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Military: French & Indian Wars-post Rev War: Part 5: FORT PITT AND LETTERS FROM THE FRONTIER, 1892: now Alleghey Co, PA

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                                  FORT PITT


                           LETTERS FROM THE FRONTIER

                          Mary C. Darlington, Editor.
                    J. R. WELDON & CO., PITTSBURGH, 1892.


                     [Page numbers appear in brackets]
                        [Transcription is verbatim]

                 PART 5: Pages 221-307

        See Illustration of Place of Guyasuta's Grave
        Letters from Officers of the Continental Army, from 1776-1799

        Erection and Organization of Allegheny County, by William M. Darlington



                   FROM 1776 TO 1799.

                       FORT PITT, 6 July 1776.

          AT a meeting held this Day at this place, present:
          Kiashuta, a Mingoe chief, just returned from the treaty
          at Niagira; Captain Pipe, a Delaware chief; The Shade, a
          Shawnese chief, with several others, Shawnese and
          Delawares; likewise Major Trent, Major Ward, Captain
          Nevill, his officers and a number of the Inhabitants,
          after being seated, Kiashuta made the following Speech:

          "Brothers: Three Months ago I left this Place to attend
          a Treaty at Niagira, to be held between the Commanding
          Officer of that Place and the six nation, Shawnese,
          Delawares, etc.; But I was stopped near a month at
          Connywagoe. As the Commanding officer had sent word to
          the Indians not to assemble until He should hear from
          Detroit. while I was at Connywagoe, 8oo Indians of the
          six nations hearing my Intentions of going to the
          Treaty, came to meet me and go with me. just as we
          arrived at a small Village beyond Connywagoe, they
          received a message from the Commanding Officer,
          acquainting them that the Treaty was over, but they,
          notwithstanding, persisted in going. "I received a
          message at the same Time inviting me to come, and
          assuring me that the Council Fire was not yet entirely
          extinguished. upon my arrival with the rest of the
          Indians, I informed the Commanding Officer that I had
          come a great Distance to hear what He had to say, and
          desired that he would inform me; but he told me [222]
          that he was not yet prepared to speak with me, which
          ended our Conference."

          Kiashuta then produced (his Belt, and is ordered by the
          Six nations to send it through the Indian Country) a
          Belt of Wampum, which was to be sent from the six
          nations to the Shawnese, Delawares, Wyandotts and
          Western Indians, acquainting them that they were
          determined to take no Part in the present War between
          Great Britain and America, and desiring them to do the
          same. He then addressed himself to the Virginians and
          Pennsylvanians in the following manner:

          "Brothers: We will not suffer either the English or
          Americans to march an army thro' our Country. Should
          Either attempt it, We shall forewarn them three times
          from Proceeding, but should they then persist, they must
          abide by the Consequence. I am appointed by the Six
          Nations to the Care of this Country, that is, to the
          Care of the Indians on the West side of the river Ohio,
          and I desire you will not think of an Expedition against
          Detroit, for I repeat it to you again, we will not
          suffer an army to march through our Country." A String.

          Kiashuta again rose and spoke as follows:

          "Brothers: Should any Mischief chance to be committed by
          any of our People, you must not blame the Nations nor
          think it was done by the approbation of the Chiefs; for
          the six Nations have strictly forbid any of their young
          men or Tributaries to molest any People on these Waters,
          but if they are determined to go to War, let them go to
          Canada and fight there." A String.

          Kiashuta then addressed Himself to Captain Pipe (a
          Delaware chief), desiring him to inform his nation of
          what he had heard, and to request them to be strong and
          join with the other nations in keeping Peace in his
          country. A String.

          He also recommended it to the Shade, a Shawnese Chief,
          to do the same.

    [223] He then desired that the foregoing speeches might
          be distributed through the Country, to quiet the minds
          of the people, and convince them that the six nations
          and their adherents did not desire to live at Variance
          with them; To which Captain Nevill returned the
          following answer:

          "Brother Kiashuta: I am much oblig'd to you for your
          good speech on the present occasion. you may depend We
          shall not attempt to march an army through your Country
          without first acquainting you with it, unless we hear of
          a British Army coming this Course. In such Case, we must
          make all possible speed to meet, and endeavor to stop

          To which Kiashuta replied that there was not the least
          Danger of that, as they should make it their Business to
          prevent Either an English or American army from passing
          through their Country.

                     Captain CARSON.
                      First Lieutenant FINDLY.
          Second Lieutenant ALEXANDER SIMERAL.

          Indian Conference at Fort Pitt, July 6, 1776.

                               * * * * * *

                    FORT PITT, 4th June, 1777.

          Sir:‹I am favored with your letter of this date
          Informing me that you can't relieve the post at
          Kittanning except I can Supply you with Arms and
          Ammunition. Arms I have not until the Wagons arrive,
          consequently the 50 men who Escort the Wagons may march
          from here as early as any other Body of men I could arm.
          Ammunition I suppose to be already at that Post, you
          complain of the expence attending calling the Militia
          out. You must keep an account of what necessarily arises
          on that service and draw for it agreeable to the Act of

                       I am, Sir, with Esteem,
                 Your obedient Humble Servant,
                        EDWARD HAND.

    [COL. A. LOCHRY.

       [224] FORT PITT, 6th July, 1777.

          Sir:‹I received your letter by Captn. Martin, and am
          glad that by your late instructions you have it in your
          Power to punish the refractory Members you mention.
          Captn. Martin's small Party & two others, 15 Privates in
          the whole, are all I have yet heard of, pray, inform me
          if any more have joined him; it is very awkward &
          irregular to see men droping in by twos and threes
          without Officers and the least Order.

          Captn. Martin is Stationed at the Kiskimmenitas. You
          will see by the Militia Act the proportion of Officers
          to a Certain number of men, which can't be exceeded.

                          I am, Sir,
                Your Obedient, Humble Servant,
                          EDW. HAND.

    [COL. A. LOCHRY.]

                               * * * * * *

                   FORT PITT, 29th July, 1777.

          Dr Sir:‹Your favor of yesterday I received & have
          furnished thirty Guns and accoutrements to Captns. McKee
          & Leech agreeable to your desire. I expect you will
          Please to direct them to be careful of them, that I may
          receive them fit for service. Captn. McKee received ten
          yesterday and one some time ago. Captain Leech rec'd
          nineteen to-day. I intend requesting the Principal
          Militia Officers of Westmoreland County to meet me at
          Hannas Town as soon as the Hurry of Harvest is over; I
          wish to confer with them on public business. I will give
          you further notice & fix a day. If you will take the
          Trouble to examine the Articles of War you will see that
          the men who deserted from Captain Martin's detachment
          are Guilty of Breach of the 4th & 14th Articles of the
          13th Section of the Articles of War, and, as they were
          then in Actual Service, you will find by the 1st Article
          of the 17th Section that they are as liable to be
          punished as regular [225] Soldiers. I enclose a copy of
          the Articles of War lest you may not have one by you

              and am, Dr Sir, Sincerely yours,
                          EDW. HAND.

    [COL. A. LOCHRY.]

                               * * * * * *

                  FORT PITT, 6th August, 1777.

          Sir:‹I last evening received your favor of the 2d
          Instant, and am convinced that what you have done is
          occasioned by your Zeal for the Common Cause; but you
          may remember that a Magazine was ordered to your Quarter
          by myself, &, as I did not know the most proper place, I
          consulted the General I met at Ligonier the 18th Ultimo.
          By their Common Voice, Col. Mountis was fixed on, & Col.
          Morgan has only acted by my express Command. I have the
          Pleasure to acquaint you that, as far as can be
          ascertained, the Suspicions of that Gentn's Infidelity
          are quite groundless; would to God those formed of every
          other Person were so! I find Col. Lochry is gone to
          Phila.; I therefore request you will please immediately
          to forward the wagons laden with Salt to Col. Mountis,
          and Redstone agreeable to prior order; those wagons
          carrying other stores I beg you will send here. It will
          be necessary to send an Escort with the Wagons, which
          must continue at Col. Mountis' as a Guard for the
          Magazine, & be relieved by you, agreeable to thy
          directions, to Colonel Lochry, which I find you are
          acquainted with. I beg to know in what Forwardness the
          Militia from your County, destined for the Expedition,
          are in,

          and am, Sir, Very respectfully Yrs.,
                          EDW. HAND.

    [JAMES PARRY, Lieut. of Westmoreland.]

                               * * * * * *

        [226] FORT PITT, August 8, 1777.

          General Hand wishes to meet the Militia officers, &
          other principal Inhabitants of the Counties of Bedford
          and West-moreland, at Ligonier, on Monday, the 18th
          instant, to con-suit on the best Measures to be taken on
          the present alarming Occasion.

                        By order of the Genl.,
                    J. EWING, M. B.

    [To COLONEL ARCHIBALD LOCHRY, Westmoreland County.]

                               * * * * * *

                   FORT PITT, August 22, 1777.

          Sir:‹As the Commissary has been directed to Erect a
          Magazine of Provisions at Colonel Mounces' , near
          Stewart's crossing, and one at Redstone old Fort, he
          will send from Ligonier, by the way of the Nine Mile
          Run, a Number of Wagons, Laden with Stores, to the
          above-mentioned places. I therefore Request that you
          will please to furnish a Party of Militia to Escort the
          Wagons & serve as Guides, & to remove any obstructions
          the Wagons may meet on the road, the same party, or
          another, Consisting of a carefull Subaltern officer, a
          sergeant & ten Privates, must remain at Colonel Mounces'
          as a Guard to the Magazine; they are to be kept up until
          further Orders, and may be delivered as often as you
          think necessary.

             I am, Sir, Your obedient, Humble Servant,
                          EDW. HAND.

          [COL. A. LOCHRY.]

                               * * * * * *

                  FORT PITT, 13 October, 1777.

          Sir:‹I hope in a few days to move the Provisions & other
          stores destined for the Indian Expedition from here to
          Wheeling, & I will, at the same time, march all the
          troops here assembled to that place. I beg you may be as
          expeditious as [227] possible in furnishing your
          proportion and ordering them to march immediately for
          this garrison. Send an Officer and fifteen or twenty of
          your Militia to meet and Escort David Tate's Brigade of
          Horses laden with flour, they will also take under their
          protection any other Continental Pack-Horses they meet.

           I am Sir, Your Obed, H'ble Servant,
                          EDW. HAND.

                               * * * * * *

                  FORT PITT, 18 October, 1777.

          Dear Sir:‹The protection of your County has, since I
          have had the Honor to Command, been an object equally
          attended to with that of any other Frontier County. I
          have repeatedly requested from you a number of men for
          that purpose, but (from what cause I can't determine) I
          never yet could obtain them agreeable to my wish. If you
          will now send me your proportion, I think that will be
          sufficient, added to the numbers already arrived and
          daily expected from different Quarters, to protect the
          Frontiers. Congress ordered a Post in your County (The
          Kittanning); I could not support that and have ordered
          another to be Erected at the expence of the Continent.
          This I think Sufficient, & will Support, if you lend me
          your aid; at the same time, beg leave to assure you that
          I don't mean to interfere with your Command of
          Westmoreland County, or your Plan in Erecting as many
          Forts and magazines as you please at the expence of the
          State of Pennsylvania, and puting the whole County in
          its Pay. Presuming you have proper authority for so
          doing, and every State will, no doubt, have a particular
          regard to the Situation of Different Counties, the
          People you mention are surely Defending their own
          Property, and, if the Spirit of Discord would permit
          them, have it in their Power, by Uniting to march in
          Bodies, to collect the Grain of every man in the
          Frontier parts [228] of the County. I again request you
          may not delay the proportion from your County for the
          Expedition; the Season advances apace. I shall to-morrow
          proceed to Wheeling with what Troops I have, yours will
          receive every necessary I can Afford them when they
          arrive here, & when they join me shall be put on the
          same footing with the Militia of any other County. In
          the meantime, Subscribe myself,

                  Dr Sir, very Sincerely yrs,
                          EDW. HAND.

          [COLONEL A. LOCHRY.]

                               * * * * * *

                      FORT PITT, 5 Nov., 1777.

          Dear Sir:‹I was duly fav'd with yours of the 2d by
          Colonel Barr, who, instead of 53, has no more than 31
          Rank and file.

          To my very great mortification I find I can't collect a
          sufficient number of men to enter the Indian country
          this season, therefore, as the Frontier of Westmoreland
          County lies much exposed to the Ravages of the Savages,
          I beg that you may immediately draw out 150 men, with
          officers in proportion, to cover that part of the
          Country and Assist the Inhabitants in securing their
          Crops and other property, the whole to be under the
          direction of a Field Officer, who must report to me from
          time to time what number of men and officers are on duty
          & where they are. Col. Barr's party are now armed & will
          remain here subject to your Orders. I wish to render
          this Body of men as useful as possible to the public,
          shall for that reason leave the destination of them to
          yourself. Except 30 to be kept with Captain Moorhead,
          you are to continue the 150 men & no more on continental
          pay untill Further orders or until the necessity for it
          ceases. You must apply to Col. Geo. Morgan or his agent
          here for In- [229] structions how to Victual them, a
          sufficient number of cattle are already purchased for
          that purpose.

                   I am, Sir, your Obedt, Humle Servant,
                          EDW. HAND.

          [COLONEL A. LOCHRY.]

                               * * * * * *

          [Collection of W. M. D.]

          Sir:‹I wrote to the honorable the Continental Congress
          on the 15th Ultimo, which I hope they have received. I
          would at that time have wrote to you, but was not
          certain of your being in Congress; but as Mr. John
          Anderson informs me he left you in Congress, I take the
          liberty of communicating to you some matters that have
          occurred to me since my letter to Congress upon hearing
          the speeches of the Delawares, and request the favour of
          you to lay them before Congress, and that Part with
          respect to the Delawares I have communicated to Col.
          Morgan. I believe we shall have an Indian war and a
          general one. If the Delawares were ever so well inclined
          they will be awed into it by the other nations. I would
          be for supporting them if possible in order to lessen
          the strength of our enemy. They should be invited into
          our Country. Their wives, Children and Old people would
          be then secure, and we then should reap great Advantage
          from the service of their young Men and Warriors. And if
          any other Tribe or Nation would follow their Example
          they should be encouraged. If we have a general Indian
          war, it is my humble Opinion four expeditions will be
          necessary: One to the Southward, one to the Northward,
          one down the Ohio to establish a Strength on the Ohio,
          so as to cut off any communication with the Western and
          Southern Nations, and one other expedition to De Troit
          or to some part of the Country to the Westward, to cut
          off the communication between the Northern and Western
          Nations. Each of those expeditions [230] should be
          carried into execution under the command of an
          experienced officer. And it is my humble opinion not
          less than 3,000 men should be employed in each of those
          expeditions, and they should be well equipped; that
          those who went down the Ohio and those to Detroit should
          have some field pieces, and those troops should not
          return but establish posts and reduce the Indians and
          convince them of an error that they have been led into
          by the governments formerly, that they may at any time
          make war with us and have peace granted them on their
          own terms. I would recommend that large numbers of
          hostages should be taken from every tribe or nation that
          we may reduce, and take none but their chiefs or ruling
          men as hostages, that the tribe or nation should support
          those hostages, and that they should not be exchanged
          till we had good proof of their tribe or nation becoming
          agreeable people. That all the lands of the unoffending
          tribes or nations should be preserved to them, and a
          generous trade well regulated. And that all the lands of
          the offending Tribes or Nations should be forfeited, and
          that they should be restricted to hunt or live on such
          parts of it as should be directed by the commanding
          Officer or Governor who might be appointed to rule them.
          We undoubtedly should have a greater number of the
          Indians in our interest. If we had a sufficient quantity
          of goods for that purpose, our enemy have great
          advantage of us for they out treaty us, and the highest
          bidder will have the greatest Number of the Indians.
          This I know from my acquaintance with them for upwards
          of twenty years.

          To the Delawares we made promises of protection, and
          they now put our friendship to the test, and if we do
          not fulfil our promises they will undoubtedly be obliged
          to look for protection elsewhere, and we must suffer in
          their opinion and also in the opinion of all the other
          nations. If I should [231] receive Intelligence, or if
          anything should occur to me that may serve the general
          cause, I shall write to you.

                I am, sir, with great respect,
            Your most obedient humble servant,
                         EDW. HAND.

          A Member of the Honorable Continental Congress.]

                               * * * * * *

                    FORT PITT, March 22, 1778.

          Sir:‹I am instructed by the hon'ble, the Commissioners
          appointed by Congress, to fix on a plan for the defence
          of these frontiers, to desire that you may continue 150
          Privates of the Militia of your County, properly
          officered, on constant duty on its frontiers. Thirty of
          them to be added to Captain Moorhead's company,
          stationed at Fort Hand, and the remaining 120 placed at
          such stations as you find best calculated for the
          defence of the County. Instead of Militia call'd out in
          the ordinary way, the Commissioners are desirous of
          engaging a like number of volunteers for a longer time
          than the Militia generally serves. I perfectly agree
          with them in sentiment and wish you to fall on that
          Plan, provided no delay arises for its execution.

          I am, sir, your obed't h'ble serv't,
                          EDW. HAND.


                               * * * * * *

                     FORT PITT, June 14, 1778.

          Sir:‹I am at a Loss to conceive the Meaning of the
          Intelligence I this day received from the Delaware
          Indians, yet as the Term old Hunting ground may, and
          probably does imply the Place that gentleman has been at
          war the last season, it it is not unlikely; but it may
          be your County, therefore wish you to take every
          Precaution to prevent a surprise by keeping [232] out
          Scouts and having a force ready to oppose the invaders.
          I will not be remiss in doing my Part. I shall give you
          Information of anything that comes to my Knowledge and
          concerns you, and expect a like Information from you, as
          I mean to give you timely assistance if necessary.

