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The Cumberland Times Excerpts (1882); Allegany County, MD

Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by Charles Often <>

                        Excerpts from The Cumberland Times
                          Transcribed by Charles Often

                        An HTML version can be found in the
                        Allegany County MDGenWeb website at 




                   Special Coverage of the Mining Woes of 1882

MINERS STRIKE 14 Mar 1882 the Knights of Labor respond to mine operators 
manifesto of 10 days ago proposing to reduce wages of miners and other labor. 
"We are not willing to accept the proposed offer and suspend work effective, 14 
Mar 1882, taking our tools with us". The executive committee of the K of L will 
continue to meet to draft the official response.

21 Mar 1882 The official response sent, with replies directed to Robert W Price 
of Lonaconing, who will be working with the miners. We propose a committee of 5 
miners and 5 of the owners to work things out. 

31 Mar 1882 The coal companies have agreed to hear the committee. A rumor going 
around states that the mine operators plan to import foreign miners who are 
experienced to replace the strikers. This act would precipitate the miners to 
riot but has no official basis. A lack of information spurs these rumors.

04 Apr 1882 The mine operators refuse to recognize the Knights of Labor 
Organization and discuss conditions of employment with the individuals as fellow 
craftsmen of the miners. Nothing encouraging came from the meetings. Mine 
operators stand for .50 per ton and just weights. The Knights of Labor are 
setting up meetings with miners representatives of the mines to advise them of 
the situation as it now stands.

01 Apr 1882 The miners of Meyersdale, Clearfield, and Elk Garden WV, go on 
strike in sympathy and demand .65 per ton of coal. The coal companies will not 
accede to this demand. Some of the miners have not walked out in these mines.

26 May 1882 Mr Charles F Mayer, President of the Consolidation Coal Mines was in 
Cumberland and held a consultation with a committee of miners at the Queen City 
Hotel. It is understood that President Mayer informed the committee that the 
company stands firm on terms given to the miners in March and if they did not 
return to work, new labor would be imported.

27 May 1882 New eating and sleeping houses have been erected at Eckhart for the 
Consolidation Coal Co intended for occupancy for new men who may be imported to 
work the mine. There are mattresses there to accommodate up to 600 men and the 
company has 400 men at Baltimore, ready to send up as soon as accommodations are 
ready. The new men are mostly Swedes and others of recent importation who cannot 
speak English. The company's purpose is to get men who cannot be persuaded to 
leave easily.

30 May 1882 A force of 130 special policemen arrived from Baltimore and went to 
Eckhart to be sworn in by Justice of the Peace John B Brooke of Eckhart.

31 May 1882 Several rumors afloat yesterday at Eckhart. The new labor is said to 
be Austrians and are expected to arrive within 24 hours. 01 Jun 1882 At 
Cumberland, 150 men in 2 Pennsylvania RR cars arrived from New York, having 
recently landed from Europe. They were Austro- Hungarians and able to speak 
German when one citizen spoke to them. A policeman of the company interrupted 
the conversation. A police force of 50, from Eckhart under the command of 
Captain Hancock with pistols and hickory batons, surrounded the immigrant cars 
until the train left for Eckhart, where the men were housed and made acquainted 
with the mines by the boss.

02 Jun 1882 The new men at Eckhart went into the mines yesterday and began work 
under the supervision of experienced mine bosses. At the end of the day, 8 
carloads (16 tons) of coal were ran out. This work was well done and the men 
took readily to the new work. Today's output is expected to be much larger.

03 Jun 1882 Only 75 men were placed in the mines today as they are currently 
still under instruction but still produced 90 tons. When the men are on their 
own, 150 tons per day are expected. New labor will arrive in a week or 10 days.

05 Jun 1882 the output at Eckhart reached 120 tons today and the first train of 
coal came down to the Consolidation wharf to be loaded on canal boats. Four 
miners, unable to perform the work were sent East. The remainder seem in 
excellent spirits and are fond of the labor.

06 Jun 1882 no change in the situation at Eckhart. An additional hundred men are 
expected today. Messers Morrisey and Ryland furnish 1500 lbs of beef every 3rd 
day as well as greens and other vegetables. Potatoes are in demand.

07 Jun 1882 The new labor at Eckhart produced 223 tons for the day. Additional 
mattresses arrived for the new men expected today. Four of the police force 
resigned as they were "union" men and would not stand against the miners.

08 Jun 1882 new arrivals were transferred to the Eckhart accommodation train at 
the Oldtown crossing to avoid the large crowd at the Queen City depot and 
reporters there. The train left, went through the Narrows and up to the 
Clarysville depot, where they detrained for the half hour walk to the Eckhart 
mine camp. There were 30 Swedes, 12 Hungarians, and 73 Germans, about 2 dozen of 
whom were from the Clearfield mines. The striking miners shouted at the new 
workers, trying to convince them not to work, but interpreters of the company 
intervened.. The strikers seem to have lost their jobs and may soon be ejected 
form their homes. Feeling are rising high among the strikers.

09 Jun 1882 New labor entered the mine for instruction and orientation. 
Yesterday was Corpus Christi holiday as the mine output was only 190 tons. Eight 
of the police force left for new jobs or got tired of their jobs. Miners, trying 
to dissuade the new labor, describe the mines as a penitentiary. 

12 Jun 1882 The trainmen on the Eckhart branch RR refuse to haul coal dug by the 
new labor because their families are jeered and hooted at for their assisting 
the company. A new crew from among the policemen are: Engineer-George Howard, 
and Fireman-Andrew Little, both experienced trainmen. The rest of the crew is 
from the county. Cross ties were discovered across the tracks but the train 
stopped in time. KOL posts a notice to keep away from George's Creek Coal Mines 
until the labor situation is settled. 

13 Jun 1882 The new labor went to work at Eckhart producing 300 tons. 
Commissioners Matheny and Kolb visited the mines with both the new labor and 
with the police. No more molestation with trains is reported. Other coal company 
plan to import new labor.

