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Index to the White County Death Records 1926-1945

This index references files

where XXXX is the filename

Type is
  D - Name appears as deceased on the record
  M - Name appears as Mother of deceased on the record
  F - Name appears as Father of deceased on the record
  S - Name appears as Spouse of the deceased on the record

Lastname, First                     Type Filename
Kassy, Anna                           M  dc1927.txt
Keathley, Andy                        S  dc1936.txt
Keathley, Arthesa Stacy               D  dc1934.txt
Keathley, Arthusa                     M  dc1939.txt
Keathley, Eliza Ann                   M  dc1940.txt
Keathley, Emma                        D  dc1945.txt
Keathley, I. W.                       S  dc1934.txt
Keathley, Jane                        M  dc1945.txt
Keathley, Orman                       S  dc1945.txt
Keathley, Sallie                      M  dc1937.txt
Keathley, Sarah Adaline               M  dc1926.txt
Keathley, William                     F  dc1934.txt
Keathly, Ann Jones                    D  dc1936.txt
Keaton, Lena Ann                      M  dc1941.txt
Keaton, Mollie                        S  dc1931.txt
Keethley, Alice                       M  dc1942.txt
Keethley, Andy                        F  dc1935.txt
Keethley, J. A.                       D  dc1935.txt
Keethley, Pattie                      M  dc1935.txt
Kell, Bess                            S  dc1945.txt
Kelsey, Amos                          D  dc1928.txt
Kelsey, Florance                      M  dc1935.txt
Kelsey, Myrtle                        M  dc1943.txt
Kelsey, Myrtle                        S  dc1938.txt
Kelsey, William                       F  dc1928.txt
Kelsey, Willie Maggie                 D  dc1943.txt
Kent, Amantha                         D  dc1935.txt
Kent, Beulah                          M  dc1937.txt
Kent, Joshua P.                       F  dc1932.txt
Kent, Mathew Thomas                   F  dc1945.txt
Kent, Nathan Thomas                   D  dc1932.txt
Kent, Nathern Thos                    S  dc1935.txt
Kent, Willaim Kennedy                 D  dc1945.txt
Kenward, Jessie                       F  dc1926.txt
Kenward, Jessie                       F  dc1927.txt
Kerby, Amanda K.                      D  dc1935.txt
Kerby, Baby                           D  dc1926.txt
Kerby, E. D.                          F  dc1931.txt
Kerby, Emma Gene                      D  dc1930.txt
Kerby, Eston                          F  dc1930.txt
Kerby, Flora                          M  dc1938.txt
Kerby, Gather                         F  dc1926.txt
Kerby, Glaydes                        D  dc1930.txt
Kerby, Gorden                         D  dc1926.txt
Kerby, James Clouse                   D  dc1931.txt
Kerby, Joe F.                         F  dc1930.txt
Kerby, Joseph                         F  dc1926.txt
Kerby, Martha                         D  dc1926.txt
Kerby, Myrtle                         M  dc1926.txt
Kerby, Ollie                          M  dc1930.txt
Kerby, Vergil                         D  dc1930.txt
Kern, Mary Jane                       M  dc1942.txt
Kerr, A. D.                           F  dc1944.txt
Kerr, Anna Elizabeth                  D  dc1927.txt
Kerr, Bettie Elizabeth                D  dc1934.txt
Kerr, Ed                              F  dc1939.txt
Kerr, Edward                          D  dc1940.txt
Kerr, Emer May                        D  dc1927.txt
Kerr, Fannie                          M  dc1932.txt
Kerr, Fate                            F  dc1940.txt
Kerr, James Oders                     D  dc1939.txt
Kerr, Joseph E.                       F  dc1934.txt
Kerr, May Brown                       M  dc1939.txt
Kerr, Simpha                          D  dc1939.txt
Kerr, Thomas J.                       S  dc1939.txt
Kerr, William F.                      F  dc1927.txt
Kerr, William                         F  dc1939.txt
Keton, Alford Merit                   F  dc1928.txt
Key, Lucinda                          M  dc1944.txt
Key, Mary Ann                         M  dc1933.txt
Key, Washington                       F  dc1930.txt
Keylon, Fannie                        M  dc1932.txt
Kicher, James                         F  dc1932.txt
Kidwell, Dudley                       D  dc1932.txt
Kidwell, Silas                        F  dc1932.txt
Kilgore, Charlie                      D  dc1936.txt
Kilgore, Dorthy E.                    D  dc1926.txt
Kilgore, Ernest W.                    F  dc1926.txt
Kilgore, Steave                       F  dc1936.txt
Killensworth, Joe                     F  dc1930.txt
Killgrove, Elizabeth                  M  dc1945.txt
Kincade, Rosa Ann                     M  dc1931.txt
King, Bessie                          M  dc1933.txt
King, Charlie B.                      D  dc1940.txt
King, Earl                            D  dc1933.txt
King, Ella                            D  dc1930.txt
King, Etta                            M  dc1943.txt
King, Frank                           D  dc1943.txt
King, Frank                           F  dc1940.txt
King, Frankie                         M  dc1940.txt
King, John                            F  dc1930.txt
King, Lena May                        M  dc1930.txt
King, Melvina                         M  dc1926.txt
King, Nathan                          F  dc1943.txt
King, Rachel                          M  dc1929.txt
King, William Byrd                    D  dc1930.txt
Kinnaird, Doley Ann                   S  dc1941.txt
Kinnaird, Jimmie                      F  dc1940.txt
Kinnard, Alx                          F  dc1933.txt
Kinnard, Betty                        M  dc1942.txt
Kinnard, Calombus                     S  dc1939.txt
Kinnard, Catherine                    D  dc1929.txt
Kinnard, Colombus                     D  dc1942.txt
Kinnard, Evie                         S  dc1945.txt
Kinnard, Girtha                       M  dc1934.txt
Kinnard, Isam                         F  dc1942.txt
Kinnard, Jim                          F  dc1929.txt
Kinnard, Sara Robinson                S  dc1942.txt
Kinnard, Sarah Margaret               D  dc1939.txt
Kinnard, Tennessee                    D  dc1929.txt
Kinnard, William A.                   D  dc1933.txt
Kinniard, Bessie                      M  dc1928.txt
Kinsey, Henry M.                      F  dc1943.txt
Kinsey, William E.                    D  dc1943.txt
Kiper, Millie                         M  dc1943.txt
Kirby, Apaon                          D  dc1936.txt
Kirby, Arie                           M  dc1928.txt
Kirby, Baby                           D  dc1933.txt
Kirby, Bernice                        D  dc1938.txt
Kirby, Chester                        S  dc1937.txt
Kirby, Crock                          S  dc1937.txt
Kirby, David                          F  dc1933.txt
Kirby, Delai Marie                    D  dc1937.txt
Kirby, Elizabeth                      M  dc1943.txt
Kirby, Ellish                         M  dc1931.txt
Kirby, Ernest                         F  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Fannie                         M  dc1938.txt
Kirby, Flora                          M  dc1938.txt
Kirby, Flora                          M  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Frank                          D  dc1941.txt
Kirby, Hanna                          M  dc1938.txt
Kirby, Harkless Grundy                D  dc1931.txt
Kirby, Harley Swafford                D  dc1929.txt
Kirby, Henry                          F  dc1941.txt
Kirby, Icie Pearl                     D  dc1926.txt
Kirby, Ida                            M  dc1932.txt
Kirby, Infant                         D  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Ira                            S  dc1945.txt
Kirby, J. M.                          F  dc1929.txt
Kirby, Jane                           D  dc1937.txt
Kirby, Jane                           M  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Jim                            F  dc1938.txt
Kirby, John                           F  dc1931.txt
Kirby, Kenneth                        D  dc1939.txt
Kirby, Kennith                        F  dc1939.txt
Kirby, Laban                          F  dc1936.txt
Kirby, Labe                           F  dc1938.txt
Kirby, Lee                            F  dc1937.txt
Kirby, Louise                         M  dc1945.txt
Kirby, Mak                            F  dc1944.txt
Kirby, Marion                         D  dc1926.txt
Kirby, Martha Richardson              D  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Marvin                         F  dc1933.txt
Kirby, Mary Elizabeth                 M  dc1941.txt
Kirby, Mary                           M  dc1937.txt
Kirby, Merrill                        D  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Ora                            M  dc1932.txt
Kirby, Orville                        F  dc1926.txt
Kirby, Orville                        F  dc1939.txt
Kirby, Ples                           D  dc1945.txt
Kirby, Ples                           S  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Rebecca                        D  dc1939.txt
Kirby, Ricard Earl                    D  dc1933.txt
Kirby, Sr., John                      D  dc1926.txt
Kirby, Stacy Elizabeth                M  dc1936.txt
Kirby, Stacy Elizabeth                M  dc1940.txt
Kirby, Stacy                          M  dc1933.txt
Kirby, Tom                            F  dc1943.txt
Kirby, Virgie                         M  dc1937.txt
Kirby, Virgie                         M  dc1938.txt
Kirby, Waymon                         F  dc1945.txt
Kirkpatrick, Mable                    M  dc1944.txt
Kirks, J. P.                          F  dc1944.txt
Kittrell, Martha                      S  dc1932.txt
Kitwell, Ann                          M  dc1933.txt
Kitwell, Harrett                      M  dc1934.txt
Klein, Clifford                       D  dc1927.txt
Klein, Lillie May                     M  dc1927.txt
Klein, William                        D  dc1933.txt
Knard, William Thomas                 D  dc1933.txt
Knight, Evelyn                        S  dc1945.txt
Knight, Hiram Lyle                    D  dc1944.txt
Knight, Robert                        F  dc1944.txt
Knight, Unknown                       M  dc1929.txt
Knowery, Alice                        M  dc1943.txt
Knowle, Sallie                        S  dc1931.txt
Knowles, Baby                         D  dc1933.txt
Knowles, Case                         F  dc1934.txt
Knowles, Charles Raymond              D  dc1938.txt
Knowles, Cynthia                      D  dc1942.txt
Knowles, Cynthia                      D  dc1942.txt
Knowles, Dora                         M  dc1931.txt
Knowles, Dora                         M  dc1937.txt
Knowles, E. R.                        F  dc1936.txt
Knowles, E. R.                        S  dc1943.txt
Knowles, Edward                       F  dc1933.txt
Knowles, Elizabeth                    M  dc1931.txt
Knowles, Elizabeth                    M  dc1931.txt
Knowles, Eva Novella                  M  dc1937.txt
Knowles, Frances                      D  dc1938.txt
Knowles, Frank Pierce                 D  dc1938.txt
Knowles, Haley                        M  dc1929.txt
Knowles, Haley                        M  dc1934.txt
Knowles, Ida Mae                      D  dc1943.txt
Knowles, Ida                          M  dc1936.txt
Knowles, James A.                     F  dc1926.txt
Knowles, James A.                     F  dc1934.txt
Knowles, James                        F  dc1930.txt
Knowles, James                        F  dc1939.txt
Knowles, Jasper                       S  dc1942.txt
Knowles, Jasper                       S  dc1942.txt
Knowles, Jim P.                       F  dc1938.txt
Knowles, Jim                          F  dc1927.txt
Knowles, John Fletcher                D  dc1930.txt
Knowles, John                         F  dc1938.txt
Knowles, LeRoy                        D  dc1936.txt
Knowles, Margrett                     M  dc1927.txt
Knowles, Mary Cordia                  D  dc1942.txt
Knowles, Maude                        M  dc1936.txt
Knowles, Mollie                       D  dc1929.txt
Knowles, Notie                        M  dc1927.txt
Knowles, Novella                      S  dc1937.txt
Knowles, P. C.                        S  dc1942.txt
Knowles, Rachel                       M  dc1930.txt
Knowles, Thos                         F  dc1929.txt
Knowles, Vera Mae                     S  dc1936.txt
Knowles, Wesley Pierce                D  dc1934.txt
Knowles, William Jasper               D  dc1926.txt
Knowles, William                      F  dc1938.txt
Kochler, Connie                       D  dc1944.txt
Kochler, Frank J.                     F  dc1944.txt
Koger, Martha                         M  dc1942.txt
Koke, Eda Lenora                      D  dc1934.txt
Koke, Richard                         S  dc1934.txt
Krout, Franklin                       F  dc1938.txt
Krout, Ray W.                         D  dc1938.txt
Kuhn, Bettie                          M  dc1937.txt
Kuhn, Bettie                          S  dc1930.txt
Kuhn, Henry                           F  dc1929.txt
Kuhn, J. Elbert                       D  dc1929.txt
Kuhn, Jim                             F  dc1937.txt
Kuhn, John Murphy                     D  dc1937.txt
Kuhn, Kathrine                        M  dc1926.txt
Kuhn, Katy                            M  dc1934.txt
Kuhn, Mattie                          S  dc1945.txt
Lack, Jim                             F  dc1943.txt
Lack, Jula                            M  dc1928.txt
Lack, Mary                            D  dc1943.txt
Lackey, Billy                         F  dc1944.txt
Lackey, Louise                        D  dc1944.txt
Lacy, Dr. J. E.                       S  dc1938.txt
Lacy, Georgie Lee                     D  dc1938.txt
Lafever, Adell                        M  dc1944.txt
Lafever, Alvin                        F  dc1930.txt
Lafever, Arthur A.                    F  dc1943.txt
Lafever, Asher                        F  dc1945.txt
Lafever, Callie                       M  dc1940.txt
Lafever, Casmer Marion                D  dc1944.txt
Lafever, Cela                         M  dc1928.txt
Lafever, Celia                        M  dc1939.txt
Lafever, Celia                        M  dc1943.txt
LaFever, Clifford Columbus            D  dc1940.txt
Lafever, Geo                          F  dc1931.txt
Lafever, George Washington            D  dc1945.txt
Lafever, Harvie                       D  dc1931.txt
Lafever, Holbert                      D  dc1930.txt
Lafever, Jack                         F  dc1929.txt
Lafever, Linnie                       S  dc1943.txt
Lafever, Lousia Ann                   M  dc1942.txt
Lafever, Manda                        M  dc1935.txt
Lafever, Mary                         M  dc1941.txt
Lafever, Theresa                      M  dc1941.txt
LaFever, Tillman                      F  dc1940.txt
Lafever, Zachariah                    F  dc1945.txt
Lafevers, Huston                      F  dc1936.txt
Lafevers, James                       D  dc1937.txt
Lafevers, Lazra                       F  dc1940.txt
Lafevers, Lizzie Ann                  M  dc1936.txt
Lafevers, Lucy                        S  dc1937.txt
Lafevers, Marthee Spears              M  dc1940.txt
Lafevers, Martin                      F  dc1932.txt
Lafevers, Mozille                     D  dc1936.txt
Lafevers, Mr. George Washington       D  dc1940.txt
Lafevers, Ruby Jewel                  D  dc1932.txt
Lafevers, Synthia Lollar              S  dc1940.txt
Lafevers, Zackeria                    F  dc1937.txt
Lamb, Clara                           D  dc1927.txt
Lamb, Effie                           M  dc1935.txt
Lamb, Frank                           S  dc1942.txt
Lamb, Franklin                        F  dc1945.txt
Lamb, Hugh                            D  dc1929.txt
Lamb, Jr., Wayson                     D  dc1933.txt
Lamb, Lillian                         M  dc1937.txt
Lamb, Lucinda                         M  dc1944.txt
Lamb, Nancy Elizabeth                 D  dc1942.txt
Lamb, Ray                             S  dc1936.txt
Lamb, Rhea                            M  dc1933.txt
Lamb, Sarah                           S  dc1936.txt
Lamb, Thomas Lee                      D  dc1945.txt
Lamb, Wayson                          F  dc1933.txt
Lamb, William                         F  dc1929.txt
Lambert, Andy                         F  dc1932.txt
Lambert, Martha                       M  dc1936.txt
Lambert, Nancy                        D  dc1930.txt
Lambert, William Thos.                D  dc1932.txt
Lamberth, Andrew                      F  dc1933.txt
Lamberth, Beecher H.                  F  dc1933.txt
Lamberth, Lois Rhea                   D  dc1933.txt
Lamborth, Mary                        M  dc1936.txt
Lanaden, Minnie                       S  dc1933.txt
Lance, Eizebeth                       M  dc1926.txt
Lance, Eller                          M  dc1939.txt
Lance, Frank                          F  dc1939.txt
Lance, Harold Jeff                    D  dc1939.txt
Lance, James Clyde                    D  dc1935.txt
Lance, James M.                       F  dc1926.txt
Lance, Jeff                           D  dc1926.txt
Lance, Jeff                           F  dc1935.txt
Lance, John                           F  dc1928.txt
Lance, Mary E.                        M  dc1931.txt
Lance, Rebecca                        D  dc1940.txt
Lance, Sam                            S  dc1940.txt
Lance, Samuel                         D  dc1928.txt
Lane, Delbert Earl                    D  dc1944.txt
Lane, Irene                           M  dc1940.txt
Lane, James Andrew                    F  dc1944.txt
Lane, Luiza Isibell                   M  dc1931.txt
Lanier, Mary E.                       M  dc1926.txt
Lansden, Hugh                         F  dc1940.txt
Larance, Kinia                        M  dc1931.txt
Largant, James                        F  dc1929.txt
Larimore, E. A.                       F  dc1945.txt
