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Arkansas State Donation and Swamp Land Sales, page 2 of 2

Submitted by: Desmond Walls Allen
        Date: 25 May 2003
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Following are the people listed in the book: Arkansas State Donation
and Swamp Land Sales: Ashley, Bradley, Cleveland, Drew, and Lincoln
Counties, 1855-2001, compiled by Desmond Walls Allen, published by 
Arkansas Research, Inc., PO Box 303, Conway AR 72033, 501/470-1120.
ISBN 1-56546-274-2, softbound, 174 pages, $25.00 plus shipping.

The book itself contains dates, land descriptions, and extensive information
about following up on this here-to-fore unused source.

Lacatum, Francis C.
Lacatum, Francis C.
Lacatum, Laura V.
Ladd, W.J.
Ladd, W.J.
Lafferty, Thomas
Lafferty, Thomas
Lafferty, Thomas
Lafferty, Thomas
Lafferty, Thomas
Lagrone, Henry B.
Lagrone, Henry B.
Lagrone, Henry B.
Lagrone, Henry B.
Lain, Joshua M.
Lain, Joshua M.
Lain, N.M.
Lain, W.C.
Lain, Willis C.
Lain, Willis C.
Lain, Willis C.
Lair, Daniel T.
Lake, Peter
Lamb, Thomas C.
Lamb, Thomas C.
Lamb, Thomas C. assignee
Lamb, Thomas E.
Lambdill, Geo. F.
Lambert, Andrew M.
Lambert, Cyprean 
Lambert, Cyprean 
Lambert, Cyprean 
Lambert, Cyprian
Lambert, Cyprian
Lambert, Cyprian
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Geo. W.
Lambert, Jefferson
Lambert, Jefferson
Lambert, John
Lambert, M.W.
Lambert, Mary K.
Lambert, Millege
Lambert, Millege
Lambert, Millege
Lambert, Perry
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lambert, Perry 
Lamkin, Thomas 
Lampkins, Buck
Lancaster, Jo. A.
Landfair?, Robert C. 
Landfair?, Robert C. 
Landon, Lewis S.
Lane, Charles
Lane, Fletcher
Lane, Fletcher
Lane, James
Lane, Joseph
Lane, M.A.
Lane, Willis C.
Lang, Frank
Langford, James R.
Langford, James R.
Langford, James R. and A.C.L. Hill assignees of O.H.P. Richardson
Langford, James W.
Langley, J.L.
Langston, Benj. G.
Langston, Daniel K.
Langston, Daniel K.
Langston, Daniel K.
Langston, Daniel K.
Langston, Daniel K.
Langston, Daniel K.
Langston, Jas. L.
Lansdale, J.D.
Larkin, Benj. J.
Lash, Jacob P.
Lashlee, Jno. R.
Lashley, Rebecca S.
Latch, Mary deceased's heirs and legal reps.
Latch, Mary deceased's heirs and legal reps.
Lathem, Margaret A.
Lathen, Samuel D.
Lauderdale, W.
Lauery, Geo.
Lawson, Alfred H.
Lawson, I.F.
Lawson, Sarah A.
Lawton, Charles L.
Lay, Chas. Morenda
Lay, Ed
Lea, Geo. G. 
Lea, Geo. G. 
Lea, Geo. S. 
Lea, George G. 
Lea, James M.
Leach, Henry H.
Leaden, H.H.
Leali, Chas.
Leali, Louis
Leaming, E.H.
Leaming, E.H.
Lear, Cindarella E.
Lear, D.W.
Lear, Nora
Ledbetter, Charles
Ledbetter, Chas. E.
Ledbetter, John R.
Ledbetter, O.
Ledbetter, Ozias 
Ledbetter, William 
Lee, B.W. 
Lee, B.W. 
Lee, B.W.
Lee, B.W. assignee of the original owner
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W.
Lee, Bushrod W. 
Lee, Calvin
Lee, George G.
Lee, H.J.
Lee, M.W.
Lee, Margaret
Lee, R.L.
Lefeore, J.L.
Left, Solomon 
Lemley, W.R.
Lemley, W.R.
Lemonds, H.D.
Lemonds, J.W.
Leonard, John
Leony, Jerry
Lephiew, J.W.
Lesinsky, Saul
Lesinsky?, Marcus
Leslie, D.W.
Leslie, T.R.
Lester, J.J.
Lester, Jas. J.
Letheridge, Hugh
Levingstone, James
Lewis, Calvin H.
Lewis, Calvin H.
Lewis, Elijah
Lewis, Jefferson
Lewis, John
Lewis, Smith
Lewis, Taylor
Lewis, Terrell
Lewis, William A.
Lift, Soloman
Lift, Solomon
Ligan, John J. 
Liggins, Newton
Ligon, John J.
Ligon, Louisa S.S.
Ligon, W.T.
Linder, F.M.
Linder, F.M.
Lindsay, Mathew W.
Lindsey, Rebecca 
Lindsey, Rebecca 
Linley, Iverson L.
Lisshew, Ely A.
Little, Andrew J.
Little, Andrew J.
Little, Ashley J.
Little, Ashley J. assignee of Margaret Navia
Littlejohn, M.A.
Littlejohn, William
Littlejohn, William
Littlejohn, Wm.'s heirs
Livingston, Geo. M.'s heirs and legal representatives
Lloyd, L.A.
Lock, H.G.
Lock, W.W.
Locke, J.C.H.
Lockhart, Amelia S. assignee of Tabitha Brent
Lockhart, D.B.
Lockhart, Samuel A.
Lockhart, Thomas J.
Lockredge, Geo. W.
Lockridge, Geo. W. (lined through)
Logan, Christopher C.
Logneeker, Jacob
Lonian?, P.A.
Lonsdale, J.G.
Lonsdale, Jas. B.
Lonsdale, Jas. B.
Lonsdale, Jas. B.
Loomis, F.B. deceased's heirs and legal representatives
Loomis, F.B. deceased's heirs and legal representatives
Love, James P.
Love, Josiah P.
Low, Sherwood 
Lowden, Frank O.
Lowdermilk, Fannie M.
Lowe, B.F.
Lowe, W.T.
Lowery, David
Lowes, Robert W.
Lowrey, C.M.
Lowrey, W.B.
Lowry, Isaac
Lowry, Mason B.
Lowry, Mason B.
Lowry, Mason B.
Lowry, Mason B.
Lowry, William R.
Luckett, W.C.
Luckey, Isaac
Luckey, James 
Ludlow, Eugene 
Ludlow, W.C.
Lum, J.H.
Lyas, Albert
Lyman, D.D.
Lyman, Ella M.
Lyman, Ida G.
Lyman, John
Lyman, Lyell
Lyman, Walter H.
Lymen, Charlie B.
Lymen, Willie P.
Lynch, Michael assignee of Charles A. McLane
Lynn, Elias C.
Lynn, Jesse
Lynn, John
Lynn, Joseph
Lynn, Thomas N.N. 
Lynn, Thos.
Lyon, James M.
Lyon, James M.
Lyon, James M.
Lyon, James M. assignee of Harrison Brent
Lyon, James M. assignee of Isaac Johnson
Lyon, James W.
Lyon, John M.
Lyon, William
Lyons, Mary D.
Lytle, H.B.
Lytle, Margaret
Machan, James
Mack, Guilliam A.
Mack, Isham H.
Mack, Joseph G.
Mack, Mary E.
Mack, Wm. F.
Mackerl, William
Maclean, John
Maclean, John
Madden, Angeline
Maddox, A.D.
Maddox, Calvin
Maddox, Luther
Maddox, Luther
Maddox, Wm.
Magness, Jesse D.
Mahoney, James W. 
Malcolm, Wm. R. and Belmas E. Watson
Mallett, Forrest
Mallory, S.W. 
Malloy, D.J.
Malloy, D.J.
Malloy, D.J.
Malloy, D.J.
Maloney, R.
Manees, Zephaniah H.
Manford, R.M.
Mangram, Peter
Mann, J.H.
Mann, J.H.
Mann, James R.
Mann, James R.
Mann, Moon and Company
Mann, Moon and Company
Mann, Samuel W.
Mann, Samuel W.
Manuel, Henry
Manuel, Peter
Manuell, Peter
Marks, A.D.
Marks, Aurora
Marks, Evan P.
Marks, Frank M.
Marks, G.M. assignee of James R. McCulloch
Marks, G.W.
Marks, H.J.
Marks, J.H. Jr.
Marks, Jno. H.
Marks, Jno. N.? 
Marks, John H.
Marks, John H.
Marks, John H.
Marks, John H. and Theodoric F. Sorrells
Marks, John H. and Theodoric F. Sorrells
Marks, John H. and Theodoric F. Sorrells?
Marks, Madison
Marks, Rebecca E.
Marks, Robert J.
Marks, W.D. 
Marks, William D. 
Marks, Z.D.
Marr, Hugh D. 
Marrow, W.M.
Marsh, William D. 
Marshal, Peter
Marshall, H.T.
Marshall, Henry
Marshall, W.A.
Marshall, W.H.
Marshall, William J.
Martin, Alexander
Martin, Alexander
Martin, Alexander
Martin, Alexander
Martin, Alfred S. and John W. Martin
Martin, Andrew J.
Martin, B.F.
Martin, E.M.
Martin, Edward
Martin, Edwin W.
Martin, Geo. W. Jr.
Martin, Geo. W. Jr.
Martin, James
Martin, Littleton
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Lorenzo L.
Martin, Moses M.
Martin, Moses M.
Martin, Moses M.
Martin, R.W.
Martin, Robert
Martin, Robert
Martin, Robert
Martin, Robt. A.
Martin, Robt. A.
Martin, Wm. A.
Martin, Wm. A.
Martin, Wm. J.
Martin, Wm. T.
Martin, Wm. T.
Martindale, S.L.
Martindale, S.L.
Mask?, Prince
Mason, A.P., assignee of John R. Coleman
Mason, Abner W.
Mason, Anderson
Mason, David B.
Mason, E.E.
Mason, Ezra E.
Mason, Gideon
Mason, Gideon
Mason, Patsey
Mason, R.B.
Massey, H.J.
Massey, John P.
Massey, W.M.
Massey, W.M.
Maston, Phillip
Matheny, A.D.
Matheny, Moses
Matheny, Moses S. 
Mather, A.C.
Mather, Asa C.
Mathews, J.W. 
Mathews, J.W. 
Mathews, J.W. 
Mathews, J.W. 
Mathis, Joseph J.
Mathis, Joseph J.
Mattel?, Peter
Matthews, J.W.
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W.
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W.
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, J.W. 
Matthews, Jack
Matthews, Jo W.
Matthews, Jo. W.
Matthews, Joseph W. 
Matthews, Joseph W.
Matthews, W.D.
Matthews, W.J.
Mattmiller, H.C.
Mauldin, G.W.
Maulding, G.W. 
Maulding, Greenup W.
Maulding, W.F. 
Maury, Sam
Maxwell, N.T.
Maxwell, Thomas A.
