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DYER COUNTY, TN - NEWSPAPERS - The Dyersburg State Gazette  Oct 1874


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MR.D.C.LANDON,an old citizen of Union City,was found dead in his bed last


TRIBUTE OF RESPECT  NEWBERN LODGE NO.285--Whereas,It hath pleased the Grand

Master of the Universe to summon our worthy Brother, Wm.WESSON,to that

rest,prepared from the foundation of the world,for all the living.

RESOLVED,That we deeply deplore the sad calamity that,by a sudden and

unexpected death,removed him from our midst,and while we throw around his

faults,whate'er they may have been,the broad mantle of Masonic charity,that we

rever his memory and attachments to the principles of our order.

RESOLVED,That we deeply sympathize with his afflicted family in their loss--

reminding them that "God,who tempers the winds to the shorn lamb,can soothe

their afflictions here."  RESOLVED,That a copy of these resolutions be

preserved in the minutes of the Lodge,a copy furnished the widow of our

deceased brother,and a copy furnished the Dyersburg "State Gazette" for

publication.  J R WESTBROOK  R T McCRECKEN  J G WESTBROOK  Committee.

WE RETURN THANKS--to Mr.W A HARRIS for some of the largest and finest apples

we have seen this year.

PROF.JO.WESTBROOK--teaches a school of 64 scholars,at Hurricane Hill and rides

twelve miles every day.

THE BAPTISTS--commenced their protracted meeting at this place yesterday.Rev.G

W GRIFFIN will conduct services Monday night.

MILL SOLD--The BUTLER & LOVE steam saw mill,on the South fork,was sold at

auction last Thursday.Mess.BROWN,BUSH & Co.,of Seymour,Ind.,were the

purchasers.Price paid,$7000.

MR.JOHN HUNT,OF OBION COUNTY,TENNESSEE--will never hunt again.He looked down

the barrel of his gun to see if the shot laid level,and the top of his skull

landed on the roof of the smoke-house.

THE P.& M.RAILROAD--The Ripley News,in speaking of the rumor that McCOMBS has

stopped work on the P.& M.Railroad for the purpose of forcing the

Elizabethtown Railroad to sell or lease,says;(very long story,no names used.)

ACCIDENT--Last Monday morning,while the workmen were removing the two old

houses for the erection of PARR,NOLEN & Co.'s new brick buildings,the shed in

front of MOSS's office fell to the ground,crushing two negroes under it.It was

removed immediately,and the negroes crawled from their dangerous quarters.One

negro was badly bruised,but the other one was more scared than hurt.

PERSONAL--We had a pleasant visit the other day from Hon.F B

RAGLAND,Democratic candidate for State Senator from this district.  J T

WAGGONER,the energetic representative of the popular and reliable St.Louis

house of H C WEST & Co.,was in town last Wednesday.  DR.ISAAC A.NUNN,of

Chestnut Bluff,has announced himself a candidate for State Senator from the

Dyer county district.  Capt.George KINNEY,a clever gentleman and a fine

businessman,paid us a charming visit yesterday.


WALDRUP; On motion it appearing by affidavit that defendant is a non resident

of Tennessee.It is ordered that publication be made for four successive weeks

in Neal's State Gazette,requiring defendant to appear at the Rules at the

Courthouse in Dyersburg,on the first Monday in October next and

plead,answer,or demurr to complainant's bill,or the same will be taken for

confessed and set for hearing exparte.  F G SAMPSON,Sol.  W C DOYLE,C.& M. by

H P DOYLE,D.C.& M. September 7,1874.

OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS--A Call: If Prof.J M BUTLER will become a candidate for

Superintendent of Public Instruction of Dyer County,his many friends and

admirers will be pleased to hear of his election to an office he will fill

with ability and satisfaction.  The Right Man; Mr.Editor,please say that it is

a wish of many citizens that Prof.H A DEAN will be elected Superintendent of

Public Instruction of Dyer County by our Quarterly Court.Prof.DEAN is a fine

scholar,a successful teacher and good business man.He is the right man for the


End of this issue. Microfilm Roll #301 State Gazette & Misc.1866--

1922.Tennessee State Archives.


COL.TOM BOYERS--the able Editor of the Gallatin Examiner,has announced himself

a candidate for Congress,to fill the vagancies occasioned by the death of

Hon.j w head.

SHERIFF'S SALE--By virtue of two writs Veni-ioni Exponas to me directed from

the Honorable Circuit Court of Dyer County,in favor of W B SCOBEY,against Sam

McCUTCHEN,I will sell to the highest bidder,for cash in hand,at the Courthouse

door in Dyersburg,on Monday,January 4,1875,the following tract of land in the

--Civil District of Dyer County,Tennessee,part of Hardy MURPEE's 2581 acre

survey.beginning at a stake & pointers;T B BATEMAN's southwest corner,running

east with his line 20 poles to a stake with a large white oak and small oak

pointers,HALLIBURTON's corner,thence with his line 24 1/2 poles to a stake

with ash and white oak pointers,thence west with the LANIER land 71?15 poles

to a stake with spanish oak and hackberry pointers;thence south with the

LANIER land 56 1/2 poles to a stake with elm,ash and hornbeam pointers,thence

west 44 3/4 poles to Temp TROUT's line,thence north 125 poles to the southside

of a large sweet gum;thence east 61 poles to BATEMAN's corner;thence south 44

5/6 poles to the beginning,containing 59 acres.Sale within hours prescribed by

law.  John M.NICHOLS,Sheriff. December 3,1874.

SHERIFF'S SALE--By virtue of a writ Verdirioni Exponas to me directed from the

Honorable Circuit Court of Dyer County,in favor of W C GOOCH,against U G WYNNE

& W B TIPTON,Sr.,I will sell at pulbic auction,for cas in hand,at the

Courthouse door in Dyersburg,on Monday,January 4,1875,that tract of ground in

the town of Dyersburg,known and designated as the south half of Lot No.65,and

that lot of ground known as Lot No.84,on the Orgininal Plan of the Town-

containing three-quarters of an acre in the aggre-ate,more or less,levied on

as the property of W B TIPTON,Sr.Sale within the hours prescribed by law. John

M.Nichols,Sheriff.December 3,1874.

SHERIFF'S SALE--Bvirtue of a writ Venditioni Exponas to me directed from the

Honorable Circuit Court of Dyer County,in favor of John E.ROBERTS against

Geo.FUMBANKS,et als.,I will sell to the highest bidder at the Courthouse door

in Dyersburg,on Mondat,January 4,1875,the following tract of land in the 4th

Civil district of Dyer County,beginning at a hickory the northwest corner of

the Original Survey,running thence south 1081/2 poles to a stake,WALKER's

corner,thence east with his line 53 poles to a stake,thence north 108 1/2

poles to a stake;thence west 53 poles to the beginning--containing Thirty

acres,more or less,levied on as property of C B BLOOMINGSIDE.Sale within the

hours prescribed by law.  John M.NICHOLS,Sheriff. December 5,1874.

