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Marion Co AR   Newspaper Abstract
Marion County, Arkansas - Mountain Echo Newspaper
November 1889

Submitted by: Gladys Horn Brown


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Gladys Horn Brown
For all to freely enjoy, I gladly share these, and future issues,
in memory of my grandmother, Ora Noe Wootton (1877-1951), the 
daughter of Andrew Jackson Noe and Emeline Patterson, Yellville,
Marion County, Arkansas.  <see Copyright Notice Above>

Mtn. Echo, November 1, 1889


Charley Wilson has taken a relapse and is very sick again.

Mayor Berry has gone to Eureka Springs to meet his wife, 
who has been visiting her mother at Washington City for 
several weeks.

The young folks have organized a Literary Society.  It will 
meet every Friday night.  We wish the society success.

"Uncle" John Thompson is still able to walk to town.  He 
bears his affliction with a resignation and heroism that is 
remarked by all.

Notice is hereby given that after this date I will not be 
responsible for any debts that Charity Smith may contract.   
F. M. Smith 

While here on business last Saturday, David Teaff, of 
Powell, received a kick from a horse that came very nearly 
breaking his leg.  Dr. Noe bandaged his leg and he rode 
home.  We have not heard from him since.

Mr. J. S. Duncan, brother to W. M. Duncan, now at Eureka 
Springs, is here and will remain for awhile in the bank of 
Harrison, but will finally go to Yellville in the banking 
business.  Boone Banner.

Have your cotton ginned at Yellville by J. W. Pierce.  He 
will gin for the 15th or $3 per bale cash, and will wrap it 
as cheap or cheaper than any one else.  He is also making 
extra good flour and meal.  Give him a call.

R. W. Perry, of George's Creek, brought in the finest sweet 
potatoes, Irish potatoes and Ben Davis apples that we have 
seen this year.  He has more than enough of each to do him 
a year.  Mr. Perry is a thrifty farmer and has paid for The 
Echo to June 5, 1891.

Our new bank will be ready for business in less than a 

Brick work on the new bank building began last Friday.  It 
will be pushed to a rapid completion.

R. E. Stafford has sold his farm near the mouth of Greasy 
to Len Adams.  Mr. Stafford will start to Texas next week.

Mrs. Dr. Hart, of Mtn. Home, came over last Friday to see 
her sister, Mrs. Amanda Macy, who is visiting relatives 
here.  Mrs. Hart was accompanied by her son.

The rock foundation of the new High School building elicits 
admiration from all who see it.  It is the best foundation 
of its size we have ever seen.  And it is not so small 

Judge Flippin, and Elder George, of Baxter Co., paid us a 
pleasant visit last Friday.  Bro. George is a most 
successful evangelist.  He is a very pleasant gentleman, 
and made a very favorable impression on us.

McBride is now hauling brick from his new kiln.  This is 
the third kiln he has burned this year and it is the finest 
brick we have seen in Arkansas.  He will complete the court 
house and bank building at once.  He is making another kiln 
which he will use to build the Layton marble front.

Yellville still booms.  More men are at work improving the 
town than in any other town of its size in the state.  This 
boom lived through the hot months, and will now live all 
winter, and if we are not greatly mistaken, next season 
will see Yellville on a regular city boom.

Engineer George Chase, of Fayetteville, paid us another 
pleasant visit this week.  He laid off a new town up in 
Boone last week.  It is on Mr. E. J. Rhodes' land and will 
probably be named for that enterprising gentleman.  Mr. 
Chase says the mineral prospects on Sugar Loaf are very 
flattering.  Several Springfield capitalists are investing 
up there.

J. S. Duncan, a young capitalist of Pennsylvania, who will 
probably have an interest in our new bank, came over from 
Harrison with Mayor Berry last Friday, and stayed over till 
Sunday.  He made us a pleasant call, and assured us he had 
fully made up his mind to locate here permanently.  There 
is no better spot on earth for a young man to invest his 
money than in Marion County, the "Birmingham of the west."

Mr. G. W. Chase, who is largely interested in the Rush 
creek mines south of Yellville was in to see the Banner 
crew this week.  He says they have as fine prospects as he 
ever saw in any country, and that arrangements are being 
perfected by which large capitalists will take hold there 
in the matter of developing, etc.  Mr. Chase is an 
energetic and thorough going business man and pushes 
everything which he takes hold of.  Boone Banner.

"Uncle Jim" Wickersham has done a grand work for the county 
by his indefatigable labors in getting our Court house 
built.  With very little money in the county treasury, he 
has secured subscriptions enough to complete a building 
that would have cost $30 000 000 in county script.  Uncle 
Jim has rode all over the county to get these 
subscriptions.  They are now due, and he asks each one to 
come in and pay without putting him to further trouble.  
This is a sacred debt and should be settled promptly.

In our issue between Christmas and New Year, we want to 
give the name, P.O. address and occupation of every citizen 
that has ever lived in Marion county who is now living 
outside the county.  Not being acquainted with the people 
of the past, we will have to depend entirely on our 
friends.  Let everyone who has a relative or friend that 
once lived in this county, but is now living elsewhere, 
come in and give me the name, address and occupation of 
such relative or friend.  If you can't come in write us.  
We will begin taking the names this week. [Transcriber 
note: No such listing was found in December issues.]

