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Alexander       George      Lemon          10-Jul-1968    M       WIDOWED
Alford          Clem                       8-May-1968     M       SINGLE
Allen           Alfred      Ethan          13-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Allen           William     Bruce          31-Mar-1968    M       WIDOWED
Auerbach        Vallie      Dale           16-Nov-1968    F       SINGLE
Baker           Harrison                   13-Sep-1968    M       SINGLE
Baker           Lloyd       William        1-Mar-1968     M       SINGLE
Baldree         Irven       Hempiel        12-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
Ballard         Sylvester   C              24-Jun-1968    M       SINGLE
Beene           James       Roger          11-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Bennett         Norman                     10-Apr-1968    M       SINGLE
Berry           James       Edward         14-Apr-1968    M       WIDOWED
Berry           Mary        Jane           24-Nov-1968    F       WIDOWED
Black           Maggie                     13-Sep-1968    F       MARRIED
Black           Ruby        Susanna        12-Dec-1968    F       WIDOWED
Blackwell       Henry       A              11-Aug-1968    M       SINGLE
Blackwell       Jeffie      V              20-Feb-1968    F       WIDOWED
Bloxom          Monroe      Dempsy         27-Apr-1968    M       SINGLE
Bonner          Joel        Adolphus       31-Aug-1968    M       WIDOWED
Bounds          Hattie      Mae            3-Dec-1968     F       SINGLE
Boyd            Jerry       Inf Of         17-Sep-1968    M       MARRIED
Brown           Elma        Lee            21-Dec-1968    F       SINGLE
Brown           Henry                      11-Nov-1968    M       WIDOWED
Bryant          Ernest      Cam            23-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Burns           Audrey      Roshelle       10-Jul-1968    F       MARRIED
Burns           Menty       E              16-Nov-1968    F       WIDOWED
Burton          Jesse       Lee            5-Oct-1968     M       SINGLE
Cantrell        Rosemarie   G              27-Jan-1968    F       MARRIED
Capps           Jack                       20-Sep-1968    M       SINGLE
Carl            Lenora      A              12-Dec-1968    F       WIDOWED
Carroll         Howard                     21-Feb-1968    M       SINGLE
Carroll         Josephine                  24-Sep-1968    F       SINGLE
Cast            Annie       Louise         28-Dec-1968    F       MARRIED
Chapman         Jess                       20-Feb-1968    M       SINGLE
Childs          Corin       Watson         2-Apr-1968     F       SINGLE
Christopher     Maude       Alice          28-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Coates          Ernest                     10-Nov-1968    M       SINGLE
Cole            Martin      Luther         29-Jun-1968    M       SINGLE
Coleman         Jessie                     27-Mar-1968    F       WIDOWED
Coleman         Mary        Talley         30-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Collins         Clifton     E         JR   7-Oct-1968     M       MARRIED
Collins         Ethel                      21-Aug-1968    F       WIDOWED
Conner          Cora        Bell           8-May-1968     F       WIDOWED
Cook            Larry       Lee            8-Sep-1968     M       MARRIED
Cook            Steven      Cicardo        8-Sep-1968     M       SEPAR/DIVORCED
Cooper          Larry       Elden          8-Sep-1968     M       MARRIED
Cosson          Bettie      Sue            10-Apr-1968    F       SINGLE
Cosson          Ezra        Oliver         13-Jul-1968    M       SINGLE
Cox             Catherine                  27-Mar-1968    F       SINGLE
Craig           Minnie      Sheffield      21-Dec-1968    F       SINGLE
Craig           Mrytle      Viola          2-Feb-1968     F       SINGLE
Crawford        John        Henry          19-Jul-1968    M       SINGLE
Curry           Joan                       15-Jun-1968    F       MARRIED
Day             Ola         Ethel          23-Sep-1968    F       SINGLE
Dezelle         James       Young          18-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Dick            Minnie      Marion         8-Mar-1968     F       WIDOWED
Dilbeck         Henry       Lewis          12-May-1968    M       WIDOWED
Dobbins         Phillip                    14-Nov-1968    M       SINGLE
Dodd            James       Thomas         25-Jul-1968    M       SINGLE
Driver          Bennie      Richardson     5-Oct-1968     F       WIDOWED
Dunbar          Lura        E              4-Apr-1968     F       MARRIED
Dunn            Ernest                     3-Jan-1968     M       MARRIED
Edwards         Lee         Collier        29-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Ellis           Minnie                     9-Nov-1968     F       SINGLE
English         Nancy       Pearl          28-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Erskine         Alice                      22-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Evans           Nellie      M              29-Oct-1968    F       SINGLE
Fairchild       Robert      Royal          18-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Ferrell         Irene                      16-Aug-1968    F       SINGLE
Finley          Charlie     Lee            28-Aug-1968    M       WIDOWED
Flaharty        William     Jesse          10-Jan-1968    M       WIDOWED
Fore            Katie       Mae            30-Jun-1968    F       SINGLE
Fort            Bessie      Red            28-Sep-1968    F       SINGLE
Foster          Drue        Monroe         4-Jun-1968     M       SEPAR/DIVORCED
Gamble          Mattie                     22-Jun-1968    F       WIDOWED
Gauntt          Eugene      Paul           15-Feb-1968    M       SINGLE
Gibson          Mervin      Gay            14-Nov-1968    M       WIDOWED
Gilliam         Bernard     Earl           12-Jul-1968    M       SINGLE
Glazener        Clara       Virginia       10-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Goolsby         Ella        Teer           11-Aug-1968    F       WIDOWED
Gunter          Margaret    Ann            13-May-1968    F       WIDOWED
Gutierrez       Nazario                    16-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Ham             Tommie                     13-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Handsburrough   Paralee     L              9-Jul-1968     F       WIDOWED
Harris          A           Lynn           26-Nov-1968    M       SINGLE
Harris          Mattie      Bell           1-May-1968     F       WIDOWED
Haupt           Lucy        Harris         4-Mar-1968     F       WIDOWED
Henderson       Celia       Avera          31-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Hill            Annie       Mae            1-Jan-1968     F       WIDOWED
Hollie          Seacer      Mae            13-Jan-1968    F       SINGLE
Horn            Robert                     23-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
Huckaby         Lloyd                      23-Mar-1968    M       SINGLE
Huckaby         Theopulas                  16-Feb-1968    M       WIDOWED
Hughes          Leila       Mae            27-Dec-1968    F       SINGLE
Humphreys       James       Alfred         12-Feb-1968    M       SINGLE
Hunter          Alice       Virginia       24-Nov-1968    F       WIDOWED
Irwin           Jessie      Nora           19-Feb-1968    F       SINGLE