          I am, dear sir, y'rs sincerely,
                         EDW. HAND.

          (COLONEL A. LOCHRY.]

                               * * * * * *

          Extract from intelligence receiv'd from the Delaware
          Indians 14th June, 1778.

          The Inclosed Billet I received yesterday from the lake
          will, perhaps, be of some use for you.

             THE BILLET.

          There is a small army of French‹150 or 200 men‹that is
          for the frontier, commanded by one Mr. Jenot. I imagine
          that he is for his old hunting ground or for Redstone.

                      FORT PITT, July 9, 1778.

          Sir:‹I have just received yours of the 7th and 8th
          Current, and am much distressed to find the unhappy
          situation of your county, and the more so as I am at a
          loss how to relieve you. Colonel Campbell has ordered a
          body of the militia of Yohogania County to assemble
          here. I intended them for you, but they are not yet
          come; if I can't do otherwise will endeavor to send you
          a few Regulars to scour your Frontier, which will, I
          hope, enable you to collect your Harvest, as you may
          reasonably expect their Hay can't be long, and I hope
          the Militia will exert themselves and collect in bodies
          to save the grain under the Protection of this Guard;
          prepare to receive them at Hannas Town; they will be
          Victualed from here to that place; you shall have
          farther notice of their approach.

                        Yours, etc.,
                          EDW. HAND.

          [COLONEL A. LOCHRY]

                         * * * * * *

     [233] FORT PITT, July 10, 1778.

          Sir:‹Captain James Sullivan, with a Detachment of
          regular Troops under his Command, will march this
          Evening, or tomorrow Morning, to your assistance. He
          will halt at Hannas Town until he sees you; he has
          written Instructions, which I beg you may peruse and
          assist him in executing. I hope his Party will produce
          the desired salutary Effects.

              I am, sir, very cordially yours,
                          EDW. HAND.

          [COLONEL A. LOCHRY.]

                           * * * * * *

                     FORT PITT, July 27, 1778.

          Sir:‹I have good reason to suspect that many parties of
          Indians are now out; you will, therefore, plan to be on
          your guard.

          Plan to furnish twenty-five or thirty men to protect the
          houses, collecting forage in your county.

                    I am, sir, your hble svt.,
                          EDW. HAND.


                               * * * * * *

             FORT MCINTOSH, Beaver Creek, Oct. 30, 1778.

          Sir:‹I had the Honor of writing to you on the 27th
          September, and hope your People are about the Block
          Houses I recommended for the protection of your County
          during my absence. The repeated murders committed by the
          Indians upon your Inhabitants must show the necessity of

          The Magistrates of your County have asked my consent for
          150 Volunteers to go and rout or remove a few Indian
          Towns upon Allegheny River, who, probably, are the most
          troublesome to you, which I very much approve of. It
          will be greatly to your honor and advantage; they shall
          have provisions and ammunition, either from this place
          or Fort Pitt, with every reasonable Encouragement I can
          give them, as nothing can be better [234] times, if they
          are expeditious and secrete. I propose going in two or
          three days to Cochocking, or the Delaware Towns, and
          leave Colonel Broadhead to wait for our stores, and the
          attention of most of their Warriors will be upon our
          motions, which will probably make them an easy prey. It
          is what I had in View myself, if I was not otherwise
          employed. I shall be glad to hear of your proceedings
          and success in it.

          I have the pleasure to inform you that my plan of
          securing as I go begins to have its proper effect upon
          several tribes of the Savages already, who have
          earnestly applied to me for peace, but have given them
          no Encouragement yet, and perhaps will not if I am
          properly supported, until they give me substantial
          proofs of their Sincerity. I intend building a Fort at
          Cochocking before I proceed any further, to secure these
          Indians in our Interest, from which I may probably make
          excursions to some of the Hostile Towns; but,
          unfortunately, the time of the Militia I have with me
          will expire the first day of January next, which will
          disappoint all my Schemes, unless I have a fresh Supply
          of men before that time, which I cannot expect from
          these Counties, who have already Exerted themselves so
          much; therefore, as I have Spared yours this time, for
          the security and protection of your own Frontiers, I
          hope and expect you will use your utmost Endeavours to
          procure only two hundred men, properly Officered, armed
          and accoutered, whom I request you will send off the
          first of December at farthest, that they may be up with
          me in time, and that I may not be obliged to relinquish
          any Ground I gain; and must also intreat the time of
          service of your Militia, if possible, may be six Months
          from the Day they arrive at my headquarters, if required
          so long, as short engagements will be of no use in my
          design, and for their encouragement I expect they will
          have the honor of finishing the campaign, and all the
          toil and labor will be over before they come. In hopes
          that you will use [235] your utmost Exertion on the
          occasion to serve your country and yourselves.

                       I am respectfully, sir,
           Your most obt. servt,
                    LACH'N MCINTOSH.

          [COLONEL LOCHRY.]

          I request you will forward the inclosed letter to
          Colonel Piper immediately by express.
                              * * * * * *

                  HEADQUARTERS, FORT PITT, May 10, 1780.

          Dear Sir:‹I find that it will not be in my power to
          provide for the number of men I have ordered to be
          called into service so soon as I expected. Besides, I
          have heard officially that a number of Artillery, Cannon
          and Stores are now on the March to this place, and by
          report, that two Regiments are on their march to
          reinforce my command. I must recommend it to you, and
          all the leading Officers of your county, to excite
          industry in planting and sowing the Summer crops, and to
          have your troops here by the second day of next Month.

          The stroke at Brush Creek was quite unexpected and has
          given me great uneasiness, because I had reason to hope
          that the Country eastward of this place would have
          enjoyed some quiet. But I see the villains are
          determined to perplex us as much as they possibly can.
          The Militia should be drafted for two months, although
          the expedition will probably end in one, and let them be
          as well armed and accoutred as circumstances will admit.
          I request you to encourage them to bring with them two
          weeks allowance of Provisions, lest there should be a
          deficiency. I trust you and all the good people of your
          County are convinced of the necessity there is for
          prosecuting some offensive operations against the
          Savages, and I hope that, being favored by a well-timed
          movement [236] from the new settlements down the river,
          we shall be able to strike a general panic into the
          hostile Tribes. I do not intend to put too much to
          hazard, as a Defeat would prove fatal to the
          Settlements, and therefore expect the full Complement of
          men will be furnished, which alone, with the blessing of
          Divine Providence, can ensure success. Indeed, I expect
          that upon this Expedition many will turn and voluntarily
          to procure to themselves the blessings of Peace. I have
          the Honor to be, with great regard and Esteem,

                  Dear, Sir, your most obedient servant,
                    DANIEL BRODHEAD,
                     Colonel Commanding No. D.

          [COLONEL ARCHIBALD LOCHRY, Lieutenant of Westmoreland County.]

                             * * * * * *

                  HEADQUARTERS, FORT PITT, July 9, 1780.

          Dear Sir:‹I am honored with your favor of this date. I
          am well satisfied with the proposed indulgence to the
          Inhabitants of Turtle Creek Waters until they have
          reaped their harvests of Wheat and Rye; but it will be
          very in convenient to provide for the men at such a
          distance; besides, our magazines are very low, and I
          conceive the inhabitants who wish their protection
          particularly ought to feed them at their own
          expense‹this, I believe has been the usual custom.

          I hear nothing of the sixty men you were ordered to
          draft, which were to receive their supplies from the
          State, and I am desirous to know what has been done in
          regard to that order, for I am so circumstanced with
          regard to resources that my duty will require the
          strictest economy to subsist the troops in Continental
          service. If I can possibly obtain supplies, I shall yet
          make an excursion into the Indian country in time to
          destroy the corn, etc. But I conceive [237] that the
          best method will be to march on horse if they can be

           I am, with much respect and esteem,
                   Your most obedient servant,
                    DANIEL BRODHEAD.


                              * * * * * *

                    FORT PITT, October 8 1782.

          Sir:‹I am honored with your Excellency's two letters of
          the 4th and 18th of September; the last by Mr. Carnaghan
          with the money did not arrive here till the 5th instant.
          This delay and the detachment of General Wayne's
          regiment not coming at the time proposed will
          unavoidably prevent my moving so soon as was intended. I
          have sent an officer Express to meet and hasten General
          Wayne's men, and though I am not certain what day they
          can arrive, take for granted, if at all, they will be
          here before the 20th, and as the business would be
          impracticable later, have fixed on that day to march
          from Fort McIntosh‹a post thirty miles advanced of this
          place. Sixty Rangers are counted to me as part of the
          men for the expedition; these I am not yet informed
          where they are to come from. Three hundred Militia
          ordered by Congress from below the mountain are also
          counted; those are not only so far short of the number,
          but so few of them are fit, or in any manner Clothed or
          Equipped for such service, that most of them would be a
          dead weight or incumbrance; add to this their term of
          service is nearly expired. I must therefore depend
          solely on the few Regulars and what volunteers can be
          raised on this side the Mountain. If about 6oo actually
          assemble, I am determined to make the attempt,
          particularly as I have some reason to hope General
          Clark, will co-operate with us if this last delay does
          not prevent it, as I had concerted measures with him
          that he should [238] attack the Shawnese at the same
          time I did Sandusky. One of the Expresses to him was
          wounded on his way down the river and narrowly escaped
          falling into the enemy's hands. I have sent another to
          him since that time, and a third since I received your
          last dispatches in order to halt him a few days till I
          could get ready. The Estimate will be found in general
          too low, and several things omitted which cannot be
          dispensed with. The calculation for a horse to carry 200
          is too high; however you may depend I will spare no
          pains to have the business done on the lowest terms. I
          have appointed Mr. John Irwin, of Pittsburgh, the
          principal agent. If you should think proper to send any
          money in my absence, you will be so good as to address
          it to him, subject to my orders. It would not be
          possible to procure the supplies in so short a time on
          any other plan than to purchase provision from the
          Volunteers, which they had collected for their own use
          on the original plan of carrying the Expedition. I mean,
          therefore, to order the whole to the place of general
          Rendezvous, there have the whole appraised and pay for
          it in bulk; though some unavoidable waste will take
          place, yet I hope, on the whole, it will come within the
          price the Rations are estimated at. The greatest
          difficulty with me is the uncertainty of the Quantity,
          which cannot be ascertained till the whole is collected,
          but there is no alternative.

          I have the honor to be with great resp ct, sir, your
          Excellency's most obedient servant,

                         WM. IRVINE.

          [His Excellency, WM. MOOR, ESQ.]

                               * * * * * *

                    FORT PITT, April 12, 1782.

          My Dearest Love:‹I received your two letters by Captain
          Craig and Mr. Hughes. I am therefore in arrears in the
          letter way, but the fault is not in me, being extremely
          anxious [239] you of my arrival here, but have not had a
          single opportunity. I had very cold weather, though dry,
          and made a speedy march. Got up the Monday after I left
          you. One of my horses took lame, and I was oblig'd to
          leave him about half-way. Things were in a strange state
          when I arrived. A number of the Country people had just
          returned from the Moravian towns, about 100 miles
          distant, where, Œtis said, they did not spare either age
          or sex. What was more extraordinary they did it in cool
          blood, having deliberated three days, during which time
          they were industrious in collecting all hands into their
          Churches (they had embraced Christianity) where they
          fell on, while they were singing Hymns, and killed the
          whole. Many children were killed in their wretched
          Mother's arms. Whether this was right or wrong I do not
          pretend to determine. Things were still in greater
          confusion nearer home, for on the morning before my
          arrival here a party of Militia attacked some friendly
          Indians, who were not only under our protection, but
          several actually had commissions in our service, at the
          very nose of the garrison on a small island in the
          River, of whom they killed several, and also made
          prisoners of a guard of Continental troops, and sent
          Colonel Gibson a message that they would also scalp him.
          A thousand lies are propagated all over the country
          against him, poor fellow, I am informed. The whole is
          occasioned by his unhappy connection with a certain
          tribe, which leads people to imagine for this reason
          that he has an attachment to Indians in general. However
          false this reasoning may be, yet no reasoning will or
          can convince people to the contrary.

          People who have had Fathers, Mothers, Brothers or
          Children butchered, tortured, scalped by the
          savages‹reasoning very differently on the subject of
          killing the Moravians to what people who live in the
          interior part of the country in safety do‹their feelings
          are very different. Whatever your private [240] opinion
          of these matters may be, I conjure you by all the ties
          of affection, and as you value my reputation, that you
          keep your mind to yourself and that you will not express
          any sentiment for or against these deeds, as it may be
          alleged the sentiments you express may come from me or
          be mine also.

          No man knows whether I approve or disapprove of killing
          the Moravians. I called a meeting of most of the
          principal Militia Officers. They were convened here last
          Friday after long conferences which lasted nearly two
          days. They parted seemingly pleased with the plans I
          proposed to adopt for the protection of the country, and
          promised they would support me. I have also been
          fortunate enough to suppress the mutinous disposition of
          the Troops without Blood-shedding. From all this you
          make yourself easy respecting my personal safety. Some
          people are killed and some taken by the Indians in
          almost every quarter. I lost five of my men a few days
          since, who were wood-cutting and carelessly laid down
          their arms to load the wagon, when a party rushed on
          them. This was at a Fort we have thirty miles down the
          river. Whether my mind may change or not I cannot say,
          but from the state of things at present I would not
          consent for the Universe to your coming up. If your
          sister, Niell, lives in the country this summer and you
          could accomplish taking the children with you, I should
          have no objection to your spending some weeks with her.

                 Yrs affectionately,
                        WM. IRVINE.

                               * * * * * *

                 FORT PITT, December 29, 1782.

          My Dearest Love:‹This day I expected my Express, but
          there is as yet no account of him, but I hourly look for
          him. The Bearer, Mr. Jno. Bull, is an elder of the
          Moravian Indians congregation, who, together with the
          Ministers, Converts, etc., [241] had built a pretty town
          and made good improvements and lived for some years past
          quite in the style of Christian, White people, but were
          last fall taken prisoners by a party of Indians
          commanded by that infamous rascal, Matthew Elliot, and
          carried away to the number of 100 families from their
          fine farms into the Wilderness, where they are starving.
          Mr. Bull is going down to Bethlehem to represent the
          sufferings of his people to the society of Moravians. I
          wish I could appoint a day to be with you, but that is

           I am, my dearest love, yours most affectionately,
                        WM. IRVINE.

           [MRS. IRVINE.]
                              * * * * * *

                PHILADELPHIA, August 26, 1784.

          Sir:‹We understand it is your Intention to contract for
          those Things which will be necessary for the table and
          support of the Commissioners during the Negotiations. We
          are apprehensive of much inconvenience in being supplied
          by a Contractor, and therefore it is our wish that the
          articles which we have noted as necessary, should be
          purchased by Mr. O'Hara, in whom we can Confide. You can
          best judge, sir, whether this will make any material
          differehce in the Expense to the Public. If it will not,
          we hope the Mode we desire will be agreeable to you, and
          that Mr. O'Hara will be enabled to provide the Things
          necessary without a moment's Delay, as the time fixed
          for the Treaty at Stanwix presses hard upon us.

           We have the honor to be, with great respect, sir,
             Your most obed and humble Servts,
                         ARTHUR LEE,

          [The Honorable the Superintendent of Finance.]

                              * * * * * *

             PHILADELPHIA, September 10, 1784.

          Sir:‹The Indian Goods destined for the Westward, and
          which you are now purchasing, you will please to have
          care- [242] fully packed up, marked and numbered and
          placed in some safe and convenient store, to remain
          there till the arrival of my Colleagues, which I expect
          will be to-morrow or next day at farthest. It is my wish
          that you should take charge of them to Fort Pitt and
          Cyahoga, and I make not the least doubt but Colonel
          Atlee and Mr. McClay will agree with me in your
          appointment to this business. I order that they may be
          forwarded with all dispatch; You had better begin to
          engage the necessary Teams immediately. With regard to
          additional Stores to accommodate the Commissioners, it
          will be absolutely necessary that they should be laid
          in. This, however, may be delay'd until the arrival of
          my brother Commissioners, when you shall be furnished
          with a list.

          I am, Sir, your very humble servant,
                    F. JOHNSTON, Commissioner.

          Approved by SAM. ATLEE.

                              * * * * * *

                PHILADELPHIA, August 28, 1784.

          Sir:‹You having assisted the Continental Commissioners
          in procuring the Indian goods so much to their
          satisfaction, has induced the Indian Commissioners on
          the part of this State, to request your assistance in
          obtaining and safe-packing the goods to be provided by
          them. Enclosed you have a list of such as are wanted,
          and must beg you will lose no time in furnishing the
          usual articles therein specified, in order that they may
          be sent, if possible, with the Goods of the Continent.
          The list should have been furnished sooner had we been
          sooner authorized. The Treaty at Fort Stanwix will be
          held the 20th of September next, so that it will require
          your utmost exertions, as many of the articles must be
          made here. A general treaty will be held at Cuyahoga, on
          the bank of Lake Erie, on the 20th of November next, so
          that the articles in the [243] enclosed List No. 1, will
          be equally divided, the one-half only immediately for
          the first Treaty, by which means you will have
          sufficient time to make up such articles as shall be
          required for the second. As the State means to convince
          the natives that she can and will furnish the best
          assortment of Goods, we must beg you will be careful to
          answer her good Intentions in these particulars. Sundry
          little articles, agreeable to List No. 2, will be wanted
          for the accommodation of the Commissioners, who beg you
          will give yourself the additional trouble of furnishing
          the same and having them carefully put up, marked and
          sent on with the Goods. When they are ready to be
          shipped, you will be pleased call upon Captain Joseph
          Stiles, the keeper of the magazine, who will deliver you
          10 quarter Casks of powder for the first Treaty; 10
          other quarter Casks will be ready for the second, and
          likewise delivered you.

