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Military: French & Indian Wars-post Rev War: Part 4: FORT PITT AND LETTERS FROM THE FRONTIER, 1892: now Alleghey Co, PA

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                                  FORT PITT


                           LETTERS FROM THE FRONTIER

                          Mary C. Darlington, Editor.
                    J. R. WELDON & CO., PITTSBURGH, 1892.


                     [Page numbers appear in brackets]
                        [Transcription is verbatim]

      (Compiled from books and documents collected
      by William M. Darlington, and letters now in
        the possession of Mrs. McKnight and Miss
          Matilda W. Denny. M. C. DARLINGTON.)

                  [Image] [Image]

           Illustrations of Gen. & Mrs. O'Hara

     THE O'Haras are an ancient Milesian family,
     settled in County Mayo, in the West of
     Ireland. The first mention of the family was
     in 1348. Bishop Murcherd MacMael Moi. 1396, a
     Bishop of the same diocese. 1409, Bishop Bryan
     O'Hara. 1485, Archbishop O'Hara. General Sir
     Charles O'Hara in 17o6 was created a baron and
     took his title from the castle and demesne of
     Tyrawley, in County Mayo. His son, General Sir
     James O'Hara, whose first title was conferred
     during the life of his father for military
     services during Queen Anne's reign, was also
     from the demesne of Kilmaine in that part of
     Ireland. This district is still wild and
     savage, the roads are few and almost
     impassable for ordinary carriages. The O'Haras
     spread from thence to other parts of Ireland,
     viz., Tyrone, Donegal, Antrim, etc. James
     O'Hara had always hanging in the hall of his
     house the coat-of-arms of the barony of
     Tyrawley, in recognition of his descent from
     the ancestors of the barons of the O'Hara
     family of County Mayo‹vert on a pale radiant
     or, a lion rampant sable. James O'Hara,
     afterward General O'Hara, emigrated to America
     about 1772, landed in Philadelphia, and after
     a short residence there wandered to Western
     Virginia, where he was engaged as Indian
     trader by a Philadelphia firm. From December,
     1773, to March, 1774, he was in the service of
     Devereux Smith and [201] Ephraim Douglas, of
     Pittsburgh, as Indian trader at Kuskusky, an
     Indian town, near the junction of the Mahoning
     and Shenango rivers, in what is now Lawrence
     County, Pennsylvania.

     The accounts of the trades with the Indians
     are kept in bucks' , does' and fawns' skins.
     Here is a sample of some of the entries:

     "Captain Pipe's account, Pea-meet-chease,
     lives over the creek: Captain Pipe promises to
     pay this account if the other would not. Deer
     skins received of his wife, 10s; 1 buck skin,
     paid Joseph 1s. Deer skins got of Mamalteas,
     6s 1d. Remainder of raccoon and foxes got at
     his camp. Account with the white woman who
     lives in the smith's shop, Dr. Captain Pipe's
     brother-in-law. Dr. The little Muncy man who
     bo't the gun at the Muncy town, 1 pint powder."

     After March, 1774, James O'Hara was government
     agent among the Indians until the commencement
     of the Revolution. Having been three years
     ensign in the British army, in the Coldstream
     Guards, he was thought capable of commanding a
     company. He raised and equipped a company of
     volunteers. The equipment of soldiers at that
     time was their usual dress, hunting shirt,
     buckskin breeches and the rifle which always
     hung on the wall ready for use. The equipment
     supplied them would be little more than
     ammunition; but in this case boats were
     supplied, which carried besides the company of
     volunteers such articles as were of use in
     trading with the Indians. The fort at Canhawa,
     now Kanawha, to which they were sent, was
     erected by the State of Virginia, and was
     protected and provisioned by the efforts of
     Captain O'Hara's company until 1779. It had
     escaped the perspicacity of the Virginia
     statesmen that the sources of the Indian
     devastations were Detroit, Vincennes and
     Kaskaskia, then in possession of the British.
     Major George Rogers Clark represented that if
     these posts [202] were reduced, a
     counter-influence would be established over
     the Indians.

