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JACKSON COUNTY, TN - NEWSPAPERS - Upper Cumberland Aug 26, 1880
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(Information below is typed as is. The information is NOT to be SOLD!
Transcribed by Susie Culwell from Roll #101 Gainesboro Jackson County
Sentinel, Date: 1873 to 1902, from the Tennessee State Library and

Chancery Court
Hon. W. G. Crowley Chancellor
H. W. Williams C & M

Circuit Court
Hon. N. W. McConnel Judge
W. M. Gailbreath clerk

County Court
Hon. M.B. Young Judge
H J Harley clerk
W H Young Seriff
John H Chaffin Register
T. S. Birdwell Trustee
Logan Jackson Surveyor
Layfayett Wheeler Coronor
W B Reeves----------(microfilm bad)
Thomas H Butler  Notory Public

Knights of Honor meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month, M. B. Young Dicator.
N B Young Reporter Gainesboro lodge K of H No. 701

-Wilson   ((((this is exactly as they had more info)))
-Hancock and English
-Our "boss" will be home Saturday.
-The curch goes up slowly.
-No sign of a school house in Gainesboro yet.
-Judge Young has returned from Gallatin looking well and jolly as ever.
-Dr. D. K. Fink is in town.
-Water melons and peaches abundant.
-G. B. Murray and family have returned from Bloomington
-The thermometer has measured ninetysix in the shade this week.
-B. H. Washburn and family have returned from Bloomington.

-Capt Cox declined to run  (((rest can't read)))
-John C Bren..uridge  .... and Miss Julia Poston Jr were united in
marriage Sunday last by Squire F. K. Kelly  ((hard to read))
-Rev. Jasper Nichols of M E Church closed a three days meeting at this
place monday night. He was assisted during the meeting by Rev. Joshua
-Eld E M Berry of the Christian church is holding a protracted meeting
at Drapers school house on Jennings creek.  It will continue until next
Sunday night.
-Capt. M. L. Gore thanks his friends for their solicitations, but
declines to run for the Legislature.

The Gainesboro Sunday School numbers near one hundred members.

-John L. Goodall and Mr. rouseau of Nashvill; M. L Baker of Louisville;
and Messrs Brown and Cheek from Cincinnatti, were at the Smith Hotel
this week.
-J D and B. R. Kirkpatrick, sheep buyers of Nodgensville, Ky. passed
through Gainesboro this week stopping at Smiths Hotel.

-John Williams of Larue County, Ky., stopped at Mrs Harris Hotel and 
honored our sanctum with a call.

Our Post Master N. B. Young, is now the happiest man in town by far.
That new comer at his house which arrived at 3 minutes in the morning on
the 16th inst., is a boy and weighed 11 1/2 lb. His name is Paul Kidwel,
after two big preachers, Pole says, Mother and child doing well.  the
many friends of squire Young hope he will survive.

Lizzie J. Anderson, daughter of James A. and Fanny Anderson died Auguest
20, 1880, at the residence of her parents one mile East of Gainesboro,
aged 13 years.  Little Lizzie endured her sufferings for seventeen days
with remarkable fortitude and then succumbed to the ravages of the
dreadful fever.  She was a pure good obadient child and has gone to join
the angels.  Her parents have the sympathy of the entire community.
Millie J Butler and Mrs. Jennie Kirk called on us last friday, we were
glad to have the pleasure of entertaining the ladys in the absence of
the Editor. Call again ladies.
At the residence of the Bride's mother, Mrs. N. E. Womack, Tuesday, Aug.
17, Mr. W. D. G. Carnes to Miss Sarah E. Womack. 

The above will be a surprise to the many friends of both parties, no
doubt, but we will all join and wish them happiness all the same.  ---,
Carnes is our personal friend, and a christian gentleman, as an editor,
we admire him; but as a friend, we more than admire him.  He is konwn
all over several counties as a public spirited citizen.  Miss Womack is
one of our best young ladies, and we are loth to give her up to go to
the Upper Cumberland.

The above is from the Smithville Journal and this explains the long
absence of the editor.  We all join in congratulations to our chief and
will bid Mrs. Carnes a cordial welcome to the Upper Cumberland.
Our yound friend G. G. Butler, with his sister Miss Mattie and Lizzie
Mahany, came near meeting with a serious accident on their return from
church in this country last Sunday. The buggy in which they were riding
come uncoupled and ------------------- says the worst of the whole
business was that while he was struggling to pick himself up out of the
mud and hold the horse from running away, the young ladies were
inquiring of each other as to the fate of their hats.  Dont think hard
Grundy, Remember mud will rub off of others,------will get well, but
soiled hats are gone forever.
The quarterly meeting of the Methodist Episcopalian churches south
comme-- at Flynns Lick next Saturday.
Mr. James H Loftis one of the ---- merchants of Gainesboro, was married
on the 19th inst., to Miss Nannie Johnson one of the Flynns Creek ---
charming damsels.
Martha Jones vs Carrol Jones, Circuit Court of Jackson Co Tennessee, Bill of Divorce
Aug 6th 1880, W M Gailbreath Clk
Aug 23, 1880
Warm days and cool nights, health happiness, peace and plenty about Bloomington.

Our village has been enlivened by a revival meeting held by Rev. Mr.
Clouse and others of the Baptist church last wekk. Quite an interest was
gotten up, several having professed religion and others manifested deep

"One by one the roses fall"  Our hansome friend Bob Washburn Sr. and his
clever family, Miss Amanda Allison, Miss Malissa Copeland and all, have
moved back to Gainesboro, M-- Quarles and family and Col. Murray are
here .  The former hus been talking of buying out the Springs.  Mrs.
Draper still has a number of lady boarders, among them Mrs. Clements,
Mrs. payne, Mrs. Harris and Mrs West also Mrs. Wheeler and Mrs. Manners
of Smith county.

Sherriff Sale

By virtue of an Executor ---- from the --------Chancery court of Jackson
County, and to me directed.  I will on the 30th day of August 1880 at
the court house door in the town of Gainesboro, offer for sale for cash,
the undivided interest of Tilmon R. terry, to a ---land lying on Roaring
River 9th Dist of Jackson county.  Bounded by the Land s of J. P.
Philpot, Wash Whitaker and Morgan--------to satistfy an execution in my
bonds in favor of H. R. Terry and against T. R Terry and call cost
incident to the ------. this 17th day of July 1880 ale in lawful hours. 
W. B. Young Sheriff of Jackson Ctenn  4-T. No 4