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Lenoir County, NC - Industrial Issue - 1906

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Allen Barwick <>

This Industrial Issue of the Kinston Free Press was published in 1906
although there was an earlier Industrial Issue published in 1899. The issue
is composed of both text and numerous pictures of places and people. This
will be a slow project so please be patient.

The text is presented on the Lenoir County USGenWeb Archives and the pictures
on Old Dobbers reached through the Lenoir County GenWeb site -

We are grateful to the Free Press for permission to post anything of
historical or genealogical in nature published prior to 1939.


Moseley Hall is a fine agricultural township.  It contains a greater population 
and more taxable property than any other in the county, save Kinston Township 
alone.  For Moseley Hall, the tax-books show a return of 363 polls-214 whites and 
149 Negroes.  The township contains 28,179 acres, and 151 town lots which are in 
the town of LaGrange.  

The township as a whole is composed of good farming land; but in the buckleberry 
section, it is exceedingly productive.  This section is for the most part reclaimed 
swamp land.  

It was opened up about 1825 by John and Hardy Sutton, and most of the land is still 
in the Sutton family.  It constitutes a large part of the township and produces 
cotton and corn in abundance, tobacco, etc.  It is excellent fruit and strawberry 
land; as good as can be found anywhere.  Land sells for twelve, fifteen or twenty 
dollars an acre.

Before Col. WILLIAM D. MOSELEY went to Florida, he lived in this township near the 
present town of LaGrange.  He went to Florida in 1839.

In October 1844, he was elected senator for the territorial council for the middle 
district of Florida.  On March 3, 1845, Florida was admitted as a State in the Union, 
and on May 26th of that year, he was elected the first governor of the State by a 
large majority.

After retirement from the gubernatorial chair, in 1849, he moved to Palatka, Fla., 
where he lived in retirement until his death, in 1863.

His remains lie buried in West View Cemetery, Palatka, beneath a simple shaft of 
marble overhung by old moss-draped oaks and covered with rare flowers and tropical 

The most populous community in Moseley Hall Township is the flourishing town of 
LaGrange.  This town returns for taxation 151 building lots, 82 owned by whites and 
69 by Negroes.  The town has good tobacco and cotton markets, and two prosperous 
woodworking enterprises.  It has two banking institutions, the newly established bank 
of LaGrange and the ROUSE Banking Company, which is of long standing.  There are 
also a number of first-class businesses houses.  The town is a good market for country 
produce and its position on the A. & N. C. makes it an excellent shipping point.  It 
is backed up by a fertile country and its bond to grow in the future. 

The town maintains an excellent graded school in the building formerly used as the 
Kinsey Seminary.  Soon it is the purpose of the school authorities to erect a $7,500 
brick graded school building, and the same has already been provided for.  The 
principal of the school is PROF. J. P. JOYNER, brother of State Sup. J. Y. JOYNER, and 
and VIRGINIA STANTON.  The school is a growing one, and one in which the citizens take 

The Pastors of the LaGrange churches are Methodist Episcopal Church, South, REV. H. E. 
TRIPP; Methodist Protestant, REV. J. F. DOZIER; Missionary Baptist, REV. T. H. KING; 
Christian, REV. D. H. PEETREE; Presbyterian, REV. F. D. VICHE; Holiness, REV. A. H. 
BUTLER; Primitive Baptist, ELDER T. B. LANCASTER.

There are three Physicians living in LaGrange, and their practice extends over Lenoir 
and the adjoining counties.  The town is good cotton and tobacco market, and one 
containing quite a number of pretty homes.


The Hotel Harper, the only hotel of LaGrange, is quite a credit to the place.  It is 
a commodious two-story brick building, located twenty steps from the depot and has 
telephone connection with Kinston, Goldsboro and more distant points.  It is as good 
a two-dollar-a-day house as one usually finds.

Mr. Harper has conducted the hotel since November 1903, and during this time, it has 
received a liberal and constantly growing patronage.  The food is of the best the 
market affords, well cooked and in variety, and the rooms are well furnished, large 
and ventilated.  Mrs. Harper, who is a refined lady and excellent house keeper, looks 
carefully after the culinary and domestic part of the work.

