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Union County ArArchives Biographies.....McNalley, Pat 
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Robert Sanchez July 23, 2009, 8:40 am

Source: Citation Below
Author: S. J. Clarke

    Pat McNalley, one of the foremost members of the Arkansas bar, is now
practicing at El Dorado, where he enjoys an enviable reputation as a most
learned and successful attorney. He is a native of Dublin, Ireland, where his
birth occurred on the 21st of February, 1867, his parents being Michael and
Elizabeth (O'Neill) McNalley. It was in the year 1880 that they emigrated to the
United States, first taking up their abode near Erie, Pennsylvania, while
subsequently they removed to Indianapolis, Indiana, where they spent the
remainder of their lives. Michael McNalley, who devoted his attention to
railroad work after coming to the new world, passed away in 1896, five years
prior to the demise of his wife, which occurred in 1901.

    Pat McNalley, who was a lad of thirteen years when he came to this country
with his parents, completed a public school education by graduation from the
Indianapolis high school as a member of the class of 18S7. His professional
training was received as a student in the Indiana Law School, from which
institution he was graduated in 1895. Prior to entering upon preparation for a
legal career, however, he had learned the painter's trade, had taught school and
had been otherwise employed. Following his admission to the bar he took a trip
to Ireland and after his return to the United States located at Danville,
Indiana, where he was actively and successfully engaged in the practice of law
until 1903. He then took another trip to his native land, and on again returning
to this country located for practice at El Dorado, Arkansas, here continuing
until 1915, after which he spent five years in the development of some silver
mining properties which he owned in Arizona and in Mexico. In November, 1920, he
came back to El Dorado and here practiced his profession in partnership with
Judge R. G. Harper until the latter's death on the 30th of August, 1921, since
which time he has been alone. The zeal with which he has devoted his energies to
his profession, the careful regard evinced for the interests of his clients and
an assiduous and unrelaxing attention to all the details of his cases, have
brought him a large business and made him very successful in its conduct. His
arguments have elicited warm commendation not only from his associates at the
bar but also from the bench. He is a very able writer; his briefs always show
wide research, careful thought and the best and strongest reasons which can he
urged for his contention, presented in cogent and logical form and illustrated
by a style unusually lucid and clear. Mr. McNalley belongs to the Union County
Bar Association, while his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the
Catholic church. He is highly esteemed in both social and professional circles
of the community in which he makes his home, his course having ever been such as
to commend him to the confidence and regard of those with whom he has been

Additional Comments:
Centennial History of Arkansas
Volume II
Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

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