Maxwell, William M.
Maxwell, Wm. M.
May, Gabriel A.J.
May, Jno. G.
May, Jno. L. and Wm. M. Weir 
May, John L. and William M. Wear 
May, John L. and Wm. M. Wear 
May, Lula
May, Luron A.
May, Mary E.
May, T.N.
May, Thomas and Ambrose P. May
Mayberry, Jesse H. 
Mayfield, John W.
Mayfield, Johnson W.
Mays, John L. and Wm. M. Weast 
Mays, Thos. 
McAdoo, C.O.
McAdoo, C.O.
McBride, John
McBride, T.B.
McBride, Thomas Barham
McBryde, Peter
McCain, Sam'l L.
McCain, Sam'l L.
McCain, Sam'l L.
McCain, W.S. and C.D. Williamson
McCain, W.S. and C.D. Williamson
McCain, W.S. and C.D. Williamson
McCain, W.S. and C.D. Williamson
McCain, W.S. and C.D. Williamson
McCamles, A.G.
McCarty, Nelson
McCarty, W.P.
McCarty, W.P.
McCaskill, Eudora M.
McCauley, Jesse A.
McCauley, Jesse A.
McCauley, John W.
McCauley, Newton
McCauly, Solomon
McClain, M.M.
McClain, Marcus M. 
McClane, Hugh assignee of John H. Marks
McClendon, Marvin
McClendon, Wm.
McCloud, James
McCloud, John
McClough?, T.M.J.M. [no puncuation] 
McClurd, Wm. J.
McCollough, T.M.J.
McCollough, T.M.J. 
McCollough, T.M.J.
McCollough, T.M.J. 
McCollum, Peter
McCombe, Anderson G.
McCombs, A.G.
McCombs, Mary
McCombs, W.F.
McCombs, W.F.
McCombs, W.F.
McCoy, G.W. 
McCoy, H.L.
McCoy, Henry
McCoy, Jerry
McCoy, Jesse
McCoy, P.M.
McCoy, Sarah J.
McCoy, Sarah J.
McCoy, Sarah J.
McCoy, Sims
McCoy, Thompson's heirs and legal representatives
McCraven, Jane
McCravin, Mack
McCray, H.S.
McCroy, Alice
McCulloch, Jas. R.
McCulloch, John W.
McCullom, George W.
McCullough, J.M.J.
McCullough, T.M. 
McCullough, T.M.J.
McCullough, T.M.J. 
McCullough, T.M.J. 
McCurdy, Jno. C.
McDade, Chas. A.
McDade, Chas. A.
McDaniel, James
McDaniel, James
McDaniel, James
McDaniel, James M.
McDaniel, Nathaniel J. 
McDaniel, Thos.
McDaniell, James J.
McDermott, Charles 
McDermott, Charles 
McDermott, Charles
McDermott, Charles
McDermott, Charles
McDermott, Chas. 
McDermott, John W.
McDermott, John W.
McDermott, John W.
McDiffie, George T.
McDonald, ?
McDonald, C.A.
McDonald, Isaac
McDonald, John A.
McDonald, Uriah
McDougald, R.M.
McDougold, David
McDuff, George
McDuffie, John R.
McElhenny, Thos. J.
McElhenny, Thos. J.
McElroy, Dixie J.
McElroy, Thomas
McEntire, Thomas
McEntire, W.P.
McFadden, Arie
McFadden, E.E.
McFadden, Robt C.
McFall, Thos. J.
McFall, Thos. J.
McFall, Thos. J.
McFalls, James A.
McFarland, George P.
McFarland, George P.
McFarland, Hillory
McFarland, James 
McFarland, Murdoch
McFarland, Murdock 
McFarland, Murdock
McGeaid?, Sam'l W.
McGee, A.A. 
McGehee, Edmund deceased's heirs and legal representatives
McGehee, Edmund deceased's heirs and legal representatives
McGehee, Edmund deceased's heirs and legal representatives
McGehee, Edmund deceased's heirs and legal representatives
McGehee, Frank
McGehee, J.M.
McGehee, James G.
McGehee, M.T.
McGehee, M.T.
McGehee, Madison T.
McGill, Burl
McGill, Mont
McGill, Whit
McGinty, W.J.
McGough, Emmer J.
McGough, William 
McGowan, A.G.
McGraw, B.F. 
McGraw, S.W.
McGriff, C.B.
McGriff, D.W.
McGriff, E.C.
McGriff, E.L.
McGriff, R.M.
McGrue, Polk
McGuffey, J.M.
McGuffey, J.M.
McGuyer, James A.
McHan, A.
McHaskell, Andrew
McHaskell, Chloe
McHaskell, Jacob
McHaskell, Sarah
McHaskell, Simon
McHenry, Eddie Q.
McIntyre, Daniel W.
McKahan, Jno. M. in his own right as as last assignee of Theodore B. Mills
McKahan, John M. assignee of Theodore B. Mills
McKain, John B.
McKay, James
McKenzie, G.M.
McKenzie, J.C.P.
McKenzie, Jno. W. 
McKie?, H.B.
McKinney, Alexander
McKinney, Alex'n
McKinney, D.J.
McKinney, E.A.
McKinney, Samantha
McKinney, Susan M.
McKinney, W.F.
McKinney, W.J.
McKinney, William
McKinney, William I.
McKinney, Wm. I.
McKinney, Wm. J.
McKinney, Wm. J.
McKinney, Wm. J.
McKinney, Wm. J.
McKinstry, Geo. W.
McKinstry, Geo. W.
McKinstry, John W.
McKinstry, Sherman
McKinstry?, Simon
McKinzie, Jno.
McKoin, Jas. F.
McLain, Charles 
McLain, Joshua
McLaughlin, C.N.
McLean, Alexander
McLean, Hugh
McLean, John assignee of Philip W. Cloud
McLean, John assignee of Philip W. Cloud
McLendan, Maxey A.
McLeod, Stephen D.
McLiran, Albert B.
McManus, C.E.
McMurbry, John S.
McMurrain, Eddie
McMurray, Robt. E.
McMurray, Robt. E.
McMurry, P.E.
McMurtry, Elisha L. 
McMurtry, Elisha S. 
McMurtry, Jasper N.
McMurty, Louisa
McMurty, Mary
McNabb, J.M.
McNair, James W.
McNair, W.T.
McNary, E.
McNeely, John R. 
McNeely, John R.
McNeil, John D. assignee of John J. Jackson
McNeill, A.N.
McNeill, George L.
McNutt, Robt.
McPherson, A.K?. [A.R.?]
McPherson, Aaron 
McPherson, Alfred
McPherson, Charlie
McQueen, Peter
McQuilliam, James
McQuiston, A.J.
McQuiston, A.J.
McQuiston, J.A.
McQuiston, J.A.
McRae, John
McShan, G.W.M.
McShan, Geo. W.
McShan, James C. 
McShan, Sarah A.
McStuddard, Augustus
McSwain, L.G.
McSween, Henry
McSween, Henry
McSwine, Hugh Q. and G.L.
McSwine, Hugh Q. and G.L.
McUntree, Jas.
Mead, Lecia N.
Meadows, Henry
Means, Isaac
Medlock, M.F.
Meek, James E.
Meek, James E.
Meek, James T.
Meek, James T.
Meek, Mira E.
Meek, Mira E.
Meek, Mira E.
Meek, S.T.W.
Meek, S.T.W.
Meek, S.T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meek, Samuel T.W.
Meeks, Allen H.
Meeks, Leo
Meeks, William T.
Melton, Liddy
Menard, John B.
Menard, John B.
Meredith, J.M.
Meredith, J.M.
Meredith, Jas. M.
Meredith, Jas. M.
Meritt, Jennie
Meriwether, Richard N.
Meroney, Ruben Pynum
Merrell, D.M.
Merrell, David
Merreweather, James H. assignee of J.B. Jamison
Merreweather, James H. assignee of J.B. Jamison
Merrill, J.
Merrill, Joseph
Merrill, Joseph
Merritt, Medrick W.
Merritt, William
Merritt, William
Merriwether, Francis, and Edmond Dailey and Morgan Dailey
Merriwether, J.H.
Merriwether, James H.
Merriwether, James H.
Merriwether, Jas. H.
Meyer, Andrew
Middlebrook, W.F.
Middlebrook, W.F.
Middlebrook, W.F.
Miers, Christopher C.
Miers, Christopher C.
Miers, Christopher C.
Milam, Peter
Milburn, Elias
Miles, James and James S. Thomas
Miles, Jas. and Jas. Thomas
Miles, Jerre
Miles, Jerry
Miles, Jerry
Miles, R.M.
Miles, W.J.
Miles, W.J.
Miles, William T.
Miller, Aaron
Miller, F.W.
Miller, H.J.
Miller, James N.
Miller, James N.
Miller, Jno.
Miller, Pister
Miller, Pitser 
Miller, Pitser 
Miller, Pitser?
Miller, Pitser?
Miller, Pitser?
Miller, Pitser? 
Miller, Sam
Miller, Thomas D.
Miller, Thomas D.
Miller, Wm. M.
Miller, Z.B.
Millerd, Charles W.
Millholland, S.Q.
Mills, James H.
Mills, Jno. W.
Mills, Theodore B. and Jno. M. McKahan
Mills, Theodore B. and John McKahan
Mills, Theodore B. in his own right & as assignee of John M. McKahan
Mills, William 
Mills, William A.
Mills, William A.
Mills, William A.
Mills, William A.
Mills, William A. 
Mills, William A. 
Mills, William A. 
Mills, William A. 
Mills, William A.
Mills, William A.
Mills, Wm. 
Mills, Wm. N. 
Milton, John S.
Minor, George
Mitcham, S.L.
Mitchell, A.H.
Mitchell, A.J.
Mitchell, Alonzo
Mitchell, H.J.
Mitchell, James W.
Mitchell, James's heirs and legal representatives
Mitchell, Jesse L.
Mitchell, Jno. J.
Mitchell, Joseph B.
Mitchell, Joseph W.
Mitchell, Samuel
Mitchell, Samuel
Mitchell, Samuel and H.M. Ivey assignees of Jno. M. Schultz
Mitchell, Samuel for the heirs of John H. Lenox
Mitchell, Thomas
Mock, Creasy
Mock, Francis C.
Moffatt, Maggie J.
Moffatt, Maggie J.
Mondel, Louis L. 
Monore, Victor
Monroe, Argule H. 
Monroe, Louis L.
Montague, Augusta
Montague, Caroline
Montague, Emily
Montague, Gustavus
Montgomery, Benjamin S.
Montgomery, Chas. P.
Montgomery, Jas. A.
Montomgery, Samuel A.
Mood, Maria C.A.
Moody, Curtis
Moon, Foster
Moon, Gus
Moon, Miles S.
Moore, Anderson 
Moore, Charles G.
Moore, Charles G.
Moore, Charles W.
Moore, Chas. W.
Moore, Dunkin L.
Moore, Elvina
Moore, G.W.
