26, 1886 Hampton Alfred Wardond Hampton Sarah Alice Elder Detail
Hancock Ridge Carroll December 1, 1887 Hancock Eugene Hancock Susan Detail
Hancock Ridge Carroll April 12, 1886 Hancock Fletcher B. Hancock xx Detail
Hancock Combs Twp Carroll September 17, 1885 Hancock Jessy K. Honcock Virginia C. Davis Detail
Hand Myrtle Carroll Co. Carroll September 19, 1886 Hand David Hand Sarah A. Mobley Detail
Hanebleu Viola May Wakenda Carroll July 31, 1884 Hanibleu George Hanibleu Catharine Mena McCumber Detail
Haney Eugene Carroll December 11, 1886 Haney John T. Haney Mary F. Antrun Detail
Haney Eugene Carroll March 17, 1889 Haney john T. Haney Mary Antener Detail
Haney Eugene Carroll April 5, 1888 Haney Thos. Haney Mary A. Hanison Detail
Haney Wakenda Twp Carroll November 10, 1883 Haney William Haney S. J. Adkins Detail
Haney Moss Creek Twp Carroll March 21, 1885 Haney Wm. Haney Sarah I. Adkins Detail
Haney George Wakenda Twp Carroll August 2, 1884 Haney Thomas Haney Mary A. Harrison Detail
Hanks Washington Carroll November 1, 1886 Hanks Calvin L. Hanks Lomanda J. Cooper Detail
Hanks Grace M Washington Carroll August 5, 1889 Hanks Frances M. Hanks Mary Grozinger Detail
Hanks Mary Jane Ridge Twp Carroll July 3, 1883 Hanks Boone Hanks Emma May Jones Detail
Hannavan Ridge Carroll August 1, 1886 Hannavan B. Hannavan M. Boley Detail
Hanovan Combs Twp Carroll May 9 Hanovan Lernanrd Hanovan P. Boley Detail
Hanovan Rockford Carroll September 7, 1884 Hanovan James Hanovan Lucy Jane Helry Detail
Hanovan Philip H. DeWitt, Twp Carroll August 4, 1884 Hanovan Philip Hanovan Sarah Jones Detail
Hansen Sophia C. Hurricane Carroll December 16, 1886 Hansen John Petter Hansen Jorquette Dye Detail
Harden Nevella Hale Twp Carroll July 15, 1884 Harden Lee Harden M. C. Smith Detail
Hardin Wakenda Carroll August 30, 1889 Hardin Richard Hardin Nellie Elizabeth Burkhart Detail
Hardwick Minnie Carroll February 18, 1884 Hardenell Jas G. xx Detail
Harmon Tina Carroll July 19, 1892 Harmon Lewis Franklin Harmon Nora M. Campbell Detail
Harper Carroll Co. Carroll November 10, 1883 Harper Robe xx Handley Detail
Harrison Miami Sta. Carroll November 7, 1885 Harrison John Harrison Mary Hensley Detail
Harrison Eugene Carroll November 11, 1885 Harrison Geo. Marion Harrison Mary Lizzie Adkins Detail
Harrison Wakenda Carroll No date Harrison James Harrison Mollie F. Grey Detail
Harrison Carroll Co., MO Carroll July 13, 1884 Harrison J. C. Harrison Leona C. Templeton Detail
Harrison Jas Willard Wakenda , Mo Carroll September 25, 1883 Harrison Jas Robert Harrison Mollie Francis Gray Detail
Harshberg Janny Carrollton Carroll September 15, 1883 Harsberg Joseph Harsberg Anna Mitchen__ Detail
Hart Carroll Co. Carroll February 15, 1888 Hart Wm. Franklin Hart Eliza Johnson Detail
Hart Carroll Co. Carroll September 22, 1885 Hart Frank Hart Eliza Bell Johnson Detail
Hart Bennie Carroll Co., Mo Carroll March 10, 1885 Hart Benj. Hart Amanda Austin Detail
