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Irwin County GaArchives History .....History of Irwin County, Chapter 8, part 1 1932
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Joy Fisher June 12, 2004, 4:11 pm




   The first court organized in the county was the Inferior Court. Under the
Constitution of 1798, and by the acts of the Legislature the Inferior Court was
designated as the Court of Ordinary. The present Court of Ordinary was
established by the Legislature in 1850. The Inferior Court had jurisdiction over
all county matters, the establishment of roads, militia districts and performing
all duties which are now conferred upon the Ordinary or Board of County
Commissioners. They also had criminal jurisdiction over slaves and misdemeanors
of whites. Could try persons with or without jury. It was a court composed of
six citizens none of whom had to be lawyers. The first term of this court was
held on the third day of July, 1820, at the house of David Williams and the
following gentlemen composed the court as the judges thereof: Ludd Mobley, John
Sutton, David Calaway and David William. The only business transacted was the
passing of an order authorizing the Clerk who was also the Clerk of the Superior
Court to issue license to tavern keepers and retailers of spirituous liquors
when the court was not in session.

   The judges of Inferior Court were elected for a term of two to three years.
Below is a list of the judges of Inferior Court from the organization of the
county until the abolishment of the court by the Legislature.

   From January 1, 1820, to January 1, 1822-Ludd Mobley, John Sutton, David
Calaway and David Williams.

   From January 1, 1822, to January 1, 1825-Ludd Mobley, Ezekial Jernigan and
Siliway McCall.

   From January 1, 1825, to January 1, 1828-Ludd Mobley, John J. Underwood,
Jacob Young, Robert H. Dixon, William Bradford and Siliway McCall.

   From January 1, 1827, to January 1, 1829-Redding Hunter, William Bradford,
Jacob Young and Robert H. Dixon.

   From January 1, 1829, to January 1, 1831-Jacob Young, James L. Willcox,
Robert H. Dixon and William Bradford.

   From January 1, 1831, to January 1, 1834-James L. Willcox, Jacob Young, John
Durham and William Bradford.

   From January 1, 1834, to January 1, 1837-Charles Thigpen, Jacob Young,
William Bradford, Benjamin Baker, Jehu McCall and Daniel Grantham.

   From January 1, 1837, to January 1, 1839-Jacob Young, Jehu McCall, Daniel
Grantham, David H. Howell and Thomas Drawdy.

   From January 1, 1839, to January 1, 1841-Thomas Drawdy, Jacob Young, A. P.
Clements, Jehu McCall and Daniel Grantham.

   From January 1, 1841, to January 1, 1845-James L. Willcox, George R. Reid,
Thomas Drawdy, John Henderson and Jeremiah Baker.

   From January 1, 1845, to July 1, 1845-Thomas Drawdy, James Paulk, Jeremiah
Baker, John Henderson, James L. Willcox and David Branch.

   From July 1, 1845, to July 1, 1849-James L. Willcox, David Branch, Jeremiah
Baker, John Dorminy and Cornelius Tyson.

   From July 1, 1849, to August 2, 1852-Jonathan Smith, David Branch, A. P.
Clements, John B. Mobley and Jeremiah Baker.


   An act to organize the counties of Early, Irwin and Appling was passed
December 21, 1819, which provided that it shall be the duty of any three or more
of the commissioners herein-after named, not being themselves candidates, to
advertise and superintend an election for five justices of Inferior Court by
giving fifteen days' notice when said election shall be held at the places
pointed out by this act for holding Superior Court, until a permanent place is
fixed on and said commissioners shall certify to the Governor the five persons
having highest number of votes who shall be commissioned by the Governor and
hold office until next general election for justices Inferior Court and that
following persons are appointed commissioners for superintending said elections
for the county of Irwin, to wit: John Sutton, Jr., John Sutton, Sr., Joshua
Callaway, Willis King, Samuel Boyed, Ludd Mobley, David Williams, Redding
Hunter, Burrell Bailey and Green Graham. The justices aforesaid when
commissioned are hereby appointed commissioners of courthouses and jails of
their respective counties and are vested with full power and authority to fix on
the site for the public buildings in their county, which shall be as near the
center thereof as convenience will admit, at which place the courts and general
election shall be held as soon as suitable buildings are erected, and they are
authorized to purchase land as they may deem sufficient to erect said buildings,
provided they do not purchase more than one lot for the use of the county and
they are authorized to lay off any portion of said land purchased in town lots
and dispose of same for the use of the county and contract with any person or
persons for building a courthouse and jail.

   That the justices of Inferior Court, or a majority of them, are authorized
and required to advertise at least fifteen days at three or more places in the
county and hold elections in said county for clerk of Superior and Inferior
Courts, sheriff, coroner, tax collector and receivers and county surveyors which
said election shall be held at the places hereinafter named until the
commissioner aforesaid fixes permanently on the site of the public building

   Until suitable courthouses are erected the Superior and Inferior Courts shall
be held for the county of Irwin at the house of David Williams. Signed:
                      Davis Adams, Speaker of House, 
                      Mathew Talbot, President of Senate.
Approved December 21, 1819,
     Signed: John Clark, Governor.

   The following act of the Legislature was passed December 13, 1823, that so
much of an act to organize the counties of Early, Irwin and Appling as relates
to the justices of Inferior Court of Irwin County to be the commissioners of the
courthouse and jail of said county be and the same is hereby repealed; and that
William Foulson, James Crumb, Siliway McCall, Joshua Griffin and Alexandra
McDaniel be and they are hereby appointed commissioners of the courthouse and
jail in the County of Irwin.

   Section 2. That the said William Foulson, James Crumb, Siliway McCall, Joshua
Griffin and Alexandra McDaniel are hereby entitled to the same powers as the
before recited act gave to the justices of the Inferior Court of Irwin County as
commissioners of the courthouse and jail of said county.
                          David Adams, Speaker of the House,
                          Thomas Stocks, President of Senate. 
Approved: G. M. Troup, Governor.

   The following act was approved December 24, 1825, that John B. F. Dixon,
James Willcox, Emanuel Knowles, William Foulson and Elijah Beasley be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners for selecting a public site for the county of
Irwin under same rules and regulations in the counties of Lowndes and Irwin as
prescribed in foregoing section of this act for the government and conduct of
the commissioners of Thomas and with as full and ample powers as if they were
prescribed in the same words.