Moore, Henry
Moore, J.R.B.
Moore, James
Moore, James H. 
Moore, James H.
Moore, James H.
Moore, James H.
Moore, James H.
Moore, James H. assignee of Rice Dulin
Moore, Jas. S.
Moore, Jas. T.
Moore, Jno. L. 
Moore, Johnathan
Moore, Lewis
Moore, P.
Moore, R.L.
Moore, R.S.
Moore, Richard S. 
Moore, Richard S. 
Moore, Richard S. 
Moore, Robert
Moore, Robt.
Moore, Thomas
Moore, W.F.
Moore, William
Moore, Wm.
Moore, Wm. T.
Moore, Wm. W. 
Moorehead, W.G.
Moran, M.Y.
Morehead, Wiley
Morgan, Amos
Morgan, E.F. 
Morgan, Green
Morgan, Homer
Morgan, Isaac G.
Morgan, J.I.
Morgan, J.S. Jr.
Morgan, L.I.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.
Morgan, Lemon C. 
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs
Morgan, Lemon C.'s heirs and legal reps.
Morgan, M.D.
Morgan, Mary E.
Morgan, Mary E.
Morgan, Riley
Morgan, S.W.
Morgan, S?A.
Morgan, Samuel
Morgan, W.R.
Morgan, William A.
Morgan, William D.
Morgan, William H.
Morgan, Wm. L. assignee of Wade H. Threadgill
Morina, Sam
Morina, Sam
Moring, John B.
Moron, H.R.
Morriosn, J.J.
Morris, Calvin C. 
Morris, G.A.
Morris, Henry C.
Morris, J.N.
Morris, Jas. H.
Morris, Jno. W.
Morris, John A.
Morris, S.M.
Morris, W.A.
Morrison, Alexander C.
Morrison, J.A.
Morrison, John
Morrison, Sallie K.
Morrison, Wm. R.
Morrison, Wm. R.
Morse, W.S.
Morton, Benjamin
Morton, E.C. assignee of Ashley and Taylor
Morton, E.C. assignee of Ashley and Taylor
Morton, Edward C.
Morton, Edward C.
Morton, Edward C.
Morton, George W.  [Martin?]
Morton, George W.  [Martin?]
Morton, George W.  [Martin?]
Morton, Henry
Morton, Peter F. and Jos. Merrill
Mosby, Samuel and Thomas W. Hunt
Moseley, Charley A.
Moseley, John H.
Moseley, Peter 
Mosely, Beauregard
Mosely, Jno. J. 
Mosely, Wiley
Moses, E.H.
Mosley, Elijah
Mosley, J.J.
Mosley, James F. and Anderson McIntosh 
Moss, Orfilla
Moss, William
Mott, G.F.
Mott, G.F.
Muligan, W.T.
Mulkin, Margaret E.
Mullikin, E.A.
Mullins, Mattie E.C.
Mullis, H.G.R.
MuMurty, Leylie
Munford, D.L.
Munford, G.W.
Munford, J.F.
Munford, R.M.
Munford, W.M.
Murphy, James L.
Murphy, John J.
Murphy, John J. assignee of George West
Murphy, Richard M. 
Murphy, Robert M.
Murphy, Robert M.
Murray, Alfred
Murray, Emma
Murray, John W.
Murry, J.N.
Myrick, Wm. H. and John H. Harrison
Nabors, Hugh
Nabors, R.T.
Naron, S.L.
Nash, Oren
Nash, Oren
Nash, T.A.
Nations, D.N.
Nations, D.N.
Naylor, Calvin C.
Naylor, William J.
Neal, Avorilla B.
Neal, David
Neal, George W.
Neal, Henry
Neal, Henry
Neal, Henry
Neal, Mitchel
Neal, O.F. Jr.
Neal, Orilla F.
Neal, Orilla F. assignee of W.K. Duncan
Neel, A.N.
Neel, J.P.
Neel, W.T.
Neeley, Robt. H.
Neeley, Robt. H.
Neely, Edward
Neely, Geo.
Neely, James F.
Neely, Wm. H.
Neill, James deceased's heirs and legal representatives
Neis, Sarah A.
Nelms, C.G.
Nelms, C.G.
Nelms, C.G.
Nelson, Albert
Nelson, Geo.
Nelson, George
Nelson, J.W.
Nelson, John
Nelson, Jonathan
Nelson, Mason
Nelson, Samuel L.
Nelson, Thomas F. 
Nelson, William N. 
Nethery, Austin
Newell, Andrew
Newman, G.A.
Newman, J.F.
Newman, J.P.
Newton, Albert
Newton, Arthur G. and Maria A. Weeks...
Newton, Fred E.
Newton, Fred E.
Newton, Horace A.
Newton, Horace A.
Newton, Isaac
Newton, Isaac J.
Newton, Isaac J. 
Newton, Isaac J. 
Newton, Jesse
Newton, Lodusee? T.
Newton, Lodusee? T.
Nicholls, Jno. 
Nichols, Charles
Nichols, G.C.
Nichols, H.G.
Nichols, Hulday E.
Nichols, J.J.
Nichols, Jacob
Nichols, Jas. M.
Nichols, John
Nichols, John
Nichols, John
Nichols, John
Nichols, Sarah A.
Nichols, Thomas J.
Nichols, Wm. G.
Nickson, Robert
Nix, A.P.
Nixon, Elbert F.
Noland, James
Noland, John
Noland, Nancy
Nolen, William
Nolin, Jefferson
Norman, Geo.
Norman, Geo.
Norman, Geo.
Norman, Robert L.
Norman, W.S.
Norman, Wesley B.
Norris, Henry C.
Norris, Thomas D. 
Norton, C.E.
Norton, M.C.
Norwood, Sam'l F.
Notrebe, C.F.
Nougher, G.W.
Nowland, Dock
Nowlin, E.C.
Numan, R.M.
Nunn, W.M.
Nutt, Jacob
Nutt, John last assignee of M.M. Duffie
Nutt, Sampson 
Nutt, Sampson
Nutt, Sampson
Nutt, Wm. W.
Oates, H.W.
O'Brien, Charity E.
Ofallin, W.W.
Officer, Mary E.
Ogletree, James A.
O'Hara, Anthony
Oliver, J.W.
Oliver, Martha
Oliver, Wm. M. 
Oneal, Catharine
O'neal, D.N.
Oneal, Frederick F.
O'Neal, I.S. and T.D. Brown 
Oneal, J.M. and Jasper's heirs and legal reps.
Oneal, John M.
O'Neal, M.C.
Oneal, Mack
Oneal, Williamson R.
O'Neale, John
O'Neale, John
O'Neel, Berry
O'Neel, W.H.
O'Neile, John
O'Neill, Jane
O'Neill, Jasper and John M. O'Neill 
O'neill, Jasper S.
O'Neill, John
O'Neill, John M. 
O'Neill, John M. 
O'Neill, John M. 
O'Neill, John M.
O'Neill, John M. and Jasper 
O'Neill, John M. and Jasper O'Neill
O'Neill, John M. and Jasper O'Neill
O'Neill, John M. and Jasper O'Neill
O'Neill, John S.
O'neill, Nancy M.
O'neill, Theresa J.
Orr, R.A.
Orr?, John
Orton, Edward M. 
Orwin, R.J.
Orwin, R.J.
Orwin, R.J.
Osborn, James
Oslin, A.L.
Oswald, F.
Ott, Wm. P.
Ottenheimer, Louis
Outlaw, James C.
Outlaw, James C.
Outlaw, Jas. C.
Outlaw, Jas. C.
Outlaw, Thomas W.
Overton, Elias H.
Overton, John
Owen, C.G.
Owen, Carrie B.
Owen, Charles H.
Owen, Daniel G.
Owen, Jas. C.
Owen, Julia
Owen, Rufus B.
Owen, W.J., Wm. A. Bell, and Augustus C.L. Hill
Owen, W.K.
Owen?, Edison J.
Owens, Chester
Owens, D.M.
Owens, Daniel M. Jr.
Owens, Ghertie
Owens, James H.
Owens, Laveny A.
Owens, R.E.
Owens, R.E.
Owens, Reuben
Owens, Reuben
Owens, Richard
Ozark Land Company, last assignee of J.C. Griffing
Ozement, James 
Ozement, William H.
Ozement, William H.
Ozement, William H.
Ozement?, J.A.
Ozkemeh?, James
Ozment, Alfred
Ozment, B.H.
Ozment, Eli W.
Ozment, Eli W.
Ozment, James G. 
Ozment, Jas. 
Ozment, Jas. 
Ozment, R.C.
Ozment, R.C.
Ozment, R.C.
Ozment, R.C.
Ozment, R.C.
Ozment, Robert C.
Ozment, Robert S.
Ozment, Robert S.
Ozment, Robert S. 
Ozment, William C. 
Pace, Kintchen 
Pace, Kintchen 
Packard, Erastus W. and Alex M. Ragland
Packard, Erastus W. and Alex M. Ragland 
Packard, Erastus W. and Alex M. Ragland's heirs and legal representatives
Page, Thomas
Palmer, Henry
Palmore, J.G.
Pard?, E.W.
Parish, John 
Parish, W.A.
Parker, A.H.
Parker, Andrew
Parker, C.A.
Parker, Daniel L.
Parker, Daniel L.
Parker, Elisha W.
Parker, George
Parker, Isaac M.
Parker, Isaac M.
Parker, Jacob M.
Parker, Jas. M.
Parker, Joe
Parker, John J.
Parker, Joseph
Parker, Larkin B.
Parker, Larkin B. 
Parker, Mariah M.
Parker, Raph
Parker, Robert L. 
Parker, S.A.
Parker, S.F.
Parker, Stephen W.
Parker, U.H.
Parker, U.H.
Parker, U.H.
Parker, U.H.
Parker, U.H.
Parker, U.H.
Parker, Uriah H.
Parker, Uriah H.
Parker, Uriah H.
Parker, Uriah H.
Parker, W.W.
Parker, Walter S.
Parker, William H.
Parker, William S.
Parker, Wm. S.'s heirs and legal representatives
Parks, Allen
Parks, Caroline
Parks, John
Parks, Lafayette
Parks, Lewis C.
Parnell, Evan
Parrish, John 
Parrish, John
Parrott, Henry T.
Parsons, Hiram
Parsons, Hiram
Parsons, J.J.
Paschall, W.S.
Pate, John
Patrick, J.M.
Patrick, Mary I.
Patterson, Eliza
Patterson, Emily M. assignee of Jaco Calliot
Patterson, James H.
Patterson, Jesse T.
Patterson, Mose
Patterson, R.F.
Patterson, S.N.
Patterson, Wm.
Patton, Anderson
Patton, John T.
Patton, Samuel H.
Pauley, William L.
Paunell?, L.F.
Payne, B.F.
Payne, Green
Payne, Green
Payne, Henry
Payne, Joe
Payne, Joe
Payne, Moses U. assignee of Robert Maloney
Peacock, E.M.
Peacock, Erastus M.
Peacock, I.P.
