The 1870 Wetzel County, West Virginia, US Federal Census contains 130 pages (census images). If you are interested in helping to transcribe the index, contact the Wetzel County File Manager (email link is on the following webpage): In the folder for the census image files: the name of each census-image-file is the stamped page number for that sheet. When the stamped page numbers were added, they were placed only on the front-side. The reverse-side of the page was not stamped. An "a" has been added to the number on the pages that were stamped. For the reverse-side of the page, a "b" has been added to the same number that's stamped on the front-side. The following list shows the 1870 Wetzel County districts with page-ranges. ----------------------------------- DISTRICT PAGE-RANGE ----------------------------------- Center Township 126a-143b Church Township 144a-164b Grant Township 165a-178b Green Township 179a-190b Magnolia Township 191a-208b New Martinsville 209a-212b Proctor Township 213a-239b