   The second session of the Inferior Court was held on the first Monday in
January, 1821. Present Judges: John Sutton, David Williams and David Calaway.
The only business transacted was an order passed to enter suit wherein Richard
Wiggins was plaintiff and Daniel Grantham defendant. The suit was called and
dismissed at plaintiff's costs.

   At meeting of Inferior Court on second day of July, 1822, the following order
was passed. "The Inferior Court feels that it is proper to move the place of
holding courts for the county of Irwin up to Murdock McDuffie schoolhouse on lot
of land number 147 from this time forward and also all county elections to be
held at the same place.
                           "Signed Robert F. Dixon, J. I. C., 
                                   Elijah Beasley, J. I. C., 
                                   David Williams, J. I. C."

   At the July term, 1821, an order was passed establishing a public road in
Irwin County beginning at the county line at Ludd Mobley and continue a river
road, crossing House Creek at David Calaway ford and continue to the upper line,
and Ludd Mobley, Willis King and Murdock McDuffie were appointed to lay out and
mark said road beginning at county line up to House Creek and Green G. Graham,
Burrell Bailey and Isham Jordan were appointed to lay out and mark said read
from House Creek to upper line of county.

   At July term, 1822, an order was passed appointing David Calaway, Isham
Jordan and Nathaniel Statum, commissioners, to lay out and mark a river road
beginning at David Calaway ford on House Creek and up to line of the county.

   At July term, 1824, John McCall, John Fitzgerald and G. G. Graham were
appointed to mark out the river road above Big House Creek and Daniel McDuffie,
J. B. F. Dixon, Emanuel Knowles and Ludd Mobley were appointed to blaze out the
road at the lower line at Griffins up to House Creek. James Allen, Thomas
Townsend, Isaac Allen and Sion Hall were appointed to lay out a road from
0cmulgee River to Alapaha River.

   At July term, 1825, John Smith, Moses Steter and Daniel Underwood were
appointed to examine road from Alapaha to Little rivers and report
practicability of starting same. Thomas Bradford, Daniel Grantham and William
Fussell were appointed to examine the road from the Alapaha to Ludd Mobley and
report practicability of starting same. Daniel Luke, James Stephens and Thomas
Porter were appointed to mark out river road from lower line of the county to
the Dooly line.

   On December 24, 1825, the counties of Thomas and Lowndes were created which
provided that after the passage of this act the seventeenth and eighteenth
districts and such parts of the twenty-third and nineteenth districts of Decatur
County as lie on the east side of the Ochlocknee River together with the
thirteenth and fourteenth districts of Irwin County do form and constitute a new
county called Thomas.

   Be it further enacted that the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth,
fifteenth and sixteenth districts of Irwin County form and constitute a new
county called Lowndes.

   Duncan Ray, William Forsom, Simon Hadley, Sr., Michael horn and John Hill
Bryant were appointed commissioners to select public site for Thomas County and
Lawrence Folsom, Sion Hall, William Blair, John J. Underwood and Daniel
McCrauley were appointed commissioners to select public site for the county of
Lowndes and John B. F. Dixon, James Willcox, Emanuel Knowles, William Folsom and
Elijah Beasley were under the same act appointed commissioners to select a
public site for the county of Irwin. Section 7 of the act provided that for the
county of Irwin, the place of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts and
elections shall be at the usual place of holding courts and elections in the
county of Irwin until the commissioners appointed by this act shall have
selected public sites for their respective counties and proceeded by a written
notification to inform the Inferior Court of such place and circumstance and it
shall be the duty of the justices of Inferior Court to advertise the same,
stating the lot of land selected for the public site of their county, in. three
of the most public places in the county and the same shall thereafter
immediately become the permanent public site of said county.

   Section 6. Provides that it shall be the duty of the Inferior Court as soon
as commissioners have been selected to select public sites for courthouse and
jail and to proceed with the letting out courthouses and jails at such site.

   Section 9. Provides that the clerks of Superior Court in Lowndes, Thomas and
Irwin, shall not be compelled to keep their offices at their respective

   Section 10. Provides that Duncan Ray, Archibald McMillan, Paul Colson, Hardy
Bryan and Malcolm Ferguson, be and are hereby appointed commissioners of the

   The county of Ware was created in 1824, and provided that the county of
Appling shall be divided by beginning on the line between Wayne and Appling
counties at the line dividing the lots 505 and 501, in the fourth district of
Appling County, running a due west course through the fifth and sixth districts
of Appling County until it strikes the Irwin County line.

   Section 2. That all that part or territory lying north of line aforesaid
shall be known as the county of Appling and the other part to be known and
called by the name of Ware.

   An act of the Legislature approved December 23, 1822, provided that
immediately after the passage of this act the Governor be and is authorized to
appoint two fit and proper persons to superintend the opening of a road to
commence at the Alapaha at or near Cunningham ford on said river, passing
through districts numbers ten, twelve and thirteen in the county of Irwin and
numbers eighteen and twenty-three in the county of Early, pursuing the best and
most practicable route until it intersects the Florida line near the Ochlocknee
River. That the sum of $1,500 be and the same is hereby appropriated to carry
the above recited section into effect.

   General John Coffee was appointed one of the commissioners. No record of who
the other commissioner was.

   In the first old record book of wills and bonds on the first page appears
this entry: "William W. Sloan, son of William Sloan and Mary Ann Sloan, his
wife, was born thirteenth of February, 1822. Test William Sloan, Clerk."


   The first bond on record was dated October 2, 1820, in which John Sutton gave
bond as guardian for William Riley Adams. Amount of bond was $300.00. David
Calaway was the bondsman.

   The second bond was dated March 3, 1823. Abigal McDuffie and John C. Love,
administrators of the estate of Murdock McDuffie, gave bond as administrators in
the sum of $30,000.00. The bondsmen were John Willcox, John Sutton and Nathaniel
R. Mitchell.

   The first county-officer bond recorded was that of Daniel McDuffie, sheriff,
dated October 22, 1823, for the amount of $20,000.00. Bondsmen were John J.
Underwood and Ludd Mobley.

   The Legislature approved an act on December 8, 1828, which provided that the
Inferior Courts of Irwin County shall be held on the fourth Monday in January,
each year, instead of the first Monday in January heretofore. The second section
provides that it shall be the duty of clerk of said court to advertise this
alteration at one of the most public places in each captain's district of said


   An act of the Legislature, approved June 11, 1825, provided that all
elections which may be held for state or county officers shall be held at the
following places, to wit: In the county of Irwin at the courthouse, at Sion Hall
in the twelfth district in said county and at the house of Thomas Gibbs in the
second district in said county.