Laver, Sarah Elizabeth                D  dc1929.txt
Lawhorn, Anna L.                      D  dc1926.txt
Lawhorn, Rhea                         F  dc1926.txt
Lawrance, Caroline                    M  dc1930.txt
Lawrence, Katherine                   S  dc1937.txt
Lawrence, Kinnie                      M  dc1938.txt
Lawrence, Mary Lou                    M  dc1938.txt
Lawry, John                           F  dc1930.txt
Lawry, Samel Hampton                  D  dc1930.txt
Lawry, Samuel Hampton                 S  dc1931.txt
Lawson, Ada                           S  dc1934.txt
Lawson, Alvin                         F  dc1942.txt
Lawson, Alvin                         S  dc1937.txt
Lawson, Arthur                        F  dc1929.txt
Lawson, Bell                          S  dc1942.txt
Lawson, Bessie                        M  dc1938.txt
Lawson, Bill                          F  dc1926.txt
Lawson, Cinda Etter                   D  dc1928.txt
Lawson, Clarence                      D  dc1926.txt
Lawson, Cordelia                      M  dc1936.txt
Lawson, David                         F  dc1941.txt
Lawson, Edd                           F  dc1942.txt
Lawson, Enzie                         F  dc1928.txt
Lawson, Fedlman                       D  dc1934.txt
Lawson, Frank                         D  dc1938.txt
Lawson, Geo.                          F  dc1936.txt
Lawson, Gorden B.                     D  dc1928.txt
Lawson, Henry Clay                    D  dc1936.txt
Lawson, Infant                        D  dc1928.txt
Lawson, Jim                           F  dc1928.txt
Lawson, Jimmie Lee                    D  dc1942.txt
Lawson, John                          F  dc1939.txt
Lawson, John                          S  dc1931.txt
Lawson, Lillian May                   D  dc1931.txt
Lawson, Lillie B.                     D  dc1929.txt
Lawson, Lillie Louise                 D  dc1937.txt
Lawson, Marvin                        F  dc1942.txt
Lawson, Mary                          M  dc1933.txt
Lawson, Mary                          S  dc1936.txt
Lawson, Mattie Irene                  D  dc1942.txt
Lawson, Minnie Cass                   S  dc1938.txt
Lawson, Rowd L.                       F  dc1926.txt
Lawson, Scott William                 F  dc1945.txt
Lawson, Sr., John                     D  dc1926.txt
Lawson, Temp                          S  dc1934.txt
Lawson, Toy                           D  dc1945.txt
Lawson, William Crockett              F  dc1938.txt
Lawson, William                       D  dc1942.txt
Lawson, Zona                          M  dc1932.txt
Lawson, Zona                          M  dc1932.txt
Layfevers, Rebecca                    M  dc1931.txt
Ledbetter, Margaret                   M  dc1944.txt
Ledbetter, Margaret                   M  dc1944.txt
Ledford, Elsie                        M  dc1929.txt
Ledford, Fannie Jane                  D  dc1929.txt
Ledford, J. B.                        S  dc1934.txt
Ledford, James                        F  dc1945.txt
Ledford, Lige                         S  dc1936.txt
Ledford, Myrtie                       M  dc1934.txt
Ledford, Sarah E.                     D  dc1934.txt
Ledford, Vertie Lee                   D  dc1936.txt
Lee, Bill                             S  dc1932.txt
Lee, Caroline                         M  dc1937.txt
Lee, Charlie                          F  dc1930.txt
Lee, Clyde                            F  dc1926.txt
Lee, Elizabeth                        D  dc1932.txt
Lee, Elizabeth                        M  dc1935.txt
Lee, Ethel                            D  dc1930.txt
Lee, Evelyon York                     D  dc1926.txt
Lee, Jacob                            F  dc1930.txt
Lee, Jim R.                           S  dc1932.txt
Lee, Josephine Hutcheson              D  dc1932.txt
Lee, Mary                             M  dc1933.txt
Lee, Parsethi                         M  dc1933.txt
Lee, Wilham                           F  dc1927.txt
Lee, William                          D  dc1930.txt
Leftwich, James                       F  dc1932.txt
Leftwich, Jim                         F  dc1943.txt
Leftwich, Lucy                        M  dc1943.txt
Leftwich, Mary                        M  dc1932.txt
Leftwich, Walter                      D  dc1943.txt
Leftwick, Jef                         D  dc1932.txt
Leggs, Cam                            F  dc1930.txt
LeMasters, Willie Ann                 M  dc1941.txt
Lemons, Jane                          M  dc1939.txt
Lemons, Ova                           S  dc1932.txt
Lesley, Marshell                      D  dc1933.txt
Lesley, Stone W.                      F  dc1933.txt
Lesley, Stone                         F  dc1937.txt
Lettner, Margarett                    M  dc1934.txt
Levasay, Nova                         M  dc1934.txt
Lewis, Abe                            D  dc1926.txt
Lewis, B. Hayden                      F  dc1927.txt
Lewis, B. Hayden                      F  dc1927.txt
Lewis, Baby                           D  dc1930.txt
Lewis, Bettie                         M  dc1945.txt
Lewis, Candie                         M  dc1936.txt
Lewis, Donel                          D  dc1931.txt
Lewis, Eda                            M  dc1939.txt
Lewis, Effie                          M  dc1927.txt
Lewis, Eliza                          M  dc1936.txt
Lewis, Emma                           M  dc1943.txt
Lewis, Ethel                          M  dc1928.txt
Lewis, Gip                            F  dc1926.txt
Lewis, Grace                          M  dc1930.txt
Lewis, James F.                       F  dc1930.txt
Lewis, James                          F  dc1937.txt
Lewis, L. A.                          S  dc1934.txt
Lewis, Leah                           M  dc1937.txt
Lewis, Lesley                         F  dc1931.txt
Lewis, Luculas Anderson               D  dc1937.txt
Lewis, Lynda                          M  dc1940.txt
Lewis, Margaret A.                    M  dc1944.txt
Lewis, Martha C.                      D  dc1928.txt
Lewis, Mary Jane                      S  dc1940.txt
Lewis, Mary M.                        M  dc1936.txt
Lewis, Mary                           M  dc1945.txt
Lewis, Mary                           S  dc1944.txt
Lewis, Melvin                         S  dc1938.txt
Lewis, Mrs. Amanda                    D  dc1934.txt
Lewis, Pricilla                       M  dc1941.txt
Lewis, Rebecca Marie                  D  dc1927.txt
Lewis, Robt G.                        F  dc1928.txt
Lewis, Robt. Lee                      D  dc1927.txt
Lewis, Tampa                          M  dc1943.txt
Lewis, Tandy Lane                     D  dc1926.txt
Lewis, Thomas                         F  dc1931.txt
Lewis, Thomas                         F  dc1942.txt
Lewis, Thomas                         F  dc1945.txt
Lewis, Thos                           F  dc1926.txt
Lewis, Vestie Matilda Wilson          D  dc1938.txt
Lidy, Lou                             M  dc1937.txt
Linch, Charlottie                     M  dc1942.txt
Linville, Amon                        F  dc1934.txt
Linville, Sith Thomas                 D  dc1934.txt
Linzy, Mary                           M  dc1944.txt
Lisk, Albert                          F  dc1937.txt
Lisk, Albert                          F  dc1939.txt
Lisk, Amanda                          M  dc1940.txt
Lisk, Amanda                          M  dc1940.txt
Lisk, Amanda                          M  dc1942.txt
Lisk, Bud                             D  dc1939.txt
List, Malinda                         M  dc1936.txt
Lister, Fredda                        S  dc1934.txt
Little, Aquilla Bussell               D  dc1937.txt
Little, Brice                         F  dc1928.txt
Little, Brice                         F  dc1936.txt
Little, Bryce                         F  dc1942.txt
Little, Florence                      S  dc1932.txt
Little, Harman                        F  dc1931.txt
Little, Hiram                         F  dc1930.txt
Little, James                         D  dc1930.txt
Little, Jane                          M  dc1939.txt
Little, Jim                           S  dc1936.txt
Little, John C.                       D  dc1928.txt
Little, Joseph Washington             D  dc1936.txt
Little, Joseph                        F  dc1942.txt
Little, Loucinda                      S  dc1943.txt
Little, Mary Kate                     S  dc1941.txt
Little, Mertie Sims                   D  dc1927.txt
Little, Mrs. M. Eva                   D  dc1936.txt
Little, Rhea                          D  dc1931.txt
Little, Simpson                       F  dc1932.txt
Littleton, Bettye                     D  dc1929.txt
Livingston, Duncan                    F  dc1932.txt
Lockwood, John A.                     F  dc1928.txt
Lockwood, Jr., J. A.                  D  dc1928.txt
Loftis, Labon                         F  dc1938.txt
Lollar, Cintha                        M  dc1931.txt
Lollar, Corder                        F  dc1930.txt
Lollar, Ingie                         D  dc1935.txt
Lollar, Mary                          S  dc1943.txt
Lollar, Nancy                         M  dc1929.txt
Long, Opha                            M  dc1930.txt
Loo, Agness                           M  dc1926.txt
Looney, Columbus E.                   D  dc1926.txt
Looney, Girnie                        M  dc1927.txt
Looney, Mary Ann                      M  dc1933.txt
Looney, Sam                           F  dc1926.txt
Looney, Virgie Lou                    S  dc1937.txt
Looper, D. P.                         F  dc1941.txt
Looper, Margarett                     S  dc1940.txt
Looper, Polly                         M  dc1926.txt
Lou, Martha                           M  dc1938.txt
Lourine, Edith                        D  dc1938.txt
Lovall, Polly                         M  dc1928.txt
Love, Cora Wallace                    D  dc1943.txt
Love, Hezekiah Elias                  D  dc1944.txt
Love, J. R.                           F  dc1939.txt
Love, Joe                             S  dc1943.txt
Love, John                            F  dc1944.txt
Love, Lizzie C.                       S  dc1939.txt
Love, Preston B.                      D  dc1939.txt
Love, Rachel                          S  dc1932.txt
Low, Maggie                           M  dc1927.txt
Lowe, Alford                          F  dc1930.txt
Lowe, Caroline                        M  dc1929.txt
Lowe, Caroline                        M  dc1939.txt
Lowe, Dona                            M  dc1937.txt
Lowe, Noray                           M  dc1942.txt
Lowe, Nova                            S  dc1945.txt
Lowe, Sara Ann                        M  dc1940.txt
Lowe, Tom                             F  dc1945.txt
Lowe, Wamon D.                        D  dc1942.txt
Lowery, Ada                           S  dc1938.txt
Lowery, Annie                         M  dc1935.txt
Lowery, Bill                          F  dc1945.txt
Lowery, Carles Eddley                 D  dc1940.txt
Lowery, Carrick                       F  dc1940.txt
Lowery, Carson Drivens                D  dc1942.txt
Lowery, Eula                          S  dc1937.txt
Lowery, Isaac                         S  dc1938.txt
Lowery, James                         F  dc1936.txt
Lowery, Jance Fay                     D  dc1937.txt
Lowery, John                          D  dc1932.txt
Lowery, Kittie                        S  dc1934.txt
Lowery, Loague                        F  dc1942.txt
Lowery, Luphie Lea                    D  dc1936.txt
Lowery, Mamie                         M  dc1927.txt
Lowery, Mary                          M  dc1938.txt
Lowery, Mildred                       M  dc1934.txt
Lowery, Mrs. Jim                      D  dc1936.txt
Lowery, Nottie                        D  dc1938.txt
Lowery, Simpson                       F  dc1936.txt
Lowery, Simpson                       F  dc1940.txt
Lowery, Susan Elizabeth               M  dc1934.txt
Lowery, Thomas                        F  dc1937.txt
Lowery, W. S.                         S  dc1936.txt
Lowhorn, Ambus J.                     D  dc1933.txt
Lowhorn, Amos                         F  dc1944.txt
Lowhorn, Henry Clay                   D  dc1944.txt
Lowhorn, Jim                          F  dc1933.txt
Lowry, Amanda                         M  dc1928.txt
Lowry, Charles                        F  dc1935.txt
Lowry, Hamp                           F  dc1933.txt
Lowry, Hattie                         M  dc1929.txt
Lowry, Mary Jane                      S  dc1933.txt
Lowry, Monro                          D  dc1933.txt
Lowry, Sallie                         M  dc1928.txt
Lowry, Sarah                          D  dc1931.txt
Lowry, Simp                           F  dc1933.txt
Loyle, Harrett                        M  dc1929.txt
Ludford, Hattie                       S  dc1944.txt
Luke, Fred Straton                    D  dc1943.txt
Luke, Fred                            F  dc1941.txt
Luke, Fred                            S  dc1945.txt
Luke, James                           F  dc1943.txt
Luke, Theresa                         D  dc1945.txt
Luna, Agnes May                       D  dc1928.txt
Luna, Bertie                          M  dc1941.txt
Luna, Birdie                          S  dc1939.txt
Luna, Bonniel                         S  dc1943.txt
Luna, Charlie                         F  dc1943.txt
Luna, Dennis                          F  dc1941.txt
Luna, Dennis                          S  dc1945.txt
Luna, Dug                             F  dc1928.txt
Luna, George                          F  dc1937.txt
Luna, Guena Lee                       S  dc1945.txt
Luna, Jr., George                     D  dc1937.txt
Luna, Maggie Louise                   D  dc1941.txt
Luna, Maranda                         D  dc1945.txt
Luna, Minadell                        M  dc1938.txt
Luna, Ralph M.                        D  dc1943.txt
Luna, Ruby                            M  dc1940.txt
Luna, Samuel Buford                   D  dc1944.txt
Luna, Samuel Silus                    F  dc1944.txt
Luna, Wiley Madison                   D  dc1941.txt
Luna, William F.                      F  dc1941.txt
Lusk, Flora Alice                     D  dc1929.txt
Lusk, Jessie                          D  dc1927.txt
Lusk, R. Bell                         F  dc1929.txt
Lusk, Roosevelt                       F  dc1927.txt
Lyda, Daniel                          F  dc1935.txt
Lyda, Dina                            M  dc1933.txt
Lyda, Louisa                          M  dc1940.txt
Lyda, Louise                          M  dc1942.txt
Lyda, Sarah                           M  dc1935.txt
Lydia, Clara                          M  dc1937.txt
Lydia, David                          F  dc1943.txt
Lyles, Alice Elizabeth                S  dc1945.txt
Lyles, Johnson                        F  dc1941.txt
Lyles, Lourinda Tallent               D  dc1943.txt
Lyles, Mamie E.                       S  dc1936.txt
Lyles, Nancy                          M  dc1945.txt
Lyles, Willaim                        S  dc1943.txt
Lyles, William                        D  dc1941.txt
Lynn, Claude                          F  dc1934.txt
Lynn, Floyd                           F  dc1928.txt
Lynn, Sarah Zelina Pauline            D  dc1944.txt
Lynn, Thos                            D  dc1928.txt
Lynn, William T.                      F  dc1944.txt
Lynn, Wilma Jean                      D  dc1934.txt
Lyon, Elizabeth                       M  dc1932.txt
Lyra, Monroe                          F  dc1945.txt
Mabe, Aron                            F  dc1935.txt
Mabe, Bertha                          M  dc1945.txt
Mabe, Davied                          F  dc1927.txt
Mabe, Frank                           F  dc1927.txt
Mabe, Frank                           F  dc1934.txt
Mabe, H. Esco                         D  dc1927.txt
Mabe, Howard James                    D  dc1932.txt
Mabe, J. L.                           F  dc1932.txt
Mabe, Lennie Mae                      M  dc1940.txt
Mabe, Lewis                           F  dc1941.txt
Mabe, Lizzie                          S  dc1941.txt
Mabe, Mabel                           D  dc1934.txt
Mabe, Martha                          M  dc1933.txt
Mabe, Martha                          M  dc1941.txt
Mabe, Mary Eddie                      M  dc1928.txt
Mabe, Noah                            D  dc1941.txt
Mabe, Pearlie May                     M  dc1934.txt
Mabe, Rowe                            D  dc1935.txt
Mabe, Sarah                           S  dc1943.txt
Mackey, Catherine                     M  dc1930.txt
Mackey, Lou                           M  dc1936.txt
Mackey, Tim                           F  dc1935.txt
Mackie, Avo                           M  dc1929.txt
Mackie, Callie                        M  dc1928.txt
Maddus, Simon Carlysle                D  dc1945.txt
Maddux, Martha                        M  dc1929.txt
Maddux, Silas                         F  dc1945.txt
Madewell, Billie Joe                  D  dc1939.txt
Madewell, Fate                        D  dc1941.txt
Madewell, Minnie Jane                 S  dc1944.txt
Madewell, Willie Joe                  F  dc1939.txt
Madwell, Barney                       F  dc1933.txt
Madwell, Pressie Emma                 D  dc1933.txt
Maggart, Felix G.                     D  dc1933.txt
Mahan, John Wesley                    D  dc1940.txt
Mahan, Willie                         F  dc1940.txt
Makee, Wilbur                         D  dc1945.txt
Makee, William                        F  dc1945.txt
Manard, Allie                         M  dc1926.txt
Manard, Arrie                         M  dc1929.txt
Manard, Jim                           D  dc1931.txt
Maning, Mrs. Hennah                   D  dc1928.txt
Mannard, Clint                        F  dc1932.txt
Mannard, Loucina                      D  dc1932.txt
Manns, Ollie                          M  dc1930.txt
Marbury, Earl                         D  dc1942.txt
Marbury, Ned                          F  dc1942.txt
Marchbank, Lula                       D  dc1930.txt
Marchbanks, Almira                    M  dc1937.txt
Marchbanks, Lula Jarvis               D  dc1937.txt
Marchbanks, Will                      S  dc1937.txt
Marchbanks, William M.                D  dc1932.txt
