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Marion Co AR   Newspaper Abstract
Marion County, Arkansas - Mountain Echo Newspaper
October 1887

Submitted by: Gladys Horn Brown


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Gladys Horn Brown
For all to freely enjoy, I gladly share these, and future issues,
in memory of my grandmother, Ora Noe Wootton (1877-1951), the 
daughter of Andrew Jackson Noe and Emeline Patterson, Yellville,
Marion County, Arkansas.  <see Copyright Notice Above>

Mtn. Echo, October 7, 1887

	A Kansas man says of the Woman Suffrage experiment tried 
there, that the doubtful and objectionable class of women vote 
every time, while hardly a tenth of the better class vote at all.
	It is both asserted and denied that Mrs. Cleveland snubbed 
Gov. Foraker, of Ohio, but if she failed to do so she missed the 
opportunity of her life to snub the smallest specimen of his race 
in this country.
	The New Orleans Times Democrat says: "A colored blacksmith, 
who works everyday at his forge and who is 100 years old, is a 
resident of Ozan, Ark.  His name is Perkins.  He was sold on the 
block in New Orleans and taken to Arkansas in 1840."
	Sam Branchomb waylaid and shot a man by the name of 
Hardcastle in Stone county, near Calico Rock, on the 17th inst., 
the ball penetrating his breast near the right nipple, from which 
he died next day.  Trouble seems to have grown out of a refusal 
on the part of Hardcastle, who was a blacksmith, to fix 
Branchomb's gun, some angry words having been passed on Saturday 
before the shooting was done on Sunday.  Hardcastle had started 
to leave the country with his family and was driving along the 
public road, when he was shot by the cold bloodied assassin with 
a Winchester rifle, from a place where he had been prepared to do 
the awful deed, by cutting the brush out of the way.  The gun 
used is the same one with which little Jack Wolf was killed.  
Branchomb was immediately arrested and acknowledged to the 
killing.  He was taken to Mtn. View and chained down in jail and 
guards placed around the jail.  Court being then in session, we 
learn from Mr. L. D. Horton, who left there last week, that he 
was to be tried at this term of court, which will no doubt result 
in his conviction of murder in the first degree, and he be 
required to pay the just penalty of his desperate and cowardly 
deed. -- Baxter County Citizen

Bro. Newman, of the Harrison Times, rejoices over the arrival of 
a bouncing baby boy at his house.  The editor is said to be doing
 as well as could be expected under such circumstances.

Hangman Malidon Relates Some Experiences of His Line of Business.
	Ft. Smith, Sept. 27th - There is probably but one man in 
the world who has been the chief actor in the execution of fifty-
two men, and that is George B. Malidon, of this city, who has 
prepared the ropes and attended to the preliminary arrangements 
for the haning of the numerous criminals who have met their fate
here, fifty-two in all.
	"The first man I ever had anything to do with," said he, 
"was John Childers, who was executed August 13, 1873.  A singular 
incident of this execution was that when Childers was taken from 
the jail to the gallows, the sun was shining beautifully.  While 
the ceremonies on the gallows were being held, a storm came up, 
and just as the trap was sprung, the keenest flash of lightening 
I ever saw rent the air, accompanied by a tremendous clap of 
thunder.  By the time the body was cut down the storm had spent 
its fury, and the sun was again shining brightly.
	Chatting on his general experience he exclaimed: "Indians 
are less trouble than whites, and seldom give their keepers any 
annoyance.  They walk out to the gallows without a murmur, seldom 
make any talk, and the job is soon over.  John Billy, a full 
blooded Choctaw, who was hung, I think, the same year that John 
Childers was, displayed more feeling than any Indian I ever saw,
 and was so troublesome that it became necessary to chain him to 
a post in a room over the courthouse.  He would beg me to shoot 
him every time I went about him.  He died game though, and was 
defiant and stoical.  Two other Indians were hung at the same 
time Billy was.
	Six was the largest number I ever hanged at one time, and 
they were, with one exception, fine looking young men -- Wm. 
Moore, Dan Evans, Sam Fooy, Wm. Willington, whites; Sunaker
 Mankiller, Cherokee, and Ed Campbell, a Negro boy.  Moore, was 
the first man I ever saw go off mad.  He glanced over the immense 
crowd surrounding the gallows defiantly, and when asked if he had 
anything to say, remarked that there were worse men than he 
standing around looking on.  A striking contrast to Moore; 
however, was Sam Fooy, whose mother, wife and children, were near 
at hand, and who was well acquainted with many who had come to 
see him hanged.  During the ceremonies on the gallows he stood 
facing the crowd with a pleasant smile on his face, nodding his 
head frequently as his eye caught that of some friend.  When 
asked if he desired to say anything, he glanced around and said 
in a pleasant tone of voice: "I am as anxious to have this thing 
over with as those who have assembled to see it and therefore 
will not delay matters.  Farewell to all."  There would have been 
seven to be hanged this time, but Ed. Buttler, a Negro, attempted 
to escape after receiving sentence, and was killed by a guard.  
There have been five hung at one time on two different occasions 
since this execution.
	"The nicest man I ever pulled a black cap over was Dr. 
Henry Stewart, who was hung in 1879, I think for the murder of 
Dr. Jones at Caddo, Choctaw Nation.  He was a polished gentleman 
in appearance, and well educated.  He displayed extraordinary 
nerve all the way through, asked no special favors and complained 
at nothing.  On the gallows he had little to say and was much 
less nervous than those who surrounded him.  Bill Elliott, known 
as 'Colorado Bill,' was hung with him and also displayed great 
courage, saying he had killed his man in self defense, and if it 
was to do over again he would do the same thing.  As I was 
adjusting the ropes, Elliott said: "for God's sake, boys, break 
our necks -- don't punish us."