   An act of the Legislature, approved December 20, 1830, provided that it shall
and may be lawful for general elections for Governor, members of Congress,
electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, members of the
Legislature, Militia Officers and County Officers to be held at the following
places. At the house of John Gibbs or the, place of holding justice court in
Captain McCall's district. At the house of William Bradford or place of holding
justice court in Captain McCelland's district, at the house of James Wallis in
the sixth district or place of holding justice court in said district and at the
courthouse in said county.

   An act approved December 24, 1832, provides that an election precinct shall
be established at the house of Abbigal Mc-Duffie in Captain Dixon's district.

   An act approved December 20, 1834, provided that all elections should be held
for Irwin County at Bowen's mill precinct.

   An act approved December 26, 1836, provided that election precinct heretofore
established at house of William Bradford in fifth district Irwin County be and
the same is removed to Howell's store in same district.

   An act approved December 22, 1840, provides that an election precinct shall
be established at the house of Manassa Henderson in Irwin County.

   An act approved December 22, 1843, provided that the election precinct
established at the house of Thomas Gibbs, Ruebin Gay, William Fussell, Howell's
store and Manassa Henderson in county of Irwin be repealed.

   An act approved December 27, 1845, provided that election precincts should be
established at the following places in Irwin County. At the house of John Gibbs,
at William Pridgen's mill, at the house of Daniel Grantham, Sr., at the house of
Manassa Henderson and the house of Ruebin Gay.

   An act approved December 30, 1847, established election precincts at the
house of Manassa Henderson and at the house of Ruebin Gay.

   An act approved February 21, 1850, provided election precincts now held at
house of Daniel Grantham, Sr., be changed to the place of holding justice court
in 518th district.

   The election precincts now established at the home of Zara Paulk in second
district be abolished and the same moved to the home of Silos B. F. Townsend in
same district.

   At the October term, 1858, of the Inferior Court the following order was
taken: "It is ordered that remaining portion of 492nd district of the county be
attached to 690th district and that the precinct for the two connected districts
be established at the house of David M. Hogan."

   At the July term, 1858, of the Inferior Court the following order was taken:
"Whereas the formation of Wilcox County by the Legislature, a portion of 433rd
district is yet remaining in Irwin County, it is ordered that remaining portion
of 433rd district be annexed to 901st district in said county."

   At the March term, 1860, the following order was taken: "It is ordered that
election precinct and law ground for 492nd district be moved to house of Abraham
P. Clements."

   At the January term, 1866, it was ordered that the precinct for 518th
district be moved to residence of George Paulk, Jr.

   At the May term, 1869, of Ordinary Court the election precinct of 518th
district was changed from the house of George Paulk, Jr., to democratic
schoolhouse in said district.

   At February term, 1870, of Ordinary Court the precinct at Fort Wilkerson in
432nd district is removed to Dorminy's mill in said district.

   At September term, 1872, of Ordinary Court an order was passed to remove the
precinct of 518th district from present location to a schoolhouse on the old
Troupville road near residence of George Paulk, Sr.

   At November term, 1872, of the Ordinary Court an order was passed to remove
precinct in 982nd district from its present location to a schoolhouse on
Irwinville road near the residence of Zara Paulk.


   An act of the Legislature, approved December 22, 1820, provided that all
fractional parts of surveys not drawn or authorized to be drawn for the present
land lottery, lying in the counties of Appling, Irwin, Early and Telfair, shall
be sold by three commissioners to be elected by joint ballot of both branches of
the General Assembly at Hartford, in the county of Pulaski, on the first Monday
in October, 1821, and continue from day to day, Sunday excepted, between the
hours of 10:00 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. until the whole was disposed of.

   A supplementary act to the above was approved May 16, 1821, provided that the
commissioners referred to in above act in exposing to sale the fractions
referred to, shall not sell or dispose of any fraction in the county of Irwin on
dry lines for less than fifty cents per acre and on water courses for less than,
two dollars per acre.

   A second supplementary act, approved December 25, 1821, provided that the
justices of Inferior Court or a majority of them in the counties of Telfair,
Early, Irwin and Appling, be authorized and required to rent out at the
courthouses or places of holding court for year of 1822, all fractions in
counties aforesaid.

   An act approved December 19, 1840, provided for an extension of time for
taking out grants by fortunate drawers of land in Irwin County to September 1,

   An act approved February 11, 1850, provided that under an act of the
Legislature passed in 1827, authorized the sheriff to sell lot of land number
ten in fifth district of Irwin which was done by said sheriff on December 5,
1827, and was bought by Jacob Paulk for sum of ten dollars and said Paulk failed
to get a grant from the state to said lot and it reverted to the state. The
Governor is authorized to issue a grant to the said Jacob Paulk when he pays the
customary fee therefor.


   At the July term, 1825, of the Inferior Court, Asa Townsend, John J.
Underwood and John Smith were appointed road commissioners for fourth district.

   John Brown, William Bradford and Daniel Grantham were appointed for third

   William Fussell, appointed from lower line to Sturgeon Creek. Robert Dixon,
appointed from Sturgeon Creek up to Mill Creek. Thomas Hunter, from Mill Creek
up to House Creek. Daniel Luke, James Stevens and Thomas Porter, from House
Creek to Dooly County line. Thomas Bradford, appointed at January term, 1826, on
the Alapaha road to Ocmulgee River.

   At the July term, 1829, an order was passed appointing Daniel McDuffie, David
Williams and Nathan Gornto, commissioners, to lay out and mark a river road
beginning where Telfair road strikes the line of Irwin County and continue up to
Big House Creek the nearest and best way and Daniel Luke, Frederick Land and
Frederick Brown, to continue said road from Big House Creek to the Dooly County

   At the April term, 1830, Daniel McInnis appointed commissioner to join other
commissioners to lay out a new river road commencing at Big House Creek up to
Dooly line to intersect with Pulaski road at Dooly line.

   At the July term, 1831, an order was passed appointing Ruebin Marsh, John
Fussell and Ludd Mobley, road commissioners on road from line of Telfair County
up to Big House Creek at Isaac Stevens', that Jehu McCall, George R. Reid and
Daniel Luke be appointed commissioners from Big House Creek to Pulaski line at
Norman McDuffie's.

