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JACKSON COUNTY, TN - NEWSPAPERS - Gainesboro Sentinel July 4, 1901
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(NOTE: This information is not to be sold. All articles appear as is,
including mispellings of names.  These articles only contain the names
of people of Jackson and surrounding counties, but will not contain all
the world news articles, unless it is needed for historical purposes.
Transcibed by: Susie Culwell)

JULY 4, 1901 THURSDAY GAINESBORO SENTINEL (note: no previous months were
saved, microfilm begins with July 4, 1901)


Circuit court commenced Monday at 1 o'clock with Judge Smith on the
bench and Attorney General Butler as prosecutor.  The usual rotene of
drawing the juries and instructing the Grand Jury were dispensed with.
A report of the procedings of the court will appear in our next issue.
the following constitute the juries.

PETTY JURY: Jery Ray, S S Jackson, Hyrom Scott, Nathon Venoy, Obedioh
Hudson, Virgel Lovelady, Cornel flynn, W A Jones, K K Keeth, F M
Cassety, John Brown, Dock Allen, A D Davis, officer.

GRAND JURY: A J Pharris, FOREMAN Asa Lynn, D A Rawley, John Hamlet, S S
Carver, J B Stout, F D Clark, Jim Wolf, Ross McCawley, S O Dillon, J T
Phillips, H P Flatt, Wiley Denny.

The case against A B Hastend, John York and Monroe German charged with
murder was continued until next term of court on application of the

((note microfilm hard to read here in this town/district..district
unknown)) Squire Hanes, Logan and Peyton Sadler, J B Griffith and two
sons went to Gainesboro Monday.

Wm Holloway was arrested last week for an assault upon Geo Brotherton
and was tried before Squire Webb and fined $2.50 and cost.

Geo B Gaines arrived home Saturday to visit his father, who is not
improving from effect of La, Grippe. ((typed as is))

J W Draper of Gainesboro, was a visitor here last Saturday.

J F Griffith, H S Davis, PP Cas, T M Richardson and Jacob Jenkins, from
this dist. are attending the Institue of Gainesboro this week.

Cy--- Clark lost a fine mule valued at $80 last week because he got it
too hot.

Miss Daisy Sneed, suffering from the effect of La Grippe, is no better
at this writing.

Our constable J B Hudson is busy summons witness to go before the Grand
jury this week look out boys you who are guilty of violating the laws.

July1,, Shelton. 


Perhaps a few items from our place would be appreciated by a few of your
many readers.

The farmers here have been very busy cutting wheat and we can now hear
the threshers roar.

Miss Millie and Lizzie Brown, Sallie Kirkpatrick and brother, Amos S
Kirkpatrick, of Nashville, but formerly of Jackson Co, are the guests of
Miss Gertrude Whitefield this week.  Their many friends and relatives
were glad to welcome them in their midst.

Miss Claudia Sadler is very sick with fever.

Alford Wade was here Sunday.

Mrs. Annie Brown and Miss Nora Whitefield, of Whites Bend, visited their
parents J P Whitefield and wife Saturday and Sunday.

Frank Hargis and wife were here Wednesday.

T J Lee Jr and wife of Bloomington, were teh guest of Mrs. M A Lee,

H S Holleman was here Sunday.

Bro. Watson, of Whites Bend, preached here Sunday.  He and wife were
mingling with friends.

Miss Mary Lewis is in Gainesboro this week.

June 2.    Dew Drop.

Crops are very pretty in this vicinity.  The Farmers have lots of work
on hand now owing to so much rain.

A M Holland and wife visited Mrs. Holland's mother, Mrs A H Johnson
Saturday and Sunday.

John Lucas, spent last week with A H Johnson and wife.

Job M Morgan, jr, was a caller at the Park Wesdnesday.

Lewis Mayfield baby is very sick and its recovery is doubtful.

Mrs R M Maxwell visited Mrs. A H Johnson Sunday.

Miss Flora Bilbrey spent last week at the Park.

