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Wills: Will Index, Books 1-3: Allegheny Co, PA

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Abstracted from

A goodly heritage : Earliest wills on an American frontier by Ella Chalfant, 1955 
Appendix C, pg 217-226 Index of Names in Allegheny County Will Books I, II, III





Adams,        George               121
Adams,        Sarah                353
Alexander,    Samuel                74
Alges,        William              272
Allen,        John                 160
Allison,      David                351
Anderson,     John                 267
Andes,        Reinhard             326
Applegate,    Daniel               333
Arbuckel,     Joseph               265

Bail,         John                 161
Barnett,      Joseph               283
Barr,         Alexander            186
Bates,        Tarleton             209
Bayers,       John                 268
Bell,         John                 197
Beltzhoover,  Melchior             278
Black,        Hugh                 347
Blackmore,    James                180
Boggs,        William              259
Boyd,         John                   1
Boyd,         Thomas               191
Boyes,        David                 62
Bracken,      John                 217
Bradin,       William               17
Brady,        John                   6
Brawdy,       James                210
Breaky,       Andrew                59
Buchannen,    Ebeneezer            111
Burke,        James                227
Butland,      James                 31
Butler,       William               46

Caldwell,     James                203
Calhoon,      James                122
Callender,    Robert               164
Cammeron,     Gilbert              154
Campbell,     John                 122
Campbell,     John                 141
Carnagham,    James                270
Carrel,       Daniel                44
Cassedey,     John                 322
Cecil,        William              342
Clark,        John                 109
Clark,        Margaret             248
Coll,         John                 236
Couch,        Nathan               157
Cox,          Joseph               181
Crawford,     Thomas               272   [Will abstract on line in these archives]
Creage,       Henry                174
Criner,       Philip                83
Culbertson,   Elizabeth            129
Culbertson,   Samuel               128
Cummins,      Joseph               224
Cunningham,   Elizabeth            185
Cunningham,   John                 175
Cunningham,   Samuel                40
Cunningham,   William              354
Curry,        Nicholas             207

Dean,         William               10
Deel,         William              131
Deemer,       Adam                 115
Deheaven,     Jacob                 62
Devore,       Isaac                 43
Dobbin,       Leonard              340
Donaldson,    Jean                 325
Douglass,     John                  49
Dousman,      John                  12
Drenan,       John                 138
Duncan,       David                 57

Elliott,      Daniel                33
Elliott,      William              250
Evins,        William               27
Ewing,        Alexander            120
Ewing,        Samuel               208

Ferree,       Jacob                290
Ferree,       James                137
Fife,         John                 149
Fife,         William               75
Fife,         William Sr,          280
Finey,        James                158
Finny,        Martha               204
Fitzpatrick,  Torrance              53
Flatcher,     Rachel               326
Fleming,      Peter                252
Fletcher,     Thomas               320
Forbes,       George                18
Fowler,       Alexander            212
Fraizor,      Jennat                36
Fulton,       William              341

Galbreath,    John                 150
Gallaher,     Lewis                276
Gardner,      Hugh                  50
Gaw,          James                121
Gibson,       Robert               327
Gibson,       Thomas                53
Gilmer,       John                 303
Gordon,       William              338
Gotshalk,     Daniel                60
Graham,       Samuel               352
Greenlee,     Robert               331
Greer,        Isaac                286
Greer,        John Sr,             343
Greer,        William              182
Grey,         Robert                60

Hannah,       Elizabeth            265
Harah,        Charles              294
Harshay,      Peter                 78
Hart,         John                 124
Hartly,       James                158
Hastin,       Daniel               231
Heath,        Henry                 67
Henderson,    William              240
Herd,         William              262
Hickby,       Obadiah              273  [Will abstract on line in these archives]
Hintz,        Alexander            274  [Will abstract on line in these archives]
Hoalt,        Henry                274
Hoge,         David                127
Holliday,     Samuel                65
Hopkins,      Edward               223
How,          Thomas                93
Howell,       Lewellen             192
Huey,         John                 166
Hulls,        Henry Sr,            308
Humbert,      Michael              332