Marchbanks, William                   F  dc1930.txt
Marchbanks, William                   F  dc1932.txt
Mardith, Heneretta                    M  dc1933.txt
Marge, Annie                          M  dc1929.txt
Margerson, Emma                       M  dc1936.txt
Margison, Caroline                    M  dc1926.txt
Maria, Sam                            M  dc1926.txt
Marigan, Darice                       S  dc1943.txt
Marigson, Nancy Jane                  D  dc1943.txt
Marion, Virginia                      M  dc1935.txt
Marks, Francis                        D  dc1931.txt
Marsh, Ada                            M  dc1931.txt
Marsh, Ada                            S  dc1942.txt
Marsh, Beatrice                       M  dc1945.txt
Marsh, Bertha                         M  dc1936.txt
Marsh, David C.                       S  dc1942.txt
Marsh, David Columbus                 D  dc1935.txt
Marsh, Hatten                         D  dc1929.txt
Marsh, Hulda Jane                     D  dc1942.txt
Marsh, Jane                           M  dc1940.txt
Marsh, Rena                           M  dc1938.txt
Marsh, Rena                           M  dc1941.txt
Marsh, Rena                           S  dc1939.txt
Marsh, Silas                          F  dc1936.txt
Marsh, Wash                           F  dc1935.txt
Marsh, Washington                     F  dc1929.txt
Marshall, Walter                      D  dc1931.txt
Marshel, Herman Edward                D  dc1926.txt
Marshell, Bonnie M.                   D  dc1931.txt
Marshell, Felix                       F  dc1926.txt
Marshell, Gladys                      M  dc1930.txt
Marshell, Lizzie                      M  dc1931.txt
Marshell, Lou Setta                   S  dc1935.txt
Marshell, Mark P.                     F  dc1931.txt
Martain, Rebecka                      S  dc1937.txt
Martin, Amon                          F  dc1941.txt
Martin, Bessie                        M  dc1934.txt
Martin, Betty Jane                    M  dc1938.txt
Martin, Betty                         M  dc1944.txt
Martin, Bige                          F  dc1929.txt
Martin, Calvin C.                     D  dc1932.txt
Martin, Catherine                     M  dc1944.txt
Martin, Frank                         D  dc1938.txt
Martin, Frank                         F  dc1927.txt
Martin, Inez                          M  dc1937.txt
Martin, James                         F  dc1942.txt
Martin, Jane                          M  dc1938.txt
Martin, Jessie                        F  dc1932.txt
Martin, Jessie                        F  dc1938.txt
Martin, Jubies                        S  dc1935.txt
Martin, Kate Russell                  S  dc1938.txt
Martin, Laura                         S  dc1938.txt
Martin, Lena Mae                      S  dc1939.txt
Martin, Lydia                         M  dc1933.txt
Martin, Malinda                       M  dc1932.txt
Martin, Malinda                       M  dc1935.txt
Martin, Margie                        M  dc1932.txt
Martin, Margie                        S  dc1939.txt
Martin, Mary Alice                    D  dc1935.txt
Martin, Mary                          M  dc1931.txt
Martin, Mary                          M  dc1936.txt
Martin, Mary                          S  dc1933.txt
Martin, Maudie                        M  dc1926.txt
Martin, Miss                          M  dc1931.txt
Martin, Robert                        D  dc1938.txt
Martin, Sallie Ann                    M  dc1945.txt
Martin, Sam Atwell                    D  dc1933.txt
Martin, Willie                        M  dc1944.txt
Mason, Almeda Moore                   D  dc1933.txt
Mason, Dillan                         F  dc1926.txt
Mason, Edward Lee                     D  dc1926.txt
Mason, Leila Mai                      D  dc1928.txt
Mason, Mary Frances                   D  dc1941.txt
Mason, Mattie Dora                    S  dc1940.txt
Mason, Nancy                          S  dc1942.txt
Mason, R. E.                          S  dc1928.txt
Mason, R. L.                          F  dc1941.txt
Mason, Rock                           S  dc1943.txt
Mason, Thomas E.                      F  dc1933.txt
Massa, Dillard                        F  dc1933.txt
Massa, Fan                            F  dc1928.txt
Massa, Rudolph                        D  dc1933.txt
Massey, Dophia                        M  dc1930.txt
Massey, Liza Bell                     M  dc1945.txt
Masters, Millard K.                   F  dc1934.txt
Masters, Willie                       D  dc1934.txt
Matcalf, Fannie                       S  dc1932.txt
Matcalf, Mary Lee                     M  dc1927.txt
Matheney, Jim                         F  dc1927.txt
Matheny, Bud                          F  dc1930.txt
Matheny, Elige                        F  dc1939.txt
Matheny, Emma Gene                    D  dc1930.txt
Mathies, Emma                         D  dc1933.txt
Mathies, Lee                          S  dc1933.txt
Mathis, James                         F  dc1931.txt
Mathney, Linnie Gertrude              D  dc1927.txt
Mathney, Vina                         M  dc1936.txt
Matlock, Bill                         F  dc1941.txt
Matlock, Dick                         F  dc1928.txt
Matlock, Evoline                      S  dc1935.txt
Matlock, John Edward                  D  dc1941.txt
Matlock, Mack                         D  dc1928.txt
Matlock, Sallie                       S  dc1944.txt
Matlock, Susan                        D  dc1930.txt
Matlock, Susan                        M  dc1928.txt
Matthews, Ernest                      F  dc1945.txt
Matthews, Rhea                        F  dc1926.txt
Matthews, Treva J.                    D  dc1926.txt
Matthews, Wanda Jean                  D  dc1945.txt
Mauldin, Bell                         M  dc1941.txt
Maxwell, James                        S  dc1941.txt
Maxwell, Maranda                      M  dc1938.txt
Maxwell, Martha E.                    D  dc1941.txt
May, Dollie                           M  dc1930.txt
Maybe, Peggy Ann                      D  dc1927.txt
Mayberry, Isberry Stanton             D  dc1942.txt
Mayberry, Jessie                      F  dc1942.txt
Mayberry, William Thomas              F  dc1944.txt
Mayberry, William Warren              D  dc1944.txt
Maye, Myrtle                          S  dc1943.txt
Mayers, Dora                          M  dc1945.txt
Mayes, Callie                         S  dc1942.txt
Mayes, Thomas J.                      F  dc1939.txt
Mayfield, Everett                     F  dc1930.txt
Mayfield, J. Walter                   F  dc1928.txt
Mayfield, James Edward                D  dc1930.txt
Mayfield, Mattie                      M  dc1939.txt
Mayfield, Mildred Christene           D  dc1928.txt
Mayfield, Myla                        D  dc1930.txt
Maynard, Addie                        S  dc1942.txt
Maynard, Alice                        M  dc1930.txt
Maynard, Armel Morgan                 D  dc1941.txt
Maynard, Clint                        F  dc1930.txt
Maynard, Clint                        F  dc1941.txt
Maynard, Fred Thomas                  D  dc1941.txt
Maynard, James Franklin               D  dc1930.txt
Maynard, Jane                         M  dc1944.txt
Maynard, Jennie                       S  dc1932.txt
Maynard, Larkin                       F  dc1941.txt
Maynard, Larkin                       S  dc1941.txt
Maynard, Mae                          S  dc1945.txt
Maynard, Martha Ann                   M  dc1943.txt
Maynard, Nan                          D  dc1932.txt
Maynard, Robert                       D  dc1938.txt
Maynard, Rodie                        M  dc1932.txt
Maynard, Tennessee Martin             D  dc1941.txt
Maynard, Vina                         M  dc1933.txt
Maynard, William                      F  dc1938.txt
Mays, Avaline                         M  dc1930.txt
Mays, Carline                         M  dc1940.txt
Mays, James                           F  dc1934.txt
McAfee, Cordelia                      M  dc1936.txt
McAloy, Elza                          M  dc1932.txt
McBride, Almedia                      M  dc1942.txt
McBride, Amanda                       M  dc1945.txt
McBride, Amos                         F  dc1936.txt
McBride, Betty                        D  dc1945.txt
McBride, Burl                         F  dc1933.txt
McBride, Burl                         F  dc1935.txt
McBride, C. B.                        F  dc1945.txt
McBride, Carrie                       M  dc1934.txt
McBride, Carrie                       S  dc1942.txt
McBride, Charles                      D  dc1932.txt
McBride, Charlie                      F  dc1933.txt
McBride, Chas                         F  dc1930.txt
McBride, Cora                         D  dc1943.txt
McBride, Crocket                      S  dc1945.txt
McBride, Elizabeth                    M  dc1927.txt
McBride, Elizabeth                    M  dc1928.txt
McBride, Elizabeth                    M  dc1936.txt
McBride, Eugene                       D  dc1930.txt
McBride, Flabe                        F  dc1932.txt
McBride, Flavera                      F  dc1938.txt
McBride, Flavious J.                  S  dc1945.txt
McBride, Flavous                      F  dc1936.txt
McBride, Fred                         D  dc1933.txt
McBride, Hunter                       S  dc1943.txt
McBride, Irene Emaline                S  dc1932.txt
McBride, Irene                        D  dc1928.txt
McBride, Irene                        M  dc1939.txt
McBride, J. G.                        S  dc1933.txt
McBride, Jack                         F  dc1941.txt
McBride, Jency                        D  dc1943.txt
McBride, Jim                          S  dc1943.txt
McBride, John B.                      D  dc1936.txt
McBride, John Gooch                   D  dc1933.txt
McBride, John S.                      F  dc1938.txt
McBride, John                         F  dc1938.txt
McBride, John                         S  dc1937.txt
McBride, Johnie Lee                   D  dc1936.txt
McBride, Joseph Hunter                D  dc1936.txt
McBride, Lacey                        F  dc1936.txt
McBride, Lacey                        F  dc1938.txt
McBride, Lacey                        S  dc1938.txt
McBride, Liddie                       M  dc1942.txt
McBride, Linda Sue                    D  dc1941.txt
McBride, Linda                        M  dc1939.txt
McBride, Lydia                        M  dc1933.txt
McBride, Mary Dillon                  D  dc1939.txt
McBride, Mary                         D  dc1945.txt
McBride, Mattie Lee                   D  dc1937.txt
McBride, Merrell Lynn                 D  dc1945.txt
McBride, Mrs. Mary Jane               D  dc1933.txt
McBride, Ollie Birtha                 S  dc1936.txt
McBride, Percella                     M  dc1932.txt
McBride, Polly                        M  dc1931.txt
McBride, Robt Lee                     D  dc1938.txt
McBride, Rosa Lee                     D  dc1938.txt
McBride, Samuel Virgil                D  dc1938.txt
McBride, Synthia                      M  dc1943.txt
McBride, Vallie                       M  dc1927.txt
McBride, Viola                        M  dc1929.txt
McBride, Viola                        S  dc1944.txt
McBride, Will                         F  dc1928.txt
McBride, William Burr                 F  dc1945.txt
McBride, Yancy B.                     D  dc1945.txt
McBride, Yancy                        S  dc1939.txt
McCaleb, Linzie                       F  dc1942.txt
McCaleb, Malinda                      M  dc1936.txt
McCaleb, William D.                   D  dc1942.txt
McCall, Alexine                       M  dc1930.txt
McCan, Bula                           D  dc1932.txt
McCan, Nelias                         F  dc1932.txt
McCan, Nelies                         F  dc1932.txt
McCan, Rachel                         M  dc1928.txt
McCan, Ula                            D  dc1932.txt
McCann, Ollie                         M  dc1928.txt
McCann, Ollie                         M  dc1930.txt
McCann, Ollie                         M  dc1930.txt
McCarmack, Adelia                     D  dc1934.txt
McCarmack, Heneratta                  M  dc1945.txt
McCarmack, J. B.                      S  dc1934.txt
McCarnes, Jim                         F  dc1940.txt
McCarnes, Joseph Luther               D  dc1940.txt
McCauley, Hannah                      M  dc1927.txt
McClain, Richard A.                   S  dc1945.txt
McClain, Sarah Louise                 D  dc1945.txt
McClelen, Matilda                     M  dc1942.txt
McClellan, Alice                      M  dc1942.txt
McCloud, Beecher                      F  dc1930.txt
McCloud, Elizabeth H.                 M  dc1939.txt
McCloud, Ezel                         D  dc1930.txt
McClure, Elnora Johnson               D  dc1939.txt
McClure, Thomas                       D  dc1939.txt
McClure, Thomas                       S  dc1939.txt
McCoin, Alice                         M  dc1927.txt
McColley, Lizzie                      S  dc1941.txt
McComack, Dolly                       M  dc1937.txt
McCongle, Ida                         M  dc1931.txt
McConnell, Eliza                      M  dc1931.txt
McCormack, Austin Ray                 D  dc1944.txt
McCormack, Bettie                     M  dc1939.txt
McCormack, James Allen                D  dc1935.txt
McCormack, Jennie                     M  dc1933.txt
McCormack, John                       F  dc1935.txt
McCormack, Lue                        M  dc1932.txt
McCormack, Rama                       F  dc1944.txt
McCormack, Rama                       S  dc1944.txt
McCormick, Ben                        F  dc1938.txt
McCormick, Bransford                  F  dc1929.txt
McCormick, Bransford                  F  dc1929.txt
McCormick, Bransford                  F  dc1929.txt
McCormick, Clyde Dillard              D  dc1929.txt
McCormick, James Spencer              D  dc1929.txt
McCormick, Lena Fay                   D  dc1944.txt
McCormick, Lillie Irene               D  dc1944.txt
McCormick, Loren                      D  dc1929.txt
McCormick, Lou                        M  dc1941.txt
McCormick, Lou                        S  dc1940.txt
McCormick, Mabel                      M  dc1931.txt
McCormick, Martha                     M  dc1945.txt
McCormick, Olie                       M  dc1927.txt
McCormick, Rama                       F  dc1944.txt
McCoy, Aaron                          F  dc1941.txt
McCoy, Frank Lee                      S  dc1941.txt
McCoy, Jennie England                 D  dc1941.txt
McCoy, Joe                            F  dc1940.txt
McCoy, John                           F  dc1940.txt
McCoy, Joseph                         F  dc1932.txt
McCoy, Lee                            D  dc1932.txt
McCoy, Nancy                          M  dc1936.txt
McCoy, Nancy                          M  dc1942.txt
McCoy, Nathan                         D  dc1940.txt
McCoy, Precilla                       S  dc1932.txt
McCull, Eliza Terry                   M  dc1937.txt
McCullen, Candia                      S  dc1937.txt
McCulley, Andrew                      F  dc1932.txt
McCulley, Andy                        F  dc1931.txt
McCulley, Andy                        F  dc1937.txt
McCulley, Emma May                    M  dc1930.txt
McCulley, Henderson                   F  dc1944.txt
McCulley, Ida Bell                    D  dc1929.txt
McCulley, Ike                         F  dc1937.txt
McCulley, James Washington            D  dc1937.txt
McCulley, James                       S  dc1940.txt
McCulley, Joe                         S  dc1938.txt
McCulley, Joseph White                D  dc1932.txt
McCulley, Malinda                     D  dc1938.txt
McCulley, Manda Jane                  S  dc1937.txt
McCulley, Mandy Jane Howard           D  dc1940.txt
McCulley, Margarett                   S  dc1944.txt
McCulley, Marth Jane                  M  dc1929.txt
McCulley, Sallie Ann                  M  dc1929.txt
McCulley, Sallie                      M  dc1937.txt
McCulley, Sallie                      S  dc1936.txt
McCulley, William A.                  F  dc1929.txt
McDanial, Albert C.                   F  dc1932.txt
McDanial, Stewart A.                  D  dc1932.txt
McDole, Ernest                        F  dc1932.txt
McDole, Hattie Dora                   D  dc1945.txt
McDole, Hattie                        M  dc1930.txt
McDole, Hattie                        M  dc1934.txt
McDole, Jim                           F  dc1944.txt
McDole, Miss Vada                     D  dc1934.txt
McDole, Tom                           D  dc1944.txt
McDole, Tom                           F  dc1934.txt
McDole, Tom                           S  dc1945.txt
McDole, Virginia Lee                  D  dc1932.txt
McDonald, Elizabeth                   M  dc1945.txt
McDonald, Jessie Marie                M  dc1936.txt
McDonald, Jessie                      M  dc1938.txt
McDonald, Joe Eans                    D  dc1944.txt
McDonald, Margarett                   D  dc1942.txt
McDonald, Wallace                     F  dc1944.txt
McDonald, Wallice                     S  dc1942.txt
McDonnall, Aren                       F  dc1935.txt
McDonnall, Jeff Davis                 D  dc1935.txt
McDonnell, Almira                     M  dc1944.txt
McDowell, Mrs. Lillie                 D  dc1934.txt
McDowell, Robert Lee                  D  dc1945.txt
McDowell, Robt                        S  dc1934.txt
McDowell, Semith                      M  dc1928.txt
McDuffy, Tilda                        M  dc1931.txt
McErwin, Mary Ann                     M  dc1940.txt
McEwen, Eliga                         F  dc1940.txt
McEwin, Rena                          M  dc1930.txt
McEwing, Lou                          M  dc1928.txt
McFarlin, Nancy                       M  dc1938.txt
McFerson, Letha                       M  dc1943.txt
McFerson, Thomas                      F  dc1943.txt
McGar, Arena                          M  dc1939.txt
McGar, William                        F  dc1928.txt
McGarr, Sallie Ann                    M  dc1945.txt
McGhee, Ann                           M  dc1940.txt
McGrady, Kizzie                       M  dc1931.txt