Besides his hotel business, Mr. Harper carries on a general merchandise store in 
partnership with his brother-in-law, MR. J. W. FIELDS.  Mr. Harper is a Steward in 
Methodist Church, and is actively interested in all the public improvements of his 
community.  He is now, and has been for a number of years agent and correspondent of 
the Free Press at LaGrange.


One of the most prominent and substantial young business men of the county is GEORGE 
B. W. HADLEY, of LaGrange.  Mr. Hadley's parents were DR. J. M. HADLEY and LIZZIE 
E., Daughter of WILLIAM KIRKPATRICK, of Orange County.  Dr. Hadley was a noted 
physician of LaGrange, where he was a prominent member and steward of the Methodist 
Church, being a representative at nearly all the annual and general Conferences up to 
the time of his death.  During the Civil War, he was Surgeon in charge of the hospital 
in Raleigh and later in Lee's army of Northern Virginia.

GEORGE B. W. HADLEY received his education in Western Maryland College, at Westminster, 
Maryland, graduating from that institution in 1891.  After he left school he taught at 
the LaGrange Collegiate Institute for one year, one year in Enfield and two years at 
Lafayette Military Institute, at Fayetteville, as professor of mathematics.  He is a 
member of Lenoir Lodge A. F. and A. M., at LaGrange and is a Master Mason.  He is a 
steward in the LaGrange Methodist Church and has been for several years.  He is 
superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school of his town, and is a leader in all that 
makes for the progress and betterment of his community.  

Mr. Haley possesses a beautiful home and considerable property in LaGrange, and two 
farms, one in Wayne and the other in Lenoir, with a combined acreage of 1,000 acres.  
Most of his land is under cultivation, and on it, he produces principally tobacco, 
corn and some cotton.  He is a director in the ROUSE Banking Company, a commissioner 
of records, and a member of the Board of Aldermen of La Grange.

On October 15, 1902, Mr. Hadley married Miss CLARA B., daughter of ALFRED and JAMES 
F. FORBES, of Greenville.  The children are GEORGE and ROSE ELIZABETH.


Dr. Hodges was born in Falling Creek Township, near LaGrange, on February 14th, 1862.  
His parents are English descent, and his father and grandfather were large planters.

After attending the LaGrange Collegiate Institute, Dr. Hodges took a collegiate 
education at the University of North Carolina.  Later he studied medicine under Dr. 
J. D. SPICER, of Goldsboro.  Then he went to Bellevue Hospital College in New York 
City, from which institution he was graduated in March 1883.

Returning to his native State, Dr. Hodges began the practice of the profession in Mt. 
Olive, N.C., where he soon attained success.  But in the fall of 1883, he decided to 
remove to LaGrange, where he now resides and carries on a flourishing practice.

Dr. Hodges is a member of the State Medical Society, and is one of LaGrange's most 
prominent men of affairs.  He is well prepared for a successful career in his chose 
profession, which is opening up to him.  Out a few miles from LaGrange, Dr. Hodges 
owns a farm of 160 acres, and a cotton gin.

He is a Mason and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.


Dr. SMITHWICK was born in Bertie County, N. C., and August 19, 1870.  His ancestors 
were of English, Dutch and Scotch descent, and prominent among the families of Bertie 
County.  His father was a farmer, and during the civil war, was on General Lee's staff, 
and as such was with Lee at Appomattox.

Dr. SMITHWICK was educated at Plymouth High School, Trinity College, the University of 
North Carolina, and took his degree in medicine from the University of Maryland in 1895.  
He began his practice at Aurora, Beaufort County, N. C., where he built up a large 
practice.  In 1898, he moved to LaGrange where he has a good practice and enjoys the 
confidence and esteem of the people.  He has been for several terms a member of the 
board of aldermen of LaGrange, and is now mayor of the town.

Dr. SMITHWICK has written a number of papers which have appeared in various medical 
journals.  He has also published a pamphlet on "Ornithology of North Carolina," a 
subject he has always been interested in.