             We are, Sir, your h'ble servants,
                       SAMUEL ATLEE,
                   FRANCIS JOHNSTON.

          P. S.‹Captain Stiles will also furnish you with three
          horseman's and one soldier's tent.

                         * * * * * *

                  FORT PITT, December 3, 1785.

          Sir:‹I am sorry to inform your Excellency that this
          country has got a severe stroke by the loss of Colonel
          Lochry and about one hundred (Œtis said) of the best men
          of Westmoreland County, including Captain Stockely and
          his company of Rangers. They were going down the Ohio on
          General Clark's Expedition; many accounts agree that
          they were all killed or taken at the mouth of the Miami
          River‹ I believe, chiefly killed. This misfortune, added
          to the failure of General Clarke's Expedition, has
          filled the people with great dismay; many talk of
          retiring to the East side of the [244]
          Mountains early in the Spring. Indeed, there is great
          reason to apprehend that the Savages and, perhaps, the
          British from Detroit will push us hard in the Spring,
          and I believe there never were Posts nor a County in a
          worse state of defence. Notwithstanding, I am well
          informed there has been sundry meetings of people at
          different places for the purpose of concerting plans to
          emigrate into the Indian country, there to establish a
          Government for themselves. What the result of these
          meetings were I cannot say, and, as I do not intend to
          interfere in Civil matters, have not taken any notice of
          the affair. From what observations I have been able to
          make, I am of opinion there is many obvious reasons why
          no time should be lost in running the line between
          Virginia and Pennsylvania. Civil government will never
          be fairly established till then, nor even the Militia
          drawn out with regularity for their own defence. I have
          no reason, as yet, to complain of the people, for the
          refractory, ungovernable, low manners generally ascribed
          to them. I assure you, sir, my pity for their situation
          is rather excited, than wrath or indignation kindled. I
          have good grounds to believe that the settlements at
          Cantuke and the Falls will break up, in which case, I
          fear, a number of adventurers, who talk of going down to
          New Orleans with flour, will be killed or taken. Council
          may depend that during my stay here, that no exertions
          in my power shall be wanting in everything that may tend
          to the welfare of the State, or protection of the
          Inhabitants, as far as consistent with my duty as an
          officer of the United States. I have the honor to be,
          with great respect,

           Sir, your Excellency's most obedient servant,
                        WM. IRVINE.

          [His Excellency, the President of the State of Pennsylvania.)

                               * * * * * *

              [245] TREASURY DEPARTMENT,
             REGISTER'S OFFICE, March 6, 1792.

          These are to certify that James O'Hara, Esq., late
          Contractor for supplying the army with Provisions, and
          who occasionally acted as Quartermaster of the troops
          and agent for the supply of Indian goods, is not charged
          with any Moneys on the treasury books. That he has from
          time to time settled his accounts in a regular manner at
          the Treasury, and has given general satisfaction to the
          Treasury officers with whom he settled said accounts.

                      JOSEPH NOURSE, Register.

                               * * * * * *

           WAR DEPARTMENT, April 19, 1792.

          Sir:‹The President of the United States, by and with the
          advice and consent of the Senate, has appointed you
          Quartermaster-General in the Army of the United States.
          You will please immediately to signify your acceptance
          or non-acceptance of this appointment. In order that you
          may judge of the pay, rations and emoluments for the
          commissioned and non-commissioned officers and privates
          in the service of the United States, I enclose you the
          Act of Congress relative to the military establishment.

          I am, sir, your humble servant,
                    H. KNOX, Secretary of War.

          [JAMES O'HARA, ESQ.]

                               * * * * * *

                    PITTSBURGH, June 20, 1792.

          Sir:‹I have the pleasure to inform you that the
          Quartermaster-General's Department begins to bear such
          appearance in this country as strengthens my confidence
          in being able to perform the Duties in such manner as
          may be required. The Stores sent by Mr. Knox have
          arrived more expeditiously than I expected and in
          tolerable order; the brass cannon is at [246] length
          received very safe. The conduct of Gist I represented to
          you in Philadelphia, he being there with his wagon. The
          Sheet Iron was delivered in due time, and the Camp
          Kettles are in a fair way of being ready. Every article
          furnished at this place will be of excellent quality. I
          expect some embarrassment in procuring Forage, chiefly
          owing to the very low state of the rivers, but with a
          little exertion I expect to raise the necessary supply.
          I have made such arrangements as was in my power for
          having the necessary magazines and Granaries erected at
          the Western Posts and for having dry Forage laid up, if
          possible; this will depend on the state of the Garrison.
          I cannot make any observations on the deficiencies of my
          department, having no returns of accoutrements, camp
          equipage and other articles, which I am informed are
          already procured, but shall certainly attend to it soon
          as may be in my power. Wishing to continue Major Craig
          as Quartermaster at this post, I have ventured to offer
          him Forty dollars per month, three Rations per day and
          Forage for one horse, which he does not consider a
          sufficient compensation and which I shall not exceed in
          any case without advice. Such Blacksmiths, Carpenters
          and Wheelwrights as ought to be employed as artificers,
          will not engage to serve for less than fifteen or twenty
          dollars per month and extra provision. Good Mechanics
          are indispensably necessary, and as I do not conceive
          myself justifiable in agreeing on such high terms, I
          wish to be instructed on both these cases. I have
          purchased but very few Horses, as having a great number
          on Hand would at present be attended with unnnecessary
          expense. I shall wait for particular orders on this
          Head, as a sufficient Number may be raised in a few days
          notice. The Commander-in-Chief being here I shall not
          trouble you with any observations on the situation of
          our Frontiers, nor do I know that more can be said than
          that we seem to be in pro- [247] found peace, surrounded
          by a cheerful people, possessing all the necessaries of
          life in the greatest abundance and on the most easy
          terms, although not altogether free from apprehension
          that this tranquillity may be again disturbed by
          skulking parties from Lake Erie, or by Muncy Vagabonds.
          I expect to be honored with your commands often as the
          service may require, and I now take the liberty of
          assuring you that no motive nor consideration can
          possibly interfere with the duties of my station, which
          I feel myself most religiously bound to execute
          agreeable to your instructions and my own judgment. A
          few loads of shot is received under Campbell's contract.
          They will not please, being too rough for brass pieces
          and not fair cast; of this they are informed.

                  I have the honor to be, sir,
            Your most obedient humble servant,
                      JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G. ,

          [To the Honorable, the Secretary of War, June 20, 1792.]

                               * * * * * *

                WAR DEPARTMENT, June 29, 1792.

          Sir:‹I have received your favor of the 20th instant and
          I am happy to learn the confidence that you shall be
          able to perform the duties of your Department in a
          satisfactory manner.

          I am really of opinion that Major Craig ought to have
          the pay and emoluments of a deputy
          quartermaster-general. His punctuality, fidelity and
          industry are such as to be of particular importance in
          the place where he is, as he has the charge of receiving
          and distributing all the public stores. I think you may
          engage good mechanics at fifteen dollars, besides extra
          provisions; but they ought to be engaged for two or
          three years, unless sooner discharged. I am glad you
          have not yet purchased many horses. The
          Commander-in-Chief [248] being upon the spot, will
          instruct you upon that and all other parts of your duty.

          The returns of the Tents and Camp equipage is presumed
          to be abundant; a particular return shall be transmitted
          to you, and if there should be any deficiency you will
          either provide them, or require them to be provided

          I shall write to Major Craig about Campbell's shot.

          I am, sir, your humble servant,
                             H. KNOX

                             * * * * * *


                   "TREASURY DEPARTMENT, August 6, 1792.

          "All advances for supplies in the quartermaster's
          department will be made to the (After the first of next
          month.) quartermaster by warrants in his favor from the
          treasury, and he will have to account immediately to the
          treasury for the disbursement of the moneys committed to

          "It will, of course, be necessary for the quartermaster
          to have an attorney or deputy at this place. No
          provision for compensation of a deputy having been made
          it is of necessity that he should depute some person who
          is otherwise in the employ of the government.
          "JN. STAGG,"

                               * * * * * *

              HEADQUARTERS, PITTSBURGH, August 17, 1792.

          Sir:‹I have received the extract of a letter from the
          Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of War,
          relative to the appointment of an attorney or deputy at
          Philadelphia, and [249] the Secretary at War's request
          that such appointment should be immediately made. I
          cannot conceive that the allusion in this Extract can be
          to you in particular, as the Secretary's sentiments on
          this subject were the same several months ago;
          nevertheless, your known Integrity merits my confidence.
          Your industry and knowledge of the mode of doing
          Business in the Publick Offices will no doubt entitle
          you to "such compensation as may be hereafter thought
          reasonable" for such services as you shall tender in
          this line. Inclosed you have a Letter of attorney that
          will enable you to receive the necessary supplies of
          money for my department. The purchases and disbursements
          will be made occasionally, as may be legally ordered.

          I am, Sir, your most humble servant,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

          [SAML. HODGDON, Esq.]

                               * * * * * *

             HEADQUARTERS, PITTSBURGH, August, 17, 1792.

          Sir:‹I am honored with yours of the 7th instant,
          inclosing an extract of a letter from the Secretary of
          the Treasury, respecting the mode of advancing Supplies
          in the Quarter-master's department. In consequence of a
          letter received from Mr. Hodgdon, and my knowledge of
          his integrity, I have forwarded to him a
          power-of-attorney, that he may draw money on my account,
          from the Treasury of the United States, whenever it may
          be considered necessary, after the first of next month.
          This is all I feel myself justifiable in doing on this
          subject at present.

          Mr. Belli's letter, dated Lexington, June the 8th,
          relative to forage, was received and answered in due
          time. I am under no apprehension on account of this
          article, although, on a moderate estimate, the present
          Establishment will require one Hundred Thousand Bushels
          of Grain annually. He [250] applies to me for an
          additional sum of money, as the $25,000 he has received
          is the exact estimation for Purchase of the Cavalry
          Horses. The purchase of Oxen (in which he has been
          successful), the purchase of forage, his expenditures,
          the necessary assistance and other expenses, do require
          that he should be furnished with Ten Thousand Dollars,
          at least. I, therefore, request that this sum of ten
          thousand dollars be placed in the Hands of Colonel
          Hodgdon, who will transmit it to me by the first good

          I find that the Spades and Shovels required in my first
          Estimate have been entirely neglected. They are already
          in demand. I beg they may be forwarded, or part of them,
          as soon as possible. Should the present mode of
          Transporting public stores to this country be continued,
          every branch of the army must suffer not only great
          inconvenience, but their disgrace may be owing to the
          base speculations of a few ungrateful Wagoners, who seem
          to take pride in abusing that indulgence they have so
          often experienced. The high price given for carriage is
          the principal cause of its being so infamously executed.
          It is engrossed by the most insinuating and stowed away
          until they can trip it; or sell out, at two or three
          Guineas the load; then no responsible person will meddle
          with it, having been Witnesses to the tricks of those
          undertaken before; then have I seen Lading pass to the
          fourth hand before it reached this place. The only
          remedy for this growing evil is to reduce the price of
          Carriage twelve per cent.‹viz., change the neat to Gross
          Weight, and cause every fellow who has trespassed to be
          dismissed. The best characters will then engage to
          deliver each load at this place in Twenty-five days, or
          pay four dollars for every day's detention after.

          I am, Sir, your most humble servant,
                      JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. Gen.

          [Honorable Secretary of War.]

                               * * * * * *


              HEADQUARTERS, PITTSBURGH, August 30, 1792.

          Sir:‹I have the honor to inclose you a copy of a letter
          from Captain Haskell, dated at Marietta, the 21st
          instant, stating the disagreeable situation the Troops
          at that Post and Gallipolis are in "for want of
          clothing" and other necessaries.

          Captain Haskell having made no regular returns of the
          Articles wanted, I beg leave to submit to your
          Excellency the necessity of furnishing him with
          temporary relief as soon as the communication will
          admit, as I apprehend that those Posts are not of such
          magnitude as will justify the appointment of
          subordinates in either the Quartermaster, Ordnance, or
          Clothing branch of the staff.

          I am, sir, your most humble servant,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

                               * * * * * *


          HEADQUARTERS, MIAMI VILLAGES, October 5, 1792.

          Dear Sir:‹We arrived here safe on the 30th and in
          tolerable order, and with Extreme difficulty Barbees
          Brigade was prevailed on to go to Greenville for the
          last Escort, his people would not agree to bring any
          flour on their own Horses, the General has, however,
          wrote him by this Express, requesting him to prevail on
          them to load out.

          It is very unfortunate that your new Horses will not be
          able to join this Escort, as it would complete this Post
          for a reasonable time, and I can assure you, that doing
          this after the army moves, will be very critical. I do
          not expect General Barbee can leave Greenville before
          the 9th, and were it possible for you to have him
          overtaken at Recovery by Express, I think [252] he would
          leave a Detachment to bring you on, as you had some
          hopes of being at Greenville on the 10th, the whole
          Detachment could not wait as the army will be again on
          half allowance, notwithstanding all possible dispatch. I
          have ordered Butler to push until he meets you, and
          should this Effort have the desired effect it will be of
          very great importance to the army and to the
          contractors. The Fort goes on rapidly, and I have not
          the least doubt of the General taking up his line of
          march at all events on the 15th.

                        JAMES O'HARA

                               * * * * * *


                  PITTSBURGH, October 19, 1792

          Sir:‹In consequence of a requisition from the
          Commander-in-Chief for a supply of Forage and other
          articles, I take the liberty of representing to you the
          necessity of having the sum of Fifty thousand dollars,
          at least, advanced for the Quartermaster's department
          and transmitted to me, as soon as convenient. Annexed
          you have an estimate of the Expence that will Certainly
          attend the different Articles therein specified.

          By letters of the 21st and 27th of September from Mr.
          Belli, I cannot depend on any considerable assistance
          with Forage from the country of Kentucky. I transmitted
          him ten thousand Dollars yesterday by Major Rudolph,
          being the first good opportunity.

          The Articles of Boats, mentioned in this estimate, may
          appear to you extraordinary, having so great a number
          already on hand; they happen to be all at this place,
          and the Articles required are only to be found at a very
          considerable distance up the river Monongahela, and the
          flat and unwieldy Construction of the Boats preclude
          every idea of ascending the Stream with [253] them. I
          shall, therefore, be oblig'd to procure others, more
          Convenient to the Cargoes. Colonel Hodgdon will wait on
          you, and should the present demand of Fifty thousand
          dollars meet your approbation, he will receive the Money
          as my Agent, and forward it soon as may be in his power.

                 I have the honour to be, sir,
            Your most obedient humble servant,
                       JAMES O'HARA.

                               * * * * * *

             WAR DEPARTMENT, October 26, 1792.

          Sir:‹Your letter of the 19th instant has been received,
          containing a requisition for fifty thousand dollars for
          the objects specified. This request will be considered
          and transmitted to the treasury.

          You will please to transmit to this office immediately a
          return of the pack-horses, oxen, carts and wagons in
          service, and the objects for and places at which they
          are employed. It will also be necessary that you
          transmit the objects for which the five hundred
          pack-horses mentioned in your estimate are destined. Mr.
          Belli, expecting his letter would come through the
          wilderness, transmitted a duplicate open of his letter
          to you of the 21st September, but as you have received
          the first I have retained the duplicate.

          It is necessary that you should monthly transmit to me
          an abstract specifying generally the objects and amount
          of your payments. You will for the past exhibit a
          general abstract. It is not expected that this should be
          precise or accompanied with vouchers, but to serve as a
          general index of the expenditures.

          I am, sir, your very humble servant,
                            H. KNOX.

                               * * * * * *


                PITTSBURGH, December 14, 1792.

          Sir:‹My being absent on several post days past, deprived
          me of the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of the
          9th ult. sooner. Please to accept of my sincere thanks
          for your particular attention to my last requisition for
          money. I am perfectly satisfied with the sum Advanced to
          my agent, as the ease and facility with which it may be
          transmitted appears now so obvious, that I shall
          certainly prefer drawing occasional supplies to having a
          large sum in my possession at one time, and therefore do
          dispense with any further application until necessity
          requires it.
          The whole amount advanced for my department appears, by
          your statement to be One hundred and seven thousand
          Dollars. I am not informed how the Odd seven thousand
          were drawn, but presume they will be accounted for in
          the proper place. Twenty yoke of Oxen, mentioned in my
          return of the 2d of November, are all that have been in
          service. Mr. Belli's letter of the 21st of September
          informs that "some are used at the outposts and some
          engaged in carrying Forage from headquarters to Fort
          Hamilton," and answer very well. I expected to have in
          my power to give you more satisfaction on this subject
          in the course of this Winter; having purchased ten yokes
          for the use of our new camp at Legionville. I never had
          any doubt of their performing well in Draft, but they
          come too high in this country, to purchase more than the
          number necessary for present use. A particular abstract
          of Major Craig's expenditures is now enclosed, by which
          you will be able to form an idea of the charges
          incidental to the department, exclusive of the necessary

          Captain Pryor, with sixteen Indians, three squaws and
          three [255] interpreters, arrived here on the 7th, and
          proceeded on their way to Philadelphia on the 12th, all
          on horseback. I inclose a statement of their Expences
          from Marietta and at this place, which you will find to
          be very extravagant, owing principally to the
          dissipation of the Interpreters, who, I am well
          convinced, will afford you very little satisfaction,
          especially Mayo and Jaco are the greatest Ruffians I
          ever saw, and I am sorry to find that Captain Pryor
          conceives it his duty to indulge them in all their
          excesses at public expence. You have (inclosed) my
          instructions to Mr. Sallender, a French gentleman, well
          recommended, as a proper person to furnish the Indians
          on the road. He is to remain with them in Philadelphia
          or return immediately to this place, as you may think
          proper. The four hundred dollars advanced being
          considered insufficient by Captain Pryor, I gave him one
          hundred more, which he has promised to settle at the war
          office. You will also receive a copy of Mr. Belli's
          letter of the 28th of October, from Fort Washington, all
          his wants regretted in this letter were supplied by
          Major Rudolph, being the first good opportunity.
          Rudolph's pilot is returned, and brings letters late as
          the 14th ult., which you will probably see before this
          reaches you; however, I take the liberty of giving you
          an Extract, which states particularly the number of
          horses we lost on the 6th of November before Fort St.
          Clair. The Commander-in Chief has got his troops very
          comfortably encamped, and the prospect of forage and
          provisions is very favorable. I intend taking the
          advantage of the present open weather, to send off
          fourteen boats loaded with Forage, to Fort Washington;
          my principal motive for pushing on this quantity at this
          uncertain season is, the hopes of making our boats as
          useful as they should be in the Spring; could I preserve
          them, which I apprehend will be so very difficult and
          uncertain, that I am of opinion it will be very proper
          to have twenty new boats ready [256] to launch for the
          reception of the Troops in March, as soon after as may
          be necessary.