     In December, 1777, Major Clark submitted to
     the executive of Virginia a plan for the
     reduction of these posts. January 2, 1778, he
     received orders from Patrick Henry, to raise
     seven companies of soldiers, to consist of
     fifty men, officered in the usual manner and
     armed properly, and with this force to attack
     the British posts at Kaskaskia. He set out as
     soon as possible on the enterprise. On
     arriving at the Kanawha River, he was joined
     by Captain O'Hara's company, then on its way
     to the Ozark. General Clark was successful and
     took possession of the town of Kaskaskia,
     which was situated on the river of that name,
     seven miles from its junction with the
     Mississippi. Also Vincennes on the Wabash
     River. This fort was called by the English
     Fort Sackville. The name Vincennes was derived
     from Francois Morgan de Vincennes, who was
     commandant at the post in 1735. The march to
     Vincennes was long, the season inclement, the
     road passed through an untrodden wilderness.
     He could only muster one hundred and thirty
     men; but inspiring this handful with his own
     heroic spirits he resolved to strike the enemy
     in the citadel of his strength. For days his
     route lay through the drowned lands of
     Illinois. One plain, called Horse-shoe Plain,
     about four miles long, was covered with water
     breast-high. The men, holding their rifles
     above their heads, plunged in among the
     floating ice and reached the high land beyond
     safely. In a few days after the surrender an
     amazing number of savages flocked into the
     towns to treat for peace, and soon the
     enlisted companies returned to their former
     stations. The inhabitants were mostly French.
     Speaking French with fluency and understanding
     some of the Indian dialects, Captain O'Hara
     must have been of great service to General
     Clark. Letters from General Clark show the
     strong friendship be- [203] tween them for
     many years after. In 1779, Captain O'Hara's
     company, having had the greater part of the
     soldiers killed by the Indians while hunting
     about Canhawa and other parts of the country,
     was reduced to twenty-nine, which was too
     small a garrison to answer any purpose, or
     protect the inhabitants living in the vicinity
     of that post. The fort was evacuated and the
     garrison, cattle and horses removed to
     Pittsburgh. The few men surviving were annexed
     to the Ninth Virginia Regiment, by General
     Brodhead, December 13, 1779. Captain O'Hara
     was sent to headquarters with letters from
     General Brodhead to General Washington, and to
     James Wilkinson, asking for a supply of
     clothing for the soldiers. Captain O'Hara was
     then made commissary for the General Hospital
     and stationed at Carlisle. The following
     letter was written by Captain O'Hara to
     Devereux Smith, Esq.:

     PITTSBURGH, April 8, 1777.

     Dear Sir:‹I arrived here yesterday from the
     Indian country, and must say that I have great
     reason to suspect that numbers of the savages
     are determined to annoy our frontier as much
     as they dare. On the 2d day of this month, as
     I was preparing to start with my horses from
     the Moravian town, there were three runners
     arrived from Tuscarawas, about thirteen short 
     Miles off, with intelligence that there were a
     party of eighteen, consisting of fifteen
     Mingoes, two Shawnees and one Wiandot at that
     place, on their way to war, and that they
     intended to come for the ministers and other
     white people who live with the Moravians, upon
     which all the white people of the upper town
     fled that night to the principal Delaware
     town; however I stayed till next morning and
     got two of the Moravian Indians to go meet the
     warriors and find out, if possible, what they
     intended to do. We got for answer that they
     looked on themselves as free men, that they
     had no king nor [204] chief, therefore would
     do as they pleased, and that in the first
     place they would visit the neighborhood of
     Fort Pitt; they then set off from Tuscarawas,
     and as I knew that I certainly must have
     fallen in with them, if following my course. I
     thought best to send my horses by the
     Delawares and came home, myself and man, by
     way of the Mingoes town on the Ohio. I was
     informed by good authority, that a party of
     sixty-four, who had gone some time ago to the
     Kentucky, have returned to Pluggin's town,
     they have brought only one prisoner, and have
     lost a Shawnee man; they have again held a
     council of war, and seventy have turned out to
     visit the Big River. The Muncies have in
     general turned off from the Delawares, and are
     much inclined to listen to the Mingoes. The
     Shawnees are divided, about one half of them
     have joined the Mingoes, the Wiandots seem
     more inclined for peace.

     I have nothing further material to communicate
     at present but that I have lost one of your
     buckles. Please make my best compliments to
     Mrs. Smith, and Miss Polly, and the rest of
     your family.

          I am, sir, your humble servant,
                  JAMES O'HARA.

