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Allegheny County PA Archives-  Church: Grace Church, Mt. Washington, PA

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1903 :

PAGES 0 - 39


image of Grace Church exterior can be viewed at:



Grace Church, built 1853....................... Frontispiece.
Fronting Page 
Interior View of the Church ................... 9
The, Rev. Gustavus W. Mayer ................. 13
The Rev. B. B. Killikelly, D. D .................. 16
The Rev. Robt. J. Coster, D. D ............... 18
The Choir, October, 1903...................... 119
The Bishop's Chair............................... 120
The Lectern ; ................................... 122 
Mrs. Maria Louisa Bigham ..................... 257 
The Hon. Thomas J. Bigham .................. 262
GeorgeT. Lowen ............................... 264
Abraham Kirkpatrick Lewis ................... 266
Squire Edward Bratt ........................... 267 
John Conway Shaler, Jr ....................... 269 
William Luke Bond ............................. 271
Captain John Smith McMillin................... 272 
Major Samuel Harper ......................... 275
William Halpin ................................. 277
Alfred Marland................................. 279
Oliver Halpin Stinson ...........................280 
Melville L. Stout ............................... 281 
George Abraham Johnson .................... 282 
Thomas Francis Ashford, Sr .................. 283
Orin W. Sadler, M. D.......................... 284
The Rector and Vestry (1903)................ 285
Henry Washington Neely ..................... 289



Preface. .................................... 5
Location..................................... 7
Organization of the Parish ............... 8
Laying the Corner Stone of the Church.. 8
Charter obtained ........................... 9
Admitted to the Convention of Diocese of Pennsylvania ... 9
Opening of the Church ..................... 9
Cost of the Church and Lot ............... 10
The Reverend James A. Stone............ 10
The Reverend John G. Furey ............. 11
The Reverend Richard Smith ............. 11
The Reverend Charles W. Quick.......... 12
The Reverend Jubal Hodges............... 12
The Reverend Gustavus Wilhelm Mayer .. 13
Vacancy in the Rectorship................. 15
The Reverend Bryan Bernard Killikelly, D. D.. 16
Cost of Basement Sunday School Room.... 18
The Reverend Robert John Coster, D. D ...18
Consecration of the Church ............... 21
Celebration of his Twentieth Anniversary(1888).. 40
Improvements in the Neighborhood of the Church. 88
Celebration of his Thirtieth Anniversary (1898).... 91
Continuation of the History of his Rectorship to 1903.... 95
History of the Pipe Organ of the Church ... 107
History of the Choir ........................ 110
Chancel Furniture and Memorials ......... 120
Chancel Window ............................ 121
Stained-Glass Windows .................... 123
The Mount Washington Reading Room.... 125
Charter of the Parish....................... 130
Vestries of the Parish.. .................... 134
Deputies to the Diocesan Conventions... 140
Lists of Parishioners.........143, 144, 148, 157, 159
Baptisms...................................... 166
Confirmations................................ 209
Marriages..................................... 215



Burials....................................... 230
Obituary of Mrs.. Maria Louise Bigham.... 257
Members of the Vestry of 1851 ......... 262
Hon. Thomas James Bigham ............ 262
GeorgeT. Lowen ......................... 264
Abraham Kirkpatrick Lewis ............. 266
Members of the Vestry of 1869 ......... 267
Members of the Vestry of 1893 ......... 279
The Rector and the Vestry of 1903 ..... 285
Henry W. Neely, S. S. Supt. and Vestryman ... 289
The Grace Church Guild ................. 290
The Coster Guild.......................... 295
A Sketch of the Early History of the Parish, by 
the Hon. Thomas James Bigham, late Senior 
Warden.................................... 296
(See Index at end of book.) 



     The men and women who took part in the founding of Grace Church have
nearly all passed away. Soon there will be no one living who was present at
the laying of the corner stone in April, 1852, or at the first opening of the
church for divine service in September, 1853.

     We wish to perpetuate the memory of the deeds of those whose faith and
zeal, whose loving sacrifices and labors established and built up the church,
the ministrations and privileges of which the present generation of the
people of Mount Wasting on are now enjoying; therefore, we have at some pains
gathered such facts concerning the origin of the church as are now
accessible, and such reminiscences of its early history as the imperfect
records give, and such other facts as the memories of those yet living, who
were cognizant of the events, can supply.

     We are particularly indebted to the Hon. Thomas J. Bigham, long the
senior warden of the parish, for an interesting account of its early history.
This history, prepared at the request of the Rector and Vestry, a few years
before his death, will form an important part of the work. This, however, we
may say, is only one of Mr. Bigham's minor services of the parish; for,
indeed, it was chiefly through his efforts and gifts, and those of his
generous and devout wife, that the parish was organized and the church
building erected. Others, indeed, as the history will show, helped in the
work; but it was altogether due to the influence and solicitations of Mr. and
Mrs. Bigham, in those early days, that help from other sources was
forthcoming. Mrs. Bigham gave the ground on which the church stands, and she
and her husband gave more than two-thirds of the three thousand dollars which
the church originally cost. They both maintained their deep interest in the
church to the end of their life. The writer knows



well how much they loved the church, and how they valued its ministrations
and gave freely to its support.

     There are several other families which, although not among the
originators of the church, were its constant attendants and supporters from a
very early period in its history. Among these families the Goldthorps, the
Bratts, the Halpins, the McMillins, the Shalers, the Bonds, the Goldings and
the Torrences are to be mentioned.

     The faithful workers and the devout supporters of the Church of Christ
deserve to be held in loving remembrance, and if this little work shall keep
from oblivion the names of a few of these faithful ones, it will have served
a worthy purpose, and the compiler will be amply rewarded for the time and
labor devoted to its preparation.


Pittsburgh, October 10, 1903.



     The district lying south of the Monongahela River, on the top of the
high bluff rising four hundred feet above the lower part of the city,
directly opposite to old Fort Duquesne, is known as Mount Washington
(originally Coal Hill). As late as thirty years ago the only means of access
to this district was a road starting from the south end of Smithfield Street
Bridge and winding around the side of the hill, following a ravine, until it
reached the top, where it led into the old Washington Road. In this district
the descendants and heirs of Major Abraham Kirkpatrick were large
landholders, among whom was Maria L. Lewis, afterwards Mrs. Thomas J. Bigham.
Soon after her marriage her husband built a commodious brick residence on her
land, and the family went to live on Mount Washington. The population at that
time was small and there was no church in the district which now forms the
Thirty-second Ward of Pittsburgh. As soon as they were settled in their new
home Mr. and Mrs. Bigham opened a Sunday School for the children of the hill,
and at once began to form plans for establishing a church in the
neighborhood. At first they obtained the use of the public school building
for holding the Sunday School, and afterward services were held there until
the church was built, in 1853.

     The inaccessibility of this district and the rough and at times muddy
condition of the streets retarded the growth of the population for some
years; but when, in 1872, the Monongahela Incline Plane, near the south end
of the Smithfield Street Bridge, was opened for travel, and a little later
the Duquesne 



Incline, opposite the Point, the growth of the population became very rapid.
Then improved board walks followed, and later paved streets, which rendered
it a much more desirable place of residence. But during the time when the
church was first organized, and for twenty years afterward, it was a region
almost unknown in the city and was visited only by those whose interests or
duty led them to climb the steep hill. 

October 22, 1851.

