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Subject: Epitaphs from The North Burial Ground,
Lancaster, Mass.
Source:  Birth, Marriage & Death Register, Church
Records & Epitaphs of Lancaster, Massachusetts by
Henry S. Nourse, A.M., Lancaster, 1890

      Epitaphs from the North Burial Ground
                 Lancaster, Mass.


At a town meeting in April, 1800, the fourth 
article of the warrant was: "To consider the ex-
pediency of appropriating a certain piece of land
at the north part of the town, where a number of
persons are buried, for the purpose of a burying

A committee, to whom the matter was intrusted with
full power to act, reported, in the following May,
that they had "received a quitclaim Deed of Mr.
Elijah Wiles* of 112 rods of ground, being 16 rods
in length bounding on the road leading by Colonel
Henry Haskell to Harvard and 7 rods deep."

The deed found in the town's archives, however, is
dated February 20, 1805, whereby Elijah Wilds*
conveys to the town 144 rods of land, measuring 8
rods along the highway and 18 rods in depth.  In
the public burial place thus established are 
numerous graves mostly undistinguished by monu-
ments.  The epitaphs dating prior to 1850 are:


In Memory of Mrs. Rebecca Alexander, wife of Mr.
Nathaniel Alexander, who died Nov. 7, 1843, aged
61 years & 6 mos.
"Farewell dear friends & children too, 
For Christ has called me home:
In a short time he'll call for you. 
Prepare yourself to come."

Elizabeth died Dec 19, 1807 Aet 10 months. Daughter
of Mr. William & Mrs. Elizabeth Blanchard.
"Farewell sweet child we part in pain.  We only
part to meet again."

In Memory of Mr. William Blanchard who died Nov.
13, 1818, AEt 56.
"Dangers stand thick thro' all the ground, to push
us to the tomb: And diseases wait around, to hurry
mortals home."

Jacob R. Bacon Died November 3d. 1845 Aged 25 Years.
"Hope points to Heaven."

Erected in Memory of Mr. Reuben Barrett Jr. who
died July 26, 1816. AEt. 34.
"Peaceable, patient, honest & upright. He trusted
God & upward took his flight."

In Memory of Moses Barrett  who died August 4, 1846
Aged 62 Years.

Mrs. Rebecca Barrett Died Sept 27, 1847 Aged 85
Years & 4 Months.

In Memory of Samuel P. Barrett who died September
23, 1847, Aged 29-1/2 years. Also an infant child.
"Tis thus our earthly comforts fly, and prospects
brighten but to die."

Miss Nancy, daughter of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Nancy
Butler, died July 11, 1827, AEt. 20 years & 4 mos.
"All thy toils and cares are over. Weary sister take
thy rest; God in mercy hath recalled thee; to thy
place among the blest."

Mr. Samuel Butler Died March 27, 1828 AEt 44.
"Here shall I rest in sweet repose, till through
the midst of heaven, the Angel's trump shall sound
aloud. And life to all be given."

Mrs. Nancy, wife of Mr. Samuel Butler, Died August
11, 1849 AEt. 64.
"Dear as thou wert and justly dear, we will not
weep for thee; One thought shall check the starting
tear, it is that thou art free."

Miss Sally, daughter of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Nancy
Buttler, died Dec. 25, 1831, AEt 20.
"Sister sleep on, thou art at rest. At rest with
Jesus and and the blest. Although from us you have
been riven, we soon shall meet again in heaven."

In Memory of Sarah wife of Mr. Abel Butler, who was
born March 16, 1800 and died July 14, 1830. Erected
by her mother Lois Bartlet.

Jeremiah Barnes Died July 27, 1845 AEt. 34.
"May thy flesh rest in hope."

To the Memory of Mrs. Ruthy, wife of Mr. Isaac
Cowdry; who died January 19, 1828, aged 50.
"Lo beneath this sacred mound, a friend, a wife, a
mother is found. A heart's within this silent cell.
Where perfect virtue loved to dwell. Affection warm
and faith sincere, and soft humanity were there."

In Memory of Aaron Cook, Jr. son of Mr. Aaron &
Mrs. Betsy Cook, who died  July 3, 1803, Aged 2 
years & 4 months.

In Memory of Miss Harriot Cook, daughter of Mr. 
Aaron & Mrs. Betsy Cook, who died Octr 12, 1807,
Aged 12 Years.

In Memory of Betsy, daughter of Mr. Aaron & Mrs.
Elizabeth Cook, who died Feb 20, 1830 AEt. 33.

Aaron Cook died October 24, 1845 AEt 74.

Mrs. Elizabeth wife of Mr. Aaron Cook, died Jan.
17, 1842 AEt. 67.


Susan, Daughter of Aaron & Elizabeth Cook, Died
Feb. 17, 1844, Aged 26.
"She was a dear and beloved child.  A sister kind,
affectionate and mild."

Mrs. Rebeckah P., Relict of Mr. James Cutler, Died
July 9, 1840, in her 69th Year.

Beneath this stone rest the loved remains of Mrs.
Susan Dyar, wife of Mr. Jeremiah Dyar, who died
February 16, 1824 Aged 47.
"The storms of life are o'er,  thy night of rest
is come.  Sleep sweetly sainted mother! in thy
lonely tomb.  "Blessed are the dead who die in the
Lord."  Here friends have we on earth, and when 
they part, the nerve unwinds whos tension tears 
the heart. A little while and we sahll meet no 
more to part."