   Jonathan Smith, Jehu McCall and Myles Adams, appointed to lay out and mark a
river road beginning near Isaac Stevens' mill and running up the river to Norman
McDuffie's. William Matchett, Daniel Grantham, Sr. and Micajah Paulk, Jr., are
appointed to lay out and mark a road beginning at Thomas Swain's ferry and
running to Lowndes County line to intersect Coffee road. Ordered that Isaac
Stevens, Elijah Hunter and V. Hollingsworth be appointed to advertise at least
twenty days, for letting out bridge at Isaac Stevens' mill across Big House
Creek to lowest bidder, the man getting contract to give bond and security in
sum of $500.00, to keep same up five years.


   An act of the Legislature, approved December 26, 1831, provides that Isaac
Bailey, William G. Henderson and J. R. Mc-Cook be appointed commissioners to
survey and lay out a public road upon the most direct and eligible route from
Columbus, on the Chattahoochee River, to city of St. Marys in Camden County.

   Section 2. That said commissioners furnish the Governor on or before first
Monday in November next a map or chart of said road representing accurately the
water courses and other obstructions lying in its way together with a full
report representing what will be the probable expense attending the cutting out
and opening up of said road, the benefits that would result from the same to the
people of the state by affording facilities to market and the general nature of
the country through which it will pass.

   An act approved December 22, 1832, provided that $850.00 be appropriated by
the state to payment of Isaac Bailey and William G. Henderson who surveyed and
laid out the road from St. Marys to Columbus.

   An act of the Legislature, approved December 15, 1834, provided that the sum
of $7,500.00 be appropriated for the purpose of clearing, cutting out and
putting in good order the road lately surveyed and marked out from Columbus to
St. Marys.

   Section 2. That Archibald Clark of Camden County, John Dorminy, Jr., of Irwin
County, John Richardson of Lee County, Alexandra Nelson of Stewart and E. B. W.
Spivey of Muscogee County shall be appointed commissioners for said road and
they are hereby vested with full power and authority to contract for and
superintend the cutting out and putting said road in good order; and before they
enter into the discharge of their duties they and each of them shall enter into
a bond in the sum of $3,000.00 for their and each faithful discharge of duty in
contracting for said work and superintendence as aforesaid in the application of
said $7,500.00 or such part of same as may come into their possession.

   Section 4. In case of neglect, refusal or death of any commissioners if three
consent to act by giving bond in the sum of $5,000.00 each, they may proceed
with the work and draw the $7,500.00.

   Section 5. The commissioners so appointed shall receive compensation in the
sum of $3.00 per day for each day he shall work, provided no commissioner
receive pay for more than ten days' service.

   This road was completed by the state, they building a good, substantial
bridge across the Alapaha River in Irwin County which bridge was washed away at
the Harrison Freshet.

   An act approved by the Legislature, December 19, 1829, provides that whereas
by the eighth section of an act previously passed the overseers of the public
roads are required to cause their respective roads to be cleared out at least
thirty feet wide and all causeways at least sixteen feet wide; and whereas no
necessity exists in the county of Irwin for this requisition; from after a
passage of this act it shall be lawful for all overseers of public roads in the
county of Irwin to cause their respective roads to be cleared out not less than
twenty feet wide and causeways not less than twelve feet wide.

   An act approved December 26, 1836, provides that it is all important that a
bridge should be built across the Alapaha River at or near the Coffee road, and
whereas the citizens are unable to build said bridge, and a subscription is on
foot to raise about $800.00 which is thought will be about one-half of the
amount necessary to build a substantial bridge, it is en-acted that Jacob Paulk,
Daniel Grantham, Sr., and John Mc-Millan be authorized to draw from the state
the sum of $800.00 to build said bridge and repair Coffee road.

   At the January term, 1833, of the Inferior Court it was ordered that Jacob
Paulk, Thomas Young, Elijah Hall be appointed to lay out and mark road from Ludd
Mobley's to Irwin County courthouse.

   At the January term, 1833, Thomas Drawdy, H. Walker and James L. Willcox were
appointed commissioners to mark and lay out roads from Abraham McCall's to Irwin

   William Hall, William Matchett and Ludd Mobley were appointed commissioners
on River road, from Sturgeon Creek to Tel-fair line, below Mobley's mill.

   Samuel Stone, George R. Reid and John Fitzgerald, appointed commissioners on
road beginning at Big House Creek at Bowen's mill and to intersect Pulaski line
at Norman McDuffie's.

   Jacob Young, Jacob Paulk and Frederick Merritt were appointed to superintend
the cutting of road from Irwinville to Ludd Mobley's.

   At the July term, 1834, Richard Brown, Stephen Wiggins and John_ Mulkey,
appointed commissioners on road from Bowen's mill to county line at Norman

   At January term, 1835, George Paulk, Wiley Vickers and Frederick Merritt,
appointed commissioners on Coffee road beginning at Thomas Swain's ferry on to
the county line, also S. H. Kenyon, George Willcox and William Bowen, appointed
commissioners on road leading from Big Sturgeon Creek called River road up to
district line near William Bowen's.

   At the same term of court, Daniel Luke, William Willis and Sampson Gibbs were
appointed to mark and lay out a road beginning at Irwin courthouse and going a
direct course to Noah Brown's at county line. Also appointed Shaderick Griffin,
Ruebin Gay and Richard Tucker to lay out and mark road from Irwin courthouse to
Alapaha River at Marsh's ferry.

   At July term, 1835, Jonathan Smith, Lamuel Taylor and John Dorminy, Jr.,
appointed commissioners on road from Irwinville to Noah Brown's on Dooly line.
Also Stephen Wiggens, George R. Reid and John Mulkey, commissioners on road from
William Bowen's to William McDuffie's.

   At January term, 1836, Daniel Luke, Hezekiah Walker and Mathew Merritt,
appointed commissioners on road leading from courthouse to Widow Mobley's and
intersect there with Coffee road, also Frederick Merritt, Andrew McCelland and
Micajah Paulk, appointed commissioners on Coffee road leading from Thomas L.
Swain's ferry to Ruebin Marsh's ferry on Alapaha.

   At January adjourned term, 1836, commissioners were authorized to turn the
road leading from courthouse to Ruebin Marsh's ferry on Alapaha to near John
Benefield's on to Elisha Grantham's ferry on Alapaha and strike Coffee road
nearest and best way.

   William B. Poland, Joseph Fletcher and Joseph Sumner were appointed
commissioners to mark and lay out road be-ginning at Irwinville, crossing the
Alapaha at Joseph Fletcher's, Sr., leading a direct course to intersect Charles
Thigpen road near the head of Ochlocknee, near where William B. Poland lives.