ESTRAY NOTICE--Taken up by Mat BRADSHAW,colored,on the 24th of November 1874;a

Dark Bay Horse about 15 hands high,10 years old,thin in order and blind in

left eye.Appraised at $50.00  A B TIGRETT,Ranger.

SHERIFF'S SALE--By virtue of three writs Venditioni Exponas to me

directed,from the Circuit Court of Dyer County,against Robert CANADA,one in

favor of SUGG & CO.,and two in favor of Robert PRICHARD,Ex'r&c.,I will sell to

the higgest bidder,for cash in hand,at the Courthouse door,in Dyersburg,on

Monday,January 4,1875,the following tract of land,lying in the 8th civil

district of Dyer County,subject to the homestead exempt by law,(which was laid

off in the meantime) viz: Beginning at a hickory,PORTER's southeast corner on

Matthew JONES'west line;running west 146 poles to a white oak,and

pointers;thence south 191 poles to a gum and red oak pointers;thence east 146

poles to a small elm on JONES' line;thence north 181 poles to the beginning--

containing 174 1/2 acres.Sale within the hours prescribed by law.  John

M.NICHOLS,Sheriff.December 3,1874.

ATTACHMENT NOTICE--W C FAIN vs J H HARISON et als. In this  cause the

attachment having been returned,levied on defendants' property and it

appearing by affidavit that they have absconded,It is ordered that publication

be made as the law directs,in Neal's State Grazette requiring defendents,J H

HARRISON & Jack STRICKLAND to appear for trial before me at my house in Dyer

County on the 19th day of December 1874,or the trial will proceed exparte.J M

LANE, J.P. for Dyer County. November 21,1874.

MRS.ELLEN CHITWOOD,one of the earliest settlers of Dyer County,died at her

home,near Ro-Ellen,last week.

A FEW DAYS AGO--a little four year old daughter of our fellow

townsman,Dr.SIMMONS,was burned to death,by her clothes catching fire,while the

children were playing around the fireplace.

HUGHES & SON,DRUGGISTS & APOTHECARIES--That's the way the sign will read,when

the boy born last Wednesday grows up.We congratulate Mr.& Mrs.Louis HUGHES on

the dignified acession to their hearth and home.

MAN KILLED--Last week,in a quarrel about a dog fight,Sam COLLINS struck John

VINCENT over the head with a big stick,killing him almost

instantly.COLLINS,who is from Middle Tennessee,has left for parts unknown.The

difficulty took place nine miles West of Dyersburg.

OUR YOUNG FRIEND--Mercer WILLIAMS,has gone to pass the winter at

Jacksonville,Florida,for the benefit of his health.There is no better or truer

man living than Mercer and we hope he will return home restored to robust


NOTICE--In order to close up the business of STEVENS Brothers,it is absolutely

necessary that all parties having unsettled business with them should come

forward and pay or settle up.All accounts and Notes not settled by the 25th of

December,1874,will be handed to the proper officer for collection by the

undersigned,who alone is authorized to settle them.This means what it says!  A

M STEVENS.Dyersburg. October 22,1874.

End this issue. Microfilm Roll #301  Dyersburg State Gazette & Misc. Tennessee

State Archives.


THE STATE CONVENTION--The following delegates to the National Democratic

Convention were selected:State-at-large,Col.John M.FLEMING, John H GARDNER,

Ex-Gov.Jno.C.BROWN,and Col.John C.BURCH.Col.CROZIER of Knox County,was also

unanimously elected delegates.  The following are the District Delegates: 1st

District-S KIRKPATRICK & John E.HELMS. Alternatives;A X SHIELDS & Gen.A E

JACKSON.  2nd District-Alfred CALDWELL & Thomas O'CONNER,Alternatives;A GAINES

& H B BRANNER. 3rd District-P H COFFEE & W H CLIFF,Alternatives;Jos.M CARNES &

A BLIZZARD.  4th District-John P MURRY & W R SADLER,Alternatives;Benton


NEWMAN,Alternatives;W N CROWDER & A L LANDIS.  6th District-Samuel DONELSON &

W G EWIN,Alternatives;T L DODD & Henry BUQUE.  &th District-W C WHITTHORNE & T

P ALLISON,Alternatives;John M.GRAHAM & George N.NIXON.  8th District-A W

CAMPBELL & WM.M WRIGHT,Alternatives;John C PITTS & Robert GATES. 9th District-

S W COCHRAN & P J SMITH,Alternatives;Willie HAYWOOD & Thomas STEELE.  10th

District-Wm.F.CARROLL & Marsh T POLK,Alternatives; W H RHEA & Thos.JONES.

Mr.HENSLEY,OF TENNESSEE--is seventeen years old.Mrs.HENSLEY is sixteen years

old.The baby boy born the other day weighed twenty and one half pounds.