Imbrie,       James                168
Irwin,        Agnes                312

Jameson,      Andrew               218
Johnson,      Court                 54
Johnston,     John                 310
Jones,        Ephraim              260
Jones,        John                 292
Justice,      George                23

Kearns,       Michael               42
Kennedy       William Sr,           64
Kirkpatrick,  William              345
Knox,         John                 308
Kuykendall,   Benjamin              23

Lang,         Henry                108
Lapsly,       Thomas               257
Lea,          William              163
Leech,        Lewis                 21
Lisnet,       Christian            253
Lodwick,      Jacob                139
Logan,        Margaret             152
Lovejoy,      John                  85
Low,          Henry                228
Lowderback,   Conrad               112
Lowdon,       Thomas                66
Lukens,       Jesse                222
Lytle,        Robert               330

Magwire,      David                253
Mallady,      John                 187
Martin,       Robert               146
Mathews,      James                318
McAlister,    Alexander            151  [Will on line in these archives]
McBride,      Henry                275  [Will abstract on line in these archives]
McClelland,   James                170
McClure,      Alexander            169
McClure,      John                 324
McCormick,    Benjamin             140
McCormick,    Thomas               329
McCoy,        Eaneas                43
McCullagh,    Andrew               219
McCully,      Franciss             214
McCune,       Arthur                52
McDermot,     John                 358
McDonald,     John                  63
McDowel,      John                 215
McDowell,     William               45
McElwain,     Francis               44
McIntire,     Andrew               198
McKean,       Martin               304
McKee,        David                 89
McKinnie,     Matthew              291
McKnight,     Joseph               335
McKnight,     Robert               289
McKnight,     William              165
McLeod,       Daniel               105
McMasters,    John                 195
McMichael,    James                 56
McMullen,     William               61
McQuiston,    John                 167
McRoberts,    Hannah               334
Meirs,        Eliezer              128
Menown,       Richard              336
Metzger,      John                 118
Milck,        Jacob                171
Millegan,     James                277
Miller,       Gabien                39
Miller,       Jacob                214
Miller,       James                101
Miller,       Robert               317
Mitchel,      Ebenezer             358
Moirs,        James                282
Montgomery,   Robert                 4
Moore,        James                 93
Moore,        Josiah                77
Moore,        William               44
Morgan,       Charles              241
Morgan,       John                 117
Morrison,     Norris                95
Moyer,        George               349
Murry,        John                 305

Neely,        Thomas               354
Neill,        Robert               189
Nevill,       John                 178
Nicholass,    Joseph               100
Nisbet,       Francis              177

OÕHara,       William              307
Ormsby,       B. Joseph            199

Patterson,    Adam                 184
Patterson,    Joseph               153
Patterson,    Nathaniel             84

Pearce,       John                 229
Pedin,        John                 247
Peirce,       Jonathan             262
Philips,      Samuel               156
Pierce,       Joseph               232
Plumer,       Thomas               315
Porter,       William              258

Ramsey,       Anthony              320
Ramsey,       James                 97
Rardon,       John                  94
Reddick,      William              315
Reed,         James                 90
Reed,         James                130
Richards,     Charles              132
Richardson,   Andrew               288
Richardson,   Mary                 225
Rigdon,       William              300
Rippy,        Hugh                  33
Ritchey,      Jacob                303
Roach,        Richard               43
Robb,         N. John              188
Robertson,    John                 271  [Will abstract on line in these archives]
Robertson,    Samuel                96
Robison,      Isaac                337
Robison,      David                246
Roe,          Joseph                92
Rook,         John                  42
Roseburgh,    Samuel               283
Roush,        Sebastian             37
Rowleter,     Peter                136
Rutherford,   James                176
Ryan,         James                350  [Will on line in these archives]