Isham           Ellis       Wilburn        19-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Ivy             Lucy        Lucrecia       8-Jul-1968     F       MARRIED
Jackson         Donnie                     16-Apr-1968    F       WIDOWED
Jackson         Virginia                   22-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Johanson        Frederick   Hans           10-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Johnson         Luberta     Perkins        31-Jul-1968    F       SEPAR/DIVORCED
Johnson         Pauline                    8-Apr-1968     F       WIDOWED
Johnston        Roy         Vernon         5-Jan-1968     M       WIDOWED
Jones           Donald      Ray            28-Aug-1968    M       SINGLE
Jones           James       Harold         21-Aug-1968    M       SINGLE
Jones           Jerry                      15-Aug-1968    M       MARRIED
Kelley          Elige                      13-Feb-1968    M       WIDOWED
Kelley          Will                       1-Aug-1968     M       WIDOWED
Kindon          William     H              22-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Knight          Marvin      Benson         12-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Kyle            William     Preston        29-Nov-1968    M       SINGLE
Lane            Lillian     H              7-Jul-1968     F       SINGLE
Lansford        Mary        Lou            12-Nov-1968    F       SINGLE
Lewis           Jessie      Elizabeth      1-Jan-1968     F       WIDOWED
Littlejohn      Rosie       Ona            2-Mar-1968     F       MARRIED
Lively          Horace      Roy            26-Jun-1968    M       SINGLE
Maddox          Pearl       Lou            18-Apr-1968    F       WIDOWED
Manahan         Harry       Adolphus       9-Aug-1968     M       SINGLE
Manning         Dell        Marie          1-Jul-1968     F       MARRIED
May             James       Henry          23-Apr-1968    M       SINGLE
May             Lois        C              19-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Mcdaniel        Pauline     Banks          23-Jun-1968    F       WIDOWED
Mcnutt          Nora                       22-Sep-1968    F       WIDOWED
Meador          Issie       McGilvary      30-Aug-1968    F       WIDOWED
Middlebrooks    Teddie      S              26-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Middleton       Elizabeth                  13-Dec-1968    F       SINGLE
Mims            Orange      Cedric         21-Dec-1968    M       MARRIED
Mims            Robert                     6-Nov-1968     M       WIDOWED
Monk            Clifford                   18-Nov-1968    M       SINGLE
Moody           Clinton               SR   30-Jul-1968    M       SINGLE
Moore           Pat         Wendell        11-Jan-1968    M       MARRIED
Newell          Lillian     May            15-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Newman          Frances     Agnes          12-Oct-1968    F       SINGLE
Norris          Sidney      Thomas         25-Mar-1968    M       SINGLE
Oliver          Ed          P              30-Jan-1968    M       WIDOWED
Padgett         Marion      Arthur         5-Mar-1968     M       SEPAR/DIVORCED
Parish          Bertha      Neal           15-Mar-1968    F       WIDOWED
Pate            John        B              26-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Proctor         George      W              30-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
Raines          Jeff        Thomas         12-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Reed            Alice       Brown          13-Oct-1968    F       WIDOWED
Richardson      Nina        W              08-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Riles           Ednard                     26-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
Roberts         Elmer       Haskell        15-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Roberts         Minnie      Ola            17-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Roller          Lettie      T              01-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Rothe           Mamie                      13-Oct-1968    F       MARRIED
Salter          Marion      Quincey        13-Mar-1968    M       MARRIED
Sandles         Filus                      07-Jan-1968    M       SINGLE
Schick          Josephine   Lowry          03-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Servance        Alice                      03-Aug-1968    F       WIDOWED
Sessions        Mary        Dee            08-Feb-1968    F       SINGLE
Sessions        William     B              15-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
Shields         Lela        Mae            09-Nov-1968    F       SINGLE
Sims            Emma                       29-Dec-1968    F       SINGLE
Smith           Alice       Victoria       10-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Smith           Lucy        E              12-Jul-1968    F       WIDOWED
Smith           Nolan       Woodrow   JR   17-Dec-1968    M       MARRIED
Smith           Sherman     L              16-Jul-1968    M       SINGLE
Sneed           Viola       M              13-Dec-1968    F       SINGLE
Stephenson      Flotie                     20-Oct-1968    F       WIDOWED
Sullivan        Maurice     C              09-Oct-1968    M       SEPAR/DIVORCED
Taylor          Annie       Laura          12-May-1968    F       SINGLE
Taylor          Willie                     29-Jun-1968    M       WIDOWED
Teer            Daisy       L              25-Nov-1968    F       WIDOWED
Terhune         Romye       Tubb           07-Oct-1968    F       WIDOWED
Thornton        Releford    Marvin         07-Jun-1968    M       SINGLE
Threet          Elmer       E         JR   29-Dec-1968    M       SINGLE
Till            Arthur      Elmore         16-Nov-1968    M       WIDOWED
Touchtone       Webster                    28-Aug-1968    M       SINGLE
Tubb            Gussie      Bell           09-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Tuley           Ella        Gertrude       06-Dec-1968    F       WIDOWED
Tyner           Noble       C              26-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
Waldrip         Florencie   Ann            10-Apr-1968    F       SINGLE
Waldrip         Grover      Truss          25-Feb-1968    M       SINGLE
Watkins         Walter                     31-Jan-1968    M       WIDOWED
Wedgeworth      Picola      O S            10-Nov-1968    F       SINGLE
Welch           John        Wesley         05-Sep-1968    M       SINGLE
Westbrook       Henry       Norris         02-Aug-1968    M       WIDOWED
Whitaker        James       L R            28-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
White           Rebecca                    22-Feb-1968    F       WIDOWED
Wickham         Mae                        10-Feb-1968    F       WIDOWED
Willbanks       Fannie      B              03-Nov-1968    F       WIDOWED
Williams        Aggie       Thomas         31-Jan-1968    F       WIDOWED
Williams        David                      24-Apr-1968    M       SINGLE
Williams        Sam                        19-Oct-1968    M       SINGLE
Wilson          John        Samuel         01-Sep-1968    M       SINGLE
Wright          Alice       Gertrude       17-Aug-1968    F       SINGLE
Yelldell        Pheba       Clyde          08-Jul-1968    F       SINGLE
Young           Melton      Lee            15-Sep-1968    M       SINGLE
Zimmerman       Jimmie                     13-Sep-1968    M       SINGLE



