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Independence Co, AR - Miscellaneous Obituaries

Submitted by: Regina Weaver <>
        Date: 25 May 1998

Copyright.  All rights reserved.

Abstracts from Batesville Guard, Batesville, Independence County, Arkansas

April 5, 1907 Supplement page


        Mrs. Mary Baker died at Cave City Sunday night, of typhoid fever, and the
husband, John W. Baker is very low with the same disease while a son is
very low with pneumonia at Newport.  Mrs. Baker was 45 years old.  The
remains were taken to Newport Tuesday night for burial, accompanied by Miss
Maud Baker, a daughter, Miss Jessie Ellis and George V. Foushee and James
Lucre, relatives.

(Same page)



(Melbourne Times)

        William Aikin was born in North Carolina and when 14 years old his parents
moved to this state and settled in Izard County.  At the age of about 25
years he was married to Miss Kate Rudolph.  To this union three children
were born - two boys and a girl, all of whom are now dead.  In 1849, when
the California gold excitement was at its height, Mr. Aikin and family
joined an emigrant train and went west in search of fortune.  After six
years spent in California, they returned to Izard County and settled at
Sylamore, where Mr. Aikin engaged in the mercantile business until the
breaking out o the civil war in 1860, when he closed out his business at
that place and moved to Batesville, where he lived for more than twenty
years.  Here he lost his wife.  After her death, Mr. Aikin and his son
Charley returned to Sylamore and sold goods for W.E. Maxfield for several
years, after which time they moved on up the river to Calico Rock, where
they were again employed by Mr. Maxfield until about twelve years ago, when
Mr. Maxfield discontinued business.  Mr. Aikin remained at Calico Rock for
several years.  He served as postmaster for a number of years.
        In 1897 he was again married, this time to Polly Hixon, who died three
years later.
        After the death of his second wife Mr. Aikin moved to Sulphur Rock to live
with his son Charley, who later moved to Gassville, Baxter County, where he
was taken sick early last fall and gradually grew worse.  He was taken to
Little Tock for treatment and died there some two or three months ago.
        Upon the death of his only child the good old man's already feeble health
failed rapidly and he died on the 11th.

April 19, 1907, page 2


The Melbourne Register says the wife of Rev. Ben Watkins (colored), near
LaCrosse, died very suddenly Tuesday morning.  While talking and laughing
with her children, she fell off the chair and expired instantly.  She had
been in poor health for some time.

(Same page)


The Evening Shade Record says that Mrs. Evaline McGee, who lived about two
miles from Bengay, died very suddenly Wednesday of last week.  It is said
that she was sitting in her chair and suddenly fell out and expired.  Heart
failure is supposed to have been the cause.

April 19, 1907, page 5


The 12-year-old son of John W. Ponder, who lives near Kirby, was killed by
a falling tree Wednesday.  The boy was plowing in the field and when he
reached the fence the tree fell on him from the outside.

(Page 8)



Bellmore, April 15 - A sad accident occurred on the mountain last Friday.
While Ben Davis was working in the timber a limb fell and struck him on the
head, crushing his skull.  He died at 8 o'clock Friday night.  He leaves a
wife and several children to mourn his death.

April 26, 1907, page 1


This good woman died at an early hour this morning at her home at
Jamestown, after an illness of several weeks.  She came with her husband
and children from Missouri to Jamestown in 1871, and had lived there ever
since.  The husband, who was a blacksmith, died about ten years ago.  They
had four children.  Mrs. Mary E. Chandler, the only daughter, lives at
Lebanon, Mo.; W.R. and L.B. Jessup at Jamestown, and J.E. Jessup at Casey,
Ark.  Mrs. Jessup was a member of the Baptist church, and between 70 and 80
years of age at the time of her death.  She will be buried this afternoon
at Jamestown.

(page 2)


Charles Campbell, 25 years old, was drowned in Red river, four miles east
of Heber Saturday, and the body has not been recovered, although every
effort is being made to find it.  He stepped on a raft in the river and the
weight of his body sent the raft to the bottom.  Campbell sank with the
raft and was drowned.

