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Pulaski-Drew County ArArchives Biographies.....Matthews, Justin 
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Robert Sanchez July 15, 2009, 10:59 am

Author: S. J. Clarke (Publisher, 1922)

    Justin Matthews, a Little Rock capitalist, is one of the most enterprising
and successful business men of Arkansas. His birth occurred at Monticello, Drew
county, this state, December 23, 1875, his parents being Samuel James and Anna
(Wilson) Matthews, whose family numbered six daughters and three sons, of whom
three daughters and all of the sons are yet living. The father was both an
attorney and horticulturist and was prominent in connection with many events
which have left their impress upon the history of the state. In 1874 he was a
delegate to the constitutional convention and during an active life he did not a
little to shape public thought and opinion.

    Justin Matthews acquired his early education in the public schools of
Monticello, Arkansas, and afterward continued his studies in the Hindman
University School at Monticello. His life has been one of intense and well
directed activity. Throughout his entire career his industry has been untiring,
and he has quickly recognized and utilized opportunities for advancing his
business affairs and has just as quickly put forth equally effective effort for
the welfare and progress of the state. He has demonstrated his faith in Little
Rock and her future by large investment in property in this city until his
holdings are now very extensive. "His father, Samuel James Matthews, was a man
of substance, of high integrity and strong character and was particularly
notable as a man of intellectual independence. Justin Matthews has inherited
many of these sterling traits and has the same intellectual independence, which
enables him to pursue a course which he believes to be right without considering
public opinion or swerving from his position because of the criticism of others.
He thinks out individually and he has achieved his purpose through determined
effort wisely directed. He has been the champion of many public improvements in
the state and particularly in connection with the development of good roads. It
has been said of him that none has done more to put through the present good
roads program of Arkansas and that he is an enthusiast in his faith in the
larger future of Little Rock and the state." One of the most prominent public
improvements with which he has been actively identified is the Broadway bridge
and he is accredited with being the father of the scheme. In 1913 he commenced
single handed to work for the construction of this bridge and his efforts have
been crowned with success for now it is well under way and before long it will
be completed.

    On the 16th of January, 1900, in the capital city, Mr. Matthews was married
to Miss Agnes Somers, who was born in Pulaski county, Arkansas, in 18S0. They
have become parents of six children, four living, namely: Justin, born in 1901;
John Pope; Henrietta Ann; and Somers.

    Politically Mr. Matthews is a democrat, having given unswerving allegiance
to the party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He belongs to
the Country Club and those who meet him socially as well as those with whom he
comes in contact in a business way regard him as a forceful, capable and
representative citizen, one whose well formulated plans are carried steadily
forward to success—plans which have not only been of great individual benefit
but have also constituted a potent element in the growth and progress of
community and commonwealth.

Additional Comments:
Centennial History of Arkansas
Volume II
Chicago-Little Rock: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company

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