Peacock, J.L. assignee of D.D. Thompson assignee of John Peacock
Peacock, John
Peacock, Mary E.
Peacock, Norman M.
Peacock, Pearson
Peacock, Pearson
Pearce, L.F.
Pearce, William F.
Pearson, Wiley and Daniel Ellison 
Peeples, Lindsay C.
Peggy, James H.
Pelham, James A.
Pemberton, James H.
Pemberton, Jas. H.
Pemberton, Mary J.
Peniston, Bailey
Peniston, Bailey
Peniston, John G.
Peniston, John G.
Peniston, Jonas
Pennington, Eliza L.
Pennington, I.H.'s heirs
Pennington, Isaac H.
Pennington, J.B.
Pennington, J.H.
Pennington, Sidney O.
Pepper, Duncan L.
Pepper, Duncan L.
Perdue, Amanda
Perkins, Charles S.
Perkins, Chas. H.
Perkins, John C.
Perkins, John C.
Perkins, John C.
Perkins, M.M.
Perkins, Mary M.
Perkins, Mary M.
Perkins, Mary M.
Perkins, Mary M.
Perry, Harry
Person, Frances 
Person, W.E.
Person, Wiley C.
Person, Wiley C. 
Person, Wiley C. 
Person, Wiley C. 
Person, Wiley C. 
Person, Wiley C.
Person, Wiley C. and David W. Ellison 
Person, Wiley C. and David W. Ellison
Person, Wiley C. and David W. Ellison 
Person, Wiley G. and David W. Ellison 
Person, Wiley G. and David W. Ellison
Person, Wiley G. and David W. Ellison
Person, Wiley P. and David W. Collier 
Person, William D.
Person, William D.
Person, Wm. D.
Persons, W.D.
Persons, Willis 
Pertins?, T.L.
Peters, James F.
Peters, John
Peterson, Isrial
Peterson, S.B.
Peterson, Wilson
Petty, Hugh H.
Petty, Mary J.
Pfeiffer, Julius
Pharr, M.H.
Pharr, M.H.
Philips, John
Philips, Sam'l
Philips, Sam'l
Philips, Sam'l
Phillips, Geo.
Phillips, Green
Phillips, Harry
Phillips, James
Phillips, James S.
Phillips, Jasper A.
Phillips, Joab 
Phillips, Joseph L.
Phillips, N.M.
Phillips, P.D.
Phillips, S.B.
Phillips, Thadeus C.
Phillips, Thadeus C.
Phillips, Thadeus C.
Phillips, Wash
Phillips, Wm. L.
Phillips, Wm. L.
Pickards, John
Pickards, John
Pickel, W.J.
Pickens, Leander
Pike, John R.
Pike, Wm.
Pillow, Martha A.
Pinchback, A.
Pinchback, A.
Pinchback, Alex.
Pinchback, Alexander
Pinchback, Alexander
Pinchback, Alexander
Pinchback, Alexander 
Pinchback, Alexander
Pinchback, Jane
Pinkard, Lucius N.
Pinot, Philip's heirs and legal representatives
Pinson, W.J.
Pipe, James
Pipkins, Jas.
Pippen, Richard T.
Pippen, Richard T.
Pippin, Alfred
Pippin, Alfred
Pippin, Jeff J.
Pippin, Lewis D.
Pippin, Lewis D.
Pirtle, T.J.
Pittman, Giles C.
Pitts, K.A.
Pitts, Miles
Plant, John W.
Poage, Aleck
Poage, Margaret K.
Poage, R.A.
Poage, Robert
Poage, Willie
Polack, Theo. H.
Polk, Allen J. and John F. Hanks
Polk, James
Poll, Henry
Pollard, A.S.
Poole, H.G.
Poole, William S. assignee of John Donnelly
Poore, F.M.
Pope, J.D.
Pope, J.D.
Pope, Jenkins D.
Pope, Sarah Ann
Pope, Sarah Ann
Pope, Sarah Ann
Porter, J.I. Lumber Company
Porter, Sam
Porter, Sam'l
Porter, William W.
Pouncey, John H.
Pouncy, John H.
Pouncy, John H.
Pouncy, John H.
Pouncy, John H.
Pouncy, John H.
Pouncy, John H.
Pounders, J.B.
Powell, Anderson
Powell, Bagger
Powell, E.V.
Powell, J.A.
Powell, Joseph
Powell, Payton M. 
Powell, Sam
Power, Andrew
Powers, Mary E.
Prather, Wm.
Pratt, George W. 
Pratt, Monroe
Prewett, James
Prewit, Jacob
Prewit, Jacob
Prewit, Jacob M.
Prewitt, Jacob M. assignee of Jno. R. Denty
Price, Chas.
Price, E.G.
Price, J.C.
Price, John B.
Price, M.V.
Price, S.G.
Price, W.S.'s heirs
Price, W.W.
Price, William S. 
Priddy, Jas. A.
Priddy, Jas. A.
Priest, S.H.
Proffitt, I.H.
Pryor, David
Puckett, James M.
Puckett, James M.
Pugh, Charlotte
Pugh, Charlotte
Pugh, Geo. C.
Pugh, Green
Pugh, John A.
Pugh, John A.
Pugh, John A.
Pugh, Thomas F. 
Pugh, Thomas F.
Pugh, Thomas F.
Pugh, W.S.
Pulliam, Henry L. 
Puntney, Robt. G.
Putnam, W.J.
Puttman, David A.
Pye, E.H.
Quimby, C.C.
Quimby, Thos.
Quinn, B.F.
Quinney, John R.
Rabb, E.J.
Radford, Oliver
Ragan, E.H.
Ragan, Erasmus H.
Ragan, Erasmus H.
Ragan, Erasmus H.
Ragan, Erasmus H.
Ragg, Lewis C.C. 
Ragg, Lewis C.C. 
Ragland, Alexander M.
Ragsdale, Michael
Ragsdale, Michael 
Raighley, Wm. H.
Raighley, Wm. H.
Rainey, Robert B.
Raley?, James E.
Ralls, Richard
Ralph, S.C.
Ralph, Wm. H.
Ramey, C.L.
Randolph, F.J. 
Randolph, Jno. J.
Raney, R.C.
Raney, Robt. B.
Ranow, Henderson
Ranow, Mary
Ransom, D.R.
Ransome, Dickinson
Rap, Jamar R.
Rauls, A.G.
Rawlett, Elmyra J.
Rawlett, J.F.
Rawls, G.A.
Rawls, Henry L.
Rawls, Henry L.
Rawls, Henry S.
Rawls, Henry S.
Rawls, Henry S.
Rawls, Henry S.
Ray, Abraham
Ray, Abraham
Ray, George
Ray, J.B.
Ray, J.B.
Ray, Pleasant
Rayburn, Elias
Rayner, A.J.
Rays, Mathis V.
Razbourn, Geo. W.
Razbourn, Geo. W.
Ready, Allen B.
Ready, B.W.
Reagan, James H. assignee of Jno. Martin
Reams, Dolphia
Reams, Isaac
Reams, James
Reap, W.J.
Reaves, Alexander
Reaves, Annabella
Reaves, Frances F.
Reaves, Jas. L.
Reaves, John L.
Reaves, Reuben
Reaves, Reuben
Redd, Joseph
Redden, G.C.
Reddin, John W.
Redfield, James M....
Redman, Wm. James
Redmon, Vandar
Redwood, Jacob
Reed, B.M.
Reed, Charles B.
Reed, Daniel
Reed, Ed
Reed, George
Reed, George T.
Reed, J.R.
Reed, R.B.
Reed, Thomas
Reed, W.T.
Rees, Sam'l P.
Reid, Joseph and Thomas J. White
Reid, Joseph T. and Thomas J. White
Remley, Joseph A.
Rennolls, Charity
Reynolds, C.B.
Reynolds, Cornelius
Reynolds, Green
Reynolds, Henry
Reynolds, Hugh
Reynolds, J.D.
Reynolds, John
Reynolds, John W.
Reynolds, John W.
Reynolds, Malinda
Reynolds, T.A.
Reynolds, T.A.
Reynolds, William
Reynolds, Wm.
Reynolds, Wm. C. 
Reynolds, Wm. C. 
Rhodes, John
Rice, Francis A.
Rice, James H.
Rice, Mary A.
Rice, Ollie Sr.
Rice, Quinton N.
Rice, Robert R.
Rice, Robert R.
Rice, Ruffus L.
Rice, Ruffus L.
Rice, Thos. H.
Rice, W.E.
Richards, J.T.
Richards, R.F.
Richardson, A.R.
Richardson, Ben F.
Richardson, Ben F.
Richardson, David J.
Richardson, Jabez
Richardson, James H.
Richardson, Jas. J. 
Richardson, Jas. J. 
Richardson, Jas. L.
Richardson, Jno. J. 
Richardson, Jno. W.
Richardson, John C.
Richardson, John C.
Richardson, John C.
Richardson, John G. 
Richardson, John G. 
Richardson, Mary C.
Richardson, Peter
Richardson, Philip
Richardson, Susan E.
Richardson, W.C.
Richardson, W.C. assignee of W.H. Wells
Richardson, W.P.
Richardson, Wm. F.
Richeson?, J.E.
Richey, Joseph
Richey, Mollie E.
Richmond, Elias Dean & Jake
Richmond, Enos
Ricks, A.M.
Ricks, F.M.
Ricks, Thomas
Ricks, Thomas
Ridgell, James
Ridgell, Jno. W. 
Ridgell, John W. 
Ridgeway, B.E.
Ridgway, Benj. F.
Riehl, Justus
Riggin, James L.
Riggs, James E.
Riley, J.R.
Riley, J.R.
Riley, Robert H.
Riley, Robert H.
Riley, Thos. G.
Rimes, Tom W.
Rinder, James
Ringo, Henry M.
Ringo, J.T.
Ringo, James G.
Rison, Henry L.
Roark, T.D.
Roark, W.E.
Robbins, Mary E.
Roberson, Isaac
Roberson, John F.
Roberts, A.N.
Roberts, Francis H.O. 
Roberts, H.C.
Roberts, Henry C.
Roberts, J.C.
Roberts, Joseph R. 
Roberts, R.F.
Roberts, Rebecca
Roberts, Rebecca
Robertson, E.C.
Robertson, George
Robertson, George W.
Robertson, J.J.
Robertson, Q.D.
Robinson, D.C.
Robinson, Elijah
Robinson, Eugenia V.
Robinson, Geo.
Robinson, George
Robinson, Howell
Robinson, J.F.
Robinson, James F. 
Robinson, James F.
Robinson, James F.
Robinson, James F.
Robinson, James F.
Robinson, James F. assignee of R.M. Gaines
Robinson, James J.
Robinson, James J.
Robinson, John W.
Robinson, John W.
Robinson, Samuel L. and Martin C. Robinson
Robinson, William
Robison, Sam
Roddy, E.J. 
Rodgers, A.T.
Rodgers, E.A.
Rodgers, J.B.
Rodgers, J.L.