Sailor,       Peter                102
Sallers,      Isaac                 31
Sample,       Agnes                266
Sample,       Robert               265
Sample,       Samuel               263
Sampson,      Thomas                80
Scott,        Hugh                 190
Scott,        William              348
Seatin,       Thomas               328
Sheets,       Casper               183
Shoemaker,    Bartholomew           68
Shreader,     John                  33
Sloan,        John                 166
Smith,        Devereux             134
Smith,        Frederick             25
Smith,        Robert               107
Smith,        Robert               331
South,        Daniel               322
Sparks,       Benjamin             356
Speirs,       James                 19
Steel,        Thomas                45
Stevenson,    John                 341
Stewart,      Marey                110
Storer,       Thomas               201
Stover,       Elizabeth            359
Stover,       Thomas               358
Strain,       Michael                8
Strawbridge,  David                 71
Strochan,     George               194
Stuck,        John                 173
Swaney,       Thomas               148

Taylor,       John                 133
Tettrington,  Richard              106
Thompson,     Daniel               126
Thompson,     David                125
Thompson,     William              295
Torrence,     James                302
Troop,        William               34
Trough,       Elizabeth            131
Tucker,       William              172  [Will on line in these archives]
Turner,       John                 220

Vallandigham, George               309
Vance,        John                 349
Vance,        William              174
Vanguilder,   Jeremiah             169

Wall,         James                318
Wallace,      George               346
Ward,         Moses                 50
Warden,       William               21
Watson,       Jane                 213
Wayman,       Able                  51
Ways,         Abraham              263
Weitzell,     Jacob                285
Welch,        Jonathan              42
Westbay,      Mathias              289
Whelen,       John                 240
Whitaker,     Abraham               70
Whitaker,     James                 15
White,        David                155
Whitmore,     Mary                 239
Wikard,       Thomas               231
Wilkins,      John                 297
Wilkinson,    John                 200
Williams,     David                256
Willson,      Francis              254  [Will on line in these archives]
Willson,      Hugh                 307
Wilson,       James                 79
Wilson,       Joseph                76
Wilson,       William              103
Wilson,       William              112  [Will on line in these archives]
Winebiddle,   Conrad               187
Wise,         Jacob                 27
Witherow,     William               81
Wolf          Peter Sr,            205
Woodburn,     James                279



Aber,         Mathew               121
Abrahams,     James                181
Addison,      Jean                 198
Alexander,    Elizabeth            124
Alexander,    Hugh                  25
Alexander,    James                262
Alexander,    Robert                 5
Allen,        V. George            228
Allison,      William               75
Anderson,     John                 239
Ansley,       Thomas               120
Applegate,    Benjamin             318
Arthur,       James                176
Aten,         Paul                 278

Barber,       Samuel               244
Beam,         Abraham               31
Beamont,      William               18
Beck,         H. George            166
Beckett,      Joseph                86
Bedford,      Nathaniel            134
Berlin,       Nicholas             264
Blaine,       Rebecca              205
Blakeney,     B. William           249
Boley,        Anthony              217
Boyd,         John                 117
Boyd,         Rowley               245
Bracken,      Thomas                84
Brice,        William              260
Brierly,      Francis               91
Brunot,       Breton                68
Butler,       William               54

Calhoon,      Alexander            269
Campbell,     Joseph               102
Camron,       William              197
Carr,         Charles              133
Carrol,       James                100
Carrol,       Thomas               309
Castleman,    William               89
Cavett,       Thomas                51
Chambers,     Susanna              277
Chriswell,    Joseph               208
Clark,        Joseph               165
Cochran,      Samuel               146
Cowan,        Samuel               295
Craig,        Adam                  19
Cramer,       Elizabeth            142
Croco,        Peter                138
Crookshanks,  John                 325
Cubbage,      Sarah                289
Cunningham,   Alexander            219
Cunningham,   Nicholas             302
Cunningham,   Robert                13
Cuthbertson,  Ralph                276

Darragh,      Neal                 330
Davidson,     John                  80
Deal,         Catherine             31
Deal,         John                 243
Denny,        Ebenezer             281
Dixon,        George               123
Dougherty,    James                164
Duivetter,    John                 238
Duncan,       Andrew               212