              I have the honour to be, your most obedient servant,
                       JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

                               * * * * * *

          HEAD QUARTERS, LEGIONVILLE, February 12, 1793.

          Sir:‹I have been Favor'd with your letter of the 5th
          instant, enclosing a general statement of forage
          purchased, a statement of cash, with an Estimate of
          boats wanted for the ensuing campaign; and have received
          a general return of Quartermaster's stores on hand the
          20th of July, 1792, received since, issued and on hand
          up to the 1st February, 1793. If you have not already
          done it, I have to request that you will transmit a copy
          of it to the Secretary of War the soonest possible. I
          have examined your Estimate of boats, out of the twelve
          that you have calculated for the transportation of 2,000
          men with their Arms, baggage and provisions sufficient;
          we ought not to calculate upon a greater number of men
          than fifty to each boat, and I have seen it demonstrated
          that your large ferry-boat would not carry more than
          twenty horses and men across the Allegheny at one trip,
          with the men and horses all standing up and without
          forage. I should rather suppose it would require twelve
          boats to transport 160 horses and cattle, with the
          riders, drivers and necessary forage, so as not to crowd
          or injure the horses or cattle, and it will certainly
          require at least eight boats for the Artillery
          department. By the best calculation that I can make, it
          will require at least sixty boats, independent of those
          necessary for the Quartermaster's department‹what number
          that may require, you are the best judge. The whole
          amount of the grain part of the forage ought most
          certainly to be procured, and the deficiency in hay to
          be made up by an additional quantity of grain, in the
          proportion of one thousand bushels of Corn for [257]
          every ton of Hay, which is upon the very lowest scale of
          allowance per ration, i.e., 14 pounds of hay and 7
          quarts of corn. Enclosed is a return of articles
          immediately wanted, and which must be forwarded, if
          possible, to-morrow. All our smiths and armourers are
          idle for want of coal; the consumption is, at least,
          equal to five bushels per diem; we have made and used
          upwards of 150 bushels of charcoal besides the stone
          coal; the whole is now exhausted. We shall want 150
          bushels per month. What will be the best mode of
          forwarding the troops under Captain Slough? Their tents,
          if any, may be stored at Pittsburgh; their other baggage
          may be sent by water, and the Detachment to be ferried
          over the Allegheny to-morrow and march the next morning
          early for this place, where they will be immediately
          under cover. You will, therefore, give the necessary
          orders, in addition to those enclosed for Captain

          I am, Sir, your most obedient, humble servant,
                        ANTY. WAYNE.

          [To JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G., Pittsburgh.]

                               * * * * * *

                  LEGIONVILLE, March 26, 1793.

          Sir:‹I have the honor to enclose you an estimate of
          money, absolutely necessary for carrying the orders of
          the Commander-in-Chief into immediate effect; exclusive
          of $18,000 lately drawn by Mr. Hodgdon, being very
          apprehensive that Mr. Belli has involved the department
          at Fort Washington, of which I can make no estimate at
          present. On the 15th inst., I received orders to prepare
          for transporting the whole of the troops to Fort
          Washington. I had not one boat fit for the purpose, at
          that time; however, they shall be ready on the day
          appointed; and the forge will be complete, agreeable to
          the orders of September 10.

          I hope Mr. Hodgden will meet no difficulty in having at
    [258] least $6o,ooo forwarded to me as soon as possible,
          that I may be enabled to furnish the necessary
          transportation and support on your first and best
          principle for ready money only. My accounts for the
          present Quarter, with general returns, will be presented
          at the Treasury by the next post, and in future they
          shall be particularly attended to, agreeable to your

          I have reason to apprehend that the ground on which Fort
          Fayette is erected has not been patented. When this work
          was begun by Major Craig, the property was in the Penns,
          and he informs me that he applied for a performance of
          their moderate terms at the war office, and proceeded
          considering the ground as public property. The lots are
          in George Wood's Plan of the Town of Pittsburgh, numbers
          55, 56, 57, 58, 91, 92, 93 and 94. Should any citizen
          take out Deeds for those lots and persist in their
          right, perhaps five times the purchase money must come
          out of the public treasury for the property by the
          common law. I therefore request that those deeds be
          immediately applied for in the name of the United

          Mr. Anthony Butler is the late Proprietor's present
          agent and has full power to convey.

          I have the honor to be your most obedient and very
                  humble servant, JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

         [The Honourable the Secretary of War.]

                               * * * * * *

                WAR DEPARTMENT, April 6, 1793.

          Sir:‹I have just received your letter of the 26th of
          March last, with the list of articles enclosed, these
          shall be duly considered and application made to the
          Secretary of the Treasury for the necessary funds to be
          placed in your hands. The purchase of the lots on which
          Fort Fayette stands shall [259] be taken into
          consideration and such order taken thereon as shall
          appear to be authorized by the laws.

          I am, sir, your humble servant,
                            H. KNOX,
                   Secretary of War.

          [JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.]

                               * * * * * *

          WAR DEPARTMENT, April 12, 1793.

          Sir:‹I have received your letter of the 6th, inst. You
          will receive in a few days after this letter such
          proportion of the monies you have required to the 1st of
          July, as the Secretary of the Treasury and myself shall
          judge sufficient, with an assurance of a further supply
          from time to time as shall be judged necessary.

          Your deputy, Mr. Belli, is here, and has presented his
          accounts to the treasury for settlement for whatever sum
          he shall produce, proper vouchers will be credited to
          your account. Before you descend the Ohio it will be
          indispensable that your accounts and vouchers to the
          close of the last year, shall be presented to the
          treasury for settlement.

          Major Craig speaks of a balance due Turnbull and Marmie
          for the rent of this magazine, due before your
          administration. This account you will pay if reasonable,
          and charge the same in your account in consequence of
          this order.

          I am, sir, with respect, your very humble servant,

          [JAMES O'HARA, Esq., Quartermaster General.]

                               * * * * * *

          HEADQUARTERS, S. W. BRANCH OF MIAMI, Oct. 23, 1793.

          Sir:‹In obedience to the orders and instructions
          received from the Secretary at War on the 25th of May,
          1792, directing me if there should be any defect in the
          transportation or supplies of provision (on the part of
          the Contractors) to [260] make instant arrangements, at
          the public expense, to remedy the evil, in order to
          prevent any injury to the service. That defect having
          actually taken place as far as relates to the
          Contractor's means of transport, which is not more than
          one-half equal to the daily supplies and the necessary
          deposits ordered in advance at the respective posts and
          garrisons. You, as Quartermaster-General, will
          immediately purchase in behalf of the Public, and add
          250 pack horses and 30 pair of oxen or 6o wagon horses
          to the Contractor's present means of transport, and for
          which this shall be your warrant and authority.

                         ANT. WAYNE.

          [JAMES O'HARA Esq., Q. M. G. of the Legion.]

                               * * * * * *


                  PHILADELPHIA, April 3, 1794.

          Sir:‹I embrace this first opportunity to inform you of
          my progress in forwarding the necessary supplies for the
          Legion for the present year, and of expressing my
          regrets for the unavoidable delay attending it, being
          well aware of your solicitude for the regular support of
          the Army. I could not, with propriety, receive money nor
          permission to purchase until a few days ago, the
          Appropriation Bill having passed into a law, the
          business was immediately attended to by the Secretary of
          War and the Treasury. The stores and articles required
          to be taken from this place are now preparing, and those
          required from the Western country shall be forwarded
          agreeable to the enclosed schedules regular as possible.
          The sheet of bar iron, stationery and tents are under

          Enclosed you will receive a general estimate of money
          required for use of the Quartermaster Department for the
    [261] present year, to which no kind of objections has
          been made. Of this I have this day drawn $30,000. One
          half I send Mr. Belli by Mr. Carpenter; the remainder I
          shall also send on in a few days. You have been informed
          of the fate of the Army Bill in Senate, it is again
          brought forward and certain means will be adopted to
          complete the Legion, at least the old and obstinate
          opposition becoming more and more confounded, and the
          spirit to stimulate daily increasing, the effects that
          those changes may produce will be indebted to the
          universal approbation of your proceedings in the Indian

          The Secretary of War informed me yesterday that he had
          received returns of Hospital and Military stores
          required and that they should be immediately ordered.
          The clothing is in a very fair way, and five months pay
          is preparing at bank. I will go on in the course of next
          week. My accounts being before the Comptroller free from
          all appearance of difficulty, I hope to get from this
          place in ten days, and as procuring and purchasing
          supplies on the Ohio will require some time to meet your
          Excellency's particular commands, either to attend to
          the execution of that duty or repair to the Army with
          such other Orders as you may think necessary, would
          relieve me from great anxiety in case of active
          operations. I wish to be with you, otherwise I may be
          well employed elsewhere until your supplies are better
          secured. We daily wait the pleasure of hearing from you,
          in the meantime you may be assured that every thing in
          my power shall be done to support the department and
          accommodate the Legion.

           I have the honor to be sir, your most obedient servant,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

                               * * * * * *

    [262] HEADQUARTERS, GREENVILLE, June 29, 1794.

          Sir:‹Since my letter of the 25th inst., I have received
          despatches and papers from the Secretary of War down to
          the 4th of this month; the intelligence therein
          mentioned will require some artillery and stores, which
          together with all such articles as may be necessary in
          your department must be forwarded the soonest possible.
          All the packhorses and cattle belonging to your
          department and that of the Contractor's, may be
          forwarded under the escort that is directed to be formed
          at Fort Washington in the course of three or four days,
          viz.: all the soldiers in that garrison fit for active
          service that can possibly be spared, the regular
          Dragoons under Captain Thomas Lewis and Cornet Blew, all
          the volunteers that Captain Kibby can bring forward
          agreeably to his instructions and ready to advance with
          the Convoy on or before the 5th of July; to these will
          probably be added twenty Choctaw Indians, who are now on
          their way to Head-Quarters, and who had arrived at
          Lexington on the 21st inst. You will probably have to
          purchase horses or good ox teams for the artillery and
          Tumbrils, which must be loaded with shot and shells
          agreeably to the invoice with which Captain Henley will
          be furnished; these last articles are to come forward
          under the immediate escort of Major General Scott; who
          you will please to furnish with four Harremen's tents
          and thirty common tents, and with forty packhorses,
          taking receipts for the same to be accounted for at the
          close of the campaign. All the horses belonging to both
          your own and the Contractor's departments are, and will
          be, fully employed in front.

          Great caution must be observed in the next escort and
          convoy, as it would appear that the enemy are meditating
          a serious blow at some quarter. The opinion of our red
          allies is that they are now advancing to attack the

    [263] I had sent out three select parties, composed of
          Indians and spies, in order to take prisoners and make
          discoveries of the situation, force and design of the
          enemy, two of these parties are yet out. The other,
          consisting of forty-five Choctaws and ten of our best
          spies, were drove back to camp yesterday, by vastly
          superior numbers, according to the Choctaws account, who
          lost one of their people at a place called Girtey's
          Town, on the St. Mary's, thirty miles advanced of this
          place, in a direct line towards Grand Glaize, and a few
          miles to the east of Fort Recovery, for which post Major
          McMahon marched this morning, at reveille, with a good
          detachment, having under his escort a large number of
          horses loaded with supplies. Perhaps the enemy may
          endeavor to prevent his progress, in that case his
          orders are to charge and cut his way through them to
          Recovery, regardless of number.

          Then I shall endeavor to draw the attention of the enemy
          from our escort in the rear, and to create a jealousy
          for their own safety, as well as for that of their women
          and children. In the return you will give directions for
          improving every moment in forwarding corn to Fort
          Hamilton by every possible means. It would also be
          necessary to purchase a reserve of at least three
          hundred packhorscs, to be ready in Kentucky at a
          moment's warning. Apropos, the war has assumed so new
          and so serious a complexion as not to admit of Mr.
          Belli's absence in furlough; on the contrary, he ought
          to remain at Fort Washington, and you ought to be with
          the Legion, together with an able assistant; you have
          nobody at this place but the most trifling thing, whose
          utmost stretch of abilities will not reach across the
          You will please to inform the Contractor that his means
          of transport at this place is not half adequate to the

          I also hope and trust that your own will be at least
          double [264] to what it now is at Greenville. Wishing
          you a speedy and safe arrival,

          I am, Sir, your most obedient and humble servant,
                        ANTY. WAYNE.
          [To JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. General.]

                               * * * * * *

              HEADQUARTERS, GREENVILLE, July 26th, 1794.

          Sir:‹Yesterday I received yours, dated the 11th June,
          which I presume was wrote on the 11th inst. Garner's
          dispatches have not yet come to hand. I have no
          objections to your progress in procuring Forage, and
          wish it all safe at Fort Washington; you are informed
          before this time of the ample state of our granaries,
          and in order to relieve you from the trouble of
          forwarding corn in the dry season, you will please to
          purchase no more for this country until further notice.
          I wrote you on the 14th and 21st, wherein I complain of
          want of bags, and of the delay of Sundry Articles of the
          department, which I expect will be remedied as soon as
          possible. My calculation respecting the volunteers was
          perfectly right, Upwards of 1,500 are now actually
          cooperating with the Legion. General Scott arrived
          yesterday, and a forward move will be made in two days.
          Since my last several reconnoitering parties have
          returned from the Towns. Mr. Wells, one of our Spies,
          and his small party, brought in a Pocotawatomi, who was
          in the action of the 30th June; annexed you have the
          purport of his information; he was taken at Grand
          Glaize, July 21st, 1794, and being examined, says that
          by every account of the Delawares from Roche de Bout,
          the British have from fifteen to twenty pieces of Cannon
          at that place. That the British called upon all the
          Indian Nations to bring on all their warriors, and that
          they would bring more British soldiers than they could
          bring Warriors altogether. This was one moon before the
          action at Fort Recovery. The Indians having prepared
    [265] for war told the British to raise their Strong Arm
          and come on; their answer was to proceed and go on
          before, and they would wait with their Strong Arm to
          strike the Americans who were expected to come the other
          way, and strike them in the rear after the Indians would
          go to the war. That at the attack made on Fort Recovery
          on the 30th of June, there were of the Shawnese 160
          warriors, Delawares 160, Wyandots 130, Six Nations 100,
          Pocotawatomies 40, Thawas 170, Chippewas 700, Miamis 78,
          Eel River 8‹86‹1,654, and in addition to them 650 had
          joined them after they were beat. Mathew Elliot and
          young McKee, a British officer, brought on four
          Matrosses and Ammunition, to batter the Fort, as soon as
          they could find the Cannon, that were hid by the Indians
          after General St. Clair's defeat, but were disappointed,
          as the cannon had been taken away. That the great man of
          Canada ordered them to go and take the first Fort and
          pass on and take all to the river, to overset General
          Wayne's army and roll them into the Ohio. The Indians
          thought their numbers equal to the Task, but were soon
          convinced of their mistake. He cannot tell the number of
          Indians killed before Fort Recovery; the Indians carried
          off all their dead, except a few that lay too near the
          fort, in the course of the night after the Assault. He
          only saw of the killed nine Shawnese, six
          Pocotawatomies, ten Chippewas, two Wyandots and about
          sixteen Tawawas‹the latter suffered most. There was a
          great number of Wounded carried off on horseback, and a
          number on biers, who are since dead. The Chippewas and
          Tawawas, and all the other Nations secrete their dead,
          nor do they like to talk of them, nor let one nation
          know how many another had lost. The Chippewas and
          Tawawas put their wounded in Boats at Grand Glaize, and
          went off immediately by water, disgusted and angry with
          the Shawncse, whom they suspected of having fired on
          their rear whilst attacking the Fort, they were jealous
          of the other Nations [266] and all the other Nations
          were jealous of them in consequence of mutual reproach
          for bad conduct during the engagement.

          The Shawnese, Delawares and Miamis are very uneasy for
          their situation; the general opinion was they would be
          obliged to abandon their Country, as they cannot expect
          any further assistance from the Chippewas or Tawawas;
          their attention is totally absorbed in attending to the
          safety of their women and children, whom they were
          determined to move off (as soon as the army advanced) to
          Detroit, and up the Bear Creek branch of the Miami.