     The following account was written by John
     Heckwelder, the Moravian: On seeing the death
     of General O'Hara announced in the public
     papers, the following occurrence, respecting
     him, was brought to my recollection:

     Some time after the commencement of the
     revolutionary war, when the northern Indians
     were beginning to make inroads on the people
     living on the east side of the Ohio River,
     this gentleman, having come out the upper
     Moravian town on the Muskingum, on business,
     and there taken lodgings with a respectable
     and decent family of Indians in the village, I
     had one evening scarcely laid down to sleep,
     when I was [205] suddenly roused from my bed
     by an Indian runner (or messenger), who in the
     night had been sent to me nine miles, with the
     following verbal message:

     "My friend: See that our friend O'Hara, now at
     your town, be immediately taken off to the
     settlement of the white people, avoiding all
     paths leading to that river. Fail not in
     taking my advice, for there is no time to
     lose, and hear my son further on the subject."

     The fact was, that eleven warriors from
     Sandusky were far advanced on their way to
     take or murder O'Hara, who at break of day
     would be at this place for the purpose. I
     immediately sent for this gentleman and told
     him that I would furnish him with a conductor,
     on whom he might depend, and having sent for
     Anthony (otherwise called Luke Holland),
     informed him of the circumstances, and
     requested his services. He (the Indian) first
     wished to know, whether my friend placed
     confidence in him and trusted to his fidelity,
     which question being answered by O'Hara
     himself, and to his full satisfaction, he
     replied: "Well, our lives cannot be separated!
     We must stand or fall together! But take
     courage, for no enemy shall discover us!" The
     Indian then took Mr. O'Hara through the woods,
     and arriving within a short distance of the
     Ohio River, pointed out to him a hiding place,
     until he, by strolling up and down the river,
     should discover white people on the opposite
     shore; when finally observing a house, where
     two white men were cleaning out a canoe for
     use, he hurried back to bring on his friend,
     who, when near the spot, advised his Indian
     conductor to hide himself, knowing those
     people to be bad men, he feared they might
     kill him for his services. The Indian finally
     seeing his friend safe across the river,
     returned and made report thereof. The young
     Indian, who had been the bearer of the message
     from his father to me, had immediately
     returned on seeing [206] O'Hara off, in order
     to play a further deception on the war party,
     for the purpose of preventing them even from
     going to our town, fearing, that if there, and
     not finding their object, they might probably
     hunt up his track, and finding this, pursue
     him. He indeed effected his purpose so
     completely, that while they were looking for
     him in one direction, his conductor was taking
     him off in another. The father of the young
     lad, who was the principal cause that O'Hara's
     life had been saved, had long been admired by
     all who knew him for his philanthropy, on
     account of which the traders had given him the
     name of "The Gentleman." Otherwise this Indian
     was not in connection with the Christian
     Indian Society, though a friend to them. He
     lived with his family retired and in a decent
     manner. While I feel a delight in offering to
     the relatives and friends of the deceased this
     true and faithful picture of Indian fidelity,
     I regret that on necessarily having had to
     recur to the names "Anthony" and "Luke
     Holland," I am drawn from scenes of pleasure
     to crimes of the blackest hue. The very Indian
     just named, who at that time joyfully reported
     to me his having conducted his friend out of
     danger to a place of safety, some years after
     approached me with the doleful news that every
     one of his children (all minors) together with
     his hoary-headed parents, had been murdered by
     the white people at Gnadenhutten on the Muskingum.

                        JOHN HECKWELDER.

     1780, Captain O'Hara was appointed Commissary
     of the General Hospital and was stationed at
     Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

     1781, he received the appointment of Assistant Quartermaster.
     The winter of 1779 and Œ8o set in with unusual
     severity. Supplies for the troops could not be
     supplied in sufficient quantities, all the
     channels of transportation were closed. But
     the most serious cause of distress was the
     derangement [207] of the currency, which left
     Congress almost without power to assist the
     commissary department. The distress consequent
     thereto caused the revolt of the Pennsylvania
     line in 1781. After that trouble was ended,
     General Greene was put in command in the
     Southern army and Wayne was ordered to join it.