	Mr. J. H. Berry is putting up an ice house.
	Misses. Kate and "Dick" Coye, late of Texas, have gone over 
to Mtn. Home to visit friends.
	Miss Lillie McDowell went up to Harrison last Saturday and 
will remain until after the grand Fair.  
	Mr. Z. M. Horton, the handsome attorney of Mtn. Home, was 
attending county court this week.
	Mr. B. F. Thompson, one of Marion's best young men, has 
been granted a certificate to teach school by the County 
	The first quarter of Prof. Jones' school having expired 
last Friday, he gave vacation this week.  School will commence 
again next Monday morning.
	Mr. J. J. Morrow, of this county, has gone to Little Rock 
to attend the medical school.  He is one of Marion county's 
promising young men and we wish him much success.
	Mrs. Fannie Young and baby started on Monday morning to 
Memphis, Tenn., where she will join her husband, who is engaged 
in the sewing machine business in that city.
	Constable L. S. Glenn, of Prairie township, was in town 
Monday.  He said his business was to turn over some fines to the 
county treasurer for some of the "boys" in his township.
	Newt. Matthews, of James Creek, was in town Monday.  He had 
been appointed deputy assessor to take up the delinquents of his 
township and came in to turn over the list he had taken up.
	A Carroll county couple have entered for the matrimonial 
premium offered by the Harrison Fair Association.  They are to be 
married on the grounds Friday.  The premium is a cook stove, set 
of table ware and five dollars in gold, and a few other household 
articles.  For some reason, a "crib" was left out of the list.
	Prof. Jones has gone to housekeeping and is occupying the 
Charlie Noe house.  He moved in this week.  
	Mr. J. J. Covington, of Baxter county, spent several days
 in town last week with his sons, John "Dutch" and Charlie.  He 
was trying to sell an animal with long ears, but the county was 
already well supplied.
	The Rebecca Watkins' case will not be disposed of until The 
Echo goes to press, Wednesday evening.  It is understood she will 
be released from jail, and will be immediately arrested on a 
charge of being accessory to the murder of George Watkins.
	The Echo is put to press one day ahead of time this week so 
that the editor can attend the Harrison Fair.  An editor must 
have a little recreation as well as other animals, and 
considering the fact that we have hardly taken a holiday since we 
started The Echo, we think our patrons will not complain.
	George P. Lawson on Monday filed his resignation with the 
county court as deputy sheriff.  George has made a faithful and 
fearless officer, and resigns on account of ill health, brought 
about by the arduous work and exposure incident of the office.  
We have not learned who will be made his successor.
	The following named Yellvillites are attending the fair at 
Harrison:  Mr. A. S. Layton and children, Mrs. John S. Cowdrey 
and children, Miss Mary Berry, Dr. Lindley, Messrs: J. C. Floyd, 
Cam Berry, Charlie Wilson, John Covington and Will Weast.  Marion 
will be well represented from other sections of the county.
	The residence of J. M. Knox, a farmer living near Short 
Mountain in Marion county, was totally destroyed by fire last 
Sunday afternoon.  The family was absent and origin of fire is 
unknown.  When first discovered, the house was in flames and the 
roof falling in.  Nothing was saved.  Mr. Knox came into town 
Tuesday to purchase food and clothing for his family, they being 
dressed only in light summer clothing.  The fire is supposed to 
be the work of an incendiary. -- Lead Hill Herald 1st.

