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Cherokee Co., TX - 1930 Cherokeean, Yearbook of Jacksonville High School
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1930 Cherokeean, Yearbook of Jacksonville High School, Jacksonville, Texas

The following individuals are pictured in the 1930 Cherokeean, yearbook of
Jacksonville High School.  They are listed in order of family name, given
names, class (fac=faculty/staff; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=
freshman) and yearbook page.  For each senior there is a listing of club and
sports participation and a brief description. The each junior there is a brief
description.  For this or other information you are welcome to contact

Aber, Ned, sr, 22
Acker, Frances, so, 38
Acker, Joe Penman, fr, 44
Adams, Dorothy, fr, 44
Adams, Sam, fr, 42
Alexander, M. P., fac, 16
Allen, Dorris, sr, 22
Allen, William, fr, 41
Anderson, Tad, fr, 42
Audrey, Henry, fr, 41
Aven, Doyle, jr, 32
Aven, Oneta, so, 38
Baker, Lucyle, fac, 14
Barnette, Opal, so, 38
Barton, Agnes, sr, 22
Batton, Rosalee, fr, 41
Bayliss, Mrs. J. H., fac, 17
Bayliss, Sadie Ann, so, 38
Beck, James, fr, 42
Beckcom, Evelyn, fr, 42
Bedford, Rugus, jr, 32
Bennett, Louise, sr, 22
Bennett, Samuel, fr, 42
Black, Marjorie, so, 38
Bolton, Jane, fr, 43
Bone, Minerva, jr, 32
Boone, Lois, sr, 22
Boone, Louis, jr, 32
Booth, Freeman, fr, 43
Booth, Minnie Lee, sr, 22
Boren, Wayne, fr, 44
Bounds, Vio Mae, sr, 22
Bourgoyne, Julius, fr, 44
Bowen, Doris, fr, 41
Bracher, Edwin, so, 38
Bracher, Mrs. G. A., fac, 17
Brittain, Vera, sr, 22
Brittain, Veta, sr, 22
Brown, Murle, fr, 44
Brown, W. H., fac, 16
Brown, Willis, fr, 44
Browning, Thomas, fr, 42
Bullock, Helen, sr, 22
Burns, Fred, so, 38
Burt, Marie, fr, 41
Byrd, Evelyn, fr, 42
Byrd, Lawrence, fr, 41
Cameron, Julia Bell, so, 38
Cameron, Mattie, sr, 23
Carter, Delores, fr, 44
Clark, Mary Jim, fr, 42
Clark, Willa Nell, fr, 44
Cobb, Sam A., jr, 32
Compton, Marvoreen, fr, 44
Couch, Irwin, fr, 42
Cowan, Felda Fay, fac, 14
Cox, Larue, fac, 12
Crews, Bertie B., sr, 23
Crews, Cecil, fr, 41
Crim, Evelyn, jr, 32
Crim, Hyman, so, 38
Darby, Mary Kate, fr, 44
Daughtery, Annie Lee, so, 38
David, Louise, jr, 32
Davis, Edwin, sr, 23
Davis, Sadie, fr, 43
Davis, Trudy, jr, 32
Denby, Mary, sr, 23
Denby, W. C., fac, 16
Dennard, Hazel, fr, 41
Dickson, Joyce, sr, 23
Doris, Katherine, fr, 41
Douglas, Aldis, sr, 23
Dublin, Richmond, fr, 41
Duke, Billy, jr, 32
Duke, Elizabeth, jr, 32
Dunn, Joe, fr, 44
DuPree, Louis, sr, 23
Duty, Bernice, sr, 23
Duty, Christine, fr, 42
Earle, Helen, so, 38
Easeley, Edna, fr, 43
Edge, Ruth, fr, 43
Evans, Frazier, sr, 23
Fain, Elizabeth, jr, 32