     Captain O'Hara, Assistant Quartermaster, used
     every means to provide for the campaign.
     Warehouses were rented in Carlisle and
     Philadelphia for the storing of provisions and
     means of transportation procured. Of the
     history of his efforts for this purpose there
     remains now in the possession of his
     descendants but one small memorandum book; in
     that can be traced his journey with the army,
     and a record of provisions procured by himself
     and his assistant, Mr. Elliot. Names of places
     are given which correspond with the most noted
     places of the Southern campaign. Charleston
     and almost all of South Carolina had been
     conquered by Lord Cornwallis. The British army
     was preparing for an invasion of North
     Carolina. An engagement between Tarleton and
     Morgan took place at the Cowpens, January 17,
     1781. The British were defeated. Tarleton
     marched through North Carolina to the banks of
     the Dan, where there was another engagement.
     From there the British army pursued Morgan and
     crossed the Yadkin. General Greene made his
     escape from North Carolina. Cornwallis
     returned to Hillsborough; General Greene
     receiving intelligence of this again crossed
     the Dan and returned to North Carolina. From
     want of provisions the British retired. Greene
     advanced, crossed the Haw, and posted himself
     between Troublesome creek and Reedy Fork.

     On the 15th of March began the battle of
     Guilford Court House. It was one of the
     severest of the war. Although the Americans
     were repulsed and the British remained masters
     of the field, they were too much shattered to
     follow up [208] the victory. General Greene
     retreated to Reedy Fork Creek. After this
     General Greene re-entered South Carolina and
     attacked Lord Rawdon at Camden; he was
     defeated, and retreating crossed the Wateree
     and took a strong position for offensive and
     defensive operations. At Eutaw Springs was the
     next battle. Both sides claimed the victory.
     It was the last battle of any note which took
     place in South Carolina.

     These and other places are mentioned in this
     memorandum book, showing that active personal
     attention was given to his duties in his
     department. He continued with the army until
     July, 1783, when having seen the last of the
     Pennsylvania troops embarked on board the
     transport, he travelled himself to
     Philadelphia with General Wayne. After
     settling the affairs of his office he returned
     to Pittsburgh, accompanied by his newly-wedded
     wife in a wagon, the only means of transport.
     She was Mary, the daughter of a Scottish
     gentleman, William Carson; although the house
     that received her was only built of logs, she
     took with her all the luxuries that could be
     transported. The carpets astonished the
     western country people. They expressed their
     astonishment that Mrs. O'Hara should spread
     coverlets on the floor, and hesitated to walk
     on them. The house stood near the Allegheny
     River, above Fort Pitt, in what was called the
     officers' orchard.

     By the Act of Congress, passed April 13, 1782,
     "All officers in the late General Hospitals,
     who were inhabitants of or belonged to this
     State at the time of entering into service,
     and who became supernumerary by the
     arrangement of October, 1780, or resigned
     before 10th April, 1780, and were not
     otherwise provided for by law, are entitled to
     the depreciation of their pay. I am,
     therefore, of opinion, that Mr. O'Hara is
     within the meaning of the Act, and that the
     account is properly passed."

                       WM. BRADFORD, JUN.

     When peace was concluded with Great Britain, a
     portion of their Indian auxiliaries refused to
     bury the hatchet, but continued their
     depredations upon the settlements bordering on
     the Ohio. From 1783 to 1790, it was estimated
     that fifteen hundred men, women and children
     had been slain or taken captive by the Indians.

     Captain O'Hara took the contract for
     furnishing provisions for the Western army,
     then under the command of General Harmar.

           PHILADELPHIA, August 28, 1784.


     Sir:‹Your having assisted the Continental
     Commissioners in procuring the Indian goods so
     much to their satisfaction, has induced the
     Indian Commissioners on the part of this State
     to request your assistance in obtaining and
     safe-packing the goods to be provided by them.
     Enclosed you have a list of such as are
     wanted, and must beg you will lose no time in
     furnishing the several articles therein
     specified, in order that they may be sent, if
     possible, with the goods of the continent. The
     list should have been furnished sooner had we
     been sooner authorized. The Treaty at Fort
     Stanwix will be held the 20th of September
     next, so that it will require your utmost
     exertions, as many of the articles must be
     made here. A second treaty will be held at
     Cuyahoga, on the bank of Lake Erie on the 20th
     of November next, so that the articles in the
     list No. 1 will be equally divided, the
     one-half only immediately for the first
     treaty, by which means you will have
     sufficient time to make up such articles as
     shall be required for the second. As the State
     means to convince the natives that she can and
     will furnish the best assortment of goods, we
     must beg you will be careful to answer her
     good intentions in these particulars. Sundry
     little articles, agreeable to list No. 2,
     [210] will be wanted for the accommodation of
     the Commissioners, who beg you will give
     yourself the additional trouble of furnishing
     the same, and having them carefully put up,
     marked, and sent on with the goods. When they
     are ready to be shipped you will be pleased to
     call upon Captain Joseph Stiles, the keeper of
     the magazine, who will deliver you ten quarter
     casks of powder for the first treaty, ten
     other quarter casks will be ready for the
     second, and likewise delivered you.

