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Marion Co AR   Newspaper Abstract
Marion County, Arkansas - Mountain Echo Newspaper
June 1890

Submitted by: Gladys Horn Brown


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Gladys Horn Brown
For all to freely enjoy, I gladly share these, and future issues,
in memory of my grandmother, Ora Noe Wootton (1877-1951), the 
daughter of Andrew Jackson Noe and Emeline Patterson, Yellville,
Marion County, Arkansas.  <see Copyright Notice Above>

Mtn. Echo, June 1, 1890

Rube Burrows has been captured and is now on trial.

Kilrain served out his time and has been released.  He says 
he was well treated in Miss., and that Sullivan is the 
hardest hitter in the world.

A car went through a drawbridge at Oakland, Cal., May 30th 
and about twenty persons were dropped into San Francisco 
Bay and drowned.

It is almost certain that the state of Louisiana will not 
re-charter the Louisiana Lottery.

Snowden Smith, of Prarie Grove, died May 30th of 
Hydrophobia.  He was bitten over a year ago by a small 
black dog.  He died in great agony.

Ex-Senator Charles W. Jones, of Florida, has been adjudged 
insane by Probate Judge Durfee, of Detroit, and was 
committed to St. Joseph's Retreat.


Dr. Bryan's father and mother are visiting him.

Abe McVey has been appointed gauger, vice E. T. Record 

We forgot to say that B. M. Estes and daughter were 
visiting relatives here last week.

H. E. Sharpe, of Lead Hill, last week married Miss 
Elizabeth Cooper.

LOCAL ECHOINGS [Big portions of the left side of the Local 
Echoings column are torn out or black.)

___ blacksmith by the name of ____nk, of Rea Valley, was 
arrested last Tuesday, charged with wife beating.  We have 
not learned how the trial ended.

Dr. J. M. Coker will address the Democrats of Water Creek 
Township on Friday, June 13, at 1:00 p.m., on the live 
issues of the day.

The undersigned has a good buggy and a good heavy hack 
which he desires to sell cheap for cash or exchange for 
horse property.  Charley Wilson.
J. T. Dysart last Wednesday captured a tarantula, 
centipede, and a stinging lizard.  He has preserved them in 
alcohol and values them highly.

George Wilkinson and John and George Hawkins were arrested 
last Monday charged with stealing honey from Zeke Hampton. 
The prosecuting witnesses failed to appear, on account of a 
misunderstanding, and the boys were released.

There is talk of organizing a Christian Church in town.  We 
hope the enterprise will be a success.  There are about 30 
members of that church in and near to town and it seems to 
us that they should organize, and if possible, build a nice 
church here.  This would encourage a great many good people 
of that denomination to locate with us.

We have it on the very best authority that Whitfield Harris 
has ordered a new mill, of 40 barrel capacity. He will set 
it up at the old Weast water mill about a mile south of 
town.  It will of course be run by water power.  Of course 
The Echo of a few weeks ago had nothing to do in bringing 
this about, but don't it look a little singular that the 
mill was ordered in a short time after we began to agitate 
the matter?

A young man by the name of Wootton, was arrested at Oakland 
charged with stealing a pair of pants that someone else had 
just bought of Geo. Layton. He was tried before Squire Rea 
last Monday and fined $10 and sentenced five days in the 
county jail.  The water spout at Fayetteville raised White 
river so high that the officer has not been able as yet to 
cross over, but it is expected that young Wootton will be 
placed in jail today.


Editor Echo: Having seen nothing in your valuable paper 
from this place in some time I will give you a few dots.  
Health was never better.  Weather magnificent.  Bill Tuttle 
has gone to Harrison.  Wonder what for. The big rain Friday 
night and Saturday got a move on the farmers of this 
section. This week they are just simply brindling and the 
grass is too. We went a fishing yesterday, but didn't get 
enough to divide.

John Noe and John Stanley are sinking a couple of shafts 
for J. T. Dysart, just above the Masonic hall, on the 
property leased from "Uncle Jack" Noe.  We sincerely hope 
that Mr. Dysart will strike a big body of mineral.  If he 
does, Yellville will boom as never before.