McGregar, Mira                        M  dc1933.txt
McGuffie, Pollie                      M  dc1941.txt
McGuira, Josiephene                   M  dc1927.txt
McGuire, Elizabeth                    M  dc1933.txt
McGuire, Thos                         F  dc1930.txt
McIntire, Elizabeth Andrew            D  dc1944.txt
McIntire, William                     S  dc1944.txt
McKay, David R.                       S  dc1940.txt
McKay, Ellen Ross                     D  dc1940.txt
McKee, Dorothy                        S  dc1938.txt
McKee, Sophia                         M  dc1935.txt
McLauglin, Susan                      D  dc1930.txt
McMannis, Lee                         S  dc1937.txt
McMannis, Ruby                        D  dc1937.txt
McPeak, Eliza Ann                     D  dc1939.txt
McPeak, J. C.                         S  dc1933.txt
McPeak, John                          S  dc1938.txt
McPeak, Mary                          M  dc1942.txt
McPeak, Sarah Elizabeth               D  dc1938.txt
McPeak, Stella E.                     D  dc1933.txt
McPeak, W. J.                         S  dc1939.txt
McRenalds, Geneva                     M  dc1933.txt
McSwain, Ethel                        M  dc1930.txt
McThenia, Lena                        M  dc1933.txt
McThenia, Lena                        M  dc1933.txt
McWhirter, Charlie                    D  dc1941.txt
McWhirter, John                       F  dc1941.txt
McWhorter, Geo                        F  dc1926.txt
McWhorter, John Alexander             D  dc1926.txt
McWin, Leriza                         M  dc1939.txt
Meadows, Ben                          F  dc1929.txt
Meadows, Ducan                        D  dc1941.txt
Meadows, Francis Ovella               D  dc1929.txt
Meadows, Fred                         D  dc1928.txt
Meadows, Horace Edger                 D  dc1933.txt
Meadows, Jonah                        F  dc1941.txt
Meadows, Pearson                      F  dc1933.txt
Meadows, Will                         F  dc1928.txt
Measles, Billie Joe                   D  dc1940.txt
Measles, H. C.                        F  dc1943.txt
Measles, Haskel Andrews               D  dc1937.txt
Measles, Mary Louella                 M  dc1942.txt
Measles, Thula                        M  dc1943.txt
Measles, Thulia Florence              S  dc1945.txt
Measles, Woodrow                      F  dc1937.txt
Measles, Woodrow                      F  dc1940.txt
Medley, Avery Eugene                  D  dc1943.txt
Medley, Carol                         F  dc1943.txt
Medley, Eliza                         S  dc1932.txt
Medley, Jim                           F  dc1933.txt
Medley, Sis                           M  dc1938.txt
Medley, Susie                         M  dc1935.txt
Medlin, Amon                          F  dc1938.txt
Medlin, May                           M  dc1929.txt
Medlock, Vira                         S  dc1945.txt
Meek, Amanda                          M  dc1943.txt
Meek, John                            F  dc1944.txt
Meeks, Amanda                         M  dc1935.txt
Meeks, Stella                         M  dc1939.txt
Melton, Dineda                        M  dc1928.txt
Menafee, Roda                         M  dc1932.txt
Mener, Nancy                          M  dc1945.txt
Meneyham, Roda                        M  dc1929.txt
Meridith, Chas M.                     F  dc1932.txt
Meridith, Eva Lois                    D  dc1932.txt
Metcalf, Caroline                     M  dc1929.txt
Metcalf, Caroline                     M  dc1942.txt
Metcalf, Conzada                      M  dc1945.txt
Metcalf, Fannie                       D  dc1942.txt
Metcalf, Mary Jane                    M  dc1942.txt
Metcalf, William B.                   S  dc1942.txt
Metcalf, William                      F  dc1945.txt
Millem, Mary                          M  dc1927.txt
Miller, Alta                          S  dc1935.txt
Miller, Baby                          D  dc1935.txt
Miller, Bernie                        S  dc1937.txt
Miller, Carlee                        M  dc1945.txt
Miller, Carline                       M  dc1945.txt
Miller, Carrie                        S  dc1935.txt
Miller, Charley                       F  dc1928.txt
Miller, Cynthia Entyne                D  dc1934.txt
Miller, Eller                         M  dc1927.txt
Miller, Elmore                        M  dc1939.txt
Miller, Elmore                        M  dc1940.txt
Miller, Elnora                        M  dc1943.txt
Miller, Even                          F  dc1935.txt
Miller, G. W.                         S  dc1937.txt
Miller, Geo.                          S  dc1938.txt
Miller, George Washington             S  dc1934.txt
Miller, Hannah                        M  dc1936.txt
Miller, Haze                          F  dc1932.txt
Miller, Iva Lee                       D  dc1932.txt
Miller, J. Ann                        M  dc1927.txt
Miller, J. Ann                        M  dc1928.txt
Miller, James C.                      F  dc1927.txt
Miller, James Callie                  D  dc1933.txt
Miller, James                         F  dc1940.txt
Miller, Joe                           D  dc1935.txt
Miller, Joe                           S  dc1932.txt
Miller, John                          F  dc1939.txt
Miller, John                          F  dc1943.txt
Miller, Jr., James                    D  dc1940.txt
Miller, Lester                        F  dc1936.txt
Miller, Lester                        F  dc1937.txt
Miller, Lois Marie                    D  dc1936.txt
Miller, Lucy Bell                     D  dc1932.txt
Miller, Margaret                      M  dc1934.txt
Miller, Maria                         M  dc1929.txt
Miller, Mary Ruth                     D  dc1934.txt
Miller, Mary                          D  dc1934.txt
Miller, Mary                          M  dc1927.txt
Miller, Mary                          M  dc1931.txt
Miller, Mary                          M  dc1940.txt
Miller, Mary                          M  dc1944.txt
Miller, Mattie                        M  dc1929.txt
Miller, Merril                        F  dc1935.txt
Miller, Millie Vanerva                D  dc1940.txt
Miller, Mollie                        M  dc1942.txt
Miller, Mollie                        S  dc1936.txt
Miller, Mrs. Cinthia                  D  dc1937.txt
Miller, Nancy                         M  dc1943.txt
Miller, Not Named                     D  dc1928.txt
Miller, Oliver Eustice                D  dc1927.txt
Miller, Oliver Eustice                F  dc1926.txt
Miller, R. J.                         S  dc1944.txt
Miller, Rachel Novella                D  dc1944.txt
Miller, Renie                         M  dc1929.txt
Miller, Riley                         F  dc1933.txt
Miller, Rush H.                       F  dc1934.txt
Miller, Sam Moore                     F  dc1937.txt
Miller, Silba                         D  dc1937.txt
Miller, Sinthia                       M  dc1935.txt
Miller, Stephen                       F  dc1929.txt
Miller, Tennessee                     D  dc1945.txt
Miller, Thea                          D  dc1934.txt
Miller, Thea                          F  dc1934.txt
Miller, Theron                        D  dc1926.txt
Miller, Thomace H.                    D  dc1937.txt
Miller, Thomas Butler                 S  dc1945.txt
Miller, Varthiney                     M  dc1944.txt
Miller, Vina                          D  dc1943.txt
Miller, Wash                          F  dc1935.txt
Miller, Willie Margaret               D  dc1938.txt
Millican, Lizzie                      D  dc1927.txt
Milligan, Eliza                       M  dc1941.txt
Milligan, Elizabeth                   M  dc1945.txt
Milligan, Mary Ruth                   D  dc1944.txt
Milligan, Mary                        M  dc1939.txt
Milligan, Mary                        M  dc1941.txt
Milligan, Mary                        M  dc1941.txt
Milligan, Roger                       S  dc1944.txt
Mills, Annie                          D  dc1935.txt
Mills, Bud                            D  dc1930.txt
Mills, Della                          M  dc1940.txt
Mills, Edner                          S  dc1935.txt
Mills, Lillie Howell                  M  dc1940.txt
Mills, Loreta                         S  dc1932.txt
Mills, Lou                            M  dc1935.txt
Mills, Mandy                          M  dc1940.txt
Mills, Martha                         M  dc1932.txt
Mills, Martha                         M  dc1942.txt
Mills, Polly                          M  dc1926.txt
Mills, William Ernes                  F  dc1940.txt
Mills, Willie                         M  dc1930.txt
Miloma, Mary                          M  dc1927.txt
Milsap, Thomas                        F  dc1932.txt
Milsap, William D.                    D  dc1932.txt
Minafee, Cynthia                      M  dc1941.txt
Mincie, Bettie                        M  dc1935.txt
Minnear, Tolbert                      F  dc1933.txt
Minnear, Washington                   F  dc1936.txt
Minnier, Bettie Louise                D  dc1933.txt
Minor, Telitha                        M  dc1944.txt
Minstead, Ephren                      F  dc1928.txt
Mires, Nannie May                     M  dc1935.txt
Mitchell, Adelia                      M  dc1930.txt
Mitchell, Ara                         M  dc1926.txt
Mitchell, Author L.                   F  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Baby                        D  dc1926.txt
Mitchell, Bell                        M  dc1937.txt
Mitchell, Bobbie Lee                  D  dc1929.txt
Mitchell, Bud                         F  dc1942.txt
Mitchell, Casto                       F  dc1929.txt
Mitchell, Casto                       F  dc1932.txt
Mitchell, Casto                       F  dc1932.txt
Mitchell, Crock                       D  dc1930.txt
Mitchell, Crocket                     F  dc1930.txt
Mitchell, Crocket                     S  dc1933.txt
Mitchell, Dennie Lee                  D  dc1938.txt
Mitchell, Drucella                    M  dc1940.txt
Mitchell, Drucilla                    M  dc1938.txt
Mitchell, Edd                         F  dc1934.txt
Mitchell, Eliza                       M  dc1930.txt
Mitchell, Eliza                       M  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Ellen Florance              D  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Emmaline                    M  dc1935.txt
Mitchell, Emmaline                    M  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Feba                        M  dc1926.txt
Mitchell, Florence                    S  dc1942.txt
Mitchell, Francelona                  S  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Frank                       F  dc1928.txt
Mitchell, George Washington           D  dc1944.txt
Mitchell, Grady                       D  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Infant                      D  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Infant                      D  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Isaac Hertial               D  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, J. C.                       D  dc1942.txt
Mitchell, J. M.                       D  dc1928.txt
Mitchell, John B.                     F  dc1942.txt
Mitchell, John D.                     F  dc1938.txt
Mitchell, John M.                     D  dc1929.txt
Mitchell, Joseph G.                   F  dc1929.txt
Mitchell, Laura Mae                   D  dc1932.txt
Mitchell, Laura Mae                   D  dc1932.txt
Mitchell, Lou                         D  dc1943.txt
Mitchell, Maggie                      M  dc1934.txt
Mitchell, Marie                       M  dc1935.txt
Mitchell, Marise                      S  dc1938.txt
Mitchell, Martha Lou                  D  dc1938.txt
Mitchell, Martha                      M  dc1931.txt
Mitchell, Martha                      S  dc1942.txt
Mitchell, Martin                      F  dc1930.txt
Mitchell, Mary                        D  dc1927.txt
Mitchell, Millie                      M  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Millie                      M  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Minnie                      M  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Nancy                       M  dc1931.txt
Mitchell, Nora                        S  dc1935.txt
Mitchell, Ova Etta                    M  dc1930.txt
Mitchell, Ova Etta                    M  dc1930.txt
Mitchell, Rachel                      M  dc1928.txt
Mitchell, Rachel                      M  dc1936.txt
Mitchell, Rachel                      M  dc1937.txt
Mitchell, Robt H.                     F  dc1926.txt
Mitchell, Sam                         F  dc1926.txt
Mitchell, Samuel                      D  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Samuel                      S  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Stacy                       M  dc1938.txt
Mitchell, Susen                       D  dc1933.txt
Mitchell, Tellas                      D  dc1934.txt
Mitchell, Tibitha                     M  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Tom                         S  dc1935.txt
Mitchell, W. Alfred                   F  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Wamen                       F  dc1939.txt
Mitchell, Wamon                       F  dc1941.txt
Mitchell, Wash                        F  dc1935.txt
Mitchell, Whitta                      M  dc1928.txt
Mitchell, William                     F  dc1943.txt
Mitchell, William                     F  dc1944.txt
Mitchelle, Mrs. Belle Shugart         D  dc1935.txt
Moats, Barbery                        M  dc1936.txt
Mockley, Linda                        S  dc1936.txt
Monteglan, Pauline                    M  dc1944.txt
Montgomery, Arther                    D  dc1930.txt
Montgomery, Author                    S  dc1940.txt
Montgomery, Billie                    F  dc1935.txt
Montgomery, Clara A.                  D  dc1940.txt
Montgomery, Clus                      F  dc1930.txt
Montgomery, Eva Mertle                D  dc1929.txt
Montgomery, J. M.                     S  dc1943.txt
Montgomery, Mary Frances              D  dc1933.txt
Montgomery, Mary Lucinda              D  dc1943.txt
Montgomery, Mary                      M  dc1938.txt
Montgomery, Sarah                     D  dc1939.txt
Montgomery, Thomas Jefferson          D  dc1945.txt
Montgomery, Thos.                     S  dc1933.txt
Montgomery, William M.                D  dc1935.txt
Montgomery, William M.                F  dc1929.txt
Montgomery, William                   F  dc1945.txt
Montgomery, Wm.                       S  dc1939.txt
Moody, Ellen Florence                 S  dc1941.txt
Moody, Emma                           M  dc1934.txt
Moody, Florence                       M  dc1926.txt
Moody, Lenora                         D  dc1929.txt
Moody, Lillard Lee                    D  dc1934.txt
Moody, Lillard Ru                     F  dc1929.txt
Moody, Mary Edna Kerr                 D  dc1939.txt
Moody, William                        F  dc1939.txt
Mooneyham, Laura                      S  dc1940.txt
Mooneyham, Nellie                     D  dc1933.txt
Mooneyham, Wm                         F  dc1933.txt
Moore, Alex                           F  dc1926.txt
Moore, Amea E.                        M  dc1927.txt
Moore, Angeline                       M  dc1930.txt
Moore, Anthney J.                     F  dc1931.txt
Moore, Anthy J.                       F  dc1942.txt
Moore, Artie                          M  dc1939.txt
Moore, B.                             D  dc1926.txt
Moore, Barthela                       D  dc1930.txt
Moore, Beulah                         S  dc1937.txt
Moore, Breckenridge                   S  dc1939.txt
Moore, Brenda Fay                     D  dc1944.txt
Moore, Bulah                          M  dc1936.txt
Moore, Carrie                         S  dc1940.txt
Moore, Cleveland A.                   D  dc1941.txt
Moore, Davie Lee                      F  dc1942.txt
Moore, Debitha                        M  dc1928.txt
Moore, Donold Eugene                  D  dc1942.txt
Moore, Dorothy                        S  dc1931.txt
Moore, Edd                            F  dc1941.txt
Moore, Eliza Ann                      M  dc1938.txt
Moore, Eliza Lewis                    D  dc1942.txt
Moore, Eliza                          S  dc1934.txt
Moore, Essie                          M  dc1932.txt
Moore, Evaline                        M  dc1938.txt
Moore, Everett                        D  dc1944.txt
Moore, Florence                       M  dc1931.txt
Moore, Florence                       S  dc1935.txt
Moore, Francis Virginia               D  dc1935.txt
Moore, Frank Anderson                 D  dc1939.txt
Moore, George                         F  dc1930.txt
Moore, Gum                            F  dc1928.txt
Moore, Hardy Lee                      D  dc1942.txt
Moore, Hassie                         S  dc1942.txt
Moore, Hugh Losson Carrick            D  dc1926.txt
Moore, Ida                            M  dc1929.txt
Moore, Indimon Benjamin               F  dc1938.txt
Moore, James M.                       F  dc1944.txt
Moore, James Travis                   F  dc1931.txt
Moore, James Worthington              D  dc1931.txt
Moore, James                          D  dc1928.txt
Moore, James                          F  dc1927.txt
Moore, Jane                           S  dc1937.txt
Moore, Jennie Mae                     M  dc1941.txt
Moore, Jennie                         M  dc1945.txt
Moore, Jessie                         F  dc1929.txt
Moore, Jewel                          M  dc1933.txt
Moore, Jim                            F  dc1929.txt
Moore, Jim                            F  dc1936.txt
Moore, Jim                            F  dc1937.txt
Moore, Joe                            D  dc1930.txt
Moore, John R.                        S  dc1939.txt
Moore, John                           F  dc1929.txt
Moore, Joseph                         F  dc1926.txt
Moore, Lansford Milo                  D  dc1927.txt
Moore, Lawson                         F  dc1926.txt