                 We are, sir, your humble servants,
                  SAMUEL ATLEE,
                        FRANCIS JOHNSTON.

     P. S.‹Captain Stiles will also furnish you
     with three horseman's and one soldier's tent.

     Another letter of the same purport was written
     to Captain James O'Hara, by Francis Johnston,
     Commissioner, and Colonel Josiah Harmar.

        FORT McINTOSH, (Beaver.) February 15, 1785.

     Sir:‹On the 21st of December I proceeded from
     Fort Pitt with five men for this post in a
     large boat, heavy laden with flour, rum, soap,
     candles, plank, etc., for the use of the
     troops under your command, and that night was
     driven on a fish dam by the ice, where we
     stuck fast until the night of the 22d, when,
     after our broadside was beat in, and no
     prospect of relief, two of the men nearly
     frozen to death, we were obliged to cast
     over-board twelve thousand weight of flour,
     five hundred weight of bread and biscuit, with
     a considerable quantity of other vegetables
     were lost, yet we did not get to shore till
     the 23d, and then in that distressed condition
     which the melancholy situation of Corporal
     Shaw (now present) evinces.

     [211] As these losses of provision may
     probably be considered under the fifth article
     of my contract with the Secretary in the War
     Office, and you being acquainted with the
     circumstances, I shall esteem it a particular
     favor if you will please to furnish me with
     the necessary certificate thereof, and oblige,

           Sir, your most humble servant,
                  JAMES O'HARA.

     I do hereby certify that the above statement
     of facts relative to the loss of the
     contractor's boat and cargo is just and true,
     agreeable to the best information that can be

     Given under my hand at Fort McIntosh, Feb. 16, 1785.

                 JOSIAH HARMAR,
     Lt.-Col. Com. 1st Am. Reg.

     The contract made by Captain O'Hara included
     provisioning and clothing the armies then in
     the field, and supplying the forts, Oswego,
     Niagara, Presqu' isle, Fort le Boeuf,
     Greenville, Washington, Fort Wayne, Fort
     McIntosh, Defiance, Detroit, Michillimacknac,
     Franklin, Miamis, Massac, Chickasaw Bluffs,
     Knox, Rapids of Ohio, Hamilton, Kaskaskias,
     Natchez, etc. To understand the difficulty of
     this undertaking, it must be remembered that
     this war was against the Indians, the most
     ruthless of enemies, assisted by the lately
     conquered British army and American Tories,
     and that during this time occurred the
     disastrous defeats of Generals Harmar and St.
     Clair. General O'Hara was not only contractor
     for furnishing all necessaries for these
     armies, but he was also appointed to act as
     Quartermaster and Treasurer for payments to
     the soldiers pro tem. His accounts were kept
     with the utmost exactness, as will be proven
     by the following certificate:

                  REGISTER'S OFFICE, March 6, 1792.

     These are to certify that James O'Hara, Esq.,
     late Contractor for supplying the army with
     Provisions, and who occasionally acted as
     Quartermaster of the troops and agent for the
     supply of Indian goods, is not charged with
     any moneys on the treasury books. That he has
     from time to time settled his accounts in a
     regular manner at the Treasury, and has given
     general satisfaction to the Treasury officers
     with whom he settled said account.

                  (Signed) JOSEPH NOURSE,

            WAR DEPARTMENT, May 21, 1792.

     Sir:‹I have the honor to transmit you,
     enclosed, your commission as
     Quartermaster-General of the Army of the
     United States.

     The Secretary of War requests that you will
     please to purchase a bat-horse (Pack-horse.)
     for Brigadier-General Putnam, who is about
     setting out for Fort Washington (Cincinnati.)
     on special business. The horse will be left at
     Pittsburgh, under care of Major Craig, subject
     to your order; a saddle and bridle will also
     be wanted.