Rodgers, J.W.
Rodgers, M.A.
Rodgers, Ned
Rodgers, Peter
Rodgers, Peter H.
Rodgers, V.H.
Rogers, A.A.C., Wm. B. Goza, and Joseph C. Rogers
Rogers, A.D.
Rogers, Anthony A.C. and William A. Mills 
Rogers, Anthony A.C. and William A. Mills 
Rogers, Charles
Rogers, Emaline
Rogers, Geo. W. 
Rogers, Geo. W. 
Rogers, Henry W.
Rogers, Henry W.
Rogers, Hugh 
Rogers, Hugh 
Rogers, Hugh's heirs and legal representatives
Rogers, J.B.
Rogers, James P. 
Rogers, James P.'s heirs and legal reps.
Rogers, James P.'s heirs and legal reps.
Rogers, Jane E. 
Rogers, John B.
Rogers, Josiah 
Rogers, Josiah
Rogers, Josiah
Rogers, Josiah
Rogers, L.C.
Rogers, Richard
Rogers, Robert A.
Rogers, S.W. 
Rogers, Sampson 
Rogers, W.B.
Rogers, W.R.
Rollins, Ephram
Rollins, Georgianna
Rone, Eli
Rorick, John
Rosamond, James
Rosamond, James
Rose, A.R.
Rose, Ellen
Rosen, Adam
Ross, Fulton
Ross, Jesse
Ross, Jesse
Ross, Jesse
Ross, Jessee W.
Ross, Lafayette
Ross, Maggie F.
Ross, Robert
Ross, Robt.
Ross, W.G.
Roth, John
Rounds, William
Rounds, William
Rowan, James R.
Rowan, W.E.
Rowan, W.E.
Rowan, W.E.
Rowden, Elias
Rowe, Samuel
Rowell, James F. 
Rowland, J.A.
Rowland, T.C.
Rowland, T.C.
Rowsey, John
Rowsey, Robert
Rowsey, Sidney
Rucker, A.B.R.
Rucker, Miles
Rucker, Wiley
Rucker, Wiley 
Rucker, Wiley 
Rucker, Wiley 
Rucker, Wiley J.
Ruff, A.
Ruffin, B.B.
Ruffin, Mary A.
Ruffin, Nicholas P.
Ruffin, Z.W.
Ruiffian, Edward
Rush, Daniel
Russ, Melvin
Russ, Nancy A.
Russ, Rolla
Russell, Alva R.
Russell, Charles
Russell, Daniel
Russell, James C. deceased's heirs and legal representatives
Russell, P.A.
Russell, R.S.
Rust, Jaems A.
Rust, James A.
Rust, James I?.
Ruth, M.H.
Rutherford, W.B. 
Rutherford, William O.
Rutledge, W.A.
Ryan, J.A.
Ryan, Sam C.
Sadler, A.J.
Sadler, J.C.
Sailor, Joseph
Sailor, Maydalena
Saline River Lumber Company
Saline River Lumber Company
Saline River Lumber Company
Sallenberger, Abel G.
Salter, J.B.
Salter, J.B.
Sammons, F.M.
Sample, Paul's legal representatives
Sample, Wm.
Sampson, Clara
Sanderlin, L.M.
Sanderlin, Lemuel M.
Sanders, A.F.
Sanders, B.F.
Sanders, G.S.
Sanders, H.B.
Sanders, Jack
Sanders, James A.
Sanders, L.B.
Sanders, Levi?
Sanders, Lewis
Sanders, M.G.
Sanders, N.E.
Sanders, Nancy G.
Sanders, O.L.
Sanders, R.O.
Sanders, Richard 
Sanders, Rufus H.
Sanders, S.G.
Sanders, S.G.
Sanders, Thomas J.
Sanders, W.T.
Sanders, Willis
Sanders?, Eliza
Sanskey, Martin
Saunders, L.B.
Savage, Amos
Savage, Amos
Savage, James 
Savage, James 
Savage, John W.
Savage, John W.
Savage, W.H.
Savage, W.H.
Saville, H.A.
Sawyer, Alonzo M.
Sawyer, H.I.
Sawyer, Henry I.
Sawyer, Lafayette
Sawyer, Sam D?.
Sawyer, T.C.
Sawyer, W.P.
Sawyer, William E.
Sawyers, Chattie
Scantlin, Robert
Scarborough, Jas. S.
Scarborough, Jas. S.
Scarborough, John B.
Scarborough, John B.
Scarborough, Joseph B.
Scarborough, Joseph B.
Scarborough, Joseph B.
Schear, Clement
Schnyder, Martin A.
Scobey, Joseph H.D.
Scobey, Terry
Scogin, Little Berry 
Scott, Alfred
Scott, Charles
Scott, Ellen
Scott, Ellen
Scott, G.W.
Scott, J.E.
Scott, J.E.
Scott, Jane H.
Scott, Lucinda
Scott, Sherman
Scott, Thomas
Scrimshire, A.M.
Scroggin, George E.
Scroggin, George E.
Scroggin, John C.
Scroggin, L.N.
Scroggins, John C.
Scruggs, Ben
Scull, Mosis
Seay, Charles H.
Seay, Charles H.
Seay, Daniel R.
Seay, W.A.
Seddon, James A.'s heirs and legal representatives, and William W. Wilkins
See, Charles
Segars, G.B.
Segars, William A.
Self, A.H.
Self, Armstead H.
Self, Edwin J.
Self, Edwin J.
Self, Emma
Sellers, Thomas E.
Selmon, Larkin C. 
Senn?, John W.
Senn?, John W.
Sexton, Berry H. 
Seymore, Geo. W.
Seymore, Geo. W.
Seymore, Jno.
Seymore, Jno. 
Seymore, John
Seymore, John 
Seymore, John
Seymore, John
Seymore, Jordan W. 
Seymore, Jordan W.
Seymore, Jordon W. 
Seymore, Lindsay E. 
Seymore, Lindsay E. 
Seymore, Robert T.
Seymore, Thomas R.
Seymore, W.B.
Seymour, Robert T. 
Seymour, Robt T. 
Shanks and Thompson
Shanks and Thompson
Shanks and Thompson
Shanks, Sophia
Sharp, Allen
Sharp, Benj. F.
Sharp, Charlie C.
Sharp, Charlie C.
Sharp, Horace L.
Sharp, Thos. J.
Shear, Frank
Shearer, William and Pierce B. Duncan
Shelby, R.M.
Shelby, S.M.
Shell, J.A.
Shelton, A.J.
Shelton, Caledonia
Shelton, Cap
Shelton, Monroe
Shelton, T.
Shempert, Abe
Shepherd, James Jr.
Sheppard, Pleasant
Sheppard, Thomas C.
Sheppard, Thomas C.
Shepperd, Thos. C.
Shepperd, Thos. C.
Sherman, Thomas B.
Sherman, Thomas B.
Sherrells, Mary M.
Sherrer, Elijah
Sherried?, Charles
Sherrill, A.R. and A.R. Sherrill assignee of Wm. S. Temple
Sherrill, A.R. and A.R. Sherrill assignee of Wm. S. Temple
Sherrill, A.R. and A.R. Sherrill assignee of Wm. S. Temple
Sherrill, A.R. and A.R. Sherrill assignee of Wm. S. Temple
Sherrill, A.R., assignee of Wm. S. Temple
Sherrill, Albert R.
Sherrill, Albert R. and William S. Temple
Sherrod, James
Sherron, Stephen
Shields, A.B.
Shilley, T.S.
Ship, Julia
Shipley, John M.
Shipley, Martha A.
Shirey?, Roland L.
Shomishir, John W.
Shopshire, Thomas
Shopshire, Thomas
Shorter, James
Shugart, G.S.
Shults, Emma
Shults, J.C.
Shultz, John M.
Shultz, John M. 
Sidberry, David W.
Sidberry, David W.
Sidberry, H.W.
Sidberry, H.W.
Silor, Jacob
Silor, Jacob
Simington, James H.
Simmons, Easter
Simmons, Elias
Simmons, John J. 
Simmons, Jos.
Simmons, Robt. H. 
Simmons, Thompson C.
Simmons, Willis
Simms, Briton Y.
Simms, James B.
Simms, L.N.
Simms, Moses
Simonton, Felix G.
Simpkins, Macon
Simpson, J.A.
Simpson, John
Simpson, Louis H.
Simpson, Mary F.
Simpson, Nathan
Simpson, Nathan
Simpson, R.E.L.
Simpson, Susan J.
Simpson, W.E.
Sims, Brantley G.
Sims, E.
Sims, John C.
Sims, Nancy A.
Singer, Jefferson
Singer, Thomas
Singleton, Van
Sipes, M.F.
Sisson, Thomas W. 
Skinner, Joshua 
Skinner, Joshua 
Skinner, Joshua 
Skinner, Joshua 
Skinner, Larkin
Skinner, Larkin
Skinner, Larkin
Skinner, Larkin S.
Slack, John F.
Slater, Thomas
Slater, Thomas
Slaughter, A.E.
Slaughter, Griffin
Slaughter, J.D.
Slaughter, W.H.
Slemons, Lina M.
Slemons, Lina M.
Slemons, Nancy E.
Slemons, Nancy E.
Slidham, Wm. H.
Sloan, G.H.
Sloan, H.H.
Sloan, Wm. A.
Sloane, Samuel T.
Slocum, Benj.
Small, J.W.'s heirs and legal reps.
Smith, A.J.
Smith, A.J.
Smith, Alexander
Smith, Andrew A.
Smith, Benj. F.
Smith, Bettie
Smith, Byars
Smith, C.H.
Smith, C.H.
Smith, Charley
Smith, Claude
Smith, D.A.
Smith, D.S.
Smith, E.H.
Smith, E.H.
Smith, E.H.
Smith, Edward W.
Smith, Emma
Smith, Evander
Smith, Ex
Smith, F.R.
Smith, G.W.
Smith, George
Smith, H.B.
Smith, H.B.
Smith, H.D.
Smith, Hance D.
Smith, Henry 
Smith, Henry 
Smith, Henry 
Smith, Henry
Smith, Henry
Smith, Henry P. 
Smith, Henry R. 
Smith, Hiram W.
Smith, Hiram W.
Smith, Hiram W.
Smith, Hiram W.
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Ivey L.
Smith, Ivey L.
Smith, J. Floyd's heirs and legal representatives
Smith, J.A.
Smith, J.A.
Smith, J.B.
Smith, J.G.
Smith, J.H.
Smith, J.M.
Smith, J.M.
Smith, J.M.
Smith, J.M.
Smith, J.N.
Smith, J.R.
Smith, J.T.
Smith, J.W.
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James
Smith, James T.
Smith, James T.
Smith, James T.
Smith, Jno. C.O. 
Smith, Jno. J. 
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, John
Smith, John 
Smith, John C. 
Smith, John C. 
Smith, John C. 
Smith, John C. 
Smith, John C. 
Smith, John C.
Smith, John E.
Smith, John E.
Smith, John J. 