Eastman,      Samuel                86
Eckles,       Andrew               234
Edwards,      David                141
Edwards,      Thomas               160
Elliott,      Barbara               65
Elliott,      Eleanor              168
Elliott,      Jamess                67
Erwin,        Joseph               306
Ewing,        Samuel               298

Felgentreff,  Frederick             66
Ferguson,     Samuel               228  [Will on line in these archives]
Ferree,       Joel                   9
Fife,         John                  50
Fink,         Mary                 256
Finney,       William              104
Forsyth,      John                  12
Frazier,      John                 300
Frew,         John                  41

Gilland,      Mary                  46
Glenn,        James                  2
Graham,       Robert               223
Gray,         Thomas               129
Guy,          James                210
Guy,          William               56
Guyton,       Abraham               95

Hall,         John                 114
Hall,         Robert                35
Hall,         William              157
Hamilton,     Jesse                130
Hanna,        John                  74
Hannah,       John                 291
Harper,       John                 250
Harrah,       Margaret             152
Harriott,     Ephraim              135
Harris,       Joseph               167
Hays,         Francis              131
Henning,      James                201
Hiland,       Martha               122
Hooper,       Philip               169
Howell,       Lewellen             328
Huey,         Henry                285
Huey,         Samuel                61
Hughey,       Ephraim               20
Hugoe,        Edward               290
Hutchinson,   Joseph               314

Irish,        Nathaniel             93

Johnston,     Robert               253
Jones,        Rachel               337
Jones,        Samuel               216

Kearns,       James                159
Kees,         Philip                66
Kelly,        John                  40
Kennedy,      Hugh                  32
Kennedy,      William              287
Kidoo,        James                335
Kimmel,       George               139
Kuykendall,   James                173

Larimer,      Samuel               202
Latta,        Deborah              116
Laughlin,     James                 27
Leightenberger, George              28
Linhart,      Michael              149
Long,         William              118
Loughead,     William              163
Lowderback,   Maria                305
Lowrey,       Stephen              265
Luckey,       Joseph               275
Lyle,         Charles              197

Mackey,       William              297
Magee,        Robert               304
Mahon,        James                 70
Mallarson,    Thomas                22
Martin,       Richard              119
Mates,        Casper               272
Mates,        John                 241
McCandless,   Alexander            102  [Will on line in these archives]
McCartney,    William               19
McClelland,   John                  14
McCloud,      John                 136
McClure,      James                 90
McClure,      William               69
McCoy,        William              206
McCullough,   Jane                 226
McCullough,   William               73
McCullough,   William               77
McCully,      Elizabeth             60
McCurdy,      Alexander            184
McDivett,     Eleanor              204
McElhinny     Robert Sr,           155
McElroy,      William              206
McEwin,       Edward                77
McFee,        Daniel               308
McGee,        John                   5
McGee,        Patrick               20
McGinnis,     James                120
McGowen,      John                  96
McGunnegle,   George               247
McJunkin,     William               48
McKee,        William              327
McKinney,     Roderick               5
McKown,       Samuel                 6
McMillan,     Thomas               339
McMurry,      John                  70
McQuan,       James                115
Meanor,       John                  63  [Will on line in these archives]
Mevey,        George                33
Mevy,         Martha                 3
Miers,        Susanna              127
Milks,        Maria                280
Monteeth,     Jane                 113
Morrow,       George                64
Morton,       George               251
Morton,       Thomas               111
Mowry,        Catherine            167
Murphy,       Hugh                  30
Murphy,       John                 189
Murry,        Joseph                15

Nevin,        John                  26

OÕBrien,      Michael               47
OÕHara,       James                190

Patterson,    Jane                 311
Philips,      John                  99
Plumer,       Ann                   71
Plumer,       Nathaniel            231
Plummer,      Samuel               237
Potter,       Robert                53

Quigley,      James                175

Read,         Andrew                34
Reed,         William              148
Richmond,     William              132
Ricords,      Philip               150
Rigdon,       Thomas               178
Ritchey,      William              101
Roberts,      Samuel               220
Robertson,    Andrew               312
Robinson,     William               97
Robinson,     William              168
Rogers,       Frederick            288
Romack,       George               145
Ross,         Daniel               182
Ross,         Margaret             274
Ross,         Nancy                 55
Ross,         Philip                 1