Name: Henry Wyezzinger Barrett
Death Date: 21 Oct 1968
Death Place: Ranger General Hospital in Ranger, Eastland Co., Texas
Residence: 114 N. Bailey in Mexia, Limestone Co., Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 50 years
Birth Date: 07 Dec 1917
Birthplace: Cotton Gin, Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Reba Barrett
Father's Name: Melvin L. Barrett
Father's Birthplace: 
Mother's Name: Merle Miller
Mother's Birthplace: 
Occupation: Dopeman-Pipeline
Cemetery: Cotton Gin
Burial Place: Freestone County, Texas
Burial Date: 21 Oct 1968
Informant: Mrs. Reba Bennett, wife

Certificate: 	34375
Name: 	Norman Bennett
Death Date: 	10 Apr 1968
Death Place: 	City Hospital in Teague, Freestone Co., Texas
Residence: Jewett, Leon Co., Texas
Gender: 	Male
Marital Status: 	Married
RacE: White
Birth Date: 	06 Feb 1900
Age: 68 y
Occupation: Retired Chief Eng. for Gov't
Birthplace: 	Jewett, Texas
Father's Name: 	W F Bennett
Mother's Name: 	Cora Eddins
Informant: Hazel Bennett, wife
Burial: Sardis Cemetery in Leon Co., Texas