Smith, Jordon
Smith, K.
Smith, King
Smith, L.W.
Smith, Lemuel Jr. 
Smith, Lemuel Jr. 
Smith, Lewis
Smith, Lucy
Smith, Lucy
Smith, Lydie J.
Smith, Lydie J.
Smith, Lyell?
Smith, M.C.
Smith, Mary
Smith, Newton J. 
Smith, R.S.
Smith, R.S.
Smith, Sallie L.
Smith, Sam
Smith, Sam
Smith, Sam'l W.
Smith, Samuel G. and James Kennedy 
Smith, Simon
Smith, Squire M.
Smith, Steve
Smith, Stewart
Smith, Stewart
Smith, Thomas H. 
Smith, Thomas H.
Smith, Thos. J.
Smith, Tilman H. 
Smith, Tilman H. 
Smith, Tilman H.
Smith, Tilman H.
Smith, U.W.
Smith, W.B. 
Smith, W.H.
Smith, W.J.
Smith, W.M.
Smith, Washington
Smith, Washington B.
Smith, Washington B.
Smith, Washington B.
Smith, William A.
Smith, Wm.
Smith, Wm. H.
Smith, Wm. H.
Sneed, Calvin
Sneed, Robert
Snuggs, Sarah R. 
Snyder, Wesley M.
Solcum, Ben
Solsbury, John S.
Solsbury, John S.
Solsbury, John S.
Sorrells, T.F.
Sorrells, Theodoric
Sorrells, Theodoric
Sorrells, Theodoric
Sorrells, Theodoric
Sorrells, Theodoric F.
Sparks, B.F.
Sparks, Lawson 
Sparks, Lawson
Sparks, Lawson
Sparks, W.W.
Spaulding, D.J.
Spaulding, Margaret J.
Spaulding, Margaret J.
Spear, Benjamin
Spears, Benjamin F.
Spears, G.W.
Spears, John S.
Spears, Thos. J.
Spellman, Mary K.
Spellman, Mary T.
Spellman, Oscar M.
Spencer, Alex
Spencer, Calvin E.
Spencer, Calvin E.
Spencer, James
Spencer, James N.
Spencer, Laban
Spencer, William E.
Spencer, Wm. E. 
Spivey, Lovet
Spivey, Nancy J. 
Splawn, James 
Splawn, James 
Splawn, S.J.
Splawn, Stephen E.
Splawn, W.J.
Springer, Job
Springfield, W.R.
Spurlock, A.J.
St. John, Payne B.
St. John, Walthall
St. John, Wm. Edward
Stallings, Isaac
Stallings, W.B.
Stalnaker, Theodore R.
Stanfield, C.A. 
Stanfield, C.A. 
Stanfield, C.A. 
Stanford, R.H.
Stanford, Richard H.
Stanley, James M.
Stanley, Martha E.
Stanley, N.D.
Stansberry, Chas. A.
Stapp, Thomas
Stark, H.L.
Starkes, Learner B.
Starkes, Learner B.
Starret, T.C.
Start?, John
Steed, T.I.
Steel, Wm. B. 
Steel?, Robt. J. 
Steele, Robt. B.
Stell, M.C.
Stell, W.D.
Stennis, F.M.
Stephen, Willis
Stephens, A.J. 
Stephens, Danley B. 
Stephens, Danley B. 
Stephens, Darley P. 
Stephens, G.E.
Stephens, James D.
Stephens, M.M.
Stephens, Parley P.
Stephenson, Jas. F.
Stephenson, W.C.
Stephenson, W.C.
Sterling, James
Stermis, Stile
Stevens, Darby? P. 
Stevens, Darley P. 
Stevens, Elizabeth Ann
Stevens, Elizabeth Ann
Stevens, Joseph
Stevens, Joseph
Stevens, R.H.
Stevens?, Clement H. 
Steward, William F. 
Steward, William F. 
Steward, William F. 
Steward, Wm. R.
Stewart, Amanda, last assignee of Aaron D. Matheny 
Stewart, Andrew
Stewart, John
Stewart, John R.
Stewart, L.C.
Stewart, Lauchlin C.
Stewart, Lauchlin C.
Stewart, Lewis Y.
Stewart, Manuel L.
Stewart, Manuel L.
Stewart, Manuel L.
Stewart, Manuel L.
Stewart, Manuel L.
Stewart, Manuel L.
Stewart, Margaret
Stewart, N.C.
Stewart, N.C.
Stewart, Prince
Stewart, William
Stewart, William F.
Stidhour, Emma C.
Stiles, G.B.
Stiles, G.B.
Stiles, G.B.
Stinson, S.T.
Stinson, S.T.
Stokes, Columbia
Stokes, J.A.
Stone, Barney
Stone, Eli 
Stone, Hezekiah
Stone, John B.
Stone, L.H.
Stone, Sallie
Stone, Thomas P.
Stone, Thos. P. assignee of Wm. H. Wells
Stopes, James T.
Stover, Elijah
Stover, Elizabeth Minerva
Stover, Emily Francis
Stover, Josiah
Stover, O.
Stover, Robt. E.
Stovey, E.P.
Straughn, Travis
Straughn, Travis
Street, Anthony and John C. Daugherty
Strickland, Albert P.
Strickland, Mattie J.
Strickland, Simon J.
Stringfellow, Ann
Stringfellow, Savannah
Stringfellow, Wm.
Stringfellow, Wm. Henry
Strode, H.A.
Strode, T.L.
Strong, Emma S.
Strong, Eudora
Strong, Jeff
Strong, Jno E.
Strong, Willis
Stroud, Dennis
Stroud, Joseph
Stuard, Jas. R.
Stuard, Jas. R.
Stuart, James M. 
Stuart, James M.
Stuart, James M.
Stuart, James M.
Stuart, James M. 
Stuart, James M.
Stuart, James M.
Stuart, James M.
Stuart, James M. assignee of Wm. P. Agee
Stuart, James M. assignee of Wm. P. Agee
Stuart, Jas. M.
Stuart, Jas. M.
Stuart, Lauchlin C.
Stuart, Luchlin C.
Stuart, Mannie L.
Stuart, Mannie L.
Stuart, Mannie L.
Stubbs, W.A.
Stuckey, John
Stucky, John
Stucky, John and R.S. Taylor 
Sulanerger, Abel G. 
Sullivan, Adolphus H.
Sullivan, Tully F.
Summerand?, J.J.
Summerford, C.H.
Summerford, Henry T.
Summerford, James R.
Summerford, Wm. J.
Summerland, Thos.
Sumner, Tobe
Sutton, David W.
Sutton, J.W.
Sutton, R.F. 
Sutton, Royal F. 
Sutton, Royal F.
Sutton, Royal F.
Sutton, Royal F. 
Sutton, Royal F. 
Sutton, Royal F. 
Sutton, Royce F.'s heirs and legal representatives
Sutton, Rugal F.
Sutton, Rugal F.
Swain, Augustus
Swain, Elijah
Swain, Elijah
Swain, Martha A.
Swain, Martha A.
Swayze, Wm.
Swearingen, Joseph C.
Swift, Jerry
Swiney, Andrew
Swinney, Alex
Swinney?, E.L.
Sypes, Elkanah
Talbert, Mardicain
Talbott, J.B.
Taliaferro, B.B.
Taliaferro, Miles H.
Taliaferro, Rebecca
Talliforir, Lucy
Tankersly, Ophelia V.
Tanner, Lucy V.
Tanner, Mary C.
Tanner, T.T.
Tapp, J.E.
Tappan, James C.
Tappan, James C.
Tappan, James C.
Tarlton, Stephen D. assignee of Rice Dulin
Tarven, Redick S.
Tarvin, Reidick S. 
Tate, Clem
Tate, William
Tatum, C.J.
Tatum, Frank
Tatum, Thomas J.
Tatum, Thomas J.
Tatum, Thomas T.
Tatum, Thomas T.
Tatum, Thomas T.
Tatum, Thomas T.
Tatum, William V., assignee of Jacob Huffman
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, Andrew W.
Taylor, Angelina
Taylor, C.M.
Taylor, C.O.
Taylor, Creed
Taylor, Creed
Taylor, Cully
Taylor, Dudley
Taylor, Geo. A. 
Taylor, George T.A.
Taylor, Grant
Taylor, H.A. and Company
Taylor, Hudson A.
Taylor, Isaiah H.
Taylor, J.G.
Taylor, J.G.
Taylor, J.T.
Taylor, Jackson
Taylor, James L.
Taylor, Jefferson or J.W.?
Taylor, Jesse L.
Taylor, Jno. 
Taylor, Jno. F.M. 
Taylor, Jno. M.
Taylor, Joshua
Taylor, Lemuel C.
Taylor, M.P.
Taylor, Martha A.
Taylor, Mary
Taylor, Mary C.
Taylor, Mary C.
Taylor, O.T.
Taylor, Peyton G.
Taylor, R.S.
Taylor, R.S.
Taylor, R.S.
Taylor, R.S.
Taylor, R.S.
Taylor, R.S.
Taylor, R.S. and John Stucky 
Taylor, R.T.
Taylor, Richard 
Taylor, Richard
Taylor, Robert S.
Taylor, Robert S. deceased's heirs and legal representatives
Taylor, Simon
Taylor, Thos.
Taylor, Watson
Taylor, Wm.
Taylor, Wm.
Taylor, Wm.
Taylor, Wm.
Teague, James J.
Teague, William
Temple, Henry
Temple, James E. assignee of Fletcher Lane
Temple, Joe A.
Temple, Lizzie
Temples, Jno. H.
Tenison, Alex
Teral, Joshua T.
Terral, Francis M.
Terral, John T.
Terrell, Mose
Terrell, Thos.
Terrill, L.E.
Terry, Lucy
Terry, Thomas L.
Terry, Thomas L.
Terry, Thomas L.
Terry, W.S.
Terry, Wilson
Terry, Wilson
Thach, E.
Thacker, John
Thames, Malinda A.
Thatch, Ezekiel 
Thatch, Ezekiel
Thomas, Abner D.
Thomas, Avery H.
Thomas, Benj. W.
Thomas, Bill
Thomas, D.T.
Thomas, F.M.
Thomas, Gussie J.
Thomas, I.E.
Thomas, James
Thomas, James
Thomas, James M. 
Thomas, James M. 
Thomas, James S.
Thomas, James S.
Thomas, James S.
Thomas, Jas. B.
Thomas, Joe
Thomas, John
Thomas, John
Thomas, John 
Thomas, John 
Thomas, John 
Thomas, John M.
Thomas, Joseph
Thomas, Myra B.
Thomas, Robt. E.
Thomas, Robt. E.
Thomas, S.R.
Thomas, Sam
Thomas, Sandy
Thomas, Sterling
Thomas, William H.
Thomas, William H.
Thomason, Jas. L.
Thomasson, C.V.
Thomasson, Jas. M.L.
Thompson, Amos
Thompson, Arthur
Thompson, Arthur
Thompson, Arthur
Thompson, D.D. assignee of John Peacock
Thompson, E.C.