Dr. SMITHWICK married Miss SALLIE THOMPSON of Aurora.  The children to bless their home 


John FIELDS, Jr., is one of the substantial farmers of Moseley Hall Township.  He has 
at FIELDS' station a beautiful site for a home and until recently occupied a neat and 
comfortable cottage, which together with its handsome furnishings was destroyed by fire.

Mr. FIELDS has a fine farm of 340 acres of cleared land, and produces cotton, corn, 
tobacco and home supplies in abundance.  His wife takes great interest in her flowers, 
and domestic affairs, and makes the home one of the most comfortable to be found 

A few years ago Mr. FIELDS won a free ticket to the St. Louis exposition, presented by 
Davis and Gregory, tobacco warehousemen at Richmond, Va., for the largest number of 
pounds of tobacco on their floor at the opening sale for the season.

Mr. FIELDS has been farming for twenty years, and for six years served as deputy 
collector of internal revenue.  He takes an interest in public education and has 
served as a school committeeman for his district.  

Mr. FIELDS married Miss Bettie, daughter of CAPT. W. J. AND EMILY POPE (nee Edwards).  
The children are Miss LILLIAN, who is attending Peace Institute at Raleigh, BERNICE, 
who attends the Grifton Graded School and WHEELER MARTIN, who is attending the 
LaGrange Graded School.


The ROUSE Banking Company is one of Lenoir County's strongest financial institutions.  
The officers of the institution are: N. J. ROUSE, president, GEORGE B. W. HADLEY, 
vice-president; Thomas R. ROUSE, cashier; and Miss CHARLOTTE WOOTEN, bookkeeper; and 
the board of directors is composed of the following gentlemen who are of large 
experience, and who have shown capacity to manage important interests:  R. B. KINSEY, 

Mr. N. J. ROUSE, the bank's president, is also president of the Citizens Bank, of 
Kinston, and the Kinston Cotton Mills, is general counsel and general manager of the 
North State Mutual Life Insurance Company, and a director in the Chesterfield 
Manufacturing Company, of Petersburg, Virginia, and of the Underwriters Insurance 
Company, of Greensboro, and is now serving his second term of two years as mayor of 
the city of Kinston, and is also engaged in the active practice of the law.  His 
extensive practice as a lawyer, which has for years brought to his consideration many 
difficult and important matters, and his large and successful experience in the 
business world inspire confidence and assure the public of capable and faithful 

Mr. GEORGE B. W. HADLEY, the vice-president, stands among the front of the younger 
business men of eastern Carolina, to whose enthusiasm, energy and business grasp may 
be attributed very much of the business impulse that is now manifesting itself.  He 
is the son of Dr. J. M. HADLEY, deceased, and has rapidly grown into that popularity 
with the citizenship of the county which was until his death so universally enjoyed 
by his lamented father.

Mr. Thomas R. ROUSE, the cashier, enjoys the entire confidence of LaGrange and the 
county surrounding; the large clientage of the bank is a tribute to his fidelity to 
his trust, to his unfailing courtesy, and to his excellent business methods.  

Beginning in January, 1900, as cashier of the private banking institution of ROUSE 
Brothers, in LaGrange, Mr. ROUSE developed such capacity that he was with one accord, 
selected by the directors as cashier of the corporation of ROUSE Banking Company, 
upon the organization of that institution in April, 1905, as successor to the private 
banking business of ROUSE Brothers.  The absolute confidence of the community in the 
integrity and fidelity of the cashier is a better guaranty, and gives more assurance 
of safety to depositors, than do the strong burglar proof vaults and burglary 
insurance policies which the institutions always carries.

MISS CHARLOTTE WOOTEN, bookkeeper, is a daughter of MR. SHADE I. WOOTEN, deceased; 
she has exhibited much aptness for her work, and is performing the duties of the 
position with entire acceptability.  

This banking institution has contributed much to the recent enlargement of the 
business of LaGrange, and it will continue to be a chief factor in the growth of 
LaGrange and in the advancement of the prosperity of both the town and surrounding 


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