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Biography of A C Hull, Boone Co, AR

Submitted by: Joy Fisher < >
        Date: 21 Jan 2008
Copyright.  All rights reserved.

A. C. HULL. This gentleman is the able editor of the Boone Banner, one of the
best country journals of which the State of Arkansas can boast. It is published
in Harrison, one of the busiest and best towns of north Arkansas, and has an
extended circulation throughout one of the largest and richest zinc and lead
regions in the United States, and has a rapidly growing field to cover. It finds
its way into the homes of the best class of people, who can always glean
something useful and interesting from its columns, and it is essentially a paper
of, by, and for, the people. He is a native Arkansan, having been born in Marion
County, Ark., April 20, 1858, his father being Hon. John E. Hull, who was a
captain in the Confederate Army, in the support of which cause he laid down his
life when A. C. was but seven years old. Hon. John E. Hull was born in Miami
County, Ohio, March 10, 1827, and there attained manhood, after which he went to
Memphis, Tenn., where he secured employment as a telegraph operator and made his
home for nine years. He then came to Arkansas and settled in the eastern part of
Marion County, on White River, where he opened up a rich farm of many acres and
became one of the substantial, prominent and wealthy men of the county. He was a
man who loved learning for learning's sake, was finely educated, became the
owner of a well-selected and extensive library, and wielded a wide influence on
all matters of a public nature throughout the section in which he resided. Prior
to the opening of the Civil War he was elected to the State Legislature and was
often urged to make the race the second time, but always declined to do so, as
he was of a naturally retiring disposition, and loved his home and family far
better than the strife and turmoil of the political arena. In politics he always
supported the measures of Democracy, and when the great strife between the North
and South came up he espoused the Southern cause, enlisting in the Confederate
service, holding the rank of captain at the time of his death, which resulted
from an accidental shooting. He was married in Marion County, Ark., to Miss
Matilda A. Killough, whose mother lived in Marion County. She made her home a
part of the time with her uncle, Judge W. B. Flippin, an old pioneer of the
county. She was born in Kentucky, makes her home now with her son, A. C. Hull,
and although she has attained the age of sixty years, is still energetic and
active, and is in the enjoyment of good health. She bore her husband five
children, three of whom reached maturity, but of whom A. C. is the only
surviving member. The others were William C. who died at the age of twenty-eight
years, at Harrison, Ark., was a dealer in books and stationary, and was also for
a time in the newspaper business; Charles T., died two years after his brother
William, also at the age of twenty-eight years. The paternal grandfather of
these children was John C. Hull, who was an early pioneer, presumably from one
of the New England States, although his birth occurred in Ireland. He traced his
ancestry back to John Hull, who owned an estate called Free Hall in County
Londonderry, Ireland, which descended to his only son, Thomas Hull. The latter
married Sarah Cowan and settled on the Free Hall estate, where he was for some
time engaged in merchandising. He became involved in the Rebellion of 1799, for
which offense he was imprisoned for several weeks, but as he had many wealthy
and influential relatives who were royalists, his acquittal was obtained through
their influence and he was permitted to emigrate to America on condition that he
would never return, and his property was confiscated, except a small portion
which was left to his wife. After coming to this country he lived twelve years
in Maryland, but his death occurred somewhere in the West. His wife's father,
John Cowan, also owned a large estate near Londonderry, Ireland. John C. Hull,
the son of Thomas and Sarah (Cowan) Hull, was fitting himself for the ministry
at the time his father was banished from his native land, and he shared his
exile and gave up his ministerial ambitions. He assisted his father in his
mercantile operations in Elkton, Md., for some time and later embarked in
various business ventures. At one time he was the owner of the stage route from
Baltimore to Wheeling, W. Va., and at other times followed the calling of an
agriculturist. He was an early settler of Ohio, there reared his family, his
wife being a granddaughter of Alex. Thompson, a brother of Charles Thompson, who
was secretary of the First Continental Congress. He was a soldier of the War of
1812, and a man of upright principles. Owing to the fact that most of his
father's property was swept away during the war, A. C. Hull was forced early in
life to shift for himself, and right nobly did he fight his way to the front. He
and his widowed mother and two younger brothers continued to reside on the old
home farm until the close of the war, then moved to Flippin Barren in the same
county, a much more thickly settled district. Here he and his younger brothers
battled with the forces that are always against the poor, aspiring and ambitious
boys, and he succeeded in acquiring a good English education. To assist her sons
in this respect, their faithful mother kept boarders, and she eventually
received her recompense for her early toil and cares by seeing her sons attain
honorable and intellectual manhood. Since 1885 she has made her home in Harrison
and during this time has gathered about her many warm friends. Up to the age of
eighteen years A. C. Hull resided on a farm, but even at that early time his
fine business qualities were recognized, and his business career began several
years before he reached his majority. He clerked for some time in a mercantile
establishment, and his first experience in public affairs was three years'
service as deputy clerk of Boone County in 1878-9-80. The three succeeding years
he was editor and proprietor of the Baxter County Citizen, then during
Cleveland's administration he discharged the duties of chief clerk of the United
States Land Office at Harrison, and the records of that office attest his
superiority as an official. Upon retiring from this position he engaged actively
in newspaper work at Harrison as editor and proprietor of the Boone Banner,
which journal is recognized as one of the most progressive, enterprising and
breezy county papers in the State. During the seven years of his journalistic
career he has not only kept his paper in the van of public enterprises and
progress, but has earnestly, faithfully and fearlessly labored to advance the
best interests of Democracy in county and State. Mr. Hull was a prominent
candidate for Secretary of State before the State Democratic Convention of
Arkansas in 1892, was second man in the contest between four strong men, and
came out of the convention, although defeated, with a record that was creditable
to him in the highest degree. At the next election in 1896 he will again make
the race for this office, and it is a recognized fact almost that he will
succeed, and that no better material in the State can be found for the position
than he. He is a useful member of the Arkansas Press Association, having served
it as historian, executive committeeman and on the programs of its meeting. In
June, 1893, he was elected recording secretary of the association at Fort Smith,
and reelected without opposition in 1894 at Little Rock. He was a delegate to
the National Editorial Association at Chicago in 1893, and attended. In October,
1893, he was appointed by the Governor as expert accountant, to examine and
report on the condition of the state treasurer's office, and discharged the
responsible duties of the position with marked ability and to the satisfaction
of all concerned. In 1884 he was happily married to Miss Lucy M. Cory of
Harrison, Ark., the accomplished daughter of A. B. Cory, one of the oldest and
best newspaper men in the State to-day, and to their union three little sons
have been given: Hugh C, Ralph A. and Howard K. Mr. Hull is a man of sterling
qualities, is full of energy and pluck, and is a conscientious Christian,
possessing all the elements that go to make up a true man and a public-spirited
and progressive citizen. Perhaps no young man in the State has a brighter future
before him than Mr. Hull. His career thus far has been one of usefulness and in
a measure successful, but more has been accomplished by his life's work,
perhaps, for his friends and his country than for himself, directly. But his
State will yet honor him.

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