Ann Elizabeth, Daughter of Capt. Joseph & Mrs.
Sarah Farwell, died August 31, 1842, AEt 17 years
& 2 months.
"When the bonds of earth are riven, And the reign
of death is over,  In the light and joy of Heaven
We shall meet to part no more."

In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Farwell wife of Mr. Leonard
Farwell, who Died June 1, 1809 in the 51 year of
her Age.
"She was a tender mother, friend & wife.  She
practis'd virtue all her life. And she is gone to
realms above. Where all is harmony and love. Hark
from the tomb.  Beneath this stone I rest my head.
In slumber Christ blest the bed. Weep not for me,
my pains are over. We soon shall meet to part no
more.  Friends quit this stone and look above the
skys. The dust lies here, but virtue never dies."

In Memory of Mr. Leonard Farwell Died in Milton,
New York. Born October 2, 1760. Died October __,
1822, Aged 62.

Mary, wife of Lucius L. Farwell, Died November 7,
1845, Aged 30 years.  Also, Mary I. Farwell their
daughter, Died August 5, 1846 Aged 9 months & 4

Erected in Memory of Mr. Elias Haskell, who died
July 2, 1811, AEt. 76.
"Although my body sleeps awhile, beneath this 
barren clod; Yet I hope to awake and smile. To 
see my Saviour God."

Mr. Luther Johnson Died April 22, 1822, Aged 33.

Mr. Aaron Johnson Died February 6, 1820, Aged 79.

Sewell, son of Calvin & Abigail Johnson Died Nov.
22, 1845, AEt. 28.

Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. Calvin Johnson Died Feb.
13, 1845, AEt. 54.

Harrison Johnson Died October 13, 1842, AEt. 28.

William Gibbs Morse, son of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Lucy
Morse, who died March 6, 1832, aged 7 years.

In Memory of Mr. Abijah Nichols son of Mr. Joseph
& Mrs. Anna Nichols, died August 19, 1801, AE.

Elisha Sanderson Died  March 14, 1843. AEt. 81.

In Memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. Elisha Sander-
son, who Died December 18, 1829 AEt. 63.

In Memory of Martha. Daughter of Mr. Elisha & Mrs.
Mary Sanderson, who Died March 1, 1829, AEt. 20.
"Youth's emblem is a fleeting flower. Which called
to life by some soft shower, Doth raise its tender
head. Scarce had its leaves begun to bloom. Scarce
shed around its sweet perfume, When life and beauty

In Memory of Mrs. Anna Thomas, wife of Doctor
Joshua Thomas of Boston, who Died June 18, 1799.
AEt 47.
"Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain

Erected in Memory of Mr. Joshua Thomas, who was
born March 14, 1745 and died February 4, 1831.

In Memory of Mrs. Mary Thomas, wife of Mr. Joshua
Thomas who died May 25, 1808 aged 67.
"The sweet remembrance of the just shall flourish
while they sleep in dust."


In Memory of Mary, daughter of Samuel & Rebecca
Worster, who died October 10, 1815; Also Elizabeth
who died May 31, 1818, aged 1 year & eight months.
"The little strangers soon did go.  Fled from the
scene of care and woe.  Early did take their
speedy flight. To reach the mansions of delight."

In Memory of Mrs. Sarah Willard, wife of Mr.
William Willard, who died June 2d, 1803 in the
36 Year of her Age.
"Beneath these clods my body lies; and mouldering
to dust. My soul has gone beyond the skys. And
heard its sentence just."

Erected in Memory of Paul Willard, Esq. who Died
August 2, 1817, AEt. 52.
"An honest man's the noblest work of God. In God
is my Salvation and my Glory."

Erected in Memory of Mrs. Martha Willard, wife of
Mr. Paul Willard, who died May 22, 1808 in the 34
year of her Age.
"Farewell vain world, I am gone home.
My Saviour smiled & called me, come.
Bright angels carried me away.
To sing God's praise in endless days.

In Memory of Mary Willard, daughter of  Mr. Paul & Mrs.
Martha Willard Who died October 4,  1803, Aged 2 years
& one month.

Sacred to the Memory of Miss Lucia Willard, 
daughter of Paul Willard, Esq. who died November 14,
1818. AEt 15.
"Clasped in my Heavenly Father's arms, I would
forget my breath, and lose my life among the charms
of so divine a death."

Sacred to the memory of Mr. Dexter Willard son of
Paul Willard Esq., who died July 6, 1810, AEt. 17.
"Death like an overflowing stream, Sweeps us away,
our life's a dream. an empty tale, a morning flower,
Cut down and withered in an hour."

Sarah F., wife of Dr. Amory Willard, born Feb. 6,
1787, died July 9,  1834.  Josephine, dau of Dr.
A. S. Willard, born Jan 24, 1825, died April
24, 1830.
"Is it well with thee and thy child? It is well."

In Memory of Mr. Luke Willard who died September
17, 1813, AEt 20.
"This flesh and blood I want no more.  I land upon
a blissful shore.  Its work is done and I resign -
That dust which is no longer mine."

William Willard died May 18, 1837, AEt. 70.

In Memory of Mrs. Lucy Willard, wife of Mr. William
Willard who died June 27, 1819, AEt. 41.
"Friends & physicians could not save my mortal body
from the grave.  Nor can the grave confine me here.
When Christ shall call me to appear."

Henry Willard Died June 11, 1847, aged 37.
Mary Ann his wife died Feb 20, 1847, aged 41.

Abigail, wife of Benjamin Willard Died October
12, 1848, AEt 74.

Transcribed by Janice Farnsworth