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Texas County, Missouri Civil War Pension Application - Jesse P. Williams

Jesse Pearman Williams
Color Sergeant
8th Missouri Infantry (Mitchell's) C. S.A.

Jesse Pearman Williams was born in Larue County, Kentucky on 01 November
1838 to Joel Williams and Delilah Pearman. He was the oldest of ten
children, and his parents apparently had taken in another child. About 1848
the family moved to Phelps County, Missouri and settled in Blooming Rose,
Missouri, near the Phelps and Texas County line. On 18 November 1859 he
married Aseneth Brown. To this union were born three children, but War
clouds loomed close by.

In 1861 Missouri Governor Claiborne Fox Jackson increased the State
Militia, hoping to keep Missouri neutral in the upcoming conflict. The
Missouri State Guard units were hastily formed and put under the control of
former Governor General Sterling Price. Many of these units fought with the
Confederate forces, and many of these men later joined the Confederate
Army. Jesse Pearman Williams joined the Seventh Division, 1st Infantry
under Colonel Edmund T. Wingo in the Summer of 1861. He participated in the
"Bull Run of the West" Battle of Wilson's Creek on August 10th, 1861 where
General Nathaniel Lyon was killed. The Missouri State Guard went onwards to
Lexington, Missouri where, using Hemp Bales as rolling breastworks, they
captured the Federal Forces there. His unit went on to Dry Woods Creek, or
Fort Scott, Missouri, where Jesse received his first wounds of the War. An
artillery shell landed close by, and as Jesse stated; "I knew nothing for
36 Hours". His unit was disbanded in the summer of 1862, although several
units participated in the Battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas. It is unknown if
Jesse was in that Battle.

On August 5, 1862 Jesse Pearman Williams enlisted as a Private in the
Confederate Army at Thomasville, Missouri on the Eleven Points River. He
was assigned to the Fifth Infantry; Later re-designated the Eighth Missouri
Infantry, C.S.A. After a four-day march the new arrived at the Spring River
in Arkansas. There, several recruits were enticed to join other units.
Officer Commissions were usually given to those that gathered enough
recruits for new units, therefore several units were competing for
recruits. Colonel Mitchell moved his unit to Camp Bragg, near Batesville,
Arkansas. There even more men were enticed away. The situation became so
intolerable that Colonel Mitchell went to Little Rock to seek relief.
Several in the camp believed he would not return. However, he returned on
August 28, 1862, and moved his command to the Camp of Colonel William
Coleman. Now training for War could take place.

On October 31, 1862 Jesse P. Williams was promoted to Color Sergeant. To
him the honor of holding the Regimental Flag in battle was given. The flag
of this unit was made by at least three women with the surnames of Casen,
Denton, and Hinson. This was acknowledged in a letter by Colonel Mitchell,
and printed in the Little Rock True Democrat on January 21, 1863. Although
the exact type of flag is unknown, I believe that it was a "Missouri Battle
Flag", described as a Blue flag, with a red stripe on the top, Bottom, and
side opposite of the hoist, and with a white Latin cross, close to the

On December 7, 1862 the 8th Missouri Infantry, C.S.A. received their
baptism under fire at Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Marching from Van Buren,
Arkansas on the 3rd of December, General T.C. Hindman mustered 9,000
Infantry, 2000 Calvary, and 22 pieces of Artillery. He did not take his
entire forces available because some of his men lacked shoes, and weapons
in which to fight with! This group included the Cherokee Indian Force under
Colonel Stand Watie. Throughout the war the Confederate forces were plagued
with inadequate food, worn-out shoes (or no shoes) and inadequate weapons.
The Battle of Prairie Grove was no different. Breaking camp at 4 A.M., and
marching 15 miles to the battlefield left many stragglers on the sides of
the road. Horses pulling Artillery were played out. Yet, when called upon,
the Missouri Forces fought valiantly. Waiting until the Federal forces were
only 60 yards away, they opened up with shotguns, rifles, muskets, and
fowling pieces. Upon breaking the Union Charge, the Confederates charged.
After several charges, and counter charges, the Confederate were left in
possession of the Battlefield. The Confederates suffered 164 Killed, 817
Wounded and 336 missing, capturing 275 Union prisoners. The 8th reported 0
killed, and only 20 wounded.

After the Battle of Prairie Grove, the 8th was assigned Garrison duty at
Fort Pleasant, Arkansas. Garrison duty is boring, monotonous, and tedious
at the best of times. Officers and men have little else to do, but engage
in drinking, cards, and drill. Often there were drunken men, gambling,
fights and disorderly conduct that brought no honor upon the men or units
involved. After spending five months in Fort Pleasant, the 8th was ordered
to Camp Bragg, Ouchita County, Arkansas. Later the unit was ordered to Camp
Sumter, Lafayette County, Arkansas.

Their next battle came on April 9, 1864 at Pleasant Hill, Louisiana. The
Confederates had the battle almost won when they were ordered to fall back,
because the Arkansas troops were not keeping up with the Missouri troops.
The 8th returned to Arkansas, to fight on April 30, 1864 at Jenkin's Ferry,
Arkansas. This was a Confederate Victory. From there the 8th moved into
Camp Kirby Smith, in Arkansas.

As of May 1865 the 8th was in Shreveport, Louisiana. This close to the end
of the conflict the 8th was beset with mass desertions, and demoralizing
news. The Confederacy had collapsed, the Trans-Mississippi Army was the
last to surrender, doing so on 26 May 1865. While awaiting transportation
to take them north, members of the 8th worked along side with former
enemies to keep the peace in Shreveport and New Orleans, Louisiana.

On 19 June 1865 Jesse Pearman Williams signed an Oath of Allegiance to the
United States. He was transported to Rolla, Missouri by railroad. His third
daughter was born in 1866, but died within a month. His wife died shortly
thereafter. He remarried in 1867, and he and his second wife had eight
children. He was at one time a Justice of the Peace for Boone Township,
Texas County, Missouri. He applied for a pension in 1913, and amended it in
1917. Jesse Pearman Williams died on 25 March 1924, aged 85 years, 3
months, and 23 days. He is buried in Mitchell Cemetery, Texas County,

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