(same Page)


Lon Wilson of Harrison, who recently moved to Texas, accidentally shot
himself last week, from the effects of which he died.  He was riding in a
wagon and in some way a shotgun lying in the bed of the wagon was
accidentally discharged, the loads in both barrels entering his body.

(same page)



The Progress gives the following account of the death of the little
two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Smith of Calico Rock on
Wednesday morning.
        "About nine days before the death of the child she complained of her
throat and at times she would almost strangle.  It was evident she had
swallowed something, and she would say "nail, nail," but no one knew what
the little sufferer meant.  On the ninth day, after Dr. Smith had
administered an emitic, the child vomited up a six-penny wire nail.  It had
lodged in the bronchial tube, causing inflammation and resulting in toxine
poisoning.  The child died a few hours after vomiting up the nail."

(page 3)


Ed Carthel died this morning at 8 o'clock, after an illness since Monday,
from pneumonia.  He was about forty years old and leaves a wife and eight
children.  He had lived in Batesville practically all his life, and for
several years had driven a job wagon about town.  He will be buried Sunday
in Oaklawn cemetery.  Deceased was a grandson of the late Col. Robert A.
Childress of Washington township.

(page 5)


Thomas Snellgrove, a young man 23 years of age, died of consumption at 11
o'clock Wednesday, at the home of his parents, near Moorefield, after an
illness of three years.  The remains were buried today at Lee's chapel.

(page 8)


Louis Bryant died of heart failure, after an illness of several months, at
the home of Jas. F. Huddleston, in Gainsboro township, on Tuesday, April
23rd.  He was 74 years old, and a Confederate soldier, having served in the
Eighth Arkansas Infantry as musician.  He was buried in Liberty cemetery,
after appropriate services, by Rev. James Northern.  He leaves a few
relatives and a host of friends, who will long remember him.

Batesville Record, Batesville, Independence County, Arkansas, Thursday,
August, 6, 1931

Front Page...

"Sudden Stroke Is Fatal to John B. McCaleb Saturday

Prominent Lawyer and Jurist Retires Apparently in Good Health

        John B. McCaleb, aged 75, prominent local lawyer and jurist, died suddenly
at his home on Main street here Saturday night.  Judge McCaleb had attended
to regular duties at his office Saturday and was apparently in good health
when he retired.  He had eaten a lunch shortly before retiring for the
night and relatives believe that death, which came during the night,
resulted from acute indigestion or heart trouble.
        Deceased spent almost half a century in the active practice of law and was
one of the best known attorneys in the state.  He began the practice of law
at Evening Shade, Sharp County, and was later elected circuit judge of the
Sixteenth Arkansas circuit.  He served in this capacity for sixteen years
before retiring to again pursue his private law practice.
        He moved to Batesville in 1907 where he resided until the time of his
death.  He later formed the law firm of McCaleb and McCaleb, here with his
son, Joe McCaleb.  Despite advanced age, he actively handled a large
practice and found time to take an active part in civic affairs.
        He was a prominent Presbyterian and had been an active member of the local
church for many years.  He held membership on the board of elders at the
time of his death.
        He served eight years as a member of Arkansas College board of trustees,
retiring a few years ago.  He served at one time as a board member of
Batesville public schools.
        Deceased was also a prominent Mason.  He maintained membership in the
local order of Free and Accepted Masons, Royal Arch and Knights Templar.
        He was chairman of the Arkansas State Capitol commission under Governor
Donaghey.  This commission had charge of construction of the present state
capitol building.
        He served as delegate to the State Constitutional convention at Little
Rock in 1919.  He was a member of the American Bar Association.
        Deceased is survived by one brother, T.H. McCaleb of Hardy, four sons, Joe
B. of Batesville, William H. of Little Rock, J.B. Jr., of Durant, Okla.,
and Tom L. of McRae; three daughters, Miss Jean McCaleb of Safford, Ariz.,
Miss Lillie McCaleb and Mrs. Carlton Dent, both of Batesville.
        Funeral services were conducted from the Presbyterian Church here at 4:30
o'clock Monday afternoon in charge of Rev. R.E. Carroll.  Burial followed
in Oaklawn cemetery."