Hartly Carrollton, Mo Carroll May 1 Hartly Benj Lewis Hartly Luella Anderson Hawkins Detail
Hartman Henry William Louis blank Carroll January 10, 1890 Hartman Henry Hartman Caroline Wenzel Detail
Hartwig Rose Elizabeth Wakenda, Mo Carroll January 29 Hartwig John Hartwig Elizabeth Heppler Detail
Haskins Carroll Co, Mo Carroll July 15, 1883 Haskins Robert Haskins Hester Ermeck Detail
Haskins Carroll Co. Carroll September 17, 1885 Haskins Robt Haskins Hester V. Crunch Detail
Hassick Tenn Carrollton Carroll September 21, 1889 Hassick Alfred Hassick Dora Spamith Detail
Hatcher Compton Carroll March 28, 1887 Hatcher Sidney Hatcher Mannie T. Pattison Detail
Hatcher Truman Stephenson DeWitt Twp Carroll September 11, 1885 Hatcher Dock Hatcher Laura Jane Merry Detail
Haughton Washington Carroll October 21, 1888 Haughton Thomas W. Haughton Minnie Louise Tavault Detail
Havens Farifield Twp Carroll June 13, 1884 Havens George E. Havens Anunca Tennison Detail
Havens Eda May Fairfield Twp Carroll March 3, 1885 Havens Abraham Lincoln Havens Martha Tabitha Shirley Detail
Havens Lenora H. Fairfield Carroll April 19, 1890 Havens Geo. Edrige Havens Ellen Fortean Detail
Haver Wm. Silas Fairfield Carroll April 14, 1886 Haver Abraham L. Haver Martha Tabitha Shirley Detail
Hawkin Nancy Rhea Hurricane Twp Carroll May 1, 1884 Hawkins Lucian Bryane Hawkins Amelia Copp Detail
Hawkins Carroll Co. Carroll June 22, 1888 Hawkins M. M. Hawkins Ella L. Beavers Detail
Hawkins Bosworth Carroll August 3, 1888 Hawkins Sam L. Hawkins Jessie Vanard Detail
Hawkins Bosworth Carroll April 12, 1892 Hawkins Sam Hawkins Jessie Unwood Detail
Hawkins Carroll Co. Carroll May 24, 1884 Hawkins Miche M. Hawkins Ella E. Beams Detail
Hawkins Carroll Co., Mo Carroll April 27, 1884 Hawkins Lewis M. Hawkins Emma Harper Detail
Hawks Plymouth, Mo Carroll January 6, 1885 Hawks Oliver Hawks Anna Detail
Hawks Norborne, Mo Carroll December 5, 1883 Hawks Elisha Randolph Hawks Susan Jane Crocker Detail
Hawks Washington Twp Carroll January 28, 1885 Hawks Calvin Louis Hawks Samanda Isabell Cooper Detail
Hayes Norborne Carroll November 1, 1886 Hayes Doreman Hayes Emma Maud Neal Detail
Hayes Leslie Twp Carroll July 29, 1884 Hayes Henry F. Hayes America Braden Detail
Hayes Mattie Ellen Fairfield Twp Carroll April 20, 1885 Hayes Henry, Jr. Hayes Mary Crane Detail
Hays Hill Twp Carroll February 12, 1884 Hays Frances M. Hays Mary J. Standley Detail
Hays Hill Twp Carroll December 14, 1883 Hays James M. Hays Martha Wooden Detail
Hays Susy Carroll Co., Mo. Carroll August 22, 1883 Hays David G. Hays Manella Parsley Detail
Heath Rowel Hill Carroll November 18, 1885 Heath Thos J. Heath Mary S. Graham Detail
Hedgpath Van Horn Carroll August 13, 1886 Hedgpath Wm. M. Hedgpath Molly Biswell Detail
Heiner Cherry Valley Carroll December 28, 1887 Heiner Lewis Heiner Helen Holl Detail
Heiney Norborne Carroll September 14, 1886 Heiney David Heiney Catherine Lilly Detail
Heinnjer Hale Carroll December 6, 1885 Heinnjer Joseph Heinnjer Josephine McDaniel Detail
