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Census: Index 1830 Brown, J to Dick, W, Indiana Co 

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                       Page 6439, Brown, J to Dick, W

            Name                      Year  Location                 Page
           Brown, Matthew             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           232
           Brown, Samuel C.           1830  INDIANA BOROUGH          203
           Brown, Thomas              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            220
           Brown, Thomas              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            187
           Brown, William             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            214
           Brown, William             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            215
        Brownlee, David               1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            186
           Bruce, Eleanor             1830  CENTER TWP               175
           Bruce, William             1830  CENTER TWP               175
          Bruner, Peter               1830  WASHINGTON TWP           242
          Bruner, Peter, Sr.          1830  WASHINGTON TWP           242
        Brunston, George              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            205
           Bryan, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           229
           Bryan, Nathaniel           1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           229
        Buchanan, John                1830  WASHINGTON TWP           245
        Buchanan, John, Sr.           1830  WASHINGTON TWP           245
        Buckanan, William             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            217
         Buckley, James               1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            197
           Burke, Edmund              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           232
           Burke, Robert              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            190
           Burke, Thomas              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
          Burley, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             249
          Burley, William             1830  MAHONING TWP             256
       Burnhimer, William             1830  GREEN TWP                259
          Burris, Thomas              1830  CENTER TWP               179
      Buterbaugh, William             1830  GREEN TWP                261
      Buterbaugh, William             1830  GREEN TWP                262
          Butler, Henry               1830  BLACKLICK TWP            219
          Butler, James               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           222
            Cain, James               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           236
            Cain, William             1830  MAHONING TWP             250
        Caldwell, Abdiell             1830  CENTER TWP               179
        Caldwell, James               1830  GREEN TWP                261
        Caldwell, John                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            211
        Caldwell, William             1830  INDIANA BOROUGH          202
         Calhoon, James               1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            198
         Cameron, Finley              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
         Cameron, Hugh                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           230
        Camerson, Fnidley             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           235
        Campbell, Alexander           1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            197
        Campbell, Andrew              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
        Campbell, Charles             1830                           207
        Campbell, Christian           1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
        Campbell, David               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           223
        Campbell, James               1830                           207
        Campbell, James               1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            196
        Campbell, James               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
        Campbell, John                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            219
        Campbell, Joseph              1830  CENTER TWP               179
        Campbell, Michael             1830                           208
        Campbell, Samuel              1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            197
        Campbell, Thomas              1830                           208
        Campbell, William             1830  CENTER TWP               177
        Campbell, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
        Campbell, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           223
        Campbell, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           225
        Campbsll, Jane                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
           Canan, John                1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            190
          Cannon, Fergus              1830  CENTER TWP               181
          Cannon, Hugh                1830  WASHINGTON TWP           244
        Carleton, Edward              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            190
          Carney, James               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           235
          Carney, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           235
          Carney, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           235
       Carothers, William             1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            188
       Carpenter, Ephraim             1830  INDIANA BOROUGH          203
            Carr, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             250
          Carson, Hugh                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            215
          Carson, James               1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            190
          Carson, James               1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            191
          Carson, John                1830  CENTER TWP               177
        Cartwell, James               1830  BLACKLICK TWP            217
           Carty, Daniel              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
        Carvahan, Alexander           1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           225
         Cassidy, John                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            205
         Cassidy, Patrick             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           233
         Cassidy, Robert              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            204
         Cassidy, Solomon             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            212
           Caton, Samuel              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            210
        Chambers, Elisha              1830  WASHINGTON TWP           242
        Chambers, James               1830  MAHONING TWP             247
        Chambers, Michael             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            213
         Chapman, Francis             1830  GREEN TWP                261
         Chapman, William             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            209
       Chetester, Joseph              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
         Chipman, Frederick           1830                           208
          Chrise, Jacob               1830                           207
          Clarke, Mary                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           222
          Clarke, Thomas              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           228
          Clarke, William             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            216
          Clarke, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           228
            Clay, Adam                1830  CENTER TWP               178
          Clegin, Hugh                1830  MAHONING TWP             252
       Clifelter, Peter               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           226
         Clopier, Robert              1830  CENTER TWP               177
          Clopin, John                1830  CENTER TWP               179
         Clossin, Benjamin            1830  BLACKLICK TWP            209
         Clossin, Daniel              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            214
         Clossin, John                1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            194
         Clossin, Josiah              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            212
         Clossin, Richard             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            212
         Clossin, Samuel              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            211
         Clossin, Sarah               1830  BLACKLICK TWP            211
           Clyde, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             252
           Clyde, Robert              1830  MAHONING TWP             256
           Clyde, Thomas              1830  MAHONING TWP             252
           Clyde, William             1830  MAHONING TWP             252
           Clyne, Andrew              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           236
           Clyne, Henry               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           236
        Cochrane, David               1830  MAHONING TWP             254
        Cochrane, George              1830  MAHONING TWP             254
        Cockarty, James               1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            193
        Cockrane, Alexander           1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            199
        Cockrane, Andrew              1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            199
        Cockrane, John                1830                           207
        Cockrane, William             1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            198
          Coffee, Owen W.             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           231
         Coleman, Archibald           1830  BLACKLICK TWP            212
         Coleman, Elijah              1830  MAHONING TWP             247
         Coleman, James               1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            185
         Coleman, John                1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            188
