Amite City Cemetery Photos

Amite City Cemetery

Headstone of Benjamin D. Gullett, Sr., (1815-1881)
from AMITE CEMETERY GUIDE, Revised October 1998.
Section 3, Part I, Lots 13 and 16
Benjamin D. Gullett, Sr., was born in Wilkes Co., NC on April 14, 1815. He died in Amite City on June 29, 1881. Mr. Gullett is best known for bringing industry to this city. He brought his Gullett Gin Co. from Aberdeen, Miss. sometime before 1869, enabling many of the townspeople to obtain their livelihood. This company continued in operation for at least 52 years after his death. Mr. Gullett was so well-thought of that the townspeople and officers of his company had his body removed from the garden at his home in 1888 and moved to the Amite Cemetery, where they erected a marker in his memory. An interesting story is told that his daughter's pet deer was so upset when he died that it grieved to death and was buried in the family plot in Amite Cemetery. "Beauty" is engraved on the small stone. The deer died in 1882.
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