Heins Carrollton Carroll April 23, 1887 Heins Gustave Heins Bertha Moeble Detail
Heitman Norborne Carroll June 28, 1890 Heitman Herman Heitman Mary Hensath Detail
Heitz Carrollton Carroll January 20, 1889 Heitz Louis Heitz Nellie Hovey Detail
Heitz Carrollton, Mo Carroll January 20, 1885 Heitz Louis Heitz Eleanor H. Hovey Detail
Heler Rockford Carroll March 7, 1892 Heler xx Heler Lina Julia Detail
Helf Plymouth Carroll March 17, 1890 Helf John C. Helf Azzora Pond Detail
Helf Plymouth Carroll May 20, 1888 Helf John B. Helf Azzora Pond Detail
Helf Hattie Plymouth Carroll September 27, 1890 Helf Fred W. Helf Harriett E. Maggard Detail
Helm Rockford Carroll March 16, 1890 Helm H. C. Helm Mary Kirby Detail
Helms Carroll Co., Mo Carroll April 14, 1884 Helms George Helms Minnie Stanly Detail
Helphenstine Fairfield Twp Carroll May 6, 1885 Helphenstine W. T. Helphenstine Nancy I. Chaltire Detail
Helsel Carrollton Carroll October 2, 1885 Helsel Henry Helsel Malinda Halsey Detail
Helzell Tina Carroll June 9, 1892 Helzell Franklin D. Helzell Malinda Timbrook Detail
Heming Wakenda Carroll November 19, 1885 Heming Wm. Heming Mamie M. Adkins Detail
Hempherman Carrollton, Mo Carroll April 16, 1885 Hempherman Chas Daniel Hempherman Clara Gertrude Allgeier Detail
Henderson Carroll Co., Mo Carroll May 8, 1884 Henderson Dave A. Henderson Mary A. Lawton Detail
Henderson Carrollton, Mo Carroll February 20 Henderson James Henderson Martha Haufalen Detail
Henderson Miami Twp Carroll April 30 Henderson Willis Henderson Frances Simpson Detail
Henderson Norborne, Mo Carroll March 1, 1885 Henderson James R. Henderson Martha T. Hampton Detail
Henderson Mary Emma Carrollton Carroll November 23, 1889 Henderson Jas. M. Henderson Laura I. Carrico Detail
Henry Norborne Carroll August 1, 1889 Henry Geo. Henry Martha McClellan Detail
Henry Charles Norborne Carroll June 26, 1884 Henry David Henry Kate R. Lilly Detail
Henry John Sugar T. Twp Carroll September 15, 1884 Harrison Elbert Eliza Emaline Holl Detail
Henry Marget E. Miami Twp Carroll February 26, 1884 Henry William A. Henry Mary J. Henry Detail
Henry. Carrollton, Mo Carroll May 19, 1884 Henry Christopher Henry Bertha Honkler Detail
Henson Blanche Fairfield Twp Carroll March 17, 1884 Henson Pat Rob Henson Mary Jenkins Detail
Herbert Pearlie Wilson Cherry Valley Twp Carroll January 29, 1884 Herbert Charles E. Herbert Clara M. ?? Detail
Herron Annie Lee Sugar T Twp Carroll August 20, 1884 Herron John L. Alice Sarah Philips Detail
Hess Egypt Twp Carroll March 8, 1888 Hess Willis H. Hess Olivia Narcissus Adkins Detail
Heuer Carrollton, Mo Carroll November 2, 1883 Heuer Lewis Heuer Clara Brown Detail
Heuergenger Carroll Co., Mo Carroll November 3, 1883 Heuergenger Jas Heuergenger Baulda Roffe Detail
Hiatt Carrollton Carroll January 12, 1890 Hiatt Eph. R. Hiatt Mary Calvert Detail
Hickerson (Illegitimate) Rockford Carroll October 28, 1885 Sharp George Sharp Waly Hickerson Detail