In Justice Court of Union Township - Before A. J. Noe, J. P. -- 
J. H. Berry & Son Plaintiff, against Robert Newton, defendant.
	The defendant, Robert Newton, is warned to appear in this 
court within thirty days and answer the complaint of the 
plaintiffs J. H. Berry & Sons.  This 4th day of October, 1887, 22 
st.     A. J. Noe, J. P.

Mtn. Echo, October 14, 1887

	The Arkansas School for the Blind opened on the 15th inst., 
with thirty-three scholars in attendance.
	We learn from Dr. Coker that his mother, who has been quite 
sick, is slowly mending.
	Mr. B. F. Thompson, brother to our young townsman, J. I. 
Thompson, is quite sick at his father's residence near town.
	The Rebecca Watkins' case, which again came up before Judge 
Horn on Wednesday of last week, was continued to the 15th.
	On last Thursday we passed Davis and Milum's store and 
found Frank Davis as happy as a lark.  Dr. Pierce, who was 
present, explained that Mr. Davis was rejoicing over the arrival 
of a bran new baby.
	Ben Weast, the butcher, killed a pig the other day that 
weighed over 300 pounds.  He was raised by Mr. Robt. Hurst, one 
of our most enterprising farmers.
	Dr. J. B. Sims has just finished another model of the car-
coupler, which he will patent.  It is a very ingenious 
contrivance and looks like it would work like a charm.  It is a 
self-coupler, but it is uncoupled by a cord or chain from the top 
of the car at either side.
	A very fatal disease -- a kind of fever -- has been raging 
in the country, a few miles just south of town, for the last few 
weeks.  Two brothers, George and Alvin Smith, and Mrs. Andy 
Callahan have died of the disease, and others are now prostrated 
with the dread fever.  It babbles the skill of the doctors.
	There were ten babies entered for the premium at the baby 
show at the Harrison and North Arkansas Fair.  The first prize 
was captured by Elsie Josephine Gladden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
J. A. Gladden, of Boone county.  The second prize was awarded the 
baby boy of Bro. G. L. Hailey, of the Carroll Progress.
	Mr. Joe Burlison, who lives about one mile west of George's 
Creek post office, was in town Monday, and in conversation with 
The Echo man gave his views on the county seat removal question.  
He was not in favor of the removal, notwithstanding the fact that 
George's Creek is within one mile of his residence, while 
Yellville is six miles distant.  He says he believes in doing as 
you would be done by, and that it is better for him to live six 
miles from the county seat than for a large number of others to 
have to be forced to travel twenty or thirty miles to get to 
their county seat.  Mr. Burlison is one of our best citizens, and 
owns two good farms near George's Creek.  There are numbers of 
others in the same locality of the same opinion as Mr. Burlison, 
and they are substantial citizens, too, -- men who own property.
	A special dispatch from Little Rock to the Louisville 
Courier-Journal mixes up the Hudspeth-Watkins case in a fine 
shape.  It speaks of "George Hudspeth charged with the murder of 
John Watkins" and says, Mrs. Watkins is very prepossessing; a 
brunette, with a fine figure, endowed with more than ordinary 
intelligence.  She is also courageous to an extraordinary 
degree."  Of Hudspeth, or Hedgepeth, as the correspondent has it, 
is said: "he is a man of 
some intelligence.  His manner, though rough, is not without 
attraction."  If the correspondent knew anything about the 
parties referred to he deserves to be pounded with a stuffed 
club, if not, he should have posted himself, or not have burdened 
the wires with such a story.  The crime was committed nearly a 
year ago and the facts, as far as are known, were long since made 

	A Normal class will be organized at Yellville the first 
Monday in October.  Everything taught in the teacher's course, in 
any of the normal schools in the East; will be taught here.  This 
will be the only chance to attend a normal school this side of 
the State University.  Any books you may have will answer the 
purpose. Good board can be obtained at reasonable rates.
Tuition $2 per month in advance. For further information call on 
our address.  W. R. Jones, Principal.