Moore, Lillie Gertrude                D  dc1926.txt
Moore, Los                            F  dc1941.txt
Moore, Lula                           M  dc1928.txt
Moore, Lyda                           S  dc1945.txt
Moore, Lyda                           S  dc1945.txt
Moore, Madison                        F  dc1933.txt
Moore, Malissie                       S  dc1940.txt
Moore, Margrett Peggy                 D  dc1932.txt
Moore, Martha                         M  dc1933.txt
Moore, Mary Ann                       M  dc1933.txt
Moore, Mary Callie                    D  dc1926.txt
Moore, Mary H.                        D  dc1935.txt
Moore, Mary K.                        D  dc1928.txt
Moore, Mary                           M  dc1928.txt
Moore, Mary                           M  dc1936.txt
Moore, Mattie                         S  dc1943.txt
Moore, Montgomery                     D  dc1928.txt
Moore, Mose                           F  dc1928.txt
Moore, Mrs. Mary Lou                  D  dc1939.txt
Moore, Nancey                         M  dc1934.txt
Moore, Nancy                          M  dc1927.txt
Moore, R. D.                          F  dc1936.txt
Moore, Ransom                         S  dc1935.txt
Moore, Rebecca                        M  dc1942.txt
Moore, Rev. Patrick                   F  dc1927.txt
Moore, Robert D.                      S  dc1942.txt
Moore, Robert G.                      D  dc1926.txt
Moore, Robert T.                      F  dc1944.txt
Moore, Robt. G.                       F  dc1926.txt
Moore, Sallie Ann                     M  dc1932.txt
Moore, Sallie                         M  dc1931.txt
Moore, Samantha Irene                 D  dc1929.txt
Moore, Sarah                          M  dc1928.txt
Moore, Sr., Asie                      D  dc1929.txt
Moore, Thelma Willene                 D  dc1931.txt
Moore, Thomas H.                      F  dc1939.txt
Moore, Tobe                           S  dc1932.txt
Moore, Tom F.                         S  dc1935.txt
Moore, Tom                            D  dc1926.txt
Moore, Vera                           M  dc1934.txt
Moore, Vinnie Lou                     D  dc1939.txt
Moore, William C.                     D  dc1936.txt
Moorman, Myrtie                       M  dc1928.txt
Moredock, Jewell                      D  dc1945.txt
Moredock, Perry                       S  dc1945.txt
Morfford, Ollie B.                    D  dc1930.txt
Morgan, A. L.                         F  dc1927.txt
Morgan, Bell                          D  dc1928.txt
Morgan, Eva                           M  dc1941.txt
Morgan, Gena                          D  dc1942.txt
Morgan, Halie Ann                     M  dc1941.txt
Morgan, Jasper                        F  dc1928.txt
Morgan, Lillian                       M  dc1941.txt
Morgan, Loueise                       D  dc1927.txt
Morgan, Maggie                        S  dc1940.txt
Morgan, Marion                        S  dc1941.txt
Morgan, Martha Jane                   D  dc1944.txt
Morgan, Merion                        D  dc1926.txt
Morgan, Sallie Alice Cleney           D  dc1941.txt
Morgan, Sam J.                        F  dc1944.txt
Morgan, Sis                           D  dc1930.txt
Moriganson, J. T.                     S  dc1939.txt
Moriganson, Lillie                    D  dc1939.txt
Morris, Bonnie                        M  dc1932.txt
Morris, Ethel B.                      D  dc1926.txt
Morris, Lue                           M  dc1933.txt
Morrison, Rebecca                     S  dc1936.txt
Mosely, Joseph                        F  dc1943.txt
Mosley, Amanda                        M  dc1926.txt
Mosley, Arminda                       M  dc1945.txt
Mosley, Azalea                        M  dc1940.txt
Mosley, Howard C.                     F  dc1942.txt
Mosley, Ida May                       M  dc1930.txt
Mosley, James Donald                  D  dc1942.txt
Mosley, Joe                           S  dc1945.txt
Mosley, John                          D  dc1943.txt
Mosley, Lila                          S  dc1944.txt
Mosley, Mary Lou                      D  dc1945.txt
Mosley, Naoma                         M  dc1939.txt
Mosley, Ola                           M  dc1940.txt
Mosley, Oma                           M  dc1937.txt
Moss, Amos                            S  dc1936.txt
Moss, Luther                          F  dc1940.txt
Moss, Nancy Ann                       D  dc1936.txt
Moss, Nancy Jane Whitley              S  dc1944.txt
Moss, Rufus Jefferson                 F  dc1944.txt
Moss, William Luther                  D  dc1944.txt
Motlow, Felix W.                      F  dc1936.txt
Mott, Earl                            F  dc1935.txt
Moyers, Lynnville                     F  dc1933.txt
Mozingo, Floranda                     M  dc1932.txt
Mullican, George Hampton              D  dc1937.txt
Mullican, Jeremiah                    F  dc1937.txt
Mullican, Jeremiah                    F  dc1944.txt
Mullican, Jermiah                     D  dc1944.txt
Mullican, William Washington          D  dc1944.txt
Mullican, William                     F  dc1944.txt
Mulligan, Julie                       M  dc1944.txt
Murdock, Danial                       S  dc1940.txt
Murdock, Jane                         D  dc1940.txt
Murphy, Florance                      S  dc1937.txt
Myatt, Alex                           F  dc1933.txt
Myatt, Alford                         D  dc1933.txt
Myatt, Alford                         F  dc1936.txt
Myers, Allen                          D  dc1929.txt
Myers, Charlie                        F  dc1935.txt
Myers, Dallas                         D  dc1929.txt
Myers, Emma                           S  dc1942.txt
Myers, Flora M.                       S  dc1945.txt
Myers, Flora                          M  dc1927.txt
Myers, Florance                       M  dc1931.txt
Myers, Floroetty                      D  dc1942.txt
Myers, G. E.                          F  dc1926.txt
Myers, George Linvill                 D  dc1926.txt
Myers, Haskle                         D  dc1935.txt
Myers, Ida May                        D  dc1926.txt
Myers, Infant                         D  dc1944.txt
Myers, Jasper L.                      F  dc1934.txt
Myers, Jasper                         S  dc1944.txt
Myers, Mary                           D  dc1944.txt
Myers, Mary                           M  dc1937.txt
Myers, Mrs. Sara Jane                 S  dc1936.txt
Myers, Narcis                         M  dc1934.txt
Myers, Ollie Jane                     D  dc1940.txt
Myers, Paul Otto                      F  dc1944.txt
Myers, Rachel                         M  dc1936.txt
Myers, Sam                            S  dc1940.txt
Myers, Sr., W. M.                     F  dc1936.txt
Myers, Tom                            F  dc1929.txt
Myers, Tom                            F  dc1929.txt
Myers, W. A.                          D  dc1936.txt
Myers, W. Dorton                      D  dc1930.txt
Myers, W. Frank                       F  dc1930.txt
Myers, W. H.                          S  dc1942.txt
Myers, Washington H.                  F  dc1927.txt
Myers, Washington Heard               D  dc1927.txt
Myett, Elizabell                      D  dc1937.txt
Myett, John                           S  dc1937.txt
Nabors, Lennie                        M  dc1931.txt
Nash, Andrew                          F  dc1929.txt
Nash, Balina                          D  dc1930.txt
Nash, Bill                            S  dc1944.txt
Nash, Billie Clay                     D  dc1944.txt
Nash, Charles Ozetta                  D  dc1942.txt
Nash, Ethel                           M  dc1932.txt
Nash, Ezra                            S  dc1941.txt
Nash, George                          F  dc1940.txt
Nash, Gertie                          M  dc1940.txt
Nash, Henry                           F  dc1930.txt
Nash, Henry                           F  dc1930.txt
Nash, Lee Ann                         S  dc1942.txt
Nash, Loise E.                        F  dc1944.txt
Nash, Mary                            M  dc1926.txt
Nash, Mary                            M  dc1928.txt
Nash, Nancy                           M  dc1945.txt
Nash, Nick                            D  dc1927.txt
Nash, Ollie Ann                       D  dc1944.txt
Nash, Orea Eula                       D  dc1941.txt
Nash, Ray                             F  dc1942.txt
Nash, Rebecca                         S  dc1933.txt
Nash, Rhoda Chastine                  D  dc1938.txt
Nash, Rhoda                           S  dc1937.txt
Nash, Rose Lee                        S  dc1945.txt
Nash, Rosie Lee                       D  dc1930.txt
Nash, Sallie                          D  dc1930.txt
Nash, Vallie                          D  dc1929.txt
Nash, William Milas                   D  dc1937.txt
Nash, William                         F  dc1937.txt
Nash, William                         F  dc1941.txt
Naybor, Elizabeth                     M  dc1928.txt
Neal, Elizabeth                       M  dc1927.txt
Neeley, Andrew                        F  dc1938.txt
Neeley, Richard Lee                   D  dc1938.txt
Neely, John                           F  dc1944.txt
Neely, Mrs. Etta                      S  dc1944.txt
Neely, Sam S.                         D  dc1944.txt
Neighbore, Linnie                     M  dc1931.txt
Nelson, Callie                        M  dc1932.txt
Nelson, Hattie                        S  dc1933.txt
Nelson, Sarah Welch                   M  dc1938.txt
Newberry, Annie May                   D  dc1926.txt
Newell, Chaney                        M  dc1926.txt
Newell, Grady                         D  dc1926.txt
Newman, Mary Ann                      M  dc1942.txt
Newsome, Ellen Richard                D  dc1941.txt
Newsome, William                      S  dc1941.txt
Nichols, Minerva                      S  dc1945.txt
Nichols, Mrs. Sallie Taylor           D  dc1928.txt
Nicholson, Catharine                  M  dc1926.txt
Nickles, Elizabeth                    M  dc1939.txt
Norris, Alice                         D  dc1945.txt
Norris, Baby                          D  dc1931.txt
Norris, C. Wade                       S  dc1943.txt
Norris, Charles                       F  dc1931.txt
Norris, Charles                       F  dc1934.txt
Norris, Denton                        F  dc1934.txt
Norris, Essie                         M  dc1934.txt
Norris, Essie                         M  dc1936.txt
Norris, Eugene                        S  dc1945.txt
Norris, Eva                           M  dc1929.txt
Norris, Isaac                         D  dc1927.txt
Norris, John Wesley                   D  dc1940.txt
Norris, Linnie                        D  dc1927.txt
Norris, Mary E.                       D  dc1943.txt
Norris, Minda                         M  dc1926.txt
Norris, Robert C.                     F  dc1940.txt
Norris, Wilmer P.                     D  dc1934.txt
Norris, Wilmer Pauline                D  dc1934.txt
Norton, Alina                         M  dc1945.txt
Nowlin, Amanda Robbins                D  dc1930.txt
Nowlin, Armistead                     F  dc1926.txt
Nowlin, Harriet                       M  dc1943.txt
Nowlin, John Lanier                   D  dc1926.txt
Nowlin, Spencer                       F  dc1943.txt
Null, Cleo                            S  dc1942.txt
Null, Comer                           S  dc1938.txt
Null, Maggie                          D  dc1942.txt
Null, Thelma Austin                   D  dc1938.txt
O'Conner, Martha                      S  dc1942.txt
O'Conner, Pertina Ann                 M  dc1929.txt
O'Connor, Allen                       F  dc1945.txt
O'Connor, Dixie                       D  dc1940.txt
O'Connor, James                       F  dc1941.txt
O'Connor, Joseph Casto                D  dc1945.txt
O'Connor, Madison                     F  dc1943.txt
O'Connor, Pertima                     M  dc1943.txt
O'Connor, Syd                         S  dc1940.txt
O'Conor, Bobbie Gene                  D  dc1932.txt
O'Conor, J. Brock                     F  dc1932.txt
O'Dell, Ann Christine                 M  dc1945.txt
O'Dell, Baby                          D  dc1945.txt
O'Dell, Elizabeth                     D  dc1932.txt
O'Dell, Jessie Mae                    M  dc1934.txt
O'Dell, Sollie A.                     F  dc1940.txt
O'Dell, William B.                    D  dc1940.txt
O'Neal, Collen                        D  dc1930.txt
O'Neal, Geo                           F  dc1935.txt
O'Neal, Jane                          D  dc1939.txt
O'Neal, Mary                          M  dc1937.txt
O'Neal, Shelton                       D  dc1935.txt
O'Neal, Shelton                       S  dc1939.txt
O'Neal, Wiley                         F  dc1930.txt
Oakes, Martha Priscilla               D  dc1941.txt
Oakes, Powell K.                      F  dc1941.txt
Oakwood, Joke I.                      D  dc1941.txt
Oberg, Lou Ranie                      D  dc1929.txt
Ochell, Mary                          M  dc1936.txt
Odell, Annie Taylor                   D  dc1928.txt
Odell, Carp                           F  dc1934.txt
Odell, Corp                           F  dc1943.txt
Odell, David                          F  dc1944.txt
Odell, Elizebeth                      M  dc1935.txt
Odell, Flossie                        D  dc1934.txt
Odell, Flossie                        F  dc1935.txt
Odell, Gladys Girdley                 S  dc1945.txt
Odell, Ida May                        M  dc1928.txt
Odell, J. T.                          D  dc1935.txt
Odell, James                          D  dc1943.txt
Odell, John Logan                     D  dc1944.txt
Odell, Lee Martin                     D  dc1945.txt
Odell, Lewis                          F  dc1935.txt
Odell, Louise                         S  dc1939.txt
Odell, Maggie                         M  dc1942.txt
Odell, Martin                         F  dc1936.txt
Odell, Minnie                         S  dc1936.txt
Odell, Mrs. Fannie                    D  dc1930.txt
Odell, Sarah                          D  dc1926.txt
Odell, Sarah                          M  dc1936.txt
Odell, Vance                          D  dc1936.txt
Odell, Vance                          F  dc1945.txt
Odell, Wilmoth Ruth                   D  dc1935.txt
Odgen, Henry                          S  dc1938.txt
Odum, Ann                             M  dc1930.txt
Officer, Alex                         F  dc1937.txt
Officer, Annie                        M  dc1945.txt
Officer, Baby                         D  dc1929.txt
Officer, Bettie                       D  dc1936.txt
Officer, Celia                        M  dc1945.txt
Officer, Christena                    D  dc1932.txt
Officer, David S.                     S  dc1932.txt
Officer, Ed                           D  dc1945.txt
Officer, Eliza                        M  dc1928.txt
Officer, Emily                        M  dc1939.txt
Officer, Fannie                       M  dc1944.txt
Officer, Gertie Bell                  S  dc1943.txt
Officer, Harvie King                  D  dc1942.txt
Officer, Ila Mae                      D  dc1934.txt
Officer, Infant                       D  dc1940.txt
Officer, Jack                         F  dc1934.txt
Officer, James Cecil                  D  dc1937.txt
Officer, James Thomas                 D  dc1939.txt
Officer, James                        S  dc1939.txt
Officer, Jim                          F  dc1942.txt
Officer, Lizzie                       M  dc1935.txt
Officer, Lula Lenova                  D  dc1941.txt
Officer, Mal                          D  dc1934.txt
Officer, Mal                          F  dc1927.txt
Officer, Mal                          F  dc1937.txt
Officer, Mart                         D  dc1926.txt
Officer, Martha Caroline Bartlett     D  dc1939.txt
Officer, Martha                       M  dc1942.txt
Officer, Mary Jane                    D  dc1932.txt
Officer, Mary John                    M  dc1934.txt
Officer, Mary John                    M  dc1936.txt
Officer, Mary L.                      D  dc1927.txt
Officer, Merion                       F  dc1945.txt
Officer, Mermon                       F  dc1935.txt
Officer, Merriman                     F  dc1928.txt
Officer, Nannie Hill                  D  dc1939.txt
Officer, Pollie                       M  dc1934.txt
Officer, R. Perry                     S  dc1939.txt
Officer, Robert H.                    F  dc1940.txt
Officer, Ruth                         S  dc1940.txt
Officer, Sallie                       D  dc1929.txt
Officer, Sam                          S  dc1932.txt
Officer, Tim                          F  dc1941.txt
Officer, Tom                          F  dc1942.txt
Officer, W. P.                        F  dc1934.txt
Officer, Will                         S  dc1936.txt
Officer, William                      F  dc1929.txt
Officer, William                      F  dc1939.txt
Officer, Willie J.                    D  dc1942.txt
Ogden, Lydia Templeton                D  dc1938.txt
Ogles, Lucy Mae                       M  dc1936.txt
Ogles, Lucy Mae                       S  dc1936.txt
Oldham, Roscoe                        D  dc1941.txt
Oliver, Abbie                         M  dc1928.txt
Oliver, Bill                          S  dc1931.txt
Oliver, Eva Snodgrass                 M  dc1939.txt
Oliver, Infant                        D  dc1939.txt
Oliver, John                          F  dc1945.txt
Oliver, Mattie                        M  dc1935.txt
Oliver, Nottie                        S  dc1943.txt
Oliver, Samantha                      D  dc1931.txt
Oliver, William Alex                  D  dc1945.txt
Olliver, Leo Homer                    F  dc1939.txt
Oneal, Eva                            D  dc1926.txt
Oneal, Robert                         F  dc1926.txt
Oram, Bettie                          D  dc1930.txt
Osbon, Charlie F.                     F  dc1933.txt
Osbon, Johnie Wilmern                 D  dc1933.txt
Osborn, Mattie                        M  dc1926.txt
Osborne, Mary Jane                    S  dc1941.txt
Osborne, Mary Jane                    S  dc1941.txt
Osburne, Edsel                        D  dc1930.txt