Name: Fayette Bonner
Death date: 13 Nov 1968
Death place: Corsicana, Navarro, Texas
Birth date: 13 Apr 1889
Birth place: Texas
Age at death: 79 years
Gender: Male
Marital status: Married
Race or color: Black
Father name: Willis Bonner
Mother name: Lady Jones
Residence: Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Burial: 16 Nov 1968 - Freestone, Texas

Name: 	Corin Watson Childs
Death Date: 	02 Apr 1968
Death Place: 	Fairfield Freestone, Texas
Gender: 	Female
Race: 	W
Death Age: 	68 years
Birth Date: 	07 Jul 1899
Birthplace: 	Freestone Co., Texas
Marital Status: 	Married
Spouse's Name: 	
Father's Name: 	William S. Watson
Father's Birthplace: 	
Mother's Name: 	Lera Lake
Mother's Birthplace: 	
Place of Residence: 	Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Cemetery: 	Fairfield
Burial Place: 	
Burial Date: 	03 Apr 1968

Name:	 Larry Elden Cooper
Death Date:	 08 Sep 1968
Death Place:	 4 miles S. of Fairfield -- Hwy 75, Freestone Co., Texas
Residence: 1125 Havard St. in Houston, Harris Co., TX. 
Gender:	 Male
Race: White
Marital Status:	 Single
Birth Date:	 03 Jan 1947
Birthplace:	 Austin, Texas
Father's Name:	Allen Clarence Cooper
Mother's Name:	Gladys Holmes
Informant: Gladys H. Combuland (Mother)
Cause of Death: Collison of Motor Vehicles, Impact
Burial: Rosewood Cemetery in Houston, Texas

Certificate Number: 13853
Name: Gussie C Grant
Death Date: 29 Feb 1968
Death Place: 614 South 16th St. in Corsicana, Navarro Co., Texas
Residence: 614 South 16th St. in Corsicana, Navarro Co., Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Widowed
Birth Date: 14 Feb 1871
Age: 97 y, 0 mths, 15 days
Birthplace: Stewards Mill, Freestone Co., Texas
Father's Name: A G Powell
Mother's Name: Arabelle Jones
Burial:  Fairfield Cemetery in Fairfield, Texas
Informant:  Arabelle Cowan

Name: 	A. Lynn Harris
Death Date: 	26 Nov 1968
Death Place: 	Wortham, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: 	Male
Race: 	White
Death Age: 	69 years
Birth Date: 	07 Mar 1899
Birthplace: 	Wortham, Texas
Marital Status: 	Married
Spouse's Name: 	
Father's Name: 	Charles P. Harris
Father's Birthplace: 	
Mother's Name: 	Betty Talley
Mother's Birthplace: 	
Occupation: 	Rancher
Place of Residence: 	Kirvin, Freestone Co., Texas
Cemetery: 	Woodland
Burial Place: 	Kirvin, Texas
Burial Date: 	27 Nov 1968