          That the fort, built by the British at Roche de Bout, is
          a plain Stockade, comprehending all McKee's houses and

          Being present at the examination of this prisoner, I am
          of opinion that his answers to the General's queries
          were very candid. He was taken within sight of the house
          at Au Glaize; he was the seventh on hand. A variety of
          circumstances correspond to confirm a belief that the
          Indians must have sustained very considerable loss in
          Warriors. Before Fort Recovery three bodies have been
          found in the Woods, making the number thirteen, and the
          information of the Pocotawatami is corroborated in some
          measure from other quarters. My prospect of supporting
          the Quartermaster Department with general approbation
          are very flattering; the Legion and auxiliaries are in
          good spirits and well supplied, and you may be perfectly
          assured that we shall be in possession of Grand Glaize
          and Roche de Bout before the 15th of next month.

          July 27th.‹The General beats to-morrow morning instead
          of the Reveille‹the whole army is ready to move in the
          most complete order at sunrise, and you may expect to be
          informed of an end being put to the business of war in
          this quarter and of Simcoe's (Governor of Canada.)
          retrograde or defeat by my next letter.

                         I am, etc.,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

    [267] It is a fact that upwards of twenty of our
          Chickasaws fell in with the rear of the enemy and killed
          a number undiscovered.
          [To ISAAC CRAIG, ESQ., July 26, 1794.]

                               * * * * * *

             HEADQUARTERS, GRAND GLAIZE, Sept. 11, 1794.

          Sir:‹The enclosed letter to Elliot & Williams, with its
          enclosures will show you the present disagreeable and
          critical situation of the army, and the measures that I
          have been compelled to adopt, in order to hold
          possession of the country and prevent a famine.

          After perusing those letters, which are necessary for
          your information, you will seal and deliver them to Mr.
          Elliot. I much fear that he has been deceived by his
          Agents as to Cattle, Horses, etc.; if upon a free
          communication with him you find this to be the case and
          that he cannot throw in the supplies demanded, in the
          course of four weeks from and after the 10th instant,
          you are then, in behalf of the United States, to make
          the necessary purchases of Cattle, Horses, etc., in
          order to supply the defect, of which you will keep a
          separate and fair account, to be settled at the treasury
          with the Contractors at a future day. In the interim you
          will forward as great a quantity of whiskey as
          practicable, as the public are greatly in arrears with
          the Legion, and volunteers with the Legion in
          particular, who have been, on half allowance of flour
          for five weeks past and for these fifteen days on
          constant fatigue in rendering Fort Defiance impregnable
          to the force of Artillery and for which I have promised
          them, by way of a small compensation, one gill of
          whiskey per diem per man, when on this necessary fatigue
          and on short allowance.

          I expect to march from this place on the 13th and to
          reach the Miami village on the 18th, in the evening, if
          not attacked by the combined force of the Enemy, whose
          long [268] silence and great prospects of a powerful
          re-inforcement from the Lakes renders that event not
          improbable, add to this that our force will be much
          reduced by the absence of General Barbee's brigade and
          the garrison of Defiance; we shall, however, push hard
          for victory.

                       Interim, I am your most
                       Hum. serv't.,
                        ANTY. WAYNE.

          [COL. JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.]

                               * * * * * *

          FORT WASHINGTON, Oct. 16, 1794.

          Sir:‹I had the honor to write you from Greenville by
          Captain Gibson on the 18th, informing your Excellency of
          my great disappointment in finding the Horses on the way
          to Headquarters, to be under the one-fourth part of the
          number expected. General Barbee having but 38 instead of
          300, and only 144 by Captain Gibson, instead of 400 as
          reported to you, on the 9th by Express and of the
          surprising deficiency of flour at Greenville, being
          44,000 Rations instead of 120,000 by the same report. At
          Fort Hamilton the state of the Wagons was as suspected,
          not one to be found, nor the least information
          respecting them.

          On my arrival here yesterday morning I met Mr. George
          Wilson, the Contractor's principal agent, setting out
          for Headquarters, and wasted the remainder of the day in
          prevailing on him to postpone this extraordinary
          journey, and in fruitless Altercations Notwithstanding
          the most liberal, pointed and repeated orders from Mr.
          Elliot, and the most solemn promises on his part, to
          have 500 Pack-horses at this place on the 1st instant,
          to continue purchasing until further orders, and to have
          1200 Head of Cattle on the 15th. He has deceived his
          employers and involved the Army in a very serious scene
          indeed. He has not one Beef nor satisfactory information
    [269] respecting any, and only one hundred Horses at
          this place; and his apologies are if possible more
          criminal than his delinquencies. He asserts, that he had
          received neither instructions nor funds for any such
          purposes. That the contractor's bill had not credit.
          That Bank notes would not pass. That the price of Horses
          was too high, and on each of these ungenerous
          subterfuges being clearly confuted by my certain
          knowledge of the reverse, and after my offer of money
          and personal assistance to support the Contract
          agreeable to your requisitions, he concluded by
          declaring that the Horses could not be got in the state
          of Kentucky by any means whatever. The most favorable
          construction that can be put on this man's conduct is,
          that he has fallen into the fashionable error of
          thinking for others, and that the Army must return to
          Fort Hamilton and this Post, but his arrangements are
          deficient even in this case. On perceiving that I had
          determined to have five hundred Horses immediately
          brought forward for the Contractors, Mr. Wilson offered
          his service and actually promised to procure them in
          fourteen days, or, "in as short time as any man living

          This inconsistency induced me to inform him that he
          could no longer be confided in, being alone culpable for
          all the consequences of his deception and neglect. An
          Express was dispatched on my arrival to forward a number
          of cattle, said to be at George Town. I shall receive
          two hundred horses on the 18th which shall be kept in
          motion; the purchase of these Horses was deferred, that
          they might not interfere with the first purchase ordered
          by the Contractors. One hundred were this day collected
          and sent to load at Hamilton, to proceed to
          Headquarters; this is all the visible means of
          assistance in my power at present, but I beg you to be
          perfectly assured that not one moment shall be omitted
          in removing your present Anxiety‹of which I am very
          sensible‹and of relieving my- [270] self from very
          uncommon perplexity. The wagons I have engaged to load
          and start from Hamilton on the 20th, having ensured them
          regular Escorts.

          In order to keep the business of the contract as
          separate from my department as possible, I have
          furnished Mr. Wilson with money to assist my Agents in
          the purchase of five hundred Horses for the Contractors,
          and have instructed them in such a manner as cannot fail
          of success.

          Mr. Samuel Culberson, one of the Contractor's agents,
          has charge of the horses now setting off. I expect he
          will be at Recovery on the 22d, and will give you all
          the candid information in his power, relating to the
          subject of this letter, having heard the disputes and
          equivocations to which it alludes. The state of
          provisions at the different Posts were October 12th, at
          Fort Adams, 6oo lbs. flour, and 2 head of cattle. At
          Fort Recovery, as stated by Lieut. Drake, Oct. 13th, at
          Greenville, 720 lbs. flour and 20 cattle. At Fort St.
          Clair, 48 bbls. of flour, 30 lbs. of beef. 14th, at Fort
          Hamilton, 3,500 barrels and 1,300 kegs flour. The 15th,
          at Fort Washington, 1,000 barrels of flour and 40
          barrels salt.

                    I am Sir, Obt. Hbl. Servt.
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.


                               * * * * * *

        HEADQUARTERS, MIAMI VILLAGES, October 17, 1794.

          Messrs. ELLIOT and WILLIAMS.

          Gentlemen :‹As contractors for supplying the Legion and
          the Western posts, you are to make immediate and
          effectual provision for 3,640 daily issues of complete
          rations until the first day of January, 1795,
          inclusively of 327,600 rations of good and wholesome
          provisions always in advance. The meat kind to be well
          and carefully salted and cured and the whole properly
    [271] housed and stored in the following proportions,
          places and deposits, viz.

          Daily Issues Rations
          1st at Fort Washington           300        27,000
          2d at Fort Steuben               100         9,000
          3d at Fort Massac                100         9,000
          4th at Fort Knox                 100         9,000
          5th at Fort Hamilton             100         9,000
          6th at Fort St. Clair             6o         5,400
          7th at Fort Jefferson             6o         5,400
          8th at Greenville              1,500       135,000
          9th at Fort Recovery             100         9,000
          10th at Fort Adams                6o         5,400
          11th at the Miami Villages                  54,000
          12th at Fort Defiance (Grand Glaize)         2,700
          13th at Pique Town, (Chilacothe) 100           900
          14th at Lormies' Stores, N. Branch60         5,400
          15th at the old Tawa towns       100
          Au Glaize                        100         9,000

          Total 3,640 daily issues, and in advance 327,600.

          You will please to observe that none of the posts on the
          waters of the upper parts of the Ohio are mentioned,
          because the late commotions in the vicinity of
          Pittsburgh may eventually occasion material alterations,
          therefore, you will receive orders from the Secretary of
          War with respect to rations at those posts. The season
          for curing provisions being now arrived, you have not
          one moment to lose in making the necessary arrangements.
          The general interest of the United States, the security
          of the Frontier Inhabitants and the retention of the
          posts and Country we have recently acquired, as well as
          your own interest and reputation, depend upon your
          punctual and faithful compliance with these orders [272]
          and instructions. Hence I have thought it my duty to
          direct and order the Quartermaster-General, Colonel
          O'Hara, to supply any defect that may appear or happen
          upon your part and at your expense in behalf of the
          United States, to be settled at the Treasury at a future
          day; and he is furnished with a copy of this letter
          accordingly. With a sincere hope, wish and desire that
          you may be able to comply with those orders in due

                    I am, gentlemen,
           Your most obedient, humble servant,
                      ANTHONY WAYNE.

                               * * * * * *

          CAMP SITE OF THE MIAMI VILLAGES, October 18 1794.

          Sir:‹I have a moment only in which to inclose a return
          of the provisions on hand this day and to tell you that
          Laselles brother has been here and carried him off
          yesterday. I received him in the double Capacity of Spy
          and negotiator, being suffered to go at large. He
          witnessed the retreat of the volunteers and
          reconnoitered our Camp and fortifications. He gave us
          much good talk with apparent sincerity and is sanguine
          in his expectations of peace. The great exception which
          I make to him is on the score of his talks, which were
          all too good. The strongest circumstance picked out of
          him was that Simcoe, McKee and Brandt, with 100 Mohawks,
          landed at the post Miami on the 30th inst., direct from
          Niagara, and proceeded from thence with all the chiefs
          of this route to a grand Council now acting at the mouth
          of the Strait. Of what is this indicative? Peace or War?
          I say the latter, else why Brandt and his warriors. It
          appears to me that the pursuit of Peace by this route is
          not only enormously expensive but will eventuate in
          disappointment. Recollect that the transport of Army
          supplies by land has its limit, beyond which
          practicability ceases, and that the savages have [273]
          behind them great space in which to retire before us. It
          would in two years produce a saving of one million of
          dollars and secure the object sought, did the government
          now determine to abandon this Route and put their whole
          force by Presqu' isle. You may have peace by the
          mediation of the British or by expelling them from the
          territory of the Miami. This last is the only mode in
          which to break the shackles in which the savages are now
          held. Here are some crude ideas for you and how do you
          like them? I will thank you very much if you will be so
          good as to order six tons of good Hay to be procured for me.
          Dear sir, yours,
           J. WILKINSON.

         [COLONEL O'HARA.]

                               * * * * * *

         HEADQUARTERS, MIAMI VILLAGES, October 10, 1794.

          Sir:‹The unfortunate death of Mr. Robert Elliott, the
          acting contractor at this crisis, will render more
          defective and greatly derange that department, already
          but too defective and deranged; so much so as to hold up
          nothing but famine to the army and the western Posts.
          Under this alarming situation and circumstance and the
          pressure of famine hard upon us, it becomes my duty to
          remedy those defects without a single moment's loss of
          time in the best manner possible. You will therefore
          proceed to Fort Washington immediately, visiting the
          respective Posts on the way, taking an invoice of the
          stores belonging to the Contractors at each place and at
          Fort Washington, together with the means of transport,
          forwarding without a moment's delay as great a supply of
          flour, salt and cattle as every means of transport in
          your own department, as well as that of the contractors
          will enable you to do, for which purpose I have ordered
          a detachment of Dragoons and riflemen under the command
          of Captain Gibson as far as Greenville to escort the
          convoy to this place. You [274] are not unacquainted
          with the small stock and state of provisions at this
          place‹say, eight days rations only, hence the
          indispensable necessity of dispatch. I will furnish you
          with a particular list of Posts and the quantum of
          supplies requisite for each by the first favorable
          opportunity; and for the present only mention in gross
          the rations necessary for the army from Fort Washington
          to the head of the line until the first of April next,
          viz., 555,000 complete rations, which will be three
          months in advance, exclusive of the daily issues; but
          should the Legion be completed, it will require at least
          800,000 rations up to that day, by which time it is to
          be presumed proper arrangements will be made at the
          treasury for the regular supply of the Army. You will
          please to keep fair and particular accounts with the
          Contractors in behalf of the public of all expenditures
          made for the supply of this Army, and if upon obtaining
          all the returns or invoices of provisions and stores
          belonging to the contractors from this Post to Fort
          Washington, inclusive, you should find any deficiency,
          you are immediately to supply the defect by purchase of
          horses, cattle, flour, etc., as may be found deficient
          in the Contractor's department, which you will make in
          behalf of the public and for which this shall be your
          warrant. You will please to consult with the
          Contractor's principal agent upon this interesting
          subject and show him their instructions, offering him at
          the same time every assistance in your power to enable
          him to comply with the Contract of his principals, but
          you are not to relax in obtaining the supplies whenever
          you discover a deficiency; let me hear from you upon
          this interesting subject the soonest possible.

          Wishing you every possible success, I am with sincere esteem,

            Your most obedient humble servant,
                     ANTHONY WAYNE.

         [COLONEL JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.]

                               * * * * * *

     [275] CINCINNATI, October 23, 1794.

          Sir:‹I had the Honor to write you on the 17th, by Pierce
          & Butler Express, informing your Excellency of the state
          I found the business of the Contractors on my arrival
          here, and my prospects of further supplies for the Army,
          which I hope you received. I shall have 200 very good
          Horses start this morning for Greenville with corn, 100
          of the Contractors with flour, and upwards of 100
          beeves, purchased by Mr. Wilson on his way to Kentucky,
          having yet heard of no part of his former purchases
          being on the way. Enclosed you have part of the
          correspondence that took place with the agent of the
          Contractors on his departure to Kentucky, by which you
          will perceive the difficulty that subsists in
          transacting this business, and of my arrangements for
          forcing forward the provisions. Mr. Day is the only
          agent present, he generally answers all my inquiries and
          requisitions by sublime strictures on men and measures,
          he writes to your Excellency by this opportunity. The
          clothing ordered on the 4th is safely arrived and stored
          at Fort Hamilton, in complete order, and the whole may
          be taken to Greenville by the wagons next trip, being in
          all thirty-three loads at 1,500 each. Should your
          Excellency approve of this most convenient and speedy
          method of transporting the clothing, the return of the
          wagons must be engaged by the Quartermaster, and such
          escort as you may please to order, made known to the
          owner; this will not be interfering with the business of
          the contractors, being of the terms agreed on between
          Mr. Elliott and myself on their second trip from
          Hamilton. As the Beef ordered for the Miami village and
          for Fort Defiance, which will require 300 head, is not
          ready, nor a sufficient number of Horses, which ought to
          be 400, and as I presume your Excellency intends that
          the whole should go under one escort, I have directed
          the public horses to return to Fort Hamilton [276] for
          another Cargo of Corn, the contractors may load with
          flour until the Cattle arrives. The Contractors have at
          this moment about 300 Horses on the line fit for
          service, should it appear to you that the number of 500
          ordered in addition, is more than will be necessary I
          beg to be informed, as the purchase may yet be
          curtailed, and be assured that your further orders shall
          be most cheerfully executed.

                     I am with sincere esteem,
           Your Excellency's obedient servant,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

                               * * * * * *

                 CINCINNATI, October 29, 1794.

          Sir:‹I received yours of the 18th with packet for the
          Secretary of War, and for the Contractor, late last
          evening, by a Sergeant of Dragoons, who cannot account
          for the uncommon delay of those dispatches, which I
          apprehend will in some measure interfere with your
          Excellency's orders respecting the convoy that ought to
          advance from Greenville by the route of Girty's Town;
          however, I am in hopes that Major Buell has received
          your instructions in due time to support that

          I had the honor to write you on the 17th by Butler &
          Pierce, and on the 23d by Campbell Express from this
          place, and having heard of neither since their
          departure, I enclose you a copy of my last, no material
          addition being since made, either in beef or means of
          transportation. You have enclosed a copy of a letter
          from Mr. George Wilson, the Contractor's agent, dated on
          the 20th, at Lexington. The cattle and horses promised
          by this letter are yet expected, one small drove of
          Cattle having only arrived on the 23d, which joined
          those mentioned in my letter of that date. He is
          mistaken in his statement of the number of horses on
          hand the 17th instant, fit for service, which Mr.
          Culberson, Superintendent of the Contractor's horses,
          can clearly explain.