14 Jun 1882 Six more policemen arrived today. Colored drivers are expected here 
in a day or so. Yesterday, no team could be hired at Eckhart to haul supplies 
from the depot to the coal camp. Yesterday's output was 300 tons. Reserve crews 
for the Eckhart train have been hired. Hand bills printed in German have been 
distributed within the camp imploring the new labor to join the Knights of Labor 
and refuse the work

15 Jun 1883 The pay car of Consolidation Coal arrived and paid miners for their 
labor. The police will be paid tomorrow. Miners working Consolidation #2, that 
provides coal for the citizens of Frostburg and the area, work for .65 per ton 
ironically. Sworn in are 24 new police. Yesterday's output was 308 tons. New 
labor will arrive Tuesday. George's Creek Coal & Iron Co. president is making 
arrangements for new labor to work the Lonaconing mines.

16 Jun 1882 Mine output is up to 352 tons. A delegation of old miners asked 
President Mayer to resume work on company terms, if the company would rehire all 
miners. President Mayer declined. The company will exercise its own judgement as 
to who to rehire, since among the old miners some have made themselves obnoxious 
so as not to be given work under any consideration. The need to pay police staff 
seems to argue for rehiring the older miners. 

17 Jun 1882 A rumor that men would return to the mines on Monday or Tuesday has 
been circulating. Yesterday's output was 385 tons. Miners are leaving daily for 
mine work in other mines.

19 Jun 1882 Saturday's output was 416 tons. The handbills have seemed to have no 
effect on the new labor. The Maryland & New Central Coal Company has begun the 
erection of new buildings to accommodate new labor. A few policemen have left 
Eckhart and 12 new recruits have been hired. 

23 Jun 1882output from the Eckhart mines was 446 tons. Wednesday night, someone 
removed the bolts from the Hoffman siding switch to the main track. It was 
discovered by track inspectors before the train arrived and avoided an accident.

24 Jun 1882 The KOL met in Lonaconing but it is not known what the outcome was. 
Two meetings in Frostburg have the proceedings closely guarded. The output of 
coal from Eckhart was 449 tons.

26 Jun 1882 Twenty new policemen arrived from Baltimore. The output yesterday 
was 449 tons.

27 Jun 1882 Monday's output from Eckhart mines was 422 tons. The Russian and 
Hungarian interpreter left for Baltimore.

23 Jul 1882 About 45 more Germans, Danes, and others arrived here yesterday to 
join the new labor at Eckhart. Six of them, observing the police on guard, 
refused to work claiming that they did not know that a strike existed in the 
region. Some of the Germans and Poles have been discharged because they had too 
much slack in their coal. Mr William Sommerville, an old miner, dared to go to 
work yesterday not withstanding the hoots and jeers by a large escort of other 
miners. He deserves a great deal of credit for taking a stand to return to work. 
Many more of the old miners would like to return to work if they could summon up 
the courage.

25 Jul 1882 the Eckhart mines output is 616 tons. There are 16 miners from the 
Clearfield area that arrived here yesterday. The old miners were advised that 
demonstrations against the working miners was against the law. The New Central 
Coal Co advised their miners that unless they resume by Monday, new labor will 
be introduced into the mines. Men are being introduced into Hoffman Mines to 

28 Jul 1882 A force of 78 new men, mostly Germans, arrived for the Eckhart and 
Hoffman mines .

29 Jul 1882 The miners of the New Central Coal Co met at Lonaconing and their 
response to the coal operators was negative. While the vote was far from 
unanimous and most men are willing to return to work, a negative response was 
given to the operators. Lumber for new housing was shipped to the Koontz Mine at 
Lonaconing for the erection of a new building for new labor. These buildings 
would be 24 X 104 feet and will accommodate 250 men. Carpenters are busy 
erecting the buildings and new carpenters are due to be hired.

16 Aug 1882 Discussions are again being held at the Queen City Hotel between the 
Mine Owners Executive Committee and a delegation of miners representing the 

##Mine owners are: Messers CF Mayer; SS Lee; and Andrew Speir. Delegates of the 
miners are: 

New Central Mines- J Abbott and Daniel McCoy; 
American- John Moran and RW Price; 
George's Creek- James Nicholas and Hugh McNeil; 
Maryland- James Hamilton and Joseph Thompson; 
Atlantic- John Sullivan and John Martin; 
Swanton- James Park and Christian O'Brien; 
Potomac- David Penman and James Major; 
Maryland Union- Andrew Patrick and Michael Flannigan; 
Hampshire and Baltimore- James McIntosh; 
Consolidation Mines- Michael Duffy; John Grimes; James Banetine; JP Moody; Wm. 
Sleeman; Joseph Moody; RD Rees; John Stoddard: Maxwell Hamilton; DJ Williams; 
and WP Baird 
Newspapers were invited from: Cumberland Times; Frostburg Journal; Baltimore 
Sun; News to report of the meeting progress for maximum distribution of the 
facts of the strike.

Points made during the meeting raised for discussion: New England now gets coal 
from Clearfield and most of the contracts for Georges Creek coal have expired. 
It is expected that new contracts would be slow to come when the strike ends. 
Steamship companies are down to 3 to deliver the coal when there once were 12 

Almost all railroads except for 3 now deliver coal to New England. 
Men vary in their demands for wages; 60, 57 ½ , and 55 per ton. 
The men want regularity of hours. 
They want no problem getting cars to transport the coal. 
No black lists for those vocal during the strike. 
The "Foreign labor" cannot be just dropped. They were induced to come here to 
work and the mine owners feel some obligations toward them still. 
The competition pays 50 cents per ton and the mine owners can pay no more that 
The conference closed and no decisions were made or commitments offered by the 
miners. [2 column article of the meeting]

19 Aug 1882 A list of 75 men ready to work for the owners was submitted to Judge 
Douglass. The men were notified by Judge Douglass to prepare to go to work. New 
labor sent to the Koontz Mine are ringed by the old miners as they made their 
way to the new barracks . Some of the men were convinced not to work for the 
company and were joined in drinking sessions with the old miners at Lonaconing.