Sheriff Poynter and Deputy Sheriff Drake got back from 
Little Rock last Sunday.  Blankinship gave them no trouble.  
They left him wearing striped clothes and pounding iron.  
Blankinship is a good carpenter and will be put at that 
trade soon.  He seemed to be cheerful and went to work 
without any trouble.  Sheriff Poynter says he met with J. 
C. Higgs, J. G. Adams and Dr. McCurry.  They are in the 
medical school and are getting along nicely.  Haywood 
Chafin, who was confined in the state prison from the 
county last spring, was sick.  Dave Hampton was out on the 
farm and could not be seen.  Mr. Poynter visited the blind 
school, and met with our blind boys.  Jimmy Baker is 
learning rapidly, being ..[cut off at the bottom of the 

Rev. D. C. Ross did more to get up the boom at Yellville 
last spring than any one else.  He it was that got the 
church house on foot, and he did more to get the High 
School located here than any one else.  He starts to 
Conference soon.  If his salary is not paid in full, it 
should be before he starts.  It would be ingratitude in us 
to do otherwise.

Mtn. Echo, November 15, 1889


Mrs. W. I. LeFevers is very sick this week.

Ben Fee has had a chimney put to his house, and proposes to 
keep warm this winter.

R. E. Swafford started to Texas last Monday.  Mr. Swafford 
was one of our best citizens and we regret to lose him.  
However, we wish him success.

Kenner Estes has been over at Mtn. Home several days.  He 
acted as Devil in the Citizen office while there.  Kenner 
is a splendid boy and should learn the printing business.

K. L. Estes of Yellville is visiting his uncle here, J. M. 
Cantrell.  He has also rendered us valuable assistance in 
the office this week.  By the way, we can say that he is 
the finest pensman in north Arkansas.  Baxter County 

Henry Woodward and A. B. Cheek, of Harrison, are here doing 
the fine painting on the college building for Mr. Johnson. 
[unable to finish]

[Most of the newspaper is so faded as to be impossible to 
read most of it.  Effort is being made to search through it 
for any births, deaths, marriages, etc.]

Dr. Noe has returned from a visit to West Plains.

Uncle Jim Cypret brought in two of the largest turnips we 
have ever seen just as we were going to press.  We will 
give full particulars next week.

Mayor Berry and wife returned home last Saturday.  They 
will live with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Berry until the bank 
building is completed, after which they will make their 
home on the second floor of the structure.

Isam Cantrell is on the sick list this week.

There was another wedding in town last night.  Rev. Wm. 
Biggs was married to Miss Eliza Hudson.  We wish the happy 
parties every kind of success and happiness.

Married November 14th at the residence of the bride's 
father, J. H. Berry, Rev. D. C. Ross officiating, Miss Mary 
Berry of this place to Mr. W. J. Gear of Springfield.  They 
happy couple departed for Springfield after partaking of a 
bountiful repast.  We wish them success and a most happy 

[The remainder of this page is too faded to transcribe.]

Mtn. Echo, November 22, 1889


Harvey Hathcock, of Udall, Mo., was in town last week.  He 
made us a pleasant call.

Some of Charley Brunson's family have been very sick for 
several weeks but they are better now.

Dr. Wilson brought a stalk of corn to our office that is 15 
feet long.  Who can beat it?

Nick Miller is doing some of the stone lettering for the 
Yellville bank.

Misses Irene Wilson and Ada Layton made The Echo a pleasant 
call last Tuesday evening.

We received a letter from J. C. Higgs last week.  He is 
getting along nicely at the medical college.

Mrs. Amanda Macy and her daughter, Miss Carrie Oliver, came 
to Yellville from Rally Hill last week.

Huddle & McHargue, Powell, Ark., will do your horse shoeing 
and wagon repairing in first class order, on short notice.

Rev. J. H. Wade preached at Yellville last Sunday night.  
He will preach next Sunday and Sunday night.

Hon. J. C. Floyd was honored by being appointed by Governor 
Eagle as a Delegate to the Silver Conventions which meet at 
St. Louis on the 26th of this month.  

J. H. Davenport at the H. L. Standly old stand, will 
furnish his customers cotton bagging and ties for $1.25 per 
pattern, and gin their cotton and put it up in first class 

Thomas Harris and W. M. Butler, of Prairie Grove, brought 
in a load of household furniture for Prof. Harris last 
Monday night.  Mrs. Harris and the children will come in 
about three weeks.  The Prof. cannot be here till the very 
last of the year as his school does not close till 
Christmas Eve.

Last Tuesday morning we learned that Dr. Sims had at last 
solved the problem of Perpetual Motion.  We immediately 
called on the doctor and was informed by him that he had 
made the discovery about three weeks before.  He says he 
has completely overcome gravity by using 12 bodies, each of 
which ...[The rest of this is not legible.]

Rev. W. L. Downing has been in town a few days this week.  
He preached last Tuesday night.

Mtn. Echo, November 29, 1889


R. F. Patterson went to Harrison last week.  He returned 

We neglected to state last week that J. W. Pierce had again 
become a resident of our town.

McBride, we think, deserves great credit for the pains he 
has taken with the brick work here.  The court house is 
simply a beauty.

Misses Virgie and Flora Layton gave their little friends a 
party last Monday night which was a very enjoyable affair.

Clint Butler will remain permanently as a clerk at Henry 
Young's and Ben Ward will hold the same position at 

Pat Carson has been sick for several weeks but is able to 
be up now.  He has also had considerable sickness in his 

H. E. Noe has been sick for several weeks, but was able to 
come to town last Saturday.  He will teach this winter at 
the Hurst.

We neglected to mention Scott Benton, John O'Neal and 
Garrett Patterson in naming those who helped us with our 

[This page is too faded. No deaths, births or marriages 
could be seen by this reader.]