May 3, 1907 Page 1


Conway, April 29. - Uncle Abe Tate, an ex-slave, 106 years old, and the
oldest person in this county, was buried today at the negro cemetery.  his
death resulted from old age.

(page 2)


Hall of Barren Fork Lodge, No. 181, A.F. & A.M., Barren Fork, Ark.
        "There's nothing terrible in death.
        "Tis but to cast our robes away
And sleep at night without a breath,
To break repose till dawn of day."

Jan. 7, 1931, page 1


Missing for several hours yesterday Buster Fulbright, 20, is found dead in
woods near Williamson Switch.

        Becoming alarmed after their son, Buster Fulbright, 20, failed to return
home from a hunting trip yesterday afternoon, his parents started a search
and found him early this morning dead in the woods a few miles from his
home.  Part of his head was blown away from a charge from a double-barreled
shotgun he had carried on the hunting trip.
        His parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Fulbright, who live in the neighborhood of
Williamson Switch, are convinced their son's death came by accident.  He
was found near a small stream of water and it is thought that as he was
attempting to cross a drift he accidentally caused the gun to discharge.
It is not thought an inquest will be held.
Funeral arrangements were being made here today by friends of the family.

Jan. 12, 1931, page 1


        Henry Hogan McDonald, aged 75, died at his home near the Masonic Home here
today.  He has spent all his life in Independence County.  Funeral services
will be held from his home tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Y.D.
Whiehurst of the Nazarene church officiating.  Burial will be in Oaklawn

Jan. 13, 1931, page 1


        Mrs. W.M. Morgan of Newport, 26 years of age, died at the home of her
father, Dr. Golding of Jamestown.
        She is survived by her husband, and three children, also father and mother
and three sisters.
        Funeral services were held at Butterville cemetery.

Jan. 16, 1931, page 2


(From Saturday's daily)

        An attack suffered a few days ago which developed later into pneumonia
proved fatal to A.G. McMillan, aged 66, at 6 o'clock this morning, at his
home on Central avenue.
        Mr. McMillan had spent most of his life in Batesville, bearing respect of
anyone who knew him.  He was a painter and carpenter by trade.
Funeral services will probably be held at the Central Avenue Methodist
church, of which he was a member, tomorrow afternoon.
        He is survived by his widow; four daughters, Mrs. Alvis Ball, Mrs. Joe
Connor, Mrs. Arch Jones, and Nelda, all of Batesville, Mrs. Horace Dunlap
of Detroit, Mich. and two sons, Earl and Russell of Batesville.

Jan. 16, 1931, page 6


(From Saturday's Daily)

        Word was received this morning by relatives of the death of Mrs. L.E.
Evans of Calico Rock, who passed away at 12 o'clock last night in a
hospital at Little Rock, following an operation which she underwent last
week.  Mrs. Evans is a sister-in-law of Blake Evans of this city.

Jan. 16, 1931, page 6


(From Friday's daily)

        G.W. Cornelius of Melbourne aged 89, passed away at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. E.A. Smith of that city Thursday night at 10 o'clock.
        Funeral services were held at Melbourne Friday afternoon when the services
were conducted by the Masons.
        Deceased leaves three children all grown, married and with families.

Jan. 16, 1931


        Words will not express our thanks for the kind assistance and sympathy
from our friends and neighbors during the recent illness and death of our
dear mother, Mrs. Mary E. Sorrells.
        We feel that we can never fully return the favors, but hope they will be
fully rewarded in heaven.

                                        T.N. Blair
                                        Mrs. T.N. Blair

Jan. 17, 1931, page 1


Tupelo, Jan. 17 - Frank Balch, 25, was burned to death, and his brother,
Howard, was seriously burned in a fire which destroyed their farm home near
here early today.
        The parents and four children escaped unscathed following the mother's
discovery of the blaze and the sounding of the alarm.