Name: 	Mattie Bell Harris
Death Date: 	01 May 1968
Death Place: 	Teague, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: 	Female
Race: 	N
Death Age: 	73 years
Birth Date: 	01 Jul 1894
Birthplace: 	Texas
Marital Status: 	Widowed
Spouse's Name: 	
Father's Name: 	Randal Ringer
Father's Birthplace: 	
Mother's Name: 	Ella Henry
Mother's Birthplace: 	
Occupation: 	Teacher
Place of Residence: 	Oakwood, Texas
Cemetery: 	Shiloh
Burial Place: 	Freestone Co. Texas
Burial Date: 	05 May 1968

Certificate Number: 02858
Name: Annie Mae Hill
Death Date: 01 Jan 1968
Death Place: Freestone Co. Hospital in Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Residence: Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Widowed
Occupation: Housewife
Birth Date: 03 Oct 1894
Birthplace: Limestone Co., Texas
Father's Name: Warren D Davis
Mother's Name: Georgia Brown
Informant: Johnnie Hill, son
Burial: Fairfield Cemetery

Name: 	Elias L. Horn
Death Date: 	29 Apr 1968
Death Place: 	Ft. Sam Houston, Bexar, Texas
Gender: 	Male
Race: 	Negro
Death Age: 	72 years
Birth Date: 	20 Apr 1896
Birthplace: 	Texas
Marital Status: 	Married
Spouse's Name: 	
Father's Name: 	C. T. Horn
Father's Birthplace: 	
Mother's Name: 	Melissa Thomas
Mother's Birthplace: 	
Occupation: 	Parking Attendant
Place of Residence: 	San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
Cemetery: 	Rocky Branch
Burial Place: 	Freestone County, Texas
Burial Date: 	02 May 1968

Name: 	Robert Horn
Death Date: 	23 Oct 1968
Death Place: 	Teague, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: 	Male
Race: 	white
Death Age: 	77 years
Birth Date: 	20 Nov 1890
Birthplace: 	Texas
Marital Status: 	Married
Spouse's Name: 	
Father's Name: 	J.H. Horn
Father's Birthplace: 	
Mother's Name: 	Lou Baldwin
Mother's Birthplace: 	
Occupation: 	Blacksmith
Place of Residence: 	Jewett, Leon, Texas
Cemetery: 	Marquez Cemetery
Burial Place: 	Marquez, Texas
Burial Date: 	24 Oct 1968

Name:	 Jessie Elizabeth Lewis
Death Date:	 01 Jan 1968
Death Place:	 Freestone County Hospital in Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Residence: Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender:	 Female
Marital Status:	 Widowed
Race: White
Birth Date:	 09 Feb 1889
Birthplace:	 Red River County, Texas
Father's Name:	Tom Ward
Mother's Name:	Leatha E Bryant
Informant: Mrs. Emma Key, daughter
Burial: St. Elmo Cemetery in Freestone Co., Texas

Name : Harry Adolphus Manahan
Death date : 09 Aug 1968
Death place : Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Birth date : 14 Apr 1923
Birth place : Freestone Co., Texas
Age at death : 45 years
Gender : Male
Marital status : Married
Race or color : White
Spouse name : Mrs. Rosemary Manahan
Father name : Sam Manahan
Mother name : Tillie Tate
Burial: 10 Aug 1968  Fairfield, Texas
Residence: Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas

Name: Issie Mcgilvary Meador
Death date: 30 Aug 1968
Death place: Wortham, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: Female
Race or color (on document): White
Age at death: 86 years
Birth date: 02 Oct 1881
Birth place: Birdston, Texas
Marital status: Widowed
Father name: Angus Tyson Mcgilvary
Mother name: Eliza Jane Davidson
Occupation: Housewife
Residence: Mexia, Limestone, Texas
Cemetery name: Birdston Cemetery
Burial place: Streetman, Texas

Name: Corrigan R. Moore
Death date: 27 Nov 1968
Death place: Waxahachie, Ellis, Texas
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document): White
Age at death: 75 years
Birth date: 20 Nov 1893
Birth place: Hubbard, Texas
Marital status: Widowed
Father name: Samuel M. Moore
Mother name: Elder Watts Key
Occupation: Painter
Residence: Ennis, Ellis, Texas
Cemetery name: Lake Chapel
Burial place: Fairfield, Texas
Burial date: 29 Nov 1968

Name: Joe Cannon Moore
Death date: 27 Dec 1968
Death place: Houston, Harris, Texas
Gender: Male
Race or color (on document): white
Age at death: 75 years
Birth date: 05 Jan 1893
Birth place: Fairfield, Texas
Marital status: Married
Father name: James H. Moore
Mother name: Liza Ann Willard
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Houston, Harris, Texas
Cemetery name: Fairfield
Burial place: Fairfield, Texas
Burial date: 27 Dec 1968