21 Aug 1882 The mine strike appears to be over. About 81 men of the George's 
Creek Company were at work. About 90 men at the New Central were signed up for 
work. At Barton, the Swanton Company expects all men to report for work.

22 Aug 1882 Approximately 600 men descend upon the Lonaconing homes where, 
miners ready for work live, to dissuade them from working. Knights of Labor 
discussions are being held at Frostburg and the men were persuaded to not work 
pending the results of the Frostburg Meetings. The Eckhart men were especially 
vocal to convince the Lonaconing men not to work as, they have already been 
replaced and "no one should work if we cannot work". They are feeling the brunt 
of the strike.

23 Aug 1882 The Frostburg Meeting was not productive. The mine owners have 
responded to the miners issues and nothing else remains to be discussed. Sheriff 
Shuck is deputizing 100 men to accompany miners at Lonaconing to their work 
place if the men want to work.

24 Aug 1882 The Knights of Labor decide to return to work and call the strike 
off after 5 months and 10 days. All are told to be at work ready with their 
tools. Some mines are not ready for employment after the long strike. The Ocean 
Mine is filled with water as the pump man was dissuaded to stop work some time 
ago. It will be several days before it can be pumped dry for work. The New Hope 
at Frostburg needs work before it can open. The Maryland and Atlantic Mines are 
not ready for opening either. The Eckhart and Hoffman mines are full of new 
labor and it will be some time before old miners can be assigned work. A fear 
the men have is there are "Black Lists" by owners and operators. The assignment 
of work will place married men first before unmarried. The regulations at each 
mine will determine how the coal is dug and the hours of employment. 

29 Aug 1882 The Consolidation Coal Co gave tools to the miners at Allegany, 
Hoffman, and New Hope Mines and work has resumed. At Hoffman Mines, 15 of the 
new labor miners left alleging that it was unsafe to work with the old miners. 
It is thought that work on the canal is available. None of the old miners are at 
work at Eckhart Mines, as there is a full complement of miners already employed. 
The New Central Coal Co and the George's Creek Iron & Coal Co mines are all in 
full operation. The American and Maryland Coal Companies will need no men until 
contracts for the sale of coal can be secured. The Borden Coal Co is reportedly 
in full operation.

31 Aug 1882 The consolidation Coal Co at Eckhart discharged 30 of the police 
force and 50 remain there. At Hoffman, 15 of the new labor quit. The Midland 
Mines will resume operation and the coal mined will be used to fill contracts of 
the New Central Coal Co. 

ADAMS 13 Jun 1882 Samuel H Adams died at the Carrollton Hotel last night 
following an illness of malignant disorder of the liver since April 17th. He was 
56 years of age and a member of the SH & JF Adams, builders and contractors on 
Barnet Street. He and his brother came from Baltimore at ages 18 and 19 to form 
the company. He was born in Norfolk VA and following the death of his father in 
1833, moved to Cumberland to apprentice with Joseph Nutt, carpenter. He married 
Miss Mary A Louge who, with 5 children, survive. Children are: Samuel H Adams 
Jr; Mrs Coleman, wife of Major Frederick W Coleman, manager of the Carrollton 
Hotel; Mrs Ahern, a widow; and Misses Bertha and Grace Adams. A fourth daughter, 
Mrs Harry C Brown died last summer. (Article has 8 paragraphs).

ARTHUR 25 Jul 1882 Mr John Arthur, a resident of Mt Savage for 20 years, died at 
his home in Pittsburg a few days ago, aged 70 years. He was the first train 
supervisor on this end of the Pittsburg Division.

BACH 14 Jan 1882 Mr Peter Bach, 56 years of age, died Friday (13 Jan). The 
funeral is today from Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church.

BARTH 01 Feb 1882 Mr Edward Barth of Mt Savage was killed yesterday on the C&P 
RR near Payne Spring while coupling train cars when he fell under the train. He 
was about 21 years of age and lived in Mt Savage with his father, Mr John Barth. 
He was a nephew of ex-sheriff, John G Bauer of Cumberland.

BELL 11 Jan 1882 On Sunday, July 8th, at Lock No 58 near Orleans, William Bell, 
aged 60 years died.

BEVERIDGE 14 Aug 1882 William Beveridge of Lonaconing, aged about 55 years, died 
yesterday at the Almshouse and was buried Saturday.

BOTTLE RUN 06 Dec 1882 The tannery at Bottle Run, out the Bedford Road six 
miles, on a branch of the Evitts Creek, was the scene of excitement. Mr Martin 
Rouzer, a popular foreman was replaced by the brother of Mr White, the new owner 
of the tannery. The men and the new foreman did not see eye to eye and 4-5 men 
quit and also were trying to induce others to quit. Mr White tried to stop the 
rebellion in the bud and hired 2 tanners to replace the 2 men who were most 
vocal. Bitter words followed and foreman White ended up in a tanning vat. He got 
out of the smelly water and was struck by John Leasure and the men took control 
of the tannery. They kept 2 men to maintain the boilers. It is felt that Mr 
White is too strict of a foreman in his management style. ( 7 paragraph story). 
07 Dec 1882 Mr John K White the owner arrived at Cumberland and investigated the 
trouble. Discharged as instigators were Leonard Brant, Wesley Leasure, and 
Samuel Fields and the new employer hired on 1 man from Cumberland and 3 men from 
the Bottle Run area as replacements. The tannery is again active.

BOWARD 27 Mar 1882 Mr John Boward, an old citizen of Cumberland died at his 
residence on N Centre Street on Saturday (25 Mar), aged 82 years. He lived here 
all his life and during all of the presidential administrations except for 
George Washington's. The funeral is from the German Lutheran Church, with Rev JE 

BRANT 11 Aug 1882 Mr William B Brant died yesterday at the Almshouse, aged 84 
years. A native of Frederick, he had been a resident of this county for 78 
years. He was very well known throughout the county.