(Same page)


Paris, Ark., Jan. 17 - Aaron Rice, 25, was killed and six persons were
injured in an automobile accident on Dug Mountain, near here last midnight.
        The injured are in a hospital here.

Jan. 19, 1931, page 1


        Word was received here Saturday by relatives telling of the death of
Gainor Duffey, Sr., at his home in Tucson, Ariz., after a long illness
brought on by an attack last week of pneumonia.  His sister, Mrs. Carter
Fitzhugh of this city received Saturday a message telling of the dangerous
illness of her brother and left immediately for the Arizona city but
enroute learned of the death.
        Funeral services will be held in Tucson probably tomorrow.
        Mr. Duffey was about 48 years old.  He had made Batesville his home most
of his life, being born in this county, until he was forced to depart for
the west for the benefit of his health a few years ago.  He was a member of
St. Paul's Episcopal Church of this city.
        He is survived by his widow, one son, Fainor, and two sisters, Mrs. Carter
Fitzhugh of this city and....

(It stops here)

Jan. 21, 1931, page 1


Melbourne, Ark., Jan. 21 - Funeral services for "Uncle Max" Cypert, for
many years county surveyor of Izard County, were held here Tuesday
afternoon.  Interment was in a nearby cemetery.
        Mr. Cypert was found dead Monday morning in his cabin, where he lived
alone, by a neighbor, J.W. Barnett.  At the inquest held Tuesday morning a
verdict of death from "internal hemorrhage" was returned.
        Mr. Cypert had been ill for a week, but was able to leave the home of his
nephew, Harvey Hodge of the state highway maintenance department, the day
before his death.

Jan. 23, 1931


A.P.  Paragould, Jan. 23
        A strange malady, which yesterday took the life of fourteen-months-old
Barbara Jean Robertson and resulted in the critical illness of Billy, hew
two-year-old brother, puzzled physicians today.  Tests are being made to
determine if food poisoning is the cause.
        The victims are children of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robertson.

Jan. 24, 1931, page 1


        Mrs. J.W. Williamson passed away this afternoon at St. Vincent's infirmary
at Little Rock at 3:30.
        Funeral services will be held from the First Methodist Church in this city
tomorrow (Sunday afternoon) at 2 o'clock.
        Mrs. Williamson had been in ill health for some time, and recently was
carried to Little Rock with the hope that her condition would be improved.
        The deceased was well and favorably known in Batesville and throughout
this section of Arkansas.
        The Guard joins with the many friends of the family in extending deepest
sympathy during this hour of bereavement.

Jan. 27, 1931, page 1


        Mrs. Earl Evans passed away at her home in this city Sunday afternoon at
5:30, after an illness of several days.
        Funeral services were held at the First Methodist Church at Evening Shade
Monday afternoon at 3:30.
        Mrs. Evans is survived by her husband and small son; also father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Shaver of Evening Shade; a sister, Mrs. H.C.
Neser of Little Rock and brother, Lfl Hfl (?) Shaver of Evening Shade.

(Same date and page)


        George McCalester, who has been ill for some time, passed away at his home
at 6 o'clock Saturday morning.
        Funeral services were held at Desha cemetery.
        Mr. McCalester is survived by his wife and several children, and many
friends who mourn his departure.


Newark Journal
Independence county, AR
March 11, 1910
Submitted by: <>

Uncle Henry Wyatt Dead
J. H. Wyatt, one of the oldest and best citizens of Independence county,
died at his home near Rosie early Saturday morning.
Mr. Wyatt was 74 years of age and had been a resident of this county
since 1852.  He served in the Confederate army during the Civil War
taking part in the Missouri raid.  He was a member of the Methodist
church since 1880.
By his own request his body was laid to rest near his own door in the
presence of a large number of friends and loved ones.

