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1870 Federal Census DeKalb County, Georgia (Mortality: File 1 of 1)
Copyright.  All rights reserved.
Abstracted by Lorraine H. Robinson from public records.  
Proofreader Needed.
Submitted by Lorraine H. Robinson.
Edited and formatted by Maggie Stewart, October 2010.  
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NOTE:  For more information on DeKalb County, Georgia, 
       Please visit the DeKalb County GAGenWeb page at
       ALSO visit the GAGenWeb archives at

Year: 1870 Mortality   State: Georgia   County: DeKalb
Reel No: T655-9   Division:  (In the transcription)
Enumerated by: Joseph Walker on June 1, 1870
Transcribed by Lorraine H. Robinson for the USGenWeb Archives. 
Copyright: 2010

PG  LN         FN    LAST NAME      FIRST NAME              AGE       SEX   CO  M/W   BIRTH PLACE          FA  MO  MONTH   OCCUPATION            CAUSE OF DEATH                                               DIVISION       TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS                                                                                                 
1   1          8     Jones          Sarah                   10/12     F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Sept    .                     measels                                                      not stated     lines 1 - 5 Evan's District                                                                                           
1   2          38    Binford        Hilliard                8/12      M     B   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     whooping cough                                               not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   3          73    blank          infant not named        1/12      M     B   .     Georgia              .   .   Apr     .                     not known                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   4          87    Tuggle         John L.                 8         M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   July    .                     softening of the brain                                       not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   5          87    Tuggle         Charles R.              5         M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Sept    .                     softening of the brain                                       not stated     end Evan's Dist.                                                                                                      
1   6          135   Dempsey        Edward                  70        M     B   W     North Carolina       .   .   Nov     farmer                palpitation of heart                                         not stated     lines 6 - 24 dist name unreadable                                                                                     
1   7          158   Sorrels        Jane                    28        F     B   M     Georgia              .   .   Jan     keeping house         puerperal fever                                              not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   8          188   Ryalls         not named               1/365     F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     not known                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   9          193   Strickland     Minnie                  2         F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Sept    .                     whooping cough                                               not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   10         199   Guess          not named               1/365     M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Mar     .                     not known                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   11         206   Brunt          William                 46        M     W   M     England              X   .   Jan     revenue assesor       murdered (1)                                                 not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   12         206   Brunt          Lula M.                 1         F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     enlargement of liver                                         not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   13         209   Mehaffy        Donsilla J.             39        F     W   M     Georgia              .   .   May     keeping house         pulmonary consumption                                        not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   14         210   Rainey         Lula                    1/12      F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     diarrhoea                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   15         220   Mattox         Edward                  43        M     B   M     Georgia              .   .   Apr     farmer                congestive chill                                             not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   16         261   Bryan          John Anna               11/12     F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     whooping cough                                               not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   17         274   Owens          William S.              4         M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   July    .                     dropsy of chest                                              not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   18         274   Owens          Lizzie                  1/12      F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     unknown                                                      not stated     end district                                                                                                          
1   19         292   Teal           Harrison G.             33        M     W   M     Georgia              .   .   Feb     farmer                pulmonary consumption                                        not stated     lines 19 - 25 Brown's Dist.                                                                                           
1   20         306   Lock           Thomas                  47        M     W   M     South Carolina       .   .   Feb     farmer                mania/delirium tremens                                       not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   21         344   Bagwell        George D.               18        M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   July    farm laborer          typhoid fever                                                not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   22         399   McDaniel       Jackson                 17        M     B   .     Georgia              .   .   Feb     farm laborer          meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   23         6     Henderson      Greenville              82        M     W   M     South Carolina       .   .   Aug     farmer                liver disease                                                not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   24         7     Gulledge       Henry                   77        M     W   M     North Carolina       .   .   Jan     infirm                dropsy of chest                                              not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   25         25    Holcombe       Sarah A.                32        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Feb     .                     effects of cold, insane                                      not stated     end Brown's Dist.                                                                                                     
1   26         46    Guess          George L.               8 days    M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Jan     .                     unknown                                                      not stated     lines 26 - 35 district name unreadable                                                                                