Finley, Lorie, fr, 41
Finn, Edwin, fr, 43
Forrest, Mary, jr, 32
Forrest, Roy, jr, 32
Fox, Russel, sr, 23
Friend, Lucille, sr, 24
Friend, Mary, sr, 24
Frizzell, Lois, jr, 32
Fulton, G. R., jr, 32
Gaddis, Mary, fr, 41
Gary, T. L., fac, 14
Gary, Mrs. T. L., fac, 14
Gibbs, Pearl, fr, 44
Gibson, G. W., fac, 16
Gibson, Mallard, jr, 32
Gilchrist, Ang, jr, 32
Gilchrist, Dixie, so, 38
Gilchrist, Frances, so, 39
Gillespie, Frank, fr, 42
Greenwood, Imogene, fr, 44
Hale, Aline, fr, 41
Hall, Onieta, fr, 44
Hallmark, John Ed, fr, 42
Hallmark, Lula Mae, so, 39
Hamilton, Ruby, fr, 42
Harper, Gwendolyn, fr, 41
Harry, Venice, sr, 24
Haynes, Madie, so, 39
Hensley, R. G., jr, 32
Hill, Mary Ella, fr, 41
Holcomb, Evelyn, fr, 43
Holcomb, J. H., sr, 24
Holcomb, Zula, fac, 14
Holder, Nell, jr, 33
Holland, Mrs. J. R., fac, 17
Holland, Kathleen, jr, 33
Hollaway, Marjorie, jr, 33
Holman, W. W., fac, 16
Holmes, Mary Beth, fr, 43
Hopson, M. H., fr, 44
Howell, Mary Willard, jr, 33
Hudson, Ruby, so, 39
Hudspeth, Lucy, fac, 14
Huggins, N. P., fac, 14
Hughes, Doyle, fr, 44
Hunt, Allen, so, 39
Hunt, Helen, so, 39
Hurley, Connie Lee, fr, 41
Hutchinson, Wilson, jr, 33
Irwin, Cleo, sr, 24
Jackson, Billie, sr, 24
Jackson, Mary, fr, 43
Jackson, Roger, fr, 42
Jackson, Virginia, sr, 24
Jay, Lucille, sr, 24
Jefferies, Mickey, so, 39
Johnson, Elvin, sr, 24
Johnston, Cecil, fr, 44
Johnston, Grace, sr, 25
Johnston, Mary D., sr, 25
Johnston, Ruth, sr, 25
Jones, Gladys, fr, 42
Jones, Jack, so, 39
Jones, Marguerite, sr, 24
Jowell, Noveline, fr, 41
Key, Billie Pearl, so, 39
Kirby, Clifford, fr, 44
Lacy, Margie, sr, 25
Lake, Cullen, fr, 44
Lamberth, David, jr, 33
Lamberth, Estelle, jr, 33
Lamberth, Walter, fr, 43
Landers, Mrs. F. A., fac, 17
Landers, Franklin, sr, 25
Lane, Clifford, sr, 25
Lane, Rebekah, sr, 25
Lanier, Marjorie, jr, 33
Lewis, Clarence, fr, 42
Lindner, Margaret, sr, 25
Loper, Frank, sr, 25
Lovelady, Calvert, fr, 43
Luper, M. E., fac, 14
Magrill, Corinne, sr, 25
Magrill, Louise, so, 39
Martin, Lloyd, fr, 44
Mason, Dorothy, fr, 42
Mathews, B. R., fac, 13
Mayfield, Homer, so, 39
McBee, Lucille, so, 40
McCarroll, Graham, sr, 26
McCarty, Estella, sr, 26
McClung, Claude, fr, 43
McCormick, Milene, so, 40
McKnight, Arless, fr, 41
McKnight, Kathleen, sr, 26
McKnight, Louis, fr, 42
McMillan, Delma, fr, 42
McMinn, Bertha, jr, 33
McWhorter, Edith Nell, jr, 33
Melvin, Amy, fr, 41
Merritt, W. T., jr, 33
Moore, Eunice, fac, 15
Mortan, Dan, fr, 42
Moss, Catherine, so, 39
Muckelroy, Erma, jr, 33
Munsell, Martha, sr, 26
Murry, Goldie, fr, 42
Myhand, T. M., sr, 26
Newberry, Juanita, so, 40
Newburn, B. T., fr, 41
Newburn, Lenora Faye, jr, 33