authority vested in me as Tax Collector of Dyer County,Tennessee,I will,on the

first Monday in July next,it being the 3rd Day of July,1876,and succeeding day

or days,if necessary,offer for sale at the Court-house door,in the town of

Dyersburg,the following described tracts of land,town lots,and parts of land

and town lots,the same being assessed for taxes for the year 1875,on which

taxes are due and remain unpaid,together with penalties and cost,there being

no personal property in my county,known to me,on which I can destrain for said

taxes,to-wit: Collector's Fee,in each case;.50: Clerk's Fee,in each

case,$1.00. Printer's Fee in each case,$1.00.  P R BESSANT's heirs one tract

of 59 1/2 acres in dist #2,value $600 tax 6.50 penalty .82.  S H FIELDER one

tract 46 acres in dist #2 value $500 tax $2 county tax 1.25 schooltax $1.00

penalty .50  Emanuel FROST  one tract 30 acres dist #2 value $450 statetax

1.20 countytax .75 schooltax .60 penalty .33  Duke KLYCE 300 acres dist #2

value $1800 statetax 7.20 countytax 4.50 schooltax 3.60 penalty 1.85 L J MOORE

71 acres dist #2 value $1050 statetax 4.20 countytax 2.62 1/2 schooltax 2.10

penalty 1.08  T W MORRIS'heirs,20 acres dist #2 value $250 statetax 1.oo

countytax 62 1/2 cents school tax .50 penalty .26  N NASH heirs 63 acres

civil dist #2 value #1050 statetax $4.20 county tax $2.62 1/2 schooltax 2.10

penalty 1.08  Mrs.M G NASH 40 acres dist#2 value $600 statetax 2.10 countytax

1.50 schooltax 1.20 penalty .50  Thos.PAYNE 168 acres dist#2 value $2688

statetax 10.75 countytax 6.72 schooltax 6.95 penalty 2.55  W N PARRISH 102

acres dist#2 value $1200 statetax 4.80 countytax 3.00 schooltax 2.40  H H

PHILLIPS 58 acres dist#2 value $1044 statetax 4.18 countytax 2.61 schooltax

2.08 penalty 1.08  Thos.PAYNE 190 acres dist#2 value $1900 statetax 7.60

countytax 4.75 schooltax 3.80 penalty 1.95  James SANFORD 136 acres dist#2

value $1890 statetax 7.56 countytax 4.72 1/2 schooltax 3.73 penalty 1.95

William SHEILDS' heirs 1080 acres dist#2 value $12000 statetax $48 countytax

$30 schooltax $24 penalty $12.25  Joshua TIPTON & N J SORRELL 126 acres dist#2

value $1512 statetax 6.05 countytax 3.78 schooltax 3.02 penalty 1.55 Mrs.T M

TINSLEY 25 acres dist#2 value $300 statetax 1.20 countytax .75 schooltax .60

penalty .33  WORRELL's heirs 45 acres dist#2 value $540 statetax 2.16

countytax 1.35 schooltax 1.08 penalty .55  B T WOODS'heirs 325 acres dist#2

value $4000 statetax $16 countytax $10 schooltax $8 penalty 6.10  J G

YEARWOOD's heirs 40 acres dist#2 value $600 statetax 2.40 countytax 1.50

schooltax 1.20 peanalty_  G W ALEXANDER 80 acres dist#3 value $800 statetax

3.20 countytax $2 schooltax 1.60 penalty .83  W W BRUCE 100 acres dist#3 value

$2500 statetax 10.25 countytax 6.40 schooltax 5.72 penalty 2.60  J C BAILEY

235 acres dist#3 value $2200 statetax 8.80 countytax 5.50 schooltax 4.40

penalty 2.25  NORWOOD & LONG 281 acres dist#3 value $500 statetax$2 countytax

1.25 schooltax $1 penalty .52  Rob't OLDHAM 162 acres dist#3 value $2200

statetax 8.80 countytax 5.50 schooltax 4.40 penalty 2.25  S W WARREN's heirs

16 3/4 acres dist#3 value $140 statetax .56 countytax .35 schooltax .28

penalty .15  TIGLMAN & HILL one town lot in Dyersburg dist#4 value $650

statetax 2.60 countytax 1.62 1/2 schooltax 1.30 penalty .65  J B ANTHONY sr

one town lot in Dyersburg dist#4 value $1200 statetax4.80 countytax 3.00

schooltax 2.40 penalty 1.22  J B ARMSTRONG jr 25 acres dist#4 value $520

statetax 2.08 countytax 1.30 schooltax 1.05 penalty .53  SAME one tract of 4

acres dist#4 value $700 statetax 2.80 countytax 1.75 schooltax 1.40 penalty

.72  SAME town lot in Dyersburg dist#4 value $1200 statetax 4.80 countytax

3.00 schooltax 2.40 penalty 1.22  Thos H EARLE's heirs one town lot in

Dyersburg dist#4 value $600 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.oo

penalty .55  SAME 8 1/2 acres dist#4 value $850 statetax #.40 countytax 2.12

1/2 schooltax 1.70 penalty --  Mrs.Emma FRAZIER one town lot in Dyersburg

dist#4 value $750 statetax 3.00 countytax 1.87 schooltax 1.50 penalty .75  L O

JONES one town lot in Dtersburg dist#4 value $1400 statetax 5.60 countytax

3.50 schooltax 2.80 penalty 1.43  G D McALLISTER town lot in Dyersburg dist#4

value $850 statetax 3.40 countytax 2.12 1/2 schooltax 1.70 penalty .78  C H

LANE 4 acres dist#4 value $700 statetax 2.80 countytax 1.75 schooltax 1.40

penalty .72  P J McELMURRY 29 acres dist#4 value 5.80 statetax 2.32 countytax

1.45 schooltax 1.16 penalty .55  H C PERRY one town lot in Dyersburg dist#4

value $250 statetax 1.00 countytax 62 1/2 schooltax .50 penalty .26 D J RUDDER

50 acres dist#4 value $1500 statetax 6.00 countytax 3.75 schooltax 3.00

penalty 1.53  David RUDDER one town lot in Dyersburg dist#4 value $570

statetax 2.04 countytax 1.27 schooltax 1.04 penalty .58  Mary E.SIMMONS & D J

WILLIAMSON 0ne town lot dist#4 value $1200 statetax 4.80 countytax 3.00

schooltax 2.40 penalty 1.25  SMITH & FUMBANKS 59 1/2 acres dist#4 value $1275

statetax 5.10 countytax 3.18 3/4 schooltax 2.25 penalty 1.45  N J SORRELL 600

acres dist#4 value $1800 statetax 7.20 countytax 4.50 schooltax 3.60 penalty

1.85  R R WATSON four town lots in Dyersburg dist#4 value $3975 statetax 15.90

countytax 9.95 schooltax 7.95 penalty 3.95  Henry WARD one town lot in

Dyersburg dist#4 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00

penalty.50  A D CROCKETT one town lot in Dyersburg dist#4 value $600 statetax

2.40 countytax 1.50 schooltax 1.20 penalty .62 1/2  E M COWLS one town lot in

Dyersburg dist#4 value $375 statetax 1.40 countytax .95 schooltax .75 penalty

.33  Neely EVANS 50 acres dist#5 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25

schooltax 1.00 penalty .51  MARCHANT's heirs 202 acres dist#5 value $500

statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.03  J M PORTER 60 acres

dist#5 value $1000 state tax 1.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.08

Mrs.E BLACKWOOD 100 acres dist#6 value $2500 statetax $10 countytax 6.25

schooltax $5 penalty 2.50  ___BURNEY 7 1/2 acres dist#6 value $1500 statetax

6.20 countytax 3.75 schooltax 3.00 penalty 2.50   D J BEADLES 127 acres dist#6

value $1900 statetax 7.60 countytax 4.75 schooltax 3.80 penalty 1.90  J

CARUTHERS'heirs 1575 acres dist#6 value $3150 statetax 12.00 countytax 7.87

1/2 school tax 6.50 penalty 3.02  W J CHURCHMAN one town lot in Newbern dist#6

value $650 statetax 2.60 countytax 1.62 1/2 schooltax 1.30 penalty .68  James

DUKE 8 1/4 acres dist#6 value $1500 statetax 6.00 countytax 3.75 schooltax

3.00 penalty 1.65  T V FORSHEE one town lot in Newbern dist#6 value $600

statetax 2.40 countytax 1.50 schooltax 1.20 penalty .63  Noah GREEN 37 acres

dist#6 value $740 statetax 2.96 countytax 1.85 schooltax 1.48 penalty .75  J P

JONES 75 acres dist#6 value $400 statetax 1.60 countytax 1.00 schooltax .80

penalty .40  J F McNEIL 86 acres dist#6 value $1000 statetax 4.00 countytax

2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.00  J M PORTER one town lot in Newbern dist#6