1   27         68    Dean           Willie                  2         M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     diarrhoea                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   28         75    House          Charity M.              1         F     B   .     Georgia              .   .   July    .                     diarrhoea                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   29         107   Elliot         Mary E. S.              3         F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   June    .                     dysentery                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   30         124   Sellars        Andrew                  1         M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Mar     .                     unknown                                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   31         125   Harmon         William                 4/12      M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Sept    .                     hives                                                        not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   32         139   Eidson         Catharine               86        F     W   .     Virginia             .   .   Sept    keeping house         pulmonary consumption                                        not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   33         169   Robinson       Sarah C.                30        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Sept    keeping house         congestive chill                                             not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   34         186   Jackson        Martha                  30        F     B   M     Virginia             .   .   Jan     keeping house         dropsy of chest                                              not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   35         203   Johnson        William J.              18        M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Jan     farm laborer          meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
1   Remarks:  1 near Savannah Ga, his family now residing at Stone Mountain, killed by pistol shot                                  
1   Remarks:  killed by pistol shot in the night.                                                                                   
PG  LN         FN    LAST NAME      FIRST NAME              AGE       SEX   CO  M/W   BIRTH PLACE          FA  MO  MONTH   OCCUPATION            CAUSE OF DEATH                                               DIVISION       TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS                                                                                                 
2   1          7     Jackson        Daniel E.               70        M     W   M     Georgia              .   .   Aug     farmer                dropsy of chest                                              not stated     lines 1 - 16 Panthersville District                                                                                   
2   2          17    White          Henry                   18        M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Nov     farm laborer          tumors over body                                             not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   3          62    Mathews        Gina                    3         F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Nov     at home               scrofula                                                     not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   4          70    Twilly         George                  25        M     W   M     Georgia              .   .   Apr     farmer                meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   5          72    Clay           Mary Jane               22        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Apr     at home               meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   6          108   Philips        Sarah C.                2/12      F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     hives                                                        not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   7          120   Brown          Lydia                   86        F     W   W     North Carolina       .   .   Apr     keeping house         pneumonia                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   8          191   Richison       William                 75        M     W   M     South Carolina       .   .   Dec     farmer                pulmonary consumption                                        not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   9          220   Graves         Octavia                 3         F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Feb     .                     meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   10         258   Sheppard       Martha J.               10        F     Mu  .     Georgia              .   .   Mar     .                     measels                                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   11         302   Pitts          Lovey A.                3/12      F     B   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     diarrhoea                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   12         309   Parker         John                    53        M     W   M     South Carolina       .   .   Jan     farmer                cancer on abdomen                                            not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   13         340   Cobb           Willie                  9/12      M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   June    .                     unknown                                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   14         344   Farris         Evaline                 42        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Mar     .                     unknown (1)                                                  not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   15         355   Scully         Caroline                37        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   June    keeping house         cancer of womb                                               not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   16         358   Newton         Mary                    1/12      F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Jan     .                     croup                                                        not stated     end Panthersville Dist.                                                                                               
2   17         375   McGinnis       Mary                    11/12     F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     dysentery                                                    not stated     lines 17 - 22 Burns Dist.                                                                                             
2   18         391   Brown          Margaret                16        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Apr     .                     meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   19         391   Brown          Amanda                  14        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Apr     .                     meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   20         411   George         Martha                  1         F     B   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     unknown                                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   21         444   Arnold         John A.                 46        M     W   M     South Carolina       .   .   Mar     farmer                chronic rheumatism                                           not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   22         501   Persall        Ida                     1         F     B   .     Georgia              .   .   Apr     .                     inflammation of spine                                        not stated     end of Burns Dist.                                                                                                    
2   23         571   Bonds          Thomas                  70        M     W   M     Georgia              .   .   May     farmer                meningitis                                                   not stated     Lithonia                                                                                                              
2   24         575   Born           James M.                1/12      M     B   .     Georgia              .   .   Dec     .                     hives                                                        not stated     Lithonia                                                                                                              