BRANT 12 Jan 1882 George Brant, 70 years of age, a shoemaker by trade, living in 
a small log house at Smouse's Mill, near Bottle Run Tannery, was burned to death 
yesterday in a house fire that burned to the ground. Brant had been to 
Cumberland the day before, was intoxicated, and put to bed by William Smouse and 
Milton Hendrickson. They remained with him until 10:00 at night, blew out the 
lamp and left him sleeping. His body was found in the opposite corner from the 
bed and it is supposed that he got up in a stupor and accidently set the home on 
fire seeking to light a lamp. He was overcome with smoke before he could make 
his escape.

BRAY 28 Aug 1882 Mr George Bray, 50, died 24 Aug in Flintstone and the burial 
was Saturday. Prior to his death, he was chief engineer at JB Hoyt & Co 
Tanneries at Flintstone. He belonged to the Masons and the Odd Fellows.

BUCHMAN 11 Feb 1882 Mrs Louisa Buchman, wife of Martin Buchman, died at the 
residence yesterday at N Centre Street in her 55th year from an illness of 9 
months from asthma culminating in pneumonia and death. She leaves a husband and 
7 grown children, one of whom is the wife of Mr H Flurschultz on N Liberty 

BYRNES 05 Jan 1882 The funeral of Mrs E A Byrnes took place from her residence 
at Decatur Street yesterday. The services were at St Patrick's Catholic Church 
with interment in St Patrick's cemetery.

C&O CANAL 31 Jan 1882 the C&O canal is lengthening 14 of its locks to 100 feet 
to accommodate the larger coal barges. The water was drawn off in January and 
the canal closed for the winter and they expect to be completed by mid-March to 
re-open to traffic again. The locks to be extended are: #68 at South Branch; #60 
or Twigg's Lock; #58 or Gross's Lock; #44 at Williamsport; #53 at Cheney's Lock; 
and the Guard Lock at Dam Number 4. Then; Bull Ring Lock below Harper's Ferry; 
Weaverton; Berlin; Catoctin; Point of Rocks; Mononocy; Head of Nine Mile Level; 
and Edward's Ferry.

CARABINE 18 Dec 1882 Sandford Carabine, a brakeman, was killed by an exploding 
boiler of the C&P RR on Saturday (16 Dec) in the Narrows when he was badly 
scalded by steam and hot water. His remains were taken to Mt Savage for burial. 
He was single and about 24 years of age. Burial is in the Catholic Cemetery at 
Mt Savage.

CARTER 11 Sep 1882 Mr Isaac N Carter, died at the residence of a daughter, Mrs 
EH Campbell in Cumberland in the 78th year of his life. He was from Charlestown 
WV and the remains will be taken there for burial.

CARTS 27 Apr 1882 Mrs Barbary Carts, widow of Jacob Carts of Allegany Co, died 
at Keyser WV on 21 Apr at the residence of Mrs Margaret Dean in the 71st year of 
her life.

CLAY 17 Aug 1882 Mr William Clay and his 14 year old son were both struck by the 
B&O accommodation train at the Sideling Hill crossing, 30 miles East of the 
city. Young Clay tried to cross the tracks with a wheelbarrow full of oats and 
the wheel got caught in the tracks. His father went to the son's assistance and 
the train struck both of them. Mr Clay is a brother of Mrs Michael Rossworm of 

CLOSE 28 Sep 1882 Mr Edwin Close, a son of Sandy Close, engaged in Pompey Smash 
mines, preparing mining props in an unoccupied room, was crushed by a heavy fall 
of coal and slate. It took a couple of hours to recover his body. The miners 
stopped work and the mine will close until after the burial.

CONDON 03 Mar 1882 Mr James Condon, an aged citizen of Cumberland, who was the 
track head for a number of years for the Eckhart branch, was instantly killed 
yesterday by No 755 of the Pittsburgh Express knocking him from the track. Mr 
Condon was on his way to work and near the Himmler Still, avoided the Eckhart 
train and stepped in front of the Pittsburgh train. Mr Condon resided on Stoney 
Battery, was well known in the city and was 65 years of age.

COOKERLY 05 Dec 1882 Mr John C Cookerly, an elderly citizen of this county, died 
yesterday at his home at Rawlings, 12 miles from the city. He once was a gold 
hunter in the 1849 rush to California, returning here to engage in business at 
Rawlings. His funeral will occur tomorrow at Rawlings with burial on the farm 
with Rev Frank Porter officiating.

COULEHAN 24 Mar 1882 James E Coulehan died in Maitland FL on Monday (20 Mar), 
being there for his health as a sufferer of pulmonary disease. James A McHenry, 
his cousin, went to retrieve the remains. He was the 2nd son of the late Thomas 
Coulehan and a member of the firm of J & T Coulehan. He leaves a wife and 2 
little children. The funeral is from the residence on Decatur Street and thence 
to St Patricks Church for services by Father Mattingly.

COULEHAN 06 May 1882 James E Coulehan, infant son of James E & Carrie Coulehan, 
died at age 11 months, 5 days. The funeral is from the home on Decatur Street.

CRESAP 16 Feb 1882 From Bonaparte, Van Buren Co, Ohio "Journal", news of the 
death of M Cresap form a heart attack. He was born in Allegany Co, MD in 1806 
and was 76 years of age. After marriage he moved to Somerset Co, PA keeping a 
hotel of the National Turnpike, and then, moved to Bonaparte in 1865. He was the 
father of 8 children, 4 living near Bonaparte. Others are: GM Cresap of 
Elizabethtown KY; Mrs Charles C Smith of CA; and William and Ross Cresap in MT. 
The funeral is from the Presbyterian Church, Rev Welch.

CRESAP 25 Nov 1882 On Friday (24 Nov) Mrs L M Cresap died at her residence near 
Oldtown. She had been ill for some time. Her remains will be interred at 

CUNNINGHAM 06 Nov 1882 Mrs Bessie Cunningham, a aged lady, died at Lonaconing on 
Friday (3 Nov). She was born in Scotland and leaves 2 married sons and 3 
unmarried daughters.