Newark Journal, Independence county, AR
December 26, 1913
Submitted by: <>

Very Sudden Death
J. A. Greenshaw died very suddenly and unexpectedly this morning
(Friday) at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ida Porter.
He had been enjoying his usual good health and went to bed Thursday
apparently as well as he ever was in his life.  About 5 o'clock this
morning Mrs. Porter went into his room to build a fire for him but he
told her not to build it but to go on about her work and he would get up
and start a fire.  About an hour later he was discovered in his bed,
death having resulted from heart failure.
He was 63 years old and is survived by five children.  The remains will
be shipped to his old home near Newport for burial.

Newark Journal, Independence county AR
March 14, 1913
Submitted by: <>

The Death of Little Maud
She took the cup of life to sip,
   Too bitter twas to drain,
She put it meekly from her lip,
   And went to sleep again.
On the 28th day of March 1901, there was born to I. C. and Sarah
Nuckolls a beautiful little girl.  The named her Maudie Laneer.  She was
a lovely child, but on the 11th day of February 1913, He who give her
called her home.
"It was not in cruelty,
   It was not in wrath,
The Reaper came that day,
   But an Angel visited the earth
And took this flower away."
Litte Maud while only in her 12th year had many relatives and friends
who followed her in sorrow to her litte grave in Hopewell cemetery,
where we left her to rest in peace until the resurrection morn.
Out in the silent city,
  Where many loved ones sleep,
Out where the moonbeams glitter,
   On stones by grassy heap,
Where songbirds sing in gladness,
   From their cool and shady bowers.
Where Southwinds sigh in sadness,
   And dark clouds weep in showers;
There little Maud is sleeping,
   The sleep of the silent blest,
Whilse God her soul is keeping,
   In the home of endless rest.
	Written by her uncle,  J. L. Brown

Newark Journal, Independence county, Ar
January 6, 1927
Submitted by: <>

Baby Burns to Death
     The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Long, who live about two miles south of
Strawberry, was burned fatally Monday whe he fell from a chair into an open
     The mother had placed the child before the fireplace and had gone to the
lot to milk.  Hearing the baby's cries, she ran into the room and found the
child in a bed of hot ashes.  She rescued the child but he lived only 20

Friday, May 3, 1907

Page 5


        Chales G. McColloh, a citizen of the county for quite half a century,
and possibly longer, died at his home in Greenbrier township at midnight
Tuesday. He was 74 years of age, and had been in good health until about a
month ago, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis.  He had almost recovered
from the effects of that, when he sustained a second stroke Saturday night,
from which he died.  He was a Confederate soldier and an excellent citizen;
was twice married and leaves a family of six children.  His remains will be
buried Thursday at Alderbrook.

Friday, May 3, 1907

Front page


Conway, April 29 - Uncle Abe Tate, an ex-slave, 106 years old, and the
oldest person in this county, was buried today at the negro cemetery.  His
death resulted from old age.

Friday, May 10, 1907, page 5


John W. Sims, an old citizen of Greenbrier, died Wednesday night on his
farm near Jamestown.  He had been ill for some time from heart trouble.
Mr. Sims was born in South Carolina, seventy-four years ago, came to this
county in 1856, and has lived here ever since, except when in the
Confederate army.  He was married to Miss Jane Baker just about the time
the war broke out, and she survives him, though the couple have no
children.  The remains will be buried at Alderbrook Friday. Deceased was a
member of the Baptist church and an uncle of Albert Sims, County Clerk.

Same page


        The member of the force of telegraph linemen, who was drowned on
Tuesday, on the railroad above here, was Robert H. Allen.  The accident
occurred six miles this side of Cotter, Tuesday afternoon.  The young man
attempted to swim out to a telegraph pole, which the overflow had surrounded,
and on which he was to string a wire.  His companions suppose he was seized
with cramps, and drowned before assistance could be given him.
        The young man came from Tennessee, where he was raised, and joined the
force of linemen, under Foremen Bently, engaged in stringing the extra wire
between Newport and Carthage.  He was twenty-three years old and unmarried and
his body had not been recovered at last accounts.  There were fourteen men in
the party, and young Allen was known among his associates as "Carolina".