Hickman Nessie Carrollton Carroll July 10, 1885 Hickman Andrew David Hickman Lizzie Johnson Detail
Hicks Carrollton Carroll August 23, 1888 Hicks Hohn P. Hicks Nancy B. Espy Detail
Hicks Carrollton Carroll May 1, 1890 Hicks John P. Hicks Nancy Espy Detail
Hicks Carroll Co., Mo Carroll February 3, 1884 Hicks Robert Hicks Julia Mayberry Detail
Hicks Jessie Pearl Carrollton Carroll June 5, 1886 Hicks John T. Hicks Mary E. Eshy Detail
Hill Carrollton Carroll January 13, 1886 Hill A. L. Hill Alice Smith Detail
Hill Carroll Co. Carroll February 20, 1888 Hill John Hill Mrtha L. House Detail
Hill Egypt Twp Carroll September 25, 1886 Hill J. W. Hill Carry Rayburn Detail
Hill Norborne Carroll April 21, 1885 Hill Jesse E. Hill Cora E. Morrl Detail
Hill Annie Pearl Eugene Carroll May 18, 1884 Hill John W. Hill Jane Miller Detail
Hill Bessie Carrollton Mo Carroll December 13, 1883 Hill R. S. Hill Allice Smith Detail
Hill Charles Manson Carroll Co. Carroll May 24, 1886 Hill Wm. Hill Mary Wheeler Detail
Hill Floyd A. Norborne Carroll March 29, 1888 Hill James W. Hill Anna Jakes Detail
Hill Ida Nell Norborne, Mo Carroll July 9, 1883 Hill Elisha B. Hill Mary Ethel Stell Detail
Hilton Prarie Twp Carroll May 7, 1884 Hilton Andrew Hilton Mary Jane Cogburn Detail
Hininger Carroll Co. Carroll July 24, 1888 Hininger Joseph Hininger Josie McDaniels Detail
Hinson Daisy Wakenda Carroll March 27 Hinson Noisby Hinson Alice Richardson Detail
Histerman Egypt Twp Carroll December 13, 1883 Histerman Harmon Henry Histerman Clara Mary Henroth Detail
Hitt Maysie D. Fairfield Carroll May 11, 1886 Hitt Elisha B. Hitt Ethel Mary Steele Detail
Hoddle Walter Albert Sugar Tree Carroll January 10, 1886 Hoddle William Hoddle Elizabethe Arrat Detail
Hodges Mary Martha Eugene Twp Carroll September 17, 1883 Hodges D. U. Hodges Alice Hicks Detail
Hoffman Carrollton Carroll November 21, 1886 Hoffman Wm. C. Hoffman Salina Kengesy Detail
Hoffman Rockford Carroll October 18, 1889 Hoffman Dave Hoffman Millie Billingsley Detail
Hogan Egypt Twp Carroll August 6, 1884 Hogan Isaac Newton Hogan Sally Vaulen Massholl Detail
Holden Birdie M. Wakenda, Mo Carroll November 5 Holden Andrew Holden Della Kestter Detail
Holderman Eugene Carroll January 23, 1888 Holderman Eugene M. Holderman Elenor B. Ruth Detail
Hollenbrick Norborne Carroll August 28, 1888 Hollenbrick Aben Hollenbrick Fanny Brambler Detail
Holliday Van Horn Carroll August 5, 1892 Francis Holliday. Holliday Martha Ellen Cox Detail
Holliday Carrollton Carroll December 23, 1885 Holliday Leston A. Holliday Minnie A. Love Detail
Holliday Carrollton Carroll June 18, 1890 Holliday Will S. Holliday Katie Morris Detail
Holliday Carroll Co. Carroll January 29, 1889 Holliday Lestan A. Holliday Minnie A. Love Detail
Holliday Carroll Co., Mo. Carroll November 8, 1883 Holliday Daria Jesse Holliday Ella V. Bible Detail
Hollister DeWitt, Mo Carroll February 2, 1884 Hollister Wm. Spencer Hollister Mary Frances McKenney Detail
Holman Jesse Carroll Co., Mo Carroll June 24, 1884 Holman Henry Holman Elza Slomes Detail