DARBY 08 Mar 1882 Mr C A Darby of Barton died there yesterday of jaundice. He 
was about 30 years of age, leaves a wife and 1 son. He came to Barton five years 
ago from Rockville MD. His business was opposite the C&P RR Depot.

DEVINE 25 Sep 1882 Mrs Michael Devine, formerly Mrs John May, died Saturday (23 
Sep) in her 81st year. She taught school in Cumberland for many years. The 
funeral is from the home with a Requiem Mass at the German Catholic Church. Her 
remains will be taken to Georgetown for burial beside her first husband. She was 
the daughter of John Kendall and granddaughter of Col. John Stull of 
Revolutionary War memory.

DRESSMAN 11 Dec 1882 Mrs George Dressman, aged 50 years, was seized by a spasm 
while she had an oil lamp in her hand, which broke and ste all of her clothes 
afire resulting in her death. Her husband suffered hand burns trying to save 

DURST 26 Oct 1882 Mr Dennis Durst, aged 51 years, with a wife and 3 children, 
committed suicide yesterday near the water station, 3 miles West of Cumberland. 
He was a track hand for the railroad and was addicted to alcoholic sprees, after 
which, he would sober up and resume work. He told his wife he was killing 
himself, which he had announced many times before and she ignored him. He took 
down his musket and went to the hill adjoining the house, tied the trigger off 
with a fish line and placed the musket to his head, blowing his head off and 
scattering his brains.

FINGELDAY 28 Sep 1882 Mr John Fingleday, in his 65th year of age, died at the 
residence of a son in law, Mr Frederick Wright on S Mechanic Street. At one time 
he ran a tannery in the upper part of the city. The funeral is tomorrow.

FORD 17 Mar 1882 From the Valley "Times"; Mrs Rose Ford, an aged lady of Moscow, 
was found in bed dead yesterday morning. She was the mother of Mr James Ford 
deceased, who was buried Monday (13 Mar). She attended the funeral and grief is 
supposedly the cause of her death.

GEPHART 24 Oct 1882 Mr Simon Gephart, a brother to O.C. and George Gephart of 
this city. Was paralyzed yesterday at his home in Valley Falls KS, 30 miles from 
Leavenworth. He is in his 60th year and it is feared that he will not recover, 
Mr Gephart married a daughter of Mr Gustavus Beall of this city and left for 
Kansas in 1857, where he has since resided. Many of our older citizens recall 
him. Since this writing, we have learned of the death of Mr Gephart at 4:00 
yesterday afternoon.

GODWIN 05 May 1882 Laura M Godwin, 28 years of age, died of consumption 
yesterday at the residence of her mother Mrs Ellen Wineow on Decatur Street. The 
funeral is from the home tomorrow.

GREEN 16 Feb 1882 Mr A C Green died yesterday at his residence below Frostburg 
form paralysis of the throat causing suffocation. Mr Green was an agent at the 
mines and superintendent of the Borden Mining Co. He was 62 years of age and 
lived in the county since 1851. After arriving, he married his 2nd wife, Miss 
Margaret Standish, who died several years ago. The funeral is tomorrow from the 
residence near Frostburg yclept Clifton Park and his remains taken to Providence 
RI for burial.

GROWDEN 28 Jun 1882 Mr Andrew Growden, young man of Cumberland Valley near the 
State Line, died at his residence on Friday (24 Jun) . He was married a short 
time ago to a Western lady. The funeral was Sunday at the Fellowship Church with 
Rev ST Ferguson, pastor of the Centreville MP Church.

GRUBER 12 Dec 1882 Mr Matthias Gruber is missing after leaving his Centre Street 
home in slippers last Thursday and has not been seen since. It is feared that he 
has fallen or jumped into Wills Creek which is quite deep. A son of Johnstown 
will arrive today to have the creek dragged as Mr Gruber has threatened recently 
to destroy himself. 13 Dec 1882 The body of Mr Matthias Gruber was found in 
Wills Creek at a point opposite the Shipley House by sons John and William. 
Slush ice had obscured the body. An inquest jury was empaneled and witnesses 
were ; John & William Gruber, Mrs Zimmerman, John H Baldwin, and Joseph Richart. 
A ruling of accidental drowning was rendered by the jury. Matthias Gruber was a 
native of Germany, coming to this country, first stopping at Hagerstown, coming 
thereafter to Cumberland where he has lived for 40 years since. He was a 
bricklayer and mason and also a contractor. He was one of the first men engaged 
in the building of the railroad viaduct over Wills Creek and one of the men who 
finished the work. He was also one of the first engaged in the early 
construction of the C&O Canal at Cumberland. He was twice married and leaves a 
wife and 3 sons and 5 daughters. Three of the daughters were from his first 
wife. He was in his 68th year of life. Burial was in the German Lutheran 

HARTUNG 07 Aug 1882 Yesterday at the North Branch Bridge, the conductor of an 
eastbound train saw a man in the track bed between the tracks and ordered the 
westbound train to pick up the body and take it to Cumberland where it was 
identified as Christopher Hartung, son of Mrs Wilhelmina Zimmer. An inquest 
followed. He leaves a widow and four children. He was born in Germany. He worked 
for Adam Seibert as a farm hand at North Branch. The funeral is from the German 
Lutheran Church and burial in the Lutheran Cemetery. [Article if a full 

HASS 10 Mar 1882 Mr Andrew Hass died from a swelling of his legs last Sunday. He 
was affected 5 months ago and they got worse and an amputation was scheduled, 
but he died prior to the operation. He was 67 years of age and burial was in the 
German Lutheran Cemetery.

HEALY 25 Jul 1882 Dr P A Healy died at his home on S Mechanic Street in the 64th 
year of his age from an internal tumor. Born in Longford Ireland on 14 Dec 1818, 
he came to this country as a child living in Baltimore. In 1856 he married Mrs 
Gales, a widow of Frostburg and the daughter of Mrs Cross. They had a large 
family, 5 deceased and 3 living; Miss Lulu; Master Edward; and young child Ella. 
He was in the war under Col Jones with the 2 MD Reg PHB. Burial is in the St 
Patrick's Cemetery.