   At January term, 1837, Jesse C. Sumner, Nathan Land and J. H. Alexandra,
appointed commissioners on road leading from Irwinville to intersect with
Thigpen road near where W. W. Poland lives.

   Shaderick Griffin, Daniel Grantham, Jr., and John Henderson, appointed
commissioners on road leading from Widow Mobley's by Jacob Paulk's to
Howelville; said road was cut by Jacob Paulk and said road is to run as it was
cut out by Jacob Paulk.

   At July term, 1837, Frederick Land, Silaway McCall and John Mulkey, appointed
commissioners on road beginning at county line near Norman McDuffie's down to
Bowen's mill.

   Wright Parker, James Green and W. S. Moore, appointed commissioners on River
road, beginning at Telfair line up to Sturgeon Creek and S. H. Stigin, William
Bowen and George Willcox on River road, beginning on district line above Bowen's
mill down to Sturgeon Creek.

   At February term, 1838, Jacob A. Bradford, John Harper and Leonard Jackson,
appointed commissioners to lay out and mark road, leaving Coffee road near
Cornelius Tyson's to public bridge on Alapaha, thence to intersect Coffee road
at or near Micajah Paulk's, Sr. Also a road from Shaderick Griffin's to public
bridge on Alapaha.

   Ordered that a bridge be built across House Creek, also Otter Creek and
Sturgeon Creek and S. H. Kinyan, John B. Jinkins and Moses Spivey are appointed
commissioners to superintend building same. Also a new road from John B.
Dorminy's to Bowen's mill on Calaway trail and Jacob Young, James Paulk and John
McInnis, appointed commissioners to mark and lay out same. Also appointed Allen
Hesters, James Turner and Benjamin Baker, commissioners to lay out and mark out
road from Turner's ferry on Alapaha to Roundtree road.

   Wright Parker, Duncan McDermitt and Redding Hunter, appointed commissioners
on River Road, commencing at county line and ending at district line in fourth
district. Also that James Brown be appointed commissioner on River road in first
district to fill vacancy caused by removal of Silaway McCall.

   At July term, 1838, Leonard G. Jackson, Shaderick Griffin and Andrew
McCelland, appointed commissioners on road, commencing at C. Tyson's to public
bridge on Alapaha, then to intersect Coffee road near Micajah Paulk's, they to
commence at county line and ending at district line. Also Joseph Fletcher and
James Gay, appointed commissioners on road leading from courthouse to Thigpen's
trail. Also that James C. Fussell, Frederick Merritt and Burrell Merritt be
appointed commissioners on Coffee road, commencing at swamp of the Ocmulgee
River near Mrs. Mobley's to district line.

   Davis Tucker and Thomas Smith, appointed commissioners on Jacksonville road,
commencing at the courthouse on to district line and Thomas Young and Wright
Paulk from district line to Mrs. Mobley's. Also appointed Myles Adams, Solomon
C. Spivey and Thomas Smith, commissioners on River road, commencing at district
line and ending at county line. Also appointed Jeremiah Baker, Benjamin Baker
and James Turner, commissioners on road, leading from Turner's ferry on Alapaha
to Roundtree road to county line.

   William Bowen, David Hunter and Jonathan Smith, appointed commissioners to
mark and lay out road, commencing at Hollingsworth's ferry on Ocmulgee River to
Bowen's mill, then in southwest course to Jonathan Smith's ford on Alapaha,
thence to Dooly line.

   That a road be established from public bridge on Alapaha to intersect
Turner's road at Benjamin Baker's.

   Appointed Lott Whiddon, Jonathan Walker and Jeremiah Baker, commissioners to
lay out and mark road, commencing at Lowndes County line and ending at Dooly
line near Thomas Woodward's.

   At the September term, 1838, Jonathan Smith, Thomas Smith and Harry Hunter,
appointed commissioners on road from Upper Seven Bluffs to Dooly line by way of
Jonathan Smith's, called the Union road.

   Ruebin Marsh, Jacob Bradford and Aaron Daniels, appointed commissioners to
mark and lay out road, commencing at Lowndes County line and intersect Coffee
road near Marsh's ferry on Alapaha and leaving said road near said ferry and
intersect Coffee road near Micajah Paulk's, Sr.

   At the January term, 1839, appointed Wright Parker, Mathew Williams and J. D.
Riordan, commissioners on road, commencing at House Creek, leading to county
line. Also Archibald McCrannie, James Paulk and Madison Young, commissioners on
road from Bowen's mill to Turner's ferry on Alapaha. Also Jesse C. Sumner and
William Fletcher, appointed commissioners on road, leading from courthouse to
intersect Thigpen's road near Baker County line. Also Jesse C. Sumner, Jesse J.
Luke, Joseph Sumner and John Poland, commissioners on Middle road, commencing at
seventh district and ending at county line. Also John Fitzgerald, David
Fitzgerald and Myles Adams, commissioners to mark and lay out road, commencing
at Joseph Miller's house, thence to his plantation on Ocmulgee River in first
district, Irwin County.

   At January term, 1839, James L. Willcox, David E. McAnnaly and Jasper M.
Luke, appointed to mark and lay out road, commencing at Basell Miller's home,
thence to his plantation on 0cmulgee River.

   At March term, 1839, appointed Henry Bellows, commissioner on Jacksonville
road, commencing at district line and ending at courthouse.

   At September term, 1839, the following road districts established and
commissioners appointed, to wit:

   First district road, commencing at Pulaski line and ending at first district
line known as River road. Solomon C. Spivey, James L. Willcox and Daniel M.
Luke, commissioners.

   Second district. Beginning at line of first land district on River road and
running from thence to Telfair line. Wright Parker, James Y. McDuffie and Mathew
Williams, commissioners.

   Third district. Commencing at 0cmulgee swamp near Mrs. Mobley's, known as
Coffee road to Wiggins Creek. Wells Matchett, Alexandra Mobley and Frederick
Merritt, commissioners.

   Fourth district. Beginning at Wiggins Creek and ending at Lowndes County
line. Henry Matchett, Aaron Daniels and John Paulk, commissioners.

   Fifth district. Road known as Calaway road, beginning at Bowen's mill and
ending at Alapaha River. John Benefield, James Paulk and Hardy Hunter,

   Sixth district. Road known as Union road, commencing at the Upper Seven Bluff
and ending at the Dooly line. John Gibbs and Thomas Smith, commissioners.