Mtn. Echo, June 13, 1890

News comes from Ozark, Mo., that George Middleton has 
killed his brother Bill.  It seems that George had made an 
assault on Bill's wife, and that Bill, on learning the 
fact, went to George's house and assaulted him with a 
knife.  George responded by shooting his brother dead.  The 
boys are nephews of Wash Middleton, the Balk Knobber Chief, 
who was killed a year or two ago by Jim Holt.

A Mrs. Conklin, living near Brentwood, 16 miles south of 
Fayetteville, last week attempted to cross the west fork of 
White river on horseback, carrying her baby in her lap and 
two little boys behind her.  The girth of her saddle broke 
and the mother and the three little children were thrown 
into the torrent.  The mother succeeded in getting to hand 
with the babe, but the two little boys were drowned.  The 
mother is almost crazed with grief.


Health good.  Corn and cotton look fine.  Wheat poor and 
oats almost a failure.  Wheat will be ready to harvest next 
week.  We had a splendid rain Sunday.  J. F. Campbell says 
he has the finest cotton on the creek.  P. B. Campbell and 
T. J. Anderson say they have found the Old Indian cave on 
White river.  All the vacant lands up here have been 
covered with mining claims. Northern mining men are coming 
in all the time.  J. W. Smith is at Springfield on 
business.  T. H. Flippin was at Monarch last Monday shaking 
hands with the boys. -- Subscriber.


Yellville has determined to have the grandest celebration 
on July 4th that has ever been given in Marion county.  An 
enthusiastic meeting of the citizens was held last Tuesday 
night at the court house.  G. W. McDowell was elected 
Chairman, W. R. Jones was elected Secretary.  Several 
speeches were made of an encouraging and enthusiastic 
nature, and it was voted unanimously to have a celebration 
on the 4th of July, prepare a Barbecue, invite good 
speakers, secure, if possible, a good Brass Band, collect a 
great mineral display, and invite everybody to come, from 
far and near, and enjoy our hospitality and have a good 

Over $50 in cash was subscribed at once and a committee, 
consisting of W. Q. Seawel, J. S. Cowdrey, Dr. J. M. Coker, 
J. C. Berry, Dr. Bryan and W. R. Jones, was appointed to 
wait on the citizens who were not present and secure 
additional funds and grub to feed the vast multitude that 
will be present.

A committee consisting of J. C. Berry, Dr. Coker and J. S. 
Cowdrey, was selected to secure the speakers of the day.  

The meeting then adjourned to meet next Monday evening, 
when full arrangements will be completed for the grand 
celebration that is now sure to be held.  In the meantime, 
everyone is urged to exert himself to the fullest extent to 
make this movement a grand success.

LOCAL ECHOINGS [Big portions of the left side of the Local 
Echoings column are torn out or black.)

Sheriff Poynter reports a bran new girl at his house.

Roney Davis came back this week and will remain in school 
to the close.

Henry Berry, of Stone Co., Mo., is visiting his uncle, J. 
H. Berry, and other relatives here.

Rev. J. S. Hackler, of Lead Hill, was in Yellville last 
Saturday.  He made The Echo office a very pleasant call.

S. W. Woods has secured the south east room of the Court 
house for a law office, and will move into it as soon as it 
is finished.

You can tell everybody I have just received a nice 
assortment of Summer Hats, with Ribbons, Laces, Tips, Side 
Combs, Wreathes and Flowers, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs and 
Embroidery, etc.  Call and see me. -- Sadie Wilson

Elsworth Garble, a young man living near Harrison, was 
drowned while fishing in Long creek, Carroll county, one 
day last week.  He and some other young men were carrying a 
seine when he stepped into a deep hole of water and being 
unable to swim was drowned.  He was 29 years old and 

A little over a week ago a dog belonging to Fate Hand, of 
Onset, went mad and bit several dogs and other property in 
Rea Valley.  It then came up through Yellville and bit a 
dog for Henry Hudson and tried to bite several other 
things.  It was killed near Flippin.  It is now about time 
for its bit to take effect.  Look out.

J. W. Brady, of Powell, is paying for six copies of The 
Echo and sending them out of the county.

W. J. Teaff, of the same place, is paying for four copies 
and sending them to his friends in other states.

J. F. Davis, also of Powell, has secured us more 
subscribers than anyone else, however, we have many friends 
that have each secured us enough subscribes to place under 
lasting obligations to them.