      I am with great respect, your humble servant,
                Jo. STAGG, JR.,

                  Chief Clerk of the War Department


     The defeat of General Harmar, in 1790, carried
     dismay throughout all our western settlements,
     and inspired the Indians with courage. A new
     army was raised and placed [213] under the
     command of Major-General St. Clair. On the 4th
     of November, 1791, he suffered a total defeat
     near the Miami villages by the Indians and
     their confederates, the English. The whole
     country was thrown into consternation.
     Petitions were sent from posts on the frontier
     to the officers of the government for
     protection. One was sent from Pittsburgh,
     December, 1791, representing the defenceless
     situation of the town, should it be attacked
     by the Indians. This petition was signed and
     addressed to Governor Mifflin by James O'Hara,
     John Irwin, John Wilkins, Jr., A. Tannehill,
     John McMasters, William Turnbull.

     December 26, 1791, orders were sent through
     Governor Mifflin by H. Knox, Secretary of War,
     to Major Craig, to construct immediately a
     block-house at Fort Pitt, and to surround it
     with palisades, so as to contain about 100
     men. Two companies, with the necessary
     officers, were ordered to the fort, and the
     lieutenants of Westmoreland, Allegheny and
     Washington were authorized to employ scouts or
     patrols at the expense of the general
     government. The scouts were to be the best of
     hunters and woodsmen. In 1792 General Wayne
     received the appointment of
     Commander-in-Chief, and the western army was
     reorganized. It was called the Legion of the
     United States. Anxious to conciliate the
     Indians, he called a council twenty-two miles
     below Pittsburgh, which he called Legionville.
     The Indians insisted that they should be the
     undisturbed possessors of all the land north
     and west of the Ohio River. In 1793, when the
     United States Commissioners proposed another
     council, General Wayne playfully expressed a
     wish to be present with 2,500 of his
     commissioners in company, with not a single
     Quaker among them.

     On the 10th of October, 1794, General Wayne
     wrote from the Miami villages, that owing to
     the unfortunate death of [214] Mr. Robert
     Elliot, the acting contractor, who was killed
     by the savages, the affairs of that department
     were deranged and famine threatened, and
     General O'Hara must at once proceed to Fort
     Washington, visiting all the forts on the way,
     taking an invoice of the stores belonging to
     the contractors at each place, and of the
     means of transport, forwarding to the Miami
     village as great a supply of flour, salt and
     cattle as every means of transport in his own
     department as well as that of the contractors
     will permit. For which purpose the
     General-in-chief ordered a detachment of
     dragoons and riflemen, under the command of
     Captain Gibson, as far as Greenville to escort
     the convoy. General O'Hara also received
     orders that if there should be any deficiency
     in the contractors stores, he should supply
     the deficiency.

     July 26, 1794, headquarters (Southwest branch
     of the Miami.) Greenville, General O'Hara
     wrote to Major Craig that a Potawatomie, who
     was in the action of the 30th of June, at
     Grand Glaize, was captured and being examined
     says, that by every account of the Delawares
     from Roche de Bout, the British have from
     fifteen to twenty pieces of cannon at that
     place; that the British called upon all the
     Indian Nations to bring on all their warriors,
     and that they would bring more British
     soldiers than they could bring warriors. This
     was one moon before the action at Fort
     Recovery. The Indians having prepared for war,
     told the British to raise their strong arm and
     come on; their answer was to proceed and go on
     before and they would wait with their strong
     arms to strike the Americans; that the Great
     Man of Canada ordered them to go and take the
     fort, overset General Wayne's army, and roll
     them into the Ohio. He could not tell the
     number of Indians killed before Fort Recovery;
     the Indians carried off all their dead, except
     a few that lay too [215] near the fort. Some
     of the wounded were carried off on horseback,
     and some by water. General O'Hara adds, "that
     the present prospects of supporting the
     Quartermaster's Department with general
     approbation are very flattering. The Legion
     and auxiliaries are in good spirits and well
     supplied, and you may be perfectly assured
     that we shall be in possession of Grand Glaize
     and Roche de Bout before the 15th of next

     "July 27th.‹The General beats to-morrow
     instead of the Reveille. The whole army is
     ready to move in the most complete order at
     sunrise, and you may expect to be informed of
     an end being put to the business of war in
     this quarter and of Simcoes (Governor of
     Canada.) retrograde or defeat by my next

                 "JAMES O'HARA, Q. M. G."