Sampson,      William               46
Sands,        John                 213
Scott,        Samuel               186
Shaler,       Egbert               323
Sheldon,      Thomas                48
Shelley,      Samuel                78
Shields,      George                11
Sickman,      George               110
Simpson,      James                 72
Simson,       Mathew                 4
Smith,        William              180
Snee,         Thomas                42
Snodgrass,    James                 83  [Will on line in these archives]
Spears,       Alexander             60
Springer,     Mathias              320
Sproat,       James                263
Steel,        David                158
Steele,       James                229
Stevenson,    George                92
Stevenson,    Hugh                 249
Stewart,      John                 218
Stewart,      William                8
Stewart,      William               16
Stuart,       Thomas               215
Sturgeon,     Jeremiah              81

Tannehill,    Adamson              224
Tannehill,    Sarah                 37
Tannehill,    Zachariah             18
Thompson,     Edward               154
Thomson,      Alexander            267
Tidball,      William               44
Trombow,      John                 161
Turner,       William               24

Walker,       James                 76
Walker,       Joseph               332
Walker,       William              270
Wall,         John                  41
Ward,         Hannah                54
Warne,        Stephen              293  [Will on line in these archives]
Watson,       William               98
White,        John                 303
White,        Thomas               105
Wilkins,      Catharine            208
Wilson,       Aaron                 57  [Will on line in these archives]
Wilson,       John                 233
Wilson,       Phoebe               171
Wilson,       Samuel               316
Wilson,       William              112
Winterbottom, James                331
Woods,        John                 107
Woods,        John                 172
Wrenshall,    John                 258
Wylie,        Samuel                37

Yarnall,      John Jolliffe         85



Adams,       Mary                   327
Addison,     Alexander              517
Aitken,      John                   264
Alger,       Thomas                 593
Allen,       James                  200
Armstrong,   Clara M.               418
Armstrong,   Thomas                  34
Arnold,      Samuel                 381
Arthur,      Thomas                 435
Aten,        Adrian                 169

Barnett,     William                489
Barr,        Andrew                 404
Beamer,      Henry                   26
Beatty,      Francis                155  [Will on line in these archives]
Beatty,      James                  241  [Will on line in these archives]
Beatty,      Thomas                 396  [Will on line in these archives]
Beggs,       James                  180
Biggs,       John                   198
Biggs,       William                500
Blair,       William                252
Bossert,     Rudolph                442
Boyle,       James                  440
Bracken,     Mary D.                185
Brown,       Elizabeth              431
Brown,       James                  257
Brown,       James                  343
Brown,       John                   336
Buffington,  Ephraim                584
Burgess,     John                   279
Butler,      Mary                    11

Calhoon,     Audley                  83
Cameron,     John                    54
Campbell,    John                   300
Carnagham,   John                   424
Carnahan,    David                   61
Carpenter,   John                   304
Castor,      Benjamin               119
Catlett,     Hanson                  56
Chadwick,    James                    7
Chess,       Finlay                 503
Chriswell,   Robert                 122
Cochran,     John                   491
Cochran,     William                311
Connor,      John                   375
Coon,        Archibald              596
Coon,        Michael                 45
Correy,      Rachel                 480
Crady,       John                   195
Craig,       Sarah                   74
Craighead,   Mary                   111
Crawford,    James                  219
Crawford,    James                  323
Cunningham,  George                 231
Curline,     Joseph                 303
Curry,       Robert                 134
Curry,       William                221

Darragh,     John                   258
Davis,       William                 69
Davis,       William                205
Dawson,      George                 485
Deal,        Mary                   355
Devour,      Moses                  465
Dickson,     William                113
Donley,      Margaret               417
Dorrington,  Thomas Sr               80
Dougherty,   James                  389
Douglass,    Agness                 162
Dowthitt,    William                182
Drennan,     John                   272
Drennan,     William                217
Duff,        John                     6  [Will on line in these archives]
Dunbar,      John Sr                 67
Duncan,      Jane                   343
Duncan,      Margaret               356