         Coleman, Robert              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            185
         Coleman, William             1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            188
         Colhoon, David               1830  CENTER TWP               179
         Colhoon, William             1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            197
         Compton, Andrew              1830  MAHONING TWP             250
         Compton, John                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            210
         Compton, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             250
         Compton, Reuben              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            210
          Connel, James M.            1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           227
          Conner, Abner               1830  GREEN TWP                259
          Conner, Goerge              1830  GREEN TWP                259
          Conner, John                1830  GREEN TWP                260
          Conner, John                1830  GREEN TWP                263
          Conner, Patrick             1830  GREEN TWP                259
          Conner, Samuel              1830  GREEN TWP                257
          Conner, Samuel              1830  GREEN TWP                261
          Conner, Simson              1830  GREEN TWP                263
          Conway, Edward              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
            Cook, William             1830  GREEN TWP                262
            Coon, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             255
          Cotter, James               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           232
           Couch, Joseph              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            215
         Coulter, James               1830  WASHINGTON TWP           242
         Coulter, Robert              1830  INDIANA BOROUGH          201
         Coulter, Samuel              1830  INDIANA BOROUGH          202
         Coulter, William             1830  INDIANA BOROUGH          201
           Cowan, James               1830                           208
           Cowan, John                1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            192
           Cowan, Samuel              1830  GREEN TWP                263
           Cowen, John                1830  GREEN TWP                263
             Cox, John                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            218
             Coy, Henry               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           231
             Coy, John                1830  GREEN TWP                263
           Craig, Jacob               1830  WASHINGTON TWP           246
           Craig, Robert              1830  WASHINGTON TWP           245
           Craig, Samuel              1830  MAHONING TWP             254
           Craig, Thomas              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           225
           Craig, William             1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            196
          Cramer, Adam                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            211
          Cramer, Jacob               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
          Cramer, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
          Cramer, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           226
        Crawford, Allen               1830  MAHONING TWP             247
        Crawford, Elisabeth           1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           231
        Crawford, John                1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            186
        Crawford, Moses               1830  MAHONING TWP             256
        Crawford, William             1830  INDIANA BOROUGH          201
    Creickshauks, John                1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            184
          Crevan, James               1830  MAHONING TWP             255
          Crevan, Nathaniel           1830  GREEN TWP                258
          Crevan, Thomas              1830  GREEN TWP                260
           Criag, Robert              1830  MAHONING TWP             249
          Cribbs, Daniel              1830                           207
          Cribbs, David               1830  BLACKLICK TWP            214
         Crisman, Benjamin            1830  BLACKLICK TWP            217
       Crissanan, Hezekiah            1830  MAHONING TWP             250
        Crissman, Jeremiah            1830                           207
        Criswell, John                1830  GREEN TWP                257
        Criswell, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           226
        Criswell, John, Sr.           1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           223
        Criswell, Robert              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           223
        Criswell, Samuel              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           225
          Croser, Susan               1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            183
        Crossman, Acy                 1830  MAHONING TWP             255
            Crow, John                1830                           207
            Crow, Samuel              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            218
        Crumling, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           225
            Cuff, Charles             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            214
      Culbertson, Samuel              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            217
         Culkitt, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             249
         Culkitt, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             254
         Culkitt, Robert              1830  MAHONING TWP             255
         Cummins, David               1830  WASHINGTON TWP           240
         Cummins, Eleaion             1830  CENTER TWP               179
         Cummins, John R.             1830  CENTER TWP               176
         Cummins, Samuel              1830  CENTER TWP               179
         Cummins, Samuel              1830  WASHINGTON TWP           240
            Cune, John M.             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           228
      Cunningham, Archibald           1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            191
      Cunningham, Jennet              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            183
      Cunningham, John                1830  BLACKLICK TWP            218
      Cunningham, John                1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            195
      Cunningham, Robert              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            183
      Cunningham, Thomas              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            184
          Curran, Hugh                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
            Darr, Henry               1830  CENTER TWP               177
            Darr, Samuel              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            186
        Davidson, Robert              1830  GREEN TWP                262
           Davis, Abraham             1830  MAHONING TWP             252
           Davis, Alexander           1830  CENTER TWP               177
           Davis, Daniel              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            189
           Davis, David               1830  BLACKLICK TWP            211
           Davis, John                1830  CENTER TWP               177
           Davis, Joshua              1830  MAHONING TWP             252
           Davis, Nathaniel           1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           235
           Davis, Samuel              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            211
           Davis, Samuel              1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            189
           Davis, Sarah               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           235
           Davis, Silas               1830  BLACKLICK TWP            211
           Davis, Simon               1830  GREEN TWP                261
           Davis, Stewart             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            217
           Davis, William G.          1830  BLACKLICK TWP            218
           Davis, William, Jr.        1830  BLACKLICK TWP            213
           Davis, William, Sr.        1830  BLACKLICK TWP            214
       De Armont, Jacob               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           221
       De Armont, Mary                1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            197
       De Armont, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           222
       De Vinney, Andrew              1830  BLACKLICK TWP            212
       De Vinney, Elisha L.           1830  BLACKLICK TWP            213
            Dean, Elisabeth           1830  MAHONING TWP             256
          Decker, John                1830  MAHONING TWP             247
        Dehavers, Abraham             1830  CENTER TWP               176
       Denniston, David               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           233
        Devinney, Aaron               1830  BLACKLICK TWP            216
        Devinney, Rachael             1830  BLACKLICK TWP            213
          Devlin, James               1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            197
          Devlin, Richard             1830  ARMSTRONG TWP            196
          Devlin, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           226
          Devolt, Patrick             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
            Dias, Richard             1830  CONEMAUGH TWP            191
            Dias, Richard             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           226
            Dias, Thoams, Jr.         1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           229
            Dias, Thomas, Sr.         1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           229
            Dick, James               1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           234
            Dick, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           230
            Dick, John                1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           237
            Dick, Thomas              1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           232
            Dick, William             1830  WHEATFIELD TWP           230

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