     Grace church was organized and its articles of association were adopted
at a meeting held in the public school building, on the corner of Sycamore
and Spring (now Stanwix) Streets, on October 22, 1851, under the chairmanship
of the Rev. William H. Paddock, missionary of the diocese in Western
Pennsylvania. The following vestry was elected: Thomas J. Bigham, Senior
Warden; Alexander Rowland, Junior Warden; George Lowen, William Adams,
Richard Stubbs, Benjamin White, and A. Kirk Lewis. Among those present at the
organization of the parish were Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Bigham, Mr. and Mrs.
William Adams, A. Kirk Lewis, Andrew Rowland, Misses Augusta and Lucy Shaler
(daughters of Judge Shaler) , Mr. Richard Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. David Reese,
Miss Anna M. Golding and George Lowen. It is to be regretted that the record
does not contain a full list of those present,as it is impossible now to
supply the deficiency.

     The first meeting of the new parish for divine service was held in the
same schoolhouse, on the evening of the fourth Sunday after Epiphany,
February 1, 1852, by the Rev. Joseph A. Stone, who then entered upon duty as
minister of the parish.

APRIL 3, 1851.

The corner stone of Grace Church was laid on the corner of Bertha and
Sycamore Streets, with appropriate services, by the Rt. Rev. Alonzo Potter,
Bishop of. the Diocese of Pennsylvania, on April 3, 1852, in the presence of
a number of the clergy of the city and


image of Grace Church interior can be viewed at:



a large assembly of the laity. There were present at this service, among
others, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bigham, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirk Lewis, Miss Sarah
Orth, Mrs. Golding, Miss Anna Golding (later Mrs. W. L. Bond), Mrs. T. H.
Golding, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowen, Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Stubbs, Mr. and Mrs. David Reese (father and mother of Mrs. Mary E.
Torrence), Mr. and Mrs. Price, Mr. and Mrs.W. O. Leslie, Miss Emily Neely,
Mr. Eaton and Mr. Felix R. Brunot.

     Bishop Potter was assisted in the service by the Rev. Joseph A. Stone,
the rector, and the Rev. William H. Paddock, missionary. The singing for the
occasion was led by Miss Emily Neely.

APRIL 26, 1852.

     The parish was chartered by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny
County, Pennsylvania, and the charter of incorporation ordered to be recorded
in the office for recording deeds in the said county on April 26, 1852. (See

MAY 20, 1852.

     The charter of the new parish was laid before the Annual Convention of
the Diocese of Pennsylvania which met in Philadelphia in May, 1852, and 
on the third day of the session, May 20, 1852, on motion of the Rev. Mr. 
Buchanan, of the Committee on Charters, the parish was duly admitted 
into union with the convention.

SEPTEMBER 18, 1853.

     The church building was completed, and opened for divine service on the
afternoon of Sunday, September 18, 1853, when, after evening prayer by the
rector, Rev. John G. Furey, the Rev. E. N. Cornwall, Rector of St. Andrew's,
Church, Pittsburgh, preached the sermon, from Psalm lxxii, 16: "There shall
be an heap of corn in the earth high upon the hills; the fruit shall shake
like Lebanon: and shall be green in the city like grass upon the earth."'



     In the evening of the same day divine service was again held, and after
the reading of the service by the Rector, the Rev. Samuel Randall preached
from Ephesians iv, 21: "As the truth is in Jesus."

     Large congregations attended these services, and it was a day of
great rejoicing for the members of the new parish.


Lot, 84 by 200 feet .................... $500. 00
Church building (contract price) ...... 2,000.00
Extrawork, etc ........................... 356.00
Stained-glass windows (Rhodes and Nelson) ....... 103.00
Fence for lot and painting same.......... 95.00
Bell, from Fulton Foundry................. 40.00
Stoves and fixtures ....................... 23.00
Total. ................................ $3,117.00

Paid by the following contributions:
Proceeds of a picnic................... $273.00
A. Kirk Lewis.. ......................... 350.00
Richard Cowan .......................... 50.00
William Holmes .......................... 50.00
Hon. Charles Shaler...................... 25.00
Mrs. Eliza Loomis........................ 25.00
Sundry Small contributions' to pay for fence.... 60.00
Andrew Fulton, cost of bell: ........ ....40.00
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bigham.....2,224.00
Total ................................ $3,117.00



     1. REV. JOSEPH A. STONE, entered upon duty and held the first service
after the parish had been organized, in the evening of the fourth Sunday
after Epiphany, February 1, 1852. He officiated regularly every Sunday
evening, and every other Sunday morning thereafter.



He reports that the parish had a successful and flourishing Sunday School,
established several years prior to this time by an active and devoted lady of
the parish, the sessions of which were held every Sunday afternoon.
     After a rectorship of one year and one month, he resigned, on the third
Sunday in Lent, February 1, 1853.

     2. REV. JOHN G. FUREY, the second rector of the parish, entered upon
duty June 1, 1853, and after a rectorship of nine months resigned March 1,
No report of his work seems to have been made to the Convention in 1854. The
important event during his short connection with the parish was the opening
of the new church for divine service on the afternoon of Sunday, September
18, 1853. Up to this time services had been held in the schoolhouse mentioned
above, where there were no appliances for a proper rendering of the service.
This change gave to the young parish a permanent center for church work, and
assured the continued growth and influence of the parish in the community.

     3. REV. RICHARD SMITH, the third rector of the parish, began duty the
Sunday after Easter, April 23, 1854. After serving the parish two years, he
resigned April 24, 1856, in consequence of increasing age and general
debility. He had, in connection with his work on Mount Washington, the work
at St. Luke's, Chartiers, between which two places he divided his time. In
his report to the Convention in May, 1856, he says: "I have labored during
the past year in my two parishes as often as circumstances would allow. The
congregations have steadily improved, especially the one on Mount Washington,
where there is a good Sunday School, well attended." In the previous year he
reported 12 teachers and 85 scholars as belonging to the Sunday School.
     Owing to his age and the inaccessibility of the church from the city,
Mr. Smith was often absent in the winter time, but the church was not closed,
as Mr. T. J. Bigham on such occasions read the service, and thus prevented
the disappointment of the small gathering of worshipers.


image of Rev Gustave W. Mayer may be viewed at:



     After the resignation of the Rev. Richard Smith, there was a period of
seven months in which there was no rector. lay services were held by Mr. T.
J. Bigham, the senior warden, with an occasional service by the Rev. J. S. B.
Hodges, the assistant minister at Trinity Church, and others.

     4. THE REV. CHARLES W. QUICK, the fourth rector of the parish, began to
officiate in December, 1856. He had other work in the city, and generally
officiated at Grace Church in the evening. After a rectorship of two and a
half years, he resigned in the month of April, 1859.

     In his last report, made in May, 1858, he gives the families as 10 and
the communicants 8. He says: "The senior warden has steadily performed the
duties of lay reader. To visit the parish once on Sunday in order to preach
has been all that my other engagements have left me at liberty to do. The
salary is small and very much in arrears."

     The Sunday School remained the same as reported by the preceding rector.

     Mr. Quick was scholarly and conscientious, but a man of marked
peculiarities, some of which Mr. Bigham refers to in his history of the


     A vacancy in the rectorship now began which continued fourteen months,
during which time the Sunday School was kept open, and occasional services
were held by visiting clergymen. Rev. E. M. Van Dusen, of St. Peter's Church,
and Rev. Jubal Hodges, of St. Mark's, Birmingham, held services and baptized
some children.

     5. The REV. JUBAL HODGES, the fifth rector, began to officiate on
Sunday, June 24, 1860. He was at the same time rector of St. Mark's,
Birmingham, and held services in Grace Church only on Sunday afternoons. He
continued to officiate about a year and resigned, as it seems, in the summer
of 1861. The entries in the parish register give little information, and
there is no report in the Convention Journal for 1861; consequently there are
no data concerning his rectorship.