value $800 statetax 3.20 countytax 2.00 schooltax 1.60 penalty .90  Paducah &

Memphis Railroad Co. 4 town lots in Newbern value $1750 statetax 7.00

countytax 4.37 1/2 schooltax 3.50 penalty 2.80  B B PITTS one town lot in

Newbern dist#6 value $250 statetax 1.00 countytax .62 1/2 schooltax .50

penalty .25 T A RENFRO one town lot in Newbern value $205 statetax .80

countytax .50 schooltax .40 penalty .20  W S STERRILL's heirs 1000 acres

dist#6 value $2000 statetax 8.00 countytax 5.00 schooltax 4.00 penalty 2.05

Coleman SPANE's heirs 120 acres dist#6 value $1800 balance statetax 3.00

countytax 2.00 schooltax .90 penalty .72  George SIEZEMORE's heirs 23 acres

dist#6 value $230 statetax .92 countytax .57 1/2 schooltax .40 penalty .23

Edmund SHAW one town lot in Newbern dist#6 value $50 statetax .20 countytax 12

1/2cts schooltax .10 penalty .05  SAMPSON & GILLISPIE 3000 acres dist#6 value

$6000 statetax 24.00 countytax 15.00 schooltax 12.00 penalty 6.03  W S

STERRIT's heirs 150 acres dist#6 value $450 statetax 1.80 countytax 1.12

schooltax .90 penalty .47  G H SUMROE45 acres dist#6 value $540 statetax 2.80

countytax 1.12 1/2 schooltax .90 penalty .47  James S TAYLOR town lot in

Newbern dist#6 value $75 statetax .30 countytax .18 1/2 schooltax .15 penalty

.08  Isaac WYATT 50 acres dist#6 value $800 statetax 3.20 countytax 2.00

schooltax 1.60 penalty .82  Henry FERRILL's heirs 105 acres dist#7 value $1200

statetax 5.00 countytax 3.15 schooltax 2.52 penalty 1.35  James FERRILL 140

acres dist#7 value $1400 statetax 5.60 countytax 3.50 schooltax 2.80 penalty

1.35  W J MAHON 200 acres dist#7 value $3400 statetax 13.60 countytax 8.50

schooltax 6.80 penalty 3.50 J H PURCELL 61 1/2 acres dist#7 value $1000

statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.00  Riley PRICHARD's

heirs 145 acres dist#7 value $1500 statetax 6.00 countytax 3.75 schooltax 3.00

penalty 1.53  E J ARNOLD two tracts of 294 acres dist#7 value $896 statetax

3.58 countytax 2.24 schooltax 1.80 penalty .92  Jacob ANTHONY's heirs 80 acres

dist#8 value $700 statetax 2.80 countytax 1.75 schooltax 1.40 penalty .70  Y S

BLEDSOE 100 acres dist#8 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax

1.00 penalty .50  E S BLAIR's heirs 42 acres dist#8 value $400 atatetax 1.10

countytax 1.00 schooltax .80 penalty .40   Robert CANADA 95 acres dist#8 value

$1000 statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.03   James

COPELAND two tracts of land dist#8 value $5000 statetax 23.00 countytax 14.75

schooltax 11.80 penalty 6.15   Ben FOWLKS 15 acres dist#8 value $150 statetax

.60 countytax .37 1/2 schooltax .30 penalty .15   Thomas H FERRELL 73 acres

dist#8 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.35 schooltax 1.00 penalty .50   H

L HARVELL 36 1/2 acres dist#8 value $300 statetax 1.20 countytax .75 schooltax

.60 penalty .30   L H JACKSON 22 acres dist#8 value $125 statetax .50

countytax .31 1/4 schooltax .25 penalty .15   L W JACKSON 22 acres dist#8

value $125 statetax .50 countytax 31 1/4 schooltax .25 penalty .15 H McKAINE

75 acres dist#8 value $1125 statetax 4.50 countytax 2.81 1/4 schooltax 2.25

penalty 1.15   Charlotte NORMAN's heir 30 acres dist#8 value $300 statetax

1.20 countytax .75 schooltax .60 penalty .35   W W POPE 99 acres dist#8 value

$1200 statetax 4.80 propertytax 3.00 school tax 2.40 penalty 1.25   E W POPE

67 acres dist#8 value $1000 statetax 4.65 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00

penalty 1.03   N PIERCE's heirs 166 acres dist#8 value $1160 statetax 4.00

countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.32 penalty 1.20   H M PIERCE 130 acres value $1220

statetax7.88 countytax 3.05 schooltax 2.44  penalty 1.25   A QUICK 50 acres

dist#8 value $200 statetax .80 countytax .50 schooltax .40 penalty .20   S J

BLAIR 50 acres dist#9 value $600 statetax 2.40 countytax 1.50 schooltax 1.20

penalty .61   Mrs.M A WALKER 112 acres dist#8 value $400 statetax .70

countytax.45 schooltax.35 penalty .18   W C WILLIAMSON (1874) 49 acres dist#8

value $200 statetax .89 countytax .80 schooltax .40 penalty .25   R L

DOAKS'heirs 17 acres dist#9 value $272 statetax 1.10 countytax .68 schooltax

.51 penalty .28   Jane T.DOZIER 40 acres dist#9 value $720 statetax 2.88

countytax 1.80 schooltax 1.44 penalty .85   W V FEATHERSTONE 34 acres dist#9

value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty .50   M F GIBBS

676 acres dist#9 value $9464 statetax 37.86 countytax 23.66 schooltax 18.92

penalty 9.65 J S POTSET 73 acres dist#9 value $1168 statetax 4.67 countytax

2.92 schooltax 2.34 penalty 1.15   V J SMITH 50 acres dist#6 value 4900

statetax 3.60 countytax 2.25 schooltax 1.80 penalty .90   J TUCKER's heirs 140

acres dist #9 value $2100 statetax 8.40 countytax 5.25 schooltax 4.20 penalty

2.20   Mrs.E WRIGHT 17 acres dist#9 value $372 statetax 1.49 countytax .93

schooltax .74 penalty .37 1/2   John ASHLIN's heirs 21 1/2 acres dist#10 value

$200 statetax .80 countytax .50 schooltax .40 penalty .20   C BARFIELD 320

acres dist#10 value $1000 state 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty

1.01   J T BEVERIDGE 75 acres dist#10 value $50 statetax .20 countytax .12 1/2

schooltax .10 penalty .05   M A CROSS 1/4 acre dist#10 value $200 statetax .80

countytax .50 schooltax .40 penalty .20   Robt.I CHESTER two tracts 5790 acres

dist#10 value $6200 statetax 24.80 countytax 15.50 schooltax 12.40 penalty

6.25   M F CAMPBELL 20 acres dist#10 value $300 statetax 1.20 countytax .75

schooltax .60 penalty .30   John CARROLL 40 acres dist#10 value $150 statetax

.60 countytax .37 1/2 schooltax .31 1/2 penalty .15   J CAWTHORN 40 acres

dist#10 value $800 statetax 3.20 countytax 2.00 schooltax 1.60 penalty .85

DIXON's heirs 2440 acres dist#10 value $3000 statetax 12.00 countytax 7.50

schooltax 6.00 penalty 6.03   P E GREGSTON 66 1/2 acres dist#10 value $800

statetax 3.20 countytax 2.00 schooltax 1.60 penalty .82 Isaac CANADA 70 acres

dist#10 value $100 ststetax .40 countytax .25 schooltax .20 penalty .12   J D

MARTIN 250 acres dist#10 value $200 statetax .80 countytax .50 schooltax .40

penalty .20   W B SAMPSOM 230 acres dist#10 value $300 statetax 1.20 countytax

.75 schooltax .60 penalty .30   Russell STUTTS 40 acres dist#10 value $500

statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty .57   Isaac SAMPSOM 700

acres dist#10 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty

.51   T A AYERS 2 tracts of 6196 acres dist#11 value $2900 statetax 11.60

countytax 7.25 schooltax 5.80 penalty 2.50   Weston ALCOCK 36 acres dist#11

value $36 ststetax .14 countytax .09 schooltax .08 penalty .03 3/4   Peter

BRANDON's heirs 60 acres dist#11 value $120 statetax .48 countytax .30

schooltax .24 penalty .12   M G BURTON's heirs 450 acres dist#11 value $900

statetax 3.60 countytax 2.25 schooltax 1.80 penalty .82   L L BATTLE 1000

acres dist#11 value $1000 ststetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty

1.02   L L BATTLE (1874) 1000 acres dist#11 value $1000 statetax 4.00

countytax 4.00 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.20   Jno.CHESTER 1650 acres dist#11

value $3300 statetax 13.20 countytax 8.25 schooltax 6.60 penalty 3.33   R I

CHESTER 1009 acres dist#11 value $1009 statetax 4.03 countytax 2.52 1/2

schooltax 2.01 penalty 1.02   CARUTHERS & MANEY 1030 acres dist#11 value $500

statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty .51 Jas CARUTHERS 640

acres dist#11 value $640 statetax 2.56 countytax 1.60 schooltax 1.28 penalty

.62   A DAVIS 200 acres dist#11 value $400 statetax 1.60 countytax 1.00

schooltax .80 penalty .62   T J FINNEY 279 acres dist#!! value $279 statetax

1.11 countytax .69 3/4 schooltax .56 penalty .40   R FINNEY 200 acres dist#11

value $200 statetax .80 countytax .50 schooltax .40 penalty .20   Mrs.L FOSTER

100 acres dist#11 value $600 statetax 2.40 countytax 1.50 schooltax 1.20

penalty .61   GALLOWAY & RAINEY 4580 acres dist#11 value $3585 statetax 14.34

countytax 8.69 1/2 schooltax 7.17 penalty 3.65   W R HARRIS' heirs 3 tracts

4580 acres dist#11 value $9160 statetax 36.64 countytax 22.90 schooltax 18.92

penalty 9.34   Gilbert HART's heirs 750 acres dist#11 value $1500 statetax

6.00 countytax 3.75 schooltax 3.00 penalty 1.60   B P HUGHES 290 acres dist#11

value $400 statetax 1.60 countytax 1.00 schooltax .80 penalty .40   W W LEE

225 acres dist#11 value $450 statetax 1.80 countytax 1.12 1/2 schooltax .80

penalty .40   Chas.I LOVE 3 tracts 4215 acres dist#11 value $5710 statetax

22.84 countytax 14.27 1/2 schooltax 11.40 penalty 5.06   A S LOVE 425 acres

dist#11 value $1275 statetax 5.10 countytax 3.18 3/4 schooltax 2.55 penalty

1.55   Chas.I LOVE 1000 acres dist#11 value $1000 statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50

schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.00   PLANK ROAD COMPANY 4672 acres dist#11 value

$10,200 statetax 40.80 countytax 25.50 schooltax 20.40 penalty 10.40 A O W

TOTTEN 759 acres dist#11 value $759 statetax 3.04 countytax 1.89 schooltax

1.52 penalty .77   UNION BANK,TENN 927 acres dist#11 value $2540 statetax

10.15 countytax 6.35 schooltax 5.08 penalty 2.06   D WHEATON 100 acres dist#11

value $420 statetax 1.68 countytax 1.05 schooltax .84 penalty .42   Jno.WYNNE

150 acres dist#11 value $300 statetax 1.20 countytax.75 schooltax .60 penalty

.30   M G BURTON's heirs 300 acres value $300 statetax 1.20 countytax .75

schooltax .6o penalty.30   R CRITCHFIELD 79 acres dist#12 value $800 statetax

3.20 countytax 2.00 schooltax 1.60 penalty .81   STEVEN KING heirs 229 acres

dist#12 value $458 statetax 1.83 countytax 1.14 schooltax .92 penalty .42

NUTALL's heirs 290 acres dist#11 value $5220 statetax 20.88 countytax 13.05

schooltax 10.44 penalty 5.33   J L BIZZLE 100 acres dist#11 value $600

statetax 2.40 countytax 1.50 schooltax 1.20 penalty .85   Duncan L MARR 1800

acres dist#13 value $10,000 statetax 40.00 countytax 25.00 schooltax 20.00

penalty 10.00   McLIN & FOLTS 100 acres dist#13 value $300 statetax 1.20

countytax .75 schooltax .60 penalty .30   Mrs.M J SHARP 120 acres dist#13

value $1200 statetax 4.80 countytax 3.00 schooltax 2.40 penalty 1.22   R R

WATSON 529 acres dist#13 value $5000 statetax 20.00 countytax 12.50 schooltax

10.00 penalty 5.70   Miles WHITE 200 acres value $600 statetax 2.40 countytax

1.50 schooltax 1.20 penalty .61   J B ARMSTRONG 400 acres dist#14 value $1000

statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.02 Wm.DOZIER 328 acres

dist#14 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty .51   T

W EAKIE 1000 acres dist#14 value $1000 statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax

2.00 penalty 1.02   EVANS & KELLOW 801 acres dist#14 value $1000 statetax 4.00

countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.02   Jas HUGHES heirs 2 tracts of land

dist#14 value $8600 statetax 34.40 countytax 21.50 schooltax 17.20 penalty

8.77   A R McKNIGHT's heirs 200 acres dist#14 value $1000 statetax 6.00

countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.02   M E McCALL 2 tracts of 950 acres