Page 8, same date




        Ed Kitchens, a negro living on "Tallow Hill", three miles west of town
and working land in the river bottom, was killed at 2 o'clock Sunday morning,
in Hinkle's field, about 75 yards beyond the railroad bridge across the bayou,
just out of town, by a passing engine.
        Kitchens was a darkey of good reputation, his one fault being his love
for drink.  He was in town Saturday and bought some groceries from Welborn,
and was last seen alive about the rink after night.  He was drinking, and it
is supposed that, on his way home, he lay down beside the track, with his head
near the rail, and met his death.
        A disabled engine, used on a work train, left Newark about 11 o'clock
under orders to go to Cotter for repairs.  It was in charge of Engineer
Garner, Fireman Woodell and Pilot Whitlock.  As the engine passed the spot
where Kitchens was lying, Garner caught sight of the form on the ground, the
engine was stopped and the men went back and found that the man had been
struck and was unconscious.  They returned to town and wakened Dr. Lawrence,
the railroad surgeon, who went with them and found the negro dead.
        Sunday morning Justice Six, in the absence of Coroner Flinn, who lives
below Elmo, the southern extremity of the county, summoned a jury and began an
inquest.  An examination of the body revealed a broken skull, with the brains
protruding from the wound.  Beside the body was the sack of groceries and
inside a pocket was a bottle containing some whiskey.  The family of the
deceased was then permitted to remove the body and bury it.
        The inquest was resumed this morning at the Court House, the members
of the jury being: Caliborne Pearce, John Johnson, Joe Foster, W. W. Warren,
Jas. Swaim, W.M. Dawson, F. P. Albright, Mark Luster, Jas. Harmon, J.R. Brown,
H.A. Bickers, M.O. Kennard, Ernest Kinman and W.H. Sanders. The testimony of
the three railroad men was taken, they having returned from Cotter for that
purpose, and of Dr. Lawrence, Bob Bone, and Will Thompson, the last-named
being colored. The verdict was that Kitchens had been struck in the head by
the sleeve-bolt of the tank truck of the passing engine and killed.  No blame
was attached.
        Some of the officers were inclined to think that Kitchens might have
come to his death by other means.  He had lately had trouble with some of his
negro neighbors, "Tallow Hill" being a well known negro community; and a few
nights ago an effort was made to call him from his house, but he refused to
go.  It is said that on Saturday night a couple of negroes from that
neighborhood made inquiry for him here in town.  But no evidence along this
line was presented at the inquest, and the jury believe the negro had fallen
into a drunken sleep beside the track and been killed by the passing engine.

Jan. 28, 1931, page 1


        Forrest City, Jan. 28. - Shot five times, the body of Chester Syles,
farmer, was found in his automobile on the highway near Goodwin early today.
        Officers believe he met an enemy on his way home last night.

Jan. 29, 1931, page 1


        Jim Shaver, aged 65, died at his home in Oxford, Izard County, Wednesday,
following a short illness.
        His wife died only a week ago.  Mr. and Mrs. Shaver are survived by
several children.
        Funeral services were held at Oxford today.

from the Batesville Daily Guard, Thursday, July 13, 1916, Indep Co AR

John Walker Killed by Lightning Near Salado
Wednesday afternoon, John Walker, 33, was struck and killed by lightning.
Mr. Walker in company with Pete and Dick Wycough, John Parker, Lish Presley,
Al Engles, Clyde Rice, and Bob Lawrence were hauling hay from the field.
Burial occurred this Thursday afternoon at the Egner Cementery near Salado.
 He is survived by his wife and 3 children.  His father died at Big Bottom
about 5 yrs ago.  His mother and 3 brothers reside in Mississippi.
(This is a shortened version.)

Same paper - Floral news.

Little Mildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Brown died with cholera
infantum the 4th.  Buried the 5th at Cedar Grove Cemetery.
Thanks to: Rebecca Pack RoseOmbre@AOL.COM for this!