Bailey Butler and Miss Dora Young were seen driving by the Park Friday

Mrs W F Sadler who has been visiting her mother, Mrs M L Gore returned
home Thursday.

Mrs. B A Butler and children visited Mrs M L Gore last week.

John D Johnson attended church at Gentry's School house last Sunday.

Mrs. Philander Terry visited Mrs A H Johnson Tuesday.

J W Pickett and wife visited this place Sunday.

Rev Lafayett Walker preached to the colored people near this place
CABINET. Crops are looking fine, and the people have commenced to lay by corn.

The people have begun cutting wheat here.

Rev Albert Rains, of Kempville, preached at Rose Hill Saturday night and

It is said that Sam Hance has changed counties and is now a citizen of
Macon instead of Clay.

Esq. Hance and Miss Fleety York, of this place attended the children's
day at Smith's Chappel Sunday.

H C Holland's store was visited by some unknown person last Friday night
but the damage was light.

A C Clark, of Cabinet, went to Willette Sunday.

V C and G F Clark attended the show at Fairview last Saturday night and
had a good time.

B M Crabtree's little child has been on the sick list for the last week,
but is better as of this writing. 


((part of this article is cut off, will start with what it begins with))
pARAGRAGH 2, 121; PAGE 375 of Miliken and Vertrees code places at the
disposal of your Honorable County Court, the illigitimate children of
your county.  To allow these little unfortunates to be raised as the law
says they shall not be raised is to grow your own criminal population.
To herd them in your county asylums with other children is hardly the
thing to do to in the absence of moral training and mother care.  Give
us these children if possible, give them to us before you place them in
the poor house.  The law does not contemplate their incarceration there
before you can help them.  Do not bind them out.  This is worse than
slavery.  Do not compel them to grow up where all know of their
misfortunes, this is to handicap them for life.  But give them to us we
are a chartered institution and good homes are opened to us every day.
And in a few years we will give these children back to your state
rescued and redeemed ready to take their places in ranks of useful
citizensh! ip.  it will cost your county less money by our plan to make
citizens out of these children than it now costs it to fasten upon them
a future of ignorance pauperism or crime.  If your county court will
appropriate $20.00 a head to cover the expense we obligate ourselves to
place in good home every homeless child in your county.  Will you take
some interest in this work? J M Jordan, Supt Children't Home Society
Middle Tennessee Winchester, Tennessee.

WHITE BEND. Farmers are ----------- to thresh wheat.

Rev C K Cariock filled his regular appointment here  fourth Sunday.

Booker Pate who has been confined to his bed for sometime is much

Sam Whjittaker was in our midst Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Ida Johnson and Minnie Crawford spend Sunday with Mrs. D C Lynn.

Mrs. Daniel Whittaker and daughter Miss Kate who have been visiting
their old home place returned to their home at Pleasant Hill Tuesday.

Miss Malinda Rogers was the guest of Mrs Lucy Carter at Highland last

Mrs. Bettie Genry who has been sick for some time is better.

Miss Leona Pate is in Cookeville this week.

R R Clark was here last week making pictures.

We wonder why a certain young man of Bagdad failed to occupy his usual
seat at our Sunday school last Sunday.

Mrs. Mahala Brown has returned home after an extended visit to relatives
at Hartsville and Nashville.

Mrs. Angeline Richardson came over from Rough Point to spend a few days
with Mrs. Alex Crawford.

For particular concerning a lynn po-itice converse with Miss Ave

July 2,    Jessie. 

NORTH SPRINGS. Farmers are about done plowing corn and cutting wheat.

Having some very hot weather here now.

Miss Lucy Smith, of Red Boiling Springs, who has been visiting Miss
Fleety York at this place returned home Friday.

Esq. Hance and Miss Fleety York visted at Red Boiling Springs last
Saturday and Sunday.

Gilbert Crabtree, Miss Ida Crabtree, Sewill Crabtree and wife Brat
Clark, Otis (microfilm is bad  beyond this but will type what I can
clearly see) Crocket? and number of others attended church at Trace
Creek ast Sunday.