Osburne, William H.                   F  dc1930.txt
Otterson, Eugene                      D  dc1928.txt
Otterson, Mozell                      D  dc1927.txt
Otterson, Will                        F  dc1927.txt
Otterson, Will                        F  dc1928.txt
Owen, M. Lewis                        D  dc1945.txt
Owen, Marcia Jane                     D  dc1939.txt
Owen, Martin W.                       S  dc1939.txt
Owen, Pate                            F  dc1945.txt
Owen, Pearl                           S  dc1942.txt
Oxendine, Ada                         M  dc1935.txt
Oxendine, Artie                       D  dc1931.txt
Oxendine, Malissa                     D  dc1940.txt
Oxendine, Sis                         M  dc1932.txt
Pace, Martha                          M  dc1934.txt
Pace, Sarah                           D  dc1926.txt
Pack, Alonzo Edward                   F  dc1940.txt
Pack, Bethena Francis                 D  dc1928.txt
Pack, John                            F  dc1928.txt
Pack, Mathida Jane                    D  dc1938.txt
Pack, Matilda Cippa                   M  dc1940.txt
Pack, Miss                            M  dc1929.txt
Pack, Pleasant Carrel                 D  dc1928.txt
Pack, Thomas                          F  dc1928.txt
Page, Alx                             D  dc1927.txt
Page, Charlie                         F  dc1935.txt
Page, Ed                              F  dc1927.txt
Page, Lourena                         M  dc1942.txt
Page, Margarett                       S  dc1939.txt
Page, Martha                          M  dc1943.txt
Page, Robert Lee                      D  dc1927.txt
Page, Sarah Elizabeth                 M  dc1938.txt
Page, Vandetie Rhea                   D  dc1935.txt
Page, Vida                            S  dc1938.txt
Pagett, Sarah                         M  dc1941.txt
Palmer, H. H.                         S  dc1943.txt
Palmer, Macon White                   D  dc1943.txt
Paris, Nina                           M  dc1938.txt
Parish, Elbert                        F  dc1930.txt
Parish, Norman Lee                    D  dc1930.txt
Parish, Riley                         F  dc1936.txt
Parker, Alford                        F  dc1939.txt
Parker, Anthony Merritt               D  dc1940.txt
Parker, Author W.                     F  dc1940.txt
Parker, Author W.                     F  dc1941.txt
Parker, Clay                          F  dc1942.txt
Parker, Elizabeth                     M  dc1939.txt
Parker, Jane                          M  dc1926.txt
Parker, Jane                          S  dc1935.txt
Parker, Jerry                         F  dc1945.txt
Parker, Linnie Ann                    D  dc1928.txt
Parker, Margaret                      S  dc1941.txt
Parker, Mildred Sue                   D  dc1942.txt
Parker, Sam                           F  dc1934.txt
Parker, Samuel                        F  dc1935.txt
Parker, Susan                         M  dc1929.txt
Parker, William Ray                   D  dc1945.txt
Parkins, Lavina                       M  dc1937.txt
Parks, Becca                          M  dc1934.txt
Parks, Ethel                          D  dc1937.txt
Parks, Florence Fish                  M  dc1940.txt
Parks, Fred                           F  dc1929.txt
Parks, Fred                           F  dc1937.txt
Parks, Fred                           F  dc1937.txt
Parks, Fred                           F  dc1940.txt
Parks, George                         D  dc1937.txt
Parks, Harrett Louis                  D  dc1929.txt
Parks, Hubert H.                      D  dc1931.txt
Parks, James                          F  dc1937.txt
Parks, Jammie                         M  dc1944.txt
Parks, Jane                           M  dc1927.txt
Parks, Janie                          M  dc1945.txt
Parks, John                           F  dc1937.txt
Parks, Lelo                           D  dc1941.txt
Parks, Lena Bell                      D  dc1940.txt
Parks, Lula Rhea                      S  dc1934.txt
Parks, Sarah Ann                      M  dc1943.txt
Parks, Thomas                         F  dc1941.txt
Parks, Tom C.                         F  dc1930.txt
Parks, Vernon Hutton                  D  dc1930.txt
Parks, Willene                        D  dc1937.txt
Parks, William                        F  dc1931.txt
Parrigan, Aron                        F  dc1936.txt
Parrigan, Joe Cecil                   D  dc1936.txt
Parrigen, Aaron                       D  dc1937.txt
Parrigen, Lee                         F  dc1937.txt
Parrish, Albert                       F  dc1935.txt
Parrish, Elbert                       F  dc1937.txt
Parrish, Elbert                       S  dc1944.txt
Parrish, Elizabeth                    M  dc1939.txt
Parrish, Minnie                       M  dc1938.txt
Parrish, Nancy                        M  dc1941.txt
Parrish, Susie Ellen                  D  dc1944.txt
Parsley, Bill                         S  dc1941.txt
Parsley, Jackson                      F  dc1941.txt
Parsley, John W.                      D  dc1941.txt
Parsons, J. W. T.                     F  dc1934.txt
Parsons, Mary                         S  dc1945.txt
Pasons, Delma                         S  dc1940.txt
Passon, Mary                          S  dc1937.txt
Passons, Celia                        M  dc1927.txt
Passons, Celia                        M  dc1927.txt
Passons, Frank                        F  dc1927.txt
Passons, Helen                        M  dc1938.txt
Passons, James Monro                  D  dc1927.txt
Passons, Katherine                    M  dc1928.txt
Passons, Loucina                      M  dc1928.txt
Passons, Mary                         M  dc1939.txt
Passons, Smatha                       M  dc1939.txt
Passons, William Thomas               F  dc1927.txt
Pates, Maggie                         M  dc1929.txt
Pates, Maggie                         M  dc1929.txt
Patie, William                        F  dc1928.txt
Paul, Mary Ann                        D  dc1942.txt
Paul, Mary                            M  dc1936.txt
Paul, Mary                            M  dc1939.txt
Paul, Mary                            M  dc1942.txt
Paul, Mary                            S  dc1931.txt
Paul, Rony                            D  dc1928.txt
Paul, Sallie                          M  dc1940.txt
Paul, Sparce                          S  dc1942.txt
Payne, Fannie                         D  dc1929.txt
Payne, Francis                        M  dc1933.txt
Payne, Ida                            M  dc1932.txt
Payne, Mary                           S  dc1943.txt
Peak, Della                           S  dc1935.txt
Peak, Jim                             F  dc1936.txt
Pearl, Icie                           M  dc1939.txt
Pearson, Alice                        D  dc1935.txt
Pearson, Calvin                       F  dc1945.txt
Pearson, Dwight                       S  dc1936.txt
Pearson, I. George                    D  dc1932.txt
Pearson, Leatha                       M  dc1944.txt
Pearson, Lela Josephine               D  dc1936.txt
Pearson, Lela Mathew                  S  dc1945.txt
Pearson, Mary                         M  dc1936.txt
Pearson, Thomas Dwight                D  dc1945.txt
Peek, James                           F  dc1941.txt
Peek, Sarah                           M  dc1929.txt
Pendergrass, Jess L.                  F  dc1931.txt
Pendergrass, Jess L.                  F  dc1935.txt
Pendergrass, Jess                     D  dc1929.txt
Pendergrass, Jessie Mae               D  dc1931.txt
Pendergrass, John Burr                D  dc1935.txt
Pendergrass, John                     F  dc1929.txt
Pendergrass, Leslie                   F  dc1928.txt
Pendergrass, Marvin                   D  dc1928.txt
Pendergrass, Parzetta                 M  dc1927.txt
Pennington, A. H.                     S  dc1942.txt
Pennington, Dave                      F  dc1927.txt
Pennington, Elizabeth                 M  dc1936.txt
Pennington, Emory                     F  dc1943.txt
Pennington, Emry                      F  dc1926.txt
Pennington, Frank Warren              D  dc1926.txt
Pennington, Frank                     S  dc1940.txt
Pennington, Jasper                    S  dc1937.txt
Pennington, Jones                     D  dc1927.txt
Pennington, Killis Jasper             D  dc1943.txt
Pennington, Mary Bell                 M  dc1938.txt
Pennington, Mary                      M  dc1929.txt
Pennington, Mary                      M  dc1931.txt
Pennington, Mary                      S  dc1938.txt
Pennington, Sallie                    D  dc1937.txt
Pennington, Sarah                     D  dc1940.txt
Pennington, Vinnie Elizabeth Goodwin  D  dc1942.txt
Perkins, Argo                         S  dc1941.txt
Perkins, Dasie                        D  dc1941.txt
Perkins, Levi                         F  dc1932.txt
Perry, Della                          S  dc1941.txt
Perry, Elizabeth                      M  dc1929.txt
Perry, Harry Lee                      D  dc1943.txt
Perry, James                          F  dc1943.txt
Perry, Maria Louise                   D  dc1938.txt
Perry, Moses C.                       F  dc1934.txt
Perry, Sam                            S  dc1938.txt
Perry, William H.                     D  dc1934.txt
Pertle, Sarah E.                      M  dc1929.txt
Pertler, Caroline                     M  dc1930.txt
Petigo, Beulah                        M  dc1929.txt
Petitt, Nancey                        M  dc1936.txt
Petman, Lela                          M  dc1939.txt
Pettit, Cassie                        M  dc1926.txt
Pettit, Lee                           S  dc1937.txt
Pettit, Nancy                         M  dc1937.txt
Pettit, Randa                         D  dc1937.txt
Pettit, Robb                          F  dc1940.txt
Pettit, Robert Lee                    D  dc1940.txt
Pettit, Robert                        F  dc1932.txt
Pettit, Robert                        F  dc1944.txt
Pettit, Ulsie                         D  dc1944.txt
Pettitt, Nancy                        M  dc1928.txt
Petty, Harriett Julin                 M  dc1940.txt
Petty, James Madison                  D  dc1940.txt
Petty, James Madison                  F  dc1940.txt
Pharris, Winnie                       M  dc1935.txt
Phifer, Angeline                      D  dc1932.txt
Phifer, C. L.                         F  dc1928.txt
Phifer, Charles                       F  dc1939.txt
Phifer, Edd                           F  dc1944.txt
Phifer, Edward                        S  dc1931.txt
Phifer, Eurish                        F  dc1926.txt
Phifer, Gencie                        M  dc1929.txt
Phifer, George                        F  dc1937.txt
Phifer, Jim                           F  dc1933.txt
Phifer, John                          F  dc1932.txt
Phifer, John                          F  dc1936.txt
Phifer, Joseph Lafett                 D  dc1937.txt
Phifer, Mary Lourear                  D  dc1926.txt
Phifer, Mary                          M  dc1939.txt
Phifer, Mary                          M  dc1940.txt
Phifer, Richmond                      D  dc1928.txt
Phifer, Samuel Clenny                 D  dc1944.txt
Phifer, Susan                         D  dc1931.txt
Phifer, Tennie Marie                  D  dc1939.txt
Phifer, Tom                           D  dc1936.txt
Phillips, Birdie                      M  dc1934.txt
Phillips, Dec                         F  dc1934.txt
Phillips, Eller                       M  dc1926.txt
Phillips, Frank                       F  dc1926.txt
Phillips, Infant                      D  dc1934.txt
Phillips, John Townsend               D  dc1942.txt
Phillips, John                        D  dc1940.txt
Phillips, Maurine                     M  dc1944.txt
Phillips, Nola                        M  dc1929.txt
Phillips, Pierce                      F  dc1942.txt
Philpot, Jim                          F  dc1934.txt
Phiper, Edmund                        D  dc1933.txt
Phipps, Hulda Jane                    S  dc1935.txt
Phy, Daniel                           F  dc1932.txt
Phy, Margarett                        M  dc1944.txt
Phy, Marion                           F  dc1939.txt
Phyfer, Bettie                        M  dc1934.txt
Phyfer, Bradley                       F  dc1932.txt
Phyfer, Mary                          M  dc1931.txt
Piles, Pagant                         M  dc1929.txt
Pinegar, Aries Clark                  D  dc1942.txt
Pinegar, Jessie Virgil                F  dc1942.txt
Pinegar, John Henry                   D  dc1943.txt
Pinegar, Livy                         F  dc1943.txt
Pinkston, William                     S  dc1941.txt
Pippin, Crane                         F  dc1942.txt
Pippin, Gilla Bell                    M  dc1944.txt
Pippin, Henry H.                      D  dc1942.txt
Pirlte, Lula                          M  dc1929.txt
Pirtle, Alice                         S  dc1931.txt
Pirtle, Foster                        F  dc1939.txt
Pirtle, Foster                        F  dc1945.txt
Pirtle, Jim                           F  dc1926.txt
Pirtle, Joe                           D  dc1945.txt
Pirtle, Maude                         D  dc1929.txt
Pirtle, Myra F.                       M  dc1945.txt
Pirtle, Robert C.                     F  dc1931.txt
Pirtle, Ruby                          D  dc1926.txt
Pirtle, Sarah E.                      M  dc1945.txt
Pirtle, Watson Columbus               D  dc1931.txt
Pirtle, Watson Columbus               F  dc1945.txt
Pistol, Amanda J.                     D  dc1929.txt
Pistol, Ann                           M  dc1936.txt
Pistol, Charlie                       D  dc1937.txt
Pistol, E. L.                         F  dc1937.txt
Pistol, Norma Frances                 S  dc1944.txt
Pitman, Jim                           F  dc1931.txt
Pitman, John B.                       D  dc1931.txt
Pitman, John B.                       F  dc1928.txt
Pitman, Louis Crocket                 D  dc1928.txt
Pittman, Jas                          F  dc1935.txt
Pittman, Nancy                        M  dc1935.txt
Pleasant, Will                        D  dc1926.txt
Plumbee, Malissa                      S  dc1944.txt
Plumlee, Finnis                       F  dc1930.txt
Plumlee, Jr., Cap. Finnis             D  dc1930.txt
Pollard, Edward                       F  dc1934.txt
Pollard, Mary                         S  dc1935.txt
Pollard, Pat                          F  dc1944.txt
Pollard, Vera Mae                     D  dc1945.txt
Pollard, Vestor                       M  dc1935.txt
Pollard, W. C.                        D  dc1927.txt
Pollard, W. L.                        S  dc1945.txt
Pollard, William                      F  dc1927.txt
Pollard, Willie Lee                   F  dc1945.txt
Pollard, Zoma                         M  dc1945.txt
Pollard, Zorra                        D  dc1945.txt
Polston, Amanda                       M  dc1927.txt
Polston, Harry                        F  dc1928.txt
Polston, Merion                       D  dc1928.txt
Polston, Mounce                       S  dc1942.txt
Polston, Nancy Martin                 D  dc1942.txt
Polston, Richard Cleo                 D  dc1945.txt
Polston, William                      F  dc1945.txt
Poor, Arther                          S  dc1931.txt
Poor, Charlie Floid                   D  dc1933.txt
Poor, Samuel                          F  dc1933.txt
Poor, Stella                          D  dc1931.txt
Poore, Alice                          M  dc1936.txt
Poore, Arthur                         F  dc1945.txt
Poore, Clayborn                       F  dc1938.txt
Poore, Flora Alice                    D  dc1943.txt
Poore, H. R.                          D  dc1936.txt
Poore, Henry R.                       S  dc1943.txt
Poore, Henry                          F  dc1936.txt
Poore, Jessie Allen                   D  dc1945.txt
Poore, Luther James                   D  dc1936.txt
Poore, Millie Viola                   D  dc1936.txt
Poore, Nevada                         S  dc1936.txt
Poore, Sam                            F  dc1936.txt
Poore, Sam                            F  dc1944.txt
Poore, Samuel                         F  dc1936.txt
Poore, Samuel                         F  dc1943.txt
Poore, Thomas R.                      D  dc1944.txt
Pope, Lillie                          M  dc1944.txt
Pope, May                             M  dc1940.txt
Pope, Thomas                          F  dc1931.txt
Porter, Connie Lee                    D  dc1942.txt
Porter, James F.                      F  dc1939.txt
Porter, John Mitchell                 D  dc1939.txt
Porter, Thelma                        M  dc1942.txt
Posse, Bettie Viola                   D  dc1930.txt
Posten, Elisabeth                     M  dc1942.txt
Poston, Baby                          D  dc1930.txt
Poston, Dora Reba                     D  dc1937.txt
Poston, Elmer                         F  dc1937.txt
Poston, Geo. W.                       F  dc1930.txt
Poston, Henry                         F  dc1937.txt
Poston, Jessie                        D  dc1937.txt
Poteet, O.                            F  dc1937.txt
Poteet, Sarah Elizabeth               D  dc1936.txt
Poteet, Tom R.                        S  dc1936.txt
Potter, John Harrison                 D  dc1932.txt
Potter, Thomas B.                     F  dc1932.txt
Potts, A. L.                          F  dc1929.txt
Potts, Andy                           F  dc1945.txt
Potts, Novella                        M  dc1945.txt
Potts, Timothy                        F  dc1941.txt
Powell, Dock B.                       F  dc1930.txt
Powell, Dock                          F  dc1936.txt
Powell, Elmer Lynn                    D  dc1943.txt
Powell, Elmer                         F  dc1943.txt
Powell, Lillian                       S  dc1941.txt
Powell, Rufus Carol                   D  dc1936.txt
Powell, Ruth Ophellia                 D  dc1930.txt
Powers, Lucile                        M  dc1927.txt
Powers, Lucile                        M  dc1931.txt
Prater, Ann White                     D  dc1940.txt
Prater, Anna Lois                     D  dc1944.txt
Prater, Betsy                         M  dc1945.txt
Prater, Carrington                    S  dc1940.txt