Newton, Mrs, E. M., fac, 15
Nicholson, Bennie, jr, 33
Norman, Juanita, sr, 26
Owen, Ruth, so, 40
Owens, Josie, fr, 43
Owens, Maxine, fr, 44
Page, Virginia, sr, 26
Paris, Galatha, jr, 33
Park, Annella, fr, 42
Pate, alvin, fr, 44
Pearman, Leota, fr, 41
Pearson, Martin, jr, 33
Perkins, Dorothy, sr, 26
Pickens, Hubert, jr, 33
Pierce, Kathleen, fr, 41
Portwood, Dolen, sr, 26
Portwood, Velma, sr, 26
Priestly, Gertrude, fr, 43
Pritchett, Francis, fr, 42
Prycer, Margaret, fr, 43
Quick, J. H., jr, 33
Ragsdale, Homer, jr, 34
Rankin, Jeanette, fr, 41
Rawlinson, Fredna, fr, 44
Rawlinson, Lawrence, fr, 41
Ray, Knox, jr, 34
Richardson, Lucile, fr, 44
Robertson, Isabell, fr, 43
Robinson, Victor, fr, 42
Rogers, Doris, fac, 15
Ross, Dorsey, sr, 27
Ross, Mabel Fay, fr, 43
Roten, Victoria, jr, 34
Rothstein, Hyman, jr, 34
Rowbarts, Ruth, sr, 27
Sanders, Alton, fr, 44
Saxon, Douglas, sr, 27
Scallan, Theda, fr, 44
Scott, Willie Mae, fr, 42
Searcy, Cecil, sr, 27
Shaw, Wilton, jr, 34
Shoemaker, C. D., fac, 16
Shotwell, I. T., fac, 16
Simpson, Everett, fr, 41
Simpson, Morris, fr, 41
Singletary, Doris, fr, 42
Skinner, Welch, fr, 42
Smith, Dorothy, jr, 34
Smith, Jean Marie, jr, 34
Smith, Ruth, fr, 43
Smith, Willie Frank, fr, 44
Smyrl, Velma, sr, 27
Sory, Cyrsup, sr, 27
Starkey, R. E., fr, 41
Starling, Nella V., so, 40
Staton, Mary, fr, 42
Stephens, Elizabeth, jr, 34
Stovall, Sammie, so, 40
Stringer, Dianna, sr, 27
Stringer, Eva, so, 40
Stump, Loy, fr, 41
Sutton, Harold, fr, 43
Swink, Dorothy, so, 40
Tankersley, Reese, fr, 44
Taylor, Berneta, fr, 41
Taylor, Cecil, jr, 34
Taylor, Leo, fr, 42
Teasdale, Claudine, sr, 27
Teer, Edith, fr, 41
Temple, Imogene, fr, 41
Templeton, John Allen, jr, 34
Thackwell, Donald, sr, 27
Thackwell, Lawrence, sr, 27
Thompson, Frank, fr, 44
Thompson, Iva, fr, 41
Thompson, Joy, fr, 42
Thompson, Odessa, sr, 28
Thompson, Stockton, fr, 43
Thompson, Thad, fr, 44
Tipton, Edward, jr, 34
Tipton, Ralph, fr, 44
Treadwell, Gretta, so, 40
Turner, Jonnie Louise, fr, 42
Vacek, Frances, jr, 34
Van Zant, Edwin, so, 40
Van Zant, F. B., sr, 28
Vaughn, Paul, fr, 44
Wade, Earl, jr, 34
Wadsworth, Charlie, fr, 41
Wadsworth, Mary, sr, 28
Walker, Bernard, fr, 41
Walker, Mary Lou, so, 40
Walker, Ross, fr, 43
Wallace, Irene, jr, 34
Walters, Mrs. Maurice, fac, 15
Ward, Julian, fr, 42
Ward, Toledo, fr, 44
Weatherby, Annetta, so, 40
Wellborn, Julia, fac, 15
Whitaker, Rex, jr, 34
White, Elsie, fr, 44
Whitehead, Richard, sr, 28
Whitley, Ruth, fr, 42
Whitsett, Menon, fr, 42
Wilburn, Johnnie Mae, jr, 34
Wilkinson, Byrnice, sr, 28
Wilson, Guyla, fr, 41
Woodard, Essie, sr, 28
Woodard, J. W., fr, 43
Yett, Annie, fac, 15
Young, Avis, jr, 34