HITCHCOCK 18 Feb 1882 Mr Luke D Hitchcock died at his residence 6 miles north of 
the city yesterday of pneumonia after an illness of 10 days. The funeral is from 
the home of Mr John Humbird on Frederick Street, with Rev Threll and burial in 
Rose Hill Cemetery.

HITE 01 May 1882 Mr John Hite died at his residence on Valley Road on Friday (28 
Apr) at age 70 years.

JOHNS 19 Jun 1882 Col. Thomas Johns of Prospect Street died Saturday (17 Jun) 
from heart disease and paralysis. He was 70 years of age and leaves a wife and 
daughter, Mrs GE Anderson of Bedford. His wife was the daughter of the late 
Jonathan Magruder. He was a native of Georgetown and a West Point graduate, 
seeing service as a Col. in 2nd MD Reg. He was in the hardware business here.

KELLEY 19 Oct 1882 Mrs Kelley, an aged lady from Mt Savage, died at the 
residence of her son-in-law, Mr James Welsh, a puddler at the rolling mill, and 
was taken to Mt Savage for burial yesterday.

KING 18 Nov 1882 Abram Kinsey King, aged 32 years, died yesterday at his 
residence on S Mechanic Street. The funeral train left Hays Station on the PA RR 
for burial in King's Grove near Ellerslie, with Rev Moffatt officiating.

KIRKPATRICK 28 Jan 1882 The No 418 freight train wrecked into a landslide on the 
Connellsville road yesterday around Four Oaks, 20 miles from Cumberland. The 
engineer, Mr Frank Kirkpatrick was killed. He was 32 years and 7 months of age. 
He lives on N Centre Street with his wife and a sick child. The fireman, Henry 
Brinker was wedged in the ruble and steam was pouring upon him and he is not 
expected to live. He lives in Latrobe PA. The brakeman, Solomon Hentsell was 
also wedged in the ruble and suffered a broken leg. The remains of Frank D 
Kirkpatrick took place from the residence of his mother Mrs Taefel on Polk 
Street. His brother David Kirkpatrick from Hagerstown and a ½ brother, Fred 
Taefel of Newark OH attended the funeral. Also attending was Mr Dorsey Campbell 
of Hagerstown, a brother of his mother. His remains were interred in the German 
Lutheran Cemetery.

KORNS 25 Jul 1882 Miss Hester Ann Korns, young daughter of Jesse Korns, died 
yesterday at the home on Bedford Street. The burial is in Rose Hill Cemetery.

LEGGE 23 Jan 1882 Mrs Theodore Bantz Legge, wife of Capt J F Legge of this city, 
died from typhoid fever yesterday after a long illness. The funeral is today 
from the residence at Union Street with Rev GW Huntington of the Reformed 
Episcopal Church and burial is in Frederick MD.

LITTLE 13 Jun 1882 Mr S T Little died on Sunday (11 Jun) at Wernersville PA 
resort for invalids from an affection of the digestive organs. He was born at 
Martinsburg on 27 Aug 1828, served as an apprentice jeweler at Chambersburg 
before moving to Cumberland in 1846. On 22 Mar 1853, he married Miss Maria 
Catherine Korns, a daughter of Jesse Korns and they were blessed with 11 
children, nine still living. Of these, 7 are boys: Mr Jesse T Little of 
Williamsport PA the eldest and Robert Little, next to his brother who manages 
his affairs. With Mr Little at his death were his wife and brother, Robert 
Little of Parkersburg and children Miss Eula and Ralph, the youngest child. He 
served as 2nd Lt. in Co. H, 2nd MD Reg. The funeral is from the home on Bedford 
Street with burial in Rose Hill Cemetery.

LOWENSTEIN 23 jan 1882 Mrs Elizabeth Lowenstein, aged 81 years, died Friday at 
the residence of son-in-law, Mr John Schiller.

MAGUIRE 23 Jul 1882 Miss Bettie Maguire of Pittsburgh PA died at her residence 
there , aged 80 years. She was single all of her life and was the sister of the 
late Mrs McKay, who died last year at the age of 82 years. Mrs McKay is the 
mother-in-law of Messers Jacob & John Humbird of the city.

MATHEWS 30 Jan 1882 Mr Peter Mathews died Saturday (21 Jan) on Columbia Street 
at age 84 years. He had been in failing health.

McCULLOH 24 Jun 1882 Mr William McCulloh, brother of Mrs Capt. H H Hartsock, 
died at the residence of the Capt. On Decatur Street yesterday form consumption. 
He was 21 years of age and ill for several months. The funeral is from the home 
and burial at Rose Hill Cemetery.

McCULLOH 01 May 1882 Robert C McCulloh of Frostburg died of paralysis on 
Saturday (29 Apr) at his residence, in the 73rd year of his life. He had learned 
the trade of tanner and curryier in and apprenticeship in Philadelphia and then 
moved to Frostburg, living here for 50 years following his business. About 2 
years ago, he suffered paralysis from which he eventually died. He leaves 5 
grown sons: Thomas Blair; C Melville; William; Robert g; and Frank McCulloh, and 
2 daughters; Mrs Jas Kimbell of Philadelphia; and Miss Louisa McCulloh. Also, 
brothers, Messrs, T G; John; Washington; and H Clay McCulloh. The funeral is 
from the home.

McDONALD 01 Mar 1882 Mrs Agnes McDonald of Barton died yesterday of cancer in 
her 69th year following long suffering.