     After the successful termination of General
     Wayne's campaign General O'Hara wished to
     resign his office as Quartermaster-General,
     but the resignation was not accepted until
     May, 1796, when he was succeeded by
     Lieutenant-Colonel John Wilkins. He continued
     in the service of the government as contractor
     for supplying the Western army until 1802. It
     was during the time of Wayne's campaign that
     there occurred the revolt against government
     officials, called the "Whiskey Insurrection."
     The rioters had burned the country house of
     General Neville, and had assembled before
     General Abraham Kirkpatrick's house for the
     same purpose. H. H. Brackenridge addressed the
     mob and appealed to them in a manner which
     they could not resist. He showed them that it
     would be impossible to burn the house of
     Kirkpatrick without at the same time burning
     that of General O'Hara, which was close by,
     both built of wood; that they knew General
     [216] O'Hara was from home with General Wayne,
     fighting the Indians; to destroy his property
     under such circumstances would be an act for
     which they would never forgive themselves. If
     the house must be destroyed, let it be pulled
     down, not burned. The crowd dispersed.

     In the spring of 1796 General O'Hara built a
     saw-mill in Allegheny and made arrangements
     with Major Isaac Craig for the erection of
     glassworks. Mr. Eichbaum was engaged to erect
     the works. It was a very difficult and
     expensive undertaking. They made their own
     pots. Some of the clay was brought from
     Germany; all had to be brought from
     Philadelphia in wagons. Thirty thousand
     dollars were expended before the first bottle
     was made. After that the furnaces were
     reconstructed and the manufactory became very
     profitable. After the partnership with Major
     Craig was dissolved he carried on the business
     alone. In 1805 he built the ship "General
     Butler." On March 4th it lay in the stream at
     Pittsburgh, ready to weigh anchor the moment
     the water answered. She was to go down the
     river with a cargo of glass for intermediate
     ports, take a cargo of cotton at Natchez for
     Liverpool, and to return to Philadelphia or
     New Orleans with goods for either of these
     markets. She was commanded by Captain Samuel
     Lake. The General's eldest son, William Carson
     O'Hara, was supercargo. General John Wilkins
     was owner of one-fourth of the ship and cargo.

     Strict orders were given by General O'Hara and
     General Wilkins to Captain Lake that he would
     not suffer on board any stores, wares or
     articles of any kind that could possibly be
     conceived to be contraband of war, nor attempt
     to touch at any prohibition port. The ship was
     insured in Philadelphia for $10,000 by Joseph
     Carson; it was valued at $14,000. The cargo
     was to be insured in Liverpool. On account of
     the war Captain Lake was authorized to sell it
     in Liverpool. "We [217] do not wish to sell at
     any considerable loss, but being engaged in
     building another and desirous to encourage
     shipbuilding at place, we are willing to sell
     this without profit." It was not sold. May 3,
     1807, the "General Butler" again sailed from
     New Orleans for Greenock with a cargo of
     cotton. October 3, 1807, the ship was captured
     by a Spanish schooner within sixty miles of
     Havanna and taken into Vera Cruz.

     Several other vessels were built by O'Hara and
     Wilkins for the river trade. One other, the
     "Betsey," traded between Baltimore and the
     West Indies. It was consigned to John Holmes,
     a merchant in Baltimore. He never rendered any
     account or answered letters addressed to him
     by General O'Hara. It was not known what
     became of the vessels during the owner's life.

     1789, General O'Hara was elected Presidential
     elector and cast his vote for General
     Washington. He assisted General Wilkins and
     others in building the First Presbyterian
     Church, Pittsburgh, and gave the handsome
     chandelier which ornamented and illuminated
     the building, until it was torn down and
     replaced by the present edifice. 1802-4, he
     was a candidate for election to Congress and
     was defeated by Lucas, a Democrat. During the
     time of his contract for supplying the
     northwest army with provisions he ascertained
     that salt from the Onondaga works in New York
     could be furnished in Pittsburgh cheaper than
     from Baltimore. He packed his flour and
     provisions in barrels suitable for salt. These
     barrels were reserved in his contract. Vessels
     were built on the lakes and river for its
     transportation and the salt sold for $4 a bushel.