Thompson, Edmond R.
Thompson, Edmund R.
Thompson, G.L.
Thompson, J.G.
Thompson, James 
Thompson, James 
Thompson, James 
Thompson, James
Thompson, James 
Thompson, Jane J.
Thompson, Jas. 
Thompson, Jas. C.
Thompson, Jas. J.
Thompson, Jno. A.
Thompson, Jollie C.
Thompson, Leroy
Thompson, Nathaniel W.
Thompson, Polly A. and others, assignee of L.C. Morgan
Thompson, Polly A. and others, assignee of L.C. Morgan
Thompson, Riddy Ann
Thompson, Riley
Thompson, Rufus S.
Thompson, Sarah R.
Thompson, Sarah R.
Thompson, T.J.
Thompson, Thomas J.
Thompson, Thomas J.
Thompson, Thos. J.
Thompson, W.M.
Thompson, W.M.
Thompson, W.T.
Thompson, William
Thompson, William M.
Thompson, William M.
Thompson, Willie Zander
Thompson, Wm. 
Thompson, Wm. 
Thompson, Wm. R.
Thornsberry, John W.
Thornton, Henry
Thornton, J.D.
Thornton, Jacob
Thornton, Jacob
Thornton, Wm. E.
Thrower, John B.
Thurman, A.J.
Thurman, A.J.
Thurman, A.J.
Thurman, Anguish
Thurman, Anguish
Thurman, Anguish
Thurman, Hiram 
Thurman, Hiram 
Thurman, Hiram 
Thurman, James P.
Thurman, M.
Thurman, M.
Thurman, M.
Thurman, Perkins 
Thurman, Perkins 
Thurman, Perkins 
Thurmond, Mahala 
Thurmond, Mahala 
Thurmond, Mahala 
Tidball, Chas.
Tidwell, Alfred
Tidwell, George
Tidwell, J.R.
Tiffin, James T.
Tiffin, James T.
Tift, Soloman 
Tift, Soloman 
Tilghman, A.G.
Tillar, J.T.
Tillar, J.T.W.
Tiller, James L.
Tilley, Robert A.
Timms, James assignee of Hindman, Grant, and Cleburne
Tindall, Howell D. 
Tindall, Howell D. 
Tiner, Benjamin
Tippin, Duncan L.
Tippin, Duncan L.
Tipton, B.I.
Tipton, T.M.
Tisdal, Elbert
Tisdal, Elbert
Tisnmons?, Samuel L.
Titus, Anderson
Tnicks?, William
Todd, Oscar
Toliver, Lewis
Tomlin, Wilson L. 
Tomlin, Wilson L. 
Tomlinson, Thadeus
Tommy?, Riley
Topp, Robertson
Topp, Robertson
Topp, Robinson's heirs and legal reps.
Torler?, M.C.
Touchstone, J.M. and Company
Touchstone, J.M. and Company 
Touchstone, J.M. and Company
Touchstone, J.M. and Company
Touchstone, J.M. and Company
Touchstone, J.M. and Company 
Touchstone, James
Touchstone, James
Touchstone, James A. 
Touchstone, Jas. M. 
Touchstone, L.C.
Touchtone, Dempsey 
Toule, Alex
Townsend, B.F.
Trabue, William C.
Tracy, G.P.
Tramell, Marcellus C.
Trammel, Dennis
Trammel, Elisha D. 
Trammel, Mattie
Trammel, Nelson
Trammel, Pearly
Trammel, Stephen P.
Trammell, David
Trammell, Elisha D.
Trammell, Jesse
Trammell, Stephen P.
Treadwell, Steve
Trimble, H.W.
Trintham, H.M.
Trommell?, Wm. 
Trotter, Miles
Trotter, Simon
Trotter, William D.
Truck, John
Truck, William
Trucks, Benjamin, assignee of Oliver Alexander
Trummell, Martha
Trunsell, B.M.
Trunsell, B.M.
Trunsell, B.M.
Trussell, L.L.
Trussell, L.L.
Trussell, William H.
Trussell, William H.
Tucker, Arthur
Tucker, D.D.
Tucker, Geo. W. 
Tucker, George
Tucker, J.B.
Tucker, James W.
Tucker, Jno. Wm.
Tucker, John F.
Tucker, Joseph R. 
Tucker, Kinney F.
Tucker, Mary Jane
Tucker, Mattie
Tucker, S.H. and O.P. Bertrand
Tucker, W.H.
Tucker, Zacheus
Tucker, Zadok
Tuggle, Richard 
Tuller, Isaac W.
Tumlison, Jno. A.
Tumlison, Jno. A.
Turnbow, William 
Turnbow, William 
Turnbow, Wm.
Turnbow, Wm.
Turner, Daniel B.
Turner, Daniel B. deceased's heirs and legal representatives
Turner, Edward B.
Turner, Edw'd B.
Turner, George
Turner, Henry
Turner, Henry
Turner, Humphries P. 
Turner, Jerry
Turner, John
Turner, John, assignee of Thomas Kimbrough
Turner, Lewis
Turner, Royston
Turner, Royston
Turner, Royston
Turner, Sarah E.
Turner, Simpson
Turner, Susan C.
Turner, William
Turnipseed, W.A.
Turnor, Charity
Twitty, S.G.'s heirs and legal representatives
Twitty, Starling G.
Tyler, H.W.
Tyre, Joel
Tyre, Joel 
Tyus, G.W.
Ussery, Edward D.
Utter, George B.
Van Gilder, Jno. W.
Van Pelt, A.
Vance, Enoch H.
Vance, Enoch H. 
Vance, Enoch H.
Vance, Enoch H.
Vance, Enoch H.
Vance?, J.J.
Vanhouse?, J.A.
VanLandingham, Sarah L.
Varnall, Jesse
Varnell, Chas. E.
Varnell, John F.
Varnell, Josephine
Varnell, W.A.
Varnell, William A.
Varner, Joseph W.
Varner, W.F.
Varner, W.P. and Josie W. Varner
Varner, Weldon P. and J.W. Varner, assignees of W.F. Varner
Vaughan, G.L.
Vaugine, Paul
Veasey, A. and J.S. Grubbs
Veasey, Abner 
Veazey, J.F.
Veazey, J.T.
Veazey, James R.
Veazey, Wm. S.
Verdue, A.V.
Vines, Joe
Vining, A.T.
Waddell, J.M.
Waddell, Jno. C. 
Waddell, John C.
Wade, H.W.
Wade, H.W.
Wade, Joe W. 
Wade, Lewis
Wade, W.H.
Wagnon, John
Wagnon, P.R.
Wagnor?, Green W.
Wait, William B.
Wait, William B.
Wait, William B.
Waite, Gordentia
Waites, C.C.
Waits, C.C.
Walden, Sarah A.
Waldron, William
Waldrop, J.V.B.
Waldrop, J.V.B. Jr.
Waldrop, R.M.
Walingford, Nancy
Walker, Abe
Walker, Adam
Walker, Albert
Walker, Alexander
Walker, Andrew P.
Walker, David E.
Walker, Elisha
Walker, George
Walker, J.B.
Walker, J.B.
Walker, J.E.
Walker, John
Walker, John R., assignee of Wm. H. Martin
Walker, Mary E.
Walker, Robert M. 
Walker, Sam'l
Walker, Stepney
Walker, W.H. 
Walker, W.H. 
Walker, W.H.
Walker, W.H.
Walker, W.H.
Walker, W.M.H.
Walker, W.M.H.
Walker, William H.
Walker, William H.
Walker, Wm. A. 
Wall, Bruce J.
Wall, R.S.
Wall, Robert J.
Wall, Robert J.
Wall, Robert J.
Wallace, Anderson
Wallace, Charles
Wallace, John
Wallace, N.E.
Wallace, Robert M. 
Wallace, Willias
Waller, F.N.
Walling, Geo. H. executor last will of Willoughby Walling, deceased
Wallingford, John B.
Wallingsford, B.L.
Wallingsford, John B.
Wallingsford, John B.
Wallingsford, Wm. B.
Wallis, Curt
Wallis, Horatio and Thomas Tucker
Wallis, R.C.
Walls, Bettie
Walls, Gabriel
Walls, J.B.
Walston, Isaac
Walter, Solomon
Walters, Alfred M.
Walters, Jessie
Walworth, John P.
Walworth, John P. assignee of James C. Tappan
Walworth, John P. assignee of Jas. C. Tappan
Ward, J.W.
Ward, James W. 
Ward, Jno. W. 
Ward, John C. 
Ward, John W.
Ward, John W.
Ward, John W.
Ward, John W. 
Ward, John W.
Ward, John W.
Ward, John W.'s heirs and legal representatives
Ward, Joseph R. 
Ward, Joseph R.
Ward, W.F.
Ward, Wash
Ward, William R.
Ward, William R.
Ward, William R. 
Wardlaw, J.R.
Wardlaw, R.M.
Wardlaw, Robert H.J.
Wardlow, David M.
Wardlow, David W.
Wardlow, Howard
Wardlow, J.R.
Waring, Edmond
Warner, James Sr.
Warner, Thos. M.
Warrington, W.J.
Washer, Marianna
Washington, Charles
Washington, E.D.
Washington, Geo. E.
Washington, George
Washington, Henry
Washington, Robt.
Waters, Burrell
Waters, James
Waters, P.B.
Waters, R.S.
Watkins, G.C. and T. Brownfield
Watkins, G.C. and T. Brownfield
Watkins, Geo. C. and Theron Brownfield
Watkins, John A.
Watkins, T.J.
Watkins, Thomas
Watkins, Tom
Watson, Ben
Watson, Edward
Watson, Fagan
Watson, G.T.
Watson, George
Watson, H.M.
Watson, J.R.
Watson, J.R.
Watson, Jno. L.'s heirs and legal representatives
Watson, John L.
Watson, John S.
Watson, Lewis W.
Watson, R.A.
Watson, Richard L.
Watson, Young
Watt, Jno. M.
Watt, John M.
Watt, P.A.
Wear, H.T.
Weatherall, A.M.
Weatherspoon, Westley
Weaver, George S.
Weaver, John
Weaver, Jonathan L.
Weaver, Jonathan L.
Weaver, Jonathan L.
Weaver, S.P.
Weaver, T.J.
Weaver, William
Webb, Benj. C.
Webb, John L.
Webb, Jordan
Webb, Reubin M.
Webb, Richard
Webb, T.W. 
Webb, T.W. 
Webb, T.W.'s heirs and legal reps.
Webb, W.B.
Webber, John
Week, George
Week, George
Week, George
Weeks, Margaret S.
Weilder, Chas. H.
Welch, Mark G.
Welch, Mark G.
Welch, Mary E.
Welch, Mary E.
Welch, William P.
Welch, Wm. P.
Wells, Anna H.
Wells, C.W.
Wells, Charles W.
Wells, David S.
Wells, David S. assignee of William D. Ford
Wells, Edward B.
Wells, Francis M.
Wells, H.