    [277] The mysterious and obstinate conduct of the
          Contractor's agent, and of Mr. Day in particular, who
          has assumed the sole control of that department, renders
          my present situation extremely disagreeable and
          delicate. It appears very evident that he wishes no
          supplies to be furnished in front of Fort Hamilton; he
          on the most ungenerous, ill-founded and avowed
          prejudices, not only refuses to give the least
          information respecting his arrangements and
          prospects,but also endeavors to move on such supplies as
          were in his power, without my knowledge, and
          consequently irregular; protesting against all
          interference that has been or may be attempted, relative
          to the business of the contract, and instructs others to
          do so likewise. I take the liberty of annexing an
          extract of his orders to Mr. Carousay, Agent and
          Commissary at Fort Hamilton, per example:

          "Remember well that if no Arrangement is made in writing
          by Mr. Elliott, signed for that purpose by his own hand,
          you are not to suffer a wagon to carry Whiskey for any
          man; nor are you on any pretence whatever to make any
          arrangement with the Quartermaster-General or any one of
          that department; each Department takes its chance." The
          teams here alluded to are the private property of the
          people who drive them, who had (as you have been already
          informed) quit carrying to Greenville, and were
          dispersed before my arrival here on the 15th, and were
          prevailed on by my interference to rejoin that business.
          In order to accommodate the contractors, and prevent
          disorder in engaging the teams (then upwards of sixty in
          number), I had made a former agreement with Mr. Elliott,
          that the whole should be employed in their name,
          reserving a right to load ten each trip from Fort
          Hamilton, and to have the one-half for one trip only if
          it should be necessary, an order in Mr. Elliott's
          handwriting, directing Mr. Carousay to have the number
          mentioned given, for use [278] of the public, was last
          evening presented to Mr. Day, but was not sufficiently
          explicit to justify his permitting "the thing to be
          done." As Mr. Day must be convinced that all the wagons
          employed might be immediately engaged by the
          Quartermaster, it must also be his object, in order to
          add to his catalogue another apology for the
          deficiencies at the outposts. As this is their principal
          mode of transporting flour at present, I shall give up
          my claim to any part of the teams, and endeavor at the
          same time to prevent any ill consequences from attending
          the disappointment of the department. Your Excellency's
          letter of the 17th instant, containing your orders to
          the contractors, requiring supplies of provisions for
          the different posts, was handed to Mr. Day last evening,
          copy of which I had received enclosed. I am not yet
          informed whether these orders are transmitted to Mr.
          Wilson or not, but this must be done. I have not
          received any further information respecting the invalid
          Dragoon Horses, but shall certainly attend to your
          orders on that point without delay. I have procured good
          pasture and forage at Columbia, in order to have them
          recruited, and shall dispose of them as may be judged
          most beneficial to the public and to the service. Your
          Excellency's orders respecting the escort are very
          agreeable, and will be properly applied. I now wait for
          the waters to rise to carry your very eligible plan of
          navigating the Miami to the Picquee Town into execution.
          Should this soon take place, the clothing being in
          handkerchiefs and large bales, may be transported in
          that way. Should it meet your approbation, and having
          directed the public teams to be filled up, they may be
          employed from Greenville to the landing to the best

                 I have the honor to be, etc.,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

                               * * * * * *

     [279] CINCINNATI, November 2, 1794.

          Sir:‹Enclosed you will receive further fair promises
          from Mr. Wilson. All communication with Mr. Day on
          public business being at an end, I cannot give the least
          information respecting the state of the provisions on
          the way, but I apprehend it remains, as I have
          endeavoured to represent to your Excellency by my
          letters of the 23d and 3oth ultimo.

          The Horses ordered to be purchased in Kentucky will
          certainly be on very soon, and if any faith or credit
          remain due to the positive language of Mr. Wilson's
          enclosed letter, a large drove of Cattle must be also
          on, and shall move forward without loss of time.

          By letters from Pittsburgh I find that John Wilkins &
          Co. are the Contractors for next year, the provision to
          be delivered at Fort Pitt and Washington, of which I
          expect you are officially informed. This circumstance I
          hope will be a means of relieving me from a situation
          which has become intolerable, as the new contractors may
          operate with the old if necessary, especially after the
          first of January. The prospect of navigating the Miami
          has become very fair by the present cloudy appearance of
          the weather, and will be attempted as soon as an escort
          will be ready for that purpose.

                        I have the honor to be
          Your Excellency's most obedient and humble servant,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.


                               * * * * * *

            FORT WASHINGTON, November 8, 1794.

          Sir:‹I had the pleasure to write you on the 2d inst.,
          covering a letter of Mr. George Wilson's from Lexington,
          containing a flattering prospect of an immediate supply
          of Beef, which has not yet arrived. I have a number of
          boats now under way for Still Water, loaded with Corn
          and Whiskey; [280] they are bound to take in the
          clothing at Fort Hamilton should your Excellency please
          to order it on that way. The whole will rendezvous at
          that Post in four or five days, and must there wait your
          pleasure respecting the clothing and such escort as you
          may please to order.

          Should the difficulty of transporting the clothing from
          the mouth of Still Water to Greenville (which will
          require thirty wagons) induce you to defer ordering it
          by water, the private team may be engaged as proposed by
          my letter of the 23d. On their arrival at Headquarters,
          which will be about the 17th, the corn, being very
          portable, may go on; an extra escort will be wanted even
          then, which I hope will be at Fort Hamilton soon as
          possible or orders for the quartermaster to have the
          boats immediately discharged. I expect the honor of
          writing you with more satisfaction in a few days.

                          I am, Sir,
                  Your most obedient and humble servant,
                        JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.


                           * * * * * *

             CAMP, ROSTRAVE TOWNSHIP, November 8, 1794.

          Sir:‹Information has been received that Mr; Elliott, one
          of the Contractors, has been lately killed by the
          Savages; and Mr. Williams, his partner, has represented
          that this, without the aid of your department, may
          embarrass the measures for furnishing and forwarding the
          supplies required by the Commander-in-Chief. As it is
          all-important that these supplies should be duly
          furnished and conveyed to the respective posts, I must
          request and advise that you will co-operate in the
          article of transportation as far as may be necessary.
          For this purpose you will understand yourself with the
          Agents of the Contractors, ascertain what they can or
          cannot do, and endeavor to supply what may be deficient.
          In doing this [281] you will, of course, keep and
          furnish such a record and statement of the aid you give
          as will enable the United States to make the proper
          charges against the Contractors, who are bound by their
          contract to transport as well as to procure and issue
          the provisions. It is understood that in the course of
          the Campaign similar aids have been, from time to time,
          given by your department. Of these, also, the Treasury
          ought to have as accurate a view as is practicable;
          otherwise the public will have to pay doubly for
          transportation‹first in the price of the rations to the
          contractors, and secondly, in the expense of that which
          you furnish in aid of them.

          With consideration, etc., I am, your obt. servant,
                ALEXANDER HAMILTON.

          [JAMES O'HARA, Esq., Quartermaster-General.]

                           * * * * * *

          FORT WASHINGTON, November 9, 1794.

          Sir:‹I am honored by yours of the 6th instant, and
          highly flattered by that polite testimony of your
          Excellency's approbation of my conduct respecting the
          supplies for the Legion.

          I wrote you on the 8th, by Express, and have now the
          pleasure to inform you that, on or before the 14th, six
          hundred Horses of the two departments, one hundred and
          sixty Cattle, and salt sufficient for the advanced
          Posts, will be at Greenville. I sent an Express into
          Kentucky yesterday, and, at his return, two hundred
          fresh Horses shall set off from this place, and good
          information, at least, relative to further supply of
          Beef. Ten Boats will be at Hamilton, on the 12th, loaded
          with corn, flour and whiskey for Still Water. The
          private teams start to-morrow, entirely loaded with
          flour for Head Quarters. The clothing may be
          transported, by either land or water, by next return, as
          you will please to order. I hope those arrangements will
          enable your Excellency, at length, to have the advanced
          posts furnished with provisions agree- [282] able to
          your former orders; the flour for Head Quarters,
          Jefferson and St. Clair, will be complete in a short

          I am, Sir, your most obedient, humble servant,
                       JAMES O'HARA.


                               * * * * * *

           [To COLONEL JAMES O'HARA.]

                HEADQUARTERS, GREENVILLE, Nov. 14, 1794.

          Sir:‹I have to acknowledge the receipt of your several
          letters of the 3, 8, 9 inst., with enclosures; and am
          happy to find that your perseverance and decision have
          at last put the contractor's department into operation.
          Upon the receipt of your letter of the 8th inst., I
          ordered a detachment under Captain Bradley to proceed to
          Hamilton as an escort to the boats and sent Captain
          Shrimm to the confluence of the Stillwater with
          Greenville creek in order to determine the state of the
          water, which he found to be eighteen inches lower than
          it was last spring at the place where the boats
          unloaded, and that it was impracticable for them to get
          to that place until a rise of water‹in fact I suspected
          that was the case, because when we crossed Stillwater on
          Hartzhorn's road on the 2d inst., it was lower than I
          had ever seen it, nor was this creek much raised
          although the St. Mary's had overflowed its banks and was
          swimming to the horses and detachment that escorted the
          cattle to the Miami villages at the usual crossing place
          between that Post and Fort Recovery on the 6th inst.; so
          that it is now reduced to a certainty that supplies may
          be transported by water from Girty's Town to Forts Wayne
          and Defiance in boats carrying fifty or sixty barrels,
          built in the form of the Adventurer, [283] which was
          sent from the Miami villages to Grand Glaize. I
          therefore wish you to have at least one dozen built
          after that construction and sent up loaded to Fort
          Hamilton, from whence they may proceed at a proper
          season to Lormies' stores and be transported on waggons
          to the St. Mary's along a fine, dry, level road, not
          exceeding ten miles distant, when they may be reloaded
          and proceed on their voyage to the aforesaid Posts. It
          was on waggons that we transported our pontoons or boats
          for the purpose of crossing the Delaware and North River
          during the late war‹one of those pontoons would have
          carried an hundred or more barrels. I have ordered the
          boats to be unloaded at Hamilton and sent back to
          Washington. I think it's more than probable by the time
          they return to Hamilton the creek will be in a proper
          state of navigation; at least it was the case in the
          latter end of last November‹which, from present
          appearances, will again be the case about the change of
          the moon, say on the 20th or 25th inst. The clothing
          will be ordered on by the by the next return of the
          wagons, and for which a proper escort will be furnished.

          I received a letter from Mr. Charles Wilkins, dated
          Lexington, November 4, 1794, enclosing a copy of a
          contract made between Mr. Tench Coxe, Commissioner of
          the Revenue, and Alexander Scott and Matthew Ernest for
          supplying rations at Pittsburgh and Fort Washington. I
          really do not nor cannot understand it until I have
          official information of its being made and instructions
          upon the subject, neither of which have yet arrived. It
          will be necessary that Mr. Wilkins and Mr. George
          Wilson, as agents of the old and new Contractors, should
          attend immediately at Headquarters, perhaps it may be
          convenient for you to accompany them, in order that the
          present state and means of supplies, etc., may be
          properly understood.

    [284] I have ordered Mr. Newman to be sent to this place
          under a proper guard, which may serve as an escort to
          you. Captain Pierce will be directed to consult upon the
          occasion. Captain De Butts will trouble you with an
          invoice of certain articles of which we stand much in
          want. I pray you to procure them or let them be
          forwarded with Mr. Newman. I believe we have sufficient
          proof to establish the charge which will be exhibited
          against him.

            Wishing you a safe arrival, I am with sincere esteem,

            Your most obedient humble servant,
                     ANTHONY WAYNE.

                              * * * * * *

            HEADQUARTERS, GREENEVILLE, November 6, 1794.

          Sir:‹I have to acknowledge the receipt of your several
          letters of the 17th, 23d and 29th ultimo, with their
          respective enclosures; and sincerely thank you for the
          part you have taken and the pointed manner in which you
          have detailed the defects upon the part of the
          Contractors in point of supplies for and at the
          respective posts, as also their deficiency of means of
          transport. The enclosed report of provisions at this
          place will best demonstrate the indispensable necessity
          of your utmost exertions to supply, or to compel the
          Contractors agents to supply, the rations mentioned in
          my letter of the 18th ult. At this moment we are on half
          allowance of beef, and even at that rate we have not six
          days issues now on hand, you will therefore call upon
          the Contractors for beef cattle, and upon Captain
          Pierce, to furnish an escort to proceed with them to
          this place, without a moment's delay. All the cattle
          that came in were sent to the advanced Posts‹say 250
          head‹except a small supply at each of the intermediate
          posts from Hamilton to Adams inclusive. All those Posts
          were destitute of beef at the time that supply was on
          the way, and until it arrived. One-fourth of those sent
          to the Miami [285] villages were ordered to Fort
          Defiance, where I hope they have arrived, but there is
          not salt at either of those Posts to cure one thousand
          weight of beef, and should the Enemy determine to
          persevere in hostilities, those cattle must inevitably
          be lost; add to this that the pasture has totally
          failed, hence the immediate necessity of a full supply
          of salt, by the first convoy, and perhaps this will be
          the most favorable opportunity, as I have now at this
          place two hostages, one of them a chief of the Wyandots,
          until the return of a flag from Sandusky, which will be
          on or about the 20th inst. You will therefore, please to
          communicate the contents of this letter to the
          Contractors or their agents, and should you find any
          demur on their part in immediately furnishing the
          supplies called for, you are to supply the defect
          agreeably to the orders given you on the 10th and 18th

                I am, with esteem and respect,

                     Your most humble servant,
                         ANT. WAYNE.

           [COLONEL JAMES O'HARA.]

                               * * * * * *

          FORT WASHINGTON, September 16, 1794.

          Sir:‹You will please to receive of Captain Peirce all
          the Quartermaster's stores and other public property
          delivered to him by Mr. Belli, and continue to perform
          the duty of Deputy Quartermaster-General until further
          orders. In order to prevent any deficiency in the
          Ordnance Department, I leave Mr. Hanagan and Mr. Oliver
          in the Quartermaster's stores, those gentlemen being
          well acquainted with the forms and method of doing the
          business, will enable you to attend to both departments
          till more permanent arrangements can be made, for which
          you will be allowed a reasonable compensation in
          addition to your pay as Commissary of Military Stores;
          being apprehensive that the clothing lately arrived is
          not in good order, you will have it immediately examined
          and [286] repacked into casks and stored under cover at
          all events. Your knowledge of the different duties
          required of you and for which you will be accountable,
          render it unnecessary for me to be more particular in
          explaining them at present; therefore in perfect
          confidence that the interest of the public, the dignity
          of the department and your own honor, are safe in your
          hands, and wishing you health and pleasure in the
          execution of those duties,

                     I am your humble servant,

                       JAMES O'HARA,

           [SAMUEL HENLEY, ESQ.]

                               * * * * * *

                GREENVILLE, November 14, 1794.

          Dear Sir:‹I had the pleasure to receive your favor of
          the 9th, the friendly and polite attention you have
          uniformly shown to me and to my interests has impressed
          me with very warm sentiments of gratitude and personal
          esteem towards you, and with a strong desire of being
          favdred with an opportunity of evincing, by a
          reciprocity of good offices, that I am neither
          insensible nor unworthy of your regard. Although I shall
          feel much regret at your departure from the army, at any
          period whilst I shall remain in it; yet my friendship
          would not permit me to wish your stay one moment to the
          injury of your domestic happiness and interest. I have
          been long of Opinion that your private concerns called
          you loudly into private life; but I had hopes that your
          appointment would be placed on a more liberal and
          respectable establishment; such as might in some measure
          compensate for your relinquishment of other pursuits. I
          felicitate you most sincerely upon the happiness you
          will experience in carrying with you the releasing
          reflections of having discharged the important duties
          confided to you with ability and [287] integrity, and to
          the entire satisfaction of all those whose approbation
          is desirable. I hope to have the pleasure of seeing you
          at the time mentioned in the General's letter‹ enclosed
          is the invoice of which he speaks. I hope you are aware
          that the drawing of the Federal lottery commences on the
          22d of December; sooner, if the tickets should be sold.
          Your convoy arrived this morning; the cattle yesterday
          and before.

                   Believe me to be, dear sir,
                Your sincere friend,
                        W. DE BUTTS.


                               * * * * * *

          Nemat Calistai:‹Kahela noolabindam ailey m'bindamin K
          langandawokan? N'winga Kahama Kinemin, Kee, ock
          Kinashawshin (Sheeky aughque) ock abschy Meetchy Ki
          mitcheewouckan, ock miney K'wine, Shuck, thamsy alindy
          matta Gusky ninelay, uney Kisquee Paghaquike, qui Kwique

                      Neeshee okunachoky uney,

          Brother, Calistai:‹Yes I rejoice because we hear you
          make peace? I am willing, if we know, you go, and shall
          take care (assuredly) and always. Already your
          provisions I have gathered here, and fit for you to eat.
          But sometime some if not to-day certainly, a guide about
          Noon goes to visit towards you; he will travel the road


          [Original in the writing of James O'Hara,
          Quartermaster-General. Translated by Mary O'H.

                               * * * * * *

    [288] HEADQUARTERS, GREENVILLE, 3 February, 1795.

          Sir:‹Agreeably to the verbal orders I gave you at this
          place, you will previously to your departure from Fort
          Washington make the necessary and effectual arrangements
          for the transport of every species of supplies for the
          use of the Legion and for the respective posts and
          garrisons in every direction, as by the new Contract
          with Messrs. Scott & Ernest the public are to be the
          carriers of all the rations in future, from the general
          deposits at Pittsburgh and Fort Washington, add to this
          the defect on the part of the old Contractors of 120,000
          Rations from this place to the head of the Line,
          inclusive; nor is there the least prospect of this
          deficiency being made up, as Mr. Wilson has not as yet
          sent forward but 15,800 rations of flour towards it,
          notwithstanding his promise to complete the whole by the
          8th Instant. We have but twenty days issues of flour now
          at this place and but fifteen at Recovery; nor have we
          at this moment more than eight weeks issues at any of
          our Posts. Hence you will have to commence the transport
          of provision under the New Contract earlier than what
          was expected‹say, on the 1st of March, i. e., in the
          course of three weeks, and of which you will please to
          give M. Wilkins (their agent) immediate Notice so as to
          have the flour part ready to deliver at Fort Washington
          on or before that day, agreeably to the orders given him
          on the 13th ultimo, to the end that advantage may be
          taken of the first rise of the waters upon the breaking
          up of the ice, & which from present appearances will
          soon be the case. I therefore wish you to have the boats
          in readiness at Hamilton, etc., for the transport to
          this place and Lormies' Stores, & hold the wagons and
          pack-horses in readiness for the portages at the
          shortest notice, with proper persons to superintend and
          direct the water & land carriage, so that there may be
          no time lost upon any occasion whatever, and send [289]
          forward Mr. Sharp upon sight to build the boats for the
          St. Mary's.

