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Lee County, Florida
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Total Records: 589
1Abernathy, Dorothy J.  __/__/__01/18/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
2Acker, Margaret C.  __/__/__10/18/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
3Acker, Margaret C  __/__/__10/18/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
4Adam, Aleta Sue Mcdaniel  __/__/__12/22/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
5Adams, Edward L. Jr.  __/__/__10/19/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
6Adams, Samuel  __/__/__01/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
7Agent, Ashley Niccole  __/__/__12/27/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
8Aiazzone, Doris Marian  __/__/__03/17/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
9Albritton, Willard D. (Tommy) __/__/__11/15/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
10Ames, Jack A.  __/__/__04/19/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
11Ammann, John Arthur  __/__/__11/9/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
12Anderson, Beatrice Mae  __/__/__05/22/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
13Andrae, Jane Moss Crossfield  __/__/__01/27/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
14Anspach, Charles (Bob) __/__/__03/13/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
15Arthur, James E.  __/__/__10/27/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
16Ashley, Dale R.  __/__/__11/22/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
17Aukerman, Betty  __/__/__02/20/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
18Aulen, Jane A.  __/__/__02/11/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
19Bahret, Hazel D.  __/__/__11/24/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
20Baird, Howard Edward  __/__/__04/16/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
21Baker, Charles E.  __/__/__10/20/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
22Ballard, Hiram  __/__/__12/21/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
23Bandurski, Edward S.  __/__/__11/7/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
24Banks, Joan Troop  __/__/__03/17/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
25Banning, Mary Virginia 2011`  __/__/__11/3/__Charlotte Grove The Registry
26Barcellona, Carol Caughey  __/__/__04/28/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
27Barratt, Donna Holden  __/__/__06/4/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
28Barron, Arthur Bell Jr.  __/__/__03/8/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
29Bartlett, John A  __/__/__11/20/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
30Bartling, Gladys Mae Clark  __/__/__04/27/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
31Barton, Courtney A.  __/__/__05/3/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
32Bassine, Anne T.  __/__/__05/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
33Bauman, Adeline R.  __/__/__01/19/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
34Beams, Joseph A.  __/__/__11/1/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
35Beaulieu, John H. (Jack) __/__/__03/27/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
36Beehler, Darlene Mary  __/__/__01/25/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
37Bellin, Marvin R.  __/__/__11/2/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
38Berardi, Elvy  __/__/__12/2/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
39Bergeron, Emma  __/__/__10/17/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
40Bernhard, Richard M.  __/__/__11/20/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
41Beyerl, Stuart Claude  __/__/__01/5/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
42Bishop, Jack Thomas Jr.  __/__/__01/29/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
43Blasi, Raymond Sr.  __/__/__05/17/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
44Blocker, Mary Ann  __/__/__10/21/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
45Bobrowski, Elizabeth  __/__/__04/26/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
46Bollero, E. Allegra  __/__/__11/8/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
47Bondy, William D.  __/__/__02/22/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
48Bonnell, Oscar F.  __/__/__12/7/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
49Boudreau, Constance S.  __/__/__01/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
50Bowen, Carolyn A.  __/__/__01/2/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
51Bowman, Kurt Lee  __/__/__11/14/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
52Boyle, Dennis Patrick  __/__/__04/12/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
53Branson, Ted N.  __/__/__11/3/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
54Brewer, William Douglas  __/__/__05/5/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
55Britt, Alan Joseph  __/__/__01/4/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
56Brooks, Joan Sabiston  __/__/__10/11/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
57Brown, Christopher Allen  __/__/__02/10/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
58Brown, Sidney Hall Jr.  __/__/__03/10/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
59Browning, Pauline  __/__/__12/22/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
60Bryant, Mildred C.  __/__/__12/1/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
61Bryson, Jane  __/__/__11/9/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
62Burbrink, Robert G (Bob) __/__/__02/20/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
63Burke, Sarah J.  __/__/__04/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
64Burson, Sara A.  __/__/__04/3/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
65Busalacchi, Joseph  __/__/__05/8/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
66Butdorf, Ruth Marie Conrad  __/__/__05/28/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
67Butler, Elizabeth Coakley  __/__/__12/5/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