     6. The REV. GUSTAVUS WILHELM MAYER, the sixth rector, began duty in the
parish December 1, 1861, the first Sunday in Advent, in connection with the
parish of St. Luke's, Chartiers. He was at that time a deacon, but January
19, 1862, he was ordained to the priesthood, and on the following Sunday
administered the Holy Communion for the first time in Grace Church.

     After officiating at Grace Church about eighteen months, with an
interruption of six or eight weeks, caused by a serious illness, during which
time services were rendered by the Rev. Charles V. Gardiner, who was then
staying in Pittsburgh, he resigned in March, 1863, and confined his services
to St. Luke's, Chartiers. During his incumbency he kept a horse, and was
able, therefore, to reach both of his churches on Sunday, officiating at one
in the morning and at the other in the evening.

     He was a German by birth, and occasionally held a service in the German
language in Grace Church, for the benefit of the German-speaking people of
the parish, and some of the families thus brought to the church still remain
members of the congregation.

     There seems to have been little change in the condition of affairs
during Mr. Mayer's rectorship. The Sunday School was kept up by the senior
warden, and the contributions were about as in former years, though the
particulars are not recorded. In May, 1862, he reports, "Number of
communicants, 10."


     Gustavus Wilhelm Mayer, the son of L. G. Mayer and Marie Louise von
Liebenstien, was born Sunday, April 26, 1835, in Sussen, Wurtemberg, Germany,
and was the elder of two children. His parents were members of the
Established Church of Wurtemberg (Lutheran), and he was baptized in the
parish church on the eighth day after his birth. He received his early
instruction in the parish school, and then in the Latin Grammar School at
Weiblingen, where he studied Latin and Greek and made such progress that at
thirteen he could read his Greek New Testament with ease and fluency. In 1848
his parents emigrated to America, and in 1853



he entered Princeton College, from which institution he was graduated in
1857. After some months of study in the Princeton Theological Seminary he
decided to enter the ministry of the Episcopal Church, and consequently went
to the Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Virginia, becoming a cadidate for
Holy Orders from that diocese. He graduated from that institution in 1859,
and on October 2 of that year was ordained deacon in the chapel of the
seminary by the Rt. Rev. John Johns, D. D., Assistant Bishop of the Diocese
of Virginia at that time.

     He did temporary work in the dioceses of Virginia and Maryland for
about two years and then, on December 1, 1861, he was put in charge of St.
Luke's, Chartiers, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and Grace Church, Mount
Washington, by the Bishop of Pennsylvania. He was ordained to the priesthood
Sunday, January 19, 1862, in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, by Bishop
Alonzo Potter, and returning at once to Pittsburgh he celebrated the Holy
Communion, for the first time in his ministry, in Grace Church on the
following Sunday morning. 

     In 1863 he gave up his work in Pennsylvania, and after about two years
spent in Spring Hill Parish, Somerset County, Maryland, and in missionary
work in Elmira, New York, he accepted the rectorship of St. Mark's Parish,
Penn Yan, N. Y., in 1867.

     Here, in the fall of 1870, he married Mary L. Potter, youngest daughter
of Samuel J. Potter, of that place. The next eleven years he spent in
missionary work in the West—one year in Cheyenne and ten years in San
Francisco, Cal, He returned East in 1881 and was appointed on the staff of
the City Mission clergy of New York, which position he held for ten years,
being also during this time chaplain of "Charity Hospital, Blackwell's
Island, N. Y." After one year of work at the Mission Church of the Holy
Cross, New York, he began labor in his present position, January 1, 1893, as
priest in charge of St. Matthew's (German) Mission Church in Newark, N. J.
This work is specially interesting to him, owing to the fact that it was in
this church that the impressions made upon him in his boyhood ultimately led
to his entering the ministry of the Episcopal Church.



     Mr. Mayer is a very scholarly man, of high mental endowments and keen
literary perceptions; a fine sermonizer and a ready, fluent speaker.

FROM APRIL, 1863, TO JUNE 26, 1866.

     After the resignation of the Rev. Mr. Mayer there was no rector for a
little over three years. During this time services were maintained with more
or less regularity by Dr. L. H. Harris, acting as lay reader, under the
appointment of Bishop Stevens. Occasional clerical services, with the
administration of baptism and Holy Communion, were given by the Rev. Dr. Van
Dusen and the Rev. Messrs. Ten Broeck, Tschudy, Snively, Swope and Fuller, of
the city clergy. The Sunday School was kept open chiefly through the efforts
of the lay reader and Mr. and Mrs. Bigham, with an average attendance of
about 100 pupils.

     Such frequent and long-continued interruptions in the regular services
of a parish are serious hindrances to its life and growth, and sometimes lead
to disastrous results. It was only the devoted faithfulness of a few earnest
souls that prevented the complete disorganization of the parish at this time.

     During the greater part of this period our civil war was in progress,
and all church as well as all benevolent enterprises, not directly connected
with the war, suffered greatly by the diversion of sympathy and interest to
the claims of that great struggle. The war, which threatened our national
existence, so engrossed the thoughts and absorbed the energies of our people
that they could give but little attention to anything else. At length,
however, peace came in 1865, and again men's thoughts and activities were
directed in the old channels, interest in church matters soon revived, and a
year later the vestry secured a rector and regular ministrations were resumed
in Grace Church.


image of Rev. B. B. Killikelly can be viewed at:



     7. THE REV. BRYAN BERNARD KILLIKELLY, D. D., the seventh rector of the
parish, entered upon his duties on Trinity Sunday, May 26, 1866. He continued
to officiate during a period of one year, and then resigned, after evening
prayer, on Sunday, June 2, 1867.

     In the summer of 1865 extensive improvements in the church building
were undertaken. These improvements were not completed when Dr. Killikelly
became rector, and were afterward continued under his supervision. To supply
an urgent need, the floor of the church was raised four feet and the ground
below excavated sufficiently to give space for a basement Sunday School and
lecture room. This room was neatly finished on the walls and ceiling with
dressed flooring, and the old pews of the church were used to furnish it with
seats, and in it for the time being the services were held.

     At this stage of the improvements the funds gave out, leaving the body
of the church unfurnished and unfinished. Moreover, it was found that the
debts already contracted over and above the sum of the subscriptions amounted
to $600. The vestry was unable at that time to raise the money needed to
complete the improvements and to meet their other obligations, so, under
these, circumstances, Dr. Killikelly decided to resign. He reported to the
Convention of the, Diocese of Pittsburgh in May, 1867: Communicants, 26;
Sunday School--teachers, 13; pupils, 110; and he ends his record in the
Register with this note: "I have the satisfaction of knowing that more has
been done for the parish and greater interest elicited in its work during the
year now closed than was ever done before; and I here desire to record my
deep gratitude to Almighty God for His great goodness in giving me favor in
the sight of those to whom I was called to minister, and for whose eternal
welfare I shall not cease to pray."

     Dr. Killikelly's work in the parish during the year that he was rector
was carried on at great disadvantage. He resided at Kittanning, forty-five
miles away, and when he had reached the city there was, in those days, no way
of getting to Mount Washington except by a fatiguing walk up a long and steep



hill. He was at the time sixty-three years old, and by no means robust; the
journeys up and down, therefore, often so exhausted him that he would be
forced to seek some place of rest before he could proceed on his way; and,
unfortunately, the salary was not sufficient to justify him in moving his
family to live in the parish. He nevertheless worked on without complaining,
because it was the Lord's work, in whose sacred service he delighted to spend
his whole strength.