Holmes Carrol Co. Carroll August 2, 1886 Holmes F. M. Holmes Elma Shadrach Detail
Holmes Carroll Co. Carroll August 27, 1886 Holmes F. M. Holmes Elena Shadrick Detail
Holmes Residence Carroll October 28, 1883 Holmes Edward Holmes Susan E. Spurgeon Detail
Holmsly Carrollton Carroll October 6, 1885 Holmsly J. H. Holmsly Anna C. Cook Detail
Holshien Cherry Valley Carroll January 21, 1889 Holshien Fritz Holshien Minnie Leaten Detail
Holten Carrollton Carroll October 12, 1888 Holten John J. Holten M. M. Detail
Hood Carroll April 28 Hood John Hood Mary Rogers Detail
Hood Dessa Ellen Bogard Carroll October 29, 1894 Hood Wm. Henry Hood Ollie L. Fields Detail
Hoover Ridge Creek Carroll Hoover William Hoover Harriet Amanda Stillwell Detail
Hoover Hurricane Twp Carroll August 16, 1884 Hoover James H. Hoover Cornelia Allfefer Detail
Hoover Serry Hurricane Twp Carroll July 10, 1883 Hoover James H. Hoover Carolina Hoover Detail
Hopkins Margaret Lenora Moss Creek Twp. Carroll July 23, 1883 Hopkins Edward Hopkins Olive Anna Cox Detail
Horine Carroll Co., mo Carroll October 25, 1883 Horine William xx Detail
Hortley Rob? Lewis Carrollton, Mo Carroll February 24, 1884 Worthly Benjamin Lewis Worthly Louisa Hawkins Detail
Hoslip Dora Jane Fairfield Carroll October 17, 1885 Hoslip Geo. Washington Hoslip Emmy Jane Mitchell Detail
Hosstettler Carroll Co. Carroll February 28, 1888 Hosstettler William Hosstettler Sarah Jane Bricken Detail
Hostetler DeWitt Carroll September 20, 1886 Hostetler Enos Hostetler Mamie Maria Darr Detail
Hostetter James Enos Carrollton Carroll March 15, 1890 Hostetter Herbert Hostetter Kate Cole Detail
Houghton Washington Carroll March 13, 1886 Houghton Thos. W. Houghton Minerva Louisa Tearault Detail
Houseon John Carrollton, Mo Carroll April 26, 1885 Houston Jno. G. Houston Jennie W. Kelsey Detail
Houseworth Combs Carroll September 12, 1886 Houseworth Alec Houseworth Anna V. Sprouse Detail
Houseworth Combs Carroll April 1, 1889 Houseworth Abe Houseworth Ami Shrouse Detail
Houseworth Carrollton, MO Carroll July 17, 1884 Houseworth Abraham B. Houseworth Aurora J. Sprouse Detail
Howard Combs Carroll October 29, 1887 Howard David Howard Martha A Walden Detail
Howard Bosworth Carroll November 13, 1890 Howard George Howard xx West Detail
Howard Trotter Twp Carroll January 24, 1885 Howard Robert S. Howard Margaret G. Ellis Detail
Howard John Richard Combs Twp Carroll July 31, 1885 Howard David Howard Martha Ann Walden Detail
Howell Carroll Co., Mo Carroll June 28, 1884 Howell Jno W. Howell Mary E. Black Detail
Howells Cordelia Washington Twp Carroll August 15, 1884 Howells Thomas Howells Elzabeth Morris Detail
Howey Luther F. Carroll Co. Carroll April 4, 1886 Howey Geo. Howey Lulu Wallace Detail
Hubbard Ridge Carroll July 15, 1888 Hubbard George Hubbard Cora Gant Detail
Hubbard Compton Twp Carroll May 21, 1884 Hubbard Nicholas Coleman Hubbard Sarah E. Lucas Detail