dist#14 value $2000 statetax 8.00 countytax 5.00 schooltax 4.00 penalty 2.04  

David FAULKNER one town lot at Trimble Station dist#15 value $250 statetax

1.00 countytax .62 1/2 schooltax .50 penalty .24   A W NOBLES 27 acres dist#15

value $350 statetax 1.40 countytax .87 1/2 schooltax .70 penalty .35   W P ORR

69 acres dist#15 value $1100 statetax 4.40 countytax 2.75 schooltax 2.20

penalty .12 1/2   R T RAINES 1 town lot Trimble dist#15 value $300 statetax

1.20 county .75 schooltax .60 penalty .30   J M SHELTON 23 acres dist#15 value

$1000 statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.02   Tempy FROST

40 acres dist#15 value $350 statetax1.40 countytax .87 1/2 schooltax .70

penalty .34   G W TALLEY's heirs 314 acres dist#15 value $1250 statetax 5.00

countytax 3.12 schooltax 2.50 penalty 1.27 1/2   W C WILLIAMSON 73 acres

dist#15 value $1000 statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.02  

W M WILSON 1000 acres dist#15 value 43500 statetax 16.00 countytax 8.75

schooltax 2.00 penalty 3.51 J H ALDRIDGE 35 acres dist#16 value $350 statetax

1.40 countytax .87 1/2 schooltax .70 penalty .34   W M BOYD 2 tracts 170 acres

dist#16 value $350 statetax 1.40 countytax .87 1/2 schooltax .70 penalty .34  

M G BURTON's heirs 550 acres dist#16 value $1500 statetax 6.00 countytax 3.75

schooltax 3.00 penalty .75   BOYD's heirs 1099 acres dist#16 value $2500

statetax 10.00 countytax 6.25 schooltax 5.00 penalty 2.55   James T BONE 400

acres dist#16 value $800 statetax 3.20 countytax 2.00 schooltax 1.60 penalty

.81   S B CARSON 1000 acres dist#16 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25

schooltax 1.00 penalty .51   J H FLOYD 105 acres dist#16 value $500 statetax

2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty .51   J E GWIN 190 acres dist#16

value $1000 statetax 4.00 countytax 2.50 schooltax 2.00 penalty 1.02   W R

HARRIS'heirs 2440 acres dist#16 value $2440 statetax 9.76 countytax 6.10

schooltax 4.88 penalty 2.50   Mrs.H D JOHNSON 420 acres dist#16 value $1060

statetax 4.24 countytax2.65 schooltax 2.12 penalty 1.09   ELAIS JOHNSON's

heirs 160 acres dist#16 value $1280 statetax 5.12 countytax 3.20 schooltax

2.56 penalty 1.30   H C KELLER 100 acres dist#16 value $250 statetax 1.00

countytax .60 1/2 schooltax .50 penalty .25   W L McKNIGHT 10-00 acres dist#16

value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty .50   W R

PRINETT 75 acres dist#16 value $200 statetax .80 countytax .50 schooltax .40

penalty .20   W D PATE 380 acres dist#16 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax

1.25 schooltax 1.00 penalty .51 Wm.RAGLAND's heirs 800 acres dist#16 value

$2000 statetax 8.00 countytax 5.00 schooltax 4.00 penalty 2.04 Jas RICE 750

acres dist#16 value $2000 statetax 8.00 countytax 5.00 schooltax 4.00 penalty

2.04   W B SAMPSON 250 acres dist#16 value $250 statetax 1.00 countytax .60

schooltax .50 penalty .25   E W TIPTON heirs 300 acres dist#16 value $400

ststetax i.60 countytax 1.00 schooltax .80 penalty .40   Thos.WEBB's heirs 796

acres dist#16 value $2500 statetax 10.00 countytax 6.25 schooltax 2.13 penalty

1.09   L P WARDLAW 1000 acres dist#16 value $500 statetax 2.00 countytax 1.25

schooltax 1.00 penalty .53   B F WOOD's heirs (1874) 320 acres dist#2 value

$5019 statetax 20.07 countytax 20.07 schooltax 10.04 penalty 6.00   T H

BENTON. Tax Collector &c.,for Dyer County


Station,that the boiler in D P SHAFFNER's saw mill,at Obion Station on the

Paducah & Memphis Railroad,exploded about 3 0'clock on the 31st of last month

completely demolishing the mill,killing two men outright and mortally wounding

two others.The killed and wounded were all negroes.The cause of the explosion

is not known.


Tennessee,established a Masonic Lodge among the colored citizens,at this

place,on Friday evening last.a number of the prominent colored men of

Dyersburg were admitted into the Lodge and had the sunlime degree of Free

MASONRY conferred upon them.The following are the officers: W.M.,Jas M.YOUNG;

S.W.,Nelson ALSTON; J.W.,W.P.LANE; Secretary,H.H.CHERRY; Treasurer,Henry


COL.A.S.GEAR of the QUARTERMASTER GENERAL's Department--U.S.ARMY,paid us a

visit at our office yesterday.The subject of his mission is to investigate

crimes against the Government for losses during the late war.He leaves this

morning for Obion County for the same purpose.

ON ACCOUNT OF THE ABSENCE--of Rev.J W ADKINSON,who has gone to Memphis for a

few days recreation,there will be no services at the Methodist Church


MR.J W HICKMAN--of the firm of H S BUCKNER & CO.,of Louisville,Ky,is in town

in the interest of his house.

BANKRUPT SALE--At Dyersburg;in front of Richardson & Watkins office,on the

24th day of June,1876,I will,as Assignee of the estate of N C WHITE,Bankrupt

in Bankruptcy,expose to sale,to the highest bidder,for cash in hand,a lot of

Notes and Accounts,belonging to said made in pursuance of General

order No.__of the U.S.District Court of Memphis,Tennessee.Sale within lawful

hours.This June 10,1876.B P COLE,Assignee.