   Seventh district. Known as Jacksonville road. Beginning at Mrs. Mobley's by
Irwin courthouse and ending at run of Alapaha River. Henry Bellows, Hezekiah
Walker and Thomas Young, commissioners.

   Eighth district. The Middle road, commencing at run of Alapaha and ending at
or near John Poland's. Jesse C. Sumner, John Poland and James Gay, commissioners.

   Ninth district. Road called Roundtree road, commencing at Dooly line and
ending at where eighth road district crosses. Jesse C. Sumner and Lott Whiddon,

   Tenth district. Road called Roundtree road, commencing where eighth road
district crosses it and from thence to Lowndes County line. Jeremiah Baker and
Jonathan Walker, commissioners.

   Eleventh district. Road known as Turner road, commencing at Alapaha and
ending at Thomas County line. Jeremiah Baker and James Turner, commissioners.

   Twelfth district. Road known as Paulk road, commencing at Bowen's mill and
ending at Jacob Paulk's. Wiley Tyson, John Henderson and Daniel Grantham,

   Thirteenth district. Road known as Paulk road, beginning at Jacob Paulk's and
going by public bridge to Lowndes County line. Wiley Tyson, John Henderson and
Daniel Grantham, commissioners.

   At the January term, 1840, it was ordered that a road commencing at William
Pridgen's and to intersect Coffee road at or near Leonard Harper's, shall be
known as fourth road district in lieu of Coffee road. Commissioners: Aaron
Daniels, Ruebin Marsh and Henry Marchel.

   At the same term, Wiley Vickers, Henry Marchel and John Paulk were appointed
commissioners to mark and lay out road, beginning at Burrell Merritt's and
running nearest and best route to Lowndes County line. James Dorminy, appointed
road commissioner for seventh district in place of Hezekiah Walker, who refused
to serve.

   At July term, 1840, Daniel Luke, appointed commissioner for seventh road
district in place of Henry Bellows, resigned.

   At March term, 1841, Joseph A. Turner, appointed commissioner for seventh
district on road, commencing at Mrs. Mobley's via Irwinville to Alapaha. Also
Myles Adams on road from Pulaski to fourth district line in first district. Also
Wells Matchett, James McDuffie and Redding Hunter, commissioners, commencing at
district line and ending at Telfair line. Also Thomas Drawdy and James Mixon,
commissioners for fifth road district. Also Thomas Smith, Sampson Gibbs and
James Walker, commissioners.

   At July term, 1841, appointed Benjamin Willis, William Sumner and M. Monk,
commissioners, to mark and lay out road, commencing at Joseph Sumner's and
running best route to Thomas County line in direction of Thomasville. At the
same term, appointed Thomas Smith, William Willis and John Gibbs, commissioners
on road known as Hawkinsville road, commencing at Irwinville and ending at Dooly
line near Barney Brown's.

   At January term, 1842, David Troup, appointed commissioner for second
district in place of Redding Hunter, resigned; also W. S. Moore in seventh
district; Jacob Paulk in thirteenth district in place of Daniel Grantham, Jr.;
also Jesse C. Sumner, William Fletcher and John Poland in eighth district; also
Joseph A. Turner, James Mixon and Daniel Drawdy for fifth district.

   At March term, 1842, a new road was established commencing at Grantham's mill
and intersecting Coffee road at Leonard Harper's.

   At March term, 1842, Thomas Smith, Samuel Goff and James D. Brown, appointed
commissioners on road, commencing at Irwinville to Dooly line, also Manassa
Henderson, Lott Whiddon and Jesse Hobby, commissioners for ninth district; also
Jesse C. Sumner, Jonathan Walker and Thomas Baker, commissioners for tenth
district; also William Bowen, Jonathan Smith and Elijah Hunter on sixth district
with the following hands attached to said road, to wit: Dennis Tayler, Samuel
Tayler, Jacob Rhodes, Seaborn Tayler, Allen Smith, David Smith and Henry Hall.

   At September term, 1842, W. S. Moore was appointed commissioner on road,
commencing at Mrs. Mobley's and ending at the Alapaha, in place of Joseph A.
Turner, resigned. Also Aaron Daniels, John L. B. Harper and Jacob A. Bradford,
appointed commissioners on road, commencing at Wiggins Creek and ending at
Lowndes County line, known as fourth road district; also Dennis Tayler,
appointed commissioner for sixth district in place of Elijah Hunter, who refused
to act; also Andrew McCelland for thirteenth district in place of Wiley Tyson,
resigned; also on road leaving Coffee road at Burrell Merritt's and running to
Lowndes County line; also William Duncan for eighth district, beginning at
Alapaha and ending at John Poland's.

   At July term, 1843, W. S. Moore, James J. Fussell and J. Y. McDuffie,
appointed commissioners for second road district; also Ruebin Marsh, Fleming B.
Harper and Andrew McCelland, appointed for fourth district; also A. L. McCall,
James Brown and James L. Willcox, commissioners on road, commencing at Pulaski
line and ending at district line, called River road.

   At January term, 1844, appointed Thomas L. Willcox, James C. Fussell and W.
S. Moore, commissioners for second district; also Joseph R. B. Wiggins, James
Dorminy and Wells Matchett, commissioners for seventh district; also Jonathan
Walker, Thomas Baker and Jesse C. Sumner, commissioners for ninth district,
known as Roundtree trail; also James Turner, Allen nesters and Jeremiah Baker,
commissioners for eleventh district, known as Turner's ferry road.

   At January term, 1844, appointed John B. Dorminy, Joel Hand and John
McDermitt, commissioners on Calaway road.

   At September term, 1844, Joseph Sumner, Luke M. Jenkins and John Land,
appointed commissioners on eighth district.

   At January term, 1845, James Brown, Wright Tomberlin and Jacob Barrentine,
appointed commissioners for first district; also Fleming Harper on Paulk road;
also Nicklos Baker, James T. Branch and Thomas Drawdy on Roundtree's Trail road.

   At the July term, 1845, a new road was established and laid out, commencing
at Irwin and Thomas County line near Strickland's to intersect a road at
Porter's at Irwin and Baker County line and William Duncan, Seaborn Land and H.
W. Chestnut, appointed commissioners; also appointed Jacob Bradford, John B.
Dorminy and Micajah Tucker, commissioners on road, leading from Irwinville to
Grantham's mill; also appointed James Brown, James D. Brown and William Willis
commissioners on road from Irwinville to Hawkinsville to Pulaski line. Appointed
A. J. Turner, Daniel Luke and Joshua Luke commissioners to lay out and mark road
to leave Jacksonville road near one mile post from Irwinville and intersect a
river road near thirty-three mile post.

