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Othcourt: James Naturalizations 1835-1859, Schuylkill Co, PA

Copyright © 1997 by Ruth Ann Bagley. This copy contributed for use in 
the USGenWeb Archives.

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               any other sites. We encourage links to the state and
               county table of contents.


Information includes:  
name of applicant, country of origin, "character" witness, date #1, age, date #2. 
All dates are 19th Century.  While dates #1 and #2 were not defined in the supporting
documentation, they appear to be the application and naturalization dates.

Applicant         Country         Witness                  Date #1    Age               Date #2

Henry James       England         Lewis C. Dougherty       7/28/35                      10/29/38

John James        Wales           Watkin Pritchard         1/19/36                       3/26/38

Shadrack James    Wales           H.A. Gile, James Adams   7/23/38                       7/28/40

James James       England         Walter Jenkins           7/22/44    24 years in 1844   9/6/47

William James     South Wales     William Tiley            7/30/44    28 years in 1844  12/6/47

William P. James  South Wales     Edward Prosser           7/30/44    22 years in 1844   7/30/44

Thomas James      Ireland John B. Donty/Douty              9/6/47     49 years in 1847   9/01/51

John James        Wales           Stephan Reese            9/7/47     31 years in 1847   9/10/49

George H. James   South Wales     Floyd David             12/6/47     35 years in 1847   9/13/52

William James     Wales           Nicholas Seitzinger      3/12/49    32 years in 1849   9/27/52

Thomas James      England         John Kirkpatrick         6/7/49                        9/6/52

John James        Wales           Benjamin Williams        3/7/53                        9/3/55

John James        Wales           Thomas Green             3/13/54                       6/9/56

David James       Wales           William Lewis            9/5/54                        9/8/56

David James       South Wales     John Lucas               9/11/54                       9/14/58

Peter James       Wales           Abraham Thomas           9/11/54                       9/6/58

Henry James       Wales           Richard Edwards          6/4/55                        9/7/57

Owen James        Wales           John C. Conrad, Jr.      9/1/56                        9/5/59

James James       England         John C. Taylor           9/5/56                        9/6/58

Thomas James      Wales           Charles Walker          12/1/56                       12/6/58

Richard James     England         John Laurence           12/15/56                       9/5/59

Thomas R. James   Wales           Thomas Waters            9/5/59