     Dr. Killikelly was born on the Island of Barbadoes January 18, 1804,
where his father, formerly an officer in the British navy, held an official
position. In 1826 he came to the United States and engaged in mercantile
pursuits in the city of New York. He subsequently studied theology and was
admitted to deacon's orders by the Rt. Rev. H. U. Onderdonk, in St. John's
Church, Pittsburgh (then Lawrenceville), July 19, 1834, and was advanced to
the priesthood in Trinty Church, Freeport, Pa., by the same Bishop, on April
25, 1836.

     His whole ministerial life of forty-three years was spent in
Pennsylvania, except a period of nine years passed under Bishop Kemper, at
Vincennes, Ind., where he built a church and established a flourishing school
for young ladies. He officiated at various times in Kittanning, Freeport,
Paradise (Lancaster County), at Brady's Bend, and New Castle. After the close
of his rectorship in Grace Church, Mount Washington, he spent four years of
hard and faithful missionary work at McKeesport, where he planted the church
that has since become a strong parish. He died peacefully April 11, 1877.

     As a man Dr. Killikelly was irreproachable. He was courteous, gentle,
sympathetic. As a priest, he lived above the world; self-denying, ever ready
to spend and be spent in his Master's service.

     Dr. Killikelly in his notes in the register of the parish, refers to
the "seven clergymen" who had had charge of the parish before him. In these
seven he includes the Rev. William H. Paddock, under whose chairmanship, as
District Missionary of Western Pennsylvania, the parish was organized; but
Mr. Paddock, while he officiated a few times in the schoolhouse for the
congregation, never really had charge


image of Rev. Robert J. Coster may be viewed at:



of the parish. Dr. Killikeily was, therefore, the seventh rector.


The cost of the basement (Sunday School and lecture room) amounted to
Subscriptions to pay same:
Mrs. B. M. Ebbs.................... $500.00
Mr. John S. McMillin :..... ......... 500.00
Thomas J. Bigham and sons........ 250.00
Thomas M. Howe. .................. 300.00
George W. Cass ...................... 50.00
Sundry other sources................ 500.00

Total............................. $ 2,100.00
This left a debt of $600 at the time of Dr. Killikelly's resignation, as
mentioned above.


     8. THE REV. ROBERT JOHN COSTER, D. D., the eighth rector of Grace
Church, began duty April 5, 1868.

     After resignation of Dr. Killikelly, on June 2, 1867, there was a
vacancy in the rectorship until April 5, 1868, when the Rev. R. J. Coster
held his first service as "missionary in charge," under the appointment of
the Rt. Rev. John B. Kerfoot, Bishop of Pittsburgh.* The congregation met for
service in the basement schoolroom, the body of the church being unfurnished
and otherwise unfinished. Service was now held regularly every Sunday
morning, and a session of the Sunday School every afternoon. The number that
gathered for public worship was small, being for some time not more than
twenty persons. During the first year only about fourteen communicants were
found, as will be seen by the parochial report of 1869, and the Sunday School
had fallen off to sixty-eight members. The small congregation was too
burdened and discouraged by a debt of $600, for the settlement of which the
creditors were pressing. Rector and people felt that it was an absolute
necessity to get rid of this debt before there could be any forward movement
in the

*Elected rector Easter, 1869.



work of the parish. Measures were therefore at once adopted to raise money
to pay the overdue claims standing against the parish. Subscriptions were
solicited, and a fair was held in September, 1868, by which means sufficient
funds were secured to pay the indebtedness, that now amounted to $646. The
removal of this debt encouraged the congregagation and rector to undertake
the heavier task of completing and furnishing the church.

     The vestry at this time was composed of the following members: Edward
Bratt, Senior Warden; John C. Shaler, Jr., Junior Warden; Samuel Harper,
Secretary and Treasurer; Thomas J. Bigham, William L. Bond, John S. McMillin,
William Halpin.

     The congregation, vestry and rector were a unit in the wish to complete
the work of improvement begun about four years before, in 1865, and though
they were weak both in numbers and in finances, yet, being now free from
debt, they determined to proceed. Mrs. Bigham and the retor's wife undertook,
with the approval of the vestry, to raise the money for painting the interior
of the church and frescoing the walls. After some difficulty they succeeded
in obtaining the following amounts:

John H. Shoenberger .................. $50.00
Mr. Mattern ............................. 20.00
Concerts—tickets sold, 12 ............... 6.00 
Collected by Mrs. Bigham .............. 30.00
Simon Johnston .......................... 5.00
C.C.Colton ............................... 4.00
William Metcalf and sister .............. 2.00
Reuben Miller .......................... 20.00
A. Kirkpatrick ......................... 10.00
Mr. Thomas Fulton .................... 20.00
William Noble............................ 5.00
R. H. Hartley .......................... 10.00
George Lowen .......................... 5.00
Miss Augusta Shaler .................... 5.00
Joseph Knap ............................ 5.00 
Collectedby Mr. Bigham .............. 29.00
Mrs. R. J. Coster ..................... 32.25
Rev. R. J. Coster ..................... 68.00




This amount they expended as follows:

John Stulen, frescoing and painting 
Joseph Wood, erecting scaffolds for
painters................................... 13.00 
Plating chalice and flagon, etc .......... 13.50
Altar cloth ................................ 25.75
Altar cross ................................. 9.00


     It may here be mentioned, that the use of the altar cross procured by
the rector was objected to by some members of the vestry, and it was removed
and presented to another parish in the diocese.

     The vestry went vigorously to work to raise the rest of the money
required to put in pews, chancel furniture and carpets, and by subscriptions
among themselves and by contributions from their friends secured the
necessary amount, about $1,000. (It is a matter of regret that the
treasurer's book containing the subscriptions cannot be found.) And now the
work of finishing the church was pushed on steadily, the services being held
meanwhile, as they had been for several years, in the basement schoolroom.

     About the middle of July, 1869, the refitting was completed, and on
Sunday, July 19, the church was again opened for divine service, the first
time since early in the summer of 1865. The day was very auspicious—clear and
pleasant; the congregation was large and hopeful. The Bishop was present
(Kerfoot) to share in the pleasure of the congregation and rector, preached
the sermon and confirmed a class of eight persons, the first class under the
present rector, composed of the following persons: Edward Bratt, Sr., Nellie
Ruth Bratt, Mary Lowen Goldthorp, Mary Rebecca Torrence, Kate Goldthorp,
Sarah Ann Torrence, Elizabeth Goldthorp and Amelia Shafer. The record of this
class is a matter of great pleasure to the rector. Three, faithful to the
end, have gone to their rest—Edward Bratt, Sr., Mary L. Goldthorp and Sarah
A. Torrence (Mrs. Burrell) ; two, after long and faithful service in the
choir and the Sunday School, have moved to the East End of our city—the



Kate (now Mrs. Dermitt) and Elizabeth Goldthorp; one has withdrawn, and the
other two, Nellie R. Bratt (now Mrs. Shaer) and Mary R. Torrence, are still 
among the parish workers.

     The next wish of the rector and congregation was to see the now
completed church duly consecrated to the worship of Almighty God, that all
might feel that it was a sacred edifice, forever separated from unhallowed
uses. But as the amount raised by subscriptions had not been sufficient to
meet the whole cost of the improvements, a fair was held in the latter part
of September, and other collections made, and the amount thus secured enabled
the vestry to pay the full cost of the improvements.