   At July term, 1845, A. McInnis and James Hall, appointed commissioners on
Jacksonville road.

   At January term, 1846, appointed Fulton Kemp, John Land and George Spring
commissioners on road from Joseph Sumner's to Baker County line; also Wright
Tomberlin, George R. Reid and David Fitzgerald commissioners for first district;
also Archibald McInnis, William Sloan and John Bohannon commissioners on
Irwinville road; also W. S. Moore, Jacob Matchett and Frederick Merritt
commissioners on Coffee road; also W. W. Poland, David Smith and Allen Radcliff
commissioners on road from Strickland's to Porter's; also Dennis Tayler, James
D. Brown and James W. Smith, appointed commissioners for road from Irwinville to
Pulaski County line.

   At July term, 1846, appointed David Smith, John Willis and William Duncan to
mark and lay out road from ford of Alapaha near Joseph Fletcher's crossing,
Little River near William Sumner's crossing, the Warrior at David Smith's.

   Appointed A. P. Clements, William Fletcher and George Warren to mark and lay
out road, commencing at Fletcher's ferry on Alapaha, running by William
Fletcher's, A. P. Clements', Aaron Chandler's and 1Vlanassa Henderson's, and to
end where the St. Marys road crosses the Dooly County line.

   At the same term, appointed Joseph A. Turner commissioner on Jacksonville
road, leading from Irwinville to Jacksonville; also Thomas M. Jenkins, J. A.
Turner, Jacob Young commissioners on road from Bowen's mill to Lowndes County
line; also Joseph Sumner, John Land and Gordon Sumner commissioners on road,
leading from Joseph Sumner's to line of Baker County; also Abell Bakerage,
Micajah Tucker and Jacob A. Bradford commissioners on road from Irwinville to

   At January term, 1847, Frederick Rooks, James Turner, Sr., and Micajah Paulk,
appointed to mark and lay out road from Joseph Fletcher's near the Alapaha to
county line in direct way to Griffin's mill; also appointed Jesse Hobby, Jehu
Fletcher and George Spring to mark and lay out road from William Fletcher's,
thence to Jehu Fletcher's, thence to Jesse Hobby's and cross Little River near
Jacob Marchant's, thence to Marmaduke Hobby's thence by George Spring's and to
intersect Albany road at most convenient place.

   At the same term, A. P. Clements, George Warren and Manassa Henderson,
appointed commissioners on Vienna road; also Gordon Sumner, Isaac H. Porter and
Jesse C. Sumner commissioners on Albany road; also Jacob Paulk, Fleming B.
Harper commissioners on Paulk road, leading to the Alapaha; also Allen Gibbs and
Thomas Smith commissioners on Hawkinsville road.

   At July term, 1847, Archibald McInnis, J. V. Hollingsworth and Thomas L.
Wilcox, appointed commissioners on River road, leading from line of Telfair to
district line; also Ruebin Marsh, Fleming B. Harper and Joel Hand commissioners
on Coffee road, running to Lowndes County line.

   At January term, 1848, Isaac B. Porter, W. W. Poland and Allen Radcliff,
appointed commissioners on Lowndes County road; also Gordon Sumner, Isaac R.
Porter and Jesse C. Sumner commissioners on road, commencing at the Alapaha,
running by David Branch's, thence to Jesse C. Sumner's, Joseph Sumner's and
Gordon Sumner's and ending at county line road; also that David P. Luke, Thomas
Baker and Jonathan Walker be appointed commissioners on Lowndes County road,
commencing at railroad and running to Lowndes County line; also that John
Bowhannon, Joseph A. Turner and Archibald McInnis be appointed commissioners on
Jacksonville road.

   At January term, 1848, it was ordered that a new road be laid out, commencing
at 0cmulgee River at Spivey's wood landing and running to the River road at or
near Mt. Zion (Spectacle meeting house); also appointed John Bowhannon, Hezekiah
Walker and Joseph A. Turner to mark and lay out road, commencing at three mile
post on Jacksonville road and running by John Bowhannon's and intersecting near
Robert L. Dixon's on Calaway road. Also appointed Lott Whiddon, John Willis and
Joseph Sumner commissioners to mark and lay out road from Lott Whiddon's and
leading from there to meet Thomasville road at line of Thomas and Irwin County
by J. C. Young's, thence to Joseph Sumner's, thence to John Willis', thence to
Thomas County line.

   At January term, 1849, David Branch, Joseph Sumner and W. W. Poland,
appointed to lay out and mark road, commencing at Alapaha and running to county
line. At same term, Abraham McCall, James L. Wilcox and David Fitzgerald,
appointed commissioners on River road in first district; also James C. Fussell,
James Hollingsworth and Michael Whitman, appointed commissioners on River road
in fourth district; also David Hutchison, William W. Sloan and James Dorminy,
appointed commissioners on Jacksonville road from Alapaha to Coffee road; also
W. W. Poland, Marley Chestnut and Allen Radcliff commissioners on Lowndes County
road; also Abell Bakeridge, Fleming B. Harper and Godfrey Purvis, appointed
commissioners on road from Irwinville to Hawkinsville; also Fleming B. Harper,
Jacob Matchett and Benjamin R. Philips commissioners on Coffee road from William
Curry's to Telfair County line; also Fleming B. Harper, Isaac Young and George
Paulk be appointed commissioners on Columbus road from Irwinville to Widow
Harper's; also Mark A. Porter and William Powland commissioners on road from
Dooly line to Thomas County line; also John Willis, Lott Whiddon and Joseph
Sumner commissioners on road from Lott Whiddon's to Thomas County line and Elias
Whiddon commissioner on Troupville road, commencing on Albany road and running
to Dooly line; also Frederick Rooks, David P. Luke and Zakeriah Gray be
appointed commissioners on road, commencing at the Alapaha and running to John
Sutton's near Lowndes County line.

   At the October term, 1849, it was ordered that a road from Dooly line at
Frederick Brown's, intersecting the Troupville and Macon road be established;
also a road from E. D. Whiddon's to Albany road near John B. Land's old place be
established, appointing Daniel Henderson and E. D. Whiddon commissioners.

