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PICKENS CO., SC - Revolutionary War Pension Application, Richard 
Submitted by Dawn Watson

Revolutionary War Pension Application
Richard Carver, S.21679

South Carolina
Richard Carver of Pickens in the State of South Carolina was a 
private in the company commanded by Captain Tate of the Regt. 
commanded by Col. Buford in the Virginia line for 6 months.

Inscribed on the Roll of South Carolina at the rate of 20 Dollars 
[and no] cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.

Certificate of Pension issued the 16 day of May '33 and sent to Col.
J. Grisham, Falls P. O. Pickens Dist., S.C.

Arrears to the 4th of March '33 -      40
Semi-anl. allowance ending 4 Sept. -   10

Revolutionary Claim Act June 7, 1832.

Recorded by Wm. Miller Clerk
Book E Vol. 6 Page 64

State of South Carolina}       March Term 1833
Pickens District S. S. }

On this the twelfth day of March in the year of our Lord one 
thousand eight hundred & thirty three personally appeared in open 
court before the Hon. Josiah J. Evans in the Court of General 
Sessions & Common Pleas now sitting for the District aforesaid - 
Richard Carver a resident of Pickens District in the State aforesaid
aged sixty nine years, who being first duly sworn according to Law 
doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain 
the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832. That he 
entered the service of the United States under the following named 
officers and served as herein stated. He substituted & took the 
place of James Carver (who was drafted) under Capt. Nathaniel Tate 
of Bedford County Virginia and served under Col Buford - He was 
marched into North Carolina first to Hillsboro then to Haw & Deep 
Rivers pursuing the American Army but was unable to join them until 
they got to Hillsboro, he was out three months [time?]. [H]e does 
not recollect the exact time but he was discharged sometime after 
Gates' defeat in 1780. He afterward in 1781 volunteered under Capt. 
Saml. Ewen of Col. Joseph Martin's Regt. of Washington County 
Virginia & was after the Cherokee Indians, and guarded Chaistman's 
old Station in Powels Valley - [***] won in some skirmishes with 
the Indians under Col. Martin. He served out the term of three 
months was dismissed in the wilderness & the Col. was to meet at 
the Satation and give a discharge, but he never came to the Station 
- This declarant has no documentary evidence of his services - He 
has a friend who can prove that he was in the service & [***] the 
first term of duty - he knows of no person whose testimony he can 
procure who can further testify to his service - This declarant was 
born in Albermarle County in Virginia. [A]t twelve years of age he 
came to Bedford County where he lived at the time he entered service
- he moved to Spartanburg about 1792. He lived there upwards of 20 
years. [H]e then moved into Pendleton District where he has lived 
ever since and since the Division he has lived in Pickens District -
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or 
annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the 
Pension roll of the agency's of any State -

Sworn to and subscribed in open court}
the day & year aforesaid -           }   Richard Carver
William L. Keith C. C.               }

We, Benj. D. DuPre, a clergyman, residing in the District of Pickens
& state of South Carolina, and Col. J. C. Kilpatrick residing in the
same hereby certify, that we are well acquainted with Richard 
Carver, who has subscribed & sworn to the within declarations; that 
we believe him to be sixty nine years of age; that he is reputed and
believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier
of the revolution. [A]nd that we concur in that opinion.

Sworn to in open court             Benjamin D. DuPre
William L. Keith C. C.             J. C. Kilpatrick

Pickens District. Joseph Carver appeared & made oath that he took a 
horse & carried the above named Richard Carver to the Army in 
Bedford County VA where he was taken as a substitute & this deponent
does verily believe he did serve as he has stated in there.

Sworn to 12 March 1833}                 his
Before                }           James     Carver

And the said court do hereby declare their opinion, after the 
investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatories 
prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant 
was a revolutionary soldier, and served as he states. And the court 
further certifies, that it appears to them the Benj. D. Dupre who 
has signed the preceding certificate, is a clergyman, resident in 
the District & state as above stated, and that J. C. Kilpatrick who 
has also signed the same is a resident in the same, and is a 
credible person, and that their statement is entitled to credit.

                            Josiah J. Evans
                            12 March 1833  Residing Judge

I, William L. Keith, clerk of the court of Pickens District, do 
hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceeding 
of the said court in the matter of the application of Richard 
Carver for a pension.

[Part of page missing here] whereof, I have hereunto set my hand 
and seal [more of page missing] this twelfth day of March 1833.

                            William L. Keith
                            Clerk of the Court

WAR DEPARTMENT, Pension Office


The evidence in support of your claim, under the act of June 7, 
1832, has been examined, and the papers are herewith returned. The 
following is a statement of your case in tabular form. On comparing 
these papers with the following rules, and the subjoined notes, you 
will readily perceive that objections exist, which must be removed, 
before a pension can be allowed. The notes and the regulations will 
shew what is necessary to be done. Those points to which your 
attention is more particularly directed, you will find marked in the
margin with a brace (thus: } ). You will, when you return your 
papers to this Department, send this printed letter with them, and 
you will, by complying with this request, greatly facilitate the 
investigation of your claim.

A Statement, shewing the Service of Richard Carver Pickens

Period when the service was rendered. Substitute for James Carver 
who was drafted 1780, Volunteer 1781

Declaration of the clamaint's service.  [0] Years 3 Months [0] Days 
[first term of service], [0] Years 3 Months [0] Days [second term 
of service]

Rank of the claimant. Private

Names and rank of the Field officers under whom he served.  Capt. 
Tate, Col. Buford [first term of service]; Capt. Sam Ewan, Col. 
Joseph Martin against Indians [second term of service]

Age at present, and place of abode when he entered the service. 69, 
Bedford County Virginia

Proof by which the declaration is supported.  [T]radition - one of 
the traditioners proves he saw the applicant in service the first 

I am, respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. L. Edwards, 
Commissioner of Pensions.

Revocation, INVALID, File No. 21679 Richard Carver Pri. Rev. War
Act: Jun 7 '32
Index: -Vol. 2, Page 81

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: 
      Dawn Watson