On last Saturday morning about a dozen young people, "on 
pleasure bent," left Yellville expecting to meet a similar 
party, from Mountain Home, at Denton's ferry.  We arrived 
at the beautiful and romantic river about 10 o'clock and 
was pleased to find our Mountain Home friends waiting for 
us on the west bank of the river.  A pleasant introduction 
followed and soon all the young folks of both parties felt 
as well acquainted with each other as if they had been 
associating together for years.

The whole party then crossed over to the Baxter county 
side.  Miss Lillie Brooks furnished the party with warm 
coffee and Misses Horton, Brooks, Casey, Livingston, Dyer, 
Truman, Layton, Hurst and others arranged the dinner which 
was highly appreciated by all present.  

About this time an incident occurred that can best be 
explained by Miss Ada Layton and Miss Rose Brooks who were 
in possession of Dr. Simpson's cart.

The evening was spent in boat riding, buggy and horseback 
riding, strolling, "gathering shells from the seashore," 
and numerous other sports, appropriate to such occasions.

About 6 o'clock the party began to break up.  Hand shakings 
and happy partings were indulged in, the Mountain Home 
party came down the river bank with our party, and when we 
were about half way across the river, hats and 
handkerchiefs were waved by both parties, and each then 
turned their faces homeward, feeling that they had spent a 
pleasant and happy day.

We wish to extend our thanks to the young ladies and 
gentlemen of Mountain Home for courtesies shown us, and 
also to Mr. Barb for kindly allowing us the free use of his 

We hope to meet our friends again in the near future.

Mae Cravens, Fannie Cravens, Ada Layton, Virgie Layton, 
Flora Layton, Oma Woodward, Anna Hurst, Kilgore Horn, John 
Horn, Quimby Seawel, Marion Seawel, John O'Neal and Charley 
Wilson, Committee.
The closing exercises of the Yellville Institute begin on 
Thursday the 26th of June and ending on Sunday the 29th.  
Examination Thursday and Friday.  Sermon Thursday night by 
Rev. T. M. Martin and on Sunday, 29th, by Rev. P. B. 
Summers.  A cordial invitation is extended to all, and it 
is hoped a large number will be in attendance.  T. W. 
Harris, Prin.

Mtn. Echo, June 27, 1890


Rev. Wm. Biggs was in town last Sunday.  

Rev. J. H. Wade is in town and will stay for the closing 
exercises of the school.

"Lige" is the happy father of a bran new girl.  He can now 
shave a man in one half the usual time.

LOCAL ECHOINGS [Big portions of the left side of the Local 
Echoings column are torn out or black.)

Mrs. G. W. Chase, of Fayetteville, is visiting her husband 
who is pushing work on his mining property in Rush creek.

J. A. Young was down in Fulton county last week.  He says 
Hudgins is sure to carry that county.

D. L. Stockton's family, of Mountain Home, is visiting 
relatives here this week.  They came over to be at the 
close of the school.

Miss Lou Horton, of Mountain Home, is visiting friends here 
this week.  She will remain for the closing exercises of 
our school.

We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers 
this week to the professional card of Dr. Sims.  The doctor 
has been engaged in dentistry for 18 years, and before he 
began to study "perpetual motion," did a vast amount of 
work.  He is now pleasantly located upstairs in the marble 
front and will be ready at all times to accommodate the 
public.  We wish the doctor success.

In this issue of The Echo will be found the announcement of 
J. T. Montgomery as a candidate for County and Probate 
Judge. Mr. Montgomery is a young man, has a very good 
education and has devoted some time to the study of law.  
He, therefore, ought to be qualified for the position he 
seeks.  He, if elected, will remove to Yellville and be 
ready at all times to accommodate the public.  He is a 
staunch Democrat, and if elected, will certainly make us a 
good judge.

For the last 12 years Barb and Denton have been operating a 
ferry on White river.  The river at this place divides 
Baxter and Marion counties.  During the past 11 years 
Baxter county has collected the license tax and kept every 
cent of it, although the ferry is as much in Marion county 
as it is in Baxter.  This year Mr. Barb took out license in 
this county and refused to pay any license to Baxter.  A 
few days ago, the sheriff of Baxter county came down and 
seized the boat and has it advertised for sale.  Mr. Barb 
believes he is in the right and will sue the sheriff of 
Baxter for damages and we glory in Tom's spunk.