   At July term, 1849, William Fletcher, Jack Walker and William Ross, appointed
commissioners on Vienna road; also David Turner, James Turner, Sr., and Iley
Easters commissioners on road, commencing at Alapaha, Mr. Fletcher's, and
running to Griffin's mill; also M. D. Hobby commissioner on road from Irwinville
to Hawkinsville in third district and Thomas Smith, Henry Fountain and James
Smith commissioners on upper end in 433rd district.

   At January term, 1850, an order was passed to establish a road, commencing at
fork of road near Irwinville and running old St. Marys road and crossing Alapaha
at the old bridge, thence to George W. Warren's, thence to W. D. Ross' and
intersecting Vienna road, where St. Marys leaves Vienna road.

   At January term, 1850, George R. Reid, James W. Smith and Thomas Smith,
appointed commissioners for first district.

   Jesse Hobby, Lott Whiddon and W. D. Ross for second district.

   James Dorminy, Love Colberth and Joseph A. Turner for third district.

   Frederick Merritt, David Hutchison and Thomas L. Wilcox for fourth district.

   Jesse C. Sumner, D. P. Luke and James T. Branch for sixth district.

   Jacob Paulk, Littleberry Tyson and John Henderson for fifth district.

   W. W. Poland, Isaac I. Porter and David Smith for seventh district.

   At January term, 1851, it was ordered that a road be opened, commencing at
William Fletcher's, thence to George Young's, thence to San Town and Jehu
Fletcher, George Young and Jeremiah Spring were appointed to mark and lay out
the same.

   At July term, 1851, it was ordered that a road be cut from Jacob Paulk's to

   At the March term, 1852, the following road commissioners were appointed:

   First district. James W. Smith, George Reid and Stephen Bowen.

   Second district. William D. Ross, William Fletcher and George Warren.

   Third district. Allison Turner, Joseph E. Bass and L. M. Culberth.

   Fourth district. David Hutchison, Archibald McKennon and Christopher McRae.

   Fifth district. Hugh Burns, Littleberry Tyson and George Paulk.

   Sixth district. James T. Branch, James Sumner and Jesse Luke.

   Seventh district. Gordon Sumner, James Handcock and E. B. Mathis.

   At the January term, 1853, the following road commissioners were appointed:

   433rd district. J. W. Smith, George R. Reid and Smith Turner.

   432nd district. A. McMillan, John B. Dorminy and Thomas Fisher.

   518th district. George Mobley, Littleberry Tyson and Oscar Eddinfield.

   690th district. D. J. Fenn, Jesse Luke and James T. Branch. 

   867th district. Gordon Sumner, David Smith and Isaac R. Porter.

   901st district. Joseph A. Turner, John Bowhannon and Elias Clements.

   982nd district. William Ross, Daniel Henderson and E. D. Whiddon.

   At the January term, 1854, it was ordered that a new road be marked out from
the Lowndes County line near Daniel Luke's to the Coffee road at the Alapaha

   At the July term, 1855, it was ordered that a road be marked out, leading
from McCelland's bridge on Little River to the Lowndes County line in direction
of Flat Creek and John McInnis, Dempsy Willis and Benjamin Baker were appointed
to mark out the same.

   At the January term, 1856, it was ordered that a new road, leading from Jacob
Paulk's to James Smith's on Coffee road, so as to make a direct road, leading
from Irwinville to Douglas be laid out over best route and Jacob Paulk, Henry
Harper and Elias McClelland were appointed to mark out the same.

   At March term, 1858, the following road commissioners were appointed:

   982nd district. S. B. F. Townsend, E. D. Whiddon and Zara Paulk.

   901st district. B. B. Ransom, Elias Clements and Joseph A. Turner.

   432nd district. William Fitzpatrick, John B. Dorminy and T. L. Willcox.

   518th district. Elisha Tucker, Micajah Tucker and Thomas King.

   690th district. James T. Branch, Jehu Fletcher and David J. Fenn.

   At January term, 1860, the following were appointed road commissioners:

   432nd district. Thomas Tucker, A. McInnis and Moses Peterson.

   518th district. Micajah Tucker, Micajah Paulk and D. D. Henderson.

   901st district. L. M. Culberth, R. W. Clements and Joseph A. Turner.

   690th district. James T. Branch, James W. Whiddon and Jehu Fletcher.

   982nd district. D. M. Hogan, John Ross and Zara Paulk. 

   At January term, 1866, the following were appointed commissioners:

   901st district. Jacob Young, L. M. Culberth and Joseph A. Turner.

   982nd district. Zara Paulk, Richard Tucker and David Clements.

   690th district. James W. Whiddon, James Fletcher, Sr., and Jehu Fletcher.

   518th district. George Paulk, Micajah Tucker and M. W. Paulk.

   432nd district. B. W. Fussell, E. G. Pridgen and Thomas Tucker.

   At the April term, 1869, the following were appointed commissioners:

   982nd district. A. P. Clements, A. R. Chandler and D. M. Hogan.

   901st district. John Bowhannon, J. A. Turner and R. M. Cooper.

   432nd district. Jacob Dorminy, George E. McCook and Henry C. Tucker.

   518th district. Micajah Tucker, John J. Henderson and M. W. Paulk.

   690th district. George Young, William Branch and Azor Paulk.

   At the July term, 1871, James Fletcher, Jacob Young and Thomas Cobb were
appointed to lay out and mark a road from Irwinville to the county line in the
direction of the 120 mile post on station of the B. & A. railroad.

   At the February term, 1876, an order was passed appointing J. A. J.
Henderson, Jacob Paulk and George Young to mark and lay out a road, commencing
at the eighteen mile post on Bowen's mill road, one mile south of residence of
Jacob Paulk, and from there by Brushy Creek, and then by residence of Isaac
Young, and thence by residence of Joshua K. Gray, and from there to Berrien
County line on the Irwinville and Alapaha road.

   At the January term, 1884, of the Court of Ordinary the following road
commissioners were appointed:

   982nd district. C. L. Royal, John Walker and W. J. Clements.

   901st district. John W. Tomberlin, W. A. Bussell and William Fletcher.

   432nd district. L. J. Prescott, A. E. McCloud and A. S. Dorminy.

   518th district. M. T. Paulk, G. G. Henderson and Henry Harper.

   690th district. J. J. Whiddon, M. Walker and William Branch.

   In 1885, B. W. Williams, Jacob Fussell and J. Y. Paulk were appointed
commissioners for 1388th, a new district.

Additional Comments:
From "History of Irwin County" by J. B. Clements (1932)

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