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JACKSON COUNTY, TN - NEWSPAPERS - Gainesboro Sentinel August 16, 1900
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All newspaper articles appear as is, including typo errors/mispellings
of names.  These articles are not to be sold. Taken from the microfilm
reel: Roll #101  Gainesboro Jackson County Sentinel  Date:  1873-1902.
Transcriber: Susie Culwell)


James T. Anderson vs M F & Z. M Young
On Thursday, Aug 30, 1900 at the court house door in Gainesboro, Tenn.,
within legal hours, for cash in hand, I will offer the lands and mill
described in the pleadings and final decree, in the above styled case,
situated in the 1st civil district of Jackson County, Tenn., on Roaring
river; bounded on the north east and south by the lands of M L and S G
Gore, and east by the Stafford land; sold for the payments of the debt
interest and cost recovered against defendent M F Young in the above
case at June special term 1900 of the Chancery Court of Jackson County,
Tenn.  A more particular description of said land will be given on day
of sale.  This Aug 8, 1900. 
B A Butler & O H Anderson
Solicitors for Complainant

 D L Dow vs J M G York
On Thursday aug 30, 1900, at the court house door in Gainesboro, Tenn,.
within legal hours, for cash in hand I will sell to the highest bidder
the lands described in the pleadings and decree in teh above styled
case, to satisfy, a decree for the debt and cost rendered at the June
special term of the Chancery Court of Jackson County, Tenn. against
defendent, the debt being created for lumber and material used in
construction of the residence of deft on said land, the land and
residence being attached in this case.  A particular description of said
land offered for sale will be given on day of sale.  This Aug 8, 1900.
B A Butler Clerk & Master
J T & O H Anderson, Sols. for Compl't


Miss Julia Poston, who has been afflicted with paralysis for several
months, died at the home of her nephew, William Poston, south of town,
last Thursday. She was about 65 years of age, and was never married.
She was an estimable lady and leaves many friends.  Her remains were
laid to rest in the family cemetery Friday afternoon.  Rev Thomas Smith
conducted funeral services.

****************************************************** GRANVILLE.,  Aug
13 - thursday at the home of her brother in law, Miss Sallie Kirkpatrick
suicided by hanging herself.  Death was slow, as it was caused by
strangulation, since the body touched the floor almost, and the feet
were drawn up.  The act was premeditated, as the creful arrangement for
it showed.  Dejected spirits, owing to ill health, was the cause, as the
lady had been a cripple and sufferer for years.  She belonged to one of
the foremost families of the county.  The burial took place near the
home, on Dry Fork, a few miles from this place.

********************************************** Miss Annie Haile, of
Flynn's Lick who has been visiting here for a few days will return home
this week, accompanied by Miss Cora Coulston who will spend a few weeks
the guest of Miss Haile - Overton Co enterprise.

****************************************** PUTNAM COUNTY

Mrs. N. T Barker, who has been practicing Osteopathy in Cookeville for
several months, has gone to Missouri.

Work on the T C continues with a rush.  A locomotive for the new road
came up Tuesday and is pulling the contruction train.  Workmen are
laying track as rapidly as possible, and it is thought Crossville will
be reached early in September.
Republican Candidates
John J Gore for Congress, and J H Stafford for Senator
Mrs. J M Loftis has been quite ill for several days.

We are without a type this week, but we are out on time, as usual.

T G Sittleand, B d Johnson spent Saturday at Flynn's Lick.

W D and Frank Murray left Monday for Monterey, where they will enter

W E Ragland moved up from Granville last week and now occupies the B A
Butler residence.

The infant son of Mr and Mrs G W Chapman, of Roaring River, died last
Saturday, aged only a few days.

Miss Ophie boyd, of Cookeville, came down Saturday and is the local
operator of the Gainesboro Telephone co.

Dr. C B Moore went to Franklin, KY, last week. In response to a telegram
stating that his son was seriously ill.  he returned Tuesday.

T B Murray went to Gordonsville Monday to spend a few days with
relatives, and also attend the congressional convention at Carthage.

John H Chaffin was appointed Deputy County Court Clerk, sworn in and
entered upon the duties of the office last Monday.

Miss Crickett Keys, of near Alvarado, Texas, who has been visiting Miss
Sissie Morgan for several weeks, returned home last week.

The public school, in charge of Prof B J Rash and Miss Annie Robinson,
is moving along nicely with about 90 pupils in attendance.  The school
was dismissed for a few days this week on account of the sickness of
Prof Rash.

Misses Annie Washburn and Mattie Ragland, of Gainesboro, are with Mrs. B
A Butler.  They came to attend school here. - Carthage Times.

W H Young has sold his farm, warehouse, etc. to W C Spivey, of Salt
Lick.  Consideration, $2000.  This does not include the Murray land.

The central office of the Gainesboro Telephone co., was moved last
Friday from Maxwell House to the residence occupied by Henry R Anderson,
near the Bank of Gainesboro.
Prof W L Dixon's school at Willette Aug 6, with 65 pupils in attendance.

the christian meeting begins here next Sunday.  Elder Harding, of
Nashville, an able minister, will conduct the services.

R R Clark, of Rough Point, is here this week, taking lessons in the
photographic business.  he will locate at Granville and respresent the
Gainesboro Photo Co.

Luke B Anderson vs S. L Hall...Origianl attachment in chancery court, 
Jackson Co.
On motion of Complainant and it appearing from an allegation in Complt's
bill, which is sorn to, that defendant S L Hall is a non resident
citizen of the state of Tennessee, and that said defendant is justly
indebted by note in the sum of $25.00, due in Oct 1899 with interest
from date, and also by check on the Bank of Pembroke, Ky., dated Aug 7,
1899 for $27.00, and alleging that deft., Hall is the owner of a
undivided interest, supposed to be one half, in the following described
lands:  lying in the 8th civil district of Jackson co., Tenn., bounded
on the north by the county line between the counties of Clay and
Jackson; on the east by the lands of JOHN BROWN; on the south by the
lands of Leroy Cherry; and on the west by the lands descended to said
defendant, S L Hall, from his father G B Hall, subject however to the
homestead estate of the widow of G B Hall who is yet living and has
charge of said lands; and said bill prayed for an original attachment
writ to issue, which! writ is granted, bond being given as required by
law and said attachment writ having come to the hands of J S Spurlock, a
Deputy Sheriff of Jackson County, Tenn., who has levied same on said
lands above described to satisfy said debt and costs.  This is to nodify
said debt, S L Hall of the fling of said bill by complt., the issuance
and levy of said attachment writ upong said lands above described and
also to notify him to appear before the Chancellor holding the Chancery
court of Jackson county, Tenn., on the 3d Monday in Sept 1900 at the
court house.