Wells, Harrel
Wells, Ida C.
Wells, Jeff W.
Wells, John G. and Benjamin F. Grace 
Wells, John G. and Benjamin F. Grace
Wells, John G. and Benjamin F. Grace
Wells, Lucy J.
Wells, Mary E.
Wells, Pattie P.
Wells, Roscoe W.
Wells, Samuel 
Wells, Samuel 
Wells, T.J.
Wells, W.T.
Wells, William
Wells, William H.
Wells, William T.
Wells, William T.
Wells, William T. assignee of Sam'l J. Matthews
Wells, Wm. J.
Wells, Wm. T.
Wells, Wm. T. Jr.
Welsh, Dillard
West, G.W.
West, G.W.
West, J.F.
West, Mary J.
West, Tim C.
Westbrook, Jasper N. 
Westbrook, Jasper N. 
Whaley, William S.
Whaley, William S.
Whaley, Wm. S.
Wharton, James C.
Wheat, T.C.
Wheat, T.C.
Wheeler, Charles
Wheeler, Columbus
Wheeler, Elias H.
Wheeler, J.N.
Wheeler, J.N.
Wheeler, J.W.
Wheeler, J.W.
Wheeler, J.W.
Wheeler, Joseph 
Wheeler, Joseph 
Wheeler, R.D.
Wheeler, W.C.
Wheeler, W.H.
Wheless, Mary F.C.
Wheless, Snow? W.
Wherry, Henry
Wherry, Henry
Wherry, Henry
White, Andy S. 
White, B.S.
White, Ben
White, Benj. J.
White, Charles
White, Drew
White, Drew
White, Ellen L.
White, Emmett S.
White, F.M.
White, F.M.
White, G.W.
White, H.C.
White, Henry 
White, Henry 
White, Isaac
White, J.L.
White, J.L.
White, James F. 
White, Jno. H.
White, John H.
White, Joseph
White, Leathy
White, Levi B. 
White, Levi B.
White, Lewis
White, Mary C.
White, Micajah H. 
White, Robert
White, S.J.D.
White, Thomas J.
White, W.P.
Whitehead, C.T.
Whitesides, Alonzo
Whitesides, James H.
Whitfield, Elihu
Whiting, Archa C.
Whiting, Edward L.
Whiting, Shelby W.
Whittaker, W.A.
Whitted, Con
Whitting, Elijah R.
Whittington, Henry C.
Whittington, John N.
Whittington, W.P.
Whorton, P.H.L.
Wicks, William C. assignee of Robert H. Douglass
Wiggans, Samuel B.
Wiggins, Z.B.
Wiginton, Thos. S.
Wigley, A.
Wigley, A.
Wigley, Amanda
Wigley, Amanda
Wilbey?, John
Wilboer, John
Wilbon, Mose
Wilburn, York
Wilder, C.W.
Wilder, Cain
Wilder, H.T.
Wiley, Alfred
Wiley, Alfred Jr.
Wiley, Lewis
Wiley, Lewis
Wiley, Lewis Jr.
Wiley, Louis
Wiley, Manda
Wilfong, Andy
Wilfong, Sol
Wilkerson, Archie
Wilkerson, C.W.
Wilkerson, J.W.
Wilkerson, James M.
Wilkes, Catharine
Wilkes, J.L.
Wilkins, R.B.
Wilkinson, E.S.
Wilkinson, Thomas W. and William G. Crawley
Williams, A.
Williams, A.L.
Williams, Alexander
Williams, Ambrose
Williams, Arther assignee of Sebastian C. Clayton
Williams, B.T.
Williams, C.
Williams, Charles
Williams, Charlotte A.
Williams, Dennis
Williams, Dock
Williams, Elizabeth
Williams, Fred
Williams, G.
Williams, George
Williams, Gregory
Williams, H.N.
Williams, Haber
Williams, Hartwell E.
Williams, Henry
Williams, Henry C.
Williams, Henry C. 
Williams, Hester
Williams, J.E.
Williams, J.P.
Williams, J.S.
Williams, James
Williams, James M.
Williams, Jas.
Williams, Joe
Williams, John
Williams, John
Williams, John D.
Williams, John G.
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Joseph
Williams, Liza Mrs.
Williams, Louis W.
Williams, Luther
Williams, N.J.
Williams, Pauline
Williams, R.G. and J.D. Welch
Williams, Reuben
Williams, Richard
Williams, Simon
Williams, Thomas R.
Williams, Turner
Williams, Turner
Williams, Walker
Williams, William
Williams, William C. 
Williams, Willis
Williams, Willis D.
Williams, Wm. H.
Williams, Wm. S.
Williams, Zachariah T.
Williamson, Charles
Williamson, Charles
Williamson, Stephen C.
Williamson, Thomas C.
Williamson, Thomas C.
Williamson, Thomas C.
Williford, Sam'l T.
Willingham, Charley A.
Willis, James I.
Willis, James I.
Wilshire, W.W.
Wilshire, W.W.
Wilson, A.H.
Wilson, Abel P.
Wilson, Abel P.
Wilson, Abel P.
Wilson, Abel P.
Wilson, Abel P.
Wilson, Abel P.
Wilson, Abel P. 
Wilson, Abel P. 
Wilson, Abel P. 
Wilson, Allen K. 
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, D.F.
Wilson, Dinah
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Ezekiel
Wilson, Ezekiel M. 
Wilson, Frank
Wilson, Henry
Wilson, J.C.
Wilson, J.W.
Wilson, J.W.
Wilson, Jacon 
Wilson, Jas. H. deceased's heirs, legal representatives, and vendors
Wilson, Jas. H. deceased's heirs, legal representatives, and vendors
Wilson, Jefferson
Wilson, Joel
Wilson, John S.
Wilson, M.E.
Wilson, M.F.
Wilson, M.F.
Wilson, M.F.
Wilson, M.F.
Wilson, N.W.
Wilson, Oliver
Wilson, Ora
Wilson, R.B.
Wilson, R.W.
Wilson, R.W.
Wilson, R.W.
Wilson, Robt. D.
Wilson, Robt. D.
Wilson, W.A.
Wilson, W.H. and Thos. Wilson 
Wilson, Wallace
Wilson, Wm. J.
Wilson, Wm. P.
Wimberly, Abner 
Wimberly, Abner 
Wimberly, Abner
Wimberly, Elner
Wimberly, Elner
Wimberly, Geo. H.
Wimberly, Geo. H.
Wimberly, Geo. H.
Wimberly, Henry
Winans, G.A.
Winans, Norman T.
Winecoff, Elias 
Winecoff, Elias 
Winecoff, Elias 
Winecuff, Elias
Winecuff, Elias
Winecuff, Elias
Winford, Minnie
Winfrey, H.W.
Wingo, A.Q?
Wingo, Charles C.
Winston, Geo.
Wise, Zenas L.
Witheas?, Francis B. 
Witheas?, Francis B. 
Witheas?, Francis B. 
Withers, F.B. 
Withers, F.B. 
Withers, F.B. 
Withers, Francis B. 
Withers, Francis B.
Withers, Francis B. 
Withers, Francis B.
Withers, Francis B. 
Withers, Francis B.
Withers, John 
Withers, John 
Withers, John 
Withers, John 
Withers, John 
Withers, John 
Withers, Robert J. 
Withers, Robert J. 
Withers, Robert J. 
Withrington, A.L.
Withrington, Augustus L. 
Withrington, Augustus L. 
Wolf, B.F.
Wolf, Emily
Wolf, J.L.
Wolf, J.L.
Wolf, J.L.
Wolf, J.W.
Wolf, John L.
Wolf, John L.
Wolf, Philip S.
Wolf, Phillip N.
Wolfe, Geo. W.
Wolfe, H.V.
Wolfe, Louis P.
Womack, John P.
Wood, Ashley 
Wood, Ashley
Wood, Augustine E.
Wood, Augustus E. 
Wood, Augustus E.
Wood, Augustus E.
Wood, Augustus E. 
Wood, Augustus E.
Wood, Augustus E. 
Wood, Augustus E.
Wood, Augustus E.
Wood, Augustus E. 
Wood, Augustus E.
Wood, Erwin
Wood, Fred A.
Wood, Jasper
Wood, Jno. M.
Wood, Moses
Wood, W.A.
Wood, Wm.
Woodard, E.T.
Woodard, I.C.
Woodruff, J.T.
Woodruff, W.E. and John G. Fletcher
Woods, John W.
Woods, M.G.
Woods, Reuben
Woods, Robert S. 
Woods, Robert S. 
Woodward, John W. 
Woolard, E.F.
Wooldridge, Henry
Wooldridge, Henry J.
Wooldridge, John
Wooley, Cornelius
Woolfork, W.W.
Woolley, H.F.
Woolum, Mary
Wootan, Bailey L.
Wooten, W.B.
Word, Chas. B.
Word, Walter C.
Word, William B.
Workman, Albert
Wormley?, Wilson
Worthen, Geo. A. 
Wright, Charles
Wright, Esex
Wright, J.C.
Wright, J.D.
Wright, J.P.
Wright, J.R. 
Wright, J.W.
Wright, Jno. W.
Wright, John R.
Wright, John R.
Wright, John R.
Wright, Malissa
Wright, Partain
Wright, Reubin H.
Wright, Richard L.
Wright, Roberson 
Wright, W.J.
Wright, Weldon E.
Wright, Wm. Yancey
Wyatt, Buril
Wyatt, G.H. 
Wyatt, Geo.
Wyatt, George S.'s heirs
Wyatt, John H.
Wyatt, John H. assignee of E.B. Blanks
Wyatt, William 
Wyatt, William
Wyatt, William
Wyatt, Wm. J. 
Wylie, DeKalb
Wylie, DeKalb
Wylie, DeKalb 
Wynn, D.R.
Wynn?, Hartwell S.
Yeakle, R.V.
Yell, Fountain Pitts
Yell, James
Yelvington, M. 
Yoakely, Rachel
York, Bob
York, Bob
York, G.J.
York, John
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B.
York, Nelson B. and S.T.W. Meek
York, Nelson B. and S.T.W. Meek
York, Nelson B. and S.T.W. Meek
York, Sandy
York, Sandy
York, Sandy
York, Terrill C. 
York, Thomas
York, Thomas L.
York, Thomas L.
Young, Allan
Young, C.H.
Young, C.H.
Young, D.R.
Young, D.R.
Young, Daniel R.
Young, Daniel R.
Young, David
Young, H.T.
Young, Isam
Young, Isam
Young, J.S.
Young, J.T.
Young, J.T. 
Young, J.T.
Young, J.T. 
Young, James and W.G. Crawley
Young, James and William G. Crowley
Young, Marquis D.
Young, Marquis D.
Young, Marquis D. 
Young, P.
Young, P.
Young, Philip
Young, R.B. [or R.R.?]
Young, W.R.
Youngblood, Jno. J.
Youngblood, Lewis
Zachary, John
Zeiman?, O.A.
Zeiman?, O.A.
Zinn, T.J.