Ekin,        David                  261
Elder,       Robert                  73
Elrod,       William                552
Evans,       George                 455
Evans,       Mathias                237
Evans,       Robert                 111
Ewing,       James                  125

Ferguson,    David                  570
Ferguson,    David                  574
Ferree,      Jane                   149

Galaugher,   John                   148
Gill,        John                   437
Gillespie,   Thomas                 275
Gilmore,     John                   543
Gilmore,     Robert                  72
Glasgo,      Hugh                   492
Glass,       Isaac                  153
Glenn,       James                  353
Gormly,      James                  346
Graham,      John                   561
Gravat,      Johnson                164
Greenough,   Thomas                 560
Grossman,    Nicholas               516
Guy,         William                421

Haines,      John                   289
Hall,        John                   339
Hamilton,    Hugh                   462
Hamilton,    James                  539
Hamilton,    William                 51
Hanvey,      Joseph                 326
Harger,      Jacob                   88
Hartop,      William                337
Henderson,   Archibald              190
Herriott,    George                 174
Hewey,       William                138
Hewey,       William Maxwell        420
Hineman,     John                   377
Hodge,       John                   131
Holmes,      Francis B.             230
Holmes,      Thomas                 528
Horner,      James                   48
Hosick,      Michael                267
Huey,        Darcus                 610
Hughes,      John                   472

Impson,      Charles                277
Irwin,       John                   413
Irwin,       John Scull             602

Johnston,    John                   234
Johnston,    Mary                   385
Johnston,    Robert                 172  [Will on line in these archives]
Johnston,    Robert                 284
Johnston,    William                383
Jones,       James                   99
Jones,       Thomas                  13
Jones,       William                 43
Joyce,       Patrick                 57

Kaiser,      Gottlob Friedrich       251
Kauffman,    Jacob                   36
Keefer,      Henry                  270
Keith,       Daniel                 483
Kendall,     John                   301
Kennedy,     David                  580
Kennedy,     John                   167
Kerr,        Elias                  575
Kerr,        Joseph                 395
Kidd,        Mary                   104
King,        Courtland              188
King,        Thomas                 232

Laughery,    Edward                 363
Lenhart,     Samuel                 598
Lesnitt,     Frederick              406
Logan,       David                  544
Logan,       Joseph                 171
Long,        Alexander              308
Long,        James                  255
Loughead,    Margaret                98
Loughead,    William                 96

Magwire,     Peter                  209
Mallerson,   Ame                    296
Marshall,    John                   165
Martin,      James C.               288
Mates,       Abraham                348
Mawhoobey,   Alexander               75
Maxwell,     Adam                   390
McBain,      Angus                    1
McBain,      Donald                  63
McCague,     Patrick                 41
McCandless,  William                183
McCaslin,    John                   587
McClelland,  William                197
McCliments,  Samuel                 474
McClurg,     Joseph                 222
McClurg,     Thomas                 365
McCollogh,   John                    77
McCollogh,   John                    79
McConnell,   William                214
McCord,      John                    44
McCord,      Samuel                 510
McCord,      William                590
McCormick,   John                   444
McCoy,       Hugh                   409
McCreery,    John                    47
McCurdy,     Joseph                  91  [Will on line in these archives]
McDarmid,    Archibald                9
McDermott,   Thomas                 360
McDonald,    Catharine              269
McDonald,    John                   497
McElheney,   John                    93
McElheney,   Samuel                 117
McElvy,      James                  176
McFarland,   Baptist                295
McFarland,   Robert                  12
McFarlane,   Andrew                 386
McFarlane,   Magdalene              342
McFerran,    John                   448
McFarron,    Nancy                  526
McGee,       Mary                   293
McGee,       Patrick                334
McGowen,     Samuel                 132
McGregor,    Matthew                488
McHenry,     Daniel                 442
McKindley,   William                313
McLaughlen,  William                  5
McLaughlin,  Edward                 127
McMath,      Daniel                  39
McMillin,    Mary                   565
McMillin,    Thomas                 537
McMun,       Alexander              309
McVicker,    William                213
Meason,      John                   509
Meek,        John                   178
Megery,      Elizabeth              606
Menoun,      John                   457
Menoun,      Richard                 22
Merriman,    Richard                564
Miller,      Alexander              477
Miller,      Ezekiel                244
Miller,      John                    59
Miller,      Robert                 292
Milligan,    Ann                    208
Morrow,      James                  157
Morrow,      Robert                  53
Morton,      John                    37
Mullen,      William                204
Murdock,     Robert                 589
Murphy,      Mary                   115
Murry,       David                  321