Hubbard Compton Twp Carroll October 22, 1883 Hubbard Jasper Laffayette Hubbard Ida Lucas Detail
Hubbard Chas Lafeyette Compton Twp Carroll March 20, 1884 Hubbard Frances M. Hubbard Elza F. Parker Detail
Hubbard Ella Maud Hurricane Carroll November 27, 1885 Hubbard Geo. W. Hubbard Clara Gaint Detail
Hubbard Lela May Hurricane Carroll July 2, 1890 Hubbard Coleman N. Hubbard Sarah E. Lucas Detail
Hubbard Roxey Lee Hurricane Carroll March 2, 1887 Hubbard Duwett Hubbard Jesse Weed Detail
Hubbarda Isabella Combs Twp Carroll October 5, 1883 Hubbard George Washington Hubbard Polly Ann Calvert Detail
Hubbell Robert Carrollton, Mo Carroll April 7 Hubble Freank Hubbel Alice Hemden Detail
Huddleston Geo. P. Clione Carroll March 1, 1886 Huddleston Samuel M. Huddleston Dora Holt Detail
Huddleston Hugh Combs Twp Carroll September 23, 1883 Huddleston Wiley Francis Huddleston Nancy Miller Detail
Huddleston Mossie H. Combs Carroll August 11, 1888 Huddleston Wily T Huddleston Nanch Miller Detail
Hudgens Carroll Co., Mo. Carroll October 31, 1883 Hudgens Alexander Hudgens Emily Kancheloe Detail
Huff S. Carrollton Carroll March 16, 1890 Huff J. P. Huff Maggie Scott Detail
Huff Charry Val Carroll September 10, 1884 Huff James M. Huff Mary Elizabeth Pery Detail
Huff Claude Lessie South Carroll Co, Mo Carroll January 7, 1885 Huff J. Phillip Huff Maggie L. Scott Detail
Huffman Lula G. Wakenda, Mo Carroll October 28, 184 Huffman Claudus M. Huffman Rebecah Roderick Detail
Hughe Wakenda Carroll October 28, 1884 Wright James H. Wright Mary L. Warghe Detail
Hughes Hurricane Carroll April 4, 1889 Hughes William Hughes Maggie L. Guen Detail
Hulf Carroll 1888 x Hulf Mammie Detail
Hull Coloma Carroll March 7, 1884 Hull Wm. G. Hull Mandia J. White Detail
Hull Hurricane Twp Carroll August 28, 1883 Hull Wm. Hull xx Detail
Hulse Alice Lenora Fairfield Carroll August 26, 1886 Hulse Chas. Grant Hulse Mary Lenora Newport Detail
Humer Cherry Valley Carroll July 25, 1890 Humer Lewis Humer P. Brown Detail
Hundley Leslie Carroll December 3, 1888 Hundley John M. Hundley Emma Staates Detail
Hunnehan Carroll Co. Carroll September 23, 1886 Hunnehan Wm Hunnehan Mary Adcock Detail
Hunnington Ridge Carroll April 20, 1887 Hunnington John Hunnington Martha Riffe Detail
Hunter Egypt Twp Carroll April 14, 1887 Hunter M. P. Hunter Mollie Fuller Detail
Hunter Moss Creek Twp Carroll March 13, 1884 Hunter Montgomery Peke Hunter Mary Eliazbeth Pullen Detail
Huntzinger Ridge Carroll July 13 Huntzinger Jno. Huntzinger Martha Riffe Detail
Huston Carrollton Carroll March 16, 1889 Huston Samuel Huston Mary Hiatt Detail
Hutson Nelson Bedford Moss Creek Twp. Carroll August 27, 1883 Hudson John Adams Hudson Susan Jane Monroe Detail
Hyde Carrollton Carroll September 18, 1889 Hyde Geo C. Hyde Virginia W Maserur Detail
Hynson Grover Wakenda Carroll September 27 Hynson Eugene Hynds Mary Ella Richardson Detail
Hytshal Ridge Carroll June 23, 1886 Hytshal Arthur Bates Hytshal Alice D. Dimmit Detail

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