Prater, Charles                       F  dc1944.txt
Prater, Elizabeth                     M  dc1937.txt
Prater, Gladyes                       M  dc1937.txt
Prater, Gladys L.                     M  dc1944.txt
Prater, Gladys                        M  dc1940.txt
Prater, Glaydes                       M  dc1938.txt
Prater, Grover Cleveland              F  dc1941.txt
Prater, James Edward                  D  dc1941.txt
Prater, John                          F  dc1930.txt
Prater, John                          F  dc1944.txt
Prater, Lemon                         D  dc1943.txt
Prater, Mandy                         M  dc1935.txt
Prater, Martha                        M  dc1926.txt
Prater, Mary Ruth                     M  dc1944.txt
Prater, Pauline                       S  dc1935.txt
Prater, Simpson                       F  dc1943.txt
Prater, Vesta Valonia                 D  dc1933.txt
Prater, William A.                    S  dc1933.txt
Prater, William Arch                  D  dc1944.txt
Presley, Bill                         F  dc1936.txt
Presley, David                        F  dc1926.txt
Presley, E. E.                        S  dc1939.txt
Presley, Frances                      M  dc1934.txt
Presley, Liz                          M  dc1936.txt
Presley, Lizzie                       S  dc1936.txt
Presley, Louis                        M  dc1944.txt
Presley, Mary L.                      D  dc1929.txt
Presley, Mattie                       S  dc1942.txt
Presley, Norvilla                     M  dc1943.txt
Presley, Rufus                        D  dc1926.txt
Pressley, Elizabeth Chateman          D  dc1939.txt
Price, Amanda                         D  dc1940.txt
Price, Beecher Harrison               D  dc1943.txt
Price, Bettie                         M  dc1940.txt
Price, Bobby                          D  dc1934.txt
Price, Collis                         S  dc1936.txt
Price, David Lewis                    D  dc1944.txt
Price, Donald Lee                     D  dc1944.txt
Price, Dudley                         F  dc1944.txt
Price, Elijah                         D  dc1933.txt
Price, Elizabeth                      M  dc1935.txt
Price, George Allen                   D  dc1936.txt
Price, Jane                           D  dc1943.txt
Price, Jane                           M  dc1941.txt
Price, Jeff                           D  dc1936.txt
Price, Jeff                           S  dc1943.txt
Price, Jensie                         M  dc1937.txt
Price, Jim                            F  dc1927.txt
Price, John                           F  dc1930.txt
Price, John                           F  dc1936.txt
Price, John                           F  dc1939.txt
Price, John                           F  dc1944.txt
Price, Laura                          M  dc1927.txt
Price, Lavada                         M  dc1927.txt
Price, Lewis                          F  dc1928.txt
Price, Lewis                          F  dc1934.txt
Price, Lewis                          S  dc1940.txt
Price, Lorenza Dudley                 D  dc1937.txt
Price, Lorenzie                       F  dc1940.txt
Price, Marion                         F  dc1944.txt
Price, Mary Ann                       M  dc1936.txt
Price, Mary Catherine                 D  dc1930.txt
Price, Mollie                         M  dc1938.txt
Price, Mollie                         S  dc1938.txt
Price, Mrs. Callis                    D  dc1932.txt
Price, Ollie                          S  dc1937.txt
Price, Rance                          F  dc1940.txt
Price, Rance                          F  dc1943.txt
Price, Rosie                          M  dc1926.txt
Price, Rosie                          M  dc1930.txt
Price, Rosie                          M  dc1936.txt
Price, Sallie                         D  dc1926.txt
Price, Sarah Margaret                 S  dc1939.txt
Price, Sarah                          M  dc1940.txt
Price, Sarah                          M  dc1941.txt
Price, Susie Jane                     S  dc1944.txt
Price, Theo                           F  dc1933.txt
Price, Thoman                         F  dc1937.txt
Price, Thula                          M  dc1944.txt
Price, Tom                            F  dc1936.txt
Price, Tomie                          F  dc1926.txt
Price, Victora                        M  dc1941.txt
Price, W. R. (Bud)                    D  dc1930.txt
Price, Willie Franklin                D  dc1927.txt
Priest, Ann                           S  dc1932.txt
Prior, Nannie                         M  dc1931.txt
Prior, Nannie                         M  dc1931.txt
Profitt, Lorin                        M  dc1928.txt
Pruet, Grand                          F  dc1934.txt
Pruitt, Mary                          M  dc1927.txt
Pryer, Andrew                         F  dc1932.txt
Pryer, Andrew                         F  dc1941.txt
Pryer, Pleas Andrew                   D  dc1934.txt
Pryor, John                           F  dc1941.txt
Puddy, John                           F  dc1944.txt
Purdy, Bettie                         S  dc1943.txt
Purdy, John                           F  dc1945.txt
Pyrdle, Nottie                        M  dc1934.txt
Qisque, Philip                        F  dc1931.txt
Quales, John                          F  dc1935.txt
Quales, Willie Fred                   D  dc1935.txt
Qualls, Archa                         F  dc1927.txt
Qualls, Jr., Thomas                   D  dc1944.txt
Qualls, Margaret D.                   D  dc1931.txt
Qualls, Rolling                       F  dc1937.txt
Qualls, Thomas                        F  dc1944.txt
Qualls, Walter Ben                    D  dc1927.txt
Quarles, Joseph Lafayett              D  dc1934.txt
Quarles, Wm. Hall                     F  dc1934.txt
Quillen, Annie                        M  dc1932.txt
Quillen, Hattie                       S  dc1934.txt
Quillings, Billie                     F  dc1928.txt
Quillings, Elige                      D  dc1928.txt
Rackley, Ada                          M  dc1937.txt
Rackley, Jackie                       D  dc1937.txt
Rackley, Ora                          M  dc1927.txt
Ramsey, James                         D  dc1933.txt
Ramsey, James                         F  dc1933.txt
Ramsey, Martha Ann                    M  dc1927.txt
Ramsey, Martha                        M  dc1936.txt
Ramsey, Susan                         M  dc1943.txt
Randles, Jim                          D  dc1935.txt
Randles, Mat                          F  dc1935.txt
Randolph, Ada Frances                 D  dc1938.txt
Randolph, Alta                        S  dc1940.txt
Randolph, Amon                        F  dc1928.txt
Randolph, Amon                        F  dc1934.txt
Randolph, Art                         D  dc1928.txt
Randolph, Bettie                      S  dc1941.txt
Randolph, Cassy                       D  dc1930.txt
Randolph, Charles J.                  D  dc1940.txt
Randolph, Daisy Ann                   M  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Dora Ann                    S  dc1937.txt
Randolph, Dora                        D  dc1934.txt
Randolph, Dora                        M  dc1939.txt
Randolph, Dovie May                   M  dc1929.txt
Randolph, E. C.                       F  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Elijah                      F  dc1930.txt
Randolph, Elizabeth                   M  dc1929.txt
Randolph, Elizabeth                   M  dc1933.txt
Randolph, Elizebeth                   M  dc1940.txt
Randolph, Elizora                     S  dc1936.txt
Randolph, Eurchel                     D  dc1929.txt
Randolph, Fletcher                    F  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Frances                     D  dc1942.txt
Randolph, Fred                        F  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Fred                        F  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Geo. W.                     F  dc1933.txt
Randolph, George W.                   S  dc1942.txt
Randolph, Gib                         F  dc1931.txt
Randolph, Hattie                      M  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Homer                       F  dc1940.txt
Randolph, Hubert Jean                 D  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Jane Conley                 D  dc1939.txt
Randolph, Jane                        S  dc1931.txt
Randolph, Jeff                        F  dc1929.txt
Randolph, Jinnie                      M  dc1927.txt
Randolph, John                        D  dc1931.txt
Randolph, John                        S  dc1939.txt
Randolph, Lena                        M  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Lena                        S  dc1937.txt
Randolph, Lige                        F  dc1940.txt
Randolph, Lois Hazel                  D  dc1940.txt
Randolph, Manerva                     M  dc1928.txt
Randolph, Margarett                   M  dc1942.txt
Randolph, Mary                        M  dc1931.txt
Randolph, Mrs. Frankie D.             D  dc1931.txt
Randolph, Nicey                       M  dc1933.txt
Randolph, Norma                       M  dc1926.txt
Randolph, Oddie W.                    D  dc1934.txt
Randolph, Odes                        D  dc1933.txt
Randolph, Oscar                       F  dc1939.txt
Randolph, Oscar                       F  dc1940.txt
Randolph, Otas Odel                   D  dc1928.txt
Randolph, Polly                       M  dc1929.txt
Randolph, Polly                       M  dc1930.txt
Randolph, Robt                        S  dc1938.txt
Randolph, Samantha                    M  dc1931.txt
Randolph, Thomas                      F  dc1928.txt
Randolph, Thomas                      F  dc1931.txt
Randolph, Vela                        M  dc1928.txt
Randolph, Vela                        M  dc1934.txt
Randolph, Virgie                      D  dc1932.txt
Randolph, Virgil                      D  dc1932.txt
Randolph, William                     S  dc1934.txt
Randolph, Willie                      D  dc1939.txt
Randolph, Zettie                      M  dc1933.txt
Randolph, Zora                        M  dc1929.txt
Rankham, Jesse                        F  dc1928.txt
Rankhorn, Mary                        S  dc1939.txt
Rankin, Sallie                        M  dc1943.txt
Raper, Bell                           M  dc1932.txt
Raper, Bella                          M  dc1943.txt
Raper, Edna                           S  dc1938.txt
Raper, Jasper L.                      F  dc1936.txt
Raper, Lafayette                      F  dc1945.txt
Raper, Samuel Lorenzo                 D  dc1945.txt
Raper, William Jasper                 D  dc1936.txt
Rasco, Eliza                          M  dc1938.txt
Rasco, Irene                          M  dc1928.txt
Rascoe, Dr. C. E.                     F  dc1935.txt
Rascoe, Maggie M.                     M  dc1931.txt
Rascoe, Sarah                         M  dc1943.txt
Rattler, Georgia                      S  dc1937.txt
Raulston, Juline                      M  dc1932.txt
Rawlston, Thomas Monroe               D  dc1935.txt
Rawlston, Wm. S.                      F  dc1935.txt
Ray, Alfred                           F  dc1938.txt
Ray, Howard Gleason                   D  dc1936.txt
Ray, James Thomas                     F  dc1936.txt
Ray, Lula                             M  dc1929.txt
Ray, Luna May Hitchcock               D  dc1939.txt
Ray, Martha                           M  dc1943.txt
Ray, Millard E. L.                    D  dc1936.txt
Ray, Millard                          F  dc1936.txt
Ray, Robt                             S  dc1939.txt
Ray, W. S.                            F  dc1945.txt
Ray, William Norman                   D  dc1938.txt
Reader, Mat                           S  dc1935.txt
Reals, Ike                            F  dc1940.txt
Reals, Margret                        M  dc1940.txt
Rectar, Beulah                        M  dc1933.txt
Recter, F. Merion                     F  dc1927.txt
Recter, Mayland                       D  dc1927.txt
Rector, Isaac Edward                  S  dc1938.txt
Rector, J. B.                         S  dc1945.txt
Rector, Lennie Ann                    M  dc1940.txt
Rector, Mary Lou                      D  dc1945.txt
Redman, Jane                          M  dc1928.txt
Redman, Sarah                         M  dc1929.txt
Redman, Sarah                         M  dc1935.txt
Redman, Sarah                         M  dc1937.txt
Redman, William C.                    F  dc1929.txt
Redmon, Charlie R.                    F  dc1945.txt
Redmon, James Calvin                  D  dc1945.txt
Redmon, Willa Dean                    S  dc1945.txt
Reece, Abe                            F  dc1930.txt
Reece, Buna                           M  dc1934.txt
Reece, Bunna                          M  dc1927.txt
Reece, Effie                          S  dc1939.txt
Reece, Ethel                          M  dc1943.txt
Reece, Hatty                          M  dc1935.txt
Reece, John F.                        S  dc1938.txt
Reece, John Franklin                  S  dc1941.txt
Reece, Lourine West                   D  dc1938.txt
Reece, Nannie Mae                     D  dc1941.txt
Reece, Samuel R.                      D  dc1930.txt
Reed, Marth                           M  dc1926.txt
Reed, Martha                          M  dc1929.txt
Reese, Buna                           M  dc1941.txt
Reeves, Albert                        D  dc1926.txt
Reeves, Arby                          F  dc1934.txt
Reeves, Baby                          D  dc1929.txt
Reeves, Catherine                     D  dc1932.txt
Reeves, Flora                         S  dc1944.txt
Reeves, Frank                         S  dc1932.txt
Reeves, Guy Kenneth                   D  dc1944.txt
Reeves, Guy                           F  dc1929.txt
Reeves, James                         F  dc1942.txt
Reeves, Jewel                         M  dc1932.txt
Reeves, Mary                          M  dc1941.txt
Reeves, Thomas Hubert                 D  dc1934.txt
Reeves, Thomas                        F  dc1944.txt
Reeves, William Franklin              D  dc1942.txt
Remmington, Mary                      M  dc1930.txt
Renolds, Alice                        M  dc1942.txt
Renolds, Alice                        M  dc1942.txt
Reynolds, Alice                       M  dc1933.txt
Reynolds, Laura                       M  dc1930.txt
Reynolds, Laura                       M  dc1932.txt
Reynolds, Thomas B.                   F  dc1939.txt
Rhea, Billie Joe                      D  dc1936.txt
Rhea, Eliza                           D  dc1930.txt
Rhea, James                           F  dc1926.txt
Rhea, John Byrd                       D  dc1926.txt
Rhea, John Smith                      F  dc1945.txt
Rhea, John                            F  dc1944.txt
Rhea, John                            S  dc1940.txt
Rhea, Katherine Williams              D  dc1940.txt
Rhea, Maggie                          S  dc1942.txt
Rhea, Myrtle                          S  dc1937.txt
Rhea, Silvia                          F  dc1936.txt
Rhea, W. S.                           S  dc1930.txt
Rhoten, Sarah                         M  dc1928.txt
Rhoten, Sarah                         M  dc1944.txt
Rice, Ada                             M  dc1930.txt
Rice, Annie                           M  dc1931.txt
Rice, Beecher                         F  dc1932.txt
Rice, Beecher                         F  dc1932.txt
Rice, Clarance B.                     F  dc1944.txt
Rice, Claud Edward                    D  dc1930.txt
Rice, Clayton Eugene                  D  dc1932.txt
Rice, Cora                            D  dc1941.txt
Rice, Dany Ray                        D  dc1944.txt
Rice, Dillard                         F  dc1926.txt
Rice, Dillard                         F  dc1940.txt
Rice, Fannie Bell                     D  dc1944.txt
Rice, G. W.                           S  dc1945.txt
Rice, Gilbert                         F  dc1927.txt
Rice, Gurtha                          D  dc1926.txt
Rice, Ida Bell                        M  dc1941.txt
Rice, Ida Bill                        M  dc1930.txt
Rice, Jessie Lee                      M  dc1931.txt
Rice, John D.                         D  dc1936.txt
Rice, Lizzie                          D  dc1928.txt
Rice, Louise                          D  dc1934.txt
Rice, Martha E.                       S  dc1944.txt
Rice, Medier                          F  dc1936.txt
Rice, Nannie Kirby                    S  dc1936.txt
Rice, Nannie May                      D  dc1927.txt
Rice, Nora                            D  dc1937.txt
Rice, Novella                         D  dc1945.txt
Rice, Pattie Joe                      D  dc1932.txt
Rice, Robert                          F  dc1932.txt
Rice, Robert                          S  dc1944.txt
Rice, Roy Lee                         D  dc1932.txt
Rice, Sam                             S  dc1941.txt
Rice, Thomas H.                       S  dc1937.txt
Rice, Thomas                          F  dc1934.txt
Rice, Wesley                          F  dc1942.txt
Rice, William                         D  dc1942.txt
Rice, Willie May                      M  dc1933.txt
Rich, Cross                           D  dc1926.txt
Rich, Eilzabeth                       M  dc1945.txt
Rich, Elly                            F  dc1928.txt
Rich, Ferd                            D  dc1928.txt
Rich, Gertie                          M  dc1935.txt
Rich, Ida Bell                        M  dc1937.txt
Rich, James                           F  dc1931.txt
Rich, Jr., James                      D  dc1931.txt
Rich, Martin                          F  dc1928.txt
Rich, Sib                             F  dc1926.txt
Richard, Charles                      F  dc1941.txt
Richard, Jim                          F  dc1939.txt
Richard, John                         D  dc1939.txt
Richards, A. F.                       F  dc1943.txt
Richards, A. F.                       S  dc1936.txt
Richards, Andrew Franklin             D  dc1940.txt
Richards, Andrew                      F  dc1933.txt
Richards, Claud                       S  dc1932.txt