Neal,        Thomas                 349
Neelly,      Samuel                 318  [Will on line in these archives]
Negley,      Jacob Jr               399
Nelson,      Ezra G.                533
Nelson,      Matthew                507
Nelson,      William                439
Newlon,      Nathan                 470
Nickel,      Timpy                  403
Nickols,     Samuel                 378
Nilson,      Mathew                 160

OÕBrien,     James J.               341
OÕConner,    Dominick               494
OÕHara,      James                  623
Oliver,      Margaret                95

Patterson,   John                    32
Patterson,   Joseph                 577
Payne,       Joseph                 582
Pearson,     Mehatable              135
Phillips,    John                   536
Phillips,    Jonathan               427
Pollock,     Robert                 358
Potter,      Henry                   22
Pride,       Mary                   569

Quick,       Moses                  182

Reed,        David                  401
Reed,        Henry                  518
Reed,        Rachel                 124
Reigar,      Catharine              486
Richey,      James                  531
Riddell,     John                   367
Robinson,    Joshua                 529
Rollins,     Anthony                297
Russell,     John                   501
Ryley,       Barnard                228

Sample,      James                  467
Schade,      Charles Henry          548
Scot,        James                   65
Scott,       Hance                  144
Scott,       Samuel                 373
Seeten,      Thomas                 276
Semple,      William                329
Sheldon,     John Scott             235
Shick,       Jacob                   24
Shiras,      Peter                  108
Short,       John                    52
Shrater,     William                273
Shrum,       Jacob                  481
Sibbit,      James                  361
Silvester,   Hugh                     3
Simpson,     Robert                 496
Sinclair,    Samuel                 450
Smith,       John                   187
Smith,       Robert                 504
South,       Daniel                 242
Steele,      Isabella               482
Stevenson,   George                 614
Stevenson,   James S.               550
Stewart,     Andrew                 415
Stewart,     James                  151
Stewart,     John                    86
Stonesipher, John                   290
Strackan,    Nancy                  247
Sturgeon,    Robert                 541
Sullivan,    Aaron                  453
Summerville, James                  306
Sutton,      William                411  [Will on line in these archives]
Swearingen,  Nicholas D.            106

Taylor,      Eleanor                240
Thompson,    William                351
Thornburgh,  James                  315
Tidball,     Thomas                 572
Torrence,    Jennet                 137
Twiford,     Bartholomew            227
Tyler,       Edward                 249

Verner,      James                  392

Walker,      James                  193
Walker,      Jonathan H.             40
Walker,      William                460
Wall,        Andrew                 397
Wallace,     George                 161
Wallace,     Mary                   446
Watson,      Alexander              608
Watson,      Andrew Jr               15
Watson,      Margaret               324
Watson,      William                202
Watters,     William                600
Watts,       Andrew                 612
Way,         John                   145
Wenat,       Frederick Sr           566
Westbay,     Henry                   28
Wherry,      David                  206
White,       Jane                   102
Williams,    Matthew                285
Willson,     Thomas                 140
Wilson,      Robert                 192
Wilson,      Thomas                 522  [Will on line in these archives]
Woods,       James                  557  [Will on line in these archives]
Wren,        John                    71
Wright,      Nancy                  556

Yoe,         Banjamin S.            121
Young,       Cornelius              476

Zarver,      Thomas                 225