Mrs. W. Q. Seawel gave the people of the town a charming 
party last Saturday night.  Plenty of refreshments were on 
hand and the young folks enjoyed themselves highly.  This 
is the first party that Mrs. Seawel has given, and the 
young people are perfectly delighted with her.  She strove 
to make her guests enjoy themselves and she succeeded in 
capturing every one of them. Although Mrs. Seawel has lived 
a very quiet life here, it is well known that she is a lady 
of high culture, and now that she begins to feel more at 
home among us, we hope she will take an active interest in 
helping to elevate and polish our society.  The young 
people also speak very highly of the kindness and attention 
shown them by Mrs. Seawel.

A very painful, though not dangerous, accident occurred 
near Bruno last week.  It seems that a relative of Reese 
Scrivner, who was visiting him, had a self-acting revolver 
in his valise.  When he first came to Mr. Scrivner's the 
revolver was emptied and the family handled it with 
impunity.  A while after his arrival he got some cartridges 
and loaded it, not telling the family of this fact.  Last 
Friday, two of Mr. Scrivner's daughters, one a little girl 
and the other nearly grown, got to fooling with the weapon.  
The older girl pressed on the trigger and the revolver, 
being self-acting, was discharged, the ball striking her 
little sister just below the knew and coming out about the 
ankle passing through the fleshy part of the leg.


The following will be the programme for the Celebration to 
be held in Yellville July 4th.  The services will begin at 
10 o'clock. 1. Music led by Mrs. E. L. Berry.  2. Prayer by 
Rev. D. C. Ross. 3. Declaration of Independence, read by A. 
W. Wickersham. 4. Music led by Mrs. Berry.  5. Speech by J. 
C. Floyd.  6. Dinner.  7. Speeches, by Judge R. H. Powell 
and Hon. B. B. Hudgins, candidates for Circuit Judge.
The political speaking will begin about 2 o'clock.


Health is good.  Crops are fine.  Corn will be mostly laid 
by this week.  Wheat was some better than expected.

The mining boom still continues.  We can hear blasting 
going on every day, and some fine mineral is being found.  
A mining company composed of T. H. Flippin, C. C. Poynter, 
T. J. Smith, W. C. Smith and J. W. Smith will soon be 
formed.  We have 18 fine claims.  

Elders W. B. Flippin and J. E. Rose held an interesting 
meeting near Dodd city last Sunday. There were several 
additions to the church.

Your correspondent learned that a car load of tools was put 
off at Chadwick and that the work of the extending the 
Chadwick branch will begin at once.  --Subscriber--

M. W. Platt will move to his new home near Dodd city. The 
ease with which he found a home ought to induce hundreds of 
good emigrants to come to Arkansas.  He arrived here from 
Nebraska a little over a month ago and immediately began to 
look around for land upon which he could begin the small 
fruit industry.  About a mile this side of Dodd city he 
found just what he wanted.  He found 80 acres of rich pine 
land among the hills, the northern slopes which were 
covered with huckleberries, dewberries, gooseberries, 
strawberries, raspberries and other small fruits growing 
wild.  He knew that if this land would produce small fruit 
without cultivation it would, by cultivation, bring great 
results.  On inquiry, he found that the land belonged to 
the Government and he at once homesteaded it. Thus, he got 
80 acres of fine fruit land, a large part of which will 
also produce grain, at least $500 worth of pine timber and 
two splendid springs of water, all for $7.50, provided he 
lives on it five years or he can pay for it at $1.25 per 
acre after he has lived on it six months.  Mr. Platt will 
also put up a tin shop and try to get the canning industry 
started in that portion of the county.  There are in this 
county thousands of acres of just such land as Mr. Platt 
secured that can yet be homesteaded.  Let those who want a 
home come here and get, plant a lot of fruit, and as soon 
as railroad transportation is secured, their fruit farms 
will bring them a fortune.  We might further add that Mr. 
Platt can work in the mines, which are nearby, every day 
that he can spare from his home work.  He is perfectly 
delighted with his new home and would not leave this 
climate for any consideration.