     At the same time Mr. Thomas J. Bigham assigned to the vestry a claim of
several hundred dollars which he held against the church, thus leaving the
entirely free from debt. The rector and vestry were now in a position to
carry out their wish. They therefore certified to the Bishop of the Diocese
the Rt. Rev. John B. Kerfoot, D. D., that their property was unencumbered,
and asked him to consecrate the church. In response to their request the
Bishop appointed Sunday, December 26, 1869, as the time for the consecration.
The day was again propitious, being clear and pleasant, and a large
congregation gathered to witness the interesting ceremony. The senior warden,
Mr. Edward Bratt, met the Bishop at the door and presented to him the keys of
the church, which the Bishop received and afterward placed upon the altar.
The deed of donation and request to consecrate, which had been duly signed by
the rector, wardens and vestrymen at a meeting of the vestry held on
Saturday, December 18, 1869, was presented and read by the junior warden,
John C. Shaler, Jr. This was also received by the Bishop and laid upon the

     The document is in the handwriting of the Rev. Abel A. Kerfoot, the
Bishop's son, and reads as follows:

DECEMBER 26, 1869.

     We the rector, churchwardens and vestrymen of Grace Church, Mount
Washington, (Allegheny Coun-



ty), in the State of Pennsylvania, and Diocese of Pittsburgh, being, by the
good Providence of Almighty God, in possession of a house of worship, erected
on the southeast corner of Bertha and Sycamore Streets, Mount Washington,
Pittsburgh, do hereby appropriate and devote the same to the worship and
service of Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, according to
the provisions of that branch of the Catholic Church of Christ known as the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, in its ministry,
doctrine, liturgy, rites, and usages, and for occupation and use by a
congregation in communion with the convention thereof in the Diocese of

     And we do also hereby request the RT. Rev. John Barrett Kerfoot, D. D.,
L. L. D., the said Bishop of the Diocese, to take the said building under his
spiritual jurisdiction as Bishop aforesaid, and that of his successors in
office, and to consecrate the same by the name of Grace Church, Mount
Washington, and thereby separate it from all unhallowed, worldly and common
uses, and solemnly dedicate it to the purposes above mentioned.

     And we do moreover, covenant and agree, in behalf of this vestry and
parish, that this house, being thus, at our request, duly consecrated by the
Bishop of the Diocese, shall be held and used in a true conformity with the
office of consecration, and with the canons of the General Convention and of
this Dioeese.

     And we do furthermore solemnly declare, upon our honor as Christian
men, that there is no lien, charge, responsibility or debt unpaid or
subsisting with which the said church or building, or the corporation or
congregation owning it or worshipping therein, is or can be, either legally
or morally, chargeable.

     In testimony whereof, we, the said rector, churchwardens and vestrymen,
have caused this instrument of donation to be prepared, and have thereunto
subscribed our several names and affixed our seals, this 18th day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine.



JOHN S. MCMILLIN, [SEAL.] Vestryman 

     The Bishop then, in accordance with the request and in conformity with
the usages of the American Church, proceeded with the service of
consecration. At the direction of the Bishop, the rector, the Rev. Robt. John
Coster, read the sentence of consecration, which had been prepared and signed
by the Bishop. It was as follows:


     In the name of the holy, blessed and undivided Trinity, the Father, the
Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen

     Whereas, the rector, churchwardens and vestrymen of Grace Church, Mount
Washington, have by an Instrument this day presented to us, appropriated and
devoted this house to the worship and service of Almighty God, the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost, according to the provision of the Holy Catholic
Church, and of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of
America, in its ministry, doctrine liturgy, rites and usages; and for
occupancy and use by a congregation in communion thereof in the Diocese of
Pittsburgh: And whereas, the same rector, churchwardens and vestrymen have,
by the same instrument, requested us to consecrate their said house of
worship by the name of Grace Church, Mount Washington, and thereby separate
it from all unhallowed, worldly and common uses, and solemnly dedicate it to
the holy purposes above mentioned: Now, therefore, know all men by these
presents, that we, John Barrett Kerfoot, by Divine permission, Bishop of
Pittsburgh, and acting under the protection of Almighty God, and in His faith



fear have on this 26th day of December, being the first Sunday after
Christmas and the Feast of St. Stephen, the Martyr, in the year of our Lord
1869, taken the above-mentioned house of worship under our spiritual
jurisdiction as Bishop aforesaid, and that of our successors in office; and
in presence of divers of the clergy and of a congregation therein assembled,
and according to the godly usage of the Catholic Church of Christ, and the
form prescribed by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of
America, have consecrated the same by the name of Grace Church, Mount
Washington; and we do hereby pronounce and declare that the said Grace
Church, Mount Washington, is consecrated accordingly, and thereby separated
henceforth from all unhallowed, worldly and common uses, and dedicated to the
worship and service of Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost,
for reading and preaching His Holy Word; for celebrating His Holy Sacraments;
for offering to His Glorious Majesty the sacrifice of praise and
thanksgiving; for blessing His people in His name, and for the performance of
all other holy offices, and the administration of all holy ordinances,
agreeable to His will, made known in the terms of the Covenant of Grace and
Salvation in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, according to the usages of
His Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and the provisions of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America, in its ministry, doctrines,
liturgy, rites and usages.

     In testimony whereof, we have hereunto affixed our signature and
Episcopal seal, on this 26th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1869,
and in the fourth year of our consecration.

Bishop of Pittsburgh.

     At the conclusion of the service the Bishop congratulated the rector
and the congregation on the improvement in their church and commended the
spirit of reverence and loyalty to churchly usage which prompted them to have
their house of worship duly consecrated.

     Services were now held regularly in the church every Sunday morning and
Sunday School in the afternoon.



     During the following year (1870), nothing noteworthy occurred. The life
of the parish flowed on evenly. The expenses were maintained at considerable
cost to the small congregation. The Easter service was a very beautiful one,
good music being furnished by a volunteer choir composed of the following
persons: Mrs. Brunt, Misses Nellie Shaler, Mary Goldthorp, Annie Hughes and
Messrs. George Prosser and William Ritchie.

     The Sunday School continued to give instruction to a large number of
children of parents not belonging to Grace Church. The efficiency of the
school was kept up during the years of 1870 and 1871 largely by the earnest
work of Mr. John C. Shaler and Mr. George Lovelock. In January, 1872, we lost
the assistance of Mr. Shaler, whose business interests took him first to
Cincinnati, and then to St. Louis; and we had many anxious thoughts as to who
should fill his place.

     An interesting part of a rector's work is the preparation of his
classes for confirmation. The frequent meetings for instruction give him
opportunity of becoming intimately acquainted with his young people and offer
chances for personal direction and counsel, such as no other period affords.
The present rector looks back with great pleasure to these periods of
Intimate intercourse, many of which have been the brightest spots in the
ministerial work of his life. He remembers now with special interest his
meetings with the class of 1873. This class was composed of grown people, all
of them the personal friends of the rector, and their earnestness, attention
and demeanor made the hours of instruction peculiarly interesting.

     Three of them, having finished their course in faith, have gone to
their reward. Two others are doing faithful work in the church, fully meeting
the rector's expectations of their usefulness in the Master's service, one of
these, Mr. E. H. Dermitt, after long serving Grace Church as choir master and
vestryman, has moved from the parish and is now actively aiding the church
elsewhere; the other, Melville L. Stout, is still among the efficient workers
of the parish, being now a vestryman of the parish, and for most of the
intervening years organist of the church.



     During the summer of 1875 the church was newly frescoed and painted,
having become very dingy in six years, from the prevalence of dust and smoke
in the atmosphere of Pittsburgh, the Smoky City. At the same time Mr. William
Halpin put in a stained-glass chancel window, as a memorial to his father and
mother, which added very much to the beauty and sacredness of our church.