Henry Rehorn? will soon be ready to be congratulated for he has made an
addition to his mill, building him a dwelling use of Miss
Sadie returning to Nashville.

Squire Hance Logan and peyton Saler, J B G-------- (looks like Griffin)
and two sons went to Gainesboro Monday  

Wm Holloway was arrested last week for an assault upon Geo Brotherton --

FLYNN'S LICK Several attended court yesterday.

Misses Kate Haile and Clio Draper went to Gainesboro today.

Miss Leona Haile, is attending the institute this week.

Miss Carrie Gailbreath is visiting in Gallatin.

T H Haile has gone to Round Top, for a couple of months.

Miss Sallie Haile has returned from a visit to Granville.

B F Cooper & son Walter, of Granville were here Sunday.

W M Gailbreath attended the M E conference at Hartsville last week.

J A Haile is confined to this room this week.

L O Mabry the popular clerk of W W McDearman has resigned his position
and moved back to his former home near Clenny.

School opens here the 3rd Monday in this month under the supervision of
Prof W L Dixon and Miss Leona Haile.

W M Gailbreath and Dr. Baugh made a business trip to Gladdico today.

July 2.    Pat Crow. ************************************************
GRANVILLE Miss Novella Apple has returned home from Nashville.

Mrs. Allie Kelly and children are visiting at Gladdico.

Miss Alice Duke, of Maggart was the guest of Mrs. Bettie Goolsby during
the past week.

Miss Bulah Kelly is confined to her room with fever.

Alex Price is still very low.

Mrs. Etta Maddux is on the sick list.

Miss Terry of Cookeville is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sallie Terry.

Fred Sutton went to Gainesboro Friday.

Den Burton moved to town recently.

Lon McCarver and wife of Nashville, are visitng their aunt Mrs. maggie

Mrs. Lizzie Cooper is home from Nashville.

Dero armistead and Miss Eva Brown went to Red Boiling Springs last week.

Rain is needed very badly now.

Ben Cooker went to Flynns Lick yesterday.

Miss Hattie Apple has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. McDonald
at Gabbatha.

Benton Haile, of Flynns Lick was here yesterday.

July 1    Tattler. ************************************** WHITLEYVILE.
Squire McCoin was on the sick list Sunday.

C C Gaines was swinging his best girl around Sunday.

Mrs. Vada Biles the wife of W C Biles is very sick.

Dr John D Quarles was called to see Mr Hardee Draper, of Miles Cross
roads, who met with a serious accedent Thursday while edging lumber.
His right hand got caught in the saw.  Dr. Quarles amputated his thumb.

Claude Graves was harvesting wheat thursday he swears that he prespired
so much that he is 10 lbs lighter.

Squire John Bean, from Clay Co., was in Whitleyville Friday, he reports
that crops are looking well in the Ridge country.

Bill York has laid his corn by.

Dave Whittaker and his charming family have left Whitleyville they will
make their home in Milwaukee Wisconsin, several of our boys are in

A M Hll is on the sick list this   ------

Misses Sadie Garrison and Annie Hix were trading in Whitleyvill today.

George Birdwell and Claude Gains were called away to visit the bedside
of Miss Eliza Birdwell, daughter of Blake Birdwell, but unfortunatly the
young lady died before her bereaved uncle Mr George Birdwell, and her
cousin , Mr C C Gaines could get to see her alive, her parents have the
heartfelt sympathy of the people around here, it seems so sad that the
Master has to call one away so young from parents and friends that love
her.  We one and all extend our best sympathies to the beloved parents
of deceased young lady. ***************************************

HAYDENBURG Crops are very good in this community, a little rain now
would do no harm.

P T Clark and son Alex, visited friends at Greenwood, Wilson Co, last
week, and report good crops down there.

Mack Smith and George Crahead, of Cub Creek attended church at North
Springs, Sunday.  Also Alex and Travis Clark, of this place attended
church at the same place.

there was a show at East fork Friday night, several went from this place
and report a good show.  the same show will be at the school house near
this place next Saturday night week.

T J McCoin, the earnest gold miner is still digging away.

June 25,   Roxton. 