68Calderon, Maggie Sabiana  __/__/__11/29/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
69Callison, Doris  __/__/__10/21/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
70Campbell, Grover  __/__/__10/19/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
71Campbell, Julia Marie  __/__/__02/22/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
72Campbell, Wilma Leona Peterson  __/__/__10/24/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
73Carden, Betty M.  __/__/__03/6/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
74Carlisi, Lillian Marie Sibenik 201  __/__/__10/7/__Charlotte Grove The Registry
75Carr, M. Louise  __/__/__01/13/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
76Carstensen, Don O.  __/__/__01/11/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
77Carstensen, Donald August  __/__/__01/14/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
78Castellano, Gaetano (Sonny) __/__/__11/28/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
79Cecil, James B. III __/__/__03/27/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
80Champion, Pauline Marie  __/__/__03/15/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
81Chang, Paul Lan Tin  __/__/__10/26/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
82Chiffer, Marjorie Ellen  __/__/__03/6/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
83Christman, Georgeann  __/__/__03/1/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
84Christy, Margaret Ann  __/__/__03/7/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
85Christy, Marvin E.  __/__/__12/5/2000Ruth Hezlep The Registry
86Clark, Hilda J.  __/__/__11/10/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
87Clements, William E.  __/__/__02/10/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
88Cline, Keith Dean  __/__/__02/15/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
89Cloutier, Raymond P.  __/__/__12/13/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
90Colleli, Elaine B.  __/__/__11/9/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
91Collins, Mary Elizabeth  __/__/__04/10/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
92Cook, Jenifer Lynn  __/__/__01/19/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
93Coombs, Larry Ray Sr.  __/__/__04/13/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
94Cotton, Mildred Smith  __/__/__02/19/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
95Counts, Gail  __/__/__02/14/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
96Crawford, Gene  __/__/__11/1/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
97Cremeens, Joseph D.  __/__/__05/25/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
98Crow, Margaret R.  __/__/__04/6/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
99Cureton, George Richard (Ric) __/__/__02/15/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
100Currey, Clyde L. Jr.  __/__/__05/3/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
101Curry, Jenny Grossie  __/__/__05/20/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
102Curtis, Catherine M.  __/__/__04/4/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
103Daino, Grant O.  __/__/__03/15/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
104Dance, Patricia A.  __/__/__11/16/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
105Daniels, Elizabeth H.  __/__/__10/30/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
106Daniels, Ernest E. Jr.  __/__/__12/31/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
107Darr, Elsie G.  __/__/__03/5/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
108Davey, Pauline L.  __/__/__05/9/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
109David, Gerard Sr.  __/__/__04/3/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
110David, Janet E. Wadland  __/__/__05/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
111David, Victoria C.  __/__/__12/30/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
112Davis, Dalton Taylor  __/__/__01/31/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
113Davis, Jeanne  __/__/__06/13/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
114Davis, Mary E.  __/__/__04/7/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
115Davis, Robert J.  __/__/__02/13/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
116Davison, Aaron Matthew  __/__/__12/8/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
117Dawkins, Sharon Marie  __/__/__12/1/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
118Demaio, Richard  __/__/__04/15/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
119Demers, Deeann O.  __/__/__04/12/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
120Denson, Lee Clayton  __/__/__01/4/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
121Devenezio, Anthony R.  __/__/__03/27/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
122Devlin, Thomas Aloysius  __/__/__03/13/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
123Dickey, Daniel James  __/__/__10/19/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
124Diener, Mary Ann Ward  __/__/__05/20/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
125Dippner, Eleanor E.  __/__/__09/15/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
126Dippner, Max Jr.  __/__/__11/18/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
127Dolan, Robert F.  __/__/__05/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
128Doucette, Donna Mae  __/__/__12/15/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
129Downey, David  __/__/__12/16/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
130Drotleff, Fred John  __/__/__01/19/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
131Drouin, Michel M.  __/__/__11/16/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
132Duers, Iris A.  __/__/__12/7/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
133Duncan, Nina Marie  __/__/__02/8/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
134Dundore, Richard A.  __/__/__10/27/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
135Dunlap, Richard D.  __/__/__01/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