          The prospect of a General Treaty of Peace, with all the
          Hostile tribes of Indians North West of the Ohio on or
          about the 13th of June, renders it expedient that you
          repair to Philadelphia via Pittsburgh as soon as you
          have made the arrangements before mentioned, in order to
          procure and forward the articles wanted in your
          department for the present year, as also the Indian
          goods and articles wanted for the pending treaty,
          agreeably to the invoice, provided it meets the
          approbation of government upon being presented to the
          Secretary of War.

          In the interim it will be indispensably necessary that
          you forward (from your own private Stores at
          Pittsburgh), a temporary supply of clothing, Wampum,
          etc., for the use of such deputies as will naturally be
          coming in with overtures from the different tribes of
          Indians, between this time and the day appointed for
          holding the General Treaty. Had I the means I would
          prefer separate treaties, in order to avoid the idea of
          a General Confederacy, but the disposition of those
          people must be consulted. You will also please to
          forward all such Public Stores as may be at Pittsburgh
          for the use of the Legion and designed for this Quarter,
          belonging to your own and to the ordnance and Hospital
          departments, immediately upon your arrival there, in
          order to take advantage of the water transport to this
          place and to the head of the line, which you know we
          can't count upon after the Middle of April at furthest,
          either on the Miami or the Ohio, or the St. Mary's or Au
          Glaize; this is an object of very considerable
          consequence and will save an immense expense, trouble
          and fatigue if timely attended to.

          I begin to feel very uneasy with respect to flour. The
          New Contractors have none at Washington, and the ice
          will [290] prevent any from descending the Ohio for some
          time yet; perhaps not before the middle of March; they
          therefore must purchase from the old Contractors at all
          events, and which might have been done with advantage to
          the Public and themselves some time since; perhaps it
          will not be the case now; yet the thing must be done and
          the sooner the better. From this statement of facts you
          will see the absolute necessity of putting everything in
          a proper train before you leave Washington. Among other
          Matters, provisional means ought to be directed for
          mounting the Dragoons in case it should be found
          expedient, and materials furnished for repairing the old
          furniture, to serve until new comes forward. Wishing you
          a safe and speedy arrival at Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
          (after you have put everything in a proper way) and a
          speedy return to this place,

                    I am, with Sincere Esteem,
          Your most obt., humble servant,
                      ANTHONY WAYNE.

          [COL. JAMES O HARA, Q. M. G.]

                               * * * * * *

                FORT WASHINGTON, Feb. 8, 1795.

          Sir:‹I am honored with your letter of the 3d instant and
          find your apprehensions, respecting the immediate
          transportation of flour to headquarters but too well
          founded, none of that article having yet come to hand.
          The Ohio and Miami rivers being in very good order I was
          tempted to load and dispatch twelve Boats with corn for
          Still Water, and if they meet with no unforseen
          demurage, they may be returned to Hamilton and the mouth
          of the Miamis before the provisions will arrive for a
          second Cargo. The necessary and effectual arrangements
          shall be made for the transporting and furnishing the
          necessary provisions and every species of supplies for
          the Legion and for the respective Posts and Garrisons on
    [291] the line before my departure from this Post, and
          preparation shall be made for carrying your Excellency's
          orders, respecting Massac, Fort Knox and Steuben, into
          immediate effect as soon as you will please to direct.
          By the enclosed papers you will see all the
          communication that I have had with the Agents of the new
          Contractors. My arrangements for forming further means
          of transportation and the rates of freight for Still
          Water established with the owners of Craft on that

          Your Excellency will perceive the necessity of a
          covering Party at the landing of the cargoes; as much
          depends on the Boats being instantly discharged, in
          order to meet the flour at the mouth of the Miami in due

          Mr. Mathews is ordered to attend to the receiving of the
          cargoes and forwarding the property to Headquarters. Mr.
          Donwoddie, with a few additional teams, will attend to
          the transportation and Mr. George Adams has charge of
          the public Boats now under way.

          The extravagant speculations held in View by the owners
          of the private teams that have been employed by the
          Contractors having rendered it absolutely necessary to
          erect a number of public teams for the road, I beg leave
          to submit the propriety of having the road from Hamilton
          to Recovery repaired soon as possible, being at present
          impassable for wagons. If the old road from Hamilton was
          cleared out and a few swamps Bridged or causway'd it
          would, in wet weather, be preferable to the new, at all
          events, it will be a good alternation.

          I have conversed with the old Contractors agent here and
          have some reason to expect that they will yet furnish
          the stipulated quantity of provisions. They have sent on
          seventy-five fresh Horses, lately purchased, which will
          increase their whole number perhaps to one hundred and
          fifty and may be a means of supplying the outposts
          without delay.

    [292] A number of Horses start to-morrow with a supply
          of iron, stationery and other stores for headquarters.

          The time of my going from this place being very
          uncertain, I may be yet honored with your further
          commands, which, with those enjoined by your last
          letters, shall be religiously complied with.

          I have the honor to be with the most sincere attachment

          Your Excellency's most Ob't, Hum. Serv't,
                       JAMES O'HARA.


                             * * * * * *

            TO COLONEL JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G.

                   WAR OFFICE, March 14, 1795.

          Sir:‹On looking over the return of Indian goods on hand
          at Greenville, I am inclined to think that a small
          additional supply will suffice for the occasional
          demands of the Indians, until the treaty should be held
          for making peace. The following articles are all that I
          would have forwarded until the terms of purchase shall
          be settled here between you and the treasury department.
          About 400 calico shirts No. 8; the smallest trunk of
          linen shirts containing 189. Case No. 13 containing
          blue, green, brown and white, half thicks and two diaper
          rugs. The bale No. 15, containing twelve pieces of blue
          stroud, one piece of Scarlet stroud of 17 yards and one
          of blue containing 15 yards.

          Seventeen hundred of black Wampum and the 5-1/2 pounds
          of vermillion. The whole should be examined, and
          particularly the woolens before they are forwarded;
          there is much danger that woolens are moth eaten, as
          they have lain so long on hand. Nothing should be sent
          that is not in good order. Colonel Meigs will be
          employed to take charge of the goods in the Indian
          department, and perhaps of the clothing of the [293]
          Army; I expect if not now, that he will shortly be at
          Pittsburgh. Should he not arrive in time, Major Craig
          may receipt for them.

                     I am your humble servant,
                 TIMOTHY PICKERING.

                               * * * * * *

                   WAR OFFICE, April 23, 1795.

          Sir:‹The articles requisite to be purchased here in the
          quartermaster's department were selected, and the list
          thereof with the supposed prices yesterday presented to
          the treasury.

          I shall be obliged by your making out a list of Indian
          goods to the amount of twenty-five or thirty thousand
          dollars, assorted according to your opinion of the wants
          and conveniences of the Western Indians.

              I am Sir, your obedient servant,

                  TIMOTHY PICKERING.

          [COLONEL O'HARA.]

                               * * * * * *

                   GREENVILLE, Sept. 21, 1795.

          Dear Sir:‹I don't know whether my impatience to have the
          papers (now sent) dispatched from hence, equalled yours,
          but I am correct in assuring you it was very great. I
          could have wished the trunk to have gone sooner‹and it
          had been ready waiting in the Quartermaster's possession
          for several days‹but it was not thought expedient to
          send it before yesterday, as the dispatches for you
          could not follow it before to-day. I send the key by
          Captain Taylor, which I pray you to return after forcing
          open the trunk deposited in your stores at Washington in
          1793, and transferring its material contents into the
          One now sent.

          The General has received your letter of the 15th and I
          yours of the 18th instants ; they afforded the same
          satisfaction which your letters have uniformly imparted.

          A knowledge of Mr. Harragan's unadorned worth, renders
          his appointment in your department very pleasing to the
    [294] General, and no attention in my power shall be
          wanting to give him support and confidence in his
          office. Mr. Clark's equipment, in your hands, was
          expected to be as respectable as the occasion required.
          His barge and crew‹should they make a speedy voyage‹may
          return time enough for a certain expedition; this is to
          be wished, as the crew are chosen men and will in all
          probability be well trained.

          Mr. Caldwell has not yet applied; your wishes respecting
          him shall be complied with.

          I think you will have not a disagreeable passage at this
          time to Pittsburgh; the season is favorable and the
          equinox may perhaps afford you water sufficient. I
          congratulate you sincerely on your return to your family
          after your long and eminent services, and I wish you
          from my soul, every success which your most sanguine
          wishes may lead you to hope for, in the execution of the
          designs which shall for the future employ your

          It appears rather problematical at this moment whether I
          shall ever be so fortunate as to derive advantage from
          your knowledge and experience by a partial union of our
          respective interests, and as I cannot at present advance
          anything new or decisive on this subject, I am
          constrained to be silent until I shall have the pleasure
          of again seeing you. I transmit enclosed with many
          thanks for the loan, three hundred and fifty-six
          dollars, the amount of my note in your hands.

          I hope you will have the goodness to write me a few
          lines before you leave Fort Washington, and be ever
          persuaded that the best and warmest wishes will attend
          you, of

          Dear Sir, yours with real esteem and friendship,
                           DE BUTTS.


                               * * * * * *

             [295] GREENVILLE, September 22, 1795.

          Dear Sir:‹The business of yesterday, in despatching
          Captain Taylor with the General's packets for you,
          occupied my time so completely that I could scarce find
          enough to scratch the few lines I sent you by him, and
          induced me to keep one of his dragoons until this
          morning in order to have the pleasure of talking a
          little more to you. I received unfeigned pleasure in
          reading and transmitting the General's letter of
          yesterday to you. So just and so full a testimony of
          your abilities and conduct, of his approbation and
          friendship, I am sure you will consider as the dearest
          reward that an officer can receive for his public
          labors. A copy of it, and of yours of the 25th ultimo to
          the General, are contained in the dispatches you carry
          forward, accompanied by a long paragraph, in one of his
          public letters, expressive of the regret he feels at
          your retiring from the service, of the entire confidence
          he has always so justly placed in your worth and
          conduct, of the high sense he entertains of your ability
          and resource, and of his fears lest the office should
          not be filled by a successor of equal merit. These are
          tributes, my dear sir, that will ever attend worth and
          virtue, and administer the sweetest satisfaction, not
          only to the object to whom they are offered, but to all
          those who are interested in our fame and happiness. What
          would you think of the General's partial regard for and
          opinion of me when, almost in the same sentence in which
          he pronounces your eulogium, he should propose me as
          your successor? However strange and unexpected the thing
          may appear, the fact is so; and he has fortified his
          recommendation with so many flattering expressions, and
          so much further strengthened them by his voluntary
          responsibility for my conduct at the head of the
          department, that I shall not be much surprised should I
          really be appointed. He deems it advisable that I should
          acquaint you, in con- [296] fidence, with this
          circumstance, as he imagines your regard for me would
          interest you in the issue; and you may be persuaded my
          reliance on your friendship and judgment anticipated the
          advice. I shall say nothing further to you but to
          request that if any name should occur during your
          intercourse with the Secretary of War on the subject of
          your vacancy, that you would be good enough to advise me
          with your observations of the occasion. This matter is
          intended, for the present, to rest silent In the
          General's, in yours, and in the breast of

                Your sincere friend,
                           DE BUTTS.

          [COLONEL O HARA.]

                                 * * * * * *

              PHILADELPHIA, February 24, 1797.

          Sir:‹A Regiment of Troops is ordered to rendezvous at
          the mouth of the Big Miamis on or before the 20th of
          April next, from whence, after a few days halt, they
          will be marched by the most direct route to Knoxville in
          the State of Tennessee. I give you this reasonable
          information of the movement for your accommodation and
          have to require that you may take the necessary
          arrangements for provisioning the troops, at mouth of
          the Miami and on the march, at such times and places as
          Lieutenant Colonel Butler may regulate with you

                      With respect, I am, Sir,
                   Your most obedient servant,
                    JA. WILKINSON, B. General.


                               * * * * * *

                TREASURY DEPARTMENT,
                COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, December 28, 1798.

          Sir:‹Your accompt as Deputy Quartermaster-General at
          Fort Washington for services performed and supplies pur-
    [297] chased to the 30th of June, 1796, has been
          adjusted at the Treasury, and the amount disbursed found
          to be ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and
          twenty-seven dollars and ninety-nine cents, which will
          be passed to the credit of James O'Hara, Esq., late
          Quartermaster-General in the books of the Treasury.

          The amount of the Abstracts, on which this settlement is
          predicated, is one hundred thousand three hundred and
          seventy-seven dollars and eight cents; is six hundred
          and forty-nine dollars and nine cents more than the
          amount above stated, and arises from the following
          deductions, viz:

          This sum being the amount of sundry errors, $25.23; this
          sum being the amount for public horses sold, $508.86;
          this sum being an advance to Captain Shaumburg, pursuant
          to General Wilkinson's Warrant, which is referred to the
          War Department for settlement, $100; this sum being a
          payment for services performed in September, 1796, which
          will hereafter constitute a credit to the present
          Quartermaster-General, as per receipt in his favor, $18.
          Difference above stated, $649.09.

                 I am, Sir, very respectfully,
                        Your obedient servant,
                    JAMES STEELE, Comptroller.

          [DANIEL HARAGAN, ESQ., Deputy Quartermaster-General,
          Fort Washington, Northwestern Territory.]

                               * * * * * *

                TREASURY DEPARTMENT,

                COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, Oct. 11, 1797.

          Sir:‹Your account as late Quartermaster-General, for
          disbursements made at Philadelphia, by your Agent,
          Samuel Hodgdon, from the 1st of January to the 30th of
          June, 1796, has been adjusted at the Treasury, in
          consequence of which, the amount so disbursed, being
          $10,816.70, will be passed to [298] your credit in the
          books of the treasury. Your account in the capacity
          aforesaid, for disbursements made at Pittsburgh by your
          deputy, Isaac Craig, from the 1st of February to the
          14th of October, 1796, has also been adjusted at the
          Treasury, and the amount so disbursed found to be
          $30,064.12, which will likewise be passed to your credit
          in the books aforesaid.

                  I am, Sir, very respectfully
                        Your obedient servant,
                JAMES STEELE, Compt.

          [JAMES O'HARA, ESQ.]

                               * * * * * *

                       NEW YORK, May 12, 1799.

          Sir:‹If you have not previously been apprised of it, it
          is proper you should be informed that an Act of Congress
          of March last entitled "An Act for the better organizing
          the troops of the United States and for other purposes,"
          contains the following provisions:

          SECTION 19. That a ration of provisions shall henceforth
          consist of eighteen ounces of bread or flour, or when
          neither can be obtained, of one quart of rice or one and
          a half pounds of sifted or riddled Indian meal, one
          pound and a quarter of fresh beef, or one pound of
          salted beef, or three-quarters of a pound of salted
          pork, and when fresh meat is issued, salt at the rate of
          two quarts for every hundred rations; soap at the rate
          of four pounds, and candles at the rate of a pound and a
          half for every hundred rations: Provided always, that
          there shall be no diminution of the ration to which any
          of the troops now in service may be entitled by the
          terms of their enlistment.

          SECTION 22. That it shall be lawful for the
          Commander-in-Chief of the Army, or the commanding
          officer of any separate detachment or garrison thereof,
          at his discretion to cause to be issued from time to
          time to the troops under his command, [299] out of such
          supplies as shall have been provided for the purpose, in
          quantities not exceeding half a gill of rum, whiskey or
          other ardent spirits, to each man per day, excepting in
          cases of fatigue service or other extraordinary
          occasions, and that whensoever supplies thereof shall be
          on hand, there shall be issued to the troops vinegar at
          the rate of two quarts for every hundred rations.

          These provisions are, of course, to govern your future
          issues. But as the promise with regard to troops who may
          have enlisted on the stipulation of a different ration
          may require circumspection on the application of the new
          rule, the commanding officer must concert with you this

                With consideration, I am, Sir,
                        Your obedient servant,
                 ALEXANDER HAMILTON.

          [JAMES O'HARA, ESQ., Contractor, Pittsburgh.]
                                * * * * * *


                   NEW YORK, November 7, 1799.

          Sir:‹The recruiting rendezvous in Virginia are: 1. New
          London; 2. Powhatan Courthouse; 3. Petersburgh; 4.
          Suffolk and Kemperville, either or both for one; 5. City
          of Richmond; 6. Williamsburgh; 7. Acomac Courthouse; 8.
          Northumberland Courthouse; 9. Bowling Green; 10.
          Culpepper Courthouse; 11. Fauquier Courthouse; 12.
          Leesburgh; 13. Fredericksburgh; 14. Charlotteville; 15.
          Winchester; 16. Staunton; 17. Fincastle; 18. Abingdon;
          19. Moorefield; 20. Morgantown.

          The rendezvouses in Maryland are: Georgetown,
          Hagerstown, Porto Bacco, Annapolis, Fredericktown,
          Easton, City of Baltimore, Centreville, Elkton, Close.

          In Delaware the rendezvouses are: Wilmington, Dover, and
          New Castle.

    [300] In Pennsylvania they are: Wyoming, Reading,
          Northumberland, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Bristol,
          Yorktown, Carlisle, Lewistown, Bedford, Greensburgh,
          Washington, Pittsburgh.