Richards, Daniel R.                   F  dc1940.txt
Richards, Daniel                      F  dc1934.txt
Richards, Fannie Argo                 D  dc1936.txt
Richards, Frank Argo                  D  dc1943.txt
Richards, George                      S  dc1932.txt
Richards, James G.                    F  dc1941.txt
Richards, Margie May                  D  dc1932.txt
Richards, Mary Fennil                 S  dc1945.txt
Richards, Pearly Jenkins              D  dc1932.txt
Richards, Samuel Gaines               D  dc1934.txt
Richards, Sarah                       M  dc1939.txt
Richards, Willard Clayton             D  dc1941.txt
Richardson, Allen                     F  dc1944.txt
Richardson, Alta Catherine            D  dc1945.txt
Richardson, Andrew                    F  dc1929.txt
Richardson, Andrew                    F  dc1937.txt
Richardson, Clifford Lee              D  dc1937.txt
Richardson, Daniel R.                 F  dc1945.txt
Richardson, Ersie                     M  dc1934.txt
Richardson, Ersie                     M  dc1943.txt
Richardson, Harriett                  M  dc1942.txt
Richardson, James Robert              D  dc1944.txt
Richardson, Louise                    M  dc1939.txt
Richardson, Luther Floyd              D  dc1944.txt
Richardson, Luther Floyd              D  dc1944.txt
Richardson, Martin Van Buren          F  dc1944.txt
Richardson, Martin Van Buren          F  dc1944.txt
Richardson, Nora                      M  dc1941.txt
Richardson, Rufus Denton              D  dc1929.txt
Richardson, Tennie F.                 S  dc1944.txt
Richardson, Tennie F.                 S  dc1944.txt
Richie, David                         F  dc1928.txt
Richie, Frances                       M  dc1936.txt
Richman, Brice                        F  dc1937.txt
Richman, Henry                        D  dc1937.txt
Richman, Henry                        F  dc1943.txt
Richman, Norman                       D  dc1943.txt
Richman, Vina                         M  dc1937.txt
Richmand, Norman                      F  dc1939.txt
Richmond, Mattie B.                   D  dc1938.txt
Richmond, Norman                      F  dc1932.txt
Richmond, Norman                      F  dc1938.txt
Richmond, Odes Clinton                D  dc1932.txt
Riddle, Nova                          M  dc1932.txt
Ridley, John                          F  dc1930.txt
Ridley, Maggie                        M  dc1929.txt
Ridley, Maggie                        M  dc1945.txt
Rigsby, Barbara Jean                  D  dc1938.txt
Rigsby, Clarence Edward               D  dc1927.txt
Rigsby, Effie                         S  dc1941.txt
Rigsby, Foster Finndy                 D  dc1926.txt
Rigsby, J. T.                         F  dc1941.txt
Rigsby, John H.                       F  dc1941.txt
Rigsby, Julian                        F  dc1938.txt
Rigsby, Martha Edna                   D  dc1941.txt
Rigsby, Mitie                         S  dc1941.txt
Rigsby, Russ                          F  dc1926.txt
Rigsby, Sarah                         M  dc1928.txt
Rigsby, Sarah                         M  dc1943.txt
Rigsby, Sarah                         S  dc1938.txt
Rigsby, Wier                          F  dc1927.txt
Rigsby, William E.                    D  dc1941.txt
Rile, Arnie Lee                       F  dc1930.txt
Rile, Mary Ruth                       D  dc1930.txt
Rittenberry, _____                    D  dc1930.txt
Rittenberry, Charley                  F  dc1930.txt
Rittenberry, Charlie                  F  dc1930.txt
Rittenberry, Eugene Dallas            D  dc1928.txt
Rittenberry, Isom Boregard            D  dc1936.txt
Rittenberry, Jane                     M  dc1936.txt
Rittenberry, John L.                  F  dc1936.txt
Rittenberry, Kittie                   M  dc1929.txt
Rittenberry, Lois                     D  dc1930.txt
Rittenberry, Mack                     D  dc1937.txt
Rittenberry, Mary                     D  dc1929.txt
Rittenberry, Nancy Ann                D  dc1930.txt
Rittenberry, Nannie Mae               M  dc1937.txt
Rittenberry, Paul                     F  dc1941.txt
Rittenberry, Pauline                  D  dc1941.txt
Rittenbery, Charles                   F  dc1928.txt
Rittenbury, Caroline Inez             D  dc1939.txt
Rittenbury, Francis                   M  dc1928.txt
Rittenbury, Jee                       F  dc1939.txt
Roach, Huston                         F  dc1927.txt
Roach, Margie Rhea                    D  dc1927.txt
Robbins, Andrew Lawrence              D  dc1944.txt
Robbins, Andy J.                      D  dc1932.txt
Robbins, Archie                       F  dc1944.txt
Robbins, Daphna May                   M  dc1934.txt
Robbins, Mae                          S  dc1945.txt
Robbins, Nottie Ann                   D  dc1928.txt
Robbins, Sophronia                    S  dc1933.txt
Robbins, Steven Wallace               D  dc1933.txt
Robbins, William                      F  dc1930.txt
Robbins, William                      F  dc1932.txt
Robbins, William                      F  dc1933.txt
Robbinson, Freeling                   F  dc1939.txt
Robenson, Elvira                      M  dc1926.txt
Roberson, Martha                      M  dc1936.txt
Roberts, Alfred                       F  dc1944.txt
Roberts, Bettie Roena                 D  dc1936.txt
Roberts, Cesol                        F  dc1928.txt
Roberts, Cynthia                      M  dc1934.txt
Roberts, Dicy                         M  dc1945.txt
Roberts, Dissie Etta                  D  dc1944.txt
Roberts, Elizabeth                    M  dc1939.txt
Roberts, Emma Linn                    M  dc1943.txt
Roberts, Ethel                        M  dc1932.txt
Roberts, Frances                      M  dc1936.txt
Roberts, George Thomas                D  dc1940.txt
Roberts, George                       F  dc1945.txt
Roberts, Hollis                       F  dc1930.txt
Roberts, Hubert                       F  dc1926.txt
Roberts, J. B.                        F  dc1929.txt
Roberts, James                        F  dc1940.txt
Roberts, Jessie                       F  dc1942.txt
Roberts, John Ras                     D  dc1941.txt
Roberts, John                         F  dc1940.txt
Roberts, John                         F  dc1941.txt
Roberts, John                         S  dc1944.txt
Roberts, John                         S  dc1945.txt
Roberts, Joseph William               D  dc1945.txt
Roberts, Jr., Whitley                 D  dc1930.txt
Roberts, Laura                        M  dc1936.txt
Roberts, Laura                        S  dc1938.txt
Roberts, Lena                         D  dc1928.txt
Roberts, Letha Frances                S  dc1944.txt
Roberts, Lizzie Lou                   M  dc1938.txt
Roberts, Lucy                         M  dc1929.txt
Roberts, Maggie                       M  dc1935.txt
Roberts, Mary                         M  dc1942.txt
Roberts, May                          M  dc1935.txt
Roberts, Mayma                        M  dc1937.txt
Roberts, Millie                       M  dc1936.txt
Roberts, Minnie Alice                 D  dc1930.txt
Roberts, Mrs. Polly                   D  dc1938.txt
Roberts, Nancy                        D  dc1944.txt
Roberts, Nannie                       D  dc1926.txt
Roberts, Nannie                       S  dc1942.txt
Roberts, Norman                       F  dc1945.txt
Roberts, O Vela                       D  dc1926.txt
Roberts, Rena Ann                     M  dc1940.txt
Roberts, Roy Sylvester                D  dc1945.txt
Roberts, Sam                          S  dc1938.txt
Roberts, Sarah                        M  dc1943.txt
Roberts, Sin Fanie                    D  dc1945.txt
Roberts, Thurman Andrew               D  dc1928.txt
Roberts, Tommye                       S  dc1944.txt
Roberts, Vance                        F  dc1937.txt
Roberts, Virgle                       S  dc1944.txt
Roberts, Visco Hollis                 D  dc1930.txt
Roberts, W. V.                        F  dc1936.txt
Roberts, Whitley                      F  dc1930.txt
Roberts, William Albert               D  dc1929.txt
Roberts, William F.                   D  dc1942.txt
Roberts, William                      F  dc1940.txt
Roberts, Willie Edwena                D  dc1926.txt
Roberts, Zack                         F  dc1926.txt
Robertson, Eligah                     F  dc1943.txt
Robinson, Allace                      S  dc1940.txt
Robinson, Almeda                      S  dc1940.txt
Robinson, Amanda                      M  dc1945.txt
Robinson, Bonnie Elease               D  dc1934.txt
Robinson, Collis                      F  dc1945.txt
Robinson, D. C.                       S  dc1933.txt
Robinson, Doc K.                      F  dc1939.txt
Robinson, Don Collie                  D  dc1942.txt
Robinson, Edd                         S  dc1934.txt
Robinson, Emanuel                     F  dc1937.txt
Robinson, Harold Elmore               D  dc1943.txt
Robinson, Heines                      S  dc1936.txt
Robinson, J. S.                       F  dc1943.txt
Robinson, John Childress              D  dc1943.txt
Robinson, John Jack                   F  dc1934.txt
Robinson, John Jacob                  D  dc1937.txt
Robinson, John Ridley                 D  dc1939.txt
Robinson, John                        F  dc1927.txt
Robinson, John                        F  dc1940.txt
Robinson, John                        F  dc1942.txt
Robinson, July                        S  dc1933.txt
Robinson, Kerbit                      F  dc1943.txt
Robinson, L. V.                       D  dc1927.txt
Robinson, Laura Ann                   M  dc1938.txt
Robinson, Laura                       S  dc1938.txt
Robinson, Laura                       S  dc1944.txt
Robinson, Lavina Jane                 D  dc1933.txt
Robinson, Lem                         F  dc1927.txt
Robinson, Lemmie Vanburen             D  dc1945.txt
Robinson, Leora                       M  dc1928.txt
Robinson, Levra                       M  dc1929.txt
Robinson, Lizzie                      M  dc1940.txt
Robinson, Locky                       M  dc1929.txt
Robinson, Lona                        M  dc1936.txt
Robinson, Martha Ann                  M  dc1941.txt
Robinson, Martha                      D  dc1937.txt
Robinson, Martha                      S  dc1944.txt
Robinson, Mary                        M  dc1928.txt
Robinson, Mattie Mae                  M  dc1930.txt
Robinson, Samuel E.                   D  dc1940.txt
Robinson, Sarah Margarett             M  dc1942.txt
Robinson, Sarah                       M  dc1942.txt
Robinson, Sewell                      D  dc1927.txt
Robinson, Susan                       M  dc1932.txt
Robinson, Tennessee                   D  dc1936.txt
Robinson, Virginia                    M  dc1936.txt
Robinson, Walter                      F  dc1934.txt
Robinson, Will                        F  dc1940.txt
Robinson, William                     F  dc1942.txt
Robison, Tennie                       M  dc1926.txt
Roche, Eugene                         D  dc1933.txt
Roche, H. R.                          F  dc1933.txt
Rodgers, Alice Blessing               D  dc1942.txt
Rodgers, David                        D  dc1929.txt
Rodgers, Joe                          S  dc1942.txt
Rodgers, Lee                          F  dc1929.txt
Rodgers, Lillie                       M  dc1944.txt
Rodman, Frank                         S  dc1934.txt
Rodman, Kate                          D  dc1934.txt
Roger, Emly                           M  dc1928.txt
Roger, Margrett                       D  dc1926.txt
Rogers, Billie                        F  dc1929.txt
Rogers, Dasie                         S  dc1933.txt
Rogers, Edith S.                      M  dc1938.txt
Rogers, Eliza May                     D  dc1927.txt
Rogers, Eliza                         D  dc1933.txt
Rogers, Elvin Louise                  D  dc1943.txt
Rogers, Emiline                       M  dc1928.txt
Rogers, Frances C.                    D  dc1945.txt
Rogers, Frank                         F  dc1938.txt
Rogers, Fred                          F  dc1945.txt
Rogers, George W.                     D  dc1928.txt
Rogers, George                        F  dc1928.txt
Rogers, Ida                           M  dc1945.txt
Rogers, James Edward                  D  dc1932.txt
Rogers, James W.                      F  dc1928.txt
Rogers, Jane                          M  dc1932.txt
Rogers, Jessie Lee                    D  dc1935.txt
Rogers, John T.                       S  dc1930.txt
Rogers, John                          F  dc1927.txt
Rogers, Joseph                        D  dc1929.txt
Rogers, Jossie                        D  dc1927.txt
Rogers, Lee                           F  dc1930.txt
Rogers, Leo                           F  dc1939.txt
Rogers, Lorene                        D  dc1938.txt
Rogers, Maggie                        M  dc1935.txt
Rogers, Maggie                        M  dc1945.txt
Rogers, Martha Ann                    D  dc1939.txt
Rogers, Mary                          M  dc1939.txt
Rogers, Mary                          M  dc1943.txt
Rogers, Mrs. Josephene                D  dc1930.txt
Rogers, Permela                       M  dc1933.txt
Rogers, Sim                           F  dc1937.txt
Rogers, Sim                           F  dc1938.txt
Rogers, Vaughn                        F  dc1943.txt
Rogers, Wash                          S  dc1933.txt
Rogers, Will                          F  dc1932.txt
Rogers, Will                          F  dc1935.txt
Rogers, William Bates                 D  dc1928.txt
Rogers, William Johnnie               D  dc1938.txt
Rogers, William Thomas                D  dc1927.txt
Rogers, Willie                        D  dc1932.txt
Rogers, Willie                        F  dc1932.txt
Roland, A. V.                         S  dc1935.txt
Roland, Bettie                        M  dc1935.txt
Roland, Maggie                        D  dc1935.txt
Roland, Veston                        F  dc1934.txt
Rollins, Baby                         D  dc1930.txt
Rollins, Harold Lewis                 D  dc1936.txt
Rollins, Mack                         F  dc1930.txt
Rollins, Mae                          F  dc1936.txt
Romans, Martha                        S  dc1941.txt
Rope, Arrena                          D  dc1928.txt
Roscoe, Maggie                        M  dc1934.txt
Rose, Birdie                          M  dc1926.txt
Rose, Christal                        F  dc1937.txt
Rose, Dewey D.                        D  dc1929.txt
Rose, Fred                            D  dc1933.txt
Rose, Ida Elizabeth Worley            D  dc1940.txt
Rose, Ida                             S  dc1937.txt
Rose, John                            D  dc1927.txt
Rose, Lee Roy                         F  dc1926.txt
Rose, Lee Roy                         F  dc1942.txt
Rose, Lee                             F  dc1927.txt
Rose, Lee                             F  dc1933.txt
Rose, Lenar                           M  dc1929.txt
Rose, Lottie                          D  dc1926.txt
Rose, Loucinda                        D  dc1929.txt
Rose, Lucy Campbell                   M  dc1937.txt
Rose, Lyna                            S  dc1933.txt
Rose, Margrett                        M  dc1929.txt
Rose, Nancy Elizabeth                 M  dc1945.txt
Rose, Wesley                          F  dc1929.txt
Rose, William A.                      D  dc1926.txt
Rose, William Richard                 D  dc1937.txt
Rose, William                         F  dc1927.txt
Rose, William                         S  dc1940.txt
Ross, Ellen                           M  dc1940.txt
Rowe, Foster                          D  dc1926.txt
Rowe, Robt                            F  dc1926.txt
Rowland, A. Vester                    F  dc1931.txt
Rowland, Alvin Veston                 D  dc1943.txt
Rowland, Ben                          F  dc1937.txt
Rowland, Douglas                      F  dc1943.txt
Rowland, Elizabeth                    M  dc1939.txt
Rowland, John                         D  dc1937.txt
Rowland, John                         F  dc1928.txt
Rowland, Maggie                       S  dc1943.txt
Rowland, Ross Rascoe                  D  dc1931.txt
Rozzell, Ed                           F  dc1943.txt
Rozzell, Edwin Little                 D  dc1943.txt
Rozzell, James C.                     F  dc1937.txt
Rozzell, James Edwin                  D  dc1937.txt
Rundell, Laura                        M  dc1939.txt
Russell, Chas. W.                     D  dc1932.txt
Russell, Emma Della                   D  dc1945.txt
Russell, Frank                        S  dc1934.txt
Russell, Isaac                        F  dc1932.txt
Russell, Louvenia                     M  dc1941.txt
Russell, Margaret                     M  dc1944.txt
Russell, Roberta                      M  dc1939.txt
Russell, Sarah Alice                  D  dc1934.txt
Russell, Susan                        M  dc1944.txt
Russell, William Frank                D  dc1940.txt
Russell, William M.                   F  dc1945.txt
Russell, William Mansfield            F  dc1940.txt
Russell, William Mathew               S  dc1945.txt
Rutherford, Alice Nann                M  dc1942.txt
Rutherford, Bill                      F  dc1936.txt
Rutherford, Eliza Jane                D  dc1930.txt
Rutherford, Frank                     D  dc1936.txt
Rutherford, Larkin                    F  dc1930.txt
Rutherford, Lela                      M  dc1928.txt
Rutherford, Lila                      M  dc1938.txt
Rutherford, Lila                      S  dc1943.txt
Rutherford, Lula Mae                  S  dc1936.txt
Rutherford, Mary Louise               D  dc1928.txt
Rutherford, Mary Roberts              D  dc1940.txt
Rutherford, Nan                       M  dc1931.txt
Rutherford, William Stanton           D  dc1945.txt
Rutherford, Willie B.                 D  dc1931.txt
Rutherford, Willie B.                 F  dc1943.txt
Rutherford, Willie Lee                D  dc1943.txt
Rutherford, Wm                        F  dc1928.txt
Ruthford, Vanc                        S  dc1940.txt


Copyright.  All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives
by:  Mitzi P. Freeman   <>