     1804, General O'Hara was appointed a director
     of the branch of the Bank of Pennsylvania,
     established that year in Pittsburgh. 1811, he
     entered into partnership with John Henry
     Hopkins‹afterwards Bishop of Vermont‹in an
     iron [218] works at Ligonier. It was a
     failure. Among other noble qualities, Mr.
     Hopkins possessed the rare one of
     acknowledging and being grateful for a
     pecuniary obligation.

     General O'Hara at various times made extensive
     purchases of property in Allegheny County and
     elsewhere. The first tract of land he
     purchased was in 1773, nineteenth day of
     November, being a plantation and tract of land
     containing four hundred acres, situated on
     Coalpit Run. His mercantile knowledge was
     acquired in 1770 and 1771 in a counting-house
     in Liverpool. The exactness of his accounts
     with government is proved by the following

                  BOARD OF TREASURY, July 19, 1786.

     I certify that there is due to Mr. James
     O'Hara, from the Commissioners of the Board of
     Treasury, for sundry warrants by him endorsed
     and delivered this day to the Treasurer of the
     United States, the sum of Three Thousand
     Dollars: for the amount of which I am
     accountable agreeably to a receipt given to me
     by Mr. James O'Hara of this date.

                  WILLIAM DUER,
                Secretary of the Board of Treasury.

     Other certificates of the same kind have been
     preserved by his family. His compeers were men
     whose talents have never been excelled in this
     community, viz.: James Ross, Hugh Henry
     Brackenridge, W. Forward, Judge Baldwin, etc.

     Letters from many officers of the army prove
     their esteem and confidence in him. To some he
     was allied by marriage. General Febiger was
     his brother-in-law. His son James married the
     daughter of Pressley Neville, who was also the
     granddaughter of General Daniel Morgan, of
     whom it was said, "Served everywhere,
     surrendered nowhere, served to the end of the
     war." His daughter, Elizabeth Febiger [219]
     O'Hara, married the son of Major Denny, and
     soon after his death his daughter Mary married
     the son of Major Croghan. General George
     Rogers Clark was a brother-in-law of Major
     Croghan. During his residence in Pittsburgh he
     was noted for his hospitality. To his house
     all were welcome, from the countryman who came
     in for rest or refreshment, to his guests of
     honor, Louis Philippe, General Moreau, and his
     friends, the French officers. At that time the
     higher classes in Ireland sent their sons to
     France for their education. It is probable
     that it was thus he acquired his perfect
     knowledge of French.

     James O'Hara died December 21, 1819, in the
     67th year of his age. Mary O'Hara died April
     8, 1834, aged 73. William Carson, James and
     Charles died s. p. d., before their father.
     The only descendants of his name are James
     O'Hara and his son Richard W. O'Hara,
     descendants of Richard Butler O'Hara.

                               * * * * * *

                NOTES BY GENERAL O'HARA.

     From the mouth of Tennessee to Fort Masac 12 Miles
     From Fort Masac to the mouth of Ohio 36 Miles
     From the mouth of the Ohio to Fort Jefferson 6 Miles
     From the mouth of the Ohio to Iron Bank 14 Miles
     From the mouth of the Ohio to Chalk Bank 7 Miles
     From the mouth of the Ohio to Chickasaw River 25 Miles
     From the mouth of the Ohio to New Mexico 50 Miles
     From Fort Jefferson to Masac, by land 18 Miles
     From Fort Jefferson to the mouth of Tennessee 24 Miles
     Raystown, Bedford.
     Fort Burd, Redstone Old Fort.
     Fort Franklin, Venango County, near mouth of French Creek.
     Fort Harmar, right bank of Muskingum, opposite Marietta, built
          1785 by Major Doughty.
     Le Boeuf, on the south or west fork of French Creek.
     Fort Ligonier, east side of Loyalhanna Creek, Westmoreland County,
          erected 1757 or 1758.
     Fort McIntosh, built by General Lachlan
     McIntosh 1778. Beaver.
     DuQuesne. Pittsburgh. Fort Pitt.
     Presqu' Isle, erected 1756, on Lake Erie,
         about 30 miles above Buffalo Fort.
     Fort Reed, erected 1773, near Hannas Town.
     Fort Washington, Cincinnati.

                      * * * * * *