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Obituary: COATS, Lewis 

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file submitted by:  Kathy Gaines <>

Gathered from resources at the Odessa Branch of Trails Regional Library
Odessa, Lafayette County MO


The Odessa Democrat
6 pages
twenty-ninth year, first number
Friday, October 12, 1912
Odessa, Lafayette County, Missouri

page 1, last column

Lewis Coats, Aged Sixty-five Killed Himself Sunday Morning

Lewis Coats, a well known farmer living in the Barker 
neighborhood, north of Odessa committed suicide Sunday
morning by taking carbolic acid.  Mr. Coatshad been in
poor health for some time, and to this attributed the 
reason for his rash act.  A wife and six children are 
left.  Mr. Coats was sixty-five year old.  The burial
occurred Monday in the Barker Cemetery.

C.E. Prather, the undertaker here who had charge of this
funeral, says this was the fifth suicide he had buried in
the past nine months.  In fact more than he had buried in 
the dozen years he had been an undertaker.