LAKE COUNTY TAX SALE STATE OF TENNESSEE--By virtue of the authority vested in

me as Tax Collector of Lake County,I will on the first Monday of July next;it

being the 3rd day of July 1876,and succeeding day or days,if necessary,offer

for sale at the Court-house door,in the town of Tiptonville,the following

described tracts of land,town lots and parts of land and town lots ,the same

having been assessed for taxes for the years 1874 and 1875,which taxes are due

and remain unpaid,together with penalty and costs,there being no personal

property in my county,known to me,on which I can destrain for said taxes,to-

wit: Collector's Fee in each case;.50.Clerk's Fee in each case 1.00. Printer's

Fee in each case,1.00.dist#1 Anna FINCH 170 acres bounded by S MITCHELL,TOBER

& TOBER & C DICKERSON value $4250 taxes 42.50 interest 12.60   dist#1 S

MITCHELL 100 acres bounded by FINCH & others value $1700 taxes 17.00 interest

3.06   dist#2 S J WILSON 114 acres south boundary line of W J WYNNE's old home

place value $1940 taxes 21.40 interest 6.38   dist#3 ANDERSON's heirs 600

acres no boundary given value $800 taxes 8.00 interest 2.50   dist#3 D V

ALEXANDER's heirs 376 acres no boundary given value $3000 taxes 30.00 interest

?.00   MOORING & MERRIWEATHER 178 acres value $500 taxes 5.00 interest 1.50

CARRUTHER's heirs 300 acres no boundary given value $600 taxes 6.00 interest

1.80   CUNNINGHAM 300 acres no boundary given value $600 taxes 6.00 interest

1.80   EWELL's heirs 40 acres no boundary given value $320 taxes 3.20 interest

1.14   MURPHEY's heirs 640 acres no boundary given value $2500 taxes 25.00

interest 7.80   C H RILEY 300 acres bounded by KERR heirs MERRIWETHER M

DONELSON & the River value $4080 taxes 40.80 interest 12.30 L W TURNER 145

acres no boundary given value $600 taxes 6.00 interest 1.82   J C TURNER 145

acres no boundary given value $600 taxes 6.00 interest 1.82   WEST heirs 235

acres no boundary given value $3100 taxes 31.00 interest 9.30   John B DARNELL

100 acres bounded by KERR heirs & others value $1270 taxes 14.70 interest 2.60

J A HOUSTON 100 acres bounded by DARNELL & others value $1020 taxes 10.20

interest 1.83   DISTRICT#4 CARUTHER's heirs 400 acres bounded by

CORLEY,HARRIS,WRIGHT,WYCOFF & CLARK value $2500 taxes 25.00 interest 7.50   T

R MURPHEY 640 acres bounded by BOX & ANDERSON value $1020 taxes 10.20 interest


value $1730 taxes 17.30 interest 5.10   DISTRICT#5  J M BRADFORD heirs 200

acres bounded by McDOWELL,BAILEY,HARRIS heirs & Lake value $400 taxes 4.00

interest 1.20   N L BERRY 200 acres no boundary given value $400 taxes 4.00

interest 1.20   Nelson COX 200 acres bounded by MOODY&LASLEY & the lake value

$2000 taxes 20.00 interest 6.00   Robert I CHESTER 1868 acres bounded by the

lake,DOUGHERTY,DONEHOWER & others value $8920 taxes 89.20 interest 26.45

CAMPBELL & WELLS 200 acres no boundary given value $800 taxes 8.00 interest

1.40   F DOUGHERTY 2500 acres no boundary given value $5000 taxes 50.00

interest 15.00   DONEHOWER's heirs 290 acres bounded by the

lake,DOUGHERTY,MOODY,& CLARK value $2000 taxes 20.00 interest 6.00   __ELLIOTT

135 acres no boundary given value $540 taxes 5.40 interest 1.60   HARRIS'heirs

1924 acres bounded by CRAVEN,lake,lake & MOODY value $10,600 taxes 160.00

interest 19.80   Dr.LEE 429 acres bounded by NALL,DONEHOWER and the river

value $1200 taxes 12.00 interest 3.60   LOONEY 145 acres no boundary given

value $580 taxes 5.80 interest 1.80 J O McCONNELL 516 acres no boundary given

value $4130 taxes 41.30 interest 12.00   J O MILLER 450 acres no boundary

given value $1800 tax 18.00 interest 5.40   STEADMAN 2840 acres bounded by

NALL,McLEMORE & the river value $8520 taxes 85.20 interest 25.50   W M SEARCEY

200 acres no boundary given value $1000 taxes 10.00 interest 3.00   J S

SINGLETERRY 100 acres no boundary given value $400 taxes 4.00 interest .72

DISTRICT#6  W H DONEHOWER 500 acres bounded by the river,CHESTER,R DONEHOWER &

CHESTER value $1270 taxes 12.70 interest 3.80   J DAVIS 600 acres no boundary

given value $1020 taxes 10.20 interest 3.00   DONEHOWER's heirs 1200 acres

bounded by the river,CHESTER,George REILLY & R C NALL value $2010 taxes 20.40

interest 6.15   FOX's heirs 100 acres bounded by CHESTER & others value $170

taxes 1.70 interest .35   MITCHELL & HESS 200 acres no boundary given value

$510 taxes 5.10 interest 1.55   Robt.I CHESTER 2435 acres bounded by

STEADMAN,CHESTER,MOODY & POWELL value $4140 taxes 41.40 interest 12.30

CADDY's heirs 90 acres bounded by the river,SAMPLE's heirs and H LaDUKE value

$150 taxes 1.50 interest .28   W W LEA 400 acres old river value $1200 taxes

12.00 interest 3.36   H C MOTT 100 acres bounded by the river,MURPHEY,MOTT &

EDWARDS value $$270 taxes 4.70 interest 1.50   John MOTT 100 acres bounded by

the river,MURPHEY & others value $270 taxes 4.70 interest 1.50   Wm.MURPHEY's

heirs 1428 acres bounded by POWELL,county line,FOWLER & others value $2400

taxes 24.00 interest 7.24   McLEMORE's heirs 250 acres bounded by

MURPHEY,county line,JONES & MURPHEY value $420 taxes 4.20 interest 1.30   T C

POWELL 1878 acres bounded by CHESTER,MURPHEY,LaDUKE & PARTEE value $5000 taxes

52.00 interest 15.60 TAX SALE FOR 1875--DISTRICT#1 Louis LITCHNETT 2 acres

bounded by E A DARNELL,J S MOFFITT,A E DARNELL & the river value $500 taxes

5.00 interest .60   S TOLLER's heirs 800 acres bounded by W

DARNELL,HOLLIERFIELD,river & case value $22,400 taxes 224.00 interest 26.28

DISTRICT#2  C C COKER one town lot in Tiptonville bounded by A

MOORING,DONALDSON,MOORING heirs & AMBURG value $600 taxes 9.00 penalty 1.08

Mrs.M B CLARK one town lot bounded by TAYLOR heirs,TURNER,DONALDSON,& BRADLEY

value $1200 taxes 12.00 penalty 1.44   COCHRAN & ENLOE 200 acres bounded by

the Mississippi bottom & the lake value $400 taxes 4.00 penalty .48   COCHRAN

& ENLOE 175 acres bounded by the river bottom and the lake value $350 taxes

3.50 penalty .42   COLE & CHAMBERS 160 acres bounded by WOODRING,WOODRING,lake

& WOODRING value $800 taxes 10.00 penalty 1.20   A B ENLOE 800 acres bounded

by TALLEY,DONALDSON,lake & DONALDSON value $1600 taxes 16.00 penalty 1.92   A

EZELL's heirs one town lot bounded by EZELL,THOMPSON,NALL & NALL & the river

value $100 taxes 1.00 penalty .12   Sandy HARRIS 247 acres bounded by CRONAN,W

