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Jefferson County ArArchives Biographies.....Lyle, L. Dewoody 
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Robert Sanchez July 17, 2009, 12:00 pm

Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1922)

    L. Dewoody Lyle, filling the office of city attorney at Pine Bluff, was born
here in 1895 and is a son of T. B. and Linnie (Dewoody) Lyle, who were natives
of Lincoln county, Arkansas, and of Iuka Springs, Mississippi, respectively.
Their family numbered four children: L. Dewoody, Elizabeth, now the wife of S.
L. Ellen; Thomas B., Jr., and Marshall.

    Reared under the parental roof, his boyhood and early youth spent in Pine
Bluff, L. Dewoody Lyle pursued a public school education and afterward in
preparation for his professional career entered the Washington and Lee
University, from which he was graduated with the LL. B. degree in 1917. He then
returned to his native city, where he opened an office and has since engaged in
practice save for the period of his services in the World war. When America
became identified with the allies in the effort to establish world democracy he
entered the Army Officers' Training School at Fort Logan H. Roots, near Little
Rock, and was commissioned a second lieutenant. He was then assigned to Waco,
Texas, and with the Thirty-ninth Division went overseas, being on active duty in
France, where he remained for an extended period, being mustered out with the
rank of first lieutenant in April, 1920. In the same year he returned to Pine
Bluff, where he served as deputy prosecuting attorney, and later in the year he
was elected city attorney, which office he has since filled. Although one of the
younger representatives of the har, he is recognized as an able lawyer,
wide-awake, alert, energetic and possessing a laudable ambition. By reason of
these qualities he is making steady progress in his chosen calling and has most
capably conducted various important cases. Fraternally he is connected with the
Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, while his religious faith is that of the
Presbyterian church. He is widely known in the city and that his has been a well
spent life is indicated in the fact that many of his stanchest friends are those
who have known him from his boyhood to the present time.

Additional Comments:
Centennial History of Arkansas
Volume II
Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

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