     During the summer of 1876 the church lot was enclosed with a new iron
fence, new boardwalks were laid around the church, and the Sunday School room
was painted and frescoed, thus putting the whole premises in complete order.

     The early part of 1879 was marked by an unusual circumstance, the death
of three aged members of the congregation, within three months, namely Mrs.
Mary Lowen, wife of George T. Lowen, aged 70 years; Mrs. Sarah Reese, mother
of Mrs. Mary E. Torrence, aged 87; and Mrs. Maria Adams, widow of the late
William Adams, aged 78. Mrs. Lowen lived too far from the church and Mrs.
Reese was too feeble from age to attend the services often, but Mrs. Adams,
up to the last two years of her life, when disease obliged her to go to the
Aged Women's Home for treatment, was a regular worshiper at the services. She
sat close up to the front, and the rector could not help noting her regular
attendance. She, like the other two here mentioned, was of English birth, and
inherited some of the English prejudice against everything that she thought
savored of Romanism. On one occasion a new set of bookmarks was put in the
Bible, having crosses on the ends, and as they hung immediately before the
eyes of the good woman she could not help seeing them, and the sight so
disturbed her simple mind that she staid away from service several Sundays.
The rector noticing this, went to see her and, learning what troubled her,
explained the meaning of the symbol and the harmlessness of its use, and so
satisfied her mind that she at once began again her regular attendance and
never afterward questioned anything that her rector did. In her will she left
the sum of fifty dollars to Grace Church, and the rector and vestry set it
apart as the beginning of an endowment for the parish, and called the fund,
in her memory,



"The Maria Adams Endowment Fund." The death of these aged women took away
three who bad been connected with the parish from its beginning, and
diminished the number of those familiar with its early history and interested
in its early struggles.

     Whatever tends to beautify the church or to render its appointments
more complete is worthy of mention. It is recorded here, therefore, that on
Easter Sunday, March 28, 1880, Miss Emma Bennett, sister of Mrs. Sarah Boggs,
presented to the church a handsome stone font as a thank offering. The one
previously used was a plain wooden font, put in when the church was first
opened, in 1853, and this was now presented St. Paul's Church, Georgetown.

     Easter Sunday, 1881, was a bright and beautiful day, and the rector,
choir and people looked forward an inspiring and joyous service, and they
were not disappointed. The church was beautifully decked with flowers, the
symbols of the resurrection, a full congregation was in attendance, and the
choir had made special preparation for rendering in a manner suitable to the
high festival, the musical part of the service. At that time the following
were the members of the choir: Mrs. E. H. Dermitt, Mrs. James Boggs, Mrs.
Joshua Goldthorp, Mrs. Joel Bigham, Mr. E. H. Dermitt, Mr. Edwin Smith and
Mr. Samuel Williams; the organist was Mr. M. L. Stout. The chants, anthems
and hymns were sung with beautiful effect, lifting up all present to a high
plane of devotion. The rector's Easter sermon was from the text, I
Corinthians xv, 20: "Now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first
fruits of them that slept.'' The aim of the preacher was to set forth the two
main results that come to Christians from the resurrection of Christ; namely,
a new spiritual life, by which they now overcome sin, and a resurrection
hereafter unto life eternal. About thirty- five communed, and the service
ended with all feeling that it was indeed a blessing to share in such worship
in the house of the Lord.

     Another event of special importance occurring in the year 1881 was the
completing and setting up in the church of the new pipe organ. As early as
March 22, 1874, the matter of purchasing an organ was



talked over in the vestry, but it was not until seven years later that the
matter was accomplished. The story of its purchase has been told in another
place, and hence it is only necessary to say here that it was built by
Barckhoff and set up in the church in October, and was used the first time at
morning service Sunday, November 6, 1881. The possession of the organ was the
cause of great rejoicing on the part of all those interested in the music of
the church, as its tones added a dignity and richness to the musical part of
the service unattainable with the small reed organ hitherto in use. Its
possession was also a a matter of special interest for the reason that it
represented the self-denial and patient labor of the few who, discouraged
neither by opposition nor delay, worked on until this gift to the Lord's
house was secured. One fully acquainted with the numerical and financial
strength of the parish at that time will appreciate what this statement means.

     As a slight indication of what was being done at this time for the
promotion of the spiritual welfare of the parish, a copy of a Lenten
Pastoral, issued by the rector in 1882, will be here given. In it will be
found notice of the services and a few words of instruction and advice in
regard to the duties of the season.
The first page was as follows:


Lenten Season.
Every Wednesday—Evening Prayer and Lecture, 
7:30 o'clock. Every Friday—Evening Prayer, 4 o'clock.

Third Wednesday in Lent, March 8, 7:30 P. M.
First Sunday in Lent, February 26th, 10:30 A. M.
Third Sunday in Lent, March 12th, 10:30 A. M.
Fifth Sunday in Lent, March 26th, 10:30 A. M.



Morning Prayer, with Sermon and Holy Communion,
10:30 A. M.
Sunday School Service, 3:00 P. M.

     "In everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ
Jesus."—Philippians iv, 6, 7.

LENT, 1882.

     BELOVED BRETHREN: Again, in the providence God, the season of Lent, by
the Church's appointment, calls us to self-examination and prayer. As your
pastor, therefore, I bid you heed the Church's voice, and use the precious
opportunity again vouch-safed to you.

     Special services have been appointed that all may have the privilege of
enjoying the means of grace more frequently during these days of humiliation
and prayer.

     I bid you come to these services regularly. Come to them also devoutly,
praying and expecting to meet there Jesus, the Friend of sinners, who has
said that "where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in
the midst of them." And that you may realize that He is present in the
services of His Church, prepare your hearts to meet Him, by meditating upon
His love for sinners, by reading, His Word as appointed by the Church, and by
earnest continued prayer for His blessing upon yourself upon His whole Church
during this holy season. Lent may be, and will be, a great blessing to all
who, in a humble mind and devout heart, use it diligently. 

     Let me make the following suggestions as helpful in the due observance
of the season:


     (a) Light amusements, such as parties, operas and novel reading, as
inconsistent with the sober and self-examining temper and spirit of Lent.

     (b) Idleness and frivolity, as tending to weaken our moral sense and to
divert our thoughts from the necessity of repenting of our sins.



     (c) Ill temper, unkind speech and hardness of heart, as unbecoming
those who are trying to follow the footsteps of the meek and lowly Jesus, and
to become like Him.


     (a) Sin is a solemn fact in human nature. It is marring our lives and
robbing us of peace. Lent is the time for examining ourselves in the light of
God's Word, and for striving to get the mastery over our known sins. The
struggle is one of life and death. If sin conquer us, and lead us captive at
will, death is the result. If we conquer sin in the power of Christ, we have
everlasting life.

     (b) Our blessed Lord is the friend of sinners. He loves them. He gave
His life for them. He is, therefore, your Friend, and will give you His life
if you receive Him in faith and love. Let Him, then, dwell with you during
the days of Lent, and thereby bless you with His presence.

     (c) None, however sinful, need despair of receiving salvation. "Though
your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow," saith the Lord.
God, for Christ's sake, waits to be gracious. Now is the day of salvation.
"Ask and ye shall receive," is our Lord's assuring promise.


     Fasting,— This is one form of self-denial that enables us to get the
mastery over our appetites. Therefore, deny yourself luxuries and delicacies,
and even abstain from food at stated times, and thus bring the body into
subjection to the spirit. This will be a good preparation for the higher
duties of Lent.