Land Office at Harrison, Arkansas, October 8, 1887.
	Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has 
filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of 
his claim, and that said proof will be made before county judge 
of Marion county at Yellville, Ark., on November 19, 1887, viz.: 
Roza E. Burnes and Mary M. Bogle, heirs of Mary Kyle, deceased, 
H. E.  No. 6514 for the west half northwest quarter southeast 
quarter northwest southwest northwest section seven, township 17 
north, range 18 west.  He names the following witnesses to prove 
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, 
viz.: Samuel Wilshire, Josephine Wilshire, William Barass, John 
Ellis, all of Yellville, Arkansas.  336t.  H. C. Tipton, 

In Marion County Court
	Charles P. Burr and Emma B. Ewing plaintiffs vs. A. G. 
Byler, as administrator of the estate of Jesse Mooney, deceased, 
and Olivia A. Mooney, G. C. Mooney; Thos. Hamilton and Janie 
Hamilton; Rosella Mooney, Alberta Mooney, and Alice Mooney; Laura 
B. Mooney, Emma F. Mooney, Eugene Mooney, Milton L. Mooney, 
Lorena O. Mooney, and Alma I. Mooney, and Olivia A. Mooney, their 
guardian; Greenwood Mooney, Jesse Mooney, John Williams and 
Martha Williams, Robert Farmer and Mary Farmer, Lizzie Mooney, 
George Mooney, William Mooney, Nellie Mooney and ______ Mooney, 
whose name is to the plaintiff unknown, defendants.
	The defendants in the above case to wit: Greenwood Mooney, 
Jesse Mooney, John Williams and Martha Williams, Robert Farmer 
and Mary Farmer, and Lizzie Mooney, George Mooney, William 
Mooney, Nellie Mooney, and ______ Mooney, whose name is to the 
plaintiff unknown, were warned to appear in this court within 
thirty days and answer the complaint filed against them by the 
plaintiffs, Charles P. Burr and Emma B. Ewing.   Oct. 4, 1887, 
Neal Dodd, Clerk.

Mtn. Echo, October 21, 1887

	Middleton, who was convicted of the murder of a man named 
Snapp, in Taney County, Missouri, was sentenced to forty years in 
the penitentiary but Judge Hubbard has since reduced the 
punishment to fifteen years.
	Frank James, the noted Missourian, was reported dying last 
week at Dallas, Texas.  The Brotherhood of Free and Accepted 
Train Robbers who now have their headquarters in Texas, should 
erect a monument, dedicated to the empty pocket books and old 
watches, to the memory of the founder of the great and growing 
order of train wreckers and robbers.

	Miss Dora Rea, of Onset, visited friends in town this week.  
	Miss Oza Allen, of Harrison, is visiting Miss Lillie 
	A mad calf, belonging to Mr. Jas. H. Berry, was killed on 
last Monday morning.
	Misses Virgie and Mary Berry and Lillie McDowell returned 
from Harrison last Friday.
	Mr. A. B. Davis, of Clear Creek, invites all owing him to 
come forward and make settlement on or before November 1st.
	Kenneth Hudson has just received a bran new sewing machine 
wagon and is now ready for business.  He is agent for the 
celebrated "Union" machine.
	R. T. Croy, who lives a few miles west of town, brought in 
the mammoth sweet potato last week.  It measured 20-1/2 inches in 
circumference and weighed six pounds.
	Dr. J. S. Lindley has decided to attend medical lectures 
this winter and invites all owing him to come forward and make 
settlement.  Read his notice elsewhere in these columns.
	Prof. Jones, having gone to housekeeping, Mrs. Jones has 
left the school room to attend to her household duties, and Miss 
Barbara Thompson has been employed as assistant teacher in the 
public school.  She will have charge of the primary department.
	A card from Rev. O. H. Tucker to the editor announces the 
safe arrival of himself and family at Monticello, Mo., their old 
home.  They are all well and having a pleasant time.
	Judge W. B. Flippin, of White River, was in town yesterday.  
He recently returned from a tour through several of the eastern 
counties and says the crops are very poor, especially the cotton 
	We learn that a vest, supposed to have been worn by George 
Watkins the last time he was seen, was found on Greasy Creek, in 
Hampton township, the other day.  A patch on the vest is said to 
correspond with a dress belonging to Rebecca Watkins.  A search 
for Watkins' body will be made in the locality where the vest was 
	We learn that Robert Jefferson who was tried at 
Gainesville, Mo. last week for robbing a cattle drover at 
Isabella, Mo. last winter was sentenced to the penitentiary for 
two years.  Robert Jefferson is well known here, having been 
raised in this county, and up to the date of the crime for which 
he is sent to the penitentiary, bore a good reputation.  We 
deeply sympathize with his family and friends.
	Judge Horn, after several weeks deliberation, on last 
Saturday ordered the release of Mrs. Rebecca Watkins.  She was 
immediately rearrested on a warrant charging her as accessory to 
the murder of her husband, George Watkins.  The case came up on 
Monday before Squire Rowden, of Blythe township, and was 
continued to Thursday (yesterday) and at the time of going to 
press we had not heard what was done in the case.
	Miss Lella(sic) Callahan, daughter of Mr. A. S. Callahan, 
who lives about 2-1/2 miles south of town, died on last Monday 
morning of typho malarial fever.  This is the fourth death which 
has occurred from the same disease in the same locality within 
the past few weeks.  Mr. Callahan and a 12 year old son are now 
prostrated with the dread fever, but are slowly mending.  Miss 
Callahan was about 18 years of age, and was much loved for her 
many good qualities.
	Mr. Z. M. Horton and Miss Kate Hicks, both of Mtn. Home, 
were married on Sunday, the 9th inst.  Mr. Horton is an able 
young lawyer, and his bride is said to be one of Baxter county's 
fairest and most accomplished young women.  The marriage ceremony 
was performed by Elder H. H. Hilton while the bride and groom sat 
in their buggy - in other words, it was a marriage on wheels.  
Zeph's many friends over here send congratulations.