JONES,DONALDSON & CRONAN value $8645 taxes 86.45 penalty 10.37   HAMBRICK 250

acres bounded by state line,McCURRY,McCURRY,& MALLEY value $500 taxes 5.00

penalty .60   H T KIMBROE one town lot bounded by NALL,HINES & others value

$350 taxes 3.50 penalty .42   Charles LANGUEMAN one town lot bounded by

DONALDSON,ARNET & others value $250 taxes 2.50 penalty .30   L A LEWIS 72

acres bounded by DONALDSON & others value $1800 taxes 18.00 penalty 2.16   R M

MALBERRY 100 acres bounded by the Mississippi bottom & the lake value $1000

tax 10.00 penalty 1.20   Wm.MARLOW one town lot north of HARRIS,part of SYBUT

lot value $75 tax .75 penalty .09   McCURRY heirs 750 acres bounded by the

state line,MAULEY & others value $3750 taxes 37.50 penalty 4.50 McCURRY heirs

640 acres bounded by state-line,MAULEY & others value $2560 taxes 25.60

penalty 3.07   Hudson McCLUEN 200 acres bounded by Mississippi value $400

taxes 4.00 penalty .48   Wm.MOBLEY 10 acres bounded by Nall & others value $50

taxes .50 penalty .06   J R OLDOUSON 5 acres bounded by CROWNAN & others value

$700 taxes 7.00 penalty .84   RODGERS 50 acres bounded by lake bottom value

$100 taxes 1.00 pen..12   SUMMERS & RODGERS 50 acres bounded by Reelfoot Lake

value $100 taxes 1.00 pen..12   W H TALLEY 500 acres bounded by Mississippi

river,CHESTER,lake & river,value $10,000 taxes 100.00 penalty 12.00   W

TAYLOR's heir one lot bounded by COKER & others value $700 taxes 7.00 penalty

.84   DISTRICT #3  Robert FRANKLIN 376 acres bounded by KERR & others value

$3000 taxes 30.00 penalty 3.60   Wm.GRAY 150 no boundary given value $1000 tax

10.00 penalty 2.40   C H RILEY 300 acres bounded by river,LEWIS & others value

$3600 taxes 40.00 penalty 4.80   Witts VARGONIA 50 acres bounded by DeBERRY &

others value $600 taxes 7.00 penalty .84   John WEST's heirs 235 acres no

boundary given value $3100 taxes 31.00 penalty 3.72   DISTRICT #4

CARTHERS'heirs 890 acres bounded by WRIGHT's heirs & others value $5395 taxes

53.95 penalty 6.47   W R HARRIS' heirs 400 acres boundary not given value

$1200 taxes 12.00 penalty 1.44   R M MURPHEY heirs 640 acres bounded by

ANDERSON & others value $1280 taxes 12.80 penalty 1.53   R M MURPHEY's heirs

640 acres bounded by WRIGHT and others value $1920 taxes $1920 penalty 2.20

WYCOFF & CLARK 390 acres lying near paw paw water,value $1920 taxes 19.20

penalty 2.34   WATSON heirs 150 acres bounded by BLAKEMORE & others value

$1200 taxes 12.00 penalty 1.44   DISTRICT #5  J M BRADFORD 200 acres bounded

by mud lake,DOUGHERTY & others value $400 taxes 4.00 penalty .48   W L BERRY

200 acres no boundary given value $400 taxes 4.00 penalty .48 C H BAILEY 175

acres bounded by BRADFORD & others value @275 tax 2.75 penalty .33

R.I.CHESTER 635 acres bounded by McLEMORE & others value $3175 taxes 31.75

penalty 3.62   CAMPBELL & WELLS heirs 200 acres bounded by CAMPBELL's

Heirs,HARRIS heirs & others value $800 taxes 8.00 penalty .96   Nelson COX 200

acres bounded by RILEY & others value $200 taxes 20.00 interest 2.40

DONEHOWER heirs 290 acres bounded by mud lake,DOUGHERTY & others value $2900

taxes 29.00 interest $3.48   W R HARRIS heirs 800 acres bounded by CRAVENS

&others value $1600 taxes 16.00 penalty 1.62   W R HARRIS heirs 600 acres

bounded by CONNER's home place,mud lake and BRIGHT value $2400 taxes 24.00

penalty 2.88   F DOUGHERTY 2500 acres bounded by MOODY & others value $7500

taxes 75.00 penalty 9.00   R H HARRIS heirs 380 acres bounded by DAVIS &

others value $2200 taxes 22.80 penalty 2.73   M LOONEY 145 acres no boundary

given value $585 taxes 5.85 penalty .70   W H POLK 105 acres bounded by

McLEMORE & others,value $840 taxes 8.40 penalty 1.o2   RILEY's heirs 200 acres

bounded by McLEMORE & others value $800 taxes 8.00 penalty .96   STEADMAN 2840

acres bounded by NALL & others value $8520 taxes 85.20 penalty 10.22

DIDTRICT #^  J M COTTON 2100 acres bounded by STEADMAN & others value $4200

taxes 42.00 penalty 5.04   John CADDY 9 acres no boundaru given value $180

taxes 1.80 penalty .21   W H DONEHOWER 500 acres bounded by the Mississippi

river,DONEHOWER & others value $1500 taxes 18.00 penalty 2.16   DONEHOWER

heirs 1200 acres bounded by Mississippi river,CHESTER & others value $2400

taxes 24.00 penalty 2.85   FOX heirs 100 acres bounded by CHESTER& others

value $200 taxes 1.00 penalty .24   A EDWARDS 100 acres bounded by the

Mississippi river,MURPHEY &OTHERS value $480 taxes 4.80 penalty .57   W H LEA

400 acres bounded by old river,DONEHOWER & others value $1400 taxes 14.00

penalty 1.68 McLEMORE's heirs 135 acres bounded by MURPHEY & others value $500

taxes 5.00 penalty .60   W B MURPHEY's heirs 1428 acres bounded by POWELL &

others value $2856 taxes 28.56 penalty 3.42   McLEMORE's heirs 135 acres

bounded by Miss.river,county-line,H LaDUKE & others value $300 taxes 3.00

penalty .36   H C MOTT 100 acres bounded by river,MURPHEY &others value $300

tax 3.00 penalty .36   T C POWELL 500 acres bounded by BEHON & others value

$2000 taxes 20.00 penalty 2.40   T C POWELL 200 acres bounded by BEHON &

others value $600 tax 6.00 penalty .72   T C POWELL 135 acres bounded by LANE

& others value $450 taxes 4.40 penalty .54   T C POWELL 15 acres bounded by

MURPHEY & others value $300.00 taxes 3.00 penalty .03   T C POWELL 50 acres

bounded by LaDUKE & others value $100 taxes 1.00 penalty .10   T C POWELL 22

1/2 acres bounded bt POWELL & others value $45 tax .45 penalty .05   T C

POWELL 84 acres no boundary given value $252 taxes 2.52 penalty .30   T C

POWELL 221/2 acres bounded by POWELL & others value $45 taxes .45 penalty .05 

T C POWELL 200 acres bounded by Miss.river,POWELL & others value 5.00 penalty

.60   T C POWELL 300 acres bounded by old river,POWELL & OTHERS value $1500

taxes 15.00 penalty 1.60   T C POWELL 16 i/2 acres bounded by BEHON & others

value $83 taxes .83 penalty .10   T C POWELL 120 acres bounded by river

CHESTER & others value $360 taxes 3.60 penalty .43   T C POWELL 60 acres

bounded by CHESTER & others value $120 taxes 1.20 penalty .14   H C THOMPSON

120 acres bounded by river,chute and river value $400 taxes 4.00 penalty 1.44.

R T WEBB Tax Collector of Lake County,Tennessee June 2,1876

End this issue. SOURCE: Microfilm roll #301 Dyer County State Gazette 1866-

1922 Tennessee State Archives