     Prayer.—(a) Be more regular and devout in your private prayers. These
are between God and your soul. He alone sees the heart and knows all its
desires. Ask earnestly, therefore, for a right spirit in His sight. (b)
Attend regularly the Lenten services. Let not your seat be vacant, nor your
voice be silent, when the Lord's people meet to honor His name and to ask His
blessing. And when present be not list-



less and inattentive. Join with heart and voice in all the acts of worship,
and thus make the service a blessing to yourself and to others,

     Almsgiving.—Our worship will be incomplete unless to our self-denial
and prayer we add our offerings. We are Christ's representatives on earth. We
must, therefore, in His name support the works of the Church carried on for
His glory and the salvation of men. Freely have we received of Him, freely
let us give, and so win for ourselves the honor of being His co-workers. Our
hearts, our wills, our means are things to be offered. These our Lord will
accept and use to His glory and our eternal interest.

Your friend and pastor,

     The Lenten services this year on Wednesday evenings and Friday
afternoons were well attended, and these, with the Bishop's annual visitation
on the third Sunday in Lent, and the bright Easter services, were a great
comfort and encouragement to the rector and his small band of workers.

     The life of the parish, as the years went by, flowed on with the usual
fluctuations and frictions incident to all affairs conducted by men subject
to the prejudices and infirmities of human nature. The rector, however, can
safely say that while a change was going on in the personnel of the
congregation by deaths, removals and additions, there was as much of unity
and harmony in the parish and as much of confidence and respect manifested
for the rector, or perhaps more, than is usual in most of our parishes. While
some of those who first welcomed the rector to the parish had moved away, and
others had departed to the
better land, there were still many of the older members of the congregation
left to hold up the rector's hands and to encourage him with their confidence
and sympathy; and for this mark of divine favor he has ever felt deeply

     But time inevitably brings changes. As the years go by one after
another of the well-known forms and faces disappear, and when one looks over
the congregation he will see here and there the places of old



friends vacant or filled by others. The years 1883, 1884 and 1885 were
marked by the removal from the parish by death of several of its long-tried
and faithful members.

     In the spring of 1883 Mrs. Sarah Goldthorp was laid to rest—a woman
whose life was a blessing to her family, to her neighborhood, to her church.
She was the daughter of George T. Lowen and the wife of Samuel H. Goldthorp;
a patient, dutiful wife; a tender and affectionate mother, whose life was
given to her children; a kind and affectionate friend, who always had a word
of cheer or sympathy for those who approached her; a deeply pious woman,
whose religion was of the heart and whose life was a constant witness to the
reality of her faith. A pure, gentle soul, above reproach full of good works.
Her memory lingers with us like that of a pleasant, happy dream. It is an
honor to her church to have her name enrolled among its departed ones.

     In September of the same year another gentle, faithful soul was removed
from the parish. Mrs. Ruth Reed. Though only thirty-three years old, she was
ripe in Christian character. She was born and raised in Brownsville and was
the wife of Samuel G. Reed. She was a true and faithful wife and mother, whom
her husband and children most fondly venerate for her pure life and noble
character. Bene dormiat.

     Early in 1884 another devout soul, Mrs. Jane Bratt, was laid to rest,
in her 77th year. Her familiar form had long been seen constantly at the
church services. Rarely was she absent. She was a devout communicant, firmly
attached to her church, and a faithful friend of her rector. She raised a
large family of sons and daughters, devoted herself to her husband and
children, and at a ripe old age, after much suffering, borne with exemplary
patience, surrounded by her family, she departed full of hope and peace.

     In autumn of the same year another aged servant of our Divine Master,
Hon. Thomas J. Bigham, after a long and useful life, was laid to rest, full
of faith and good works. He was one of the founders of the



of the church and one of its most faithful supporters and most devout
communicants. His connection with the parish from its beginning and his long
services in its behalf have been recorded elsewhere in this work. Indeed, it
might almost be said that the church is a memorial to himself and his wife,
and that its history is a memoir of him and his family.

     In the next year, on November 1, 1885, All Saints' Day, another aged
and devout member of the parish, Edward Bratt, Sr., aged 80 years, was laid
to rest beside his wife, in Allegheny Cemetery. He was known as Squire Bratt,
from the fact that he was long a justice of the peace on Mount Washington. He
was widely known and everywhere respected for his integrity. He was for many
years a regular worshiper and communicant of the parish, and also a vestryman
and treasurer; serving the church faithfully in every capacity and
contributing freely to its support according to his means. He was essentially
a man of peace, and all who knew him honor his name and thank the Merciful
Father for the good example of his faithful and aged servant. A sketch of his
life will be found elsewhere in this work.

     By the death of these members of the parish, whose lives had been so
fully identified with its life and work, the rector felt that he had
sustained a personal loss. He had known them intimately from the beginning of
his connection with the parish in 1886, and had always been a welcome guest
at their homes. He knew, too, from their words and deeds that he was
respected as their pastor and loved as friend; so the parish's loss was his
loss, and it is therefore a great pleasure to him to pay this tribute of
respect to the memory of these parishioners and friends.

     The formation of a boy choir for the church was an event that marks the
history of the year 1886. From the organization of the parish in 1852 the
music had been furnished by a volunteer choir of men and women, and for the
most part it had been rendered with great acceptability. During the present
rectorship often, indeed, the music was of a high



degree of excellence, and notably during the successive periods of time in
which Mr. William Digby, Mr. George Prosser and Mr. E. H. Dermitt had been
leaders of the choir. These leaders were assisted by some devoted workers,
and to them and their helpers justice will be done in another part of this
work for their faithful services, long and freely given.

     There were times, however, when it was difficult to obtain singers
among the people of the parish, and when it was almost impossible to maintain
the choir to any fair degree of efficiency. By removals from the parish of
persons skilled in music and by the lack of interested singers in the
congregation, this was the case in the year 1886. Then it was that a devoted
churchwoman of the parish, who since the first Sunday in January, 1876, had
been one of the most useful members of the choir, undertook to select and
train a number of boys to furnish the music for the services. She went
vigorously to work in the matter during the fall of 1886, and after several
month's instruction she, with the consent of the rector and vestry,
introduced the boys at the morning service on the Sunday after Christmas,
December 26, and they then for the first time sang in the service. This was a
great innovation in our conservative parish, and many were the fears and
anxieties of its best workers in regard to the success of the venture.
However, the enthusiasm and perseverance of Mrs. Goldthorp gave to the boy
choir a fairly successful start, and it has been maintained in the church
ever since with varying but, on the whole, increasing efficiency and
acceptableness. (See subsequent addition.)

     The boys at first wore only plain cassocks, and they continued to sing
thus vested for about three months; then the ladies of the Mite Society, who
had furnished the cassocks, supplied them with cottas made by their own
hands; and on the fifth Sunday in Lent, March 27, 1887, at morning service,
when the Bishop was making his annual visitation to the parish, the boys,
twelve in number, appeared in full vestments for the first time, They marched
in, singing as the processional,

"The Church's one foundation
Is Jesus Christ, her Lord."



and taking their places in the stalls sang very creditably, under the
direction of Mrs. Goldthorp, with Mr. M. L. Stout at the organ. One can
readily imagine the interest that the first appearance of the choir in their
vestments created in the congregation, and the curiosity that was awakened to
see how matters would proceed. The result, under the circumstances, was on
this occasion highly creditable to all concerned.