MARRIED.  Thompson-Morrow.  At the residence of the bride's 
father, six miles southeast of Yellville, at 1 o'clock Wednesday, 
October 19th, 1887.  Mr. James I. Thompson, of Yellville, to Miss 
Octavia Morrow, Judge W. M. Horn officiating.  The marriage was a 
very quiet affair, only a few near relatives and friends being 
invited.  In the afternoon the happy couple came to town and are 
at present boarding with Mr. W. I. Lefevers.  They expect to do 
house-keeping soon in the house formerly occupied by K. J. 
Hudson.  Mr. Thompson is one of our most worthy young men and a 
popular salesman at W. Q. Seawel's establishment, and his bride 
is a most amiable lady.  Many friends of the young couple wish 
them a long life of happiness and of prosperity........

Mtn. Echo, October 28, 1887

	The report that an attempt was made to wreck the 
Presidential train at Jonesboro, this State, was false.  
	Judge W. W. Mansfield, of Ozark, has been appointed by the 
Supreme Court as reporter, to fill the place made vacant by the 
death of Judge B. D. Turner.
	Mr. J. I. Thompson and lady have gone to housekeeping.  
	The sick in the country are reported better by the doctors.
	Mr. F. Wolf, of Izard county, is again at the old post as 
storekeeper and gauger at Carson's distillery.
	Our jovial friend, John Cheek, of Blythe, was in town 
Tuesday.  He says he is about done picking cotton.
	"Uncle" Billy Lefevers fell from a load of wood which he 
was hauling on Wednesday and was considerable bruised about the 
	Justice Rowden held Mrs. Rebecca Watkins over to await the 
action of the grand jury.  She is the only occupant of "old 
	Elza Record, of Oakland, was in town last Saturday.  He has 
been appointed storekeeper and gauger of one of the distilleries 
near Oakland.
	Mr. W. T. Dobbs and family, old residents of the county, 
started on their journey to Texas on last Tuesday.  Mr. Dobbs was 
not certain that he would go on to Texas this fall, as he had 
some idea of stopping in the Nation. We regret very much to lose 
such good people from our county, but wish they may realize their 
most sanguine hopes in the far west.
	Mrs. Mary A. Cravens, wife of Albert G. Cravens, died at 
her home in White River township, on last Tuesday morning, about 
8 o'clock.  For several months she had been quite low with 
consumption, and her death was not unexpected.  She was 35 years 
old the day before her death.  She was the daughter of Mr. David 
S. Fraley, a Mexican veteran, who died at his home in Batesville 
several months ago.  Mrs. Cravens leaves a husband and five 
children, four sisters and one brother to mourn her untimely 
death.  Her remains were conveyed to Batesville for burial.  Our 
sincerest sympathy goes out to the bereaved family.

	That the cotton crop will soon be gathered.
	There is plenty of work for the equalizers.
	That there is to be a wedding near town soon. 
	That Marion county takes the cake on mineral.
	That Frank A. Horn, of George's Creek, is now well supplied 
with spelling books.
	That Ben Weast has his eye on a good looking widow, and 
means business, too.
	That a George's Creek man offered a White River man $2 and 
a half a day to "stump" the county in the interest of G. Creek.