2   25         680   Bond           Joseph T.               44        M     W   N     Georgia              .   .   Aug     farmer                chronic bronchitis                                           not stated     lines 25 - 28 Diamond                                                                                                 
2   26         694   Graham         Josiah                  79        M     W   M     Virginia             .   .   Aug     farmer                cropsy of stomach                                            not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   27         739   Johnson        William                 56        M     W   M     South Carolina       .   .   Jan     farmer                fall of body/killed by setting curb in well                  not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   28         764   Holt           Virginia M.             16        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   29         794   blank          not named               blank     M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Sept    .                     stillborn                                                    not stated     end of Diamond                                                                                                        
2   30         10    Maloney        Osbern                  16        M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     measels                                                      not stated     lines 20 - 35 Stone Mountain                                                                                          
2   31         17    Hicks          Martha                  3*23      F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Jan     .                     croup                                                        not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   32         69    Greenway       John J. H.              19        M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Sept    farmer                dropsy of heart                                              not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   33         116   Norman         Martha A.               24        F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     chronic bronchitis                                           not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   34         119   Stover         Elijah                  17        M     W   .     Alabama              .   .   Apr     .                     hemorrhage at the nose                                       not stated     .                                                                                                                     
2   35         122   Spivey         Sarah E.                2/12      F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   July    .                     white thrush                                                 not stated     end Stone Mountain                                                                                                    
2   Remarks:  1 died suddenly previously indisposed, idiotic.                                                                       
PG  LN         FN    LAST NAME      FIRST NAME              AGE       SEX   CO  M/W   BIRTH PLACE          FA  MO  MONTH   OCCUPATION            CAUSE OF DEATH                                               DIVISION       TRANSCRIBER'S REMARKS                                                                                                 
3   1          69    Evans          Elizabeth               49        F     W   M     Georgia              .   .   Mar     keeping house         brain fever                                                  not stated     lines 1 - 15 Decatur                                                                                                  
3   2          69    Evans          William                 4         M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Oct     .                     inflammation of stomach                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   3          97    Smith          Nelson                  2         M     B   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     scrofula/external scabiousness                               not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   4          230   Rowe           Pinckney                4         M     Mu  .     Georgia              .   .   Jan     .                     burned to death                                              not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   5          255   Ezzard         Ulyssis G.              2/12      M     B   .     Georgia              .   .   May     .                     thrush                                                       not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   6          267   Watts          Henry                   1/12      M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Aug     .                     unknown                                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   7          282   Homer          John                    16        M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Apr     .                     pneumonia                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   8          283   Maguire        William                 64        M     B   M     Alabama              .   .   Mar     .                     dropsy of chest                                              not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   9          291   Tiller         Paul H.                 65        M     W   M     South Carolina       .   .   Mar     keeping house         apoplexy                                                     not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   10         340   Willson        Mary E. S.              7         F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Feb     .                     meningitis                                                   not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   11         383   Edwards        Eliza                   58        F     B   M     South Carolina       .   .   Sept    keeping house         murdered (1)                                                 not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   12         409   Bradbury       John W.                 1         M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   July    .                     diarrhoea                                                    not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   13         409   Bradbury       Ella                    1/12      F     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Feb     .                     unknown                                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   14         409   Bradbury       Willie                  1/12      M     W   .     Georgia              .   .   Feb     .                     unknown                                                      not stated     .                                                                                                                     
3   15         12    Walker         Jane                    63        F     W   M     Georgia              .   .   Sept    keeping house         paralysis                                                    not stated     end Decatur                                                                                                           
3   16         blank line                                                                                                            
3   17         I hereby certify that the whole number of pages returned on                                                           
3   18         this schedule No. 2 is 3 pages in my subdivision 39 and                                                               
3   19         I do further certify that they have been well and truly taken                                                         
3   20         according to the law and instructions.                                                                                
3   21         September 19th 1870 {signed} Joseph Walker Assistant Marshall                                                         
3   22         lines 22 - 35 blank                                                                                                   