136Dupont, Evelyn Ashmead  __/__/__01/8/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
137Duuy, Eleanor Marie  __/__/__10/11/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
138Duvall, Betty L.  __/__/__01/25/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
139Dyess, Charlotte K.  __/__/__05/2/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
140Dyson, Michael K.  __/__/__01/11/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
141Edelblut, Jewel (Judy) __/__/__03/22/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
142Elson, Gary Robert  __/__/__01/10/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
143Elver, Georgia M.  __/__/__05/10/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
144Evans, Arline Carolyn  __/__/__01/6/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
145Evans, Robert J.  __/__/__01/31/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
146Everham, Daniel Friedman  __/__/__01/5/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
147Fabro, Richard J.  __/__/__01/11/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
148Fadden, Paul J.  __/__/__02/29/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
149Falcone, Salvatore  __/__/__11/14/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
150Fancy, Henry (Bud/hank) __/__/__12/7/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
151Farkas, Otto  __/__/__11/2/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
152Fenner, Harold  __/__/__03/31/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
153Ferreira, Edith Blanche  __/__/__02/28/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
154Fields, Don C.  __/__/__10/13/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
155Firth, Donald E.  __/__/__05/25/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
156Fisher, James Michael  __/__/__05/2/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
157Fitzhugh, Hazel (Suzie) __/__/__10/19/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
158Fitzpatrick, Mary  __/__/__03/22/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
159Fletcher, Robert  __/__/__03/28/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
160Flinn, John C. Jr.  __/__/__01/21/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
161Flint, Francis Herbert  __/__/__05/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
162Flowers, Carolyn Sue  __/__/__11/3/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
163Forsyth, Norma Myers  __/__/__10/25/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
164Foskey, Leonard T. (Lynn) __/__/__07/7/1989William J (Jim) Carroll
165Fox, Glen David  __/__/__04/24/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
166French, E.  __/__/__02/23/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
167Friedman, Anna Josephine Passanante  __/__/__04/21/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
168Friske, Sandra L.  __/__/__10/29/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
169Furdell, Jacquelyn Jean Bersch  __/__/__11/28/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
170Futral, Earline H.  __/__/__04/26/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
171Gala, Ellen L.  __/__/__11/18/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
172Garcia, Ruth B. O'berry  __/__/__01/30/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
173Garner, Henry Martin  __/__/__12/26/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
174Garris, Betty J.  __/__/__03/19/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
175Garrison, Russell E.  __/__/__10/28/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
176Garrison, Virgil L. Sr.  __/__/__04/24/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
177Gartner, Joyce A.watteson  __/__/__10/9/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
178Gary, Jocelyn B.  __/__/__10/29/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
179Gaydos, George  __/__/__11/25/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
180Geier, Hazel Marie  __/__/__01/12/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
181Gibson, C. Daniel  __/__/__11/3/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
182Gilsenan, James T.  __/__/__10/27/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
183Gimlin, Rosemarie  __/__/__11/2/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
184Giordani, Anthony A 211  __/__/__10/28/__Charlotte Grove The Registry
185Glenn, Charles W.  __/__/__03/12/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
186Gockenbach, Jack E.  __/__/__02/18/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
187Gogolin, Barb  __/__/__02/16/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
188Goldpenny, Elmer F.  __/__/__02/1/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
189Goodlein, Agnes Patricia  __/__/__02/3/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
190Goodman, Thomas Arthur Jr.  __/__/__12/23/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
191Graves, John B.  __/__/__03/15/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
192Green, Delilah Lucinda  __/__/__10/22/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
193Greenwood, Neville  __/__/__12/30/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
194Gregoline, Monty Romano  __/__/__12/14/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
195Griffiths, Wallace Laverne  __/__/__03/10/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
196Grosz, Nancy E.  __/__/__01/20/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
197Gruetzmacher, Betty Roberts  __/__/__03/31/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
198Gulde, Joseph Jr. (Bud) __/__/__10/29/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry
199Gurney, Norma Irisa  __/__/__01/14/2012Charlotte Grove The Registry
200Hackett, Michael M.  __/__/__12/16/2011Charlotte Grove The Registry

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Any time you see this symbol The Registry next to a name, they have registered their e-mail address at The Registry. This will be their current address.

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