McGIRR 28 Sep 1882 Mr Arthur McGirr, 50, of Independence Street was struck by 
the passenger train from Bedford at the Valley Street crossing. It was raining 
hard and he had the umbrella down over his head and did not see or hear the 
oncoming train. He was first struck by the pilot engine and thrown 25 feet into 
the air, landing on the track again and the pilot hit him again dragging him 
fifty feet when then fell under the trestle work into a coal yard. The verdict 
of the coroner's jury was accidental death by engine #507 which was drawing a 
passenger train on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Funeral services are at St 

McKAIG 06 May 1882 Gen. Thomas Jefferson McKaig, in his 79th year, died of 
general debility at Breathedsville, near Hagerstown. The remaining members of 
the family are brothers, Dr R S McKaig and Rev C V McKaig of Pittsburgh; and 2 
sisters, one in IA and one in Delaware OH. He was born at Steubenville OH on 04 
Feb 1804 and the family soon moved to Columbia Co, OH; he graduated from 
Washington College in 1826, and then moved to Cumberland to serve as principal 
of Allegany Academy . He leaves a wife and 2 children; Frisby Tilghman and Nina 
Lamar McKaig. He served in the 50th Reg and later served in the MD Militia as 
Brigadier General. The funeral is from St Mary's Catholic Church with interment 
at Rose Hill Cemetery of Hagerstown.

McKEE 23 Feb 1882 Mrs Jane McKee, resident of the city for 40 years, died at her 
residence 27 N Centre Street today. She was in her 88th year and was the mother-
in-law of John & Jacob Humbird of this city.

MEANS 16 Feb 1882 Miss Ella Means died Tuesday (14 Feb) at the residence of a 
niece Mrs Kate McClain, 150 Tagert St, Allegany PA. she died from injuries of an 
assault suffered on 11 Nov in Westmoreland Co, PA. Ella and Mary Means, maiden 
ladies aged 83 and 73 years, resided alone in a farmhouse. An intruder attacked 
them and beat them unmercifully. Mary Means died 3 weeks since. James S Ward was 
arrested and the charge of murder hangs over him in the Westmoreland Co Court as 
he rests in jail. He is 28 years of age and employed in the tube works in 
McKeesport PA A charge of double murder now awaits him. (4 paragraph story).

MERRYMAN 13 Jun 1882 Elijah Bosley Merryman, aged 35 years, died Saturday (10 
Jun) of typhoid fever. He was a conductor of the B&O RR night sleeping cars. He 
changed jobs 18 months ago from the Pullman Cars.

MILLER 18 Dec 1882 Henry Miller, a brakeman, was killed by an exploding boiler 
of the C&P RR on Saturday (16 Dec) in the Narrows when he was badly scalded by 
steam and hot water. His remains were taken to Mt Savage for burial. He was 
single and about 22 years of age. Burial is in the Catholic Cemetery at Mt 

MILLER 13 Mar 1882 John Rowell Miller, 79 years and 8 months of age, died at the 
Almshouse yesterday. He was born 04 Jul 1802 in Germany, came to this country in 
1868, settling in Mt Savage, leaving there only 6 months ago to live at the 

MORRIS 07 Jan 1882 J Robert Morris was killed accidently on the accommodation 
train near Hyndman yesterday, He was 20 years of age and a son of Robert I 
Morris. An inquest rendered accidental death with no blame attached to the 
railroad. The funeral was from the home of the father on Frederick Street and 
services at the Centre Street ME Church and burial at Rose Hill Cemetery.

MULLEN 30 Jan 1882 Mr Henry Mullen died at his residence on Saturday ( 28 Jan) 
following a short illness. He leaves a wife and one child. He was boss rigger at 
the B&O RR here.

POLAND 19 Jan 1882 Yesterday, Aaron Poland, a miner was killed in the Potomac 
Coal Co mine at Barton from a fall of coal. He was 38 years of age, leaves a 
wife and 6 children. He was working alone. An inquest exonerated the company 
from all blame.

PORTER 28 Jun 1882 Mr Henry W Porter, who was run over by a train of cars at 
McKeesport PA on Monday (26 Jun) was buried at St Patrick's in Mt Savage. He was 
18 years of age and son of Mr Enoch S Porter of Mt Savage.

REUSCHLEIN 02 Feb 1882 Mr John Reuschlein died yesterday at his residence in 
Cumberland at the advanced age of 84 years.

RICE 30 Nov 1882 Mr George S Rice, a farmer on Martins Mountain, died from the 
effects of a tree falling upon him, which he and a nephew, George Rice were 
felling. A fracture of the skull was the cause of death. He was 45 years of age 
and leaves a wife and 5 children in circumstances.

ROBBINS 14 Dec 1882 Mrs Fannie S Robbins died at her residence on W Washington 
Street on Monday (11 Dec) and the funeral took place yesterday from the 
residence with burial at Rose Hill Cemetery. She was the wife of the late O D 

ROBINSON 03 Mar 1882 The funeral of Mr Joseph Robinson, a boss miner at Ocean 
Mines, who died on Tuesday (28 Feb) took place yesterday. The remains are buried 
in Frostburg. 

ROHRBACH 20 Jul 1882 Yesterday, George Rohrbach, formerly engaged in the grocery 
business in the city, but retired some years ago upon a competency, died of 
consumption in his 68th year at his residence 208 N Centre Street. The burial is 

RUPERT 13 Nov 1882 Mrs Mary E Rupert died of consumption, aged 41 years and 7 
days, on Sunday (12 Nov). She was the wife of Charles Fred Rupert, the news 
dealer, of Bedford Street. A High Mass at St Patrick's and burial in St 
Patrick's Cemetery.

RYAN 28 Jun 1882 Mrs Catherine Ryan, wife of Philip Ryan Sr, died yesterday at 
her home on Frederick Street following a long illness. Services will be held at 
St Patrick's Church.

RYLAND 21 Dec 1882 Mr George Ryland, the engineer of the C&P RR, who was injured 
in the boiler explosion on Saturday (16 Dec), died as a result of his injuries. 
He was in his 37th year of life, being born 29 Mar 1847. He leaves a widow and 3 
children, the youngest, 1 years old. The funeral will take place today.

SHAFFER 30 Jun 1882 Mrs Mary Shaffer, an aged lady, died at the home of a son 
William H Shaffer on Decatur Street. She had been unable to walk for the past 19 
years due to rheumatism. She was 82 years of age and a consistent member of the 
MP Church.