Death Certificate: 	70428
Name: 	Frances Agnes Newman
Death Date: 	12 Oct 1968
Death Place: 	Freestone Co. Hospital in Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas (stay 9 days)
Residence: 8 miles NE of Fairfield, Precinct 1, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: 	Female
Race: White
Marital Status: 	Married
Birth Date: 	26 Sep 1891
Age: 77
Occupation: [blank]
Birthplace: 	Freestone Co., Texas
Father's Name: 	John Richardson
Mother's Name: 	Frances Horn
Informant: Mrs. Lena Newman (daughter-in-law)
Burial: Lake Chapel in Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas

Death Certificate: 43896 
Name: Fannie E Richardson
Death Date: 18 Jun 1968
Death Place: Mexia State School in Mexia, Precinct 4, Limestone Co., Texas 
  (length of stay 14 yrs)
Usual Residence: Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: Female
Race: White
Marital Status: Single
Birth Date: 10 Jan 1911
Age: 57
Occupation: None
Birthplace: Freestone Co., Texas
Father's Name:  Mr. T H Richardson
Mother's Name: Mittie Hood Lee
Informant: Records of Mexia State School
Burial:  Rehobeth [Rehoboth] Cemetery in Freestone County, Texas
Funeral Home: Capps Funeral Home in Fairfield

Name:	Lettie T Roller
Death Date:	01 Jan 1968
Death Place:	Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Residence: Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Length at Residence: 36 yrs
Gender:	Female
Marital Status:	Widowed
Race: White
Birth Date:	09 Jul 1879
Age: 88
Occupation: Housewife
Birthplace:	Woodberry, Tennessee
Father's Name:	Will Talley
Mother's Name:	Henretta Vincen
Informant: Mrs. Eston Turner
Cemetery: Fairfield Cemetery

Certificate Number: 	77606 
Name: 	Lela Mae Shields
Death Date: 	09 Nov 1968
Death Place: 	Fairfield, Freestone Co., Texas
Residence: 6 1/2 miles E of Fairfield, Precinct 1, Freestone Co., Texas
Gender: 	Female
Race: White
Marital Status: 	Married
Birth Date: 	25 Mar 1887
Age: 81
Birthplace: 	Texas
Occupation: Housewife
Informant: Mrs. Opal Mitchell (daughter)
Burial: Rehobeth Cemetery [Rehoboth Cemetery] in Fairfield, Texas

Name: Harvey Newt Webb
Death Date: 01 Apr 1968
Death Place: Kaufman, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 72 years
Birth Date: 15 Sep 1895
Birthplace: Kerens, Tecxas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: 
Father's Name: Otis Webb
Father's Birthplace: 
Mother's Name: Minnie Allen
Mother's Birthplace: 
Occupation: Farmer
Place of Residence: Kaufmann, Texas
Cemetery: Dew Cemetery
Burial Place: Freestone Co, Texas
Burial Date: 03 Apr 1968

Name: John Kelsey Webb
Death Date: 13 Feb 1968
Death Place: Tyler, Smith, Texas
Gender: Male
Race: White
Death Age: 84 years
Birth Date: 06 Sep 1883
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: 
Father's Name: Cam Webb
Father's Birthplace: 
Mother's Name: Fannie Smith
Mother's Birthplace: 
Occupation: Groceryman
Place of Residence: Tyler, Smith, Texas
Cemetery: Birdston Cemetery
Burial Place: Streetman (Freestone), Texas
Burial Date: 15 Feb 1968

Death Certificate:	39000
Name:	Nancy Ann [Gunter] Willard
Death Date:	02 May 1968
Death Place:	Palestine Nursing Home in Palestine, Anderson Co., Texas
Residence: 611 North Cottage Avenue in in Palestine, Anderson Co., Texas
Gender:	Female
Marital Status:	Married
Race: White
Birth Date:	26 Feb 1892
Age: 76
Birthplace:	Freestone Co., Texas
Father's Name:	Wylie Gunter
Mother's Name:	George (maiden name not known)
Burial: Lakes Chapel Cemetery (near Fairfield, Texas)
Cause of Death: Stroke
Informant: Mrs. Myrtle Stanaland (daughter)