Greenlawn Cemetery Photos
Greenlawn Cemetery Photos
Contributed by Belford E. Carver

Sgt P. R. Baldwin - Greenlawn Cemetery

Corpl George P. Banner - Greenlawn Cemetery

Sgt Lyman P. Carver - Greenlawn Cemetery

Pvt Kenny Forbes - Greenlawn Cemetery

John W. Hammond - Greenlawn Cemetery

Pvt John C. Hill - Greenlawn Cemetery

Corpl Horace S. Humeston - Greenlawn Cemetery

Pvt Moses C. True - Greenlawn Cemetery

Part of the Western Ave gate to Greenlawn, Hammond
and Belford Carver's in-law's grave with a small French memorial "To my Father-in-Law"
which he brought back from Paris, France in 1998.

Austin Aaron & Mildred Denham Bernard

Deloris S. & Arthur E. Bernard

Horace H. Bernard

Juel J. & Daisy Evans Bernard

Lawrence Louis & Lucille Fletcher Bernard

Louise W. Bernard

Samuel E. & Bessie C. Bernard

Charlie & Lillie McCray Muse
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