SHAFFER 07 Nov 1882 Mrs Susan Shaffer, wife of William Shaffer, aged 57 years, 
died Monday (06 Nov) and the funeral is from her home on 34 Bedford Street.

SHAFFER 09 Nov 1882 Mr William H Shaffer died last night of Bright's Disease, 
aged 56 years. His wife died on Monday and was buried only yesterday, a few 
hours prior to his death. Remaining are 2 sons, John & Webster; and 2 daughters, 
Mary & Daisy. The funeral is tomorrow.

SHANE 05 Apr 1882 Margaret Shane, in her 65th year of life, died at the 
residence of Hon William Walsh on Washington Street of paralysis. The funeral is 
scheduled for St Patrick's Church.

SHAW 09 Jan 1882 Mrs Harriet Shaw, mother of Mr Levi Shaw living on Bedford 
Street, died at her residence yesterday morning in the 75th year of her age.

SHIPLEY 29 Nov 1882 William D Shipley died from lock jaw. He lived with his 
parents at Oldtown and was 23 years old.

SHUCK 25 Jul 1882 Mrs Ann C Shuck, relict of Henry Shuck, died of paralysis 
yesterday at her residence on Frederick Street. She had been ill for some time. 
Mrs Shuck was born in Scotland and came to this county at 12 years of age and 
her maiden name was Simmons. She was originally a Presbyterian but for 40 years 
she was a Methodist.

SLICER 13 Nov 1882 Mr Neal Slicer, aged 65 years, a former resident of 
Cumberland but now of Bellefontaine OH, died Sunday morning( 5 Nov) following a 
fit of epilepsy when he fell over a fireplace and his face was half burned. He 
was a brother of John Slicer, who formerly owned the property where the Alms 
House is built.

SMITH 09 Dec 1882 The funeral of Mrs Margaret Smith of Maryland Avenue, who died 
Wednesday (06 Dec), was held yesterday. She was the mother of John W Smith of 
the rolling mill. She was 51 years of age and a member of the Kingsley ME 

SMOUSE 01 Apr 1882 Peter Smouse died on 31 Mar 1882, aged 66 years, at his 
residence, Phoenix Mills on Bottle Run. A native of this county, he leaves a 
widow and a number of grown children. The funeral is from the ME Church at Union 
Grove. Burial is in the family burying plot.

SPRIGG 20 Jun 1882 Mrs Mollie A Sprigg, daughter of the late Moses Rawlings and 
the wife of Mr Richard M Sprigg of Rawlings, died at the home of Mr JW Cook on 
Friday (16 Jun). The funeral was this morning at Emmanuel Episcopal Church with 
burial at Rose Hill Cemetery.

SWARTZWELDER 10 Mar 1882 Mr Clay & Harry Swartzwelder are in Chambersburg for 
their mother's funeral who died on Wednesday (8 Mar). She was formerly a 
resident of this city and a relict of Mr Isaac S Swartzwelder, who died many 
years ago. He was a hardware merchant on N Mechanic Street above Baltimore 

TILGHMAN 27 Jun 1882 Mrs Anna B Tilghman died yesterday. She was the mother of 
Mr FL Tilghman and a sister of the late JG Lynn. The funeral is from the 
Emmanuel Episcopal church with Rev Nott.

TRIEBER 26 Apr 1882 Elizabeth M Trieber, wife of Howard M Trieber, died Monday 
(24 Apr) of consumption in her 24th year. The funeral is from the home at 109 
Baltimore Street.

TRIMBLE 31 Jan 1882 Mr Henry Trimble of Mt Savage died there last Sunday (29 
Jan) in the 84th year of his life. He is brother of Noah Trimble in Cumberland.

TRIMBLE 06 Nov 1882 Mr Enoch Trimble, aged 76 years, died at the home of a 
nephew, W S Trimble at Mt Savage last week. He was a bachelor and lived on the 
adjoining farm all of his life.

VALENTINE 30 Jan 1882 Mrs A D Valentine, mother of Mr C M Renninger, died 
Saturday (28 Jan) in her 76th year, at her son's residence. Her funeral was 

WALKER 06 Nov 1882 Mrs Margaret Walker, wife of George W Walker of Borden Shaft, 
died on Friday (3 Nov), aged 70 years. She leaves 3 children, one of whom is Mr 
C H Walker, the postmaster at Frostburg.

WALTON 02 Oct 1882 The funeral of Nellie Shuck Walton took place from the 
residence of Mr James B Walton on S Mechanic Street conducted by Rev JE Moffat. 
She was married only one month to Mr Edward Walton.

WHITE 21 Mar 1882 Hamilton White, an old citizen of Cumberland who was suffering 
for 3 years from paralysis, died Saturday (18 Mar). He was about 75 years old. 
The funeral is from the home on independence Street, with Rev RT Smith with 
remains placed in the family vault at Rose Hill Cemetery.

WILSON 15 Feb 1882 Mrs Harriet Cresap Wilson, mother of James W Wilson of 
Rawlings Station, died at her son's residence yesterday, aged 83 years. Her 
funeral is this evening She was a consistent member of the ME Church.

WILSON 06 Nov 1882 Mr M Van Wilson, formerly of this county, died (3 Nov) at 
Blair Co, NE where he has lived for the past 5 years. He was 37 years of age and 
the youngest son of Michael Wilson of Rawlings, and a brother of James W Wilson 
of Rawlings. 

YOUNG 23 Oct 1882 On Saturday, (21 Oct), Mr John Young, an old miner died at his 
sons residence in Lonaconing, aged 67 years. His son, Daniel, is the only one of 
the family now living.

YOUNG 02 Sep 1882 Eva Young, relict of the late Charles Young, died yesterday in 
the 67th year of life. Her funeral is tomorrow.

ZELCH 02 Oct 1882 Mr William H Zelch, a printer of the city died Saturday (30 
Sep) of a lingering illness of consumption. He was 25 years of age and leaves a 
wife. Burial at the Lutheran Cemetery on the Baltimore Pike.

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