     One of the chief difficulties in the successful management of the boy
choir, when first introduced, was that of maintaining proper decorum and
reverence during divine service. The choir was a volunteer one, and the boys
who composed it had not previously been under any strict discipline, such as
would form
habits of order and obedience. It was hard, therefore, to make them feel
that their position and duty required quietness of manner and dignity of
conduct while in the chancel, to make their services acceptable to the
congregation. The rector and vestry were on several occasions much disturbed
by the lack of order and self-control shown during service, and had,
consequently, serious doubts as to the wisdom of trying to retain the
services of the boys. But firmness and patience on the part of the management
in a short time greatly improved matters and thereby removed the objections
to the boy choir, and now it has become one of the fixed institutions of the

     Here it must be noted, to the credit of all concerned in originating
and maintaining the boy choir, that the services rendered are voluntary, and
without compensation. This makes the choir service a freewill offering— a
gift to our Divine Master; and while the rector and congregation highly
appreciate the faithfulness and sacrifices of former as well as present
members of the choir, it will help us all to remember that no service of love
will ever be forgotten by the Great .Head of the Church. At the last day He
will say, "You did it unto Me."

     The year 1887 was marked by great improvement in the interior
appointments of the church. At Easter there were presented a beautifully



eagle lectern in walnut, a prayer desk and stall, and a credence table,
memorials of Edward and Jane Bratt, who for many years adorned the church and
glorified their Divine Master by their simple, faithful lives. These
appropriate memorials, made by Lamb & Co., of New York, were the loving gifts
of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Bratt.  They beautify the Lord's house and
keep fresh the memory of the departed; they may also be regarded as thank-
offerings to God for His mercies to His departed servants.

     In the summer of this year the church was further beautified with rich
stained-glass windows, which took the place of the plain diamond-shaped glass
put in when the church was first built. This adornment was accomplished
chiefly by the aid of the Mite Society of the congregation, at a cost of
about $700. Very material assistance in raising the necessary funds was also
given by the children of the Goldthorp family. The work was done in a very
creditable manner, by Marshall & Bros., of Allegheny, after designs suggested
by the rector and a committee of ladies from the Mite Society.

     The first window from the chancel in the south wall is a memorial to
Thomas J. Bigham. In the center of the window is an open Bible, across whose
pages is written the text, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto
my paths."—Psalm cxix, 105. The appropriateness of this symbol and of these
words on the memorial to Mr. Bigham arises from the fact that he was a
diligent student of the Bible, and a man well acquainted with its contents.
Below is the inscription, "In Memory of Thomas J. Bigham, Died November 9,
1884, Aged 74 Years."

     Next to this window in the south wall is a memorial to two members of
the Goldthorp family. In the middle of the window is an emblem of Faith, a
female figure gazing upon the Cross, and below is the inscription, "In Memory
of Sarah Lowen Goldthorp. Died March 19, 1883, Aged 53 Years." And under
this, "Mary Goldthorp Steele. Died February 13, 1886, Aged 33 Years." And
below "The Just Shall Live by Faith."



     Next to this is a memorial to the departed members of the Mite Society
of the Church. In the middle of the window is a cluster of lilies, below it
the inscription, "In Memory of the Departed of the Mite Society." " Be thou
faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life."—Revelation ii, 10. 

     In the north wall, the first window from the chancel is a memorial to
Edward Bratt. In the middle of the window is a full-ripe sheaf of wheat, and
below it the text, "He will gather the wheat into His garner" Luke iii, 17;
and the inscription, " In Memory Edward Bratt. Died October 30, 1885, Aged 80

     The next window is a memorial to Bishop Kerfoot. In the crown of the
window are the crossed keys; in the middle, the mitre and staff, and below
the inscription, "In Memory of John Barrett Kerfoot, First Bishop of
Pittsburgh. Died July 10, 1881, Aged 64 Years." Know them which labor among
you and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; and esteem them very
highly in love for their works' sake" —I Thessalonians v, 12, 13.

     The putting in of these windows greatly beautified the church, and
their presence serves constantly to remind the living of the departed
faithful. It was a labor of love which deepened "the unity of spirit" and
strengthened "the bond of peace,'' in the parish, and awakened in many the
perception of the great truth of the communion of saints, making them realize
more fully than hitherto that

"The living and the dead
But one communion make;
All join in Christ their head,
And of His life partake."

     The year 1888 was marked by two events which give it special prominence
in the history of the parish

     The first of these events was the presentation for confirmation at the
Bishop's visitation on Palm Sunday, March 25, of a class of 33 persons-16 men
and 17 women. This was the largest class the rector had ever presented, and
consequently the occasion was one of deep interest. The day was rainy, but the



congregation was large, the music was good, and the Bishop preached a most
effective sermon appropriate to Palm Sunday. After administering the rite of
confirmation the Bishop, with much feeling and earnestness, exhorted the
class to faithfulness in the duties of the Christian life. This large class
showed that there was life in the parish, and greatly encouraged pastor and
people, and gave hope for the future of our work. 

     The other event that specially marked this year was the completion at
Easter of the twentieth year of the rector's service in the parish, an event
that the congregation was not willing to let pass without a fitting
commemoration. This commemoration began on April 1, with the Easter Day
service. The church was beautifully dressed with palms and flowers; the
congregation indicated its interest by gathering in its full strength; the
vested choir, under the direction of Mrs. Goldthorp, with Mr. Stout at the
organ, made special preparation for beautifying the service with music
appropriate to the day and the occasion. The rector preached from the text,
"The same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors
were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus
and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, "Peace be unto you."—St. John
xx, 19; and set forth the thought that the resurrection of Christ is the seal
of Divine Truth affixed to all His promises, commands and revelations, and
the pledge to us of a resurrection to life eternal. At the close of his
sermon the rector said: 

     "On a great festival like Easter it is necessary of that words should
be spoken suitable to the day and is its lessons. Now, if you will bear with
me a few moments longer, I desire to indulge in a brief retrospect of the
history of the parish for the last twenty years, which closes with this day's
services. Perhaps such a retrospect may encourage us in our work for Christ
and His Church, and awaken in our hearts new zeal for our Master's service,
and new determination to do more in the future for the extension of the
Kingdom of our Risen Lord." 



     He then gave a short sketch of what had been done, of the obstacles
that had been overcome, and of the progress that had been made. He spoke of
the great assistance that he and the parish had received in all these years
from the Mite Society of the congregation, and referred to the fact that it
was a part of the history of the past year that a Laymen's Guild had been
formed, which was now an equally important agency in the parish. He then
urged all to work together in faith and love for the promotion of God's glory
in their midst, reminding them that the time is short, and that the night
cometh, in which no man can work; that this was their day and opportunity for
giving proof of their faith and love. Continuing, he said:

     "Whatever has been done in the past twenty years in our midst for the
glory of God, to Him be all the praise, for we are at best only unprofitable
servants. And yet God waits to be gracious, and if we bow heart and will
before Him, and beg Him to accept and bless our feeble services, He will pour
His blessings upon us, and fill us with all the fulness of His grace, and
enable us at last to stand in His presence and hear these blessed words,
'Well done, good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy thy Lord.'"

     The church was again filled at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
service held for the Sunday School. After evening prayer the rector addressed
the children and then catechised them. The responses were good, showing that
the children really learn the catechism in the Sunday School. The singing by
the school, assisted by the choir, was very hearty, adding much to the beauty
and spirit of the service. The school numbered 133 scholars and 14 teachers.
Its efficiency was largely due to the faithful management of the
Superintendent, Mr. John C. Shaler, Jr.

     On Thursday of the same week, April 5, the twentieth anniversary of the
rector's first service in the church, the real commemoration was held, in the
schoolroom of the church, of which event the following account, prepared at
the time, is here inserted: