Rockbridge County, VA Marriage Bond Index, 1778-1801

Surnames Beginning with *M*



Mackey, Henry
Mackey, James
Maddacks, William
Marley, William
Marshall, John
Martin, James
Martin, Jno. Ofreel
Martin, William
Masters, Thomas
Masterson, Peter
Masterson, Peter
Masterson, Peter
Masterson, Peter
Masterson, Thomas
Matthews, Daniel
Matthews, Daniel
Maudy, Michael
Maxwell, Audly
Mayers, James J.
McBride, John
McBride, John
McBride, John
McCallister, Benjamin
McCallister, Joseph
McCallister, Joseph
McCampbell, Andrew
McCampbell, Andrew
McCampbell, James
McCampbell, James
McCampbell, Jno.
McCampbell, Jno.
McCampbell, John
McCampbell, John
McCampbell, John
McCampbell, Soloman
McCampbell, William
McCasland, Andrew
McCawly, Thomas
McCawly, Thomas
McCawly, Thomas
McClain, John
McClain, Thomas
McClain, Thomas
McClelan, Thomas
McClellan, Henry
McClelland, John
McClenaghan, John
McClenaghan, John
McClintock, William
McClung, James [Capt.]
McClung, James [Capt.]
McClung, John
McClung, Thomas
McClung, Thomas
McClure, Alexander
McClure, Alexander
McClure, Alexander
McClure, Alexander
McClure, Arthur
McClure, Arthur
McClure, David
McClure, John
McClure, John
McClure, John
McClure, Malcolm
McClure, Nathaniel
McClure, William
McCollam, John
McCollam, John
McColoh, John
McColoh, John
McColoh, John
McConnell, John
McConnell, John
McCorkle, Alexander
McCorkle, John
McCorkle, William
McCormick, James
McCoskry, George
McCown, Alexander
McCown, Alexander
McCown, John
McCown, John
McCown, John
McCown, John
McCown, Joseph
McCown, Patrick
McCrea, John
McCrea, Joseph
McCrory, William
McCroskry, John
McCroskry, John
McCulloch, John
McCulloch, Wm.
McCullock, Thomas
McCutchan, Robert
McCutchen, James
McCutchen, James
McCutchen, John
McCutchen, Samuel
McDowell, James
McDowell, John
McDowell, John
McDowell, Robert
McFaddin, Joseph
McFaddin, Joseph
McFall, Benjamin
McFall, Benjamin
McFall, John
McFarland, John
McFarland, John
McFarland, John
McFarland, William
McFarland, William
McGavock, David
McGill, James
McGuffin, Hugh
McIlvain, William
McIlvain, William
McKamin, Daniel
McKee, David
McKee, James
McKee, James
McKee, John
McKee, John
McKee, Robert
McKee, William
McKee, William
McKeechen, James
McKeemy, James
McKeever, Peter
McKeever, Peter
McKemey, Robert
McKemy, Alexr.
McKenney, Jno.
McKenry, James
McKenry, James
McKenry, John
McKenry, Saml.
McKey, William
McLeod, John
McLeod, John
McMahan, Andrew
McMahan, Andrew
McMath, William
McMullen, Daniel
McMullen, Jno.
McMullen, Thomas
McNabb, William
McNabb, William
McNabb, William
McNaughton, Jno.
McNight, Andrew
McPhearson, Robert
McPheeters, William
McPheeters, William
McPhetters, Alexander
McSpaden, John
McVey, Samuel
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Danl.
Miller, David
Miller, Henry
Miller, John
Miller, John
Miller, John
Miller, John
Miller, John
Miller, Samuel
Miller, William
Millican, John
Millirons, Wm.
Mines, Peter
Minick, Lewis
Minick, Lewis
Mitchel, Samuel
Mitchel, Thomas
Mitchel, Thomas
Mitchel, William
Mitchel, Wm.
Mitchell, Jno.
Mitchell, Thomas
Montgomery, Humphrey
Montgomery, Robert
Montgomery, William
Montgomery, William
Moody, William
Moor, John
Moore, Andrew
Moore, Andrew
Moore, David
Moore, David
Moore, David
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, James
Moore, Jas.
Moore, Jno.
Moore, Jno.
Moore, Jno.
Moore, John
Moore, John
Moore, John
Moore, John
Moore, John
Moore, John
Moore, John
Moore, Robert
Moore, Robert
Moore, Robert
Moore, Robert
Moore, Robert
Moore, Saml.
Moore, Samuel
Moore, Samuel
Moore, Samuel
Moore, William
Moore, William
Moore, William
Moore, William
Morgan, Gabriel
Morgan, Gabriel
Morgan, John
Morris, David
Morris, David
Morris, Elijah
Morris, George
Morris, George
Morris, Isaac
Morris, Isaac
Morris, John
Morris, John
Morris, John
Morris, John
Morris, Mark, Junr.
Morris, William
Morris, William
Morrison, John B.
Morrison, William
Murphy, Edward
Murphy, Edward
Murphy, Edward
Murphy, John
Murphy, William
Murphy, William
Myler, Patrick
Myler, Patrick
M[ewhotter], James


Mackey, Esther
Mackey, Esther
Mackey, Mary [widow]
Mackey, Mary
Makky, Elizabeth
Makky, Elizabeth
Makky, Sarah
Makky, Sarah
Martin, Elizabeth [formerly Evans]
Martin, Eppy
Mathews, Ann
Mathews, Ruth [mulatoe]
Mathews, Ruth [mulatoe]
Matthews, Elizabeth
Matthews, Frances [widow]
Matthews, Lettice
Matthews, Lettice
Maynaugh, Mary
McAdams, Mary
McBride, Jenny
McBride, Jenny
McCabe, Agness
McCabe, Agness
McCafferty, Elenor
McCafferty, Elenor
McCalister, Jane
McCalphin, Agness
McCalphin, Agness
McCalphin, Eliza.
McCalphin, Elizabeth
McCalphin, Elizabeth
McCalphin, Mary Ann
McCalphin, Mary Ann
McCalphin, Mary
McCalphin, Peggy
McCalphin, Sally
McCampbell, Elenorv McCampbell, Elenorv McCampbell, Elizabeth
McCampbell, Elizabeth.
McCampbell, Jean
McCampbell, Mary
McCampbell, Mary
McCampbell, Mary
McCampbell, Mary
McCampbell, Mary
McCampbell, Mary
McCampbell, Nancy
McCampbell, Nancy
McCampbell, Nancy
McCampbell, Saragh
McCampell, Agnes
McCarty, Betsy
McCarty, Betsy
McChesney, Mary
McChesney, Mary
McChesney, Susanna
McClelan, Polly
McClintock, Elizabeth
McClintock, Elizabeth
McClung, Ann
McClung, Eliza.
McClung, Eliza.
McClung, Elizabeth
McClung, Elizabeth
McClung, Jean
McClung, Jennet
McClung, Jennet
McClung, Jenny
McClung, Jenny
McClung, Mary
McClung, Mary
McClung, Nancy [spinster]
McClung, Nancy
McClung, Phebe
McClung, Phebe
McClung, Pheby
McClung, Pheby
McClung, Rebecca
McClung, Rebecca
McClung, Sarah
McClure, Agnes
McClure, Agnes
McClure, Elenor
McClure, Eliza.v McClure, Isabela
McClure, Isabela
McClure, Isabella
McClure, Jean
McClure, Mary
McClure, Mary
McClure, Mary
McClure, Mary
McClure, Mary
McClure, Mary
McClure, Patsy
McClure, Rosana
McClure, Rosana
McClure, Sally
McClure, Susanna
McClure, Susanna
McCollom, Margt.
McCollom, Margt.
McConky, Margaret [widow]
McConnal, Margaret
McCorkle, Carter
McCorkle, Polly
McCorkle, Polly
McCorkle, Rebecca [widow]
McCormack, Nancy
McCormack, Nancy
McCormack, Nancy
McCormick, Anne
McCormick, Dinah
McCormick, Dinah
McCormick, Elizabeth [widow of James McCormick]
McCormick, Elizabeth
McCormick, Elizabeth
McCormick, Elizabeth
McCormick, Elizabeth
McCormick, Isabella
McCormick, Margaret
McCoskery, Mary
McCown, Margt. [orphan]
McCown, Margt. [orphan]
McCoy, Mary
McCrea, Elizabeth [widow]
McCrea, Sally
McCroskey, Ann
McCroskey, Ann
McCroskey, Esther
McCrosky, Agnes
McCutcheon, Sarah
McCutcheon, Sarah
McDonnald, Eliza.
McDonnald, Hannah
McDonnel, Jean
McDowell, Eliza.
McDowell, Sarah
McDowell, Sarah
McElhany, Anne
McElhany, Anne
McElhany, Elizabeth
McElhany, Martha
McElhany, Martha
McElvain, Elizabeth
McFall, Ann
McFall, Ann
McFall, Letty
McFarland, Rachel
McFarland, Rachel
McFarland, Rebecca
McFauden, Mary
McGuffack, Easter
McGuffack, Easter
McKee, Agness
McKee, Agness
McKee, Esther
McKee, Mary [spinster]
McKinney, Mary
McManamy, Sarah
McMath, Jinny
McMath, Jinny
McMath, Margt. [widow]
McMath, Sally
McMath, Sally
McMillen, Margaret
McMurtrey, Eliza.
McNabb, Jean
McNabb, Jean
McNabb, Martha
McNabb, Martha
McNabb, Mary
McNabb, Mary
McNabb, Sarah
McNight, Elizabeth
McNutt, Elizabeth
McNutt, Elizabeth
McNutt, Margt.
McNutt, Margt.
McNutt, Susannah
McNutt, Susannah
McTosh, Elizabeth
McTosh, Elizabeth
Miler, Rachel
Miles, Margaret [alias Brown]
Miles, Margaret [alias Brown]
Miller, Eliza.
Miller, Fanny [widow of William]
Miller, Jean
Miller, Judith [widow]
Miller, Judith [widow]
Miller, Margaret
Miller, Rebecca [widow of Henry]
Miller, Rebecca
Miller, Rebecca
Miller, Sally
Miller, Sally
Milon, Rodia
Milor, Elizabeth
Mitchel, Hannah
Mitchell, Jean
Montgomery, Agness
Montgomery, Polly
Moody, Agness [widow]
Moody, Betsy
Moody, Betsy
Moody, Mary
Moore, Agness
Moore, Betsy
Moore, Elizabeth
Moore, Hanah
Moore, Jenny
Moore, Jenny
Moore, Jenny
Moore, Jenny
Moore, Julian
Moore, Julian
Moore, Margaret
Moore, Margaret
Moore, Margaret
Moore, Mary [spinster]
Moore, Mary
Moore, Mary
Moore, Polly
Moore, Sally
Moore, Sarah [spinster]
Morgan, Charity
Morgan, Sarah
Morgan, Sarah
Morgan, Sarah
Morris, Agatha
Morris, Agatha
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, Mary
Morris, Nancy
Morris, Nancy
Morris, Peggy
Morris, Peggy
Morris, Sarah
Morrison, Elenor
Mould, Hanna
Mould, Hanna
Muholen, Hannah
Murphy, Nancy