          Some changes may have taken place, which you will learn
          from the particular officers. There are two companies at
          Fort Mifflin, one company on the Schuylkill, two at
          Norfolk, and one at Baltimore. It is intended to station
          three regiments at Harper's Ferry on the Potomac, and a
          battalion of artillery too. But the difficulty of
          obtaining winter quarters at this place may cause two of
          the regiments to be stationed at Fredericktown, in
          Maryland, or Carlisle, in Pennsylvania, one or both of
          these places. The Seventh Regiment, under the command of
          Colonel Bentley, will pass the winter in the vicinity of
          Richmond. For more particular information concerning
          Virginia it will be proper to consult General Pinckney.

           With great consideration, I am Sir,
                        Your obedient servant,
                        A. HAMILTON.

          [JAMES O'HARA, ESQ.]

          P. S.‹By letter received this day, it appears that there
          will be no troops quartered at Fredericktown, but pretty
          certain that one, Colonel Moore's, the 10th, will be
          stationed at Carlisle.

          NOTE.‹Fort Lafayette contains two barracks, three
          hexagonal towers in wood, containing artillery and
          powder magazine. The inclosure is composed of large
          pointed stakes, closed together, fifteen or sixteen feet
          high, the fort is square, of weak defence.

                               * * * * * *


                By WILLIAM M. DARLINGTON.

          1785. The earliest movement towards forming the county
          of Allegheny appears to have been in the year 1785,
          when, on Monday, the 7th day of March, in the General
          Assembly of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, "A petition
          from a number of the inhabitants of the town of
          Pittsburgh and county adjoining, within the counties of
          Westmoreland and Washington, was read, praying that part
          of the counties of Westmoreland and Washington may be
          erectcd into a new county, and that the seat of justice
          may be fixed at the town of Pittsburgh, or upon the
          tract reserved by the State, on the west side of the
          Allegheny." The petition was laid on the table, nor does
          it appear that it was taken up for consideration during
          that session.

          The representatives from Westmoreland, William Findley;
          Thomas Morton and William Todd, probably were opposed to
          it. On September 2, 1786, a like petition was presented
          the Assembly, read and laid on the table. The term of
          the Assembly ended at the close of the same month.

          In October following at the general election, Hugh H.
          Brackenridge, of Pittsburgh, William Findley and James
          Barr were chosen members from Westmoreland County for
          the ensuing year.

          The first session of the next House of Representatives
          opened at Philadelphia, October 23, 1786.

    [302] The returns from Westmoreland County were not
          received until November 2d. Mr. Brackenridge took his
          seat in the House on the 13th of November. On the 16th
          of the same month "Petitions from a considerable number
          of the inhabitants of the counties of Westmoreland and
          Washington, read in the late and former House of
          Assembly, March 7, 1785, and September 2d last; praying
          a part of the said counties may be created into a new
          county" were presented to the chair, read andordered to
          lie on the table. On the 21st they were taken up, read
          the second time and referred to Messrs. Ross, of
          Lancaster; Piper, of Bedford County; Finley, of
          Westmoreland; Brackenridge, of Pittsburgh, in
          Westmoreland County; Flenniken, of Washington County;
          Gilchrist, of Fayette County, and Carson, of Dauphin.

          On the 29th of November the report of the Committee was
          read the first time, and on the next day, the 30th, a
          second time, and adopted as follows, viz.: The Committee
          on the Petition praying that a new county be laid off,
          comprising the town of Pittsburgh, are of opinion that
          it may be expedient, and offer the following resolution:

          Resolved, That a new county be laid off by the following
          boundaries, viz.: Beginning on the Ohio River, at the
          mouth of Flaharty's Run, and thence with a direct line
          to a point on Chartier's River, two miles below the
          mouth of Miller's Run, and thence with a direct line to
          the Monongehela River, at the mouth of Youghiogheny
          River, and with that river to the mouth of Turtle Creek,
          and with that creek to the mouth of the most northerly
          branch, and with that branch to the head, and from the
          head of said branch to the head of Plumb Run, and with
          that run to the Allegheny River, and ascending that
          river to the boundary of Northumberland County, at the
          mouth of Conewago River, and with that river to the
          northern boundary of the State, if the said river shall
          extend [303] so far, or if it shall not extend so far,
          then with a north line to the said northern boundary,
          and with the said boundary to the western boundary of
          this State, and with that line to the Ohio River, and
          with that river to the place of beginning.

          Your committee also taking into view the value it will
          give to the tract of land reserved by this State on the
          west of the Ohio and opposite the town of Pittsburgh, to
          have the seat of justice located on that tract, and also
          that but small segments have been taken from the
          counties of Westmoreland and Washington on this side the
          Ohio to the new county, offer a further resolution:

          Resolved, That the seat of justice be located on the
          said reserved tract, and that in the meantime, until a
          courthouse and gaol can be built on the said tract, the
          courts shall be held in the town of Pittsburgh, and the
          commissioners of the county shall be empowered to rent
          convenient buildings for a courthouse and gaol, at the
          expense of the county; that the sum to be expended in
          building a courthouse and gaol shall not exceed £‹.

          Ordered, That Mr. Ross, Mr. Piper, Mr. Findley, Mr.
          Brackenridge, M. Flennikin, M. Gilchrist, and M. Carson
          be a committee to bring in a bill agreeably to the
          foregoing resolution.

          On December 6th the committee reported a bill, which was
          read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.

          December 8th, the bill was read a second time and
          debated by paragraphs. It was then ordered to be
          transcribed, and in due time printed for public
          consideration. Nothing further was done with the Act
          that session of the Assembly, which adjourned on
          December 30th, until February 20, 1787, sat until the
          29th of March, and then adjourned to the 4th day of
          September next.

          On the 7th of September, 1787, it was, on motion of Mr.
    [304] Brackenridge, seconded by Mr. D. Clymer, ordered
          that the bill be called for reading on Friday next (14th
          inst.). On Saturday, September 8th, Mr. Brackenridge
          presented petitions from 1,363 inhabitants of Washington
          County, praying that the lines of the new county
          proposed might be extended so that they might be
          annexed. On September 13, 1787, petitions from 753
          inhabitants of the counties of Westmoreland, Washington
          and Fayette were read, praying parts of the said
          counties may be erected into a new county. Ordered to
          lie on the table. On the 14th, the bill being the order
          of the day, was read the third time, and on the question
          "Will the House take up the same for debating by
          paragraphs?" And upon reading it over a long debate
          occurred. Mr. Whitehill opposed it; he thought something
          should be done to show the propriety or necessity of
          passing it before going further with it; he thought the
          expense would be too great for the population. He said
          it was too late to run the boundaries, the people could
          not be informed before the next election. Mr.
          Brackenridge, in reply, urged the disadvantages of the
          distance of the courthouses of Washington and
          Westmoreland from the centre of population. At the
          erection of Washington County, Pittsburgh expected to be
          made the seat of justice, but it was not obtained,
          though they deserved it. Mr. Wright opposed it on
          account of the small population and the expense. He
          remarked, "Will five hundred people be able to support
          the expense, especially if we consider the law laying
          out a town on the Allegheny River and the Ohio? The
          people will all have to cross the river to attend the
          courts, the county town and gaol being on the west side,
          and there is not a soul to commit unless it is the
          bears, for there is not a soul living on that side of
          the river Ohio." Mr. D. Clymer referred to a petition
          sent in to fix the new county seat at Milmont, near the
          habitation of Mr. De Yore. The question [305] was now
          put on taking the bill up by paragraphs, when the yeas
          were 25, nays 33.

          On October 22, 1787, the Assembly convened at
          Philadelphia. At the late election Mr. Brackenridge was
          not a candidate, Messrs. Findley and Barr, old members,
          with John Irwin, new, were thc representatives from
          Westmoreland. From Washington the old members were
          chosen. On November 20th, a petition of a committee
          chosen by the inhabitants of Pittsburgh and the
          neighboring county was read, referring to the petition
          to former members of Assembly, and praying that the
          parts of the counties of Westmoreland and Washington may
          be erected into a new county, and by special order the
          same was read a second time. Ordered that it be referred
          to Mr. Clymer, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowrey, Mr. G. Heister,
          Mr. Findley, Mr. Irvine, Mr. McDowell, Mr. Philips and
          Mr. Schott to report thereon.

          On the 21st of November, the petitions read in the last
          House of Assembly, on the 13th of September, were
          presented to the chair and read and referred to the
          above committee.

          On the 27th of November the report read on the 21st was
          read the second time, and the further consideration of
          it postponed. The committee again reported on the 29th.
          Ordered to lie on the table. Nothing further on the
          subject was brought up during the remainder of the
          session. The Assembly adjourned on the 29th of November
          to the 19th of February, 1788.

          February 23, 1788. A petition from 90 inhabitants of the
          county of Washington was read, remonstrating against the
          petitions presented to this and former Houses of
          Assembly, for erecting parts of the counties of
          Westmoreland, Washington and Fayette into a separate
          county and establishing the seat of justice for the same
          at the town of Pittsburgh, and suggesting the propriety,
          in case it should be deemed ex- [306] pedient to erect a
          new county, that the courts of justice may be
          established at the mouth of Beaver Creek, or at Old

          Ordered to lie on the table.

          March 22, 1788. The House resumed the consideration of
          the report postponed November 27th last on the petitions
          of a number of the inhabitants of the counties of
          Westmoreland and Washington and appointed a committee to
          decide on the boundaries of a new county.

          The committee reported March 26th.

          Ordered to lie on the table.

          House adjourned March 29, 1788.

          House met September 2, 1788.

          September 9th. Petitions presented from 700 inhabitants
          of the county of Westmoreland were read, praying that
          the bill entitled "An Act for erecting parts of the
          counties of Westmoreland and Washington into a separate
          county," may be so amended as not to extend further up
          the Youghiogheny than Crawford's sleeping place and from
          thence by a straight line to the mouth of Plum Creek on
          the Allegheny River. Ordered to lie on the table.

          September 11th Ordered that Tuesday next be assigned for
          the third reading of the bill entitled "An Act for
          erecting parts of the counties of Westmoreland and
          Washington into a separate county," and that it be the
          order of the day.

          September 16th. The bill was read the third time and the
          further consideration postponed until Saturday.

          September 19th. Petitions from 1,573 inhabitants of the
          counties of Westmoreland and Washington were read,
          praying that the bill may be passed into a law. Ordered
          to lie on the table.

          September 22d. A petition from a number of the
          inhabitants of the county of Washington was read.
          Ordered to lie on the table.

    [307] September 24th. The bill entitled "An Act for
          erecting certain parts of the counties of Westmoreland
          and Washington into a separate county," having been
          brought in engrossed, was compared at the table, enacted
          into a law and the Speaker directed to sign the same.

              THE END.

                               * * * * * *

    [309] INDEX

          Alarms, orders relative to, 153
          Allegheny County, Organization of, 301

          Allegheny County, Members of Legislature, 301, 305
          Alliquippa, 27
          Amherst, General, Orders, 155, 187
          Andrews, an Indian Express from Detroit, 108, 109
          Atlee, Samuel, 210

          Baillie, Lieutenant, 133
          Baird, Mr., Orderly Book, 148-199
          Barnsley, Captain, Orderly Book, 148-199
          Bassett, Captain, 122, 132, 133
          Bedford, Fort, Letter from, 138, 140 142
          Bedford, Army from, 168
          Block-house, orders to construct, 213
          Bouquet, Colonel, Letter to General Amherst, 75-81
          Bouquet, Colonel, Letter to Major Gladwin, 144
          Bouquet, Colonel, thanks to garrison, 169
          Brackenridge, H. H., 218
          Brodhead, General, Letters of, 235, 236
          Bullock Guard, 110
          Burd, James, Letter to Colonel Bouquet, 81
          Burd, Fort, 127
          Burd, Colonel, 157
          Burent, Captain, 119, 122, 128, 134
          Bushy Run, Battle of, 107, 127
          Butler, Richard, 241

          Calhoon, Mr., 87, 127
          Campaign in the South, 207
          Campbell, Captain, arrived with provisions, 108
          Campbell, Captain, commands militia on march, 179
          Carson, Joseph, 216
          Carson, William, 208
          Carre, Capt., Orderly Book, 148
          Celeron, Captain, Journal of, 1
          Celeron, Captain, lead plates, 15, 24, 39, 40, 52
          Chatterbox, Speech to McKee, 97, 98
          Clarke, George Rogers, General, 202
          Clapham, Colonel, 85, 125, 184
          Collier, Daniel, 126
          Commission as Quartermaster-General, 212
          Conference, Indian, 17, 30, 32, 36, 37
          Cornwallis, General, 207
          Corn to cut, 164
          Council held with officers, 14
          Court-martial, 178
          Cowpens, 207
    [310] Cows, order to sell, 163
          Craig, Major, 216
          Crawford, Hugh, 86
          Croghan, George, 123, 124, 130, 135
          Cuyler, Lieutenant, 89, 130

          De Butts, Captain, 286, 293, 295
          Deerskins, 161
          Deserters, 139, 141
          D'Troit, Ecuyer, Journal of, 84
          Dogs to be tied up or killed, 152, 179
          Donelon, Captain, and Lieutenant Boyd fight, 120
          Douglas, Ephraim, 201

          Ecuyer, Captain, Journal, 84
          Ecuyer Orderly Book, 148-199
          Ecuyer Letters, 110-144
          Ecuyer Wounded, 105
          Elliot, Robert, death of, 214
          Ellis, Letter, 174

          Firelocks, 167
          Flour, 164
          Forbes, General, Letter to Colonel Bouquet, 71
          Fort Recovery, Wayne's Letters, 263, 282
          Forts, names of forts supplied by O'Hara, 211

          General Hospital, 206
          Gladwin, Major, Letter from Bouquet, 144
          Glassworks, 216
          Grass to cut, 156
          Grand Glaize, 215
          Grandidier, Mr., 133
          Grant, Major, Letters, 63
          Grant s Hill, Indians on, 92, 93, 97-99
          Greenville, Fort, 214
          Greene, General, 208

          Hamilton, Alex., 299, 300
          Hand, Ed., General, Letters of, 223-227, 230-233
          Harmar, General Josiah, Letters, 211
          Harmar's Defeat, 212
          Heckwelder, John, Letters, 204-206
          Hodgdon, S., Letters to O'Hara, 249
          Hopkins, John Henry, 218
          Horseshoe Plain, 202
          Horses and Cows, 160
          Hudson, John, 134
          Hulings, Marcus, 132
          Hutchins, Ensign, 125, 144

          Indian Conferences, 17, 30, 32, 36, 37, 45, 53, 56, 57, 63, 221
          Indian Letter, 287
          Indians drive off cattle, 136
          Inundation, March 12, 1763, 114
          Indian Corn, price of, 155
          Indians on river shore, 102 103
          Inventory of provisions, 173
          Irvine, Wm., General, Letters, 237-241

          Kaskaskie, 202
          Kanawha, 201
          Keys of the gates, 159
          Kirkpatrick, W., General, 215
          Kiashuta, 221
          Knox, Henry, General, 245‹247
          Kuskusky, 201
          Lead plates buried, 15, 24, 39, 40, 52
          Le B¦uf, Fort, Ensign Price's escape from, 93, 94
          Lee, Arthur, Letter, 241
    [311] Letter to Philadelphia, 26
          Ligonier, 146
          Lochry, Colonel, Letters to, 224-229, 231-233.
          Louis Phillippe, 219

          Miami Villages, 202
          McIntosh, Fort, 210
          McIntosh, General, letters, 234
          McMasters, John, 213
          McKee, 90, 91, 133, 135, 136
          Militia to march to Bedford, 179
          Mifflin, Governor, 213
          Miller shot, 90
          Mingoes sell skins, 124
          Moreau, General, 219
          Moravian town, 203

          Neville, John, General, 215
          North Carolina, 207
          Nourse, Jos., Register, Letters, 212, 245
          Notes by General O'Hara, 219

          O'Hara, James, General, Life of, 200
          O'Hara, James, General, Letters, 203, 210, 245, 260, 264, 268, 275-281, 285,  290
          O'Hara, William Carson, 217
          Ourry, Captain, 121
          Orderly Book, Fort Pitt, 148-199

          Philadelphia, Letter to, by Celeron, 26
          Pickering, Timothy, Letters, 292-293
          Pipe, Captain, 201
          Pitt, Fort, Ecuyer's Journal, 84
          Presidential Elector, 217
          Price, Ensign, escape of, 93, 94
          Presbyterian Church, 217
          Putnam, Brigadier-General, 212

          Rations reduced, 171, 172
          Redstone, Fort, 89
          Ross, James, 218
          Roche De Bout, Fort, 214

          Sick and wounded, 179
          Salt, 217
          Sandusky, report of destruction of, 89
          Saw-mill in Allegheny, 216
          Sentinel, orders to, 156, 180 181
          Ship, General Butler, 216, 217
          Smith, Devereux, 200
          Smallpox, 93, 182
          Simeral, Alex., 223
          Spanish schooner, 217
          Spelt field, 100, 153
          Stagg, Jos., 212
          St. Clair's Defeat, 213
          Steele, Letters, 297-298
          Stewart, Captain, orders to march, 199
          Summons made to the English, 61

          Tarleton, General, 207
          Thompson, James, killed, 92
          Trent, Major, 129
          Troops to march for Ligonier, 171
          Turtle's Heart, Speech to McKee, 92

          Venango in ashes, 94, 130
          Vincennes, 202

          Washington, Fort, Wayne's Letters, 262, 263, 273, 274, 283, 288, 289
          Wayne, General, 208, 264, 267, 270-272, 282-285, 288-290
    [312] Whiskey Insurrection, 215
          Wilkins, John, 215
          Wilkinson, General, 273, 296
          Women, orders about work, 153-155, 158, 160
          Wood, orders relative to, 158, 162, 177
          Written rocks, 28

          Yellow Bird, a Shawnee Chief, 104

                               * * * * * *